Christmas Crap!

Tired of the same old crap for Christmas?

Why not buy some new crap?

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PZ and Greg Laden have 'fessed up and long time readers know I write the same thing on my Sermonette each Christmas: I am a big fan of Christmas, godless bastard that I am. It is my favorite secular holiday and there is hardly anything about it I don't like. Well, there are a few things: like the…
A conservative commentator recently editorialized: For centuries, atheism has been the rake lurking around the edges of the Christmas party, but now it's slurping from the punch bowl in the middle of the room. Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are selling atheist manifestos by…
Yes, we can! My SciBling Ed Yong has collected some of his best posts from the last year and published them as a book. Yes, I already bought a copy for myself. And you should, too - just order it here. Ed says: I started Not Exactly Rocket Science as a way of reaching out to people with no…
I've been lucky. Becoming a secularist and atheist and, to some extent, activist in those areas (though I quickly add my activisms is mostly in other areas) was not to hard. Hey, this very morning Minnesota Atheists had a show on what you do for Christmas and other holidays as a non-believer, and…