Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Instability News
Information overload is pattern recognition
September 19, 2010
- Chuckles, COP16+, WEF-Asia, WEC, MDG, MEF, Bug, Pakistan
- Bottom Line, World Bank, Ecuador, Cook, Post CRU
- Melting Arctic, Megafauna, Arctic Lows, Geopolitics
- Food Crisis, Pavlovsk, Higher CO2, AgroBiz, Food vs. Biofuel, Food Riots, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Aerosols, Clouds, Ozone, Paleoclimate
- ENSO, Solar, Ocean Currents, State of the Oceans, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Wacky Weather, Wildfires
- Corals, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs , Misc. Science, DIY Science, Schneider
- UN, Carbon Tax, Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Polls, Water Politics & Business, Software, Psych
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, Fish Kill, Prop 23, Endangerment
- Sunflower, November, Obama, USAdmin, Congress, Climate Bill, Utah Tar Sands
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Post Election, China, Russia
- Canada, G20 Policing, Quebec Energy, Pelosi, Pipelines, WTO Dispute, Athabasca
- BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Sask, Ontario, Quebec, North, Canadiana
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts
- Energy, Fracking, Wind, Solar, Feed-In-Tariffs, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Business, Greenwashing, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2010/09/16: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Adaptability
- 2010/09/15: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Low Lying
- 2010/09/14: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Conflicts of Interests
- 2010/09/17: DM:SRK: (cartoon - Luckovich) Distraction
- 2010/09/15: ClimateP: (cartoon - Toles) Tea-Totaled
And for those who enjoy challenging Poe's Law:
- 2010/09/15: MTobis: Scoop!
Looking ahead to COP16 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2010/09/17: Reuters: Aviation chiefs seek global emission cutting scheme
The aviation sector called on governments on Friday to agree on a global set of rules on tackling the industry's carbon emissions to avoid chaos from a range of competing systems. - 2010/09/17: IPSNews: Expectations Scaled Back for Cancún Climate Summit
- 2010/09/13: Reuters: China says rich-poor divide still dogs climate pact talks
- 2010/09/13: Reuters: China says rich-poor divide still dogs climate pact talks
There was a World Economic Forum - Asia meeting little remarked in western media:
- 2010/09/14: RadioAustralia: China summit [WEF-Asia] told 'act now' on climate
- 2010/09/13: GlobalTimes: Concrete emissions trade legislation urged
- 2010/09/13: ANN: World economic [Asian] forum urges leaders to act on climate change
The World Energy Congress happened this week in Montreal:
- 2010/09/17: TEC: Checking the pulse at the World Energy Congress: Final day
- 2010/09/16: TEC: Checking the pulse at the World Energy Congress: Day three
- 2010/09/15: TEC: Checking the pulse at the World Energy Congress: Day two
- 2010/09/14: TEC: Checking the pulse at the World Energy Congress: Day one
- 2010/09/13: TEC: View from the World Energy Congress: Opening day
- 2010/09/16: G&M: [WEC] Energy conference seeks to avoid Copenhagen pitfalls -- Global leaders to take pragmatic approach to avoid political rancour that undermined year-ago session
- 2010/09/14: EarthTimes: Clean energy just a dream, as smoking chimneys remain
Montreal - Smoking chimneys instead of whirring windmills? The energy revolution will not happen quickly as experts say. In the coming decades, most energy will continue to come from traditional plants using coal and gas with the transition to more renewable sources progressing only slowly. This disheartening picture was painted at the World Energy Conference this week in Montreal. Leaders in the energy sector gathered in the French-Canadian city, but concrete results appeared as intangible as they were at the last meeting in Rome three years ago. - 2010/09/15: TEC: Yvo de Boer on UNFCCC and KPMG at The World Energy Congress
- 2010/09/15: TEC: Invest in energy that will last forever
- 2010/09/13: EarthTimes: Energy leaders discuss unresolved questions
- 2010/09/14: NM&PC: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Turn On Your Faucet
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Natural gas risks worthwhile: Shell CEO [at WEC]
- 2010/09/13: PostMedia: 'Dirty oil' targeted at Montreal energy summit protest
About 400 demonstrators gathered Sunday afternoon in downtown Montreal to protest in advance of this week's World Energy Congress and demand that governments and private industry turn their attention to cleaner sources of energy. The protesters, a few of whom went so far as to cover themselves in a thick brown goop that bore a striking resemblance to crude oil but was actually molasses, stood shoulder to shoulder and hoisted huge banners that read, "Too dirty, too risky. Go beyond oil" and "No to shale gas." The energy conference, which is scheduled to run from Sunday to Thursday, brings together more than 3,500 global leaders in the energy sector, including from private industry, governments and international organizations. The conference will discuss everything from improving access to energy to the role of alternative energy sources like wind and solar power. - 2010/09/19: TerraDaily: Millennium Development Goals seek end to poverty, hunger
- 2010/09/18: CDreams: The Millennium Goals
- 2010/09/14: EurActiv: Water seen as 'fundamental' to UN development goals
World Water Week, held last week in Stockholm, drew attention to water as means of achieving the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on alleviating poverty and hunger by 2015. - 2010/09/13: Google:AFP: Over 100 billion dollars needed for millennium goals: Ban
Also next week, the Major Emitters Forum is meeting in NYC:
- 2010/09/14: Grist: Major climate change talks set for next week in New York
- 2010/09/14: Yahoo:AFP: Major climate change talks set for next week in New York [MEF]
Representatives from the 17 nations responsible for 80 percent of the emissions thought responsible for global warming will meet in New York next week, a US envoy said Tuesday. US special envoy for climate change Todd Stern said the meeting would take place September 20-21... - 2010/09/15: Bernama: U.S. To Host Major Economies Climate Forum In New York
Here's a useful reply to an annoyingly persistent idea:
- 2010/09/13: WtD: How science works: or why climate change is not a religion
The Pakistan monsoon floods are a monumental tragedy:
- 2010/09/17: CNN: Pakistan flooding crisis: Not over yet
Areas of Pakistan are still submerged in water, weeks after the first flooding happened - The UN and other organizations are calling for more help in aiding the estimated 20 million in need - The death toll is believed to surpass 1,700 - 2010/09/17: TerraDaily: UN seeks record two billion dollars for Pakistan disaster
- 2010/09/17: WFP: Pakistan: WFP Expands Op To Address Impact Of Flooding
- 2010/09/15: FAO: FAO, IFAD, WFP to accelerate assistance to Pakistan flood victims -- Around 10 million people are vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition
- 2010/09/17: BBC: UN launches $2bn appeal for Pakistan flood victims
- 2010/09/17: UN: Pakistan: UN issues largest-ever disaster appeal at over $2 billion for flood victims
- 2010/09/16: UN: Pakistan's flood survivors need stronger support, stresses UN refugee chief
- 2010/09/17: EarthTimes: UN food agency [WFP] says more money needed for flood-hit Pakistan
- 2010/09/16: BBC: Pakistan 'needs more flood aid'
International donors must "step up to the plate" once again to help flood-hit Pakistan, UK charity Oxfam has said. Oxfam's call comes as the United Nations (UN) prepares to launch a new appeal for Pakistan, seeking to treble the $460m (£295m) raised so far. - 2010/09/16: CBC: Pakistan needs to aid flood relief: U.S. envoy
The world will only be able to fund about 25 per cent of the tens of billions needed to rebuild Pakistan after the floods, and its government will have to make up the shortfall, the U.S. envoy to the country warned Thursday. - 2010/09/16: MTobis: Pakistan Acute Crisis Ongoing
- 2010/09/15: UN: Pakistani floods creating a new disaster every day, UN relief chief says
- 2010/09/13: DemNow: "This Is the Worst Catastrophe to Hit Any State Since Biblical Times" -- Just Back from Pakistan, Feryal Ali Gauhar Describes the Suffering from the Flood
- 2010/09/15: NYT: Zawahri Tape Criticizes Pakistan
Al Qaeda's number two Ayman al-Zawahri released an audio recording Wednesday accusing the Pakistani government of responding too slowly to severe flooding in the country and calling on Pakistanis to revolt. - 2010/09/15: BBerg: Pakistan May Buy 1 Million Tons of Sugar After Flood Destroys Cane Crop
- 2010/09/14: UN: Health risks in flood-hit Pakistan still a major concern, say UN agencies
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Canada adds $7.5M to Pakistan flood relief
- 2010/09/14: NakedCapitalism: WashingtonsBlog: Allegation - Americans Flooded Out Millions in Pakistan to Protect U.S. Drone Military Base
- 2010/09/13: EurActiv: EU leaders set to back trade waiver to flood-hit Pakistan
Heads of states meeting this week in Brussels are set to approve a trade waiver for Pakistan to help the Asian country recover from the devastating August floods. - 2010/09/13: EarthTimes: Rising Pakistani lake [Manchar] prompts tens of thousands to evacuate
- 2010/09/12: ClimateP: Juan Cole: The media's failure to cover "the great Pakistani deluge" is "itself a security threat" to America
- 2010/09/12: CBC: Canada extends Pakistan flood aid program
The Canadian government has extended its deadline to match donations to Pakistan's flood victims to Oct. 3. The Pakistan Floods Relief Fund was announced three weeks ago. At the time, the government said it would match, dollar for dollar, money raised by Canadians for relief operations, until Sept. 12. - 2010/09/14: CBC: Fisheries worth $246B worldwide
What are the major global financial institutions up to?
- 2010/09/17: SMH: World Bank spends billions on coal power
- 2010/09/16: DeSmogBlog: World Bank Plows $3.4 Billion into Toxic Asset [coal]
- 2010/09/15: Guardian(UK): World Bank invests record sums in coal
Last year, $3.4bn was invested in the dirtiest fossil fuel despite international commitments to cut emissions - 2010/09/13: Grist: A chat with Dan Kammen about his new job at the World Bank
Ecuador is still trying to swing their Yasuni deal:
- 2010/09/16: PlanetArk: Ecuador Passes The Hat For Amazon Protection Plan
Ecuador is launching a one-of-a-kind initiative to protect a jungle reserve that contains not only a huge variety of plants and animals but 20 percent of the country's crude oil. In exchange for not drilling for crude in a 200,000-hectare area of Yasuni national park, the government is asking rich nations, foundations and individuals to give it $3.6 billion. - 2010/09/14: EnergyBulletin: Deep in Ecuador's rainforest, a plan to forego an oil bonanza
John Cook & friends are continuing the Basic and Advanced Versions of their skeptical arguments:
- 2010/09/19: SkeptiSci: Global warming and the unstoppable 1500 year cycle [BV]
- 2010/09/16: SkeptiSci: How much did aerosols contribute to mid-20th century cooling? [AV]
- 2010/09/15: SkeptiSci: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and global warming [BV]
- 2010/09/13: SkeptiSci: Why positive feedback doesn't necessarily lead to runaway warming
Post CRU theft, controversy & inquiry:
- 2010/09/17: SkeptiSci: Himalayan Glaciers: Wrong Date, Right Message
- 2010/09/17: BCLSB: Best Refutation Money Can Buy
- 2010/09/14: Guardian(UK): Montford lands some solid blows in review of 'climategate' inquiries [Pearce]
- 2010/09/14: Guardian(UK): 'Climategate' inquiries were 'highly defective', report for sceptic thinktank rules
- 2010/09/14: IJISH: GWPF's inquiry-into-inquiries report now out, but does it reach same standards it demands of others?
- 2010/09/14: BBC: Call to replace UN climate chiefs
Lord Turnbull, the former head of the UK civil service, says the government must push for new leadership of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He says new leaders are needed to re-build trust in climate science following the "Climategate" e-mails affair and the IPCC's glacier mistake. Lord Turnbull made his comments in a report on Climategate published by the climate-sceptic think-tank the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), of which he is a trustee. The government has not yet said whether it will use its influence to seek new leadership of the IPCC. - 2010/09/13: IJISH: Climate inactivist group GWPF's report on 'inquiry' into CRU inquiries still nowhere in sight
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
- 2010/09/19: HotTopic: Double dipping: It's grim up north #3
- 2010/09/18: QuarkSoup: Arctic Ice Fake-out
- 2010/09/18: ASI: Where is the Petermann Baby?
- 2010/09/18: ClimateP: Stop the presses! Arctic melt ain't over 'til it's over
- 2010/09/17: DM:80B: 2010's Hot Summer Took a Toll on Arctic Ice, Walruses, and Coral
- 2010/09/15: CC&G: 2010 Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Still Not Over
- 2010/09/16: NatureTGB: Arctic sea ice minimum: Below 2009, but no record melting
- 2010/09/15: CU-B: Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Lowest 2010 Extent, Third Lowest in Satellite Record
- 2010/09/16: Eureka: Arctic sea ice reaches lowest 2010 extent, third lowest in satellite record
- 2010/09/15: ADN: Arctic ice shrinks to 3rd-lowest level in recent decades -- Melt: Summer extent well below average.
