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Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at I've been following use of social media in freedom of speech throughout the Arab Spring...but something is going on in Oakland, California that deserves some attention. About the live feed: Global Revolution brings you live stream…
The Climate Reality Project is doing a live broadcast at 7pm in every time zone. If I got the embed correct, you can watch it below. target="_blank">Free desktop streaming application by Ustream
If you want to stab yourself in your face, AutismOne has a live-stream for their speakers available: Free live streaming by Ustream Im watching some presentation now (dial-up, w00t!). This woman (Laurette Janak, qualifications: Mom) is 'teaching' Paul Offit some 'science' with cartoon figures.…

If you can't see the embedded stream here click the link to go to the original. I think they are throttling embedding.

It works. This video feed is amazing. Thx