Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Disruption News
December 13, 2009
- Chuckles, COP15, COP15 Dailies, COP15 Tools, COP15 Alternate Forums, COP15 The Editorial, COP15 Demonstrators
- GermanWatch, Mediterranean Flood, CRU, Bottom Line, Carbon Tariffs, In the Balance
- Melting Arctic, Arctic Mode Switch, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Pledges, Baseline Follies, Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, CO2 Sensitivity, Temperatures
- Aerosols, Paleoclimate, ENSO, Ocean Currents, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Wacky Weather, Wildfires, Acidification, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Flood & Drought
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs , Misc. Science, Schneider, Svensmark, Jerraud, Hansen, Pielke
- Kyoto, UN, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Tobin Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- International Politics, Religioso, Polls, Cash for X
- America, Obama, CO2 Endangerment, Congress, Britain, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Canada
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- Energy, Fracking, Wind, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Efficiency, Cars, Business, Greenwashing
- Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
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- 2009/12/09: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) SlamDown Day 2
- 2009/12/08: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) SlamDown Day 1 - update
- 2009/12/07: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) And so it begins...
- 2009/12/06: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Good Business Guide
- 2009/12/09: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) Nature's Adaptation Process
- 2009/12/11: ClimateP: (cartoon - Luckovich) That Explains the Polar Bear
- 2009/12/09: Seppo: (cartoon) Summary of the Climate Summit
- 2009/12/12: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) 2C or not 2C
- 2009/12/11: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Protest and Survive
- 2009/12/10: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Day three round up - odds and evens
- 2009/12/11: Grist: Employees* rage against the Coke machine in Copenhagen [*Yes men]
- 2009/12/13: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Monsters from the id
- 2009/12/08: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) The Fire Brigade
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: (cartoon - Anderson) Missing the Big Picture
On the road to Copenhagen:
- COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen 2009
- 2009/12/09: CSM: Opportunity in Copenhagen: take on energy subsidies
Their goal is to spur growth, but these billions spent on fossil fuels just drain budgets while helping the rich. - 2009/12/10: ANN: India rejects Tuvalu's call at Copenhagen
India has hit back at Tuvalu during international climate talks in Copenhagen following the Pacific Island nation's insistence on a legally-binding agreement to cut carbon emissions. A number of small African and Pacific countries supported Tuavlu's call for amendments to the Kyoto Protocol that would force emerging economies to accept a legally binding treaty to slash CO2 pollution, starting in 2013. - 2009/12/10: AlterNet: The Choice at Copenhagen: Heroism or Collective Suicide
- 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen talks break down as developing nations split over 'Tuvalu' protocol
- 2009/12/10: BBC: Paying to keep the rainforests standing
A UN-backed scheme [REDD] to reduce carbon emissions from the burning of forests could be one of the big winners of the Copenhagen climate summit, with the possibility of a big injection of funds. The BBC's Paulo Cabral has been to the Amazon to visit one of the most advanced pilot projects. - 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Ban Ki-moon reasserts leadership in Copenhagen climate talks
Danish text raised 'trust issues' between rich and poor countries but won't derail deal, says UN secretary-general - 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Climate policy experts respond to outcry over Danish text
- 2009/12/09: EurActiv: Leaked climate agreement widens rich-poor divide
A row in Copenhagen widened divisions between developed and developing countries yesterday (8 December) over a leaked document spelling out details of a political agreement which is reportedly seen as setting unequal limits per capita carbon emissions between rich and poor countries. But negotiators called for order and a focus on the essentials. - 2009/12/09: UN: Copenhagen talks heading towards agreement on new climate deal - UN
- 2009/12/11: EUO: Europe offers 7 billion euros for third world climate cash
- 2009/12/11: EurActiv: EU summit struggles to raise climate aid cash
- 2009/12/11: EurActiv: EU cobbles together climate aid for Copenhagen
- 2009/12/11: EUO: Poland tries to shed image of climate bad guy
- 2009/12/11: UN: New texts put forward at UN climate conference as discussions continue
- 2009/12/11: NatureCF: Copenhagen round up
- 2009/12/11: MongaBay: REDD may miss up to 80 percent of land use change emissions
- 2009/12/11: PhysOrg: Draft Copenhagen deal targets maximum 2 C warming
- 2009/12/10: ClimateShifts: Update from Copenhagen: How things have changed.
- 2009/12/11: COP15: Chinese official: Stern "irresponsible"
China and the US continue their barbed exchange. The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei ... says that [Todd Stern] the US chief negotiator either lacks common sense or is "extremely irresponsible". - 2009/12/11: COP15: Russia sets conditions for climate deal
- 2009/12/11: COP15: Africa downplays chances of a deal
African Union climate negotiator Meles Zenawi says the main obstacle for a climate deal is whether or not rich countries can come up with sufficient funding for developing countries. - 2009/12/11: PhysOrg: UN talks: Rich nations must make big emission cuts
- 2009/12/11: PlanetArk: Kyoto Protocol Seen Extended In U.N. Climate Draft
- 2009/12/11: Grist: U.S. takes daft position on agriculture at climate talks
- 2009/12/10: DeSmogBlog: CEO: Business Lobby Pushing Self-Interest Over Success
- 2009/12/11: EarthTimes: Draft climate document narrows in on Copenhagen agreement
- 2009/12/10: EarthTimes: Chinese climate proposal places burden on developed world
- 2009/12/11: Google:AFP: Climate talks: First blows are struck over proposed deal
Major players fired the first shots in a three-way battle on climate change on Friday, wrangling over a seven-page document proposed as the blueprint of a historic UN pact. The world's No. 1 and 2 polluters, China and the United States, laid down markers in what promises to be a fiery week-long haggle while developing countries likened European leaders -- who had pledged more than 10 billion dollars in aid just hours before -- to "climate skeptics." The text, seen by AFP, sees targets of limiting global warming to 1.5 or 2.0 degrees Celsius (2.7 or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit). It also foresees a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol boycotted by the United States. But it is vague on climate funding, does not spell out a deadline for concluding a legally-binding treaty, and does not include a year by which emissions must peak -- all key negotiation issues. - 2009/12/10: HuffPo: Saboteurs at Copenhagen [Congressional Republican Flat Earth Caucus]
- 2009/12/11: CCP: Mother Jones: The Copenhagen Pre-Blame Game
- 2009/12/11: CCP: The COP15 Blame Game
At the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (Cop15), global leaders aren't just negotiating a climate deal -- they're positioning to avoid blame if the talks fail. - 2009/12/11: HotTopic: The business of climate change -- who really bears the burden?
- 2009/12/11: TP:WR: US Climate Envoy Claims We Were 'Blissfully Ignorant' Of The Greenhouse Effect Until Recently
- 2009/12/11: BBC: EU leaders have agreed to pay 7.2bn euros (£6.5bn; $10.6bn) over the next three years to help developing nations adapt to climate change
- 2009/12/11: BBC: EU's climate aid pledge dismissed
- 2009/12/11: BBC: Copenhagen publishes draft text
Rich countries are being asked to raise their pledges on tackling climate change under a draft text of a possible final deal at the Copenhagen summit. Documents prepared by the summit's chairmen call on developed nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25-45% from 1990 levels by 2020. Analyses suggest that current pledges add up to about 18%. - 2009/12/11: BBC: Harrabin's Notes: Inside Copenhagen
In his regular column, the BBC's environment analyst, Roger Harrabin, offers an insight of life inside the UN climate summit in Copenhagen. - 2009/12/11: CBC: UN climate draft sets tougher emission targets
- 2009/12/11: CBC: European leaders pledge cash for climate change
Leaders of the countries of the European Union agreed Friday to contribute 7.2 billion euros ($11.14 billion Cdn) over the next three years to help poorer countries grapple with global warming. - 2009/12/10: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen: Barack Obama backs Norway-Brazil forest protection plan
- 2009/12/10: Guardian(UK): Vulnerable nations at Copenhagen summit reject 2C target
- 2009/12/12: CBS: Thousands Protest Amid Climate Bickering
600 Detained at March: Rich Nations Object to Draft Pact's Emission-Reduction Goals for Industrial vs. Emerging Economies - 2009/12/12: UN: UN brings voices of people suffering effects of climate change to world leaders
- 2009/12/11: NatureCF: Copenhagen, day five: Multiple bubbles, too many choices and one giant question mark
[...] The question on the minds of scientists I talked to was not necessarily whether there would be an agreement but whether that agreement would do what it needs to do. - 2009/12/11: ScienceInsider: Forests Deal Lurching Forward in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: MongaBay: New REDD text is weak, say activists
- 2009/12/12: COP15: India: No to peaking year
India has set up clear limits to the kind of climate commitments it is ready make in Copenhagen, says Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh. India says no to a peaking year of emissions and rejects international scrutiny of domestic measures to cut greenhouse gases. - 2009/12/12: TreeHugger: Tuvalu Negotiator Delivers a Tear-Jerking Call for the Toughest Climate Treaty at Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: EarthTimes: Greenpeace accuses Merkel of failing on climate change
- 2009/12/12: EarthTimes: Copenhagen drafts 'not adequate,' EU says
- 2009/12/09: CFO: [UNFCCC head, Yvo] De Boer plays down Danish text, as climate talks turn tough
- 2009/12/10: CCurrents: High Drama In Copenhagen
- 2009/12/11: CCurrents: Three Tracks In Copenhagen
- 2009/12/11: CCurrents: Leaders Of The Rich World Are Enacting A Giant Fraud
Every delegate to the Copenhagen summit is being greeted by the sight of a vast fake planet dominating the city's central square. This swirling globe is covered with corporate logos -- the Coke brand is stamped over Africa, while Carlsberg appears to own Asia, and McDonald's announces "I'm loving it!" in great red letters above. "Welcome to Hopenhagen!" it cries. It is kept in the sky by endless blasts of hot air. This plastic planet is the perfect symbol for this summit. The world is being told that this is an emergency meeting to solve the climate crisis -- but here inside the Bela Centre where our leaders are gathering, you can find only a corrupt shuffling of words, designed to allow countries to wriggle out of the bare minimum necessary to prevent the unravelling of the biosphere. - 2009/12/12: CCurrents: We Hold The Key To Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: CCurrents: India 'Ditches' The Developing World At Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: CCurrents: Overview Of Key Party Positions
- 2009/12/12: CCurrents: New Draft Agreements Released
- 2009/12/12: CCurrents: Copenhagen Comes Down To A Numbers Game
- 2009/12/09: CJR: Copenhagen Watch: Disarray in Denmark? With its first leaked document, the climate summit warms up
- 2009/12/11: CJR: Copenhagen Watch: Haggling at Halftime -- With scoops hard to come by, journalists converge on the latest rifts
- 2009/12/12: PRWatch: The Story behind COP15, G77, Klimaforum09 and the Tired Ambassador
- 2009/12/09: PRWatch: Climate Talks Turn Radioactive
- 2009/12/10: PRWatch: Eyewitness at the UN Climate Conference
- 2009/12/11: BBerg: Richest Nations Fall Short in First Copenhagen Draft
- 2009/12/12: TP:WR: Copenhagen Can Jumpstart Twenty Million Low-Carbon Jobs In An Interconnected World
- 2009/12/12: BBC: Copenhagen's battle over money
The Copenhagen climate summit's search for a deal to curb the world's greenhouse gas emissions won't succeed unless there is agreement on another thing too - money. - 2009/12/11: AlterNet: Report from Copenhagen: Negotiations Heat Up, Tuvalu Fights for Survival
- 2009/12/11: Guardian(UK): New Copenhagen negotiating text fails to win over developing nations
- 2009/12/10: UN: Progress made on technology in Copenhagen climate talks -- UN official
- 2009/12/10: NatureCF: Copenhagen: Upon arrival, yesterday's news today
- 2009/12/10: NatureCF: Copenhagen round up
- 2009/12/10: ScienceInsider: The "Danish Text," Tuvalu, and the Leverage of Poor Nations in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): The Federal Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has played down tensions at the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/10: COP15: Nations demand tougher climate goals
The two-degree target has split the UN right down the middle. According to the Alliance of Small Island States, more than a hundred nations demand a 1.5-degree limit on the global temperature rise. - 2009/12/10: COP15: [Russian President Dmitry] Medvedev to attend conference
- 2009/12/10: Reuters: More than 100 nations back tougher climate goals
More than half the countries at 192-nation U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen back far tougher goals for limiting global warming than those favored by rich nations, a group of small island states said on Monday.
The least developed nations, mostly in Africa, and small island states all support the 1.5 Celsius goal that would require cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by rich nations of at least 45 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. - 2009/12/10: OilChange: Hypocrisy and Contradictions at the COP
- 2009/12/10: TreeHugger: 'Copenhagen' Hits #1 Most Discussed Topic on Google
- 2009/12/09: Yahoo:Reuters: U.S. sees robust climate talks, no "reparations"
President Barack Obama's top aides promised on Wednesday "robust" negotiations toward a global climate change deal this month, but firmly stated the United States does not owe the world "reparations" for centuries of carbon pollution.
Todd Stern, Obama's special envoy for climate change, assured reporters that the United States will contribute to a rich-country fund aimed at helping developing nations deal with climate change problems.
"We absolutely recognize our historic role in putting emissions in the atmosphere, up there, but the sense of guilt or culpability or reparations, I just categorically reject that," Stern said in response to a reporter's question. - 2009/12/10: TreeHugger: 100 Nations Call to Keep World Temperature from Rising 1.5 C
- 2009/12/10: EarthTimes: Climate funding, economy top agenda at EU summit
- 2009/12/09: NatureTGB: Copenhagen In Quotes
- 2009/12/09: NatureCF: Copenhagen: leaks and peaks
- 2009/12/09: MongaBay: Nuclear option in Copenhagen? [75% ratification]
- 2009/12/09: KSJT: BBC: One veteran news reporter's word from inside the Copenhagen hot house
- 2009/12/09: MongaBay: Islands and African nations present toughest treaty yet to combat global warming
- 2009/12/09: MongaBay: Gore, Moon, and Rasmussen attempt to regain trust after 'Danish Text' leak in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/09: MongaBay: Developed countries plan to hide emissions from logging
- 2009/12/13: Grist: On the message -- not the arrests -- of Copenhagen's mass rally
- 2009/12/13: COP15: African Union threatens to scuttle a deal
African Union climate negotiator Meles Zenawi has sought Chinese and Indian backing if the African demands are not being taken seriously. - 2009/12/13: COP15: Scientists: Climate talks aim too low for target
The cuts in greenhouse gases offered at the 192-nation climate conference are "clearly not enough" to assure the world it will head off dangerous global warming, a key UN-affiliated scientist said Saturday. - 2009/12/13: DeSmogBlog: Mother Jones CopenPrimer
- 2009/12/12: SolveClimate: Deforestation Deal, Copenhagen's Supposed Savior, Hits New Low as Targets Dropped
- 2009/12/13: HotTopic: Behind the scenes in Copenhagen: Oxfam's view
- 2009/12/12: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen climate change conference in pictures: Day six (12 pictures)
- 2009/12/13: CCP: 55,000 Walk Against Global Warming in Melbourne and Sydney, sending message to Rudd
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: Getting to Yes on international climate financing: A new proposal by UK, Mexico, Norway and Australia
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Aviation on agenda at climate conference
Delegates at the Copenhagen climate change conference are being told that the price of air travel has to rise as the world meets the challenge of capping carbon emissions and keeping temperatures from rising. - 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): A major split has emerged between developing countries at the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen over the best way to help the most vulnerable countries
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Representatives of Australia's northern Aboriginal land councils will fly to the United Nations' climate change conference in Copenhagen today
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): An Australian cyclist [Kim Nguyen] who has spent 16 months cycling from Brisbane to the UN climate talks in Copenhagen says the journey has given him a host of accounts of how global warming is changing lives for the worse.
- 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: EPA head [Lisa Jackson]: US must make up for lost time on climate
The top U.S. environmental official told a divided U.N. climate conference Wednesday that the Obama administration's moves to "make up for lost time" and cut greenhouse gases would complement congressional action and wasn't intended to bypass recalcitrant lawmakers. - 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: 3 Questions: Henry Jacoby on Copenhagen
The co-director of MIT's Global Change program discusses what to expect from the U.N. Climate Change Conference, and the effects of 'Climategate.' - 2009/12/09: Grist: The 'leaked draft' non-story and Copenhagen journo-hype
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Activists rally at alternative [Peoples'] Climate Summit in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Copenhagen: Where Africa took on Obama
- 2009/12/10: PlanetArk: China Calls For More Emissions Cuts From U.S.
- 2009/12/10: PlanetArk: Four Nations [Britain, Australia, Mexico & Norway] Outline "Green Fund" Plan For U.N. Deal
- 2009/12/09: PlanetArk: Poor Demand More From Rich To Unlock Climate Talks
- 2009/12/08: DerSpiegel: The World from Berlin -- 'Copenhagen Agreement Would Be a Pact for Peace'
All eyes are on Copenhagen this week and next as 15,000 delegates from 192 countries strive to come up with an agreement to save the planet. But not all issues related to climate change will be discussed during the summit. German commentators discuss a few of them on Tuesday, including the carbon footprint created by European tourists in the world. - 2009/12/09: DerSpiegel: 'Copenhagen Is About Doing As Little As Possible' [Dennis Meadows interview]
- 2009/12/09: WorldChanging: Climate Negotiators Push For "Solution" Rather Than Treaty
- 2009/12/09: Reuters: U.S. sees robust climate talks, no "reparations"
- 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Nations Rush to Create the First Draft of a Global Climate Treaty at COP15
- 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: What is the EU's Position on a Legally-Binding Agreement?