- 2010/09/15: CBC: Arctic ice levels 3rd-lowest on record
- 2010/09/15: BBC: 'Rapid' 2010 melt for Arctic ice - but no record
- 2010/09/15: ASI: SIE update 30: baby, it ain't over 'til it's over
- 2010/09/15: Yahoo:AFP: Arctic sea ice shrinks to third lowest area on record
- 2010/09/14: ClimateP: Scientists track sharp drop in oldest, thickest Arctic sea ice.-- 2010 melt season ends, likely setting the record for lowest volume
- 2010/09/14: CNN: Tropical Storm Karl forms in Caribbean; 2 hurricanes churn in Atlantic
- 2010/09/14: PhysOrg: Arctic sea ice captured by satellite
- 2010/09/13: SpaceDaily: Arctic ice melting quickly, report says
- 2010/09/14: Tamino: Death Spiral
- 2010/09/13: ClimateP: Video: 2010 Arctic sea ice update
As for the (non) charismatic megafauna:
- 2010/09/14: ENS: Arctic Warms, Sea Ice Shrinks, Extinction Risk Grows
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Walruses forced ashore by ice melt
- 2010/09/14: CCP: Canada's muskoxen down 80% due to starvation caused by climate change (report "Extinction: It's Not Just For Polar Bears" lead author Shaye Wolf)
- 2010/09/13: Guardian(UK): Scientists investigate massive walrus haul-out in Alaska
- 2010/09/13: SolveClimate: Mass Walrus Migration in Alaska, from Melting Ice to Dry Land
Scientists fear declining Arctic sea ice may have caused the unprecedented movement of these large mammals facing extinction this century - 2010/09/13: KSJT: Alaska Dispatch, AP, Telegraph: Walruses, again this year, that can't find ice are coming ashore
- 2010/09/13: ClimateP: AP: Melting Sea Ice Forces Walruses Ashore in Alaska
- 2010/09/13: PhysOrg: Melting sea ice forces walruses ashore in Alaska
Tens of thousands of walruses have come ashore in northwest Alaska because the sea ice they normally rest on has melted. - 2010/09/13: TreeHugger: 10,000+ Walruses Come Ashore in Alaska As Arctic Ice Melts
Here is a welcome result of Arctic warming:
- 2010/09/16: PostMedia: Climate change to take bite out of brutal polar storms
Drop in number of Arctic hurricanes a rare exception as scientists warn of more extreme weather
Fierce polar storms, which frequently churn up the North Atlantic, are likely to become much rarer in a warmer world, according to results of a study released today. Polar lows, also called Arctic hurricanes, could be 50 per cent less common by the end of this century, says a report in the journal Nature. The findings are "a rare example of a climate change effect in which a type of extreme weather is likely to decrease, rather than increase," it says. - 2010/09/15: NewScientist: Arctic hurricane frequency set to dwindle as world warms
- 2010/09/15: PhysOrg: Arctic storms to decrease with global warming: study
Brief but vicious Arctic storms known as polar lows are likely to become much less frequent as global warming intensifies, scientists in Britain determined on Wednesday. - 2010/09/15: EmbassyMag: A nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Arctic
- 2010/09/16: SpaceDaily: Russia, Canada trade rival Arctic claims
- 2010/09/16: TreeHugger: Norway to Ship Iron Ore Across Arctic to China - First Non-Russian Carrier to Use Northeast Passage
- 2010/09/16: G&M: Russia-Norway pact on Arctic zone puts pressure on Ottawa
As other countries sew up deals, Canada is seen as a laggard in jockeying for northern riches - 2010/09/15: Guardian(UK): Russia and Norway resolve Arctic border dispute
Treaty allows for new oil and gas exploration and settles 40-year row over Barents Sea - 2010/09/16: BBC: Russia and Canada seek UN ruling on Lomonosov Ridge
Russia and Canada have said they will ask the UN to rule on their dispute over a resource-rich underwater Arctic mountain range, the Lomonosov Ridge. Both foreign ministers said after talks they were confident their respective country's claim would be upheld. Each argued that the ridge was an extension of their country's continental shelf, allowing them to exploit any mineral resources there. Arctic resources are becoming more accessible due to melting ice. The five Arctic powers - Russia, the US, Canada, Norway and Denmark - are engaged in a scramble to claim them. - 2010/09/16: CBC: Canada, Russia expect to win Arctic claims at UN
The foreign ministers of Russia and Canada both said Thursday they expect the United Nations to rule in favour of their nations' respective rival claims to Arctic resources. Russia, the U.S., Canada, Denmark and Norway have all been trying to assert jurisdiction over parts of the Arctic, which is believed to contain as much as a quarter of the Earth's undiscovered oil and gas. - 2010/09/13: Guardian(UK): The Arctic oil rush
Greenland is a land apart -- where many people welcome global warming, dislike Greenpeace, and hope the arrival of Big Oil will transform their lives. But at what price to this pristine wilderness? - 2010/09/14: WFP: Number of Hungry Dips, But Still 'Unacceptably High'
The number of hungry people in the world has fallen to 925 million from the record 1.02 billion reached in 2009. But it is still unacceptably high -- equivalent to around one in seven people on earth -- and hunger must remain on the political agenda if we are to make further progress. - 2010/09/16: WFP: Mounting Concern For Hungry In Chad As Hope Rises In Niger
- 2010/09/14: FAO: 925 million in chronic hunger worldwide -- Though improved, global hunger level "unacceptable"
- 2010/09/18: CCurrents: Who Will Feed India In The Days To Come?
- 2010/09/16: UN: UN agency sounds alarm on mounting hunger in Chad
- 2010/09/15: UN: Laos: UNICEF moves to combat extreme child malnutrition in flood-affected provinces
- 2010/09/14: SeedDaily: Grain rots in India as millions starve
- 2010/09/15: CCurrents: Half The Indian Children Are Malnourished
- 2010/09/14: UN: Number of world's hungry dips below 1 billion, UN reports
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Wild rice crops wiped out by high water
- 2010/09/14: PhysOrg: Growing Roundup-resistant weed problem must be dealt with, expert says
When Penn State weed scientist David Mortensen told members of the U.S. House Oversight Committee this summer that the government should restrict the use of herbicide-tolerant crops and impose a tax on biotech seeds to fund research and educational programs for farmers, it caused quite a stir. The growing problem with weeds that have become resistant to the most common herbicide used by American corn, soybean and cotton farmers has gotten so serious that new strategies are needed to combat them, he contended. - 2010/09/13: MTobis: Peak Oil vs Climate Change: Food Security
- 2010/09/13: SeedDaily: Niger food crisis under control: UN
- 2010/09/14: TreeHugger: How Will Food Security Be Affected by Climate Change, Energy Constraints & Water Availability?
- 2010/09/14: BBC: Global hunger 'unacceptably high', UN [FAO] report says
- 2010/09/14: CBC: 925 million people undernourished: UN -- Decline from year ago reflects efforts in India, China
What's happening with the Pavlovsk Experimental Station?
- 2010/09/16: KSJT: USA Today, ScienceNow, NPR : Russia botanical treasury at risk, says press release. News accounts say it's been saved. What's true?
The effect of higher CO2 levels?
- 2010/09/16: PhysOrg: Higher carbon dioxide levels used on crops, examined
Meanwhile round the agro-chem-biz:
- 2010/09/15: Grist: Notorious agribiz giant Monsanto hired notorious 'security' firm Blackwater
- 2010/09/15: AlterNet: Industry Tries to Pull a Fast One on Consumers by 'Rebranding' High Fructose Corn Syrup
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2010/09/13: BPA: How Much Corn Ethanol is the U.S. Exporting and Why?
Regarding the food riots:
- 2010/09/14: BBC: Mozambique 'blocked texts' during food riots
The BBC has seen a letter apparently sent by Mozambique's authorities ordering mobile phone companies to block some text messages during recent food riots. The protests were fuelled by text messages urging people to join in. - 2010/08/01: AfricaFiles: Longer, analytical article. Land-grabbing, a new form of sharecropping? by Sarah Flament & Eric Guiot
- 2010/09/13: CCurrents: After Offshoring, Obama Needs To Crack Down On Farmland Grab
Regarding genetic modification of food plants:
- 2010/09/17: DemNow: Percy Schmeiser vs Monsanto: The Story of a Canadian Farmer's Fight to Defend the Rights of Farmers and the Future of Seeds
- 2010/09/16: CBC: Genetically modified salmon not safe: activists
- 2010/09/17: PlanetArk: France Still Opposed To EU Plan On GM Crop Growing
- 2010/09/14: Grist: FDA set to accept junk science for 'Frankenfish' safety studies
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Label genetically modified salmon: fish farmers
- 2010/09/13: AlterNet: The Creepy Science Behind Genetically Engineered "Frankenfish" About to Enter Our Food Supply Unlabeled
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Genetically modified salmon's safety defended
The head of a company trying to get its genetically modified salmon approved for sale in the U.S. [Aqua Bounty CEO Ronald Stotish] is disappointed by public reaction to reports the product is safe. - 2010/09/17: Reuters: Ancient seeds in Mexico help fight warming effects
Climate change could bring lower yields, food crisis - Crossing plant varieties to fight drought, heat - 2010/09/18: CBC:Q&Q: (mp3) Empires of Food
- 2010/09/17: EnergyBulletin: The 4 major threats to industrialized agriculture -- Fred Kirschenmann speaks
- 2010/09/17: EnergyBulletin: Recycling animal and human dung is the key to sustainable farming
- 2010/09/16: SeedDaily: Indian Farmers Adopt Flood-Tolerant Rice At Unprecedented Rates
- 2010/09/15: SeedDaily: Farm Management Choice Can Benefit Fungi Key To Healthy Ecosystems
- 2010/09/14: CCurrents: A New Age Of People Power: Lessons From The Dongria Kondh
- 2010/09/13: AlterNet: Good Food Is Emerging as a Real Alternative to the Dominance of Corporate Agriculture
- 2010/09/14: NewScientist: Supercrops: Fixing the flaws in photosynthesis
The Atlantic had three simultaneous hurricanes, Igor, Julia and Karl:
- 2010/09/19: CNN: Bermuda begins to feel wrath of massive Hurricane Igor
"Significant coastal flooding" is expected in Bermuda - Igor could make a direct hit on Bermuda by late Sunday - Hurricane-strength winds stretch 90 miles (150 km) from the center of Igor - Swells affecting the U.S. east coast are likely to cause "life-threatening" surf and rip currents - 2010/09/19: TerraDaily: Igor bears down on Bermuda, Karl kills three in Mexico
- 2010/09/18: EarthTimes: Bermuda braces for Igor, Mexico recovers from Karl
- 2010/09/18: CBS: Karl Kills 2, Storm Remnants Drench Mexico -- In Atlantic Hurricane Igor Strengthens to Cat 2, Threatening Bermuda
- 2010/09/18: Wunderground: Karl dies over Mexico's mountains; Igor bears down on Bermuda
- 2010/09/18: EarthTimes: Tropical storm Karl headed for central Mexico
- 2010/09/17: EarthTimes: Hurricane Karl reaches Mexico's eastern coast
- 2010/09/17: NASA:JPL: Hurricane Igor, Unchained, in NASA Satellite Images
- 2010/09/17: CNN: Hurricane Karl plows into Mexico mainland, weakens
Karl is downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane - Mexican government discontinues all coastal watches and warnings - Hurricane Karl makes landfall in Veracruz, Mexico - Heavy rain could still cause problems - 2010/09/17: Wunderground: Karl makes landfall near Veracruz; Igor slightly weaker
- 2010/09/17: Wunderground: Hurricane Karl: first major hurricane ever in the Bay of Campeche; Bermuda eyes Igor
- 2010/09/16: Wunderground: A rare triple threat: three simultaneous Atlantic hurricanes
- 2010/09/16: EarthTimes: Karl reaches hurricane strength, threatens eastern Mexico
- 2010/09/17: Eureka: NASA sees record-breaking Julia being affected by Igor
- 2010/09/17: Eureka: NASA's CloudSat satellite and GRIP Aircraft profile Hurricane Karl
- 2010/09/16: Eureka: GOES-13 sees a weaker Hurricane Julia in the 'tropical trio'
- 2010/09/16: Eureka: NASA eyes Karl, now a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico
- 2010/09/17: BBC: Hurricane Karl has made landfall on Mexico's south-eastern coast, becoming the first major storm of the Atlantic season to hit land, US officials say
- 2010/09/17: CBC: Weaker Hurricane Karl hits Mexican coast -- Downgraded to Category 2 storm
- 2010/09/16: CNN: Karl could be major hurricane when it hits Mexican mainland
Karl, a Category 1 storm, will continue strengthening - Karl could near major hurricane strength before its center reaches landfall late Friday - Hurricane Igor,l a Category 4 storm, could produce dangerous surf on the U.S. coast - 2010/09/16: PhysOrg: NASA eyes Karl, now a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico
- 2010/09/16: Wunderground: Karl near hurricane strength; Igor intensifying again
- 2010/09/16: Eureka: NASA's 3-D look into Hurricane Igor's heavy rainfall
- 2010/09/16: TGBeaver: Hurricanes Igor and Julia. Tropical Storm Karl. 16/1300Z
- 2010/09/16: BBC: Tropical Storm Karl makes landfall in Mexico
- 2010/09/16: CBC: Hurricane Karl threatens Mexico
- 2010/09/14: TerraDaily: Igor stirs up Caribbean, takes aim at Bermuda
- 2010/09/15: Wunderground: Karl hits the Yucatan; two simultaneous Cat 4s in the Atlantic for 2nd time in history
- 2010/09/15: EarthTimes: Tropical storm Karl crosses Yucatan, headed for Gulf of Mexico
- 2010/09/15: EarthTimes: Two hurricanes and a tropical storm churn Atlantic
- 2010/09/15: Eureka: 3 NASA satellites seek clues to Hurricane Julia's rapid intensification
Hurricane Julia intensified rapidly overnight and is now a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Scale and NASA's Aqua, Terra and TRMM satellites captured clues as they passed over her from space. - 2010/09/15: Eureka: Quick-intensifying Tropical Storm Karl landfalling in Mexico
- 2010/09/15: Eureka: NASA satellite measures monstrous Hurricane Igor as a '10 hour drive'
- 2010/09/15: CSM: Hurricane Julia joins Igor in the Atlantic as Karl greets Mexico
- 2010/09/15: BBC: Tropical Storm Karl has made landfall in Mexico, with two dangerous category four hurricanes - Igor and Julia - also sweeping in from the Atlantic
- 2010/09/15: CBC: Tropical storm Karl drenches Mexico -- Hits sparsely populated area of Yucatan Peninsula
- 2010/09/14: Wunderground: Igor turns west-northwest; Julia a hurricane; 92L growing more organized
- 2010/09/14: Eureka: Stunning NASA infrared imagery of Hurricane Igor reveals a 170 degree temperature difference
- 2010/09/14: Eureka: GOES-13 sees system 92L looking more like a tropical depression
- 2010/09/14: Eureka: NASA sees Tropical Storm Julia born with strong thunderstorms and heavy rainfall
- 2010/09/13: Eureka: Igor now a Category 4 hurricane with icy cloud tops and heavy rainfall
- 2010/09/14: CSM: Hurricane Igor: Will it reach Bermuda?
