I think one of the easiest ways Web 2.0 can contribute to individuals' health is to help us maintain those buddy relationships, even when we can't see our buddies in person... See Sharing your Workouts Online
I'm pretty sure I knew a guy, way back in the 1970s, who thought that Pac Man .... the video game ... was an attempt by aliens from another galaxy to communicate with us. Well, with him, actually. Huh. The Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn has caught an interesting new view of the tiny moon Mimas. The probe measured temperature differences across the object's surface and produced a map that looks just like the 1980s Pac-Man video games icon. Scientists are unsure why Mimas should display such variations ... bbc 1980s indeed. That was Ms Pac Man. Entirely different galaxy.
This video discusses use of animals in dissection in science classes, linking the issue to evolution. NCSE
Dennis removed the top of the hamburger bun, flipped the meat out of the way, laid down catchup on both sides and reassembled the Cheeseburger Special Agnes had just laid before him as deftly as he always did. And, as expected, the new guy shyly and quietly took note of this culinary quirk, and I knew that starting soon, if he remembered having seen this today, he'd be putting the catchup on both sides of his burger too, as we all did once we saw Dennis do it. It's just better that way. It's not like it's more catchup. The same amount of catchup distributed on both sides of the hamburger…
Jon Stewart Adds Orifice to Glenn Beck. Again.
Over the last couple of days, FBI agents have staged a number of raids in Michigan and arrested members of Hutaree, a Christian militia group based there. The Christian Soldiers have been preparing to do battle with "The AntiChrist." which we suspect either the Democratic Party, the Health Care Bill, or Barack Obama himself. Local Militias (Michigan is famous for it's radical Militia groups) claim that they have nothing to do with this "cult." One story is here, and additional reporting here. The latter source points to a reported sequence of internet chat room chatter that is somewhat…
A while ago I read David Mamet's ALL CAPS MEMO and as with most people, thought it was brilliant. But there was one part that kept bothering me. A bit of advice Mamet gives that sounds brilliant but at the same time sounded totally wrong. And suddenly, a few moments ago, it dawned on me that this part of the memo was A BIG FAT JOKE. In the Memo written to the writing staff of a failing TV show, Mamet says: HERE ARE THE DANGER SIGNALS. ANY TIME TWO CHARACTERS ARE TALKING ABOUT A THIRD, THE SCENE IS A CROCK OF SHIT. Ha. Two words: American Buffalo. An entire play about two characters…
Hey Joe Ratzinger, I don't know what your version of "All the Pussy" is, but you're gonna get all the pussy... Sell The Vatican, Feed The World - watch more funny videos
Ignore this unless you have a cast iron stomach. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the teabaggers have ALREADY fired the first shot? The centrist/progressive/leftist/liberals are simply not responding with violence. But the first shot has already been fired in this culture war. And the second, and the third, and the fourth.
... to visit Ed's new bloggy location at Discover! Check it out.
That is the message being clearly repeated by defeated Tea Party activists, and it is not all words. Some time over the last couple of days, Tea Party activist Harry Weisiger, of Nashville Tennessee apparently tried to kill an adult male and a ten year old girl because they were driving in a car with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker. (source) Is this the follow up on the threats encouraged by Michele Bachmann last fall, which led violent-tending morons like my close personal friend Josh the Tea Bagger to show up at Obama rallies "armed and dangerous" (see this)? There are so many ironies…
Razib has moved to new digs at Discover. Go say hey!
TONIGHT! on Skeptically Speaking! Don't miss it. And if you do miss it, catch the podcast. Details.
This is a petition for you to sign. The world once again failed to protect Atlantic bluefin tuna, and the United States must act now to protect them in our waters. Send your comment now! Last week, the United States voted for a proposal to prohibit the international trade of Atlantic bluefin tuna at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Doha, Qatar. Unfortunately, the CITES proposal failed. Without an international trade prohibition, protections for depleted Atlantic bluefin in U.S. waters are critical. ... Go HERE, read more, and…
Tonight's episode marks the one year anniversary of Skeptically Speaking the radio show and podcast. Tune in tonight a discussion of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch with Mariam Goldstein!!! Details here
[The speaker] said she will file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission over the way she was treated by the University of Ottawa. In a column posted on the website Townhall.com, [she] said she hopes the "august" commission will find out whether the school has warned other speakers to watch their words the way she was warned this week. Click here to read more about the poor treatment Ann Coulter is receiving from the evile Canadahoovians. Oh, and Ann, you're a faggot. As it were.
Apparently, Tea Party Terrorists (TPT) have threatened and/or harassed Democratic Congressional Representatives Betty McCollum and Keith Ellison because of their votes on health insurance reform. McCollum is said to have recieved "vulgar" mail, and a gasoline soaked fragment of an American flag. One letter included this description of what would happen to the Congresswoman: "I will hound you. I will intimidate you and your family. I will scream at you. I will re-write your history. I will physically out strong-arm you. I will shame you, your friends, and your family." Although the letter…