... what? The Spanish again? Uffda.... The ugly head of Spanish racism has returned to blight Lewis Hamilton's world championship challenge in Brazil. Lewis Hamilton apparently an Englishman of African Ancestry race car driver guy. Thousands have targeted Hamilton on a voodoo style website, taunting him about the colour of his skin in a vile campaign that reprised the abuse he received at the start of the year in Barcelona. More than 16,000 racist messages using terms like "nigger" and "half-breed" have been posted on a Spanish website. Here's some newsreel: A spokesman said: "…
I have reanalyzed the electoral map with the latest information. Applying some reasonable criteria (see below) to the most current information, a very reasonable conclusion is that the electoral vote not counting Pennsylvania will be Obama 252 vs. McCain 265. Neither of these numbers is above the required number to win. Starting at this base, the candidate who wins Pennsylvania wins the election. I am not prepared to put Pennsylvania in either column for the following reasons: 1) All of the effects in my adjustment criteria (outlined below) are strongest in Pennsylvania and 2) McCain and…
"Norm got a free ride from the press. St. Paul is a small town and anybody who hangs around the St. Paul Grill knows about Norm's habits. Everyone knows that his family situation is, shall we say, very interesting, but nobody bothered to ask about it, least of all the religious people in the Republican Party. They made their peace with hypocrisy long ago. So this false knight made his way as an all-purpose feel-good candidate, standing for vaguely Republican values, supporting the president." That's from Garrison Keiller, quoted here. More details here.
He remembers when his father would force him and his siblings to run five to ten miles around the high school track every night. One evening another boy was riding his bicycle along the outer lanes of the track, and Fred began yelling at him to leave. The boy's response was to keep riding on the track, and Fred's was to push him off the bike. The boy left, screaming, and 20 minutes later a truck came screeching into the parking lot. The boy had brought his father, who approached Fred and knocked him to the ground. "The man was threatening to sue him," said Nate. "Then my old man yelled at us…
Next congressional election: If someone running for the US house was an outed atheist/agnostic, and every atheist/agnostic donated one dollar to that campaign, or if ten percent of the atheists/agnostics gave ten dollars to that campaign, it would be the best funded congressional campaign ever. Of course, you'd have to be an otherwise competent candidate, probably with a liberal stand on most issues, pro-science, pro-education, pro-rational, etc. etc. But mainly we need you to be an Establishment Clause nut. Pass it on.
Minnesota Atheists' "Atheists Talk" radio show. Sunday, November 2, 2008, 9-10 a.m. Central Time The Science Standards for the state of Minnesota for grades K-12 are coming up for review by the Minnesota State Legislature. The current Science Standards support evolution and exclude creationism, and we want to keep it that way. (Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has expressed support for "intelligent design.") Local scientists Scott Lanyon, Randy Moore, and Sehoya Cotner join us for a discussion about "The State of Science Education in Minnesota." We welcome questions during the program at (…
A piece of space station trash the size of a refrigerator is poised to plunge through the Earth's atmosphere late Sunday, more than a year after an astronaut tossed it overboard. Details
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Al Franken Site
What is the electoral map going to look like on Wednesday morning? Who knows?!?!? But I have a guess, and my current estimate is Obama 364 vs. McCain 174. This conclusion is based on the following reasoning: We begin with a baseline electoral map that everyone will agree with. On this map, definite Obama states are in Blue, definite McCain states are in Red. (Original, huh?) If any of this ends up being wrong, we're looking at a man bites dog situation, news-wise. Now, you need 270 electoral votes to win, and this gives neither candidate a win. I'm going to give McCain all the…
Quentin Patrick thought his home was being robbed. So he fired 29 bullets from an automatic rifle out his front door of his house hitting 12 year old T.J. Darrisaw, T.J.'s 9-year-old brother, Ahmadre Darrisaw, and their father, Freddie Grinnell. T.J. was killed. All automatic assault rifles should be banned for ownership by private citizens in the United States. That is obvious and has always been obvious, and only the nuttiest of the gun nuts could possibly think otherwise. This particular incident does not change that, though I fully expect people to use this as an argument in favor of…
The last part ... what you need to do ... mainly applies to Minnesota residents. We'll get to that. Right now the polls are all over the place. There are five new and recent polls to consider (data all sourced through RCP). Public Policy Polling, covering October 28th to October 30th, with a margin of error of 3.0 percent, shows Franken with 45% of the vote and Coleman with 40. That is rather astounding. Research 2000 has a poll covering October 27 to October 29, with a margin of Error of 4%, and in this case Franken has 40 percent and Coleman 43. A statistical dead heat. A Mason Dixon…
Sen. Norm Coleman announced on Thursday that he was filing a lawsuit against his Democratic opponent Al Franken and the Franken campaign over what he deemed defamation of character. ...This is now the fourth time that the Minnesota Republican has filed a suit late in the course of his runs for office. ... Aides to Coleman, speaking Thursday morning at a hastily organized press conference, seemed far more interested in generating political theatrics than they did in explaining a serious legal quibble. ... their complaint was directed at an advertisement that the Franken campaign aired that…
I have two female friends who have both worked with Coleman (one as a lawyer, one a lobbyist). Both were hit on by him (yes, he's still married). My wife has met him a few times, and while she hasn't been "hit on" he did get pretty "handsy" with her last time. from here ... more details here.
The Up and Coming Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival .... which will be the LAST ONE ... is ... well, it's up and coming! Submit your entries HERE at the blog carnival site, and look for the carnival at Tangled Up in Blue Guy. In the mean time, the following video reminds me of your average Bigfoot Sighting Video, but with a lunatic fundie congresswoman instead of the Bigfoot. Enjoy. In so far as one can enjoy the idea that the people of a given congressional district are capable of voting an unabashed wacko like Bachmann into office.
Hat Tip DMB!!!