Bobby Jindal has a Creationist Voucher Program!

Louisiana is preparing to spend over $11 million to send 1,365 students to 20 private schools that teach creationism instead of science as part of Governor Bobby Jindal’s new voucher program. It is time to halt the implementation of this creationist voucher program.

It is increasingly clear that one of Governor Jindal’s primary education goals is the teaching of creationism. He supported, signed, and defended the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), Louisiana’s 2008 stealth creationism law, which allows teachers to sneak creationism into public school science classrooms by using creationist supplemental materials. .....

Read the rest here, and Sign the Petition to Stop it!

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What happens when these creationist taught kids become adults?

By dan chamney (not verified) on 17 Jul 2012 #permalink

They pass the teachings of God on down to the next generation as they have been doing since Adam and Eve util the end of time. Kind of simple, yet very effective.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 17 Jul 2012 #permalink

They also grow up to be fucking idiots for the most part.

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 17 Jul 2012 #permalink

Drive by puster expresses his reptilian intelligence once again. Little does he know that charles darwin was a life support system for a hairy face.

So if real people outnumber darwinists, does that not make darwinists the f'n idiots as this drive by plaster so indicated?

By Kevin Sander (not verified) on 18 Jul 2012 #permalink

Drive by puster expresses his reptilian intelligence once again. Little does he know that charles darwin was a life support system for a hairy face.

So if real people outnumber darwinists, does that not make darwinists the f’n idiots as this drive by plaster so indicated?

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 18 Jul 2012 #permalink

Yours is a perfect example of why Christians appear the way do to the rest of the world. I, we (the rest of the world) are to trust your intellect and reasoning powers to influence our own ways of life? So, anyone who believes Darwin may be onto something can not be a Christian? If the Bible were ever meant to be a SCIENCE book, it would have been put together by men of science. The Book has nothing to do with Science. It has everything to do with mending the lost connection between you and God. That starts by realizing that you are not anything special because you are saved from damnation. Where in your book do you find the justification for criticizing and belittling anyone elses beliefs or opinions? Go back and read some more. This time with a desire for enlightenment and not a desire for justification. Lest your soul be destined assuredly for damnation.

By Free Thinker (not verified) on 21 Jul 2012 #permalink

Christians are to blame for their own predicament, Free Thinker(Lol). Just look at how Newton, the good Christian that he was, made god's realm of heaven above, and the place where good souls are called to on passing, into nothing more than mechanism; a perfect one albeit, yet a machine nonetheless. That is until scientists came to an understanding that, it never was a spiritual domain or a machine. How about you?. On a clear, starry evening, when you look up into the night sky, is that the place you are headed to when you die?.