Look at this tweet by Obama

Screen Shot 2013-05-16 at 1.47.39 PM

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Uh-huh, Barack has said lots of really good stuff over the years. Still waiting on his Keystone XL pipeline decision. Bets, anyone?

By See Nick Overlook (not verified) on 16 May 2013 #permalink

Greg, I dont understand, do you support this or what? Clearly this is a misrepresentation of the study. Barack's statement reads as if all scientists from all fields were surveyed and 97% hold the view that climate change is real, man made, yada yada yada. I personally hold this view (I assume you do too) but come on man, you can't support bullshit just because you happen to agree with it.

I don't think you should make stuff up about what is implied in the tweet and then criticize it! The vast majority of peer reviewed papers on climate change support AGW as real. Over 97 percent of the papers published in the field that take any position on the veracity of AGW agree with the concept. Of the remaining papers, they agree with parts of the concept or oppose it, and over time, that small percentage has dwindled away.

The president's tweet is inaccurate: He's taken 97% of papers to mean 97% of people. Therefore he should be impeached!