Now and then a program (a "process") will need to be killed. It got annoyingly slow, or got stuck somehow. In Windows, the final solution for killing a process is "alt-ctrl-delete" which may or may not give you the capacity to shut down a process, and if that works, it requires a lot of struggling with dialog boxes, etc. Best case scenario in Windows is that the process dies cleanly. Often, a Windows process will leave messy bits and pieces of itself behind that may affect performance or create security problems, and often, the worst case scenario happens ... you've got to "kill" the…
From Grrll Scientist: I don't think they should be running around with the brooms. You could poke your eye out with those things.
... You'd think it would have been mentioned by now, by some wine taster or another ... "Ah, yes, a rather wooden palette, and a stuffy nose, but a remarkably close finish... Oh, and a distinct overtone of the key ingredient, resveratrol..." Scientists at the Sirtris Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Massachusetts ... have located chemicals that mimic resveratrol, the key ingredient in red wine. ... Previous studies on the positive effects of the chemical resversatrol found in red wine find that it acts as protection against fatty diets and resultant cell degeneration that occurs in the aging…
This would not work in Attica. No way, man.
Mike the Mad Biologist suggests this: One way pro-science citizens can influence what local and state governments do is through federal funding. The next time any educational legislation is proposed, a key component should be the release of federal support for educational programs contingent upon the adoption of educational standards that do not accept intelligent design creationism as science and that also support the study of evolution. It is possible. The mechanism for this is in place to some extent. There is the No Child Left Behind policy which demands certain things happen at the…
I have a cousin in law who tells this story: Her youngest child found out about sex. Then he made the connection that if he existed, his parents must have had sex. So he confronted the parents with this, and mom was forced to admit, yes, of course, this is how babies get "made" and this is simply how things are. The child did not seem too concerned. Moments later, the child noticed his sister playing in the other room. A thought occurred to him ... a light went on, as it were. He turned back to his mother with an expression somewhere between accusation and perplexity. "You did it twice…
Why am I doing this... You may have wondered why I am always putting cell biology videos up on my site. I'm doing it for a few reasons. One is to provide a resource for teachers. Some day in the not too distant future one will be able to enter "cell biology" in the search box (upper left from your perspective) and get a few peer reviewed research papers and a bunch of movies. Pursuant to this is the possibility that others will watch the films and comment (Thanks Larry, especially, for doing a lot of that). Not all films are good, not all films are usable. You could go on Youtube and…
Although secularists maintain that the cacti have evolved over the last two million years, there is very little biological or genetic research on cacti because such research, if published, would reveal the deep irreducible complexity displayed by these plants. From Conservapedia.
This video Georg Bush is fun (because of its politics) but the main thing that makes it interesting is that it keeps getting yanked. By someone. Don't ask who, don't ask dangerous questions.
A Make It Yourself Merry Molecule Mug.
Ten things you can do to help open source If you're happy just using open source, then no problem. But if you want to contribute, because you have a problem that nobody else is fixing -- or simply because you want to do your bit in exchange -- it can be difficult to know where to start. The following suggestions might just inspire you to join in. Then this post goes on to give some suggestions. Most important two: use OpenSource software, and note that you don't need to run Linux to use OpenSource software ... there is lots available for the Mac and that other system as well.
Or so it is said:
How many times do the Kansans have to go out of their way to prove to the rest of the world that Kansas is a state populated by morons, psychopaths and mental defectives? Well, OK, I admit, Kansas has no more than the normal share of psychopaths... Here is the latest, chronicled by Kevin Grandia at De-Smog Blog: Desperate times, call for desperate arguments. In a last ditch bid to build two new coal plants in Kansas, Larry Powell (R- Garden City) is making the argument that the new coal plants would be in fact good for local crops. It's worth mentioning that Garden City, Kansas is also home…
Inherit The Wind
Man, the Detroit Lions mus REALLY REALLY SUCK. I think the Vikes have had the ball six times and have gotten six TD's. Just when I was starting to think that Minnesota does not have real sports teams. Does anybody know if the Lions are any good?