- 2009/12/09: EarthTimes: Climate talks stall over legally-binding commitments
Copenhagen - Key United Nations climate talks temporarily broke down Wednesday after major emitters refused to back a call from Tuvalu for a legally-binding text to be agreed in Copenhagen. The low-lying Pacific state, whose survival is threatened by rising sea levels, had asked delegates from more than 190 countries to work on a new protocol designed to force big emission cuts around the globe. But its demand was opposed by China and India, among others, forcing a suspension in the negotiations. - 2009/12/09: EarthTimes:EU accuses China of blocking issues at climate talks
- 2009/12/09: EarthTimes: Danes reject developing nations' criticism of climate draft
- 2009/12/09: EarthTimes: Ahmadinejad to attend climate change summit in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/09: EarthTimes: Climate talks continue amid north-south row
- 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: China slams rich nations as leaked draft causes uproar
- 2009/12/09: BizGreen: Copenhagen: Danish text row rumbles on
- 2009/12/09: CCP: Listen to the Islands: Tuvalu is the Real Deal -- COP15
- 2009/12/09: CCP: Lumumba Di-Aping, Sudanese negotiator at COP15, calls Danish text a suicide pact
- 2009/12/09: CCP: Richard Black of the BBC: COP15 Copenhagen Climate Summit: Day 3
- 2009/12/08: CCP: Richard Black of the BBC: COP15 Copenhagen Climate Summit: Day 2
- 2009/12/09: HotTopic: Copenhagen: opening thoughts
- 2009/12/09: CCurrents: Copenhagen: Waiting In Anticipation
- 2009/12/09: CCurrents: Cold Spell In Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: CCurrents: Copenhagen Climate Summit In Disarray After 'Danish Text' Leak
- 2009/12/08: WikiLeaks: [link to 242k pdf] [the Danish text] Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement...
- 2009/12/09: BizGreen: Further rifts emerge on day three of Copenhagen
Split emerges between developing nations, as [GCI] think-tank argues Danish text contained more ambition from industrialised countries than first thought - 2009/12/09: TP:WR: Copenhagen Diary: Ukraine Sweeps The Fossil Of The Day Awards
- 2009/12/09: TP:WR: Copenhagen Analysis: Reaction of G77 to Danish Draft Agreement is Typical Overblown COP Drama
- 2009/12/08: TP:WR: Copenhagen Dispatch: Musings On Progressivism, Fascism, And Science
- 2009/12/09: BBC: Developing countries split on CO2
A major split between developing countries has emerged at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen, Denmark. Small island states and poor African nations vulnerable to climate impacts laid out demands for a legally-binding deal tougher than the Kyoto Protocol. This was opposed by richer developing states such as China, which fear tougher action would curb their growth. - 2009/12/09: BBC: Poor nations await UN Kyoto cash
Poor countries suffering from the effects of climate change are yet to receive a penny from a flagship United Nations fund, the BBC has learnt. In 2001, Kyoto Protocol signatories decided to establish the Adaptation Fund, to transfer cash to countries vulnerable to the changing climate. However, it has taken years to set up the Adaptation Fund's structure and appoint the required staff. It was eventually established in December 2007. According to the World Bank, $33.7m is in the fund's bank account. The latest set of accounts for the Adaptation Fund show no projects in developing countries have received any money from the Fund. However, $7m has been spent on establishing the programme and paying for administration. - 2009/12/09: CBC: Developing nations decry Danish climate plan
- 2009/12/08: CBC: Climate conference yields few benefits: delegates
- 2009/12/08: BBC: Draft text divides climate summit
Documents leaked at the UN climate summit reveal divisions between industrialised and developing countries over the shape of a possible new deal. Campaigners say a draft text proposed by the Danish host government would disadvantage poorer nations. It also sees everything coming under a single new deal, whereas an alternative text from developing countries wants an extension to the Kyoto Protocol. Other blocs are expected to release their own texts in the next few days. - 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen: Leaked draft deal widens rift between rich and poor nations
- 2009/12/08: EUO: Europe accused of dirty tricks in Copenhagen
Europe, the US and other advanced nations have been accused of pressuring developing countries to pull experienced negotiators and excluding them from access to draft documents in an effort to undermine their position at the bargaining table. Ahead of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen that opened on Monday (7 December), Bernaditas Muller, co-ordinator for the G77 and China group of countries was suddenly dropped from the Philippine delegation without explanation. - 2009/12/08: UN: Future of humanity hinges on Copenhagen climate conference, Ban says
- 2009/12/08: NatureCF: Copenhagen: the scientists' view
- 2009/12/08: KSJT: Lots of Ink ON Copenhagen. Here's some FROM Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: MongaBay: Leaked document in Copenhagen seen as sidelining poor countries
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: Copenhagen Diary: Fossil Fool of the Day
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: Copenhagen Kickoff
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Leaked agreement rocks Copenhagen
The Copenhagen climate talks have been rocked by the leak of a draft final agreement which weakens the role of the United Nations in climate change negotiations and abandons the Kyoto Protocol. The "Danish text" draft agreement, published by the UK's Guardian newspaper, has been described as a dangerous document for developing countries. Over the past week, parts of Denmark's proposal have leaked into the public domain, but this is the first time it has been published in its entirety. - 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Climate delegates ponder developing world hurdles
The first day of the Copenhagen summit wrapped up with warnings this may be the last chance for world leaders to come to an agreement that will halt the rise in global temperatures. - 2009/12/08: PlanetArk: Poorer Nations Target Mid-2010 Climate Deal
- 2009/12/07: Grist: At Copenhagen Climate Conference, an undercurrent of theft and deceit
- 2009/12/07: Grist: COP15 controversy gives "green room" a whole new meaning -- Copenhagen day 1: Scandal! Bullying!
- 2009/12/08: Grist: Early draft at climate talks unleashes activists' ire
- 2009/12/07: ClimateShifts: COP15: Cold and grey but buzzing with excitement and hope
- 2009/12/08: PlanetArk: Africa Seeking $40 Billion/Year In Climate Aid
- 2009/12/08: COP15: Unity is fragile within the G-77
Indonesia, former chair of the Group of 77, proposes to extend the time frame for a new global climate treaty until June 2010. But there is a conflict of interests within the group, The Jakarta Post reports. - 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak
Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement that would hand more power to rich nations, sideline the UN's negotiating role and abandon the Kyoto protocol - 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: Climate negotiators get down to business in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: WSJ:EnvCap: China to U.S.: Try Harder on Emissions
- 2009/12/08: WSJ:EnvCap: China Has Much to Lose in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: Tyee: The Elephants of Doom in Copenhagen -- What people there should be talking about to save humanity, and why they won't.
- 2009/12/08: NewInt:TEB: The news from Copenhagen: bullying and back-room deals
- 2009/12/08: TPM: Copenhagen: Your Quick And Dirty Guide
- 2009/12/08: SolveClimate: Despite the Hype, Forestry Scheme in Copenhagen Still Seriously Flawed
- 2009/12/08: CCP: Kevin Conrad, hero of Bali, wants rule changes at Copenhagen -- goooooo Kevin!!!
- 2009/12/08: G&M: Climate change is not weather change -- As the Copenhagen talks open, there's lots of bogus science around [Can pol]
- 2009/12/07: Belfer: Defining Success for Climate Negotiations in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: DemNow: Climate Change and the Global South: A Roundtable Discussion
- 2009/12/07: DemNow: Voices from Africa: Drought, Crop Shortages, Deforestation and Increasing Number of Climate Refugees Linked to Climate Change
- 2009/12/07: DemNow: Climate Countdown: Largest Climate Summit in World History Opens in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Hopes of a deal remain high as climate talks open in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: EurActiv: Global climate talks enter decisive phase
Long-awaited international talks kick off today (7 December) in Copenhagen, with negotiators from 192 countries meeting to hammer out a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change. - 2009/12/07: EUO: 'Greatest show on Earth' opens in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: UN: Landmark UN climate change conference kicks off in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: NatureCF: COP15: Summit opens with stark warning [flash]
- 2009/12/07: NatureCF: Copenhagen coverage on Climate Feedback
- 2009/12/07: ScienceInsider: Copenhagen Opens: Obama Fires What Bullets He Has on Climate Actions
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Krugman: Copenhagen deal "would save the planet at a price we can easily afford ... and it would actually help us in our current economic predicament."
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Copenhagen 101
- 2009/12/07: MongaBay: Europe says US and China emission targets don't go far enough
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): World heads to Copenhagen for climate talks
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Divisions run deep in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Copenhagen climate talks open
A landmark 192-nation conference with the task of drawing up a battle plan against global warming is underway in Copenhagen. - 2009/12/07: PlanetArk: Factbox: Who Is Going To Copenhagen?
- 2009/12/07: PlanetArk: Factbox: Climate Offers, Demands By Top CO2 Emitters
- 2009/12/07: PlanetArk: U.N. Climate Talks To Seek Deep CO2 Cuts, Aid
- 2009/12/07: Grist: The physics of Copenhagen: Why politics-as-usual may mean the end of civilization [McKibben]
- 2009/12/07: Grist: As Copenhagen kicks off, a Good News roundup
- 2009/12/06: MTobis: Is Copenhagen Irrelevant?
- 2009/12/07: COP15: COP15 - day 1 roundup
- 2009/12/07: DM:80B: Day One: U.N. Climate Summit Begins in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: WWI: Finance Disagreements Loom Over Copenhagen Summit
- 2009/12/07: COP15: Countries' positions at a glance [links not data]
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: COP15 Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen Begin Today
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: Climate Bottom Meeting Puts Spotlight on Communities, Traditional Knowledge & Climate Change
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: COP15 in Pictures - Day One (Slideshow)
- 2009/12/07: EarthTimes: Rich nations win climate 'shame' [Fossil of the Day] award
- 2009/12/07: EarthTimes: Merkel demands movement from India and China on climate
- 2009/12/07: EarthTimes: Optimism marks opening day of climate summit
- 2009/12/07: EarthTimes: African Union leader warns of catastrophe if Copenhagen fails
- 2009/12/07: EarthTimes: Call for action at mammoth UN climate change summit
- 2009/12/07: DeSmogBlog: Copenhagen: Is there dawn after this dark hour?
- 2009/12/07: OilChange: "The time is up"
- 2009/12/07: Reuters: U.N. summit should pave way for global CO2 market
- 2009/12/06: GMANews: Sudan adopts key negotiator excluded by RP in climate talks
Sudan has adopted veteran Philippine negotiator Bernarditas de Castro Muller after she was dropped from the country's official delegation to the landmark climate change talks here that are scheduled to begin Monday, sources from the Sudanese delegation said Sunday. Muller serves as the coordinator and spokesperson of G77 and China, the main negotiating bloc defending the interests of more than 130 developing countries in the crucial negotiations, which will run from Dec. 7 to 18 in the capital of Denmark. Sudan, represented by Ambassador Lumumuba di Aping, is currently the chair of G77 and China. The information from the Sudanese delegation was confirmed by Elenita Dano of the Third World Network, a close associate of Muller. - 2009/12/06: Tyee: Against Copenhagen -- Why we need to 'lose' at this week's climate summit if we are to win the fight against global warming.
- 2009/12/07: LA Times: Copenhagen climate talks will hinge on economics
Most nations agree on the dangers of climate change and its causes. The question is how to balance the risks and opportunities of curbing carbon emissions and promoting cleaner energy. - 2009/12/04: CSM: At climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, the energy is in renewables
Progress at Copenhagen in curbing global warming may come from countries such as China and India wanting business in the solar and wind industries. - 2009/12/07: PRWatch: A Roadmap to the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
- 2009/12/06: SwissInfo: Switzerland has its word to say in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: NYT: Climate Talks Open With Calls for Urgent Action
Copenhagen - A much-anticipated global meeting of nearly 200 nations -- all seeking what has so far been elusive common ground on the issue of climate change -- began here on Monday with an impassioned airing of what leaders here called the political and moral imperatives at hand. "The clock has ticked down to zero," said the United Nations' climate chief, Yvo de Boer. "After two years of negotiation, the time has come to deliver." From now until Dec. 18, delegates will try to hammer out some of the most vexing details involved in the pursuit of a global climate accord. - 2009/12/07: Google:AFP: Copenhagen climate conference opens to dire warnings
- 2009/12/07: BBC: The world wants action on climate change
The UN climate summit in Copenhagen must not become another talking shop, bogged down by divisions and confusion, says Andy Atkins. In this week's Green Room, he calls on leaders of industrialised nations to deliver on their "legal and moral" duty to cut global emissions. - 2009/12/07: CBC: Copenhagen climate change summit opens
- 2009/12/07: AlterNet: Why Copenhagen May Be a Disaster [McKibben]
- 2009/12/07: CanWest: Climate change is all about water [COP15 & h2o]
- 2009/12/07: G&M: No good guys at Copenhagen
Perusing Copenhagen coverage both in my morning read and in the Washington Post, I see that it's now agreed -- after much to-ing and fro-ing -- that Canada and the United States are both proposing to reduce carbon emissions by around 3 per cent relative to 1990 levels. - 2009/12/07: BBC: Delegates from 192 countries are gathering in the Danish capital Copenhagen for the opening of the long-awaited UN summit on climate change
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): A perfect storm
Twitterers, blogging activists and other interest groups will outnumber the media at the world climate change summit in Copehagen - 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): 'Fourteen days to seal history's judgment on this generation'
The Daily reports:
- 2009/12/12: IISD:ENB: Copenhagen Highlights -- Saturday, 12 December 2009
- 2009/12/12: IISD:ENB: Copenhagen Highlights -- Friday, 11 December 2009
- 2009/12/11: IISD:ENB: Copenhagen Highlights -- Thursday, 10 December 2009
- 2009/12/10: IISD:ENB: Copenhagen Highlights -- Wednesday, 9 December 2009
- 2009/12/09: IISD:ENB: Copenhagen Highlights - Tuesday, 8 December 2009
- 2009/12/08: IISD:ENB: Copenhagen Highlights -- Monday, 7 December 2009
- 2009/12/07: IISD: Earth Negotiations Bulletin
- 2009/12/07: BBC:RB: COP15 Copenhagen climate summit: Day 1
- 2009/12/08: BBC:RB: COP15 Copenhagen climate summit: Day 2
- 2009/12/09: BBC:RB: COP15 Copenhagen climate summit: Day 3
- 2009/12/10: BBC:RB: COP15 Copenhagen climate summit: Day 4
- 2009/12/11: BBC:RB: COP15 Copenhagen climate summit: Day 5
- 2009/12/11: CleanBreak: Copenhagen brain squeeze: Day 4
- 2009/12/10: CleanBreak: Copenhagen Brain Squeeze: Day 3
- 2009/12/08: CleanBreak: Copenhagen brain squeeze: Day 2
- 2009/12/08: CleanBreak: Copenhagen brain squeeze: Day 1
- 2009/12/11: TP:WR: Copenhagen, Day Five: Negotiations Move Slowly Forward
- 2009/12/10: TP:WR: Copenhagen, Day Four: Saving Forests As The Clock Ticks For Tuvalu
- 2009/12/11: ClimateP: China in Copenhagen Day 5: No Country is an Island -- The new AOSIS text, and China's reaction
- 2009/12/11: ClimateP: China in Copenhagen Day 4: Back to BASICS!
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: China in Copenhagen Day 2: Su Wei gets tough on the developed world
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: China in Copenhagen Day 1: Framing the Issues
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: Copenhagen, Day Three: From Tuvalu to Todd Stern
- 2009/12/10: ClimateP: Copenhagen, Day Four: Saving Forests as the Clock Ticks for Tuvalu
- 2009/12/09: TP:WR: Copenhagen, Day Three: From Tuvalu To Sarah Palin
- 2009/12/11: COP15: COP15 - day 5 roundup
- 2009/12/09: COP15: COP15 - day 3 roundup
Tools to keep track make sense of Copenhagen:
- 2009/12/11: UNEP: UNEP Launches Peoples' Climate Pledge Tracker
- 2009/12/11: UN: UN online tool allows people to track nations' pledges on climate change
- 2009/12/11: CSW: "Climate Scoreboard" - new widget simulates warming consequences of Copenhagen proposals
In the alternate forums at Copenhagen:
- 2009/12/09: TerraDaily: Copenhagen hosts alternative climate summit
- 2009/12/12: Tyee:TheHook: In the heart of Copenhagen, a 'people's' climate forum
- 2009/12/11: EnergyBulletin: Transition Reflections from Copenhagen: Naresh Giangrange blogs from COP15
- 2009/12/11: Guardian(UK): Summit fever rules in Copenhagen
From running delegates to dancing NGOs, the Bella centre is febrile. At alternative summits around the city, it feels like a party - 2009/12/09: COP15: Grassroots: Last 30 years of fossil fuels
Unlike at the UN conference, no accreditation is needed at the People's Climate Summit in Copenhagen. Some 10,000 participants are preparing their recommendations for the world's leaders. - 2009/12/09: AlterNet: Copenhagen Won't Be Enough -- Only a 'Human Movement' Can Save Civilization from the Climate Crisis
The Guardian editorial on Copenhagen showed up all over the place:
- 2009/12/09: AFTIC: Guardian's editorial on Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: RealClimate: The Guardian's Editorial
- 2009/12/09: Tamino: The better angels of our nature
- 2009/12/07: SciNews: Newspapers issue strong warning on climate -- Getting ready for the Copenhagen climate talks
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: 56 Papers in 45 Countries Publish Joint Editorial warning...
