Take the Same Sex Marriage Poll


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Hat tip: Pharyngula of the Polls.

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Very disappointing what happened in Maine yesterday. Living in Iowa we're expecting a push to amend the Constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. We're fortunate the process will take a couple years but personally I'm not very optimistic.

It's nice to see that between you and PZ the poll has been swayed, now 53 to 19%, but it does not change reality. Sigh.

I've never understood the argument against same-sex marriage. I know it's a thing with certain religions.

But same-sex marriage means increasing the pool of people who will apply for marriage licenses, right? And who will then perform a marriage in your state. So more $$ to caterers, printers (invitations), clergy/churches to perform the ceremony (or to the city, if your religion refuses a same-sex marriage), etc.

Later, if the happy couple splits up, that's even more $$ to divorce lawyers.

By saying NO to same-sex marriage means you're basically saying NO to increasing business in your state. Republicans are against this???

And I don't get the argument that same-sex marriage somehow "damages" the strength or importance of marriage. The divorce rate in the U.S. is about 1 in 2. And it's worse for 2nd and 3rd marriages.

Yup, Michigan passed restriction on same sex marriage about six years ago and we are rolling in the bucks. (I don't know the emoticon for sarcasm.)

By micheleinmichigan (not verified) on 04 Nov 2009 #permalink