The North End, Boston, Massachusetts Over the last three years, thirty nine drivers were cited by Dallas cops for not speaking English. There is apparently a $204 fine for not speaking English while driving in Dallas. Supposedly this stems form a Federal regulation that big rig truckers must be able to speak English. This regulation was over zealously interpreted and implemented in Dallas, and enforcement of this dumb-ass rule has actually been carried out. It is most astonishing to me that it took three years of Dallas cops handing out these citations for people to suddenly realize…
It appears that the stae of Michigan is cutting it's extension service funding entirely. Apparently, it would then become the only state to not have an extension service. Bug girl has the details here.
Calling all skeptics ... So, what's the story with this thing? They seem to be saying it uses Beta Waves. Remember Beta Waves? I wonder if these are a new kind of Beta Waves, or are they the Beta Waves that run my Ouija board? Here's another video:
Have you heard that the world is now cooling instead of warming? You may have seen some news reports on the Internet or heard about it from a provocative new book. Only one problem: It's not true, according to several independent statisticians who analyzed temperature data for The Associated Press. Details here.
Months, it turns out. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Remember Daniel Hauser, the child who was busy dying of cancer while his parents kept real doctors away and treated him with homeowooatherapy and stuff? The Hauser family would now like everyone to go away again. Daniel's parents claim that hey are now following doctors' orders and making the best possible decisions, and his father says that Daniel is in remission. "... there is no need to have the county continue to supervise our care and course of treatment for Danny's illness," Daniel's mother, Colleen Hauser, wrote ... Doctors wanted Daniel to start radiation in the beginning of…
I love the fact that the tide is turning on Fox. (That might not be the best analogy.) In any event, this is a great example, from Rachel Maddow, of how life is more complex than much of our discourse allows for. And she does it with Walter Cronkite, and all the others on her side. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
You know the drill: Someone claims to see a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) but then some wise-ass bird expert has to tell them that "Immature bald eagles are often mistaken for golden eagles. You saw a bald eagle, not a golden eagle." Reminds me of the bird expert lady in The Birds (which we watched just the other day) ... boy was she wrong! Anyway, golden eagles have been traversing the state of Minnesota, and occasionally wintering here, for quite some time, and only recently are people really taking notice, counting them as real, and even starting to study them. So, it was very…
Now, what you should probably appreciate is that bar bands in the suburbs are by and large cover bands. This band doesn't really have a repertoire of their own compositions, but they do classic rock, folk rock and alternative rock. Tom joined them for their version of "Margaritaville." Very good, but I don't think Tom plans to resign from the legislature to head to Hollywood for a record contract..... Latest post on Quiche Moraine...
10:1 the DSCC gets spanked by Apple Corp for infringement. In the meantime, enjoy this, there will be more to follow, or so I hear: DSCC
Greg Pritchard - Britain's Got Talent - Show 5 - The most amazing videos are a click away
Do Individual Females Differ Intrinsically in Their Propensity to Engage in Extra-Pair Copulations? A repost Now, this is truly important applied science, in PLoS. While many studies have investigated the occurrence of extra-pair paternity in wild populations of birds, we still know surprisingly little about whether individual females differ intrinsically in their principal readiness to copulate, and to what extent this readiness is affected by male attractiveness. Oh, it’s about birds … well, it’s still interesting. For decades, and even to this day, much of the discussion of behavioral…
From his colleague, Eduardo Corona-M, via the Zooarch list server: He was a great researcher at the Instituto Nacional de AntropologÃa e Historia and taught zoology at Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas in the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. In 2006 he received the Fryxel Award by the Society of American Archaeology. For many year he promotes the archaeozoological studies in Mexico and Latin America, he was part of ICAZ Comitee and one of the organizers of the 10th ICAZ Meeting in Mexico. Rest in peace Se comunica a ustedes el lamentable deceso del Profesor Ãscar J. Polaco,…
My blogging brother Mike Dunford steps in to save poor old Apple Corporation from me and a few others who consider building corporate ads into an operating system to be evil. He's wrong, I'm right, but if you must go read his post and decide for yourself.
You must watch this. You. Simply. Must. Watch. This. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Heather Rosa: Five days a week I'm a news junkie. On weekends I take a complete break. Come Monday morning, I'm again ready for the news, catching up on whatever happened over the weekend. The first thing that slapped me in the face Monday morning, even before the every-five-minute repeat of the weather, was this story: a local woman had died after traveling to Arizona to participate in somebody's idea of a sweat lodge ceremony. After keeling over from excessive heat (possibly literally biting the dust), she was taken to a hospital and later died. Authorities stated homicide charges were…
... well, that would sure make things a lot easier... Sean Hannity's ... feigns dismay at the idea that Christians don't have any signs up in the NYC Subway system. I am trying to imagine the outrage, because it isn't happening. There are pro-Christian signs all over the NYC subway system. It shouldn't take too much to ask one of his underlings about this kind of thing before he makes this kind of statement. But, this is another example of how he likes to fan the flames of a nearly non-existent "culture war" being waged by what his cohort Bill ORLY refers to as the "Secular Progressives."…
World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.
I first watched The Corporation when it was first shown around, at the Minneapolis Film Fest, with the producers and the director. The Corporation could be termed a forensic personality profile of the American Corporation, but I viewed it as an insightful ethnography of the most important tribe to emerge in human history. The most important, and the most dangerous tribe. In fact, I showed The Corporation as an ethnography in my anthropology classes a number of times. Here is Part I: