“Climate Disruption in Missouri: Consequences and Solutions”

I have some information on an interesting event coming up in Union, Missouri, in case you happen to be in the neighborhood:

“Climate Disruption in Missouri: Consequences and Solutions”

Date/Time: April 17, 2014 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: East Central College, Union, MO
Format: 60 to 75 minutes of presentations and 45 to 60 minutes of open forum discussion
Audience: Expected to be between 100 and 150

Synopsis: Missouri business leaders, educators and environmentalists discuss dangers and opportunities related to human-caused climate change in Missouri.

Climate change is disrupting the lives of our citizens, costing billions in damages, harming our economy and putting our state's vital natural resources at risk.

In just the past few years, Missourians have experienced increasingly severe floods, droughts, forest fires and dangerous storms. If current trends in emissions continue, the results could be catastrophic in the decades ahead. That's a risk we don't need to take with our children’s future.

We can put Missourians to work now implementing common sense solutions that will benefit our economy and generate jobs. Market-based clean energy technologies present a real opportunity to reduce fossil fuel dependency and make Missouri, and America, cleaner, safer and stronger.

The speakers will share ideas for solutions on how Missouri, the Show Me State, can step up and show the country how to get it done – here and now, in Missouri.

A moderated open forum panel discussion will follow the presentations

Presenters and Agenda Topics (all talks are from 15 to 20 minutes):

· Larry Lazar: “From Doubtful to Alarmed: My Climate Journey”
· Dr. Johann Bruhn: “The Once and Future Missouri Forests”
· Chris Laughman: “Save Energy, Save Money and Save the Climate”
· Brian Ettling: “A Conservative Case for a Price on Carbon”

A facilitated audience Q&A of the panelists will follow the presentations

Presenter Bios:
Larry Lazar is a businessman living in Eureka with his wife Kellie and two college age children. Larry works in planning and analysis for a consumer product company, but has always had a keen interest in science and the environment. He organizes “Climate Reality-St. Louis” and speaks throughout the St. Louis region about climate change and the need for action.

Dr. Johann Bruhn is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri's Center for Agroforestry. Dr. Bruhn has a PHD in Plant Pathology and is a leading expert in forest health. Johann has been a Climate Reality Presenter since July of 2013 and has participated in several climate communication events in central Missouri, St. Louis and France.

Chris Laughman is a Corporate Facility Manager focused on improving energy efficiency, indoor air quality, site sustainability, water conservation, proper material and resource management and corporate social responsibility. Chris serves on both the local St Louis and International IFMA Sustainability Committees and has spoken at several national conventions on the subject of business sustainability

Brian Ettling is a St. Louis resident and has been a seasonal park ranger at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon for over 20 years. His ranger talks focus on climate change impacts on Crater Lake. Brian is a Climate Reality Leader and Mentor, co-founder of Climate Reality St. Louis and co-leader of the St. Louis Citizens Climate Lobby.

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