Don't miss the B-Girl Be Block Party 2009, an all day festival at Intermedia Arts that brings international, national and local female hip-hop artists together in Minneapolis for music, dance, live mural painting, film and an art marketplace! Details here. f
Lifehacker has a comparison of Chrome 4.0, Firefox 3.5, and Opera 10. Firefox boots slowest, Opera fastest. Opera takes longest to load eight tabs, Chrome the least time. Chrome totally cooks on the JafaScript Test, while Opera and Fierefox are left way behind. Chrome uses the most memory, Opera next, and Fierfox least. The Chrome memory use seems quite large. Lifehacker comes down with an endorsement of Chrome. You should look at the details here. For me? When I go "apt-get install chrome" nothing happens.
... not the whole thing, but some good bits: Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
The Actual Words of Afroleninist Barack Hussain bin-Obama's planned speech to the School Children of Amerika have been obtained by this blogger, and I have few comments on them. A Guest Blog by Jimmy James Bettencourt Until I read this speech, I was pretty happy with Obama. I have not been paying any attention to his policies, but he's cool because he looks cool, acts cool, and is not a dick-head like John McCain or an ignorant moron like Palin. But now I have changed my mind because of this speech. I've only read the first third of it but so far it's just a bunch of communistic…
What happens when a little kid is not afraid of heights at all? What happens when a little kid IS afraid of heights, and all? Back to back essays worth reading at Quiche Moraine.
Since the bloggingheads "diavlog" with David Dobbs and me was the first science-oriented installment to come out (more or less) since the repudiation of by Carl Zimmer and Sean Carrol, and now Phil Plait and PZ Myers, I think I should say something about why I did it and what I think about the whole thing. I want to start out by saying that my remarks are provisional. I will not tolerate sophistic mumbo jumbo in the comments. Instead, I employ what my Lese friend JM used to tell me as as staring point: "I've got an idea or two for you. If you don't like them, just give…
Devorah Bennu is the pseudonym for the pseudonymous blogger kown as Grrrrrrrl Scientist, of Living the Scientific Life. In the ongoing contest to send a blogger to Antarctica, she has sat in third place, just a few dozen votes behind Don Osmond (who is, indeed, related to the original Mormon Singer, Donny Osmond) for several weeks now. Now, I have to tell you, I have a lot of friends and colleagues who are in this contest, and I'd love to root for ALL of them, but Devora is the only one with a chance of taking out the two people who are ahead of her, and she very much deserves to go to…
The Bloggingheads with David Dobbs and Moi is now up at Blogginheads, and embedded here: I had just posted a review of Dobb's book, Reef Madness, which I enjoyed a great deal, and here we discuss the book in more detail. I left out a lot of detail, especially the exciting multi-part ending, in my review. You'll hear more about what happened to the competing reef theories and to Alexander Agassiz in this hour long bla-bla-blawginghead's interview. David Dobbs' main web site is here. Added: Note something funny (as in funny strange) happening at about 23 or 24 minutes.
Ah... Now, I get it!
An oldie but a goodie:
The loons have been strangely silent all weekend, and I have been singularly distracted from them, so it was not until this morning that I realized that the adults are gone. Well, they are not totally gone, but they are in a transitional phase. I think they are starting to spend time in their staging area. Adult loons, at some point late in the season (and though I shall remain in denial the season is starting to laten) begin to gather at a specific staging area, either a part of a larger lake (as in the case of my loons) or in some intermediary pond or lake. They form a flock, and then…
Well, tonight we had a modest little party at the lake to celebrate Amanda's completion of the last requirement of her Master of Biological Science Degree. This is what teachers call a "content area" degree. In other words, it is not an education degree, but a degree in the actual real world content, in this case, biology (as the name of the degree strongly implies). This is a fairly impressive thing for a teacher to do, and she did a good job of it. Ah, I remember well, that on our very first date we talked about the idea of her getting this degree, and I encouraged her to do it. (You…
To the extent that one would have booted such a machine. Britain's oldest original computer, the Harwell, is being sent to the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley where it is to be restored to working order. The computer, which was designed in 1949, first ran in 1951 and was designed to perform mathematical calculations; it lasted until 1973. Details here at the BBC
Mars Orbiter has captured thousands of images in high resolution from the surface of the Grumpy Reddish Planet. The picture you see here is a chain of pit craters. That must have been one helluva noisy event. Reminds me of the walls at the Entebe Airport. Anyway, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera takes pictures that are about 6 km wide and some greater amount long, wiht resolution down to as small as one meter. The pictures are being released a few at a time and you can access them here. There are even 3D images but you will need special glasses to see…
The tie-dyed shirts really make the Mentos thing work work....
Missing laptop and panda bear!!!! If you are at DragonCon Read This Now!!!!! Please.
The other day when I was not hacking my kindle, I discovered that it ran on Linux. Or at least, when I went to "status" and typed in 411, the OS details came up and that is what it indicated. So, should I really be impressed buy this? I love this punchline:
Dr. Gruver, I was utterly floored to learn that your school district has expressed (by strong implication) concern over the value and appropriateness of a message from President Obama to the school children of our country. I am equally flabergasted that you would bend to pressure from what really amounts to a small minority of "astroturfers" and "dittoheads" (as they are called) who scream bloody murder every time our democratically elected president utters a word. If this was your decision, I question if you are fit to be in your job, and I say that with a heavy heart. It is your place…