Believe It Or Not .. It's still true. A climate change song.


Andy Revkin, time to sell your guitar!

Oh, and this one too:

(Hat tip Get Energy Smart)

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Haha, love it. And as an Australian I LOVE that the cartoonist Tandberg gets shown at around the 50 second mark. Brilliant :D

By @EnviroStudent (not verified) on 18 Jun 2014 #permalink

These would be better if she made a little effort to improve the sound.

What I don't understand is why this is not the number one priority of everyone on the entire plant. And or what needs to be done in order to achieve real near term tangible progress.

By Dimitrios Papa… (not verified) on 18 Jun 2014 #permalink

@Dimitrios: Because they don't want to have to give up their precious little lifestyles. And they don't want to admit to anyone --including themselves-- that THEY are "guilty" of having helped cause the problem -- a seemingly insurmountable problem at that.

"I helped cause a problem that's destroying the planet and threatening my children's future, and it's so big that there doesn't seem to be any way to avoid it!" No, I don't think too many have the strength or willingness to embrace that reality.

It's easier to embrace the "cognitive dissonance" of believing what you know is false than to face a future you don't want to deal with, one that makes you feel bad about your lifestyle, or ::shudder:: one that requires you to ::blech!:: change how you're living or ::horrors!:: cost you MONEY.

But it sure does warp the brain in strange ways as a result and causes all kinds of nonsense to come out of one's mouth...

(The really evil ones are those who pander and promote the denialism, knowing that it's false, so that they can profit from their base of deniers, financially or politically. They don't care that the Earth will get trashed as a result; they'll be dead by then and can enjoy the spoils in the meantime.)

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 18 Jun 2014 #permalink