Dad's Army Frazer Curse Story

Lifted from a comment by Gavin at RC.

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I know, I know, I'm late. Never mind. Gavin Schmidt has won the inaugural "AGU Climate Communication Prize"; RC has a nice toast. He looks pretty sexy, I think we can all agree, though not well centered (sometimes he looks more like some street crazy). He is clearly right-leaning, unless its a…
I am a skeptic. Not a climate skeptic, not in the sense of the improperly commandeered word we use in the climate debates. In my experience they know little of real skepticism as a general rule. But me, I really do dislike taking assertions on their face if I don't have all the facts and I really…
The pollsters in question being Bray and von Storch, who get ratty on Prometheus about Gavin "too sexy for my model" Schmidt's RC piece dissing their latest survey. Slightly confusingly, although the piece is signed by B+vS, it says I am a sociologist and Hans von Storch is a climate scientist... I…

"Waurrr Doooomed!!!"

...eventually ;¬)