Tangled Bank: Request for Submissions

The Tangled BankI volunteered to host Tangled Bank many many months ago, and I specifically chose this date because it was closest to PZ's 50th birdthday. So won't you all help PZ celebrate his birdthday by making this issue of TB the best ever? This means that I am now requesting submissions from all of you, faithful and new readers alike. I am specifically seeking written submissions about nature, science, medicine and I will also accept images of squids, PZ's favorite animal. I am asking you to please get your submissions in early because I have a court date on the publication date, the 14th (yikes, I am being sued!), so the earlier you get your submissions to me, the more likely they will be included and given a thoughtful reading by me. As always, I have my sooper seekrit methods of getting lots of attention for my blog carnivals, so your traffic generated by this TB should be reasonably high.

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