- 2010/09/14: TGBeaver: Hurricane Igor and Hurricane Julia - 14/1400Z
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Hurricane Julia forms in Atlantic
- 2010/09/13: DWWSJ: Amazing 1 minute GOES Imagery of Hurricane Igor
- 2010/09/13: PhysOrg: Igor now a Category 4 hurricane with icy cloud tops and heavy rainfall
- 2010/09/13: PhysOrg: NASA sees Tropical Storm Julia born with strong thunderstorms and heavy rainfall
- 2010/09/13: PlanetArk: Hurricane Igor Leaps To Cat 4 Status Over Atlantic
- 2010/09/13: Wunderground: Igor an impressive Cat 4; 92L running out of time to develop; Julia forms
- 2010/09/13: EarthTimes: Hurricane Igor intensifies over Atlantic
- 2010/09/13: CSM: National Hurricane Center: Hurricane Igor intensifies quickly
- 2010/09/13: TGBeaver: Hurricane Igor and Tropical Storm Julia
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Hurricane Igor could become Category 5 storm
- 2010/09/12: BBC: Hurricane Igor has strengthened in the Atlantic and is moving westwards, forecasters warned
In the Western Pacific, we had Fanapi:
- 2010/09/19: CNN: Typhoon batters Taiwan, knocking out power
- 2010/09/19: EarthTimes: Typhoon Fanapi causes power cuts, disrupts transport in Taiwan
- 2010/09/19: BBC: [Cat 3] Typhoon Fanapi sweeps into Taiwan
- 2010/09/18: EarthTimes: Taiwan president issues warning as Typhoon Fanapi approaches
- 2010/09/17: Eureka: NASA eyes Typhoon Fanapi approaching Taiwan
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
- 2010/09/16: ClimateP: Masters: "It appears that this year's record [sea surface temperatures] have significantly expanded the area over which major hurricanes can exist over the Atlantic."
- 2010/09/15: Yale360: Exploring the Links Between Ocean Warming and Hurricanes
One of the more contentious issues facing climate scientists is whether rising ocean temperatures will cause more frequent and powerful hurricanes. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Kerry Emanuel, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says that amid the uncertainty, one thing seems likely: an increase in the most potent -- and destructive -- storms. - 2010/09/15: Reuters: Exploring the Links Between Ocean Warming and Hurricanes [Kerry Emanuel Interview]
- 2010/09/15: BBC: Dozens killed in North Korea typhoon [Kompasu]
Dozens of people died in North Korea in floods and landslides caused by a typhoon which hit the country earlier this month, state media has said. It is the first casualty toll from Typhoon Kompasu given by the Korean Central News Agency. Nearly 9,000 buildings were destroyed and roads, railways and power lines were badly damaged, the report said. - 2010/09/17: GreenGrok: The Climate Clock
- 2010/09/13: PlanetArk: EU Cuts Emissions For Sixth Year, Mulls Forestry
And the temperature record:
- 2010/09/18: SkeptiSci: A South American hockey stick
- 2010/09/17: SkeptiSci: Should The Earth Be Cooling? by Michael Searcy
- 2010/09/16: TreeHugger: 2010 Is Now Tied For Hottest Year on Record (So Far)
- 2010/09/16: TreeHugger: 37 US States Set Nighttime High Temperature Records This Summer
- 2010/09/15: STimes: 2010 continues on track to be record hot year
- 2010/09/15: DWWSJ: NOAA- 2010 Hottest Year on Record So Far
- 2010/09/15: ClimateP: NOAA reports 2010 hottest year on record so far -- Summer 2010 the second warmest on record; hottest August in RSS satellite record
- 2010/09/15: NOAANews: 2010 Tied with 1998 as Warmest Global Temperature on Record -- Summer 2010 the second warmest on record, Arctic sea ice continues its 14-year decline
- 2010/09/13: CC&G: GISS August, 2010 Temperature Anomalies
- 2010/09/13: moyhu: GISS for August 0.53C, same as July
- 2010/09/13: AGWObserver: NODC ocean heat content
- 2010/09/13: RealClimate: Warmer and warmer
- 2010/09/13: SkeptiSci: European reanalysis of temperature confirms record warmth in 2010
- 2010/09/12: ClimateP: NASA reports hottest January to August on record -- August tied for hottest in UAH satellite record
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2010/09/17: ClimateP: NASA: Does heating from black carbon increase cooling from clouds?
- 2010/09/16: NSF: Aerosols Control Rainfall in the Rainforest -- Precipitation-controlling aerosols over the Amazon rainforest originate from the forest ecosystem
- 2010/09/16: Eureka: 'Archeologists of the air' isolate pristine aerosol particles in the Amazon
- 2010/09/15: NASA:JPL: NASA Data Track Seasonal Pollution Changes Over India -- MISR data were used to measure the concentration of aerosol pollutants over the Indian subcontinent and how it varies by season
Clouds are one of the major uncertainties in climate. Much research revolves around them:
- 2010/09/13: SciDaily: Dry Lake Bed Salts Promote Cloud Formation
The ozone layer has apparently stopped shrinking:
- 2010/09/16: WMO: New report highlights two-way link between ozone layer and climate change
International efforts to protect the ozone layer -- the shield that protects life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet rays -- are a success and have stopped additional ozone losses and contributed to mitigating the greenhouse effect, according to a new report. - 2010/09/17: PlanetArk: Ozone Recovering But Will Take Longer Over Poles: U.N.
- 2010/09/16: ENS: Ozone Holes No Longer Growing
- 2010/09/16: PhysOrg: UN scientists say ozone layer depletion has stopped
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2010/09/14: PhysOrg: Dinosaurs out in the cold
A major drop in temperature 137 million years ago briefly interrupted the warm, equable climate of the Cretaceous Period. The water temperature in the Arctic Ocean fell from around 13 C to between 4 and 7 C, possibly causing the poles to freeze over. - 2010/09/16: NatureN: Return of La Niña -- As El Niño's cooler sister rolls round again, Nature probes the environmental pros and cons
- 2010/09/15: NASA:JPL: A Growing La Nina Chills Out the Pacific
Regarding the solar hypothesis:
- 2010/09/17: DWWSJ: Are Sunspots Disappearing? New Paper Rocks Solar Physics World!
- 2010/09/15: KSJT: AAAS ScienceNow: The way things are going, sunspots will disappear in five years and Earth might cool off
- 2010/09/14: SciNow: Say Goodbye to Sunspots?
Here's an interesting hypothesis about ocean currents:
- 2010/09/13: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) External forcing as a metronome for Atlantic multidecadal variability by Odd Helge Otterå et al.
- 2010/09/12: NatureN: Ocean conveyor-belt model stirred up -- Analysis of temperature and salinity shakes view of global water flow
- 2010/09/13: SciDaily: Sun and Volcanic Eruptions Pace North Atlantic Climate Swings [Otterå]
And the State of the Oceans:
- 2010/09/13: NatureTGB: Humans responsible for deep sea scars
- 2010/09/14: SciDaily: Human Impacts on the Deep Seafloor
- 2010/09/14: CoralCOE: Ending the Oceans' 'Tragedy of the Commons'
Leading international marine scientists are proposing radical changes in the governance of the world's oceans to rescue them from overfishing, pollution and other human impacts. - 2010/09/14: NASA:JPL: NASA Uses New Method to Estimate Earth Mass Movements
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2010/09/18: AmesTrib: Report suggests increase in severe weather
- 2010/09/18: UN: UN gives hope to Rwandan communities ravaged by climate change
- 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): Public awareness of the biodiversity crisis is virtually non-existent
- 2010/09/15: SciNow: Record Hot Summer Wreaks Havoc
- 2010/09/14: SciNews: Cuckoos thrown off by climate change -- Opportunistic birds shift victims in response to earlier springs
- 2010/09/14: ChicagoTrib: It's getting hot up here -- As climate change comes to Chicago, conservation groups anticipate future changes in local ecosystems
- 2010/09/14: EUO: Additional CO2 cuts could save EU billions in health costs, NGO says
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2010/09/16: ABC(Au): Amazon shrinks as drought grips Brazil
A severe drought parching northern Brazil this year has shrunk the mighty Amazon River - the world's longest - to its lowest level in 47 years, officials said on Wednesday. - 2010/09/15: TreeHugger: Laser and Satellite Technology Maps How Much Carbon the Amazon Rainforests Can Hold
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2010/09/17: UN: Migration season across Gulf of Aden off to a deadly start, UN agency reports
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2010/09/17: CSM: A New York tornado? Brooklyn, Queens not exempt from major storms.
- 2010/09/17: BBC: New York battered by twin tornadoes
US weather experts say a freak storm with two tornadoes was to blame for a trail of destruction across New York City that left one person dead. - 2010/09/17: BRitholtz: NYC Tornado
WhatTF is going on with our weather? NYC got hit with 5 micro tornadoes -- upturning trees, moving cars, disrupting rail and highways -- over the course of about 20 minutes. - 2010/09/17: EarthTimes: One dead as storm causes chaos in New York
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2010/09/17: TerraDaily: Russian heatwave caused 11,000 deaths in Moscow: official
- 2010/09/14: PhysOrg: Colorado's 'Reservoir Road Fire' can be seen from space
- 2010/09/13: PhysOrg: More wildfires have burned around the Russian capital this year than in the last decade and a half...
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Colorado wildfire forces hundreds to flee
Corals are dying:
- 2010/09/17: PhysOrg: Coral disease outbreaks linked to cooler temperatures
[...] "Previous studies examined the relationship between warm conditions throughout the year and the likelihood of disease," said Scott Heron, Ph.D., physical scientist with NOAA's Coral Reef Watch. "We considered the influence of summer and winter separately, taking into account both cold and warm stress, to find that winter temperatures are just as important as summer stress in determining the susceptibility of corals to disease outbreaks." - 2010/09/16: NOAANews: Coral Disease Outbreaks Linked To Winter Temperatures, Not Just Warm Summers -- New Coral Disease Outbreak Risk Product Available
Glaciers are melting:
- 2010/09/19: WaPo: Deep within a French glacier, a melted menace
- 2010/09/15: GreenGrok: Update: The Slow Creep of Ice and Science
- 2010/09/16: SkeptiSci: What's happening to glaciers globally?
- 2010/09/14: CCP: Humboldt Glacier Retreat, Greenland, by Mauri Pelto, From A Glacier's Perspective
- 2010/09/14: CCP: Pre-Viking artefacts uncovered as glaciers melt rapidly in Norway, baring ground that has been covered for thousands of years
Sea levels are rising:
- 2010/09/16: ABC(Au): Islanders plead to Australia for help
The people of the Cartaret Islands in Papua New Guinea, who are facing inundation from rising sea levels, have appealed to the Australian government for help. - 2010/09/18: CBC: Alta. flood victims await disaster relief [since June]
Some flood victims in Medicine Hat, Alta., are still living in tents and RVs as they wait for disaster relief funds from the province. Severe flooding struck southern Alberta this spring, destroying homes, businesses and farms -- and leaving thousands homeless - 2010/09/17: MSF: Nigeria: 100,000 displaced by flooding in the country's northwest
- 2010/09/17: UN: Chad: UN agency offers assistance after floods strike southeast
- 2010/09/17: EarthTimes: Rainstorms wreaking havoc in Spain
- 2010/09/16: UN: UN launches Asia-Pacific mechanism for monitoring droughts
- 2010/09/15: TerraDaily: Drought shrinks Amazon River to lowest level in 47 years
- 2010/09/14: TerraDaily: Flood-hit Mexicans prepare for wet bicentenary
- 2010/09/14: CCP: Aral Sea 90% gone!
- 2010/09/15: SkeptiSci: Does more extreme rainfall mean more flooding? Answer: Not always by Lee Tryhorn & Stephen Shaw
- 2010/09/13: TerraDaily: Deaths rise to 25 in Mexico rains and floods
- 2010/09/12: EarthTimes: Fresh floods force more Mauritanians to flee homes
- 2010/09/12: EarthTimes: 10 killed, about 300,000 displaced in India floods
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2010/09/16: GreenGrok: A Whale of a Climate Story
- 2010/09/16: Eureka: Avoiding dangerous climate change: An international perspective
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2010/09/16: Tyee: Why a Streetcar Is Something to Be Desired -- Rule 1 for sustainable communities: Restore the streetcar city
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2010/09/17: SolveClimate: Foam Inspired by Nest of a Frog to Absorb CO2 in Coal Plant Flues -- Invention wins Earth Awards top prize, and global attention
- 2010/09/17: PlanetArk: Carbon Capturing Technology Doomed In Europe: Study
- 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): Carbon-absorbent foam triumphs at 2010 Earth Awards
- 2010/09/13: ABC(Au): Crystal sponges to mop up power station CO2
A team of Australian scientists has developed a new material that can soak up large amounts of greenhouse gases. The researchers from the school of chemistry at the University of Sydney have constructed crystals full of tiny holes that can filter and capture gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Chief researcher Deanna D'Alessandro says the molecular sponges are more robust than those used in the past and can sustain the hot wet environment of a power station flue. - 2010/09/13: PhysOrg: Australia hopes for carbon capturing 'sponges'
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2010/09/15: NewScientist: Think or swim: Can we hold back the oceans?
- 2010/08/: TAS: Prozac for the Planet -- Can geoengineering make the climate happy?
- 2010/09/16: ERW: Geoengineering the tailor-made way
So far, researchers investigating geoengineering have typically decided on a regime of aerosol injection and modelled how it will affect climate. Now scientists have turned this approach on its head by setting climate goals first before finding out the injection pattern that best creates them. - 2010/09/16: Eureka: Optimizing climate change reduction
- 2010/09/15: PhysOrg: Climate change: Can geoengineering satisfy everyone?
