No, not here, this is not the National Geographic Blog. Here, at the National Geographic Blog... But wait, don't go there yet, I want to make a quick comment... With almost no exceptions, and one of those exceptions is a Pyramid, the finds that National Geographic sees as most important are dead bodies, often mummies, sometimes piles of skeletons. Is it possible, I ask you, that this is what archaeology is all about? No way, man! This is, perhaps what National Geographic, or the readers of National Geographic, is all about. And sure, this stuff is cool. But really, give me a break.…
While making a statement about science, is it necessary ... in your opinion ... to always make a connected positive and supportive statement about religion, in order that the scientist not offend anyone who might be listening? I'd love to hear opinions on this. (There is some discussion on this at PZ Myers blog) In the mean time, I offer a prayer, for Boxing Day. [repost from] Boxing day is the day after we celebrate the birth of the Christian God on Earth, and Boxing Day itself is the day we contemplate the meaning of, well, boxes, and where in, on or near those boxes we…
Dec 25 Isaac Newton (Sir) born in Grantham, England, 1642 Dec 25 Fellowship begins Quest Dec 25 Birthday of Quaid-i-Azam in Pakistan Dec 25 Children's Day in Congo Dec 25 Christmas Dec 26 Chas. Babbage born, 1791 Dec 26 St Stephen (Boxing Day) Dec 26 DPMA founded, 1951 Dec 26 Boxing Day Dec 26 Feast of Our Theotokos in Greece Dec 26 St. Stephen's Day Dec 26 Bank Holiday in Canada, Rep. of Ireland, and UK Dec 26 Day of Goodwill in South Africa Dec 26 Proclamation Day holiday (SA)
A chain was fastened around my waist and I was handcuffed to the chain. Then my legs were placed in chains. I asked for permission to make a telephone call but they refused. So secured, I was taken from the airport terminal in full sight of everybody. I have seldom felt so bad, so humiliated and all because I had taken a longer vacation than allowed under the law. Oh, wait, no, I got the information counfsued. This was a 33 year old woman from Iceland with a minor visa issue shackled, jailed, and mildly tortured by Homeland Security officials at JFK Airport in New York. To be honest, I think…
Hat tip: Evolving in Kansas
A reading from Luke. (LOL Cat Translation) Oh hai, Jesus iz bornd 'Roun dis tiyem, Caesar Augustus wuz like, "I can has cenzus?" ... And all teh doodz went home for teh saying, "I is heer!" So Joseph went from Naz'reth to Judeeah to Bethlehemm whar David wuz bornededed, 'coz David wuz hiz graete-graete gran-daddie, An Mary went wif him, 'coz she was gonna be married wif him an she was preggerz. When wuz time for teh baybee, it wuz a boy, so he wuz wrapd in blanket like burrito an placd him in fud dish, cuz innkeeper wuz liek, no room here kthxbye! ... Jesus brung to teh templlez…
What I've been looking for all morning .... a Link to the Twisted Chipmunk Christmas Song. Now I'm totally ready for the holidays!