A brand new Rasmussen poll places Franken in a very slight, and statistically insignificant lead over Coleman in the Minnesota Senate race. The good news is that of the last five or so polls, over the last few weeks, all but one has put Franken ahead, but never by a statistically significant amount. This latest poll places Franken at 41% and Coleman at 37%. In the Minnesota Third District, Veteran Marine and Democratic Candidate Ashwin Madia was shown to be pulling ahead of Republican Erik Paulsen near the beginning of the month, but again the lead is not statistically significant. That…
The Republican Party has assumed that Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann would retain her seat in the upcoming election, but because of recent events it is now quite possible that she will not. As a result, the Republican Party has changed its tactics in Minnesota. Yesterday we heard that the RNCC is pulling out of the Bachmann race altogether. Today, literally moments ago, I have received word that the Republicans are putting major resources behind Ashwin Madia's opponent, Erik Paulsen. All the available data suggests that the Madia-Paulsen race is neck and neck, with neither…
You will remember that Webster Cook is the young man who was involved in the first part of the Crackergate Event, the result of which involved two separate kinds of legalistic charges against him at his school, one by a more general disciplinary board, and the other by the student government (Webster was an elected school officer). The first one was thrown out, but the second was not, and Cook was impeached. I have just received word that the impeachment was overturned last night. Details forthcoming. UPDATE: There was a five hour long trial last night in front of the SGA Judiciary. Cook…
Focusing on the Bill of Rights and the Baby Polar Bears. Like a laser beam.
I honestly can't remember if I've blogged this already, but just in case: Click here, then click on EVERYTHING in the picture. In some cases, click more than once. Save the door over on the left for last, and click on it many times. REVISED: Don't touch the red phone until the VERY VERY end. START HERE Hat Tip: Stephanie H.
It is actually pretty hard to find a story of people vandalizing McCain signs. In one of the few cases I have seen of anti-McCain vandalism, there is strong evidence that it was self inflicted by a crazy Republican who wanted to make it look like his house had been hit by Democrats. Meanwhile, the Pandora's Box opened by McCain and Palin continues to pour out the kind of yahooistic trash that has been in charge of this country for too long. Here is a small sampling of the news interspersed with a few videos. North Fort Myers vandals destroy Obama sign Vandals stole into the yard of a…
I'm putting up Four Stone Hearth Carnival later today: You have time to submit! Taking all anthropology posts. HERE
My worst nightmare: [below the fold because the video starts right away] Don't let this happen to YOU. Go here, click things, do stuff.
Sarah Palin. The new low. Only a madman would cast a vote for you.
Check it out: I don't believe in a shoe-in. I know better now. They cheat, they lie, they fix elections, they want to remain the select privileged while we get foreclosed on, our health insurance becomes unaffordable, and our young people die in a winless, needless war, and they will do ANYTHING to make sure it happens. I grew up in a small town so I guess that makes me a "real" American. Oh, wait, I live in the city now, and disagree with you, so I guess not. Read the rest here
An Email from El Tinkenberg: Even as Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tries to backpedal from her outrageous comments Friday, comments which have inspired more than a million dollars for our campaign in the last four days alone, people across the country are just beginning to learn the truth about Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's long history of extreme and divisive views: At a debate with El Tinklenberg earlier this month, she claimed immigrants are "bringing in disease and violence and every sort of difficulty" to this country. In September 2008, Bachmann blamed the financial crisis on a…
We have photos: From the Strib and WCCO
The Wicked Witch of the West Metro, Twin Cities, has taken the final blow in her political career. The National Republican Congressional Committee has CUT OFF Michele Bachmann like a bad wart. Five days after Rep. Michele Bachmann went on a McCarthy-esque rant suggesting Barack Obama was unpatriotic and urging the major newspapers of the country to investigate anti-American sentiment in Congress, the national Republican political parties are running for cover. HA! (details here, hat tip: AC)
The homes of Senator Amy Klobuchar , Senator Norm Coleman, U.S. Representatives Kieth Ellison, John Kline, Michelle Bachmann and Jim Ramstad were hit with spRay paint graffiti last night. Phrases, written in partial LOL cat langauge and a biblical reference were written mainly on garages (but Ellison's home was directly painted on). The verbiage included such things as: U R A CRIMINAL RESIGN OR ELSE! PSALM 2" and the word "SCUM" The graffiti at Ellison's home read: "Traitor. Resign now. Psalm 2" For those of you not familiar with the zone, Klobuchar and Ellison are Democrats; Coleman,…
"If the Hanoi Hilton could not break John McCain's resolve to do what is best for his country, you can be sure the angry Left never will." -- President George Bush, addressing the RNC via satellite feed, September 1, 2008 "I Am The Angry Left." -- T-Shirt seen at demonstration outside RNC, September 2, 2008. * A criminal trial against Eight American Patriots is about to start in Saint Paul. These eight patriots armed themselves with information and guts and planned to attack dogma and repressive politics at the Republican National Convention. They were arrested, treated like animals, and…
Homo floresiensis more widely known as the "Hobbit," may have had arms that were very different from those of modern humans. A paper in the current issue of the Journal of Human Evolution explores the anatomy of H. floresiensis. To explore this we first have to understand the concept of "Humeral torsion." Humeral torsion is the orientation of the humeral head relative to the mediolateral axis of the distal articular surface. Don't bother reading that sentence again, I'll explain it. The humerus is the upper arm bone, that runs between your shoulder and your elbow. The humeral head is…
John McCain just picked up an endorsement that may well turn the election around and put him in front. The endorsement is from the Anti-American group Al-Qaeda. Since it is known that over half of Americans are Anti-Americans (according to Michele Bachmann), this endorsement is likely to change the popular vote from about 50-40 against McCain to 90-10 for McCain. Mark my words. Hat Tip Lassi
It has always been suggested, by a wide range of evidence, that australopiths in general, and robust australopiths in particular, have a higer degree of sexual dimorphism than chimps, and possibly, dimorphism in body size as high as one sees in any ape. Resent research on growth patterns, just published in Science, examines this. In dimorphic primates, the larger size of the male is usually obtained by an extended period of growth of the males, so they essentially "grow past" the females. In addition, there are usually additional traits that the larger, adult males have that re not seen in…