- 2010/09/13: Guardian(UK): The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the world's climate
Businessmen, scientists and right-wing thinktanks are joining forces to promote 'geo-engineering' ideas to cool the planet's climate, writes Clive Hamilton - 2010/09/17: HotTopic: Shelter from the storm
- 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): How science will shape climate adaptation plans
- 2010/09/15: MST: Getting real about a warmer, wetter Minnesota
Instead of debating climate change, public planners at a summit this week are envisioning the effects of more heat, rain and how to adapt. - 2010/08/31: GRL: (ab$) Ammonium concentration in ice cores: A new proxy for regional temperature reconstruction? by T. Kellerhals et al.
- 2010/09/17: CP: Climate change between the mid and late Holocene in northern high latitudes - Part 2: Model-data comparisons by Q. Zhang et al.
- 2010/09/17: CP: Climate change between the mid and late Holocene in northern high latitudes - Part 1: Survey of temperature and precipitation proxy data by H. S. Sundqvist et al.
- 2010/09/15: CP: Impact of brine-induced stratification on the glacial carbon cycle by N. Bouttes et al.
- 2010/09/17: NASA:GISS(AC&P): Black carbon absorption effects on cloud cover: Review and synthesis by D. Koch & A.D. Del Genio
- 2010/09/16: ERL: Geoengineering as an optimization problem by George A Ban-Weiss & Ken Caldeira
- 2010/09/16: ACP: The potential influence of Asian and African mineral dust on ice, mixed-phase and liquid water clouds by A. Wiacek et al.
- 2010/09/16: ACP: Baseline levels and trends of ground level ozone in Canada and the United States by E. Chan & R. J. Vet
- 2010/09/14: ACP: Analysis of C13 and O18 isotope data of CO2 in CARIBIC aircraft samples as tracers of upper troposphere/lower stratosphere mixing and the global carbon cycle by S. S. Assonov et al.
- 2010/09/14: ACPD: Water content of aged aerosol by G. J. Engelhart et al.
- 2010/09/13: ACPD: Origin and radiative forcing of black carbon transported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau by M. Kopacz et al.
- 2010/09/14: PNAS: (ab$) Oil sands development contributes elements toxic at low concentrations to the Athabasca River and its tributaries by Erin N. Kelly et al.
- 2010/09/14: PNAS: (ab$) Public perceptions of energy consumption and savings by Shahzeen Z. Attari et al.
- 2010/09/14: PNAS: (ab$) No evidence of nanodiamonds in Younger Dryas sediments to support an impact event by Tyrone L. Daulton et al.
- 2010/09/14: PNAS: (Letter$) Narrowing the US energy efficiency gap by Thomas Dietz
- 2010/09/12: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Opposing decadal changes for the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by M. Susan Lozier et al.
- 2010/09/13: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) External forcing as a metronome for Atlantic multidecadal variability by Odd Helge Otterå et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2010/09/16: PI: [link to 3.3 meg pdf] Landowners' Guide to Wind Energy in Alberta
- 2010/09/14: PI: [link to 2.3 meg pdf] Toxic Liability -- How Albertans Could End Up Paying for Oil Sands Mine Reclamation
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2010/09/17: SEasterbrook: Notes from the Surface Temperatures Workshop
- 2010/09/17: TSoD: On Missing the Point by Chilingar et al (2008)
- 2010/09/15: DeepClimate: Wegman report update, part 2: GMU dissertation review
- 2010/09/15: NewScientist: Glacial armour lets mountains rise high
- 2010/09/15: SciNow: Glacial Blankets Can Protect Mountains From Erosion
- 2010/09/15: MTobis: Duck Curry
- 2010/09/15: Eureka: Glaciers boost mountain growth in Andes
- 2010/09/15: Eureka: Glaciers help high-latitude mountains grow taller
More DIY science:
- 2010/09/17: Moyhu: Beta version of GHCN v3 is out
More on Schneider:
- 2010/09/14: ClassM: Stephen Schneider's legacy
- 2010/09/13: SMandia: Stephen Schneider in Attack of the Climate Zombies
While at the UN:
- 2010/09/18: Yahoo:Reuters: U.N. panel delays ruling on green rewards for Indian coal plant
- 2010/09/16: BBerg: UN Climate Chief Figueres Favors `Transformational' Projects as HFCs Ebb
- 2010/09/17: PlanetArk: Aerospace Firms Float "Cash For Carbon" Plan
- 2010/09/17: PlanetArk: U.N. Gives CO2 Auditors Time To Study Liability Plan
- 2010/09/15: TerraDaily: UN humanitarian chief calls for new thinking on mega-crises
The new UN humanitarian chief has warned that after the Asian tsunami, the Haiti earthquake and the Pakistan floods, the world must brace for a growing number of disasters that will need a new battle campaign. Valerie Amos, the new under secretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, called for new thinking on combating mass catastrophes as she prepared to make a major new appeal for funds for Pakistan on Friday. - 2010/09/16: UN: UN launches Asia-Pacific mechanism for monitoring droughts
- 2010/09/16: PhysOrg: UN urges aviation sector to slash carbon emissions
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2010/09/15: TheAge: Move on climate, BHP Billiton urges
BHP CEO, Marius Kloppers, calls for the introduction of a carbon tax in order to set price certainty for business. - 2010/09/14: Grist: Does climate change cause storms and civil wars?
- 2010/09/12: ClimateP: Juan Cole: The media's failure to cover "the great Pakistani deluge" is "itself a security threat" to America
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2010/09/18: TreeHugger: McCarthyism By Email: Fomenting Fear Of Environmentalists and Tea Partiers Alike
- 2010/09/16: TreeHugger: PA Homeland Security Spies on Anti-Drilling Activists, Reports to Drilling Company
- 2010/09/15: ProPublica: Pa. Governor Apologizes for Tracking Enviro Extremists, but Questions Remain
- 2010/09/15: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Government puts monitoring advocacy groups above protecting drinking water
- 2010/09/14: PennLive: State tracks anti-Marcellus Shale drilling groups, notifies law enforcement
- 2010/09/14: CentreDaily: Documents show Homeland Security tracks anti-drill groups in Pa.
According to recently leaked documents, the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security has been tracking anti-gas drilling groups and their meetings -- including a public screening of the film "Gasland," a documentary about the environmental hazards of natural gas drilling. The office has included the information in its weekly intelligence bulletins sent to law enforcement agencies. The bulletins are also sent to gas companies drilling in the Marcellus Shale. Activists and environmental groups have responded with outrage and some alarm. - 2010/09/14: SlashDot: PA's Dept. of Homeland Security Shared Oil-Shale Protester Info With Companies
- 2010/09/13: TreeHugger: Are Pennsylvania's Fracking Opponents Really Environmental Extremists? Police Think So
- 2010/09/11: UrukNet: Eric McDavid: Victimized by Green Scare State Terrorism
What are the activists up to?
- 2010/09/18: Yahoo:AFP: Tens of thousands protest against German nuclear plan
- 2010/09/15: TreeHugger: For Activists, Arrest and Trial Is As Important as Protest
- 2010/09/14: CCurrents: Contra Bill McKibben's Reformism
- 2010/09/13: CCurrents: Climate Educators Wanted
- 2010/09/13: PostMedia: 'Dirty oil' targeted at Montreal energy summit protest
Polls! We have polls!
- 2010/09/17: USAToday: Poll: Most Americans would spend more for 60 mpg car
- 2010/09/16: Grist: Americans of both parties support the EPA
- 2010/09/16: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Americans of Both Parties Support EPA Effort to Cut the Pollution that Causes Climate Change
- 2010/09/16: UCSUSA: National Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for New Fuel Efficiency, Tailpipe Emissions Standards
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2010/09/17: USGS: Briefing on High Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Across the Nation
- 2010/09/15: USGS: A New Understanding of 31 Years of Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Trends
- 2010/09/16: KUNA: By 2025 one in two people will not has fresh water -- Swiss experts
- 2010/09/16: JFleck: Water Wars, Southeastern Style
- 2010/09/15: JFleck: Arizona's Water Troubles
- 2010/09/15: AlterNet: Billionaire Farmers Scheming to Privatize California's Water Are Under Attack
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Freshwater levels drop 8.5% in Southern Canada -- Implications for economic activity: Statistics Canada
As for SW tools:
- 2010/09/18: SEasterbrook: Verification and Validation of Earth System Models
Regarding the psychology of denial:
- 2010/09/13: NSF: Why "Scientific Consensus" Fails to Persuade -- Individuals with competing cultural values disagree about what most scientists believe
And on the American political front:
- 2010/09/18: DenverPost: Xcel's plan to convert coal-burning plants draws heated testimony
A controversial plan for converting coal-burning power plants to natural gas produced thousands of pages of testimony Friday from supporters and opponents. - 2010/09/18: FresnoBee: A new idea for clean energy in Kern County -- But some air activists object to projected pollution [energy misc]
- 2010/09/15: PRWatch: ACE, Climate Education, and the Issue of Energy Executives
- 2010/09/17: Grist: Michigan: Outgoing Gov. Jennifer Granholm on creating wind energy jobs
- 2010/09/17: Grist: Efforts to save coal could end up destroying it
- 2010/09/16: Grist: No, liberals did not 'overreach' on climate
- 2010/09/16: Grist: If GOP takes the House, get ready for nuclear plants and "clean" coal
- 2010/09/16: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Clean Air Act Not Killing Us: Industry
- 2010/09/16: TreeHugger: How Can We De-Politicize Climate Change? [US pol]
- 2010/09/15: MST: Getting real about a warmer, wetter Minnesota
Instead of debating climate change, public planners at a summit this week are envisioning the effects of more heat, rain and how to adapt. - 2010/09/16: BirminghamPost: Call for action over climate change
- 2010/09/16: TreeHugger: Big Society Versus Big Government Versus Catastrophic Climate Change
- 2010/09/15: NYT:GW: Report: 80% of States on Track for Greenhouse Gas Permitting, Enforcement
- 2010/09/15: Grist: This green doesn't want McCain back, thanks
- 2010/09/14: MTobis: Texas Republicans Deluded
- 2010/09/15: TreeHugger: Tea Party, Oil Companies Take Aim at State Climate Laws
- 2010/09/13: TEC: Post-Stimulus Transition for Renewable Energy
- 2010/09/12: Politico: A crucial moment for clean energy by Gov. Chet Culver (Iowa) & Gov. Don Carcieri (RI)
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2010/09/17: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Old Iron
- 2010/09/16: CJR: "This is Our Beat" -- Breaking news and the big picture in Audubon's special report on the oil spill
- 2010/09/17: Guardian(UK): Obama administration accused of helping BP hide the oil in the Gulf
- 2010/09/16: WashingtonsBlog: What's Going On In The Gulf?
- 2010/09/16: SolveClimate: BP's Competitors Face Risk of Catastrophic Accident, Too, Financial Analysts Say
Chevron, Occidental, Exxon Mobil, Petrochina and Murphy Oil all score poorly in industry risk ranking - 2010/09/17: CSW: Lawsuit seeks answers to why Obama Administration officials lowballed BP oil blowout estimates
- 2010/09/17: TreeHugger: White House Accused of Withholding Key Info on BP Spill
- 2010/09/16: ENS: Lawsuit Claims Feds 'Hiding' Hundreds of BP Oil Spill Flow Rate Documents [BP & courts]
- 2010/09/13: FloridaOilSpillLaw: Hundreds of thousands of dead crab, shrimp, finfish in Louisiana -- "We can't continue to see these fish kills" says official
- 2010/09/17: BBC: Natural gas 'accelerated' breakdown of Gulf oil
Bacteria breaking down oil from the Gulf of Mexico leak have been fuelled by natural gas in the water, a study suggests. - 2010/09/16: NatureN: Oil-spill bacteria gobbled gases first -- Levels of ethane and propane consumed by Gulf microbes spark questions about the oil's fate
- 2010/09/16: SciNews: Gases dominate Gulf's subsea plumes -- Microbes are degrading easily-digested hydrocarbons first, a study finds
- 2010/09/15: ENS: Gulf of Mexico 'Idle Iron' Oil Wells Must Be Plugged
- 2010/09/15: BBC: US says idle Gulf of Mexico oil wells must be plugged
The US is set to require oil companies to plug 3,500 non-producing Gulf of Mexico oil wells in an effort to prevent future leaks, officials say. The interior department will also require companies to dismantle 650 unused oil and gas platforms. Some installations have sat idle for decades without inspection for leaks. - 2010/09/15: NatGeo: Why the Gulf Oil Spill Isn't Going Away -- Buried crude and undersea plumes suggest oil will persist
- 2010/09/14: PlanetArk: BP Sees Oil Spill Claims Below $20 Billion: Analysts
- 2010/09/14: OilChange: No Dead Zones, Just a Dead Bottom
- 2010/09/13: ProPublica: Scientists Discover Thick Layer of Oil Stretching for Miles on Gulf Sea Floor
- 2010/09/13: KSJT: NPR, AP: Oceanographers find thick layer of oil on gulf sea floor. BP's? Not sure yet...
- 2010/09/13: PhysOrg: Where's the oil? On the Gulf floor, scientists say
- 2010/09/13: OilChange: Spill Scientists Face Funding Crisis
- 2010/09/12: NYT: The Oil Spill's Money Squeeze
A massive fish kill in the Mississippi had people asking questions:
- 2010/09/17: TreeHugger: Massive Fish Kill in Mississippi Not Due to BP Spill, State Biologists Say
- 2010/09/15: Grist: Fish kill whodunnit in Gulf: Is Big Ag or Big Oil the perp?
- 2010/09/15: PeakEnergy: Huge fish kill reported in Louisiana
- 2010/09/14: Yahoo:YB: Massive fish kill reported in Louisiana
- 2010/09/14: TreeHugger: Mississippi River Brimming with Dead Fish Near Gulf of Mexico
The Prop 23 battle rages:
- 2010/09/17: Grist: California's landmark climate law: Job killer or creator?
