If you've been following along, you'll want to visit this comment on The Buddha Is Not Serious blog. My response: Thank you William, I appreciate what you've said, accept it at face value, and encourage you to reconsider your statement that you will never blog again. Hey, Quiche Moraine is always looking for guest blogging. If you want to put the occasional post there while you get back on your blogging feet, you are more than welcome.
A Change Is Coming, by Leroy Bell, who happens to be my nephew. Pretty good, huh!?
And by faithing it, I mean using faith rather than critical analysis of the available information to make important decisions about what to regard as valid. Let's do a couple of informal experiments to explore this issue more closely. For the present discussion, I'm assuming that you are a non-scientist and non-medical person who self identifies as a skeptic. Do you know the following terms, without looking them up (which you can do, in part, by clicking on them)? In some cases you may be able to guess meanings, in some cases you may have a vague idea from prior reading. But that's not…
Coleman Steps Aside: Franken is Senator Let us not forget, Coleman was an absolute jerk during the whole process. And,he was a sucky senator. Subsequent to Franken's establishment in office, he has proven himself equal to the best. Indeed, his lack of experience in elected office in general and the senate in particular is rather hard to detect.
Oh. Hey, what do you say, the next person who says "environmentalists have always made these extreme predictions and they never come true" gets a boot. Somewhere. Somewhere deep. The dozens of dolphins and the sperm whale trapped in the oil, dead or near death, start at around 6:20. The end is a little strange.
I heard a white male blogger said something, or failed to say something, or whatever. So, let's pile on and verbally pound him for a while! Because, you know, there is nothing worse going on in the world when it comes to buying and selling (with money or votes) women's freedoms!!! Or is there? Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
As you know, Oedepus Maximus, with the help of a handful of diligent women and men put all into one place the data needed to prove that the now infamous You're Not Helping blog was not in fact written by a woman and three men of possible ethnic diversity working out of the Midwestern US. Instead, it was written by one twenty something year old grad student named William working in Alabama. Supposedly. Anyway, what you may not know is that the YNH web site was taken down last night but still exists in various easily accessible fragments here. (Poke around in the updates and comments for…
The latest issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach (volume 3, number 2) is in honor of -- if a few months in advance of -- the sixty-fifth birthday of NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott. Edited by NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch (who contributed "Three wishes for Genie" by way of introduction), it contains essays by Nicholas J. Matzke, Robert T. Pennock, Barbara Forrest, Raymond Arthur Eve with Susan Carol Losh and Brandon Nzekwe, Lawrence M. Krauss, Robert M. Hazen, Kevin Padian, Jay D. Wexler, Kenneth R. Miller, Brian Alters, and Carl Zimmer. Plus there's a biographical…
Skepchicon starts in two days. For those of you who don't know, Skepchicon is a "track" at Convergence, which in turn is one of those science fiction conventions where everyone dresses up as a Klingon or something. A Klingon Warrior being interviewed at Convergence in a prior year. The Skepchicon track and related events is an organized effort to bring skeptical conversation to the masses, focusing specifically on one very diverse group of people some of whom being very amenable to this sort of thing, and others perhaps not so. Normally, these conversations are very civil and informative…
One year ago today, EMJ started PD. And, that blog has proven a valuable contribution to scienceblog.com.
Just one week to go, kids! I'm working my ass off on finishing touches, but the Skepchick Spaceship is mostly go for launch! I'm very much looking forward to seeing a bunch of you there. You're in for a fantastic weekend. .... Click here
Yesterday: The famous Jason and Jodi Event on the Internet. Relive it here. Today: The anniversary of freeDOS. Tomorrow, the death of TH Huxley. Details here. Funny how things happen in threes. I wonder why?
Just so you know, this post led to this meltdown. And, for the record, as I say in my first comment on that blog post, it is incorrect, absurd, offensive, and stupid to suggest that I linked a name of an author to that blog. No such thing happened. William, the blogger of YNH, who previously claimed to be a group of three or four people from the upper midwest including one female who is actually a 23 year old graduate student in Alabama, is what we call in the business one sick puppy. Feel free to go to his confessional blog post and join others who are encouraging him to keep blogging.…
.... along with the discussion of Transhumanism. Click here.
It's one of those hitch hiking deals: NASA's Deep Impact/EPOXI spacecraft will fly past Earth this Sunday (June 27). Mission navigators have tailored this trajectory so the spacecraft can "hitch a ride" on Earth's gravity field, which will help propel the mission toward its appointment with comet Hartley 2 this fall. At time of closest approach to Earth, the spacecraft will be about 30,400 kilometers (18,900 miles) above the South Atlantic. "Earth is a great place to pick up orbital velocity," said Tim Larson, the EPOXI project manager from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif…
Or are they being pushed out, but blamed for it? A blog post in on Womensenews.org, raises interesting issues. One woman characterized in the post loved her job in IT while working in the Washington D.C. area. The work environment was diverse, she felt comfortable, productive, respected. Then.. ... a move to a company in the Midwest changed that. "I don't know if it was the company or the geography, but I could hear and feel the hostility," she said. Jones said even if a woman had been a team leader on a project, when it came time to meet with a client, she would be relegated to a…
Only for white girls: Funny or Die has this dumb-ass policy of not letting you embed. So, eventually, they'll catch me and the above video will disappear. If that happens, click here.