More evidence that the Canadians are massing on the border ....

... in preparation for an attack.

Also, more evidence, which you did not need, of how many people are in cars at any given moment, apparently!

This is a map where there are dots representing each and every person in the US and Canada. It is zoomable. Is is HERE. It is pretty freakin' cool.

It is also about all I've got for you today. Over the last two weeks the immediate and extended family has been ravaged with illness and stuff, things are in a state of slow down. When I'm not laying there sick, I'm taking care of Huxley, who is laying there sick, or, the two of us are laying there sick in each other's vicinity. So, I'm not getting much done.

There are big things coming in the future, though, including two or three guest blog posts that you will love.

Also, a lot of interesting climate related posts, most likely. There is a backlog of climate-linked information and analysis.

Enjoy the map.

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are all those dots in the free run dog park by Ft Snelling campers?

Don't worry, we're not attacking or invading--we're in defense mode trying to keep your political looniness out of our country (Rather unsuccessfully it seems).

Of course I would tell you it was defense to lull you into a false sense of security. We may actually be planning a liberating operation to free your poor, your repressed, and tired masses, and provide them with health care, and a place where they don't have to worry nearly as much about getting shot (also introduce them to good beer so they'll never drink that weak swill that passes for beer down in the poor benighted states of America). Mind you, at this time of year we'd be invading strictly to get some place warm---I'm invading this Sunday for a couple of weeks.

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 19 Jan 2013 #permalink

JESUS! You can`t be serious! The less Canada has to do with your insane country the better. Wake the hell up!

By kathleen abell (not verified) on 20 Jan 2013 #permalink

The vast majority of the Canadian population lives withing 100 miles of the US border. Just sayin :) I'm with Daniel J. Andrews an this !

By Doug Alder (not verified) on 28 Jan 2013 #permalink