- 2010/09/17: AlterNet: No on California Prop 23: Halting Climate Policy Is the Real Job Killer
- 2010/09/17: Grist: Enviros step up fundraising to defeat California's Prop 23, oil industry pleas for money
- 2010/09/17: OilChange: Koch brothers fund fight against California climate law
- 2010/09/16: NYT:California Braces for Showdown on Emissions
- 2010/09/15: Grist: Judgment Day is coming -- Welcome to the real climate war: Big Oil versus the Terminator
- 2010/09/14: Grist: Texas and three other states threaten to sue California over AB 32
- 2010/09/14: ClimateP: Shockproofing society: New report finds Proposition 23 poses more economic pain from price shocks
- 2010/09/14: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Here's Texas Again Trying to Impose Its Views on California
Attorneys General ... from Texas, Alabama, Nebraska and North Dakota -- all states with dirty oil and big coal interests -- have vowed to sue California if Proposition 23 fails at the ballot box. - 2010/09/13: ClimateP: George Shultz on Prop 23: "Those who wish to repeal our state's clean energy laws through postponement to some fictitious future are running up the white flag of surrender to a polluted environment."
- 2010/09/13: CCP: George P. Schultz, conservative Republican, comes out against job killing Prop. 23 supported by Carly Fiorina who takes money from Koch organizations
- 2010/09/13: LA Times:GS: Proposition 23: Would it worsen gas-price shocks?
A concerted effort is underway to stop the EPA regulating GHGs:
- 2010/09/16: TheHill:e2W: Sen. Ben Nelson says he'd support GOP amendment to delay EPA regs
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) said he would support a Republican amendment to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) spending bill that would delay the agency's climate regulations. - 2010/09/16: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Americans of Both Parties Support EPA Effort to Cut the Pollution that Causes Climate Change
- 2010/09/16: NRDC:SwitchBoard: The Right, the Far-Right, and the Out-of-Sight-Right Attack EPA's Carbon Pollution Standards
- 2010/09/14: CDreams: U.S. Chamber, Energy Trade Groups Urge Spending Panels to Block EPA Climate Rules
- 2010/09/14: NYT:GW: Pace of EPA's Clean Air Act Rulemakings Turns Heads, Draws Lawsuits
The Obama administration is in the midst of a landmark series of Clean Air Act rulemakings. In 18 months, U.S. EPA has -- among other things -- stiffened standards for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide for the first time in decades, revamped the George W. Bush administration's smog regulations and issued the first climate rules under the Clean Air Act. And that is just the beginning. EPA is expected to lay out additional plans for the Clean Air Act today as it marks the law's 40th birthday in a gathering of former agency administrators, industry officials, environmentalists and lawmakers. - 2010/09/13: TheHill:e2W: GOP considers plan to stymie new greenhouse gas rules at Senate markup
- 2010/09/14: Grist: Senators renew efforts to rein in EPA on regulating greenhouse gases
- 2010/09/14: TWM: When climate ignorance becomes the norm...
- 2010/09/14: NYT:GW: Thursday Shaping Up as a Senate Showdown Over EPA's Greenhouse Gas Regs
Two Senate Democrats yesterday said they may support an amendment to block U.S. EPA climate rules, increasing the odds of its success when the Senate Appropriations Committee votes Thursday on EPA's budget. The potential supporters of an appropriations rider are Sens. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), both of whom are co-sponsors of a bill from Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) that would freeze EPA's ability to regulate emissions from stationary sources for two years. - 2010/09/14: TP:WR: Senate Appropriations Committee Democrats [Dorgan, Nelson (NE), Landrieu, Pryor, Specter & Johnson] Prepare To Kill EPA Climate Rules
Remember the tussle over that Sunflower coal plant in Kansas?
- 2010/09/16: Yahoo:AP: Coal plant permit expected this year
A new coal-fired power plant in southwest Kansas is on track to obtain a state environmental permit by year's end so that it wouldn't have to comply with new federal rules on greenhouse gas emissions, officials confirmed Thursday. Sunflower Electric Power Corp. had worried it might not get its permit until next year. Federal rules taking effect Jan. 2 require new power plants to use the best available technology for controlling greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming. - 2010/09/12: R&D Mag: Analysis: Helplessness fuels Kan. anger over EPA
So how do you figure the 2010 elections will crack up?
- 2010/09/17: TP: Meet The Deniers: The Top Climate Races This November
- 2010/09/17: TP:WR: The House's Top Races Between Climate Heroes And Deniers
- 2010/09/16: ClimateP: Cynthia Tucker: The GOP is now a party of know-nothing flat-earthers
- 2010/09/16: TP:WR: Six Senate Races That Pit Climate Heroes Against Global Warming Deniers
- 2010/09/15: Guardian(UK): Delaware's Republican candidate counts political cost of climate support
Mike Castle's belief in the science of climate change and support for cap and trade laws saw him lose the nomination to rightwing Christine O'Donnell - 2010/09/15: SolveClimate: Moderate Republican Who Voted "Yes" on Climate Law Is Brought Down in Delaware -- Tea Party Upsets Forcing GOP Away from Bipartisan Moderation
- 2010/09/15: ClimateP: Why the victory of the Tea Party extremists (backed by Big Oil) over the slightly less extreme GOP establishment (also backed by Big Oil) is good for progressives, but bad for climate and clean energy
- 2010/09/14: Grist: Now all GOP Senate candidates deny global warming
- 2010/09/15: DeSmogBlog: Denial is Not a River in Egypt -- It's a Political Party in America
- 2010/09/15: TP: With Castle Defeat, Senate GOP Candidates In Lockstep Against Climate Action
- 2010/09/14: Guardian(UK): Republican 'climate zombies' could claim the US Senate
- 2010/09/14: Guardian(UK): Republican hopefuls deny global warming
- 2010/09/14: SolveClimate: Could GOP Election Victories Improve Odds of Climate and Energy Law?
- 2010/09/14: ClimateP: Dawn of the brain-dead Senate -- GOP fills candidate slate with climate zombies who deny science
- 2010/09/14: DM:CCM: New Rumblings About Republicans and Science [US pol]
- 2010/09/14: TreeHugger: Why Nearly Every GOP Senate Candidate is a Climate Skeptic
- 2010/09/13: TP:WR: [Rep. Paul] Ryan (R-WI): Cutting Taxpayer Subsidies To Oil And Gas Companies Is 'Ridiculous Economics'
- 2010/09/13: TP:WR: Amid Army Of GOP Deniers Vying For Senate Seats, Only Mike Castle Supports Climate Action
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
- 2010/09/16: CCurrents: A Little Missed Sunshine
- 2010/09/13: CCurrents: After Offshoring, Obama Needs To Crack Down On Farmland Grab
- 2010/09/15: Rabble: Obama should restore White House solar panels
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2010/09/19: LA Times: Obama administration leaves climate change to Congress, not the courts
The stance on a suit seeking limits on pollution from coal-fired power plants has disappointed environmentalists. The case is being watched as a test of whether producers of greenhouse gases can be sued. Environmentalists say they are surprised and disappointed that the Obama administration is urging the Supreme Court to kill a major global warming lawsuit that seeks new limits on carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants. At issue is a deep dispute over how best to fight climate change: through new government rules only or through lawsuits against polluters. - 2010/09/17: ENS: EPA to Drop Climate Leaders Program for Corporations
- 2010/09/16: Yahoo:AP: Texas, EPA present draft plan to fix air permits
Texas and federal environmental regulators on Thursday presented a draft plan for fixing industrial air permits that violate the federal Clean Air Act, but appear to be far from a final agreement on how to resolve the complex problem that affects some of the nation's largest oil refineries. - 2010/09/16: NatureTGB: Energy Dream Team Asks for Help
- 2010/09/16: ScienceInsider: New Energy Board Hears Score: Bureaucracy 1, Chu 0
- 2010/09/16: NOAANews: NOAA Awards Contract to Manage Climate Data Records
- 2010/09/17: REA: DOE: $20 Million More for Geothermal
- 2010/09/15: TreeHugger: EPA To End Climate Leaders Program
In an unexpected announcement today the EPA has effectively announced the end to its highly successful corporate greenhouse gas reporting program. Industry insiders are shocked and confused by this sudden announcement. - 2010/09/14: DemNow: As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, EPA Opens Public Hearings on Health and Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing
- 2010/09/14: DeSmogBlog: U.S. EPA Coal Ash Hearings Intensify, Tennessee Hearing Added Following Controversy
- 2010/09/14: CCP: NOAA Climate Services: Global Climate Dashboard...
- 2010/09/14: Grist: FDA set to accept junk science for 'Frankenfish' safety studies
- 2010/09/14: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Lively crowds turn out for EPA fracking hearing in Binghamton
- 2010/09/14: NOAANews: Secretary Locke Announces Six New NOAA Regional Climate Services Directors To Meet Growing Demand for Climate Products and Information
- 2010/09/14: NOAANews: Statement of Dr. Jane Lubchenco on the National Academy of Public Administration Study on NOAA Climate Service
[...] The panel stated that it "strongly supports the creation of a NOAA Climate Service to be established as a line office in NOAA." - 2010/09/13: UCSUSA: FDA and USDA Scientists Say U.S. Food System Needs Strengthening; Hundreds Say Corporations Wield Undue Influence
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2010/09/17: ScienceInsider: Senate Confirms Final White House Science Policy Nominee [Carl Wieman as associate director for science at the OS & TP]
- 2010/09/13: Grist: Congress is back, but can it really pass a Renewable Electricity Standard?
- 2010/09/13: TreeHugger: Twenty-three Governors Call For a Renewable Energy Standard
The future climate bill defines a battleline:
- 2010/09/17: GigaOM: Former FCC Chair & Team Working on a New Energy Bill
- 2010/09/16: TEC: US climate legislation unlikely for 2010
- 2010/09/16: SolveClimate: Weak Renewable Energy Law Gets Big Push from Steelworkers, Green Groups
As China vaults ahead on clean energy, "need for a renewable energy standard has reached a critical stage," advocates say - 2010/09/14: DallasNews: Climate bill's comeback chances in Congress still slim after summer of severe weather
The first US tar sands project has been approved in Utah:
- 2010/09/15: TreeHugger: First US Tar Sands Project Approved in Utah
- 2010/09/15: OilChange: Utah Approves America's First Tar Sands Mine
While in the UK:
- 2010/09/18: HotTopic: People get ready
- 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): Climate change research needs to be better coordinated -- The UK needs a national database that shows who is studying what
- 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): Carbon emissions in every local authority in the UK
Carbon emissions data has been published covering every local authority in the UK. See what it tells you about where you live - 2010/09/16: CSW: UK national assessment of preparedness for climate disruption says action needed now
- 2010/09/15: BBC: Climate change advisers urge UK to prepare for change
- 2010/09/14: Guardian(UK): Fears £9bn clean coal programme could be drastically scaled back
Energy department believes plan for four new clean coal pilot plants is vulnerable to cuts, sources say - 2010/09/13: BBC:RB: Nuclear waste goes the hole way
- 2010/09/13: BBC: Science needs a 'better dialogue with public'
The scientific community should have a more grown up dialogue with the public, according to former UK Science Minister Lord Sainsbury. He said that distrust of scientific ideas was not due to a failure by the public to understand the issues. Instead, it was because they felt they were being forced to accept changes they had not been consulted over and seemed to offer them no benefit. - 2010/09/13: Guardian(UK): CBI [Confederation of British Industry] says businesses need better warning of climate risks
Employers' group says all listed firms should detail their "climate exposure " in corporate reports - 2010/09/13: PeakEnergy: Natural gas from shale rock promises energy revolution in UK?
And in Europe:
- 2010/09/18: Yahoo:AFP: Tens of thousands protest against German nuclear plan
- 2010/09/14: Reuters: Analysis: Polish nuclear project faces further delays
Legal hurdles, funding problems and a lack of skilled workers will likely push Poland's plans to build the country's first nuclear power plant beyond 2022, further delaying the some 18-billion euro project. - 2010/09/17: PlanetArk: Carbon Capturing Technology Doomed In Europe: Study
- 2010/09/16: EUO: Commission could overturn 2014 coal subsidy cut-off
EU energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger sees a "realistic chance" for the EU to extend the deadline for coal subsidies from 2014 to 2018, a move the German politician is pushing for after having let Berlin down during negotiations in Brussels. Germany had lost the subsidies battle in July, when Mr Oettinger, much to the anger of Chancellor Angela Merkel, missed a key meeting in the college of commissioners where a decision on the matter was taken. - 2010/09/15: NPDaily: Anti-nuclear opinion powers German Greens to record support
- 2010/09/15: EarthTimes: Czech government approves law to curb solar-driven power price hike
- 2010/09/15: EurActiv: Commission plans climate targets for 2030, 2050
The European Commission has started working on climate targets above and beyond 2020, arguing that they will be instrumental in fending off competition from leading clean-tech industries in China and elsewhere, according to EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard. - 2010/09/15: EurActiv: Energy savings must be tripled to reach climate goals: report
Europe will have to triple the scale of its energy efficiency policies in order to attain its 2020 climate goals, according to a new report to be released today (15 September). - 2010/09/15: EUO: CO2 reductions slip down EU priority list
EU climate action commissioner Connie Hedegaard has said that achieving an agreement on reduced CO2 emissions at a United Nations' conference later this year is no longer a top EU priority. Speaking at an event organised by the centre-right European Peoples Party on Tuesday (14 September), Ms Hedegaard said the US inability to act on emission targets meant the EU would focus instead on securing a number of other issues. "I believe that targets will not be the main issue at [the UN meeting in] Cancun because the US failed to pass their environment legislation," the Danish commissioner told her audience. - 2010/09/15: CPositive: EU re-examines forestry's climate role
- 2010/09/14: BBerg: EU Considers Setting Aside Carbon Permits for New Emissions Technologies
- 2010/09/14: DerSpiegel: Greens against Nukes -- United European Anti-Atomic Front Takes Shape
Are Europe's Greens wavering in their resolve to banish nuclear power? German conservatives may like to think so, but they may be proven wrong this Saturday when campaigners from across Europe plan to converge on Berlin for a massive protest against German plans to extend nuclear reactor lifetimes. - 2010/09/13: DerSpiegel: Austrian Environment Chief on Nuke Lifespan Increase -- 'A Fatal Message that Will Resound Beyond Germany'
In a Spiegel interview, Austrian Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich, discusses his opposition to the German government's plan to extend the lifespan of its nuclear power plants. Austria has no nuclear plants of its own and its residents are concerned about atomic power facilities on the Austrian-German border. - 2010/09/13: DerSpiegel: Resistance to Merkel's Plan -- A Multi-Trillion-Euro Price Tag for Energy Efficiency
Chancellor Angela Merkel's plan to make Germany's residential buildings the most energy-efficient in the world has run into resistance within her cabinet. The project's price tag could be as high as 2.4 trillion euros -- and the minister responsible told Spiegel it is impracticable. - 2010/09/16: ABC(Au): Greens Senator Christine Milne says she is hopeful the major parties will be open to compromise on the issue of a carbon price.