- 2009/12/08: PeakEnergy: 'Fourteen days to seal history's judgment on this generation'
- 2009/12/07: KSJT: Guardian writes a Copenhagen editorial, sends it around, rewrites and voila -- It's in 54 newspapers
- 2009/12/07: CCP: The Guardian: 56 papers run editorial in 20 languages on Copenhagen
Copenhagen climate change conference: 'Fourteen days to seal history's judgment on this generation' - 2009/12/06: Guardian(UK): How the climate change global editorial project came about
Today 56 major newspapers in 45 countries speak with one voice on climate change ahead of the Copenhagen summit. This is how it happened - 2009/12/11: ABC(Au): Copenhagen protests set to escalate
- 2009/12/11: Grist: Danish police arrest 68 climate protesters; major protest planned for Saturday
- 2009/12/11: EarthTimes: Danish police arrest 75 on eve of climate demonstration
- 2009/12/11: EarthTimes: Tens of thousands to protest at Copenhagen climate summit
- 2009/12/13: ABC(Au): Violence mars Copenhagen climate protests
- 2009/12/12: ABC(Au): Massive turnout for Walk Against Warming -- 90,000 across Australia
- 2009/12/12: Grist: Tens of thousands march for climate action
- 2009/12/12: Grist: Noisy and colorful, Copenhagen demonstrators push negotiators to act
- 2009/12/12: TreeHugger: As Massive March Descends On Climate Negotiations, Copenhagen On Edge
- 2009/12/12: EarthTimes: Thousands attend Copenhagen climate demonstration
- 2009/12/12: EarthTimes: Copenhagen climate demonstration mostly peaceful
- 2009/12/12: CJA: Copenhagen police accused of violating human rights at UN climate summit
- 2009/12/12: Rabble:CoC: Maude Barlow comments on today's march and the arrests in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: BBC: Copenhagen rally leads to arrests
Trouble has broken out as thousands of people marched through Copenhagen demanding action from leaders at UN climate talks there. Most of the march in the Danish capital passed off peacefully, but one group smashed windows and was arrested. Hundreds of others were detained in a preventative action by police. - 2009/12/12: CBC: Activists rally for climate deal
- 2009/12/12: Sky: Hundreds Held During Climate Change Protest
Police say between 600 and 700 people have been arrested during a climate change protest in the Danish capital Copenhagen. - 2009/12/10: EUO: Environment activists breach EU summit security
- 2009/12/13: EarthTimes:About 100 climate protesters apprehended over illegal march
- 2009/12/13: EarthTimes: Danish police release hundreds of protestors after climate march
- 2009/12/13: CCP: The Guardian: Copenhagen police release hundreds of detained activists -- Only 13 protesters are still in custody
- 2009/12/13: BBC: Fury at Copenhagen police tactics
Climate change groups have criticised Danish police for using heavy-handed tactics after they detained 968 people at a rally near the Copenhagen summit. Mel Evans from Climate Justice Action told the BBC protesters were held for hours in freezing conditions without medical attention, water or toilets. A police spokesman said almost all of those detained on Saturday had now been released, but a few would be charged. - 2009/12/12: BBC: Police in the Danish capital Copenhagen say 900 protesters have been detained following a huge climate change rally
- 2009/12/13: Guardian(UK): Hundreds arrested in Copenhagen as green protest march leads to violence
- 2009/12/12: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen climate protesters rally
- 2009/12/12: Guardian(UK): Hundreds arrested at Copenhagen protest rally
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): A rally outside the Port Kembla Steelworks has highlighted the potential threat of climate change to the local community and infrastructure
- 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Danish police raid Copenhagen climate campaigners' rooms
Police detain 200 activists at their Copenhagen accommodation and seize items they claim could be used for acts of civil disobedience - 2009/12/09: CCP: Danish government kicking the wasps' nest: 200 police officers raid sleeping quarters of climate activists
- 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: Militant group [Never Trust A Cop] opts for different protest venue
- 2009/12/07: DemNow: Ahead of Copenhagen Talks, Tens of Thousands Protest Across Europe Calling for Climate Justice
- 2009/12/07: CNN: Climate protesters descend on Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Climate change protester hospitalised after hunger strike [after losing 20 per cent of his body weight]
- 2009/12/07: PlanetArk: Protests Add Pressure For Copenhagen Climate Deal
GermanWatch published their Global Climate Risk Index this week:
- 2009/12/08: GermanWatch: [link to 232k pdf] Global Climate Risk Index 2010
- 2009/12/08: TerraDaily: Bangladesh, Myanmar worst-hit by extreme weather: study
- 2009/12/08: COP15: Bangladesh tops the Global Climate Risk Index -- No developed country is on the top 20 list of countries worst affected by extreme weather events
- 2009/12/08: GermanWatch: Global Climate Risk Index 2010 - reflecting most severely affected countries over almost two decades
- 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: [Germanwatch Global Clmate Risk Index.] Report: Deaths by and costs of 'extreme weather' on the rise
Filling the Mediterranean:
- 2009/12/09: SciNews: The big spill: Flood could have filled Mediterranean in less than two years
- 2009/12/09: BBC: Ancient Med flood mystery solved
Research has revealed details of the catastrophic Zanclean flood that refilled the Mediterranean Sea more than five million years ago. The flood occurred when Atlantic waters found their way into the cut-off and desiccated Mediterranean basin. - 2009/12/10: ClimateShifts: About those hacked emails...
- 2009/12/11: AFTIC: A few good reads on the CRU email hacking
- 2009/12/10: Yale360: Climategate: Anatomy of a Public Relations Disaster
- 2009/12/11: DM:CCM: "ClimateGate" a PR Disaster That Will Be "Taught in University Communications Courses"
- 2009/12/11: DeepClimate: McIntyre provides fodder for skeptics
- 2009/12/11: G&M: Climategate's not evil. It's just unhinged -- Politics often involves fantasy and delusion, along with moral passion
What does Climategate prove -- those e-mails hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at a British university that show a will to manipulate data to confirm the case for warming? I don't think it proves climate change is just a "global warming scare" (National Post). The Arctic ice is still melting, the polar bears are retreating inland, the Northwest Passage is opening wider. Nor does it simply establish that scientists are human (Paul Krugman), although I wouldn't dispute the point. I think it shows that politics makes people crazy. - 2009/12/12: BaReGloW: Science and politics in bad climate
- 2009/12/11: Deltoid: Steve McIntyre, down in the quote mine
- 2009/12/12: COP15: Science not faked, but not pretty
E-mails stolen from climate scientists show they stonewalled skeptics and discussed hiding data -- but the messages don't support claims that the science of global warming was faked, according to an exhaustive review by The Associated Press. - 2009/12/12: DeSmogBlog: Pachauri: Email theft a "recreational distraction"
- 2009/12/12: CTV: AP: Climate science not faked, but not pretty
- 2009/12/10: TQP: Climate Change Emails Scandal of a [APS] Physicist Kind
- 2009/12/10: ERabett: Shooting blanks
- 2009/12/10: ERabett: Darth Data Destroyer
- 2009/12/10: MTobis: Slashdot discussion
- 2009/12/10: CCP: The Emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU emails) [Pew]
- 2009/12/13: ClimateShifts: AP Review: E-mails show pettiness, not fraud
- 2009/12/13: IJI: Anti-Obama cracker web site + CRU crack = lolwut?
- 2009/12/11: Economist:DiA: Scepticism's limits
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): The ugly side of climate politics
Do not shoot the messenger - well, that used to be the standard. Not any more, according to some climate scientists whose once quiet research careers seem to be giving way to an ugly maelstrom of break-ins, threats and hate mail. The FBI is investigating death threats to two scientists named in thousands of hacked private emails stolen from East Anglia University's internationally respected Climate Research Unit. - 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Climate scientist receives death threats
An Australian born scientist at the centre of the East Anglia University email affair says he has received a number of death threats. Dr Tom Wigley, a former director of the university's Climatic Research Unit, has had several of his emails hacked and used by climate change sceptics to suggest that he and his colleagues have been distorting data about the evidence of global warming. He is unable to reveal the details of the threats, as they are now being investigated by the FBI and UK police. - 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: Penn State scientist at center of a storm
- 2009/12/09: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Hacked Emails Don't Change Facts -- Facts are stubborn things
- 2009/12/09: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Using Faux Scandals to Delay Progress
- 2009/12/08: CSW: Rep. Sensenbrenner projects "fascism" and "fraud" onto scientists, is rebutted at hearing
- 2009/12/08: CSW: FBI investigating death threats against two scientists whose emails were stolen in CRU hacking
- 2009/12/09: BCLSB: CRU Hacked From The Eastern U.S.?
- 2009/12/08: DeSmogBlog: Watergate Redux: Another Paranoid Right-wing Break-in
- 2009/12/08: DeSmogBlog: Stolen email shows scientist happily sharing climate research data
- 2009/12/08: MediaMatters: Exxon Mobil-Funded Denier Groups Push Email Hacker Scandal
- 2009/12/09: CCP: Hiding the decline -- NOT! Michael Mann's hockey stick holds in the real world of real temperatures from real thermometers
- 2009/12/08: TS:QuarkSoup: Climate Madness
This is all quickly getting out of hand -- now there are reports that at least two scientists whose email was hacked are receiving death threats. - 2009/12/09: MoD: Climategate: the bottom line
- 2009/12/09: TP:WR: A Case Of Classic SwiftBoating: How The Right-Wing Noise Machine Manufactured 'Climategate'
- 2009/12/08: DeSmogBlog: Katie Couric: melting ice caps are worth more than 1,000 emails [video]
- 2009/12/08: DeSmogBlog: Deniers Continue Copenhagen Hijack Attack
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: NWF [National Wildlife Federation] scientist [Dr. Amanda Staudt] responds to Swifthack
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: The American Association for the Advancement of Science reaffirms "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society."
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: The Hill reports "Climategate hasn't swayed swing votes on climate change bill"
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Time: "The truth is that the e-mails, while unseemly, do little to change the overwhelming scientific consensus on the reality of man-made climate change."
- 2009/12/08: PlanetArk: IPCC head, Rajendra Pachauri, Defends Findings After Emails
The head of the U.N.'s panel of climate scientists on Monday strongly defended findings that humans are warming the planet, after critics said that leaked emails from a British university had undermined evidence. - 2009/12/07: CSW: Open Letter to Congress from U.S. Scientists on Climate Change and Recently Stolen Emails
- 2009/12/08: AFTIC: CCW - Smacking the Hack Attack [video]
- 2009/12/07: Deltoid: More on the stolen emails
- 2009/12/08: BCLSB: SwiftHack
- 2009/12/07: Yale360: The Case Against the Skeptics Stirring Up the Warming Debate [Hoggan interview]
- 2009/12/07: DeSmogBlog: White House says leaked email story "silly" - the science is clear
- 2009/12/08: HotTopic: CRU emails show fraud? Yeah, right.
- 2009/12/08: GreenHerring: no decline to 'hide'
- 2009/12/08: IJI: Did a system administrator just save the world?
- 2009/12/08: IoD: The "climategate" virus spreads
- 2009/12/07: NatureCF: Canadian climate scientist targeted in break-in
- 2009/12/07: NOAANews: Dr. Lubchenco Responds to Questions About Stolen Climate Emails
- 2009/12/06: MongaBay: Email scandal may be turning against climate change deniers
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: American Meteorological Society reaffirms...
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Think Again: "Working the Refs" -- Coverage of stolen emails debunks (again) myth of "liberal media"
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Statement on stolen emails by IPCC Working Group I on basic climate science
- 2009/12/06: MTobis: Tempest, Meet Teapot
- 2009/12/07: MTobis: SwiftHack Pushback Site
- 2009/12/07: DM:CCM: The Right Wins the Frame Game in SwiftHack
- 2009/12/06: Examiner: Global warming deniers on a computer crime spree
- 2009/12/06: BCLSB: On "Tricks" In Math And Science
- 2009/12/07: BCLSB: Thanks...A**holes!
- 2009/12/07: DeSmogBlog: Revisionist History and the CRU East Anglia stolen emails - the Baliunas example
- 2009/12/07: DeSmogBlog: Elizabeth May: A Response to Comments on East Anglia Emails
- 2009/12/07: SolveClimate: What Those Hacked Climate E-Mails Really Say -- A Different Picture Emerges When You Read Them All
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Impact of CRU hacking on the AMS Statement on Climate Change -- The 2007 AMS Statement on Climate Change continues to represent the position of the AMS
- 2009/12/07: TS:QuarkSoup: Climate Skeptics as A**holes
- 2009/12/07: TWTB: The emerging scientific consensus on the SwiftHack emails: get real, denialists
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Statement by Working Group I of the IPCC on stolen emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia
- 2009/12/06: CCP: Inhofe makes fool of self (again) -- and everything you need to know but were afraid to ask about the CRU hack
- 2009/12/06: CCP: Russian hackers possibly paid to steal CRU e-mails
Climate change conspiracies: Stolen emails used to ridicule global warming -- Climate sceptics are blamed for disrupting crucial negotiations, say scientists - 2009/12/07: MoD: Nature on climategate
- 2009/12/07: TLC: Break-In, Thieves Target Another Top Climate Scientist
- 2009/12/07: TP:WR: Saudi Arabia Endorses Climategate: 'There Is No Relationship Whatsoever Between Human Activities And Climate Change'
- 2009/12/07: TP: Right-Wing Billionaire David Koch Funding SwiftBoat Campaign Against Global Warming Science
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2009/12/10: BBC: Billionaire investor George Soros has unveiled a proposal to provide up to $150bn of cash for poor countries to get clean technology
- 2009/12/10: CBC: IMF could fund climate adaptation: Soros
Billionaire investor George Soros says a deadlock in global negotiations over aid to poorer countries adapting to climate change could be broken if resources of the International Monetary Fund were used to help financing. - 2009/12/10: PS: Financing the Fight against Climate Change by George Soros
- 2009/12/08: NYT: Climate Deal Likely to Bear Big Price Tag
"People often ask about the costs," said Kevin Parker, the global head of Deutsche Bank Asset Management, who tracks climate policy for the bank. "But the figures people tend to cite don't take into account conservation and efficiency measures that are easily available. And they don't look at the cost of inaction, which is the extinction of the human race. Period." - 2009/12/09: OilChange: "The cost of inaction? The extinction of the human race. Period"
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Climate change Australia's greatest economic risk: survey
A study of 115 of the nation's leaders in the fields of politics, business, the community sector and academia has concluded that the greatest risk to the Australian economy for the next decade is climate change. - 2009/12/07: EconView: Paul Krugman: An Affordable Truth -- Will the meeting in Copenhagen produce a meaningful agreement on greenhouse gas emissions?
Carbon Tariffs still have people on edge:
- 2009/12/09: VoxEU: A border tax to protect the global environment? by Daniel Gros
The costs and benefits of carbon tariffs have been extensively discussed in terms of competitiveness and carbon leakage. This column says global welfare should be the focus. EU tariffs against developing country exports would increase global welfare and the proceeds from the tariff could help poorer exporting countries reduce the carbon intensity of their economies. - 2009/12/11: OilChange: "Spend as much on climate change as war"
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
- 2009/12/10: EurActiv: Climate scientist warns about Arctic ice melt
- 2009/12/08: UMich: Study reveals how Arctic food webs affect mercury in polar bears
- 2009/12/08: CCP: NOAA's NSIDC, Dec. 7, 2009: Low ice extent in Barents Sea and Hudson Bay
Is the Arctic changing modes?
- 2008/11/11: GRL: (ab$) Recent radical shifts of atmospheric circulations and rapid changes in Arctic climate system by Xiangdong Zhang et al.
- 2009/12/11: Wunderground: The climate is changing: the Arctic Dipole emerges
A spectral Damocles sword hangs overhead:
- 2009/12/13: BostonGlobe: Under the icy north lurks a 'carbon bomb'
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2009/12/08: CBC: Feds to fund Northwest Passage marine park study
The federal government says it will spend $5 million to study a proposed marine conservation area in Lancaster Sound at the eastern gate of the Northwest Passage. "As global climate change continues and traffic through the Northwest Passage is expected to increase, our government is committed to safeguarding Canada's Arctic," Environment Minister Jim Prentice said Tuesday. - 2009/12/12: PhysOrg: Antarctic nations plan tough new shipping controls
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): A giant iceberg is drifting towards Western Australia, impressing scientists with its capacity to travel so far north and stay largely intact
- 2009/12/09: Telegraph(UK): Giant iceberg heading for Australia
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Antarctica ice core headed to Reno [for faster analysis]
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2009/12/09: UN: Food prices on the rise again, reports UN agency [FAO]
- 2009/12/10: NakedCapitalism: George Washington: Are Food Stamps the Soup Lines of this Great Recession?
- 2009/12/08: WFP: Weather Forecast: Climatic Change Brings More Hunger
- 2009/12/09: FAO: Food prices up again -- Grain stocks buffer against 2008 crisis replay
- 2009/12/11: FAO: Fisheries and aquaculture: multiple risks from climate change -- FAO report predicts "an ocean of change" for fishers and fish farmers
- 2009/12/09: FAO: FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Yemen
- 2009/12/: FAO: Food Outlook -- Global Market Analysis
- 2009/12/10: EurActiv: Climate talks neglecting food crisis, says UN [FAO]
- 2009/12/08: UN: Nearly 5 million Ethiopians will need food aid in first half of 2010, UN reports
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
- 2009/12/08: SeedDaily: UN food body to help farmers fight climate change
- 2009/12/09: SciDaily: Precision Breeding Creates Super [Tilling] Potato
- 2009/12/09: SolveClimate: Climate-Conscious Ranching: Is Free-Range Really Better than Feedlots?
