Speaking of Blog Carnivals ...

The 18 edition of the Circus of the Spineless is now available for your squishy pleasure-seeking.

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Is it just because it's my birdday or has there been an unusual number of blog carnivals posted on this day? Anyway, there is another blog carnival, the 17th edition of the Circus of the Spineless that is now available for your reading pleasure. . tags: blog carnival, invertebrates
tags: invertebrates, blog carnivals The latest issue of The Circus of the Spineless is now available for your reading pleasure. This blog carnival focuses on linking to essays and images that feature invertebrates. Be sure to go there and see what they have collected for you to enjoy!
Dear Reader, are you of such a bent that you are not content with reading what I write in English? Is your inclination also to hear me speak in Swedish? Is that what you want, now? Is it? Say it! Is it? Let's be frank. I think we both know what sort of pleasure-seeking little beast you are. So head…
tags: blog carnivals, teaching The 29th edition of the Circus of the Spineless is now available for you to read and enjoy. This is another "too small" blog carnival, but it includes pieces from my favorite invertebrate zoologists, so go there and enjoy!