- 2010/09/16: PeakEnergy: Origin resurrects plan for PNG hydro
- 2010/09/12: BNC: Do the recent floods prove man-made climate change is real?
The head of BHP Billiton, Marius Kloppers, shook things up by calling for a carbon tax:
- 2010/09/17: ABC(Au): Palmer says BHP carbon tax call 'pointless'
Queensland mining magnate Clive Palmer says he does not support BHP Billiton's call for a carbon tax. The head of BHP Billiton, Marius Kloppers, says the government should introduce a carbon tax to send a clear signal to the market. - 2010/09/15: ABC(Au): BHP boss [Marius Kloppers] calls for price on carbon
International mining giant BHP Billiton has urged the Federal government to manage environmental challenges by establishing a clear price signal on carbon as it reviews its emissions trading scheme (ETS). - 2010/09/16: ABC(Au): BHP climate call 'makes sense'
The Federal Government's former climate change advisor, Ross Garnaut, has welcomed BHP Billiton's support for a price on carbon. - 2010/09/16: SMH: BHP boss dumps on future of coal -- BHP boss calls for carbon tax
The world's largest miner, BHP Billiton, has weighed into the climate change debate, warning that Australia should ''look beyond coal'' and towards other energy sources. The chief executive of BHP, Marius Kloppers, said Australia's economy will suffer if it does not significantly reduce its carbon emissions in anticipation of a global carbon price . ''Failure to do so will place us at a competitive disadvantage in a future where carbon is priced globally,'' he said. - 2010/09/16: PeakEnergy: BHP Boss: Time For A Carbon Tax
- 2010/09/15: TheAge: Move on climate, BHP Billiton urges
BHP CEO, Marius Kloppers, calls for the introduction of a carbon tax in order to set price certainty for business. - 2010/09/16: WtD: BHP calls for "big new tax" and breaks the back of the denial movement
We are getting some idea of what to expect from Julia & Co. A coal friendly carbon tax?
- 2010/09/19: BBerg: Greens' Leader Brown Says Gillard Committed to Carbon Price in Australia
- 2010/09/17: OpenDem: Australia's election: ends and beginnings
A Labor leadership coup, a knife-edge election, a hung parliament, a cliffhanger aftermath - Australian politics have been through a three-month whirlwind. Peter Browne maps an extraordinary period and assesses the prospects of the new Labor-led coalition government. - 2010/09/17: ABC(Au): Promises will be broken, says Gillard
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has warned that key promises she made during the federal election may be broken because of the "new environment" created by the hung Parliament. Ms Gillard says it is no longer "business as usual" for major reforms, including anything associated with climate change. She told Fairfax that what she said before the federal election on climate change no longer applies because a committee of politicians and experts will now develop the policy. - 2010/09/13: EarthTimes: Australia commits to a coal-powered economy
Sydney - Greg Combet assured the coal industry it had nothing to fear from his appointment as Australia's new climate change minister. "You do not take the back of the axe to the fundamentals of the Australian economy," Combet told The Australian newspaper Monday. Australia, the world's biggest polluter on a per capita basis, is the biggest coal exporter and relies on coal for 90 per cent of power generation. "I have got a responsibility to support those people's jobs," the former union official said. "The coal industry is a very vibrant industry with a strong future." Combet, in the cabinet for the first time after Julia Gillard last week won the support of independents to stay on as prime minister, echoed his leader's words that Australians are not ready to set a price on carbon. - 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): Australian PM refuses to commit to carbon tax under BHP pressure -- Carbon-intensive firms call for action from Julia Gillard before an international agreement is struck
- 2010/09/16: ABC(Au): Gillard won't be rushed on carbon price
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she will not rule in or out the prospect of introducing a carbon tax in Australia. - 2010/09/15: Google:AFP: Australian PM welcomes BHP carbon tax call
- 2010/09/16: AsianCorr: Australian prime minister open to carbon tax
- 2010/09/14: NatureN: Australia's 'rainbow coalition' focuses on climate -- Carbon pricing set to top agendas for the minority Labor government
- 2010/09/14: PeakEnergy: Taking stock of climate change -- what now?
- 2010/09/13: Reuters: Australia government to protect coal in carbon price push
Govt to pursue carbon price, but shield coal miners - New cabinet signals conciliation, negotiation - Changes possible to mine tax, emissions policies - 2010/09/13: NewsCorp: Coal industry is safe, says Greg Combet
While in China:
- 2010/09/18: News Corp: China powers booming world climate change industry
- 2010/09/12: WaPo: China making inroads on emissions
And in Russia:
- 2010/09/15: TerraDaily: Russia Plans To Restore Its Weather Satellite Network By 2030
- 2010/09/15: PlanetArk: Putin Ponders Climate Change In Arctic Russia
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
- 2010/09/13: Impolitical: More mimicking of the Bush administration
This news of muzzling of scientists by the Harper government deserves a little attention... - 2010/09/17: Maribo: Another example of the Canadian government "muzzling" scientists
- 2010/09/17: DM:BA: Canadian government censoring scientists from media?
- 2010/09/17: DM:CCM: A War on Science in Canada?
- 2010/09/15: NatureTGB: Canadian government muzzling scientists
- 2010/09/15: PostMedia: Media chill -- Control of 'ice age' story is troubling
Minister Stephen Harper's reputation as a control freak -- the accusations have flown for years -- were again reinforced this week with the revelation that Canadian scientists with Natural Resources Canada need pre-approval from the minister of natural resources, Christian Paradis, to speak with journalists. Whether this is Harper himself or his chief of staff, Guy Giorno, we can't say, but it is the latest in a line of evidence supporting the accusations of muzzling. Problematic bureaucrats "not reappointed" under Harper, for instance, include veterans ombudsman Patrick Stogran, the gun registry's RCMP Chief Supt. Marty Cheliak, Paul Kennedy, the head of the RCMP Public Complaints Commission, Peter Tinsley, chair of the Military Complaints Commission, to name a few. The situation with Natural Resources Canada involves approval of "media lines" before scientists can speak about contentious issues such as climate change and the oilsands, according to recently obtained documents. But they are increasingly applied to even benign, apolitical issues, the scientists charge, including a recent study on an ancient flood that swept across northern Canada 13,000 years ago when massive ice dams gave way at the end of the last ice age. - 2010/09/13: CoteGauche: More scientists muzzled by Tories
- 2010/09/13: SlashDot: Canadian Government Muzzling Scientists
- 2010/09/12: PostMedia: Ottawa's media rules muzzling federal scientists, say observers
The Harper government has tightened the muzzle on federal scientists, going so far as to control when and what they can say about floods at the end of the last ice age.
Natural Resources Canada scientists were told this spring they need "pre-approval" from Minister Christian Paradis' office to speak with national and international journalists. Their "media lines" also need ministerial approval, say documents obtained by Postmedia News through access-to-information legislation. The documents say the "new" rules went into force in March and reveal how they apply to not only to contentious issues including the oilsands, but benign subjects such as floods that occurred 13,000 years ago. - 2010/09/19: TStar: Alleged G20 ringleader arrested after taking part in university panel
- 2010/09/18: CfC: Criminalization of dissent continues in Toronto
- 2010/09/18: MediaCoop: G20 defendant Alex Hundert re-arrested, Supporters denounce criminalization
- 2010/09/18: Rabble:KK: G8/G20 Communique: Alex Hundert re-arrested after speaking at event in Toronto
- 2010/09/15: Rabble:KK: G8/G20 Communique: Toronto Police Service Board sets parameters for G20 inquiry
Moving one step closer in the bureaucratic process of conducting a police-led G20 inquiry into police behaviour, the Toronto Police Service released some information regarding how it will hold its own police inquiry into the police. [Hey fox, don't take your eyes off the henhouse!] - 2010/09/15: PlanetArk: Canada Invests In Quebec Wind And Biodiesel
Pelosi's visit to Ottawa is still drawing comment:
- 2010/09/16: CCurrents: Pelosi's Probe: Oil Sands And America's Addiction To Oil
- 2010/09/18: Rabble:DJC: Stelmach's dinner with Pelosi: much ado about nothing?
- 2010/09/14: TStar: A shove from south of the border
Once again, powerful U.S politicians with more than a passing interest in Canada's role as a key supplier of oil have made it clear that control of our energy and environmental policies really resides south of the border. This time around, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Congressman Ed Markey, chairman of a legislative committee on energy independence and global warming, were in the driver's seat. - 2010/09/13: Tyee: At Ground Zero for Next Huge Enviro War: Hartley Bay
BC First Nations and green groups vow to stop pipeline connecting tar sands crude with Asia-bound tankers. - 2010/09/15: CBC: Enbridge takes heat for Michigan spill
- 2010/09/15: SolveClimate: In Nebraska, Oil Pipeline Builder Keeping Deal for Landowners Secret -- When "voluntary" agreements to allow pipeline to cross private property fail, TransCanada goes to court
- 2010/09/14: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Oil Infrastructure Failure: Three strikes for Enbridge in six weeks
- 2010/09/14: SolveClimate: First Nations Escalating Opposition to Strategic Oil Pipeline Through Their Land
Enbridge's pipeline would send oil sands crude to the coast for shipment to China, but recent pipeline ruptures cloud safety record - 2010/09/14: Yahoo:Reuters: Enbridge shuts 3rd pipeline, outages near 1 million bpd
- 2010/09/14: ProPublica: Fatal Pipeline Accident Turns Attention to Nation's Aging Pipelines
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Enbridge probes 3rd leak in U.S. [near a Buffalo, N.Y., suburb]
Looks like Ontario has a WTO case with Japan on its hands:
- 2010/09/13: Reuters: Japan starts WTO dispute with Canada on clean power
Japan has initiated a trade dispute against Canada related to renewable energy equipment in the province of Ontario, the World Trade Organization confirmed on Monday. - 2010/09/14: PostMedia: Green energy has Japan seeing red -- Buy Ontario provisions in Act could lead to trade sanctions
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Ontario green subsidies targeted by Japan
Ontario's push for green energy has sparked a dispute with Japan, which is poised to launch a formal complaint over government subsidies for firms that are building solar and wind power projects in the province. The Japanese Embassy in Ottawa confirmed Monday that the country plans to file a complaint against Canada with the World Trade Organization over the subsidies, but declined to comment further.
At issue is Ontario's feed-in tariff program -- or FIT -- which set a fixed price for electricity generated by renewable energy projects, such as wind turbines and solar panels.
But companies are required to have a certain percentage of their project costs come from Ontario goods and labour. For wind projects that generate more than 10 kilowatts, the made-in-Ontario requirement starts at 25 per cent and increases to 50 per cent by 2012. The requirement for large solar panel projects starts at 50 per cent and increases to 60 per cent by 2011. Japan argues those requirements favour companies using made-in-Ontario equipment over those using foreign-made equipment, violating Canada's international trade obligations. - Athabasca Fish [Dr. David Schindler]
- 2010/09/17: Tyee: A Smoking Gun on Athabasca River: Deformed Fish -- Top water ecologist cites evidence of extreme pollution near oil sands
- 2010/09/17: CBC: Prentice to review oilsands pollution monitoring -- Federal environment minister reacts to diseased fish in Athabasca waters
- 2010/09/16: CBC: Oilsands poisoning fish, say scientists, fishermen -- Deformed fish found in Athabasca watershed
Toxins from the Alberta oilsands are damaging fish in the Athabasca River, say scientists and First Nation representatives. They're showing the public examples of deformed fish caught in the northern river over the last few years, at the University of Alberta's Lister Centre in Edmonton. Fish with tumours, deformities and signs of disease or infection were collected from the lower Athabasca River, Athabasca Delta and Lake Athabasca, downstream from the oilsands. University of Alberta ecologist David Schindler says the National Pollutant Release Inventory, Canada's legislated, publicly accessible record of pollutant releases and transfers, is proof of the harm caused by oilsands' toxins going into the water. - 2010/09/15: SOE: Unhealthy fish from the lower Athabasca River, Delta & Lake Athabasca, downstream of oil sands
Scientists, Doctors, Leadership, Fishers, Community Members to call on Federal Government to Establish Monitoring Program. - 2010/09/13: PI: B.C. on front line of electric vehicle revolution
- 2010/09/16: Tyee: Fast Path from Gov't into Oil and Gas Industry Ires NDP Critic -- Ministry tight-lipped on why it cleared bureaucrat to work for EOG Resources [Inc.]
