Turtles Island-Hopped Their Way Across a Warm Arctic Sometime about 90 million years ago, Asian turtles hit the road for North America. Although researchers thought that these reptiles had crawled around the globe via Russia and Alaska, new findings suggest that they may have taken a shortcut--over a series of islands now submerged under the Arctic Sea. The conclusions are based on an unusual turtle fossil... more...
First I thought: "... noooo.." Then, I thought: "hmmmmmm." Hat Tip Miss Cellania.
We Minnesotans are so funny. Hat Tip Colin.
This is an oversimplification, but it is exactly what the archaeology and physical anthropology had previously told us. Except the physy and archy data give us more detail. But, important and interesting nonetheless: Short people known as pygmies are scattered across equatorial Africa, where they speak various languages, inhabit different types of forests, and hunt and gather food in diverse ways. Despite their cultural variety, a new study shows that the pygmies of Western Central Africa descended from an ancestral population that survived intact until 2800 years ago when farmers invaded…
From slashdot: "Microsoft is advertising for a new director of open source strategy, but this one has a specific purpose: fight the Linux desktop. 'The Windows Competitive Strategy team is looking for a strong team member to lead Microsoft's global desktop competitive strategy as it relates to open source competitors.' For a variety of reasons, this move is almost certainly targeted at Ubuntu Linux's desktop success. With the Mac, not Linux, apparently eating into Microsoft's Windows market share, what is it about desktop Linux, and specifically Ubuntu, that has Microsoft spooked?" figures.…
Hat Tip: Hello Negro. Read HN's commentary on this, here.
A fresh look at ornate 1000-year-old vases from New Mexico's canyons has unearthed a surprise: They were used as mugs to drink chocolate. The findings are the first record of the food in North America, long before its introduction in colonial times. They also reveal that chocolate was an expensive delicacy enjoyed by few during elaborate rituals. here
I heard these folks talking on the radio. It is all very interesting. Here's a piece in Science by Greg Miller: If you're thinking of hiring a tax accountant, you might want to note the color of his office. According to a new study, the color red can improve performance on detail-oriented tasks--a desirable thing if your goal is an accurate return. However, if you're hoping to pare down your tax bill with any possible deductions, no matter how far-fetched, you might look for an accountant with a blue office--that color boosts creativity, the researchers report. Previous research on how color…
North American gray wolves that crisscross the frozen tundra after migrating caribou tend to be light colored, blending in with snow and ice. But dark wolves are common in forests, possibly because there they can slink through the woods unnoticed. Geneticists have pinpointed the gene variant that imparts this black fur and determined that it comes from domestic dogs that interbred with their wily cousins thousands of years ago. cool. more here.
An investigation by the Sunday Times (UK) indicates that the doctor who reported information suggesting a link between MMR vaccine and autism may have "misreproted results in his research." The investigation purpots to show that ... ...Andrew Wakefield manipulated patients' data, which triggered fears that the MMR triple vaccine to protect against measles, mumps and rubella was linked to the condition. The research [originally] claimed that the families of eight out of 12 children attending a routine clinic at the hospital had blamed MMR for their autism, and said that problems came on…
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"Race Doesn't Exist, Continued"
I don't normally do cephelopods, but I cam across this one and thought you'all might find it ... interesting: Source.
Miami school officials can remove from library shelves a book about Cuba that depicts smiling children in communist uniforms but avoids mention of problems in the country, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the Miami-Dade County School District wouldn't be infringing freedom of speech rights by removing 49 copies of "Vamos a Cuba" and its English-language version, "A Visit to Cuba," from its libraries. The board has argued that the books, for children ages 5 to 8, present an inaccurate view of life in Cuba. .. so, the court decides the accuracy…
Good morning. First, briefly, we have a podcast of yesterday's radio show here, a brand new book review of Scott's Evolution vs. Creationism here, and a new Congo Memoir here. The minimal funding levels for science in the currently debated bill have been replaced, owing to activities of Senators Nelso, Collins, Lieberman, Specter, Snowe and even Minority Leader Reid. The exact details of the bill are here. Most of the changes are pretty spectacular. The NASA budget has shifted from 1.5 billion minus 750 million, but will now be cut by only 200 million. NSF, NOAA and other budgets have…
It's out! Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction Second Edition is now available on line and in bookstores (or at least it is being shipped out as we speak). This is the newly revamped edition of Genie Scott's essential reference supporting the Evolutionist Perspective in the so called "debate" over creationism vs. evolution. The original version of this book was excellent, but this updated version is essential. There is quite a bit of new information in this volume reflecting the fact that quite a few things have happened since the publication of the prior edition. Scott's book…
This was at the Washington Press Club. A sample of her jokes: "I'd like to make this as short as Bill Richardson's tenure as Commerce Secretary," she opened. "I raised $17,000 from ex-boyfriends -- true story! I know that is the record in the Senate, but in the House it's held by Barney Frank." Roars of laughter, even from Frank. Then she turned to the "great reporters? in this room -- all of whom got scooped on the John Edwards story by the National Enquirer." She promised not to be too rough with them, though, since "I'm all about protecting endangered species." Perhaps best of…
I am hosting The Giant's Shoulders this month. Please get me your submissions by the 15th. Hint: Darwin's birthday is this month. Hint: Darwin was a giant. Do Darwin! Send submissions via the blog carnival submission thingie. Berry Go Round #13: Winter-Tough is here, at Watching The World Wake Up. The Carnival of the Blue #21 is here, at The Oyster's Garter. Brain Blogging, Forty-Third Edition is here, at Brain Blogger. I and the Bird #93: The Compelling Nature of Birds is at Vickie Henderson's place. Grand Rounds 5(20) is at Not Totally Rad. Festival of the Trees 32 is at…