Amy Kobuchar Brings Down the House

This was at the Washington Press Club. A sample of her jokes:

"I'd like to make this as short as Bill Richardson's tenure as Commerce Secretary," she opened. "I raised $17,000 from ex-boyfriends -- true story! I know that is the record in the Senate, but in the House it's held by Barney Frank." Roars of laughter, even from Frank.

Then she turned to the "great reporters? in this room -- all of whom got scooped on the John Edwards story by the National Enquirer." She promised not to be too rough with them, though, since "I'm all about protecting endangered species."

Perhaps best of all: "Typically a Republican and a Democrat speak at this -- you could have saved a lot of money by asking Joe Lieberman." [...]

She may have even been too funny. One line -- that her position as a member of the subcommittee on oceans from Minnesota was as incongruous as an ethics committee member from Illinois -- led an audience wag to crack that, "she may be on the committee on oceans for a long time."

Source of story: MnIndy
Hat Tip: Ana T. Blogless


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