You think this year's election is strange?

Clinton beat Trump by a large margin, by electoral standards. A couple of percent is actually a lot these days. Yet so far it appears that Trump won the electoral vote, even though those votes are not yet cast and who knows what is actually going to happen.

But this year, strange as it it and stranger thought it may become, is not the strangest ever. That goes to 1876.


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The Electoral College must do the correct thing and that is to appoint Hillary Clinton POTUS since she has more than 2 million votes above the Republican nominee!

It truly is wrong for a candidate to be declared POTUS before ALL votes are counted and verfied!

By Rosie Couture (not verified) on 24 Nov 2016 #permalink

This is why the Electoral College doesn't meet until late December to elect a president.

Trump is simply "the presumptive president elect" -- he lost the popular vote badly, and the Electoral College has not elected him (but is widely expected to do so).

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 24 Nov 2016 #permalink

Come on grow up!