Dangerous radicals make war, then love. Well, they do a jig first. Source: UMNSDS
Hurry up and sign this petition demanding health care reform with a public option!!! Thank you very much. Al Franken thanks you as well.
Oh, and the Liberal Blogosphere has embraced the term "Obamacare" from here on out, OK? And no, I don't have a link for the stories. I saw it on TV. That box that is not really the internet and does not have links.
Kids, before we watch the video, I have to tell you: I just got a flu shot the other day and it did not hurt even a tiny little bit. That's because the needle is very small and your neurons .... that feel the pain ... are far apart. So, many times the shot does not hurt, sometimes it does. So you should get all your friends together and make a list of who's shot hurt, who's didn't, and then you can make an estimate of what the chances are that the needle hits the neuron. And if you think THAT sounds like fun, you are well on your way to being a total science geek. OK, here's the latest…
Starring Felicia Day (This is really funny)... Hat tip: Geeks are sexy.
Huh? ...The person I was talking to responded (quite seriously) that WYSIWYG means "What You See Is What You Get", not "What They Get", that Word actually renders the document on screen based on the capabilities of the default printer on that computer, so that you should expect the same document to print differently on different computer+printer configurations. Funny. Not long ago I printed something out that was composed on Word on Windows but was printing out no my Linux computer using Openoffice.org. It came out different (slightly longer, as I recall, than the original). Someone at the…
LOL: How do you photograph a bad day? LOL: Unhelpful signs in Seattle SRSLY: New rule: Bill Maher has to stop calling himself a "Rationalist" if... WTF! Loose Tentacles Sink Ships
Here, at Observations of a Nerd! This is an outstanding issue of an outstanding blog carnival. So what are you doing just standing there!!?!???? Go read it! Click on everything!!!11!!
Science Online 10, or as I like to call it, S0t0, is shaping up to be quite the un-conference. Stephanie Zvan has organized a session called Trust and Critical Thinking, with herself PZ Myers, my favorite Radio Talk Show Host Desiree Schell, and Kirsten "Dr. Kiki" Sanford. Oh, and me. Description: Lay audiences often lack the resources (access to studies, background knowledge of fields and methods) to evaluate the trustworthiness of scientific information as another scientist or a journalist might. Are there ways to usefully promote critical thinking about sources and presentation as we…
is here, on Savage Minds. Where else!?!? Thanks, Rex.
When I was first reading about Anthropology as a budding Archaeologist, Claude Levi Strauss was old. When I went to graduate school, I was shocked to see Claude Levi Strauss walking around at conferences, being old and revered. Every decade or so since then Claude Levi Strauss would show up in one place or another. And now, at the age of 100, he has died. If you want to read one of the finest books ever written from the perspective of socio-cultural anthropology try Tristes Tropiques. It will blow you away. There is a very good obit here at the NYT. This is truly the end of an era,…
Paul Ingraham is Vancouver Registered Massage Therapist and science writer who criticizes questionable practices in alternative health care -- and his professional regulator calls it offensively unprofessional and wants to censor his website with tens of thousands of dollars in legal defense expenses at stake. Science-based alternative health? Rebellion within the alt-health ranks? Juicy. details here
Click the picture to visit the poll. Hat tip: Pharyngula of the Polls.
Michael Steele is downplaying the significance of the Loss of the 23rd in NY. But Lawrence O'Donnell has set him straight: Michael, you made the 23rd the most important congressional district in the country. The Democrats didn't do it. You did it. You lost it. You led your party to a disastrous loss that it has never experienced in that district before. Congratulations, nice work. Above story was reported in HuffPo. Here's the film: Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is mostly about Doug Hoffman, Glen Beck and the Teabaggers. She gets to Bachmann at 4:25. Rachel, I pledge my sacred honor to you! I do! I do! I'm talkin' about you, Rachel!
People deride Americans for being politically sloppy thinkers, and for having short memories. This derision may be well deserved, but the flakiness of American citizens in relation to politics is perhaps easily explained. We are trained by the press to be airheads. President Barack Obama donned some of the strongest coat tails of any president in modern history, and despite the manufactured dissent that has been rather well executed by the Incredible Shrinking Party of No, his approval ratings stand at higher than usual for any president one year after election. Despite the expenditure of…
Wow, I had forgotten that Lieberman was Gore's running mate.... Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Melisa Riviere Melisa Rivière, of Emetrece Productions, and close personal friend of this blogger, will give a lecture this Thursday at St. Thomas University as part of St. Thomas' s "Multicultural Student Services Fall Community Dialogue." Melisa is co-founder of B-Girl Be and a PhD candidate and lecturer at the University of Minnesota. Details: Latina hip-hop audio-visual producer and scholar Melisa Rivière will discuss her research at a 6:30 to 8 p.m. program Thursday, Nov. 5, in Room 100 of McNeely Hall on the St. Paul campus of the University of St. Thomas. Free and open to the…
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