It probably helps that Sarah Palin came out with an over the top statement on her facebook page. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
As you know, PZ Myers and a well behaved group of just over three hundred interested skeptics visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky last week. One result of this visit is an epic post by PZ which pretty much obviates any need to actually to go to the museum yourself. If you are a student assigned to go to the museum and do a report on it, just use PZ's blog post, it will be much easier. Here it is!
The wreckage of the collision between two planets has been observed in outer space. An animation of the event can be downloaded here. NASA has spotted an interplantery collision. Two planets, both rocky, one about the size of our moon and the other about the size of mercuery, smashed into each other several thousand years ago flinging all kinds of crap into outer space. This happened in another solar system. "This is not supposed to happen!" claimed a NASA executive. "These planets are supposed to watch where they are going" Well, OK, no one from NASA actually said that, but they did…
New Wildlife Blog There is a new blog that looks pretty darn good called "All About Wildlife" and focusing on threatened habitat and endangered species. It is called "All About Wildlife" and it is located here. I'd say this is one for the RSS feed. Musings on Nature Blogging ... in Nature Blog Networking: The Halls of Academia N8 (that's, like "nate" fyi) talks about the new Nature Blog Networks categories, and discusses what a nature blog really is and is not. In which my blog is nicely defended. Thanks, Nate.
A bit of reporting on what they look like. I'm sticking with my original story: They look like the Roe v. Wade protests of the 1980s, but with a racialized twist. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Updated: You can vote again today! This photo by Ben Zvan of Analiese Miller, who is also known as The Anthropologist, is the entry in a voting contest that could get Ana a chance at a part in Mad Men (the cable TV thing). It is necessary that you CLICK HERE and vote for Ana by giving her Five Stars (below the photo). Please do this right now, and again tomorrow. Don't vote for any of the other contestants. I've known Ana for nearly as long as I've lived in Minnesota, and I can vouch for her many talents. She is an accomplished stage and movie actress and model. She is also an…
In the form of a new persono-professional web site. Here.
As an anthropologists, I have a LOT of thoughts about this. I'd love to know your thoughts. (Sorry the embedding is so obnoxious. There was no obvious way to remove the ads.) Hat tip: This site
Hat Tip: A Blog from Hell
And your baby. I suppose that will be after the forced sex change operation. Mike has a writeup on this lunacy. We really are a nation divided by IQ points.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Continued... For this final installation of How the Loon Terns, I'd like to very briefly address four different items of "common knowledge." Loons are driven off lakes by boaters. Loons use nursery pools. Loon are "ancient birds" "Loons winter in Mexico (or wherever)." I've already discussed the first of these, and would simply like to restate the idea. During the 1970s or 1980s, depending on where one looked, loons were seemingly getting driven away from their native habitats by boating activity. Then, the loons seemed to start to grow somewhat accustom to boats, and this trend may…
Well, you can do it every day, so please do it again! Thank you very much.
..... on this day in 1945. American forces have dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki - the second such attack on Japan in three days. The bomb was dropped by parachute from an American B29 Bomber at 1102 local time. It exploded about 1,625 ft (500m) above the ground and is believed to have completely destroyed the city, which is situated on the western side of the Japanese island of Kyushu. more at the bbc
A group of scientists, students and secularists -- 304 in all -- visited Petersburg, Kentucky on Friday to tour exhibits on display at the Creation Museum. The visitors are in town attending a conference of the Secular Student Alliance, a group formed "to organize, unite, educate and serve students and student communities that promote the ideals of scientific and critical inquiry, democracy, secularism, and human based ethics." Read the rest at ABC News Hat Tip PZ
Keith Olbermann: Hat Tip DMB
We're at a unique moment in history, says UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown: we can use today's interconnectedness to develop our shared global ethic -- and work together to confront the challenges of poverty, security, climate change and the economy.
Hey, my BFF Analiese Miller needs you to vote for her. Go here and click on the stars down below her photo!!! Vote early, vote often. (I think you can vote every day, starting today and for a few days.) Trust me, she deserves this. She is an extraordinary actress. Quite good at singing and dancing, too, and she is brilliant in a zillion other ways as well. Let's get Ana this job! We can do it! Oh, and if you are a blogger and want to remain my friend, you have to tell your readers to vote for Ana too. ASAP, please. By the way, the photo is by Ben Zvan. Ben is quite an excellent…