What Happened to Birds in the News?

Well, I haven't forgotten about it, but I have had wifi problems over the weekend once more. In an effort to circumvent those problems, I crawled out of bed early this morning and trekked in to Lincoln Center where they have free wifi so I could work on Birds in the News for a couple hours before my laptop battery ran down completely. I sat in the bright sun (so bright that I could barely see my computer screen) between the Metropolitan Opera and the New York City Opera. Even though I logged in to the Lincoln Center wifi connection, I was still unable to access the internet! WTF? So I instead spent three hours writing a couple other articles and watching the workmen prepare for tonight's grand opening of the Metropolitan Opera.

I think I am going to have to write Birds in the News a little bit each day, and then schedule it to publish on Monday noon, as usual. The only problem is that I'll have to quickly update it each Monday with weekend stories that I find after the library closes on Saturday evening.

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