- 2009/12/09: Reuters: U.N. climate talks have neglected food crisis: FAO
- 2009/12/08: ABC(US): Finding New Power for Old Tractors in Electricity -- Bright idea: Organic farmers giving small, nimble old tractors new life with electric motors
- 2009/12/08: STimes: UW climate scientist [David Battisti] warms to work on food supply
- 2009/12/07: Grist: The 'small problem' with GMOs and Africa
The Indian Ocean has been active with Cyclone Cleo, Ward and several Tropical Depressions while Laurence zapped Darwin:
- 2009/12/11: Eureka: Tropical Cyclone 05B forms southeast of Chennai, India
- 2009/12/11: Eureka: TRMM Satellite sees Cyclone Cleo coming to a close
- 2009/12/13: ABC(Au): Top End storm develops into cyclone
The weather bureau says a tropical low that dumped a month's worth of rain in less than a day on Darwin has developed into a category 1 tropical cyclone. Tropical cyclone Laurence is estimated to be 80 kilometres north of Wadeye and 310 kilometres east north-east of Kalumburu. - 2009/12/13: ABC(Au): Torrential rain, wild winds batter Darwin
A wild storm battered Darwin overnight, giving the city a month's worth of rain in less than a day. - 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: Cyclone Cleo has reached its maximum wind speed
- 2009/12/08: NASA: NASA Captures a Visible Image of Cleo's New Eye
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
- 2009/12/10: Wunderground: Bill Gray's 2010 Atlantic hurricane season forecast and views on global warming
- 2009/12/07: DM:CCM: Fun With Fumento
As for GHGs:
- 2009/12/10: BBC: Emissions 'higher than reported'
Emissions of some greenhouse gases [sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and carbon tetrafluoride (CF4)] are substantially higher than companies and countries report, say scientists. - 2009/12/07: EnergyBulletin: The UN's future scenarios for climate are pure fantasy
- 2009/12/10: COP15: Experts: China may double its emissions
The Chinese increase in greenhouse gas emissions may be three or four times higher in 2020 than the combined cuts promised by the United States and the European Union, experts say. - 2009/12/09: Grist: A global perspective on U.S. climate emissions
- 2009/12/09: WSJ:EnvCap: What Do China's Climate Pledges Really Amount To?
- 2009/12/07: Eureka: Network observation at the GAW stations and atmospheric CO2 mixing ratios over China
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): World carbon emissions, by country [table]
- 2009/12/07: MongaBay: Profile of the carbon footprint of the global poor: the challenge of alleviating poverty and fighting global warming
- 2009/12/06: Guardian(UK): China's carbon emissions will peak between 2030 and 2040, says minister
Beijing official gives strong indicator for when China's output of greenhouse gases will start to fall - 2009/12/11: NatureCF: Copenhagen, day five: Multiple bubbles, too many choices and one giant question mark
[...] The question on the minds of scientists I talked to was not necessarily whether there would be an agreement but whether that agreement would do what it needs to do. - 2009/12/13: COP15: Scientists: Climate talks aim too low for target
The cuts in greenhouse gases offered at the 192-nation climate conference are "clearly not enough" to assure the world it will head off dangerous global warming, a key UN-affiliated scientist said Saturday. - 2009/12/06: Yahoo:AFP: Climate pledges 'sending world towards 3.5 C rise'
Current pledges from rich and developing nations for cutting carbon pollution will stoke potentially catastrophic warming by century's end, according to a study released on Sunday on the eve of the Copenhagen climate summit. National commitments proposed so far for the December 7-18 UN conference would mean the global temperature would rise by 3.5 degrees Celsius (6.3 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-industrial times, way over a 2.0 C (3.6 F) threshold widely considered safe, the study said. Concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) would hit about 650 parts per million (ppm), according to the tally published by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany and energy specialists Ecofys. - 2009/12/07: BBC: South Africa has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 34% [below current expected levels] by 2020...
- 2009/12/11: WSJ:EnvCap: Baseline Play: Cut Emissions Compared With When, Exactly?
While in the carbon cycle:
- 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: Oceans' Uptake of Manmade Carbon May Be Slowing
- 2009/12/08: GreenGrok: For Pete's Sake, Save the Peat
- 2009/12/08: CC: Interactive Carbon Cycle
And in the nitrogen cycle:
- 2009/12/08: SciDaily: Scientists at Climate Talks Say Major Changes to the Nitrogen Cycle Cannot Be Ignored
- 2009/12/07: TerraDaily: Less Nitrogen Oxide In Tropical Weather Than Expected
A development in the question of CO2 sensitivity?
- 2009/12/06: NatGeo: (ab$) Earth system sensitivity inferred from Pliocene modelling and data by Daniel J. Lunt et al.
- 2009/12/07: CCP: USGS: Climate Projections Underestimate CO2 Impact (study by Daniel Lunt et al., Nature Geoscience)
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Daniel J. Lunt et al., Nature Geosci., Earth system sensitivity inferred from Pliocene modelling and data
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Dan Lunt: CO2 warming stronger than thought
- 2009/12/10: FuturePundit: Greater Climate Sensitivity To CO2?
- 2009/12/08: UBristol: Earth's temperature more sensitive to carbon dioxide than previously thought
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: Earth's Temperature 30-50% More Sensitive to CO2 than Previously Thought
As for the temperature record:
- 2009/12/11: ClimateP: UK Met Office: Global warming plus El Niño means it's "more likely than not that 2010 will be the warmest year in the instrumental record."
- 2009/12/10: ClimateShifts: WMO finds 2000-2009 the warmest decade; so much for that "global warming pause" meme
- 2009/12/10: BBC: The global average temperature could reach a record high in 2010, according to the UK's Met Office
- 2009/12/09: Wunderground: 2000s: hottest decade on record; dangerous blizzard pounds Midwest
- 2009/12/09: CCP: Satellite Data Confirms November Warmth over the U.S.; Current Decade Likely Warmest in the Modern Record
- 2009/12/09: DWWSJ: Last 10 Years Hottest Decade On Record- UK Met. Office
- 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): Met Office figures confirm noughties as warmest decade in recorded history
- 2009/12/08: NOAANews: 2009 Global Temperatures Well Above Average; Slightly Above-Average for U.S. -- U.S. precipitation above normal for 2009
- 2009/12/08: NYT: No Slowdown of Global Warming, Agency Says
Despite recent fluctuations in global temperature year to year, which fueled claims of global cooling, a sustained global warming trend shows no signs of ending, according to new analysis by the World Meteorological Organization made public on Tuesday. The decade of the 2000s is very likely the warmest decade in the modern record, dating back 150 years, according to a provisional summary of climate conditions near the end of 2009, the organization said. The period from 2000 through 2009 has been "warmer than the 1990s, which were warmer than the 1980s and so on," said Michel Jarraud, the secretary general of the international weather agency, speaking at a news conference at the climate talks in Copenhagen. The international assessment largely meshes with an interim analysis by the National Climatic Data Center and NASA in the United States, both of which independently estimate global and regional temperature and other weather trends. - 2009/12/08: ClimateP: World Meteorological Organization and NOAA both report: 2000-2009 is the hottest decade on record
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): The World Meteorological Organisation says 2009 is set to be the fifth warmest year since records began in 1850
- 2009/12/08: Grist: 2009 and the '00s set heat records, U.S. study finds
- 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: 2009 one of hottest years since 1850, [WMO] meteorologists warn
- 2009/12/08: WSJ:EnvCap: Getting Hotter: U.K. Says 2000s 'Warmest Decade,' Releases Station Data
- 2009/12/08: CCP: World Meteorological Organization: 2000-2009, The warmest decade
- 2009/12/08: SF Gate: UN: 2000-2009 likely warmest decade on record
- 2009/12/08: WMO: 2000-2009, The Warmest Decade
- 2009/12/08: BBC: The first decade of this century is "by far" the warmest since instrumental records began, say the UK Met Office and World Meteorological Organization
- 2009/12/08: CBC: 2000s warmest decade on record: UN
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Met Office to release records that show global temperature rise
- 2009/12/06: CCP: Australian temperatures break records in the extreme in November 2009
- 2009/12/07: Tamino: Riddle me this ...
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2009/12/10: TP:WR: Siberia On Fire: Black Carbon In Arctic Russia
- 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: Better-than-new LIDAR provides 24/7 atmospheric aerosol data
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2009/12/10: PNAS: Absence of geochemical evidence for an impact event at the Bølling-Allerød/Younger Dryas transition by François S. Paquay et al.
- 2009/12/07: Eureka: Absence of evidence for a meteorite impact event 13,000 years ago
- 2009/12/07: NewScientist: Dinosaur-killing impact set Earth to broil, not burn
While on the ENSO front:
- 2009/12/12: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: El Niño is expected to continue and last at least into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2010. - 2009/12/10: ClimateP: NOAA: "El Niño is expected to continue and last at least into the Northern Hemisphere spring 2010."
As for ocean currents:
- 2009/12/11: PhysOrg: New discoveries [about the deep ocean's temperature variability and circulation system] could improve climate projections
- 2009/12/11: USGS: New Discoveries Could Improve Climate Projections
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2009/12/11: BBC: The choice of an industrial team to build the next generation of weather satellites - or Meteosats - for Europe has been delayed by three months
- 2009/12/09: NatureTGB: Congress orders replacement carbon monitoring satellite [OCO2]
- 2009/12/08: NASA: Global Precipitation Measurement [GPM] Mission Passes Major Review -- The GPM Core Observatory is scheduled for launch in July 2013
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2009/12/10: TMoS: Are BC's Vanishing Salmon Victims of Global Warming?
- 2009/12/10: CBC: Sockeye decline linked to climate change -- Change in ocean conditions in 2007 likely behind mass death of stocks
Food-poor ocean waters warmed by climate change likely played a significant role in the death of millions of sockeye salmon in British Columbia's Fraser River ahead of what was supposed to be a bumper year, says a scientific think-tank. A group of more than 20 ocean and ecology experts gathered in Vancouver this week to discuss possible explanations for this year's salmon collapse and announced their assessment Wednesday, saying they want to keep the issue afloat with a judicial inquiry approaching. - 2009/12/10: WiredSci: Mediterranean Is Scary Laboratory of Ocean Futures
- 2009/12/10: FuturePundit: Mediterranean Sea Represents Polluted Future Of Oceans?
- 2009/12/10: Eureka: Old hay and Alpine ibex horns reveal how grasslands respond to climate change -- A resourceful approach to climate research
- 2009/12/13: TP:WR: Cape Verde Ambassador: Islands Are 'In The Eye Of The Cyclone'
- 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: Long-Term Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Plants Studied
- 2009/12/09: PhysOrg: Climate change turns up heat on mushrooms
Scientists have discovered that spring-fruiting fungi, including the morel and St George's mushroom are fruiting nearly three weeks earlier than they did 50 years ago. - 2009/12/09: DiplomatMag: Human Geography
Pacific island nations are on the frontline of climate change, yet despite being seen as the first 'victims,' many are re-positioning themselves to lead the world in renewable energy infrastructure... - 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Bangladesh Reels From the Impact of Climate Change
- 2009/12/08: TP: The Consequences Of Global Warming -- From A To Z
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): A climate change journey from the mountains to the sea (27 pictures)
- 2009/12/06: ClimateShifts: The Galapagos are feeling the far-reaching impacts of climate change
- 2009/12/07: Eureka: List of 'unsung' wildlife affected by climate change released
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Amazon's 'man of the hole' attacked by unknown gunmen
The last survivor of a Brazilian Amazon tribe, who digs holes to trap animals, has come under fire - 2009/12/11: EUO: UK, France want fifth of third world climate cash for forests
- 2009/12/11: MongaBay: REDD may miss up to 80 percent of land use change emissions
- 2009/12/11: DM:80B: Is Google the Guardian Angel of Rainforests?
- 2009/12/10: CBC: Manitoba creates 2 protected wildlife areas in north
The Manitoba government is protecting two tracts of northern boreal forest along Hudson Bay that are the summer home to polar bears, caribou and several bird species. The Kaskatamagan Wildlife Management area is known for eco-tourism during warm weather, when beluga whales can be seen along the coastal part of the region. A second area known as the Kaskatamagan Sipi is recognized around the globe for its large bird populations. - 2009/12/11: SlashDot: Global Deforestation Demoed In Google Earth
- 2009/12/10: FAO: New climate change measurement agreement signed -- Brazilian space institute and FAO partner to monitor GHGs
- 2009/12/11: ScienceInsider: Forests Deal Lurching Forward in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: MongaBay: New REDD text is weak, say activists
- 2009/12/10: Eureka: First phase of pan-tropical forest mapping debuting at COP15
- 2009/12/10: Eureka: New analysis: Disagreement over what constitutes a forest is Achilles' heel of REDD plan -- Call for a Focus on Reducing Emissions from All Land Uses
- 2009/12/10: Eureka: Breakthrough in monitoring tropical deforestation announced in Copenhagen [free satellite imagery and powerful analytical methods in software called CLASlite]
- 2009/12/09: MongaBay: Developed countries plan to hide emissions from logging
- 2009/12/08: IPSNews: Deal On Forests Likely, But...
As debate ratchets up ahead of working out a climate change deal, a Dutch study says emissions from deforestation and land degradation are far lower than has been assumed. Will this have an impact on a deal to protect forests in Africa? - 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Legal Opinion Finds Indigenous Amazon Tribe Owns Carbon Rights
- 2009/12/09: SciDaily: Logging Effects Vary Based on a Forest's History, Climate
- 2009/12/09: Eureka: Report: Most comprehensive analysis to date of national policy options to reduce deforestation
Payments for REDD could shift power from agents of forest destruction to proponents of protection, says report - 2009/12/09: UFZ: Tropical forests affected by habitat fragmentation store less biomass and carbon dioxide in the long term -- Conserving continuous forests is important for mitigation of climate change
- 2009/12/08: SolveClimate: Despite the Hype, Forestry Scheme in Copenhagen Still Seriously Flawed
- 2009/12/08: Reuters: Deforestation threatens Kilimanjaro ice cap
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2009/12/09: WorldChanging: Climate Change On The Move: The Impact Of Up To 200 Million Climate Migrants By 2050
- 2009/12/08: COP15: [IOM] Study: Few climate refugees leave their countries
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, several West African, South East Asian and Central American countries may become future international migration hotspots. - 2009/12/10: EarthTimes: Blizzards claim 16 lives in US
- 2009/12/08: TerraDaily: Deadly rainstorms paralyze Sao Paulo
Heavy rain brought Brazil's biggest city of Sao Paulo grinding to a halt on Tuesday and reportedly claimed the lives of six people in landslides. - 2009/12/09: CBC: Winter storm blasts across U.S.
- 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): A changing climate: UNEP maps extreme weather events worldwide
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): Darwin swelters through equal hottest night [29.7C]
- 2009/12/07: PhysOrg: New forest fire detection system prototype installed at Lake Tahoe
Acidification is changing the oceans:
- 2009/12/11: CCP: The Guardian: Ocean acidification rates pose disaster for marine life, major study shows
- 2009/12/10: BBerg: Fishermen Say Carbon Dioxide Having 'Really Scary' Ocean Effect
- 2009/12/10: Guardian(UK): Ocean acidification rates pose disaster for marine life, major study shows
- 2009/12/12: ClimateShifts: Nice post about ocean acidification on ClimateProgress
Glaciers are melting:
- 2009/12/11: UN: Climate change threatening survival of Himalayan communities - UN report
- 2009/12/11: SciDaily: Swiss Scientists Measure Glacial Melting With Light
- 2009/12/11: UNEP: Too Much or Too Little Water in the Himalayas
Hundreds of millions of people in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region and in the river basins downstream are being forced to adapt to a new reality: climate change. Climate change is increasing uncertainty and the risk for extreme droughts interspersed with extreme floods that are challenging food security, housing, infrastructure, business and even survival. - 2009/12/08: CCP: A. K. Tripati, C. D. Roberts & R. A. Eagle, Science 326 (2009), Coupling of CO2 and ice sheet stability over major climate transitions of the last 20 million years
- 2009/12/06: Yahoo:AFP: Melting Himalayan glaciers threaten 1.3 bln Asians
More than a billion people in Asia depend on Himalayan glaciers for water, but experts say they are melting at an alarming rate, threatening to bring drought to large swathes of the continent. Glaciers in the Himalayas, a 2,400-kilometre (1,500-mile) range that sweeps through Pakistan, India, China, Nepal and Bhutan, provide headwaters for Asia's nine largest rivers, lifelines for the 1.3 billion people who live downstream. But temperatures in the region have increased by between 0.15 and 0.6 degrees Celsius (0.27 and 1.08 degrees Fahrenheit) each decade for the last 30 years, dramatically accelerating the rate at which glaciers are shrinking. - 2009/12/06: CCP: Signs of drastic changes in the Himalayas
- 2009/12/06: Guardian(UK): Signs of change in the Himalayas as Copenhagen summit begins
Sea levels are rising:
- 2009/12/10: OpenDem: Kiribati islands plan exodus faced with rising sea levels
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: Sea levels may rise 3 times faster than IPCC estimated, could hit 6 feet by 2100
- 2009/12/02: UPenn: Sea Level Is Rising Along U.S. Atlantic Coast, According to Data Analysis by Penn Environmental Scientists
- 2009/12/01: UPenn: Penn Scientists Conduct Novel, 10,000-Year Study of Strata Compaction and Sea-Level Rise on English Coast
- 2009/12/08: KSJT: CBC Quirks and Quarks: Sea level rise and Copenhagen..
