The following video is NOT from a Home Depot. It is, however, from a Vodka warehouse. But this could happen anywhere with fork lifts. Well, OK, more likely when fork lifts and Vodka are mixed. Which just proves .... EMBED-Bringing Down The Warehouse - Watch more free videos You should always drink your Vodka straight!!! hat tip: geekologie
If you said "cat" you'd be partly right. If you said "naked lady kneeling on floor" you'd be closer. This photograph may help explain: This is the work of Craig Tracy, highlighted in The Telegraph, and who's web site is here. hat tip eolake
The current health care reform bill(s) do not address actual health care ... like what procedures to use and stuff ... as much as they address insurance. This is a health insurance reform bill, not a health care system reform bill. (Though there is necessarily overlap.) Nonetheless Republican Wingnuts want a provision regarding prayer as a methods of treatment. Insurance companies would be required to cover prayer treatments: a little-noticed provision in the health care overhaul bill would require insurers to consider covering Christian Science prayer treatments as medical expenses. The…
This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day.
We have an interesting conundrum. Our offspring (______) is due on November 20th. This places the likely date of birth just prior to Thanksgiving. This causes many people to get very excited because they get to see and play with the new baby. I wonder how mad at me all those people are going to get when they find out I might not let that happen? I'm not entirely sure what we are going to do postpartum. I'm quite interested in advice, so please do make your suggestions below. I'd especially like the advice of the MD's and Public Health Scientists in the vicinity. Or anyone with relevant…
Please do me a favor. Start collecting those bogus-ized copies of Darwin's Origin being distributed by Ray Comfort. We're low on firewood up at the cabin. Oh, and if you see Ray, puke on his shoes for me, OK? It's not that I like burning books. But this is not burning books. When Ray Comfort distributes a faked-up copy of The Origin, he's committing a kind of intellectual violence. Tossing the books into the wood stove is a parry. If you want to reduce the effects of global warming, you could always bury them in your garden thus sequestering the carbon they are made from. Here are the…
If you read my blog, you know my friend Stephanie, who co-blogs with Mike Haubrich and me at Quiche Moraine, and who writes Almost Diamonds. Stephanie is undergoing surgery this morning, so I thought you'd like to go here and leave her a note. What are the details of her surgery? Not my place to tell, really. Not because it's private or anything, but because we are both bloggers and it is against the blogger's code to live blog someone else while they are unconscious. I'm sure Stephanie will fill us in in time. I'll just say that this is relatively routine in the larger picture of things…
This is truly amazing. Of course, since this is the first such video, how do we know if this particular little guy is doing it right? First video of the Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird's amazing courtship display by Greg R. Homel, Natural Elements Productions and distributed by American Bird Conservancy, This rare humminbird inhabits the highlands of Peru.
Not all of them, of course. But I really am getting annoyed that the supposedly "normal" Christians are not doing a better job at taking down people like "Amber" at "Christwire" who tells us that she is "Extremely Terrified Of Chinese People ... but I'm not a racist." The article in question is painful to read. Very very painful. Eric Michael Johnson addresses it quite nicely here. Right now I lack the patience to do what Eric has done. Please check out his overview. The motto of this blog ... ... is "Conservative Values for an Unsaved World." That says it all.
From a Yale press release: Yale University researchers have detected the effects of natural selection among two generations of contemporary women and predict their descendents will be slightly shorter and chubbier, have lower cholesterol and blood pressure and have their first children earlier in life. The predictions, which were made in the Oct. 19 online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, were based on an analysis of women who have participated in the famous Framingham Heart Study, that began in 1948. The results illustrate the medical value of evolutionary…
hat tip: DMB
The Go Green Expo is, according to its organizers, the nation's leading eco-focused, interactive and educational showcase. It will debut at the Minneapolis Convention Center this coming weekend, including talks, presentations, and exhibits from a variety of sources including "green businesses". The idea is to promote energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly products and services. The Expo will include interactive seminars featuring leaders in the green industry, local politics, and community organizations. I'm going to be officially blogging it, so if you are going send me an email…
From the BBC: Councillors in a rural town have staged a mass resignation after becoming tired of criticism from a blogger. We could just leave it at that and know our power. Or we could look at the details more closely: OK, 11 out of 15 council members of the town of Somerton, England resigned on Tuesday. Blogger Niall Connolly had made accusations on his blog that are a bit beyond me to describe, and the council members who walked out claim that it was this blogging that made them want to quit. The blogger, however, has a different take on it. Mr Connolly rejected the idea that the…
This is very funny:
The following press release touches on a recently emerging and probably valid method of addressing some infections. New research shows that cutting down the amount of fat particles in cells may be an effective way to prevent the dengue fever virus from replicating and spreading. Howard Hughes Medical Institute international research scholar Andrea V. Gamarnik and her colleagues have shown that the dengue virus hijacks fat droplets inside cells and uses those tiny fat globules to build new infectious virus particles. The scientists have been able to slow down dengue virus assembly in a…
Google is great, and yes, I know all those tricks that make it greater. But I still want to use REGEX in some cases. So, I figured out a way to do that, in theory, all I need now is the code... Briefly, the software I need, which I shall call googlereg for now, feeds the harvest from a google search through a regex filter and produces a list of hits. There are three streams of data that could be fed through the regex filter: The basic output of the Google search (what you see as results on a Google search page), the actual pages found by the Google search, and the entire site at the domain…
The seasonal influenza virus is extremely adaptable: each year, it evolves ways to evade vaccines, forcing vaccine makers to come up with new formulations. That evolution, known as antigenic drift, occurs when viruses change the sequence of their major surface protein, known as hemagglutinin (HA). HA is one of the primary targets of the natural immune response and key to eliciting an effective vaccine response. A paper published in today's issue of Science suggests how the spread of influenza between vaccinated and non-vaccinated (naïve) individuals may affect antigenic drift. The results…