Are you going to the Mr. Paul Aints game?

The minor league baseball game is on Friday, August 10th, and it is sponsored by the Minnesota Atheists. The local team, the Saint Paul Saints, will change their name to the Mr. Paul Aints for the occasion. If you are in the greater Twin Cities area please try to get to the game! I'm not sure if the discount Minnesota Atheists tickets are still available, but there will certainly be some seats still for sale somewhere in the stadium.

Now, you are probably already guessing that when an organised Atheist group gets together with a sports team to do something together, there will be...well, drama. And you'd be right if you guessed that. We of the Minnesota Atheists and their allies are taking it all in stride, of course, but there are some interesting conversations happening.

If you want more information about the game via links, and you want to explore the drama a bit, you can visit this post which includes a Letter to the Editor that I wrote that was actually printed.

See you at the game!

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