- 2009/12/08: SciDaily: Sea Level Could Rise from 0.75 to 1.9 Meters This Century [PNAS]
- 2009/12/08: CCP: Martin Vermeer & Stefan Rahmstorf, PNAS 2009, Global sea level linked to global temperature
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Camel cull to proceed despite criticism
A cull of 3,000 feral camels begins this week near the remote Northern Territory town of Docker River, south-west of Alice Springs. - 2009/12/11: ABC(Au): Camel cull sparks emotive debate
- 2009/12/12: EarthTimes: Guns blaze at the camels besieging remote Australian town
- 2009/12/13: EarthTimes: Climate change brings drought to eastern Mediterranean - correction
- 2009/12/09: CCurrents: Who Will Save Gaza's Children?
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Water trucked in to safeguard supply
There are plans in place to increase the amount of water being trucked into Maleny in Queensland's Sunshine Coast hinterland if water levels at the nearby weir continue to fall. - 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): A central Queensland council says it will cost more than $500,000 to upgrade its water treatment plant after residents were left dangerously short of water last week
- 2009/12/07: CanWest: Climate change is all about water
- 2009/12/07: BBC: Emergency water for Queensland
Emergency water supplies are being transported by road into communities in the northern Australian state of Queensland. Fears are mounting that reservoirs are about to run dry, at the beginning of a long, hot summer. - 2009/12/07: BBC: Flooded town's new bridge to open
A Cumbrian town [north and south Workington] split in half by floods which demolished two bridges across its river is set to be reunited with the opening of an army-built crossing. - 2009/12/10: BBC: 'Ten years remain' to cut carbon
Keeping the global temperature rise under 2C (3.7F) will be almost impossible unless carbon emissions begin to fall within a decade. That is the conclusion of a new analysis from the UK Met Office (UKMO). Even if emissions peaked in 2020, there would be a 50% chance of temperatures rising by more than 2C, the target adopted by the G8 at its July summit. Meeting the lower target of 1.5C favoured by some developing countries is virtually impossible, the UKMO says. - 2009/12/07: MetOffice(UK): Tackling temperature rise
- 2009/12/09: DerSpiegel: Prescriptions for Saving the Planet -- How to Halt the Catastrophe
To keep the planet's temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius, countries must increase their reliance on renewable energies, companies must produce more energy efficient and durable products and consumers must also change their buying behavior. - 2009/12/09: VoxEU: Kick-starting the green innovation machine by Philippe Aghion et al.
Mitigating climate change while maintaining economic growth will require a wide portfolio of technologies. This column says too little has been done to turn on the "green innovation machine". It says governments in developed economies should price carbon, subsidise research, and facilitate technology transfer to developing countries. - 2009/12/09: CalcRisk: Rail Traffic in November -- November 2009, U.S. freight rail carloads down 8.2% from November 2008, and down 17.4% from November 2007
- 2009/12/08: BBC: Air fares to rise on carbon taxes
Including the aviation sector in the European Emissions Trading Scheme in 2012 will drive up prices - according to a new report by the Carbon Trust. The report's author, Bruce Duguid, estimates that fares will increase by an initial 3% to 7%. - 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): Climate change report calls for passenger tax on flights to reduce CO2
Watchdog [Committee on Climate Change] says air travel cannot continue to grow unchecked if UK's emissions targets are to be met - 2009/12/10: AlterNet: 12 Crazy Futuristic Water Buildings That May Help Humans Survive Climate Change Catastrophe
- 2009/12/04: NYT: [NY Mayor, Mike] Bloomberg Drops an Effort to Cut Building Energy Use
After intense opposition from building owners, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has dropped the most far-reaching initiative of his plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan, which the owners said was too costly, called for all buildings of 50,000 square feet or more to undergo audits to determine which renovations would make them more energy efficient, and for owners to then pay for many of those changes. The mayor wants to go forward with the proposal to require energy audits, but now is leaving it up to the building owners whether to undertake the changes called for by those audits. - 2009/12/10: USGS: New Science Estimates Carbon Storage Potential of U.S. Lands
- 2009/12/10: EnvFin: Commission backs six sites for carbon capture and storage
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): The Conservation Council has expressed concerns about a proposal that would see millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide pumped underground in Western Australia's South-West
- 2009/12/09: WSJ:EnvCap: Clean Coal: AEP Ups Expectations for Carbon Capture and Storage
- 2009/12/06: CNN: Can burying carbon emissions work?
Pioneering power plant tries revolutionary scheme to dispose of some of its emissions - CO2 is compressed, liquified and injected deep underground into porous rock - Academic: Carbon capture and storage speeds up what the planet would do eventually - Resident: This is an experiment, we do not know of the impact on the environment
The project is an expensive partnership between plant owner American Electric Power and French company Alstom. Together, the two companies are spending more than $100 million to capture just a tiny fraction of the plant's carbon emissions -- under two percent. - 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Two Queensland carbon capture and storage projects [ZeroGen & Wandoan] are among four in Australia that have been given funding to test the technology's viability
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2009/12/10: PhysOrg: Governments turn to cloud seeding to fight drought
- 2009/12/11: TreeHugger: Filmmaker Robert Greene on Weather Modification, Geoengineering, and Owning the Weather; Film Screens Sunday at COP15 (Interview)
- 2009/12/08: DM:DB: Say Nyet to Snow! Moscow Mayor Plans to Engineer the Weather
While on the adaptation front:
- 2009/12/11: BBC: Mali villagers fight back against Sahara
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2009/09/15: Springer:EPJ-ST: Capture of carbon dioxide from ambient air by K.S. Lackner
- 2009/12/06: AGWObserver: Papers on climate in Denmark
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Agricultural intensification and changes in cultivated areas, 1970-2005 by Thomas K. Rudel et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Warming increases the risk of civil war in Africa by Marshall B. Burke et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Synchronous extinction of North America's Pleistocene mammals by J. Tyler Faith & Todd A. Surovell
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Highly efficient separation of carbon dioxide by a metal-organic framework replete with open metal sites by David Britt et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Reducing abrupt climate change risk using the Montreal Protocol and other regulatory actions to complement cuts in CO2 emissions by Mario Molina et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Exploring the likelihood and mechanism of a climate-change-induced dieback of the Amazon rainforest by Yadvinder Malhi et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Ocean methane hydrates as a slow tipping point in the global carbon cycle by David Archer et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: The future of ice sheets and sea ice: Between reversible retreat and unstoppable loss by Dirk Notz
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: On the stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by Matthias Hofmann & Stefan Rahmstorf
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: El Niño/Southern Oscillation response to global warming by M. Latif & N. S. Keenlyside
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Basic mechanism for abrupt monsoon transitions by Anders Levermann et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Dust as a tipping element: The Bodélé Depression, Chad by Richard Washington et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Sensitivities of marine carbon fluxes to ocean change by Ulf Riebesell et al.
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Tipping elements in the Earth System by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
- 2009/12/08: PNAS: Measuring the planet to fill terrestrial data gaps by Alan Grainger
- 2009/12/11: CPD: A synthesis of marine sediment core C13 data over the last 150 000 years by K. I. C. Oliver et al.
- 2009/12/11: CPD: AMO-like variations of holocene sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic Ocean by S. Feng et al.
- 2008/11/11: GRL: (ab$) Recent radical shifts of atmospheric circulations and rapid changes in Arctic climate system by Xiangdong Zhang et al.
- 2009/12/10: AGWObserver: Unchallenging Copenhagen Climate Challenge [d]
- 2009/12/07: NERC:NORA: On the Definition of the Natural Capital of Soils: A Framework for Description, Evaluation, and Monitoring by David A. Robinson et al.
- 2009/12/08: NERC:NORA: Assessing uncertainties in climate change impact analyses on the river flow regimes in the UK. Part 1: future climate by Christel Prudhomme & Helen Davies
- 2009/12/08: NERC:NORA: Assessing uncertainties in climate change impact analyses on the river flow regimes in the UK. Part 2: future climate by Christel Prudhomme & Helen Davies
- 2009/12/09: NERC:NORA: Vegetation composition promotes carbon and nitrogen storage in model grassland communities of contrasting soil fertility by Gerlinde B. De Deyn et al.
- 2009/12/11: ACP: Wildfire smoke in the Siberian Arctic in summer: source characterization and plume evolution from airborne measurements by J.-D. Paris et al.
- 2009/12/11: ACPD: Modeling the regional impact of ship emissions on NOx and ozone levels over the Eastern Atlantic and Western Europe using ship plume parameterization by P. Huszar et al.
- 2009/12/11: ACPD: Atmospheric observation-based global SF6 emissions -- comparison of top-down and bottom-up estimates by I. Levin et al.
- 2009/12/11: ACPD: Black carbon aerosols and the third polar ice cap by S. Menon et al.
- 2009/12/11: ACPD: Continental Scale Antarctic deposition of sulphur and black carbon from anthropogenic and volcanic sources by H.-F. Graf et al.
- 2009/12/10: PNAS: Absence of geochemical evidence for an impact event at the Bølling-Allerød/Younger Dryas transition by François S. Paquay et al.
- 2009/12/10: ACP: Bacteria in the global atmosphere -- Part 2: Modeling of emissions and transport between different ecosystems by S. M. Burrows et al.
- 2009/12/10: ACP: Bacteria in the global atmosphere -- Part 1: Review and synthesis of literature data for different ecosystems by S. M. Burrows et al.
- 2009/12/10: ACPD: Atmospheric transport of persistent semi-volatile organic chemicals to the Arctic and cold condensation at the mid-troposphere -- Part 2: 3-D modeling of episodic atmospheric transport by Lisheng Zhang et al.
- 2009/11/19: Nature: (ab$) Reconstruction of the history of anthropogenic CO2 concentrations in the ocean by S. Khatiwala et al.
- 2009/12/06: NatGeo: (ab$) Earth system sensitivity inferred from Pliocene modelling and data by Daniel J. Lunt et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2009/12/08: WikiLeaks: [link to 242k pdf] [the Danish text] Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement...
- 2009/12/08: GermanWatch: [link to 232k pdf] Global Climate Risk Index 2010
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: [link to 678k pdf] U.S. Still #1 "Most Attractive" for Renewable Energy, But China is Catching Up
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2009/12/07: USGS: Climate Projections Underestimate CO2 Impact
- 2009/12/11: BBC: 'Cryo-egg' to predict sea levels
A hi-tech "cryo-Egg", which will help predict sea levels changes, is to be created by experts at Bristol university. The device will be sunk into the depths of the Greenland ice sheet before beaming back data about how frozen water is moving into the sea. - 2009/12/12: CCP: S.E. Engelhart et al., Geology 37 (2009), Spatial variability of late Holocene and 20th century sea-level rise along the Atlantic coast of the United States
- 2009/12/11: CCP: Michael E. Mann et al., Science 326 (2009), Global signatures and dynamical origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly
- 2009/12/10: Eureka: Understanding ocean climate
- 2009/12/12: ERabett: Eli Rabett and RW Wood
- 2009/12/09: NewScientist: The research that might save us after Copenhagen
- 2009/12/09: Maribo: The path of climate science and the dissenting views
- 2009/12/07: NatureTGB: Underwater glider completes Atlantic transit
- 2009/12/07: NOAANews: Glider Completes Historic Ocean Crossing: New Technology Advances Climate Understanding
Regarding Stephen Schneider:
- 2009/12/10: CCP: Stephen H. Schneider verbally assaulted in Copenhagen during U.N. press conference
- 2009/12/10: CCP: Stephen H. Schneider: Hammering out a deal for our future -- and Climate Denier Gate
- 2009/12/10: Edie: Nobel Peace Prize winner attacked by camera crew
A former Nobel Peace prize winner became involved in a heated exchange with a documentary film maker when his appearance at the Copenhagen climate talks was hijacked. Stanford University professor, Stephen Schneider, was speaking at the Bella centre in the Danish capital as part of the COP15 climate talks. - 2009/12/09: Telegraph(UK): Global warming is caused by radiation from the sun, according to a leading scientist speaking out at an alternative "sceptics' conference" in Copenhagen
Michel Jerraud interview:
- 2009/12/09: CCurrents: Interview With Michel Jerraud, World Meteorological Organization Chief
Hansen, redux:
- 2009/12/07: CCurrents: Cap And Fade by James Hansen
- 2009/12/07: NYT:PK: Unhelpful Hansen
- 2009/12/06: NYT: Cap and Fade by James Hansen
- 2009/12/07: KSJT: NY Times, Observer, Guardian: Jim Hansen steps up attack on cap-and-trade, hopes Copenhagen collapses (sort of)
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: Hansen Was Right: Cap and Trade Isn't the Solution
- 2009/12/07: CCP: James Hansen: Sack Goldman Sachs' Cap-and-Trade
- 2009/12/07: PRWatch: Scientist [James Hansen] Warns Against Climate Compromise
The Pielke fan clubbe returns with brass knuckles:
- 2009/12/06: CCP: Roger Pielke, Jr., sized up by Gavin Schmidt (or more appropriately, "downsized" literally and figuratively)
Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:
- 2009/12/11: EurActiv: UN carbon-offsetting scheme [CDM] 'in urgent need of reform'
- 2009/12/10: SolveClimate: UN Climate Chief Commits to Kyoto, But Uncertainty Over Treaty's Future Grows
- 2009/12/10: DerSpiegel: China CO2 Emissions -- Climate Change or Hot Air?
Mainland China earns billions in carbon-offset sales. But by taking credit for projects that would have been built anyway, it may not be playing by the rules. - 2009/12/11: G&M: Canada fiercely opposes proposal to extend Kyoto
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Kyoto: Congress' disgrace, not 'Al Gore's mistake'
- 2009/12/07: Reuters: Developers baffled by Chinese wind farm [CDM] rejections
While at the UN:
- 2009/12/11: DerSpiegel: Mr. Moon -- A Master of Missteps at the Head of the UN
- 2009/12/09: COP15: COP17 host has been found -- South Africa has agreed to host the 17th UN climate conference...Mexico will host COP16
- 2009/12/07: UN: UN agency [UNIDO] zeroes in on 'green industry' to lift poorest States out of poverty
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2009/12/11: PlanetArk: Carbon Fraud Causes 5 Billion Euro Tax Loss
- 2009/12/11: CBC: European fraudsters steal $7B in carbon credit scam
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Tax fraud costs E.U. carbon-trading system billions
- 2009/12/07: DerSpiegel: The Climate Mafia -- Fraudulent Emissions-Trading Schemes Rob German Tax Authorities
The Kyoto Protocol introduced a scheme for trading emissions certificates as a way to help reduce CO2 emissions. German tax authorities are now investigating almost 40 companies that traded certificates for allegedly taking advantage of loopholes in sales tax laws to bilk the taxman out of hundreds of millions of euros. - 2009/12/09: WorldChanging: Under A Cloud
- 2009/12/07: NatureTGB: More climate-related criminality as Copenhagen kicks off
- 2009/12/07: Reuters: U.N. summit should pave way for global CO2 market
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2009/12/09: PeakEnergy: Indonesia plans carbon tax, geothermal push
- 2009/12/06: CCurrents: A Direct Tax On Fossil Fuel Is What The World Needs Urgently
- 2009/12/06: TA: Remember when the Carbon Tax ruined BC?
The Tobin tax is in the air:
- 2009/12/11: DerSpiegel: EU Calls for Tax on Global Financial Transactions
- 2009/12/11: Guardian(UK): Tobin tax could fund climate aid under proposals from UK and France
- 2009/12/13: Guardian(UK): Why the Tobin tax could be Gordon Brown's legacy
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Now let's tax transactions -- A currency exchange levy would work politically and morally for a debt-ridden, post-crisis world
- 2009/12/07: TP:WR: Goolsbee On A Financial Transactions Tax: 'I Think It Would Be Hard'
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2009/12/11: GG&G: Econ 101 Analysis of Cap & Trade
- 2009/12/08: NakedCapitalism: George Washington: Head of California's Cap and Trade Offsets Program: Cap and Trade Won't Work for Climate, It's a Scam
- 2009/12/08: NakedCapitalism: George Washington: Woman [Blythe Masters] Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Derivatives, Which Would Be at the Very CENTER of Cap and Trade
- 2009/12/07: NRDC:SwitchBoard: The Rest of the Story of Cap and Trade
- 2009/12/03: DSL: I Need a Ruling From the Carbon Tax Folks
[...] I just want to know: does anyone out there think that cap and trade does not put a price on carbon? - 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): [Letters] Cap and trade will reduce emissions
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2009/12/10: MorungExpress: We have a real emergency by Mikhail Gorbachev
- 2009/12/10: PS: Financing the Fight against Climate Change by George Soros
- 2009/12/10: Guardian(UK): Climate change puts us all in the same boat. One hole will sink us all by Kofi Annan
- 2009/12/10: CCurrents: Will We Save Ourselves? by Kofi Annan
Among the world's religions:
- 2009/12/13: BBC: Church bells ring in climate plea
Bells at churches across Britain are to ring out 350 times later to press for an ambitious deal at the climate conference in Copenhagen. - 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): The Dalai Lama has used a visit to Tasmania to urge governments to focus more on climate change action and less on economic gain
Polls! We have polls!
