Live Chat with Mark Lynas

For anyone interested, I would like to share an email I just received:

I just wanted to remind you that we're running a live chat today at 2:30pm eastern. with Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future On A Hotter Plane on His book is the basis of National Geographic's upcoming special Six Degrees Could Change The World.

Who: Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future On A Hotter Planet.
What: Exclusive Web Chat on
When: February, 4th 2008 from 2:30-3:30pm
Where:… - click this link to visit the chat, and post your question!
Why: To provide you with access to the author who inspired National Geographic's upcoming special, Six Degrees Could Change The World airing Sunday February 10th, at 8P et/9P pt on the National Geographic Channel. Visit for more information on the show.

OK, I received it yesterday, but didn't read it til now....I guess this is last minute notice, hope at least some readers get it in time!

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I am reading your latest book, Six Degrees. I must protest your statement on page 118 "This might come as news to the average city dweller digging in to a ready meal in front of the TV". Not only is that an errogant statement but it is an ignorant statement as well. I guess your predetermined bias toward "City Dwellers" has some kind of reasoning. But being a city dweller I find that we get out more and get involved more and fill up gyms more (in reference to the TV) than the other folks I guess that you elude to as being more enviromently and physically (non-city dwellers) active. Great Book

By Kip Grooms (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink


I missed the live chat on Gather but I have been in some heated AGW debates there. Used your guide too! Say do you remember that paper the sceptics used that looked at the growing ice sheet in eastern Antarctica? I cna't find it or remember the guy's name. Iowa State U. I think? Thanks.