How to replace a US Senator who leaves or dies in office

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Say you're visiting Los Angeles and you have a sudden craving for Chinese food. Since you are only visiting, you might not be aware that nothing is open past, like, 10pm (not even coffee houses), but you get in your rental car and go driving around in search of your Chinese feast anyway. You try…
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Good civics lesson.

In other news, some of us seem to be having trouble getting into the site. This particular entry took many many repeated attempts.... which probably doesn't help the site's functioning very much, as the ostensible cause of the problem reveals itself in an error message complaining about too many attempts to access the site.

Here is the error message I keep getting

Your access to this site has been limited

Your access to this service has been temporarily limited. Please try again in a few minutes. (HTTP response code 503)

Reason: Exceeded the maximum global requests per minute for crawlers or humans.

So .....
Have Boris and Natasha been given a mandate to disrupt the Science Blog? perhaps they didn't like our snarky comments about the Russian Mafia?? Oy.

Still getting the error SteveP gets -- mobile and desktop. Sometimes (like now) the page shows up, then BANG -- locked out again.