Begin with the knowledge that any halfway competent fraudster can manipulate questions to get any answer he wants. Then finish this sentence: I trust this poll because...: - 2009/12/11: MongaBay: New poll: 70 percent of Americans agree that global warming is occurring [Ipsos/McClatchy]
- 2009/12/11: ClimateP: Yet another poll shows Americans support the bipartisan climate and clean energy jobs bill -- and know the planet is warming -- even in face of anti-science noise machine
- 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Climate concern waning in US [Pew]
- 2009/12/08: BRitholtz: WSJ: Are Humans Responsible for Climate Change?
- 2009/12/08: TreeHugger: Survey Reveals the Climate of Concern About Warming
- 2009/12/07: TerraDaily: Americans cool to human-caused global warming: poll
- 2009/12/07: CNN: Americans' belief in global warming sinks as Republicans shift
Percentage of Americans who believe in global warming down 8 points since June '08 - Belief held steady for Democrats, dropped 11 points among Republicans - CNN polling director: Growing GOP skepticism may be reaction to having a Dem as president - 2009/12/07: PhysOrg: 39% [Half] of Britons deny climate change man-made: poll
- 2009/12/07: PlanetArk: World Concerns About Climate Change Dwindle: Survey
- 2009/12/07: WSJ:EnvCap: Survey Says: Lots of Hot Air, Less Public Support for Tackling Climate Change
- 2009/12/06: CBC: Climate talks should set ambitious goal: poll
There is strong support for governments to take an ambitious approach to climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, according to a poll commissioned by the BBC World Service. On average, 44 per cent of the 24,071 people polled in 23 countries want their governments to "play a leading role in setting ambitious targets to address climate change" in Denmark, according to the poll conducted by GlobeScan between June 19 and Oct. 13. Another 39 per cent want their government to "adopt a more moderate approach and support only gradual action," while only six per cent want their government to oppose any deal. The poll, which conducted interviews either face-to-face or by telephone, has a margin of error per country of plus or minus 2.2 per cent to 4.9 per cent, 19 times out of 20, GlobeScan said. - 2009/12/08: CNN: Cash for Caulkers could seal $12,000 a home
Under President's proposal, homeowners would be reimbursed for energy-efficient appliances and insulation. - 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): Palinclimategateopedgate
- 2009/12/09: Guardian(UK): Palin's call to boycott Copenhagen puts Republican at odds with polar bears
- 2009/12/11: CSW: California's Adaptation Strategy shows leadership that Senate climate bill should follow
- 2009/12/11: TreeHugger: Anti-Science Noisemakers Have Failed: Americans Believe in Global Warming, Support Clean Energy Reform!
- 2009/12/11: DeSmogBlog: Exec. Publisher of Science journal [Alan Leshner] responds to Palin op-ed in Washington Post
- 2009/12/10: HuffPo: Saboteurs at Copenhagen [Congressional Republican Flat Earth Caucus]
- 2009/12/11: Oregonian: In rebuke to Adams, Metro goes cautious on carbon labeling of transportation projects
In a rare rebuke to Portland Mayor Sam Adams and efforts to rein in emissions linked to climate change, a panel led by the Metro Council Thursday morning voted for a cautious approach in evaluating potential pollution effects of transportation projects. Adams had pushed for months for regional leaders to sort a list of $20 billion in planned road, light rail and sidewalk projects into categories, labeling each project for low, moderate or high potential for boosting carbon emissions. Instead, a panel that controls federal transportation spending in the region opted to study the problem more and amend its plans as new information becomes available. - 2009/12/12: TreeHugger: 32 US Firms Commit To Reduce Energy Intensity 25 Percent, Over 10 Years
- 2009/12/12: CCP: Judge tentatively invalidates Western states' water pact
- 2009/12/11: TP: Asked How He Knows The Earth Is Cooling, [Republican National Committee chairman] Michael Steele Says 'I Don't!'
- 2009/12/11: Guardian(UK): Don't be fooled by Palin [Dr Alan Leshner]
Sarah Palin distorted clear scientific evidence and confused the impact of weather patterns in her article on climate change - 2009/12/10: IoD: WaPo tries to redeem itself: Palin's new nemesis is...
- 2009/12/12: Guardian(UK): Back to the bunker
The 'Climategate' emails have given new life to America's conservative sceptics -- and they will be the biggest losers - 2009/12/09: ClimateP: The antidote to Sarah "fiddle while Nome burns" Palin: Alaska teen testifies on climate change
- 2009/12/09: MTobis: Warning: Politicization of Politics [Palin]
- 2009/12/09: COP15: Republicans seek to undercut Obama at COP15
- 2009/12/09: DM:CCM: Sarah Palin's Bogus Climate Arguments Graduate From Facebook to the Washington Post
- 2009/12/09: TWTB: Sarah Palin, Washington Post op-ed, Fred Hiatt. Need I say more?
- 2009/12/09: IoD: Sarah Palin, edited
- 2009/12/07: CREW: CREW report reveals role Bush officials continue to play in shaping the debate about climate change
- 2009/12/07: CSW: Former Bush officials playing roles on behalf of oil, gas, mining and other energy interests
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Ike Solem's comment on Real Climate [US energy policy]
- 2009/12/04: NYT: [NY Mayor, Mike] Bloomberg Drops an Effort to Cut Building Energy Use
After intense opposition from building owners, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has dropped the most far-reaching initiative of his plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan, which the owners said was too costly, called for all buildings of 50,000 square feet or more to undergo audits to determine which renovations would make them more energy efficient, and for owners to then pay for many of those changes. The mayor wants to go forward with the proposal to require energy audits, but now is leaving it up to the building owners whether to undertake the changes called for by those audits. - 2009/12/11: NatureTGB: Scientists decry [Bush-era] 'range' rule
- 2009/12/11: CCP: 129 Scientists call on Secretary Salazar to rescind Bush-era policy limiting scope of Endangered Species Act
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
- 2009/12/08: CNN: Cash for Caulkers could seal $12,000 a home
Under President's proposal, homeowners would be reimbursed for energy-efficient appliances and insulation. - 2009/12/07: DeSmogBlog: White House says leaked email story "silly" - the science is clear
- 2009/12/07: CSW: On Obama, Copenhagen, and 9 Senate Democrats' conditions for supporting a climate treaty and bill
- 2009/12/07: COP15: Obama and Gore to meet on climate change
- 2009/12/07: BBerg: Obama's Climate Push Plays Catch-Up With Corporate Lobbyists
- 2009/12/07: OilChange: As Copenhagen begins, Obama Approves $3 Billion for Exxon
- 2009/12/07: SolveClimate: Obama's Treaty-Making Powers Broader Than Recognized -- It's Possible for Both Houses of Congress to Ratify a Treaty by Majority Vote
- 2009/12/07: CCP: As Copenhagen Climate Talks Open, Obama Administration Approves $3 Billion for Exxon-Mobil
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2009/12/12: ClimateP: The Sounds of Science: Lubchenco gives a demonstration of the science of ocean acidification
- 2009/12/10: CCP: Salazar approves Arctic oil drilling plan as he prepares keynote at Copenhagen: Alaska Natives demand moratorium on fossil fuel development
- 2009/12/08: EJ:Unearthed: Shell Allowed [by DoI] To Drill in Arctic's Chukchi Sea
- 2009/12/07: ScienceInsider: ARPA-E Puts Another $100 Million on the Table
The Department of Energy's new research agency is offering $100 million for the best ideas in the fields of electrofuels, carbon-capture technologies, and high-density battery storage. - 2009/12/07: NOAANews: NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco and Senior NOAA Climate Scientists Contribute to COP-15 Conference
- 2009/12/07: NOAANews: Dr. Lubchenco Responds to Questions About Stolen Climate Emails
- 2009/12/07: WSJ:EnvCap: Feds Cough Up Funding For Algae 's Biofuel Promise
The EPA raised a CO2 endangerment loaded pistol to Congress' temple this week:
- 2009/12/07: USEPA: Greenhouse Gases Threaten Public Health and the Environment
Science overwhelmingly shows greenhouse gas concentrations at unprecedented levels due to human activity - 2009/12/11: NRDC:SwitchBoard: If You Won't, They Will
- 2009/12/10: WarmingLaw: Connecting the Dots Leading to the EPA Endangerment Finding
- 2009/12/10: TreeHugger: EPA's Greenhouse Gas 'Endangerment Finding' Gets No Respect From Republicans
- 2009/12/09: DerSpiegel: The World from Berlin -- 'Obama Is Walking a Fine Line'
By ruling on Monday that greenhouse gases are a health hazard, the US Environmental Protection Agency gave a boost to climate talks in Copenhagen -- and to US negotiators. German papers on Wednesday wonder if the ruling is merely a symbolic gesture or evidence of real leadership from Washington in the fight to stop global warming. - 2009/12/08: Reuters: Scenarios: EPA rules vs Congress's laws on climate change
What happens next in the long-running U.S. drama over limiting greenhouse emissions could come down to a duel over whether rules or laws should dominate the policy landscape. - 2009/12/09: OilDrum: The EPA Endangerment Finding
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): US EPA moves on climate
- 2009/12/08: PlanetArk: Reaction To EPA's Climate Change Declaration
- 2009/12/08: PlanetArk: EPA Cleared To Regulate U.S. Emissions As Congress Stalls
- 2009/12/07: FTimes: Big business goes on to the offensive
Big business began attacking the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to start regulating greenhouse emissions even before it was announced on Monday, saying it would damage the US economy and force jobs abroad. "The implications of today's action by EPA are far-reaching," said Charles Drevna, president of the National Petrochemical and Refiners' Association. "Individual American consumers and businesses alike will be dramatically affected by this decision that, frankly, is based on selective science, a weak legal and policy foundation, and a failure to account for numerous uncertainties and assumptions in the models it relies on," he said. Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, the national trade lobby, warned that it "poses a threat to every American family and business". - 2009/12/08: Wunderground: EPA rules greenhouse gases threaten public health; winter storm pounds U.S.
- 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: UNFCCC head, Yvo de Boer, welcomes landmark US ruling on greenhouse gases
- 2009/12/08: WSJ:EnvCap: EPA's Endangerment Finding: Not So Unpopular After All?
- 2009/12/08: OilChange: Republican Outrage at EPA Move to Regulate CO2
- 2009/12/08: SolveClimate: US Declares Greenhouse Gases a Danger to Public Health and Welfare
- 2009/12/07: Maribo: One reason the US climate bill will pass [EPA endangerment ruling]
- 2009/12/08: SF Gate: EPA declares greenhouse gases pose health risk
- 2009/12/07: TP: EPA finally makes it official: Greenhouse gases endanger the American public
- 2009/12/08: BBC: UN and EU officials have welcomed the US declaration that greenhouse gases are threatening to human health
- 2009/12/07: BBC: US to regulate greenhouse gases -- The US government has declared that greenhouse gases threaten human health
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): US climate agency declares CO2 public danger
Environmental Protection Agency declaration allows it to impose emissions cuts without agreement of reluctant Senate - 2009/12/07: ClimateP: EPA: Greenhouse gases threaten public health and the environment
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): US environment watchdog moves to fight climate change
The US administration of Barack Obama has signalled it will regulate greenhouse gas emissions even if Congress does not approve climate legislation. - 2009/12/07: PhysOrg: EPA says greenhouse gases endanger human health
- 2009/12/07: Grist: [US] EPA declares greenhouse gases a threat, paves way for regulation
- 2009/12/07: WarmingLaw: EPA Finalizes Endangerment Finding: A Present to the World From the Obama Administration as Copenhagen Summit Begins
- 2009/12/07: CSW: History is made as US EPA finds heat-trapping gases endanger human health and welfare
- 2009/12/07: WaPo: Obama administration formally declares danger of carbon emissions
The Obama administration formally declared Monday that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions pose a danger to the public's health and welfare, a move that lays the groundwork for an economy-wide carbon cap even if Congress fails to enact climate legislation. The move, announced by Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa P. Jackson, comes as the largest climate change conference in history gets underway in Copenhagen. It finalizes an initial "endangerment finding" by the government in April. - 2009/12/07: ERabett: The other shoe or the gun to the Senate's head [CO2 endangerment]
- 2009/12/07: WSJ:EnvCap: Tailor Made: The EPA Prepares to Regulate Greenhouse-Gas Emissions
- 2009/12/07: AutoBG: EPA says green house gases endanger people, environment - and it's all our fault
- 2009/12/07: NPR:AP: EPA: Greenhouse Gases Are Danger To Human Health
- 2009/12/07: CCP: [US] EPA: Greenhouse gases endanger human health
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2009/12/11: DM:CCM: Sensenbrenner Pulls an Inhofe, Asserts Global Warming is an "International Conspiracy"
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Kyoto: Congress' disgrace, not 'Al Gore's mistake'
- 2009/12/09: NRDC:SwitchBoard: "Stacked" House Ag Subcommittee Hearings Don't Change the Facts: Farmers to Benefit from Cap and Trade Bill
- 2009/12/09: CSW: [Rep. James] Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc) IPCC witch-hunt: Attempt to blacklist climate scientists must be rejected
- 2009/12/09: TP: Rep. Rohrabacher on Copenhagen: 'This is about global government. ... We must fight the globalist clique!'
- 2009/12/08: TP: [House Majority Leader Steny] Hoyer (D-MD): I'm 'Disappointed' In John McCain's Flip Flop On Climate Change
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: The Hill reports "Climategate hasn't swayed swing votes on climate change bill"
- 2009/12/08: TP: Inhofe's Hoax: Senator Distorts Meteorological Study To Show Support For His Global Warming Denial
Kerry-Boxer aka CEJAPA defines a battleline:
- 2009/12/10: WSJ:EnvCap: Climate Bill: Kerry, Graham and Lieberman's Compromise Plan
- 2009/12/11: WaPo: Senators [Kerry, Lieberman & Graham] propose cutting greenhouse gas emissions 17% by 2020
- 2009/12/11: Grist: Cantwell's cap-and-trade bill: almost genius
To borrow Dave Eggers' book title, the novel approach to cap and trade proposed by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) is a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. Genius, because it is an innovative plan to create a best-case version of cap and trade. And heartbreaking, because by design and by omission it undermines the most important feature of cap and trade: a legally binding limit on carbon emissions. - 2009/12/11: WSJ:EnvCap: Climate Curveball: Senate Bill [by Senators Maria Cantwell (D., Wash.) and Susan Collins (R., Maine)] Taps Negative Mood Toward Wall Street
- 2009/12/10: McClatchyDC: New proposal [Cantwell bill] would pay Americans a percent of carbon permits
- 2009/12/11: IoD: Learning to love cap and trade: The Cantwell-Collins option
- 2009/12/10: ClimateP: Graham, Kerry, Lieberman embrace market-based system to cut carbon pollution "in the range of 17%" by 2020 and 80%+ by 2050 -- bipartisan backing for Obama's Copenhagen pledge.
- 2009/12/09: SolveClimate: Study: Carbon Cap Has Little Impact on Small Businesses -- Cost of Doing Nothing Would Be Far Higher
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2009/12/06: CCurrents: An Open Letter To Congress From US Scientists On Climate Change And Recently Stolen Emails
- 2009/12/07: CSW: Open Letter to Congress from U.S. Scientists on Climate Change and Recently Stolen Emails
- 2009/12/08: SolveClimate: Steelworkers Leader: Get Ahead of the Clean Energy Curve or US Will Miss Its Shot
While in the UK:
- 2009/12/09: BBC: Boiler scrappage scheme unveiled
A scrappage scheme that will pay people £400 to replace old boilers with new ones has been announced in Chancellor Alistair Darling's pre-Budget report. - 2009/12/12: Guardian(UK): Tories under pressure to rethink airport expansion policy
- 2009/12/08: TreeHugger: UK Conservatives Pledge 10% C02 Cuts in 12 Months
- 2009/12/08: BizGreen: [UK] Chancellor mulling zero tax for electric company cars
- 2009/12/08: BBC: Heathrow can expand and people can fly more without ruining the country's carbon targets, says the UK government's official climate watchdog
- 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): Climate change report calls for passenger tax on flights to reduce CO2
Watchdog [Committee on Climate Change] says air travel cannot continue to grow unchecked if UK's emissions targets are to be met - 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Ed Miliband: climate change deniers are 'profoundly irresponsible'
- 2009/12/06: Guardian(UK): MPs [Commons transport committee] back third runway at Heathrow airport
And in Europe:
- 2009/12/09: EurActiv: European cities 'take the lead' in fighting global warming
- 2009/12/09: EurActiv: EU leaders set to downgrade climate expectations
EU leaders have definitely given up on the idea that the Copenhagen conference will immediately deliver legally-binding measures to fight climate change and are instead asking for a six-month roadmap to reach a definitive deal after the UN summit, according to draft European Council conclusions seen by EurActiv. - 2009/12/09: EUO: Europe's business leaders say 'no way' to 30% carbon cut
- 2009/12/09: EUO: Wind farms and 'clean coal' projects scoop EU funds
- 2009/12/11: EurActiv: EU biofuel sustainability criteria 'inconsistent'
More in-depth studies are necessary to develop a robust methodology for calculating indirect land-use change caused by EU biofuel production, concluded a French consultancy's review of currently-known options. A study analysing existing methodologies to calculate the impact of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions highlights major discrepancies when they are applied to different biofuel production processes. - 2009/12/11: ABC(Au): European leaders have pledged to provide 7.2 billion euros ($11.5 billion) over the next three years to help developing nations adapt to climate change
- 2009/12/11: AutoBG: Ireland announces vehicle scrappage plan, EV tax break and carbon tax
- 2009/12/10: EnvFin: Commission backs six sites for carbon capture and storage
- 2009/12/11: DerSpiegel: The Climate in Brussels -- Europe Turns Up the Heat on the US
European Union leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed on funds to help the developing world address climate change and demanded the same from the US. German Chancellor Merkel also says that Washington's emissions reduction pledge doesn't go far enough. - 2009/12/10: EurActiv: EU clears extra funds for carbon storage, offshore wind
The European Commission yesterday (9 December) approved a series of offshore wind and carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects that will receive over 1.5 billion euros from the EU's economic recovery fund. - 2009/12/10: KSJT: NPR: Spain's solar panels, wind turbines, green talk. Impact: hardly anything. A lesson for Copenhagen -- carbon's way up anyway.
