Use Your Opposable Thumb to Make A Difference: Vote!

How can you resist doing as the Bard of the Internetz asks?

She should be first on any list --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!

Let no one's vote be lost or miss'd --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!

Let one and all her cause assist --
Come join with me; I must insist!
Just move your fingers, hands, and wrist --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!

Come raise your voice and clench your fist --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!

Come march, or strut, or do the twist --
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!

Her cause is just; you can't resist;
Don't let her lose, or I'll be pissed!
(I'll stop for now -- you've got the gist)
GrrlScientist! GrrlScientist!

~ Digital Cuttlefish

If you'd like to listen to some music while you vote, tune in to my station -- kinda like a personal online radio station.

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