Isis the Scientist and Pal MD on Bloggheads.TV!!!

What will they say? How will Isis maintain her anonymity on a thing where you display your head??? Will PalMD be so gaga in the presence of the Goddess that he babbles inarticulately?

If these questions interest you, just watch:

Very nice discussion.

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I can't stand this format, so I listen to it with the screen obscured by another window.

This should be the Halloween edition!

I have to confess, when I found out Dr. Isis was on BHtv, my first thought was "What kind of shoes did she wear?"


By Roadtripper (not verified) on 24 Oct 2009 #permalink

Well, I was disappointed, totally bummed, that Isis did not do the show AS A PAIR OF SHOES. I mean, really! That would have been so cool. And then Pal could have worn the Doctor suit.

Just tell me, is there an apology to Salty Current in here somewhere? That I'd love to see.

That could splain why she passes out for a moment at about 44 minutes.

Dr. Isis is a cunt(female degradation intended) and PalMD is an asshole that hates my dogs.

...and did I mention that i have nothing better to do than make ferociously unfunny statements?

This is OK, but the interest level is spread out a bit. This would have been a nice 30 minute spot.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 24 Oct 2009 #permalink

I totally recognize those earings. So much for anonymity.

53 minutes and 15 seconds .... is the moment PAL realizes that Isis is intellectually unredeemable. You can see it in his eyes.