August 13th was Earth Overshoot Day. The correct date, if calculated precisely, would come earlier and earlier each year, the current choice is just an approximation.
This year, the year 2015, by sometime around August 13th, humanity had consumed as much of what we require from the lands and seas as our planet can sustainabley provide in an entire year. That is another way of expressing the fact that at current consumption rates, humanity requires 1.6 planet earth's worth of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, wood and other organic materials. It is a remarkable annual deficit, and if it is…
I haven't seen this making the climate blog rounds (though I don't pay as close attention anymore as I used to...) so I thought supporters of science and detractors alike might like to know that the cat is out of the bag and the Global Warming Hoax has been exposed.
See below:
Continental drift and evolution surely fall into that that same mix.
Other original images can be viewed here. (No, they are not New Year's, but they are fireworks!)
In the video below Gavin Schmidt gives a "TED Talk" on climate models, taking us from an overview of their construction to the resulting emergent processes and their skill at reproducing much more than a global average temperature trend.
Gavin is an excellent communicator and a true hero in humanity's fight against itself over the impending and tragic disruption of our global ecosystem services. Well worth the 12 or so minutes to watch!
This video crossed my field of vision a couple of times but I did not watch it until I saw it posted again at P3, and I am glad I did.
It is really very effective in that typically satirical way of distilling the true essence of an issue via humor, but for me it also succeeding in turning my amusement into anger. I have been immersed in this issue for a very long time, and find I do not often get upset by it anymore, an unfortunate attribute of the slow emergency.
Watch the fake advertisement above and maybe cure for yourself that all too human mental defense of normalizing the outrageous...
Another good video from Peter Sinclair on his YaleClimateForum YouTube channel:
Maureen Raymo is an expert in paleo-climates. This is probably the most informative climate science specialty when it comes to anticipating the final outcome of our global experiment in climate disruption. The rapidity of the current change is outside the realm of anything previously observed which makes it very difficult to model accurately, but the end state is not.
Predicting how we get to this end state and what humanity will experience along the way is a far greater challenge, as is predicting how our…
Not related to anything really, but I find it a good laugh when this GoPro camera falls out of an airplane. There are a couple of surprising things...
Just because it's Friday.
Note: It seems there is some skepticism as to whether this is real or not, I personally don't find anything implausible about it if you can accept the unlikeliness of it specific landing spot...
A very good video on the gulf that exists between the climate science experts and the general population in terms of awareness and alarm regarding anthropogenic climate change:
(from a comment on a P3 thread)
The essence of this impending calamity is, more than anything else, a story of betrayal: betrayal of a naively trusting population by its political leaders and even more by its news media. When the denial of this crisis is finally seen to be as implausible and ludicrous as it already is, it may be too late. It may be too late already to avoid truly terrible consequences, but we must…
Some remarkable weather in North America recently as most of you probably know. Check out Jeff Masters for some of the details.
Record warmth and precipitation in AlaskaAs of January 26, 13.83" of precipitation had fallen in Valdez during the month of January. This is more than 8" above average for this point in the month, and close to the all-time record for January precipitation of 15.18", set in 2001 (records go back to 1972.) With more rain on the way Monday and Tuesday, this record could easily fall. Numerous locations in Southeast Alaska have beaten their rainiest January day on record…
Greenpeace spreads a little Christmas Fear below. I think this is very well done and all in good fun provided you keep two things in mind:
This is not appropriate for any children who think Santa is real
Santa is not real
So lighten up and enjoy your Holiday!
Filed under "Wow, this is cool!" we have a global real time wind map! (click the image)
The "About" page is here. Don't miss the fact that you can zoom in.
A little Friday Funnies video to contemplate along with the wildfire near Yosemite....
Hot Stuff by Zlatko Grgic, National Film Board of Canada
My favorite line: "Stop it! Please, I have to wash the rocks!"
Watch the video below and see if you can see where the warming stops:
(seen at the wonderful APOD site)
Here are a couple of great animations of the arctic sea ice volume over the satellite era.
(credit to Andy Lee Robinson, seen at Planet3)
While this is not news, I think the animations make two things very clear. One, is that anyone even giving the time of day to the notion that there is "nothing going on here, folks" when it comes to the arctic is in full-on head-in-the-sand denial or is a cynical liar. Two, is that contrary to the shrill shills who claim the IPCC et al are alarmists at best, exaggerating/misrepresenting the impacts of climate change at worst, the scientific consensus is…
(these are of course NA dates)
Event Title: Do the Math ... If you Love this Planet// Earth Night Gathering
Venue: Country Park {Mobile Home} Community Clubhouse
Location: Clearwater, FL
Start Time: Sunday, April 21, 7:00 PM
You can RSVP here:
Event Title: "Do the Math" sustainability tour movie at Eckerd College.
Venue: Eckerd College Campus at Fox Hall
Location: St Petersburg, FL, FL
Start Time: Sunday, April 21, 7:00 PM
You can RSVP here:…
Seen on APOD, please enjoy this stunning act of simple observation.
Full Moon Silhouettes Video Credit & Copyright: Mark Gee; Music: Tenderness (Dan Phillipson)
From APOD's description:
One impressive moonrise was imaged two nights ago over Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. With detailed planning, an industrious astrophotographer placed a camera about two kilometers away and pointed it across the lookout to where the Moon would surely soon be making its nightly debut. The above single shot sequence is unedited and shown in real time -- it is not a time lapse. People…
I first saw this video at Planet 3.0 a fair while ago and have seen it posted again since. I find it very uplifting despite being a jaded climate blogger of many years. There are many other science-based music videos at and I have listened/watch most (all?) of them, but this is the best as well as being on topic here.
I think it is just about the perfect mix of the various elements of outreach needed to motivate the general public: explanation, urgency and optimism.