The Faraday Electric Bike

Powered bikes have been around for a long time, and there are many electric bikes available now. But it seems that this new one is a significant change from prior versions.

The Faraday Bike doesn't even look like it could possibly be powered. But apparently it is. The frame is, more or less, the battery. The motor is small because electric motors can be small. It has a computer, and apparently, LED lights.

It does not operate without human power, but it adds power to your stroke, by about 300% (but that is adjustable) according to the manufacturer.

It costs a mere $3,500. But it is coming out very slowly; 200 will be shipped by some time in March.

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Looks like it could be quite the thing for urbanites - as I have everything within easy walking distance (20 minutes most) I have no need for it - if I want a bike for exercise I'll get one with out any assist :)

By Smarter Than Y… (not verified) on 28 Feb 2014 #permalink

This electric bike is a really unique model. In fact, both the electric motor and the battery pack are well integrated, making it similar to a traditional bicycle. It weighs about 17 kilos, has a 350 watt electric motor and provides a mileage of 20-30 kilometers. Would you you buy this electric bicycle?