Help Kyrsten Sinema

You know who she is, right? An openly gay candidate for congress in Arizona's 9th district. Apparently there is a recount going on there, and it looks pretty good for Kyrsten.

But, recounts are tricky and unless both sides have equal and quality legal presence, the side with more lawyers can win even if the votes should have gone the other way. Therefore, it is necessary for you to send five dollars to Kyrsten's legal fund right now NAO!!! There is no time to lose. She needs this by the end of the day today or tomorrow.


Send $25 if you can. Actually, she needs $50,000 but I know you probably don't have that.

Thank you very much.

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How can you have more votes but still lose? What fresh sorcery (aka lawyerly tricks) is this?

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 10 Nov 2012 #permalink