A Small But Important Change at Scienceblogs.com

This is smallish, but many of you will appreciate it: Comments now have numbers, like they should! So, we'all can more effectively yell at each other in the comments section! Yay!

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According to the Chronicle Newsblog Female professors at the University of Texas at Austin earned an average of $9,028 less than their male counterparts in 2007, and senior female faculty members there feel more isolated and less recognized for their work than do their male colleagues. You can…
This is a follow-up on the TED talk I just posed. These are my reactions in real time as I watched the video: We start off with a very inaccurate statement that we are not interested in the chimp-human differences. It is, in fact, all we palaeoanthropologists think about. She overemphasizes the…
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I can haz wun?

I may be number 2 but I try harder.

By Richard Chapman (not verified) on 24 Jan 2013 #permalink

What happens if an admin removes a comment? Do they renumber?

(An argument for devowelification or whatever it's called.)

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 24 Jan 2013 #permalink