- 2009/12/09: EarthTimes: Brussels grants 1.5 billion euros to clean energy projects
- 2009/12/08: EurActiv: Dimas calls for global climate treaty by June 2010
Setting a clear timetable for delivering a comprehensive, legally-binding climate treaty by mid-2010 is a must, the EU's Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas told EurActiv in an interview. - 2009/12/07: EUO: Poland tries to delay EU 30% reduction target
- 2009/12/07: PlanetArk: EU Aims To Raid Aid Budgets For Climate Deal: Oxfam
- 2009/12/06: CPI: European Ambitions Hit a Wall of Carbon -- Business, Industry Pare Back EU Climate Goals
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2009/12/11: ABC(Au): Former government climate change adviser Ross Garnaut says it is inevitable that South Pacific countries will end up having their populations relocated to Australia or New Zealand
- 2009/12/12: ABC(Au): Opposition leader Tony Abbott says the size of the Australian delegation to the UN climate conference in Copenhagen is an unfair expense on tax payers
- 2009/12/11: CCurrents: Australia's Contrary Climate Plans
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): Abbott accused of climate costing blunder
The Federal Government has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of running a climate change "scare campaign" by making a $250 billion costing error on the price of reducing Australia's carbon emissions. Earlier, Mr Abbott stated that if Australia moves to reduce its carbon emissions by 15 to 25 per cent, the Government's policy will cost $400 billion. But Assistant Climate Change Minister Greg Combet says the new Liberal Leader has made a $250 billion costing error and cannot be trusted. - 2009/12/09: ClimateShifts: Abbott's climate change policy is "bullshit"
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): The Federal Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has played down tensions at the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/13: JQuiggin: La La, La Rouche, again
- 2009/12/13: GWWatch: Joyce hoist on his own petard
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): Get serious, Gillard tells Abbott
Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says Tony Abbott will have to come up with some policies if he wants to fight the Government ahead of the next election. And she has poured scorn on Mr Abbott's plan to reclaim the "Howard battlers" as "Abbott's army". - 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): Abbott rallies 'army' in climate battle
It is just more than two years since the so-called Howard battlers booted the former prime minister from office, and now Tony Abbott says he is all about winning them back. The new Liberal Leader says he will dub them Abbott's Army. - 2009/12/09: ABC(Au): [Opposition Leader Tony] Abbott compares Copenhagen to Munich agreement
- 2009/12/09: WaPo: A lingering pool of disbelief -- Despite a decade of record drought, Australian farmers refuse to buy into climate change
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): [NT] Government urged to match Opposition's climate policy
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Almost 50 Kingaroy residents in southern Queensland have formed an action group to stop an underground coal gasification plant near the town
- 2009/12/08: EarthTimes: Australian opposition trashes carbon trading scheme
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Labor seizes on fresh Liberal discord
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): [Federal Opposition Leader Tony] Abbott inspects clean coal technology [Maitland]
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Turnbull ups the ante
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): The Australian Greens say statements by the Federal Climate Change Minister are an invitation to negotiate a stronger emissions trading scheme
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Former Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull has unleashed an attack on his successor Tony Abbott, describing his climate change position as "bullshit".
- 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he will offer a cheaper climate change policy than the Government despite his own treasury spokesman reportedly putting a $50 billion price tag on it
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Climate change Australia's greatest economic risk: survey
A study of 115 of the nation's leaders in the fields of politics, business, the community sector and academia has concluded that the greatest risk to the Australian economy for the next decade is climate change. - 2009/12/07: ABC(Au): Camel cull to proceed despite criticism
A cull of 3,000 feral camels begins this week near the remote Northern Territory town of Docker River, south-west of Alice Springs. - 2009/12/07: BCLSB: Thunder From Down Under [Malcolm Turnbull]
- 2009/12/07: MalcolmTurnbull: Time for some straight talking on climate change
And in New Zealand:
- 2009/12/12: HotTopic: Imagining 2020: Green Crude
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2009/12/07: ScienceInsider: India Launches Climate Research Network
- 2009/12/07: Reuters: Coal throbs at the heart of India growth engine
- 2009/12/07: IBN: Opposition walks out of RS [Rajya Sabha ("Council of States"), the upper house of the Indian Parliament] over [Environment Minister] Jairam [Ramesh] statement
And in China:
- 2009/12/09: ShanghaiDaily: Every drop is precious to low-carbon tribe
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
- 2009/12/09: BCLSB: [Dennis] Gruending On The KAIROS Cuts
- 2009/12/09: LeDevoir: [Environment Minister Jim] Prentice's former chief of staff a lobbyist for Imperial Oil
- 2009/12/08: TStar: Canadians, Conservatives differ on climate: poll
Petition, protest keep pressure on Harper government, as key U.S. agency moves on greenhouse gas emissions - 2009/12/07: CBC: PM must do more on climate change, activists say
As the Copenhagen climate change summit opens, Canadian environmental activists are urging the government to go much further than they are planning to cut greenhouse gas emissions. "Our demand is clear: Base Canada's climate change plan on what the science tells us is necessary," John Bennett, executive director of Sierra Club Canada, told reporters in Ottawa on Monday. Bennett said Canada must commit to reducing emissions by at least 25 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020. "We make this demand knowing full well that it won't be an easy target and that it will have a cost. But we owe it to our children to act and to act now," he said. - 2009/11/22: TStar: Why Canada failed on Kyoto and how to make amends
- 2009/12/07: Impolitical: Spin for free
- 2009/12/07: AD: On destructive engagement
- 2009/12/07: HillTimes: Climate change issue an 'exposed flank' for Tories, says pollster
Environment Canada says Canada is seeking a new international climate change agreement 'that balances environmental protection and economic prosperity.' - 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Canada's polluted politics
To explain Canada's dismal record on climate change is to understand the toxic grip that oil holds over its government - 2009/12/11: MongaBay: Canada's reign of shame in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/10: ChronicleHerald: [Former Manitoba Premier, Gary] Doer is Canada's man at climate talks
- 2009/12/10: G&M: National unity at stake in climate strategy, think tank [Calgary West Foundation] says
Making Alberta, Sask., meet same greenhouse-gas emissions targets as eastern provinces is recipe for conflict, group contends - 2009/12/11: EarthTimes: Canada zapped on climate, but it's all US fault
- 2009/12/10: CanWest: Canada mocked and praised at Copenhagen
- 2009/12/12: DeSmogBlog: Everyone loves Canadians; it's Canada they hate
- 2009/12/11: G&M: Canada fiercely opposes proposal to extend Kyoto
Proposal to add five years to greenhouse-gas reduction treaty is seen as a concession to developing countries Canada's Copenhagen nightmare may be coming true. A draft proposal published at the climate-change summit Friday for the countries in the Kyoto Protocol, the only international greenhouse-gas reduction treaty, calls for five years to be added to Kyoto, taking it to 2017. Canada fiercely resists any extension of the treaty. Canada ratified the protocol in 2002, when Jean Chrétien's Liberals were in power. But the Conservatives under Prime Minister Stephen Harper have argued for years that the targets agreed to by Canada are impossible to meet. In common with many developed countries, Canada wants Kyoto to lapse in 2012, partly for fear of having to pay non-compliance penalties if it remains intact. - 2009/12/09: DeSmogBlog: Canada takes early lead in the fossil [of the day] race
- 2009/12/09: CCP: Canada vilified in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/09: CBC: Canadian youth protest tarsands in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/07: Straight: Canada takes first 'Fossil of the Day' at Copenhagen climate conference
- 2009/12/08: POGGE: Wankers of the day -- the first Fossil of the Day award
- 2009/12/08: TSun: Harper dubbed climate crook -- Protesters call Canada "Fossil of the Day" for stand in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: TStar: O Canada, the world's 'dirty old man'
- 2009/12/06: G&M: 'Dirty' image puts Canada in climate doghouse at Copenhagen
While it has its defenders, home of the oil sands must prove it can be part of the solution as global summit set to begin - 2009/12/08: CBC: PQ's road to separation leads to Copenhagen -- Sovereigntist party says Canada jeopardizes Quebec's green record
A GreenPeace action on Parliament Hill raised a bit of a fuss:
- 2009/12/08: MongaBay: Canada, not Copenhagen, hit by [GP] protests over climate policy
- 2009/12/08: CanWest: Brazen protest stunt calls Hill security into question -- 'We're very lucky it was just Greenpeace': Liberal senator
- 2009/12/07: CBC: 20 arrested after climate protest on Parliament Hill
- 2009/12/07: CTV: 20 people arrested after Parliament Hill protest
[...] Five protesters scaled Centre Block, while another 14 scaled West Block, where six managed to rappel down the front of the building and hang banners that said "Harper-Ignatieff: Climate Inaction Costs Lives." - 2009/12/11: TStar: Parliament Hill protest leads to ban on Greenpeace T-shirts
- 2009/12/10: CBC: Greenpeace logo banned in Parliament buildings
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2009/12/11: PlanetArk: Economics, Politics Chill Arctic Pipeline Dreams
They are the tangible evidence of an economy in limbo, waiting for one of the world's biggest unbuilt energy projects -- the C$16.2 billion ($15.3 billion) Mackenzie natural gas pipeline -- to get underway. After decades of setbacks, work on the pipeline has not started, and it's not entirely clear it ever will. - 2009/12/07: CleanBreak: Tar sands not just about greenhouse gas emissions
- 2009/12/11: CCurrents: The Silence Of The North
- 2009/12/10: CCP: YouTube video of the unbelievable environmental devastation in Canada, an area the size of the Great Britain, caused by tar sands surface mining
- 2009/12/13: TStar: U.S. bears oilsands burden, ex-PM says -- As major consumer of Canadian energy, Martin says Americans share responsibility
- 2009/12/09: TStar: Enbridge invests in solar
Enbridge Inc. has decided to quadruple its investment in Ontario's solar-power market, announcing Tuesday it is acquiring another six solar farms in Sarnia from California's First Solar Inc. The Calgary-based oil pipeline giant said it will pay an additional $300 million to add 60 megawatts of solar capacity to the 20 megawatts it purchased in October for $100 million. - 2009/12/09: TStar: Alberta's environment minister [Rob Renner] `proud to talk about' oil sands
- 2009/12/09: WpgFP: Canada's trade trumps environment
Canada should be setting climate change policy for the U.S., not the other way around. But far from being "an energy superpower," as Prime Minister Stephen Harper claims, Canada is America's gas jockey. Energy superpowers control their own energy destinies. Canada long ago handed the keys to its energy storehouse to the U.S., leaving 40 per cent of its citizens reliant on insecure offshore oil. Canada doesn't even have a strategic petroleum reserve to buffer shortages and price shocks. Canada is the biggest foreign supplier of oil and gas to the U.S. This September, Canada exported 2.35 million barrels a day of petroleum to the U.S., almost double the daily 1.27 million barrels from second-place Mexico. Natural gas exports are higher still. In 2008, Canada accounted for 90 per cent of all U.S. imports. - 2009/12/08: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Tar sands: Too risky say investors
- 2009/12/08: SciDaily: Untold Levels of Oil Sands Pollution on Athabasca River Confirmed
- 2009/12/08: CCP: E. N. Kelly et al., PNAS 2009, Oil sands development contributes polycyclic aromatic compounds to the Athabasca River and its tributaries
- 2009/12/07: CBC: Tarsands adding carcinogens to Athabasca River: study
A study of water quality at 60 sites along the Athabasca River and its tributaries makes it clear the tarsands have added cancer-causing toxins to the environment, a scientist at the University of Alberta says. - 2009/12/07: NatureN: Tar sands mining linked to stream pollution -- Canada's oil sands [could be] bad for local fish
- 2009/12/07: MongaBay: Oil sands pollution in Canada worse than industry and government claim
- 2009/12/07: PhysOrg: Study confirms untold levels of oil sands pollution on the Athabasca
- 2009/12/08: OBMB: Canada: The Great Black North
- 2009/12/06: NYT: Tortured Legacy: Canada's Oil-Sands Bounty
- 2009/12/07: Eureka: U of A's David Schindler confirms untold levels of oil sands pollution on the Athabasca
After an exhaustive study of air and water pollution along the Athabasca River and its tributaries from Fort McMurray to Lake Athabasca, researchers say pollution levels have increased as a direct result of nearby oil sands operations. - 2009/12/11: CBC: Billing rules stymie P.E.I. wind turbine use
- 2009/12/08: CBC: Municipalities can help reduce emissions: report
The federal government can give its climate change program a boost by working with local governments to control greenhouse gases, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities says. - 2009/12/07: AFTIC: Some sanity from the Globe and Mail
- 2009/12/06: CBC: Warm weather threatens Man. ice roads -- Routes a 'lifeline' for isolated communities: David Harper
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2009//: ClubOfRome: A New Path for World Development
- 2009/12/11: CCurrents: End Monopoly Capitalism To Arrest Climate Change
- 2009/12/12: FTimes: What the wealth of nations is really built upon
- 2009/12/13: OilDrum: The World to Take Economic Hiatus, Focus on Resilience
- 2009/12/08: Grist: Shared fate under the 'fault lines'
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2009/12/10: ChinaDaily: Population control called key to deal
- 2009/12/11: CCP: Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe: The 'human' factor is missing in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: NewInt:TMWB: Myths and madness
- 2009/12/08: CanWest: The real inconvenient truth -- The whole world needs to adopt China's one-child policy
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2009/12/10: RawStory: ABC uses Fox tactic to make Stewart seem like climate change denier
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: The Washington Post goes tabloid, publishes second falsehood-filled op-ed by Sarah Palin in five months -- on climate science and the hacked emails!
- 2009/12/08: Deltoid: The Washington Post can't go out of business fast enough
- 2009/12/08: DM:DB: Worst Science Article of the Day: Climate Denialism in The Daily Beast
- 2009/12/09: TWTB: Sarah Palin, Washington Post op-ed, Fred Hiatt. Need I say more?
- 2009/12/08: TP:WR: The Wall Street Journal Accuses Climate Scientists Of Being Stalinists
- 2009/12/08: TP: Fox fudges poll numbers to claim 120 percent of the public believes scientists falsify global warming data.
- 2009/12/06: ClimateP: Anti-science idealogues spin the NY Times public editor, Clark Hoyt, on "Climategate"
- 2009/12/06: DM:Loom: George Will: Uncheckable?
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): A perfect storm
Twitterers, blogging activists and other interest groups will outnumber the media at the world climate change summit in Copehagen - 2009/12/11: AlterNet: Why Is Mainstream Media Faking a Climate Scandal When There's Real Reporting to Be Done?
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Think Again: "Working the Refs" -- Coverage of stolen emails debunks (again) myth of "liberal media"
While activists search for effective communication techniques:
- 2009/12/13: CCP: Thomas Schueneman: A Misguided Message of Hate and Cherry-Picked Images from Copenhagen
Regarding the quality of blogospheric discussion:
- 2009/12/10: KlimaZwiebel: Much Ado About Blogs: Anarchy vs. Tradition
Here is something for your library:
- 2009/12/07: RedTory: [Book Plug] _Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives_ by Michael Specter
- 2009/12/06: FDL: [Book Review] _Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming_ by James Hoggan & Richard Littlemore
- 2009/12/10: Tyee: This Is How You Fuel a Community of Climate Deniers -- Start with big oil companies, and the money and connections flow
[Book Excerpt] _Not A Conspiracy Theory: How Business Propaganda Hijacks Democracy_ by Donald Gutstein - 2009/12/12: CCP: Judge tentatively invalidates Western states' water pact
- 2009/12/06: SolveClimate: Civil Conspiracy Lawsuits Filed Against Climate Change Deniers
- 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Legal Opinion Finds Indigenous Amazon Tribe Owns Carbon Rights
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2009/12/10: PhysOrg: Clean energy to grow into 1.6 trillion euros industry: WWF
- 2009/12/11: PlanetArk: Economics, Politics Chill Arctic Pipeline Dreams
They are the tangible evidence of an economy in limbo, waiting for one of the world's biggest unbuilt energy projects -- the C$16.2 billion ($15.3 billion) Mackenzie natural gas pipeline -- to get underway. After decades of setbacks, work on the pipeline has not started, and it's not entirely clear it ever will. - 2009/12/11: SciDaily: Bacteria Engineered to Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Liquid Fuel
- 2009/12/11: PhysOrg: 'Extreme' genes shed light on origins of photosynthesis
- 2009/12/11: FuturePundit: Cyanobacterium Produces Liquid Fuel From Sun Power
- 2009/12/12: TreeHugger: 32 US Firms Commit To Reduce Energy Intensity 25 Percent, Over 10 Years
- 2009/12/12: PeakEnergy: Quake Fears Leads Swiss to Close Geothermal Project
- 2009/12/10: CleanBreak: In case there was any doubt that clean energy had gone mainstream...
- 2009/12/10: IR^2: Brainstorming the Year's Top Energy Stories
- 2009/12/10: DerSpiegel: Germany's Pricy Gambit -- Will 'Cleantech' Be Next Economic Miracle?
