Speaking of Cold Fusion ...

I've noticed a lot of Internet chatter about the Mantis Shrimp lately, and I don't know what that is about. But it could be this:

How would you design an experiment to test each of the hypotheses suggested here?

(Also, I note that I do not endorse the contents of this video. Spiffy music and a smart sounding voice tells our brains this must all be true and accurate but most YouTube videos like this in areas I now about are full of mistakes. If you are an expert on this stuff feel free to make comments or corrections below. Also, my reference to "cold fusion" is snark, in case that was not obvious.)

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Greg, you're missing out. The mantis shrimp is one of the most amazing creatures on the planet. Aside from packing heat, their eyes are amazing in ways we have barely begun to understand. The next generation of HD technology will probably be derived from studying mantis shrimp eyes. Read up, and you will soon understand why there is so much chatter about them. I'd love to have one as a pet, but I don't have a bullet-proof tank to keep it in.

Well, I know something about the Mantis Shrimp. I even have "PP" presentation slides of them for use in various lectures. I just don't know the specific reason for the current meme "the mantis shrimp is my favorite organism" is. Still don't!

A decade or so ago there was a big deal about the possibility that the sonoluminescent bubbles were hot enough to allow fusion. It didn't end well.


I don't think there is any doubt that the bubbles get very hot, hot enough to be a plasma and emit light. I think there are some difficulty in figuring out exactly how you can have such an extreme concentration of energy.

The real problem: Just when you thought you eliminated all possible sources of sparking (say, in a nuclear containment building that might be filled with H gas) you've got another source. Water and sound. Or shrimp, even.

Well if you have unexpected sources of neutrons in a nuclear reactor hydrogen gas is the least of your concerns.

Anyway tiny cavitation bubbles that last a nanosecond in a liquid probably isn't a fire hazard. But the giant mutated shrimp may flatten Tokyo.

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My name is Dr Bob
I travel the world to attend the best parties and promotes Cold Fusion Energy Technology.

The reason I do this is because information and technology can solve all our problems.

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