- 2010/09/16: CBC: Canada's electric car technology on show [at the EV 2010 Electric Vehicles Conference and Trade Show in Vancouver]
- 2010/09/16: PostMedia: Energy group calls for carbon tax hike -- Pembina Institute says 48 cent hike by 2020 needed to fight climate change
The Pembina Institute says British Columbia should increase its trendsetting carbon tax to $200 per tonne of CO2 emissions, equivalent to a 48-cent surcharge in the price of gasoline, if it's serious about addressing climate change. Pembina is also suggesting that some revenue from the increased tax, which is now pegged at $20 per tonne or 4.82 cents a litre for gas, should be used to fund projects such as public transit that can reduce B.C.'s overall greenhouse gas emissions. The B.C. Liberals plan to increase the carbon tax to $30 a tonne by 2012 - but have not yet determined what will happen after the 2012 fiscal year, according to Finance Minister Colin Hansen. - 2010/09/14: PostMedia: One in three B.C. vehicles could be electric by 2030: think-tank -- Vancouver hosting Electric Vehicle 2010 conference this week
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2010/09/15: PI: Albertans could be on hook for oilsands cleanup bill
- 2010/09/14: PI: Albertans could be on the hook for oilsands cleanup costs -- Potential $15-billion liability unaccounted for
- 2010/09/17: CBC: Oilsands 'acceptably clean': U.S. senator [Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)]
- 2010/09/17: NM&PC: Our Polluting Overlords Part Deux
- 2010/09/17: NM&PC: Our Polluting Overlords
- 2010/09/17: DawgsBlawg: Ethical oil
- 2010/09/17: CBC: [Three Republican] U.S. senators to tour oilsands
- 2010/09/15: CBC: Oilsands firms fail to communicate: CEO
- 2010/09/15: PostMedia: Alberta. Oilsands cleanup cost in billions, [PI] report says
- 2010/09/13: Rabble: The tar sands, corporate dominance and civil disobedience
- 2010/09/07: ThisMag: How Canwest helped Shell Oil greenwash its tar sands business
- 2010/09/14: LFR: Canwest works with Shell Oil to shill for tar sands
Also in Alberta:
- 2010/09/16: PI: Guide helps Alberta landowners get the most out of wind energy
In Saskatchewan the big question is Potash:
- 2010/09/17: CBC: Potash Corp. bid from China not certain: expert -- China in no rush to make deal, says University of Alberta professor
- 2010/09/15: CBC: China watching PotashCorp developments
- 2010/09/13: PostMedia:P&tN: Clement remains coy on Chinese bid for Potash
Industry Minister Tony Clement continues to tread carefully around the possibility of Saskatchewan-based Potash Corp. being acquired by a Chinese state-owned enterprise. - 2010/09/17: REA:Ontario: Replacing Coal with Biomass
While in la Belle Province:
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Shale gas moratorium urged in Quebec
Quebec environment group Ãquiterre is calling for a moratorium on shale gas exploration in the province until the controversial process is reviewed for environmental risks. The St. Lawrence River's south shore is fertile farmland and rich in shale deposits. The St. Lawrence River's south shore is fertile farmland and rich in shale deposits. (CBC)Ãquiterre says there are too many unanswered questions about the impact of extracting natural gas using a new technology called hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking". - 2010/09/15: CBC: Shale gas companies meet strong opposition
The companies involved in Quebec's controversial move into shale gas exploration met with stiff opposition from local residents at a public meeting in Bécancour, east of Trois-Rivières, Tuesday night. There was standing room only as about 200 people living near exploration sites crammed into a hotel conference room to voice their concerns and fears about shale gas. - 2010/09/17: CBC: Freed Arctic tanker passes inspection -- Merchant Vessel Nanny, owned by N.L. company, ran aground Sept. 1 in Arctic passage
A fuel tanker that was stuck in the Northwest Passage for two weeks is allowed to have its diesel cargo pumped back on board for transport to remote Nunavut communities. The Merchant Vessel Nanny, owned by Newfoundland and Labrador-based Woodward's Oil Ltd., ran aground on Sept. 1 in a sandbar in Simpson Strait, about 50 kilometres southwest of Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, in the Arctic passage. With 9.5 million litres of diesel on board, the Merchant Vessel Nanny was stuck in the sandbar until Wednesday, when a second tanker pumped out enough of the fuel cargo -- upward of five million litres -- to make the grounded vessel float free. - 2010/09/15: CBC: Northwest Passage tanker MV Nanny freed from sandbar
A fuel tanker carrying 9.5 million litres of diesel in the Northwest Passage was finally dislodged early Wednesday from a sandbar it had been stuck on for the past two weeks. The MV Nanny, owned by Newfoundland-based Woodward's Oil Ltd., had been stuck on the sandy and muddy shoal since it ran aground on Sept. 1 in Simpson Strait, about 50 kilometres southwest of Gjoa Haven, Nunavut. - 2010/09/13: CBC: Grounded Arctic tanker tries to lighten load -- 2nd tanker attempts to re-float vessel by pumping out diesel cargo
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
- 2010/09/17: TEC: Keith Stewart on cutting Canadian GHG emissions by 95% in 40 years
- 2010/09/15: PostMedia: Canada will be major world power by 2050: scientist [Laurence Smith]
- 2010/09/13: CBC: Freshwater levels drop 8.5% in Southern Canada -- Implications for economic activity: Statistics Canada
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2010/09/19: PeakEnergy: Peak oil and climate must be tackled in tandem
- 2010/09/18: AlterNet: We Just Went Through 200 Years of Radical Economic Upheaval -- The Next Economic Era Offers Us a Chance to Control It
- 2010/09/17: NakedCapitalism: "Truth and Consequences: When the Music's Over?"
- 2010/09/17: OilDrum: EROI, Insidious Feedbacks, and the End of Economic Growth
- 2010/09/15: DemNow: Right Livelihood Award Celebrates 30th Anniversary with Gathering of Laureates in Bonn
Jakob von Uexkull:
"The idea behind the award is to honor projects of hope, people coming up with exemplary solutions to the most urgent crises and challenges facing our world today. So it's not an award for theory. It's not an award for some invention somebody did thirty years ago. It's an award for work in progress."
"Especially you notice this in the economics field. The Economics Nobel Prize, which of course was not even created by Alfred Nobel, it's very ideologically narrow. They will not talk about an economics which is not based on eternal economic growth. There is the US pioneer of steady-state economics, Professor Herman Daly, a man with an amazing output who really would deserve a Nobel Prize, but of course he'll never get it, because he teaches the wrong kind of economics. So he is one of our award recipients."
"There is Professor Manfred Max-Neef from Chile, the pioneer of barefoot economics, that actually help people to improve their quality of their lives without having to, you know, wait for trickle down from the rich. Again, in a man who would deserve a Nobel Prize, didn't get it, so he got our award."
"And even the late Professor Leopold Kohr, who was the teacher of E.F. Schumacher, who wrote Small Is Beautiful, who looked at the dangers of too big units and who said that, you know, because we as humans are fallible, it's better to make small mistakes than big mistakes. And this was his argument against the worship of bigness. Again, an economist who has put his ideas into practice, but of course never got a Nobel, so he got our award." - 2010/09/19: TerraDaily: Factfile on world population growth
- 2010/09/17: BBC:RB: Condom hole in the Papal vision?
- 2010/09/15: WorldChanging: Hiding Behind the Numbers
- 2010/09/15: WaPo: CDC: One-third of [US] sex ed omits birth control
- 2010/09/13: OilDrum: Population: Thinking about our Future
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2010/09/18: CBC:Q&Q: (mp3) Empires of Food
As for how the media handles science:
- 2010/09/14: CJR: Q&A: Covering the IPCC -- Perlman award-winner Pallava Bagla talks about courage and tough questions
- 2010/09/17: KSJT: CJR Observatory: The man who wrote on glaciers, exposed IPCC's error
- 2010/09/16: ClimateP: Dreadful climate story by BBC's Richard Black
- 2010/09/17: MTobis: Revkin on Laughlin
- 2010/09/15: Crikey: The Oz versus the Greens: well beyond the normal News Ltd bias
- 2010/09/14: JQuiggin: The Oz feeling the heat
- 2010/09/14: MTobis: Cultivating American Ignorance
Remember pepsigate?
- 2010/09/15: DM:Loom: Science blog networks now officially kudzu-esque
- Wired: Science Blogs
- PLoS Blogs Network
- Scientopia
Regarding the quality of blogospheric discussion:
- 2010/09/15: Maribo: Really, what does the Republicans "climate zombies" accomplish?
Here is something for your library:
- 2010/09/16: HotTopic: [Book Review] _The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves, Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed Planet_ by Heidi Cullen
- 2010/09/14: CCP: [Book Plug] A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming by Paul N. Edwards...
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2010/09/18: ACR: NASA talks about climate change.
- 2010/09/16: NRDC:SwitchBoard: This is What Global Warming Looks Like
- 2010/09/14: CCurrents: Wake Up, Freak Out -- Then Get A Grip
- 2010/09/14: SkeptiSci: Video update on Arctic sea ice in 2010
- 2010/09/13: PeterSinclair: 2010 Sea Ice Update
- 2010/09/13: BBickmore: Peter Sinclair's 2010 Arctic Ice Update
- 2010/09/13: ASI [PSinclair] Arctic Recovery Crock of the Week
- 2010/09/13: TWTB: Videobreak: Rob Dunbar - The threat of ocean acidification
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2010/09/17: WVGazette: Industry group seeks court order barring EPA mining policy
The National Mining Association said Friday it is seeking a federal court order barring the Obama administration from using a policy designed to limit surface coal mining in Appalachia. - 2010/09/17: CSW: Lawsuit seeks answers to why Obama Administration officials lowballed BP oil blowout estimates
- 2010/09/15: ENS: Navajos Ask Supreme Court to Protect Drinking Water From Uranium
- 2010/09/11: SF Gate: Verdict clearing Chevron in Nigerian killings is upheld
A federal appeals court on Friday upheld a San Francisco jury's verdict clearing Chevron Corp. of wrongdoing for the shootings of Nigerian villagers who occupied an offshore barge in 1998 to protest the company's hiring and environmental policies. Government security forces summoned by Chevron killed two men and wounded two on a barge tethered to a company platform 9 miles off the coast of the oil-rich Niger Delta after three days of negotiations with leaders of about 150 tribesmen. - 2010/09/18: DenverPost: Xcel's plan to convert coal-burning plants draws heated testimony
A controversial plan for converting coal-burning power plants to natural gas produced thousands of pages of testimony Friday from supporters and opponents. - 2010/09/18: News Corp: China powers booming world climate change industry
- 2010/09/18: FresnoBee: A new idea for clean energy in Kern County -- But some air activists object to projected pollution [energy misc]
- 2010/09/17: CTFP: TVA blueprint calls for less coal, more nuclear, gas and efficiency
- 2010/09/17: PeakEnergy: Wave Power Potential In Australia
- 2010/09/17: AutoBG: PGE [Portland General Electric in Oregon] completes massive renewable energy project
- 2010/09/17: NBF: IEA OECD Electricity Generation for the first half of 2010
- 2010/09/16: EurActiv: 64% of new power to be renewable over next decade
Renewable energy is set to make up nearly two-thirds of new electricity generation capacity installed in the EU over the next decade, according to new estimates by the European Commission. - 2010/09/16: OilDrum: The Fake Fire Brigade Revisited #4 - Delivering Stable Electricity
- 2010/09/16: REA: World's Largest Subsea Tidal Turbine Installed in Scotland
- 2010/09/16: REA: Wind and Solar: The Action Continues
- 2010/09/15: Eureka: Synthetic fuels research aims to reduce oil dependence
- 2010/09/15: AutoBG: Report: Biodiesel industry threatened by plug-in vehicle push
- 2010/09/14: EarthTimes: On 50th anniversary, OPEC chief chides alternative energy subsidies
- 2010/09/13: SolveClimate: US Power Sector is Decarbonizing Even Without a Climate Bill -- Market forces are compelling the industry to change
- 2010/09/13: TEC: Measuring Home Energy Use
- 2010/09/13: TEC: Infrastructure Failures and Investments in the Future
- 2010/09/13: REA: 800 MW of Geothermal Resources Identified [in California, Idaho, Oregon and Utah]
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- Wiki: Shale gas in the United States
- 2010/09/18: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Another well blow-out during hydraulic fracturing
- 2010/09/18: NRDC:SwitchBoard: TX: Assessors reduce land value by 75% when wells are drilled
- 2010/09/17: TEC: Shale Gas Is Not a Game Changer - It is Simply Another Period in a Long Running Game
- 2010/09/16: TEC: North Dakota's Unconventional Oil Boom and Risks to Scarce Water
- 2010/09/14: ProPublica: Wyoming Fracking Rules Would Disclose Drilling Chemicals
- 2010/09/14: RigZone: EPA to Widen Drilling Study
- 2010/09/15: ColoradoIndependent: New study underscores dangers of hydraulic fracturing
- 2010/09/14: ProPublica: Wyoming Fracking Rules Would Disclose Drilling Chemicals
- 2010/09/15: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Government puts monitoring advocacy groups above protecting drinking water
- 2010/09/15: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspected cause of drinking water contamination
- 2010/09/15: NRDC:SwitchBoard: More drinking water contamination linked to hydraulic fracturing: 13 families in Pennsylvania
- 2010/09/14: DemNow: As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, EPA Opens Public Hearings on Health and Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing
- 2010/09/14: DeSmogBlog: U.S. EPA Coal Ash Hearings Intensify, Tennessee Hearing Added Following Controversy
- 2010/09/14: CentreDaily: Documents show Homeland Security tracks anti-drill groups in Pa.
According to recently leaked documents, the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security has been tracking anti-gas drilling groups and their meetings -- including a public screening of the film "Gasland," a documentary about the environmental hazards of natural gas drilling. The office has included the information in its weekly intelligence bulletins sent to law enforcement agencies. The bulletins are also sent to gas companies drilling in the Marcellus Shale. Activists and environmental groups have responded with outrage and some alarm. - 2010/09/14: SlashDot: PA's Dept. of Homeland Security Shared Oil-Shale Protester Info With Companies
- 2010/09/14: PhiladelphiaInquirer: Strong positions on either side of "fracking" at EPA hearing
- 2010/09/14: PhysOrg: EPA told gas drilling does, does not taint water
Rep. Maurice Hinchey told a federal hearing Monday that the Environmental Protection Agency must regulate hydraulic fracturing, the natural gas extraction process that he said has contaminated water near drilling sites around the country. - 2010/09/13: CSM: Fracking for natural gas: EPA hearings bring protests
- 2010/09/14: NM&PC: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Turn On Your Faucet
- 2010/09/14: CBC: Natural gas risks worthwhile: Shell CEO [at WEC]
- 2010/09/12: Yahoo:AP: EPA to hold NY hearing, last of 4, on gas drilling
- 2010/09/13: SolveClimate: Fracking Chemicals Will Be Disclosed, Drilling Companies Say -- EPA requests information on composition and potential hazards, ready to flex muscle if rebuffed
- 2010/09/12: PhysOrg: EPA holding upstate NY hearings on gas drilling
- 2010/09/13: TreeHugger: Are Pennsylvania's Fracking Opponents Really Environmental Extremists? Police Think So
- 2010/09/13: PeakEnergy: Natural gas from shale rock promises energy revolution in UK?
