Antarctic and Cuttlefish Adventures

From the North, with the cold and the ice,
To the South, where the beaches are nice,
To the East, to the West,
If your country's the best
Then it's you whom I ask for advice!

-- Digital Cuttlefish

My friend and fellow blog writer, Digital Cuttlefish, is asking us to help his nature-loving son with suggestions for where in Europe to visit while he attends university in Denmark for one semester. I provided a few suggestions of my own, but I haven't lived in Europe for long, so I am hardly a good source of information for where to visit. Many of you, on the other hand, are the real experts since you either are European, or you have traveled/vacationed there. So be sure to pop over there and share your experiences.

The University of Southern California recently launched a blog, Summer in Antarctica. This blog is being published between 4 January and 1 February 2010, and will present the adventures of university students, in their own words and images, describing what it's like to learn how to do science way south. Those of you who remember my own failed bid to go to Antarctica probably don't need me to tell you that I am jealous beyond all description (they should have invited me to come along as "official blogger"). Of course I will be reading this blog every day, and hope you will too. There are only a few entries right now, so if you visit today, it won't take long to catch up with this adventure as it begins to unfold.

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