Climate change is forcing the world's economies to embark on a new industrial revolution. The environmental industry creates growth and jobs, with German companies leading the way worldwide. But how much longer can it last? And what is the cost of the boom? - 2009/12/11: CBC: Energy body ups 2010 oil demand forecast
Increased economic activity will cause global oil demand to rise faster in 2010 than previously forecast, the International Energy Agency said Friday. The Paris-based IEA, which advises oil-consuming countries, said in its monthly report that crude demand will reach 86.3 million barrels a day in 2010, up 1.7 per cent from 2009. The new 2010 figure is 130,000 barrels above the agency's forecast from last month. The forecast for demand in 2009 remains "virtually unchanged" at 84.9 million barrels a day, the IEA said. - 2009/12/10: NewScientist: Battery lithium could come from geothermal waste water
- 2009/12/10: PhysOrg: Extra pores on plants could ease global warming: Japan study
Japanese researchers said Thursday they had found a way to make plant leaves absorb more carbon dioxide in an innovation that may one day help ease global warming and boost food production. - 2009/12/10: PeakEnergy: Oregon Power Wave Project Under Way
- 2009/12/10: PeakEnergy: Victorian Government funds new geothermal project
- 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Helping Poor Nations Switch to Clean Energy Could Bring a $100 Billion Renewable Boom
- 2009/12/07: CCurrents: IEA [WEO] Forecasts Stir Debate
- 2009/12/09: BBC: New drive to harness wave power [at the European Marine Energy Centre at Stromness off the shores of Orkney]
- 2009/12/08: NewScientist: California gives green light to space solar power
- 2009/12/07: NewScientist: Cheap catalyst [nickel bisdiphosphine] can make and break hydrogen
- 2009/12/07: Stanford: At Stanford, nanotubes + ink + paper = equal instant battery
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Ike Solem's comment on Real Climate [US energy policy]
- 2009/12/07: NBF: Energy News Roundup - Renewable Plan in China, US Starts a new Uranium mine, GE Helps Indian Nuclear Build
- 2009/12/06: EnergyBulletin: Reserves are bunk
Fracking is back:
- 2009/12/10: AlterNet: Heartbreaking Stories Warn New Yorkers of What May Be in Store if the State OKs Controversial Gas Drilling
- 2009/12/11: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Water contamination linked to hydraulic fracturing in New York State
- 2009/12/12: AlterNet: Damning New Evidence Raises Concerns About Threats to New York's Water from Gas Drilling
- 2009/12/13: OilDrum: Shale, gas, and water
The answer my friend...:
- 2009/12/10: WSJ:EnvCap: Oregon Trail: General Electric's $1.4 Billion Wind-Power Order
- 2009/12/10: BizJo: World's largest wind farm coming to Oregon
- 2009/12/11: CBC: Billing rules stymie P.E.I. wind turbine use
- 2009/12/12: NewScientist: Wind farms don't affect property prices
- 2009/12/10: TreeHugger: General Electric To Supply Wind Turbines For 845 Megawatt Project In Oregon
- 2009/12/10: ABC(Au): Wind farm opponents have denied they are behind an attack on a wind monitoring station [near Evansford, north-west of Ballarat] at the weekend, that caused $100,000 damage
- 2009/12/08: NYT:GreenInc: Europe Plans Offshore Wind Supergrid
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2009/12/11: Eureka: Elusive 'hot' electrons captured in ultra-thin solar cells -- Shrinking cells snares charges in less than one-trillionth of a second
- 2009/12/11: CCP: Innovation in solar technology helps conserve water, create jobs in Las Vegas, Nevada
- 2009/12/08: PeakEnergy: Solar Bonus Scheme Boom In New South Wales
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: The Roof is on Solar: California School District to Launch Largest Install of its Kind
On the coal front:
- 2009/12/12: PeakEnergy: Getting Power From Coal Without Digging It Up [UCG]
- 2009/12/09: PlanetArk: Consol [Energy Inc] Idling Two Mines, Blames Environmentalists
- 2009/12/09: Grist: New data paints a more toxic picture of TVA coal ash spill
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Coal boss [Hillman] takes climate solutions to Copenhagen
- 2009/12/08: NRDC:SwitchBoard: It Ends At Coal River Mountain
- 2009/12/07: TreeHugger: Massive Underground [Centralia] Coal Fire Started in 1962 Still Burns Today
- 2009/12/05: NBF: Converting Coal Plants for Clear Displacement of Pollution and CO2
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2009/12/11: EurActiv: EU biofuel sustainability criteria 'inconsistent'
More in-depth studies are necessary to develop a robust methodology for calculating indirect land-use change caused by EU biofuel production, concluded a French consultancy's review of currently-known options. A study analysing existing methodologies to calculate the impact of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions highlights major discrepancies when they are applied to different biofuel production processes. - 2009/12/12: MongaBay: Unilever suspends palm oil contract after supplier found to be destroying rainforests
- 2009/12/09: WSJ:EnvCap: Biodiesel Gently Weeps (or Explodes)
- 2009/12/08: Guardian(UK): Nitrous oxide concerns cloud future of biofuels
- 2009/12/08: ABC(Au): Trial to root out new biofuel source [pongamia trees]
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2009/12/13: BNC: IFR FaD 2 -- fuel use
Yes we have peak everything:
- 2009/12/07: EnergyBulletin: The UN's future scenarios for climate are pure fantasy
- 2009/12/09: EnergyBulletin: The Peak Oil Crisis: Copenhagen -- Prelude to extinction?
- 2009/12/11: OilDrum: Forecasting the Permanent Decline in Global Petroleum Production
- 2009/12/10: WSJ:EnvCap: Peak Uranium: More Reasons to Worry About Powering the Nuclear Revival
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2009/12/11: BBC: Why eco-light bulbs [CFLs] aren't what they seem
- 2009/12/10: FuturePundit: Efficiency Could Halt US Electric Demand Growth
- 2009/12/09: Eureka: Energy efficiency technologies offer major savings
- 2009/12/08: TreeHugger: Study Shows That Energy Use Can Be Cut In Half With Individual Controls
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2009/12/11: AutoBG: Mercedes-Benz delivers hydrogen, pure electric vehicles in two-pronged strategy
- 2009/12/11: AutoBG: Ricardo and Qinetiq announce reduced-cost lithium-ion battery
- 2009/12/09: PeakEnergy: An (almost) affordable electric car [Coda]
- 2009/12/08: CBC: China leads in auto sales, production
[...] Overall auto sales surpassed 12 million in the period from January to November, with the total for the year likely to exceed a record 13 million, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Monday. Those figures came from the Beijing-based China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. - 2009/12/08: CBC: Zenn to close Quebec electric car plant [as it phases out production of low-speed electric vehicles]
- 2009/12/07: Eureka: Munich lab demonstrates diesel truck engine with barely measurable emissions -- Diesel's alma mater drives engine technology toward green extreme
- 2009/12/07: BBC: China car sales pass 12 million
Chinese car sales and production both exceeded 12 million between January and November, state media has said. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers expects car sales and output to top 13 million for the full year, the Xinhua News Agency reported. China has never produced more than 10 million cars in one year before. - 2009/12/08: GCCM: Investors Voice Opposition to High-Carbon Fuel Policy
Washington, DC- A group of financial services organizations and shareholder advocacy groups representing approximately $127.5 billion in assets under management announces today its opposition to financially risky carbon-intensive fuels, such as tar sands, coal-to-liquid, and oil shale, in a letter to U.S. Senators debating the climate bill. - 2009/12/06: FTimes: Business must champion low-carbon growth by Nick Stern
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2009/12/05: TerraDaily: Beware the great 'greenwashing' con, experts warn
[...] "I can give you a ton of words that mean absolutely, positively nothing," said Daniel Velez, owner of Greater Goods, where the shelves are stocked only after careful, painstaking research. "The word natural. The word earth-friendly. It means nothing since it's not legally defined. Biodegradable, except in California, doesn't actually carry any weight of law." Around the world, there are few legal requirements companies must adhere to when marketing products as green or sustainable. - 2009/12/11: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for December 11th...
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for December 9th...
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for December 8...
- 2009/12/07: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for December 7...
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2009/12/11: DeSmogBlog: Guardian: Viscount Monckton calls young climate activists 'Hitler Youth'
- 2009/12/11: DeSmogBlog: Loopy Larouchians on the "Copenhagen scandal"
- 2009/12/10: DeSmogBlog: Third Viscount Monckton of Benchmark Crude
- 2009/12/10: CCP: S. Fred Singer (know your enemy) lies before a rapt audience in Copenhagen, thanks China for emitting CO2
- 2009/12/08: NYT:PK: Climate rage...why the anti-climate-change types are so angry...?
- 2009/12/11: MoD: Quote of the day [Krugman]
- 2009/12/10: TP: Oil Lobby Adds Diversity To Its Anti-Clean Energy Pamphlet By Photoshopping Minorities Into Stock Photos
- 2009/12/10: TP: In Attempting To Justify Her Denier Op-Ed, Palin Lies About Her Past Climate Change Views
- 2009/12/10: TP:WR: Climate Scientists Around The World Debunk Wall Street Journal 'Stalinist' Screed
- 2009/12/10: Guardian(UK): Has UKIP got more than it bargained for in recruiting Viscount Monckton?
- 2009/12/12: ClimateP: TVMOB hate speech shocker: Lord Monckton repeats and expands on his charge that those who embrace climate science are "Hitler youth" and fascists.
- 2009/12/10: Tyee: This Is How You Fuel a Community of Climate Deniers -- Start with big oil companies, and the money and connections flow
[Book Excerpt] _Not A Conspiracy Theory: How Business Propaganda Hijacks Democracy_ by Donald Gutstein - 2009/12/12: BCLSB: Oddly Appropriate
- 2009/12/12: GreenFyre: The Copenhagen Climate Science "Challenged"
- 2009/12/12: DWWSJ: and they still wonder why most real journalists ignore them...
- 2009/12/10: PRWatch: The Loneliness of Being A Skeptic in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/11: TS:QuarkSoup: The Origins of Climate Anger
- 2009/12/11: RuneSmith: Who Are You People?
- 2009/12/11: UOH: The sleazy face of scientific denialism
- 2009/12/12: Guardian(UK): Climate change? Well, we'll be dead by then
- 2009/12/11: Guardian(UK): Don't be fooled by Palin [Dr Alan Leshner]
Sarah Palin distorted clear scientific evidence and confused the impact of weather patterns in her article on climate change - 2009/12/11: Guardian(UK): In denial: Lord Monckton's climate change rant at activists
- 2009/12/10: Guardian(UK): Copenhagen's sceptic conference thanks China for emitting CO2
- 2009/12/10: DeSmogBlog: Best Dissection Yet of CopenDeniers Conference
- 2009/12/12: ClimateShifts: Following the trail of denier lies
- 2009/12/12: DeSmogBlog: Copendenier Fred Singer on holes in the ozone, toxins in our food and the misunderstood cigarette
- 2009/12/12: CCP: Viscount Monckton calls young climate activists 'Hitler Youth'
- 2009/12/13: JKB: Jurrie's Q&A
- 2009/12/09: ClimateP: Debunking George Will, Part 238
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Climate skeptics descend on the Copenhagen talks
- 2009/12/09: Grist: Don't Flannery Yourself -- Exxon's man in Copenhagen
- 2009/12/09: BSD: Why hasn't the fossil fuel industry created a pro-skeptic climate model?
- 2009/12/09: Deltoid: Willis Eschenbach caught lying about temperature trends
- 2009/12/09: SciProg: How the Global Warming Story Changed...Disastrously
- 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Copenhagen's Skeptic Tank
- 2009/12/09: DeSmogBlog: Monckton calls young U.S. climate activists "Hitler Youth" for protesting at Americans for Prosperity event
- 2009/12/09: DeSmogBlog: ClimategateTV: Deniers Start Their Own Station
- 2009/12/08: DeepClimate: In the beginning: The National Post, Terence Corcoran and Tom Harris
- 2009/12/09: GWWatch: Andrew Bolt: liar, denier, and father
- 2009/12/08: CCurrents: Seven Answers To Climate Contrarian Nonsense
- 2009/12/08: CCurrents: Rampaging Climate Deniers' Losing Battle
- 2009/12/08: ClimateP: Anti-science groups funded by ExxonMobil hype email story
- 2009/12/08: Grist: Where is the fossil-fuel industry in Copenhagen?
- 2009/12/08: PeakEnergy: The Real Climate Scandal
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Chris Dunford on Dot Earth debunks another of wmar's lies -- this one the meme that scientists thought the Earth was heading for another ice age in the 1970s
- 2009/12/08: DVoice: Rampaging Climate Deniers' Losing Battle
- 2009/12/07: FAIR: Forbes Publishes Fiction on Climate Change Debate
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): The denial industry case notes
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): The climate denial industry is out to dupe the public. And it's working
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Ed Miliband: climate change deniers are 'profoundly irresponsible'
- 2009/12/06: BSD: Volokh Correction #26: plenty of proxies don't use tree ring reconstruction
- 2009/12/07: Wunderground: Don't shoot the messenger
- 2009/12/07: TP:WR: Saudi Arabia Endorses Climategate: 'There Is No Relationship Whatsoever Between Human Activities And Climate Change'
- 2009/12/07: TP: Right-Wing Billionaire David Koch Funding SwiftBoat Campaign Against Global Warming Science
Meanwhile in the 'clean coal' saga:
- 2009/12/10: EnergyBulletin: Is "Clean Coal" a Dead End?
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2009/12/10: GreenGrok: Warming World Makes for Strange Bedfellows
- 2009/12/10: ClimateShifts: The precautionary principle and climate change
- 2009/12/04: BobPark: What's New?
1. Climate change: which side is Bob on in the climate war?
2. Climategate: what about the people that did the hacking?
3. Fuel : the most important book you haven't read. - 2009/12/12: TreeHugger: Beware False Balance in Climate Science: All Voices Are Not Equal
- 2009/12/11: IR^2: Copenhagen Suggests Climate Issue Not Going Away
- 2009/12/12: CCurrents: Rescuing A Planet Held Hostage
- 2009/12/10: PhysOrg: 1,700 UK scientists back climate science
- 2009/12/10: PhysOrg: What's so funny about global warming?
- 2009/12/10: SciDaily: Danish Eco City [Aalborg] Proves Waste Management Can Reverse Greenhouse Trend
- 2009/12/10: HotTopic: More than a number [CCI]
- 2009/12/09: MongaBay: US think-tank [CEI]: islands affected by global warming should wait for trickle-down money
- 2009/12/13: DWWSJ: Some facts about weather and climate models you should know.
- 2009/12/09: ERabett: An innocent question...What are X's politics?
- 2009/12/09: TreeHugger: Inside the Battle to Save the Earth's Climate
- 2009/12/09: CCurrents: Time To Refocus The C02 Battle
- 2009/12/09: CCurrents: Take Me To Your Climate Leader
- 2009/12/08: CSW: Michael MacCracken: The Achievable Path to Climate Protection
- 2009/12/09: AFTIC: A visual approach to the climate debate
- 2009/10/15: IIB: Global Warming Skeptics versus Scientific Consensus
- 2009/12/07: MTobis: The Missing Musser
- 2009/12/08: DM:CCM: Announcing Our Participation in the Copenhagen News Collaborative
- 2009/12/07: Oregonian: In 'Climategate's' wake, key Northwest scientist [Phil] Rasch keeps looking skyward
- 2009/12/08: LeDaro: Global Warming or Pollution
- 2009/12/07: EnergyBulletin: Why We Find it so Hard to Act Against Climate Change
- 2009/12/07: Guardian(UK): Expert view: Let the people see our climate as the scientists do
- 2009/12/07: AJaffe: Obligatory post on climate change
- 2009/12/07: PeakEnergy: An Affordable Truth
- 2009/12/07: CCP: American Meteorological Society issues Information Statement on Climate Change
- 2009/12/07: CCP: Climate change much worse than predicted by models
- 2009/12/07: IoD: The scientist's role in policy-making, part 459
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Angry Mermaid Award
- WMO: WMO at COP 15
- NewMatilda: COP This!
- Climate Justice Action
- SourceWatch: Copenhagen Agreement (Danish text)
- CDM Watch
- IGBP-CCI Climate Change Index
- UnEarthed, the Earthjustice blog
- Grist: A Gristy guide to the COP15 climate talks
- CNC: Copenhagen News Collaborative
- CAN: Climate Action Network
- IISD: COP 15 and COP/MOP 5 Daily Reports
- Global Warming - Global Climate Change
- SwiftHack
- Tyee: Environment
- BBC: Copenhagen summit 2009
Ha Ha Ha:
Who is making more trouble? The Demonstrators or the Negotiators?
The CRU theft continues to reverberate:
Let's see. US$700 billion for bankers. And how much to save the earth?:
While in Antarctica:
And how do the pledges stack up?
Another candidate in the curious baseline follies:
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
Consider transportation & GHG production:
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
As for carbon sequestration:
Svensmark, again:
Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Caulkers. What's next? Cash for _____!
And on the American political front:
The battle against Bush's regulatory changes continues:
Canada at Copenhagen:
For extra added enjoyment, throw in the Anglo-Francais fault line:
Can you say Security Theatre?
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
Oh Look! That infamous liberal media strikes again!
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"People often ask about the costs, but the figures people tend to cite don't take into account conservation and efficiency measures that are easily available. And they don't look at the cost of inaction, which is the extinction of the human race. Period."
- Kevin Parker, global head of Deutsche Bank Asset Management
- Log in to post comments
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