Announcing the Climate Science Rapid Response Team

Okay, "A Team" was a little to simple, and it was taken. Instead I would like to inform readers of the "CSRR" Team, or CSRRT. I will let the press release speak for itself:

NAME: Climate Science Rapid Response Team (CSRRT)


WHO & WHAT: The CSSRT is a match-making service between top scientists and members of the media and office holders and their staffs from various levels of government. Our group consists of dozens of leading scientists who wish to improve communication about climate change. The group is committed to providing rapid, high-quality information to media and government officials. Our members have expertise in virtually all areas of climate science and they are available to share their current understanding in a fairly rapid time frame.

HOW IT WORKS: Inquirers will use the form on the Website to identify themselves and to send their questions along with the desired timeframe of the response. That information will immediately be sent to three people: Dr. John Abraham, Dr. Ray Weymann, and Prof. Scott Mandia. These three "match-makers" will immediately notify up to three scientists with the most appropriate expertise. One scientist or one of the three CSRRT match-makers will then respond directly to the inquirer with the correct science information.

WHY WE DO IT: There is a sharp divide between what scientists know about climate change and what the public knows. The scientists of the CSSRT understand that better communication can narrow this gap. The media is in the best position to deliver accurate science information to the general public and to our elected leaders but only if they are provided with that information. The CSRRT is committed to delivering that service We are advocates for science education.

As it is a brand new venture, I am sure they would be interested in feedback, let's hear it here!

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Great idea -- better, I think, if they had someone to do a press release response, along the lines of the rapid response group the Obama campaign had in 2008.

But a great idea nevertheless.

Am I the only one who thinks John Abraham has sort of come out of nowhere, starting with his complete blowdown Monckton? Nice to see him on this team.

Can we brief them on Rachel Carson, malaria and DDT, and let them roll on that issue, too?

I think Monckton did us all a big favor with his slobbering attack on Abraham's thourough and understated evisceration of his lecture. Abraham's reaction has definately not been recoil in fear!