Obama, the Black Nazi guy, intends to exterminate your grandma.

And your baby. I suppose that will be after the forced sex change operation.

Mike has a writeup on this lunacy.

We really are a nation divided by IQ points.

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I think it is getting close to the time when we need to start building secret hiding places for grandparents, so that when the ObamaCare Doctors come knocking on the door for them they will be safe. There needs to be an Underground Railroad to Mexico for Catholic Hospital administrators and chaplains, too.

I fear for my country, Patriots! (Can't you just see the alligator tears?)

I keep thinking, "They can't get any more fucking insane, right? This is as bad as it gets, right?"

The wingnuts are always happy to prove me wrong.

"We really are a nation divided by IQ points."

Greg are you just figuring this out?

By henry harpending (not verified) on 09 Aug 2009 #permalink

Here I was going to tell Greg that he was oversimplifying, as IQ tests are an excellent way to measure test-taking skills and compliance and a problematic way to measure much of anything else. And compliance is not a virtue in a situation like this, where a bunch of people who claim (and are somehow granted by others) the title of "authority" are lying their asses off.

We are also a nation divided by what we think IQ is, how to measure it, what causes variation in it, and who has the higher vs. lower values! And then there's the whole interaction between willful ignorance and being careful what one asks for, which apparently has not occurred to the tea-baggers yet.

This is not really a matter of IQ. It is more an issue of racism, hatred, fundamentalism and religious upbringing that causes these people to lie and attack.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 09 Aug 2009 #permalink

Bob: I agree. But they then need to pretend to not get the obious facts that are right in front of them...

You'd almost think these were embittered people clinging to their guns and religion.

It's not just religious nuts. On Facebook I actually had to block a very old friend, an atheist who I have known from the FidoNet echo Holysmoke, in the early 90s, because he's convinced this is true. So there are conservative freaks in every walk of life who will believe what they want to believe, f**k the evidence.

To be fair, the "forced sex change" complaint is actually that they'll be "forced" (in the form of paying taxes) to pay for someone else's sex change, contrary to their supposed morality. Same with abortion.

I have no idea whether there are actually proposals to cover sex change procedures under the public option. But that's the complaint.