Breaking News: Webster Cook Impeachment Overturned!

You will remember that Webster Cook is the young man who was involved in the first part of the Crackergate Event, the result of which involved two separate kinds of legalistic charges against him at his school, one by a more general disciplinary board, and the other by the student government (Webster was an elected school officer). The first one was thrown out, but the second was not, and Cook was impeached.

I have just received word that the impeachment was overturned last night. Details forthcoming.

UPDATE: There was a five hour long trial last night in front of the SGA Judiciary. Cook outlined the numerous due process violations that he had documented in relation to the impeachment. The SGA Judiciary (Remember, this is a school government organization) ruled that Cook should have a new trial.

This information comes to us from Benjamin Collard, Webster's friend, who has written two guest blogs here outlining earlier events:

Benjamin Collard Speaks out on the Webster Cook Eucharist Ordeal

The Impeachment of Webster Cook (Crackergate)

Also, here's some coverage from the local papers:

Student Judicial Council votes 8-0 that hearings violated due process (University of Central Florida)

The UCF Student Judicial Council voted on Wednesday evening that Webster Cook's impeachment hearing did not have proper due process and remanded the case back to the student Senate.

The vote on the charge of violation was 8-0-0 in favor of violation and a 7-1-0 vote to return the case back to the Senate.

Cook was impeached from the 40th Student Senate in August on the charge of misfeasance and appealed the decision on the basis that SGA officials did not publicly post notice of interviews with witnesses pertaining to the June 29 incident.

It is being suggested that the SGA violated Florida State law in some of its procedures.


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He did appeal then. Good. If the student government was going to put him through this kind of nonsense, the least they needed to do was follow their own rules.

Benjamin Collard - please come back and tell us more!

(Bring Mr. Cook if at all possible!)

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 23 Oct 2008 #permalink