The Secret Powers of Time

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Professor Philip Zimbardo conveys how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being. Time influences who we are as a person, how we view relationships and how we act in the world.
tags: The surprising truth about what motivates us, tasks, simple tasks, complex tasks, commissions, innovation, mastery, economics, financial rewards, purpose motive, blog writing, making the world a better place, RSA, streaming video This video is really interesting for two reasons: first, it's a…
tags: marshmallow experiment, future-oriented, time, Philip Zimbardo, TEDTalks, streaming video In this video, psychologist Philip Zimbardo says happiness and success are rooted in a trait most of us disregard: the way we orient toward the past, present and future. He suggests we calibrate our…
One of the cherished myths of the social conservatives is the one that says that the US, by "throwing God out of the schools" has been following in the path of godless, immoral cesspools of permissiveness like Sweden or the Netherlands. And in this context, I don't mean the good kind of myth, the…

Fascinating and even more so for those of us who have grandchildren and will have to understand them in the decades to come.

My ex-wife's whole family is 100% Sicilian descent. Now I finally understand! :)

Amazing insights! It seems possible that throughout our lives as individuals we can go from being present/hedonistic to future oriented to past positive/negative, depending on the situations or locations we find ourselves in. Lots of food for thought...thanks!

I especially liked the way the drawings impact the listener, very clever.
This talk touches on so many fine point but in particular the need for the educational system in the US to start to use immersive virtual worlds (gaming technology) as a way of reaching the children that are dropping out, not only school, but society. However the hope that this will happen is slim. In the US eduction is a religion that resists change.
Another talk I recently heard, by a fellow named Leadbeater. discussed how the developing worlds will be where innovation in education will come from, for several reasons; they cannot afford traditional western systems, and the cost of technology will continue to down. Cell phones, and small computers will become learning devices in poorer countries that like schools and teachers. This innovations will drive the change in the western systems, albeit only after we lose a generation of children.

By Ted Hoppe (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

Fascinating talk. My one question is that I tried to track down the USA Today study that Dr. Zimbardo mentions. I was only able to find a sidebar to an article dated 8/5/08 that displayed some stats from an "online poll at" They seem to quote some of the stats that Dr. Zimbardo references, but an online poll doesn't strike me as statistically rigorous. Perhaps there is another piece of research that I couldn't find?