- 2010/09/13: NBF: Natural Gas Infrastructure
- 2010/09/12: CO2Art: W-T-F(rack) Is Up With the Gas Company?
The answer my friend...:
- 2010/09/14: ENS: U.S. Offshore Wind Potential Four Times Total Power Generated
- 2010/09/15: OilDrum: Real-world tests of small wind turbines in Netherlands and the UK
- 2010/09/13: HotTopic: The answer, my friend...
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2010/09/17: TEC: MIT Engineers Experimenting with "Solar Antennas"
- 2010/09/16: Reuters: South Africa considers $21 bln solar power park
- 2010/09/15: Reuters: World's largest solar plant wins key approval
The world's largest solar power plant cleared an important hurdle on Wednesday, laying the groundwork for a dramatic expansion in solar energy generation in the United States and around the world. The proposed $6 billion-plus Blythe, California plant, originally proposed by Chevron Corp. and Solar Millennium AG, won clearance to build from the California Energy Commission. - 2010/09/16: REA: Massachusetts Homeowners Save Big with Solar
- 2010/09/16: REA: California Energy Commission Approves 1 GW of CSP Plants
- 2010/09/15: PlanetArk: UK-Backed Fund Supports Organic Solar
- 2010/09/13: Eureka: Energy Express focus issue: Thin-film photovoltaic materials and devices
- 2010/09/14: PeakEnergy: Desertec Solar Hopes Cloud over as Support Starts To Waver
- 2010/09/13: SF Gate: [Desertec] Sahara solar energy could power Europe
Feed-In-Tariffs are being variously implemented around the world:
- 2010/09/16: BBerg: Finland to Push for Renewable, Wind Energy With Feed-In Tariff Subsidies
- 2010/09/14: Grist: Feed-in tariffs saved French ratepayers money they would have otherwise spent
Flying in the face of conventional wisdom that renewables are expensive, the cost of French feed-in tariffs for renewable energy over and above the cost of conventional fuels was negative in 2008. French feed-in tariffs for wind, hydro, biogas, and other technologies not only did not cost money in 2008, but also saved French ratepayers five million euros ($6.4 million) through the year. - 2010/09/18: TreeHugger: Coal Costs More Money Than It Creates in W. Virginia
- 2010/09/15: SolveClimate: U.S. Investors With $240 Bln in Assets Urge Strict Federal Regs on Coal Ash
- 2010/09/15: ABC(Au): Clean coal plant defended
- 2010/09/12: ClimateShifts: Coal: Limit on climate, and the catch
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2010/09/16: CCurrents: The Limits And Potential Of Plant-Based Energy by Lester Brown
- 2010/09/15: Grist: The limits and potential of plant-based energy by Lester Brown
- 2010/09/15: TreeHugger: The Growing Potential and Rooted Limitations of Biofuels
- 2010/09/13: Eureka: Biofuel from inedible plant material easier to produce following enzyme discovery
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2010/09/18: BNC: IFR FaD 7 -- Q&A on Integral Fast Reactors -- safe, abundant, non-polluting power
- 2010/09/16: NatureTGB: MIT researchers rethink the nuclear fuel cycle, Yucca Mountain
- 2010/09/16: ScienceInsider: To Triple World Nuclear Power, MIT Calls for Research to 'Preserve Our Options'
- 2010/09/17: EarthTimes: South Africa pulls plug on modular nuclear reactor project
Johannesburg - South Africa has pulled the plug on a decade-old project to build modular gas-cooled nuclear reactors that used up 9.2 billion rand (1.2 billion dollars) in investment but never produced a working model, local media reported Friday. Public Enterprises Minister Barbara Hogan said she was winding up the pebble bed modular reactor (PMBR) programme after South Africa failed to find an anchor customer or investment partner for the technology. A PBMR is a high-temperature helium-cooled reactor which runs on pebble fuel. The technology was originally developed in Germany and subsequently licensed to both South Africa and China. - 2010/09/16: SolveClimate: U.S. Nuclear Industry Will Remain Ward of the State, as in France, Report Warns
Report wary of "French model of nuclear socialism," and calls $36 billion of federal loan guarantees a raw deal for taxpayers - 2010/09/16: NatureTGB: MIT researchers rethink the nuclear fuel cycles, Yucca Mountain
- 2010/09/16: NatureTGB: [ITER] Fusion funding slammed in European Parliament
- 2010/09/14: PhysBuzz: Construction underway at ITER
- 2010/09/14: BNC: Fast reactor future -- the vision of an atomic energy pioneer
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2010/09/18: CCurrents: 'Peak Oil' : Jimmy Carter's Secretary Of Energy Sounds The Alarm [Robert L. Hirsch interview]
- 2010/09/17: EnergyBulletin: Robert Hirsch [interview]
- 2010/09/16: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: Is $50 oil in the offing?
- 2010/09/14: CCurrents: Interview With Bob Hirsch On His Team's New Book -- "The Impending World Energy Mess"
- 2010/09/13: TEC: Maxwell Forecasts Peak Oil in Seven Years
- 2010/09/14: PeakEnergy: Bracing For Peak Oil Production By Decade's End
- 2010/09/13: EnergyBulletin: Interview with Bob Hirsch on his team's new book -- "The Impending World Energy Mess"
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2010/09/14: OilDrum: Energy efficiency flawed due to rebound effects [Jevons reframed]
- 2010/09/13: ClimateP: Efficiency lives - the rebound effect, not so much -- Shining some light on bad analysis in The Economist [media & effic]
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2010/09/17: RRapier: $10M Purse Split Between Three 100 MPG Auto Teams
- 2010/09/17: PhysOrg: China 'aims to lead world' in eco-friendly cars
- 2010/09/16: AutoBG: Automotive X-Prize: Recap and wrap up
- 2010/09/17: AutoBG: Renault details its zero-emission strategy, sees electric cars everywhere, for everyone
- 2010/09/16: NewScientist: Progressive Automotive X Prize: the winners [8 pix]
- 2010/09/16: DM:80B: Three Far-Out Cars Share the $10M Automotive X-Prize
- 2010/09/16: AutoBG: Automotive X Prize: And the winners are ...
- 2010/09/15: PlanetArk: Daimler intensifies Push For Electric Cars
- 2010/09/14: BBC: Toyota plans to launch six new hybrid vehicles by the end of 2012, a company spokesman has said, as competition to build greener cars increases
As for Energy Storage:
- 2010/09/17: NBF: Doubling Lithium-Ion Battery Storage
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2010/09/14: TEC: Investors Increasingly Concerned With Climate Change Risks
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2010/09/07: ThisMag: How Canwest helped Shell Oil greenwash its tar sands business
- 2010/09/14: LFR: Canwest works with Shell Oil to shill for tar sands
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2010/09/17: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for September 17...
- 2010/09/16: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for September 16...
- 2010/09/15: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for September 15...
- 2010/09/14: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for September 14...
- 2010/09/13: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for September 13...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2010/09/17: Grist: A walk through the week's climate news -- The Climate Post: The Tea Party climate and the future of clean energy
- 2010/09/17: NRDC:SwitchBoard: India Climate Change and Energy News - Week of September 6, 2010 to September 13, 2010
- 2010/09/13: HotTopic: Monday miscellany
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2010/09/18: IJISH: Morano's Climate Depot presents multiple puff pieces on GWPF 'report' as 'independent' news stories
- 2010/09/17: EurActiv: German-led research tackles climate sceptics head on
In an attempt to rebalance the debate on global warming, the German research branch of Deutsche Bank has commissioned a report that refutes the claims of climate sceptics. The report, authored by researchers at the Columbia University's Earth Institute, defuses "misconceptions" that can hinder investment in the green economy, which can help tackle climate change. - 2010/09/17: DeSmogBlog: Bjorn Lomborg's Climate Confusionist Spin Is Never Ending
- 2010/09/16: IJISH: (Digression) Heartland 'Institute' enters the Islamophobia scene
- 2010/09/15: BBickmore: Shorthand for Inaction
- 2010/09/15: WtD: Does 'former sceptic' Bjorn Lomborg really think geo-engineering is an easy sell?
- 2010/09/15: SolveClimate: Deutsche Bank Debunks Skeptics with a Report -- and a $5 Billion Climate Portfolio
- 2010/09/15: JQuiggin: Links to a parallel universe
- 2010/09/14: CCP: GlacierChange comments on Michael Tobis' Tom Fuller post
- 2010/09/14: ClimateP: Debunking Robert Bryce's power hungry gusher of lies
- 2010/09/14: SkeptiSci: What about that skeptic argument that Jupiter is warming?
- 2010/09/14: SkeptiSci: How Monckton got his IPCC predictions wrong by Alden Griffith
- 2010/09/13: MTobis: The Breakthrough Idea
- 2010/09/12: DeSmogBlog: Ryan Air CEO: global warming is bulls**t
Meanwhile in the 'clean coal' saga:
- 2010/09/16: Guardian(UK): The devastating effects of coal ash pollution in China [13 pix]
- 2010/09/15: TerraDaily: Toxic coal ash a source of concern in China: Greenpeace
- 2010/09/15: ABC(Au): Clean coal plant defended
The company behind the clean coal plant at Cessnock has defended the technology, amid claims by a prominent climate change researcher that it is a deception. Dr Guy Pearse from the Global Change Institute in Queensland says clean coal and carbon capture and storage technologies will have little or no impact on greenhouse emissions in future years. - 2010/09/13: TreeHugger: Coal Pollution Will Kill 13,200 Americans This Year & Cost $100 Billion in Additional Health Care Bills
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2010/09/18: PostMedia: Climate change falling off public radar, speakers say
A year after the Copenhagen conference on global warming that failed to produce a comprehensive international agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions, climate change has taken a back seat to issues such as the recession but continues to influence economic and government policy decisions, the Global Business Forum heard Friday. - 2010/09/18: TSOD: Clouds and Water Vapor -- Part Three
- 2010/09/18: CCurrents: Nature Cannot Be Fooled
- 2010/09/17: WtD: Feeling all doom and gloom? Tim Flannery is optimistic...[and has a book to sell]
- 2010/09/16: APSmith: My predictive powers continue to astound
- 2010/09/16: Crikey:Rooted: What's the latest on climate change?
- 2010/09/15: NatureTGB: Climate change needs social science and humanities
- 2010/09/14: CCentral: Climate in Context: Microscopic Evidence of a Warming World
- 2010/09/15: CSM: Women smarter than men on global warming, survey reveals
- 2010/09/14: BVerheggen: Innovation, implementation and efficiency
- 2010/09/14: WtD: 7000 days
- 2010/09/14: MSU: Study: Women more likely than men to accept global warming
- 2010/09/14: TGBeaver: The Chief Oceanographer of the US Navy...
- 2010/09/13: ClimateP: Science makes strong case for rapid deployment [of low-carbon technology]
- 2010/09/12: ClimateSight: A Fabulous Contribution [AVs at SkeptiSci]
- 2010/09/12: MTobis: Warmist Coup at Amazon?
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Florida Oil Spill Law
- Athabasca Fish [Dr. David Schindler]
- NASA:JPL: Latest El Niño/La Niña Jason Data
- Wired: Science Blogs
- PLoS Blogs Network
- Scientopia
- EOSnap - Earth Observation
- Wiki: Shale gas in the United States
- Wiki: Extinction events graphical timeline
- Wiki: Extinction event
- Wiki: Evolutionary history of life
- Wiki: Geological history of Earth
- Wiki: Great Oxygenation Event
- Wiki: Cambrian explosion
- Wiki: History of the Earth
- Wiki: Geologic time scale
- Wiki: Hadean [Eon]
- Wiki: Archean [Eon]
- Wiki: Proterozoic [Eon]
- Wiki: Phanerozoic [Eon]
- Wiki: Cenozoic [Era]
- Wiki: Mesozoic [Era]
- Wiki: Paleozoic [Era]
Live and direct from the laugh, it's funny, damnit department:
Next week the UN is going to talk about the Millennium Development Goals:
And on the Bottom Line:
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
The food crisis is ongoing:
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
As for GHGs:
While on the ENSO front:
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
While on the adaptation front:
Meanwhile in the journals:
As for GW, energy & security:
Meanwhile in Australia:
The G20 policing issue grinds on:
Here is something good the Tories are doing, although they have Quebec votes in mind, not our energy future:
Pipelines are a hot issue:
The repercussions of that Schindler study of tar sands pollution are still being felt:
BC is still wrangling over energy:
Ontario has it's Green Energy Act, now comes the implementation:
In the North:
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
On the coal front:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"I look at the geological record as a history of the world imperfectly kept, and written in a changing dialect; of this history we possess the last volume alone, relating to only one or two countries. Of this volume, only here and there a short chapter has been preserved; and of each page, only here and there, a few lines." -Charles Darwin
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NEW GAME WITH YOU LITTLE F*CKERS - SPEAK N DIE. Come see the latest DM videos for your viewing pleasure!
And the Pope is 100% correct: The Nazis and the atheists both wish to ABOLISH FAITH....
hawking is WRONG
science cannot explain NOTHING!
Without wishing to feed the trolls, I am going to have to agree with dmab on a couple of issues.
Yes, atheists do wish to abolish faith. So.....? Mind you, given most Hitler was a christian I think it is a pretty telling indictment of religion.
And yes, 'science cannot explain nothing'. (but given that is a double negative.....)
Mandas i am an athiest and i have no desire to abolish anything, if people want to believe in a fictitious diety then go ahead just dont bother me with it.
All this reminds me of a joke, "what did the Agnostic, Dyslexic, Insomniac ask himself at 3 am.....drum roll........"Is there a Dog?"