tags: Ashcroft, Gonzales, politics, streaming video
This streaming video satirizes the Godfather by comparing it to the Ashcroft-Gonzales situation [1:03].
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tags: microwave science, humor, streaming video
This week's science experiment while drunk asks what happens when you light a match, place a glass over it, and then microwave it? [1:03]
tags: history, middle east, streaming video
This streaming video gives a brief overview of the situation in the Middle East, and why we are there now, fighting our former allies. [3:03].
I am not sure how many of you are listening to the Gonzales hearings, but you can pick them up, live and streaming, from WNYC-AM. Basically, as summarized in the below cited transcript, Gonzales is in trouble, and will either have to admit he is lying under oath or that he is an absentee/…
tags: Karl Rove, Tom Hamburger, missing emails, politics
Remember those five million or so missing White House emails .. ? It seems that BushCo have been trying to give Americans the slip, but because we are not as stupid as BushCo, we are not deceived.
As if the Gonzales fiasco was not enough, "…