Move Over Windows 7! Canonical on Thursday made available the Release Candidate of its latest Linux-based operating system, Ubuntu 9.10, on the same day Microsoft launched the long-awaited Windows 7. The upcoming Canonical release, which is code-named Karmic Koala, is the latest version of the popular flavor of the Linux OS. The development release on Thursday pushed the OS one step closer to final release, which is due on Oct. 29, according to the company's release schedule Web page. An image of the OS is available for download on Ubuntu's Web site. source
Thanks for the suggestion.
A number of items for you to read, starting with this at Effect Measure, a take down of a recent Atlantic anti-vax article: Journalists sink in The Atlantic article on vaccines Excellent news for OpenSource: White House uses Open Source technology for its web site. I've been waiting for them to figure out how to do this: Lasers used to write false memories onto the fruit fly brain Everything can be explained by ERVs, at ERV: Some new virology: XMRV and chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer: *blink* Finally, it's safe to go back into the email box.... Nigerian Spammers Canned
H1N1 Vaccination Hysteria Part 1: Is the Swine Flu Vaccine Safe? and H1N1 Vaccination Hysteria Part 2: Should I get the shot? At Urban Science Adventures.
Earlier today a pending non-provisional utility patent application assigned to Apple Computer published. This application, US Patent Application 20090265214, is titled Advertisement in Operating System, and covers exactly what the title implies; namely an operating system that is capable of displaying a variety of advertisements to users. You are likely to have heard of the first listed inventor, Steven Jobs, the CEO and co-founder of Apple Computer, Inc. While it is difficult to know the purpose and strategy behind a patent application, the attorneys at Fish & Richardson in Minneapolis…
Go here and sign this petition too.
Cats: Dogs: Bonus: Cat - Dog Interaction
This is hilarious. A slightly different experience than mine. hat tip Rob
Chicago Coalition of Reason Erects Offensive Billboard!!!11!! 99 Stunning Photographs Earth and Jupiter in the Same Photograph!!! Ubuntu SE Edition (SE = Satanic Edition)
So go sign the petition.
Among a certain class of people, the term "Rumsfeldian" is used to describe a style of leadership that prizes bureaucratic turf-protecting, dissent-quashing through barely concealed intimidation, an inflated sense of self-importance, and the inability to incorporate possible long-term consequences into the decision making process. This class consists primarily of policy wonks, especially the left-leaning ones I interact with daily at the Humphrey Institute, and we are referring to former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. There is, however, another context where you will hear "…
President Barack Obama signed an order last night declaring that the swine flu is a national emergency. This allows the implementation of emergency plans. So, what is an emergency plan? For one thing, it is now possible to skip over parts of the federal regulatory process that slow things down. This may help in increasing the rate of production and delivery of vaccine or anti-virals. Also, hospitals and health departments have emergency plans that would now be implemented as needed. A PDF version of the presidential proclamation is here. The text of the proclamation is here: Office of…
What will they say? How will Isis maintain her anonymity on a thing where you display your head??? Will PalMD be so gaga in the presence of the Goddess that he babbles inarticulately? If these questions interest you, just watch: Very nice discussion.
Fifty People, One Question: London from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.
Today is Genie Scott's birthday. Genie is loved by all in the community of biological scientists because of her central role, as director of the National Center for Science Education, in fighting the good fight against irrational efforts to teach creationism in our public schools and elsewhere. Genie is the author of several books, articles, and book chapters, including Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction and Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design Is Wrong for Our Schools.
This remedy makes you silly and giggly. It makes you get "high" and you tell silly stories. It also makes you really thirsty and causes some food yearnings. It also causes erotic talk and behavior. Here's how you make it: 1) Get a really really strong telescope. 2) Point the telescope at Saturn, the planet. 3) Aim the rays coming from Saturn at some powdered milk. 4) Scrape the milk powder on the person you wish to treat. More info here. Hat Tip: Claudia Sawyer.
One day, about six thousand years ago (or more like 15 thousand ? the timing of this is disputed) a volcano in the vicinity of Mwea, Uganda blasted a huge volume of stuff into the air, covering the surrounding landscape and choking off most of the life forms living in a nearby lake. (A very nearby lake ? the current configuration of the lake suggests that the volcano may have actually been beneath the lake at the time of the eruption). A repost Over a very short period of time, we can presume that the land animals that would have been wiped out by this eruption returned to the area,…
Bison having fun: Bison on a farm: It is said that only moose kill more tourists.
Keith Schon of Cataphora discusses how computers can track behavior, and find out all your dirty little secrets. What are the limits on what your company is allowed to find out about you, and how are they doing it? How do we figure out, after the fact, whether "Yeah, go do that" means "Yes, grab me some lunch" or "Yes, perpetrate that multi-million dollar fraud scheme." And what do your online behavior patterns say about you? details