Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Disruption News
Sipping from the Internet Firehose...
July 10, 2011
- Chuckles, COP17+, Australian ETS, Coal Sulfur, WESS, Phoenix
- Bottom Line, Costing Nature, Cook, The Conversation
- Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Fukushima Talk
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Food Prices, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, Monsoon, GHGs, Temperatures, Aerosols, Paleoclimate
- ENSO, Solar, Anthropocene, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Wacky Weather, Extreme Weather, Phenology
- Tornadoes, Wildfires, Acidification, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Transportation, Sequestration, Geoengineering
- Journals, Other Docs , Misc. Science, DIY Science, Models, Trenberth, Qing Bing Lu, Spencer, Soon
- Rio+ 20, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Bank Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- International Politics: Rare Earths, EU-ETS & Airlines, Energy Race
- Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Water Politics & Business, Predictions
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, 2012, Yellowstone, Obama, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Carbon War, Murray-Darling, New Zealand, China, Japan, Asia, Africa, South America
- Canada, Post G20, Arctic Promises, Pipelines, CWB, AECL
- BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Sask, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes, North
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Media, Books, Video, Courts
- Energy, Gas Pro & Con, Milestone, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, LENR, Grid, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- FAQs, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2011/07/09: CA: (cartoon - TomTom) Good morning children - Holographic Teaching Interface Activated!
- 2011/07/09: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Brave old world
- 2011/07/09: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Selfish
- 2011/07/06: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) More Hell
- 2011/07/09: TP:JR: (cartoon - Horsey) You told me climate change wasn't real!
And for those who enjoy challenging Poe's Law:
- 2011/07/05: Wonkette: Mother Nature Attacks Jim Inhofe For Climate Change Denial
Looking ahead to COP17 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2011/07/09: OpenDem: After Copenhagen
There is a vital need, for the sake of the future, for new forms of collective action to combine feeling with thought, neither denying the seriousness of the crisis nor closing our minds to a 'radical hope' that deep political change is possible. Empathetic imagination is as necessary as science. - 2011/07/04: TheBullet: From Copenhagen and Cancun to Bonn and Durban, Climate Meetings are Conferences of Polluters
- 2011/07/03: STimes: Merkel: binding, verifiable climate targets needed
All nations must commit to binding and verifiable goals to reduce their carbon emissions to reach a new international climate agreement as the Kyoto Protocol expires next year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday. - 2011/07/04: SwissInfo: Leuthard calls for climate timetable
Swiss Environment Minister Doris Leuthard has called on the international community to create a timetable defining the steps to a comprehensive climate agreement. - 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): Gillard reveals carbon price scheme
PM Julia Gillard has unveiled full details of her carbon pricing scheme, with compensation for households and industry to help offset the impact of a $23 per tonne carbon price from July 1 next year. Ms Gillard says the plan, unveiled in Canberra today, includes compensation for 90 per cent of households as well as $9.2 billion over three years in support for industry. The scheme is projected to cut 159 million tonnes of carbon pollution from the atmosphere by 2020 - the equivalent of taking 45 million cars off the road. - 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): The carbon tax - what's in, what's out
- 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): Major business lobby groups that were opposed to the Government's plan to put a price on carbon have not changed their stance now the detail has been revealed
- 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): Key independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor have praised fellow members of the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee for arriving at the carbon tax plan
- 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): How will the carbon price affect you?
- 2011/07/10: JQuiggin: Carbon tax -- instant reax
- 2011/07/10: BBC: Australia plans to impose carbon tax on worst polluters
The Australian government has unveiled plans to impose a tax on carbon emissions for the worst polluters. Prime Minister Julia Gillard said carbon dioxide emissions would be taxed at A$23 ($25; £15) per tonne from 2012. The country's biggest economic reform in a generation will cover some 500 companies. In 2015, a market-based trading scheme will be introduced. - 2011/07/10: al Jazeera: Australia to tax country's worst polluters
Government to introduce carbon tax on country's 500 largest polluters, as it unveils largest such scheme outside Europe. - 2011/07/10: TheAge: Carbon Tax - A modest policy but the real test is in the selling
For an issue that has wreaked such political devastation, that has brought down a prime minister and two opposition leaders and that has dominated the Australian debate for years, the carbon price policy released today is pretty mild. - 2011/07/10: TheAge: $15 billion in tax cuts for low and middle income earners under carbon deal
- 2011/07/10: SMH: Govt to pump $13b into clean energy
- 2011/07/10: SMH: 3.4m pensioners get carbon price compo
- 2011/07/10: SMH: Gillard reveals details of carbon price
- 2011/07/10: Crikey: Carbon tax: Gillard's 'Clean Energy Future' at a glance
- 2011/07/10: Crikey: Carbon tax: CPRS + Garnaut + Greens - expediency equals ...
- 2011/07/10: Crikey: Carbon tax: the policy and the politics
- 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says "millions of Australians will be worse off" under the Government's carbon price scheme
A paper on the mitigating effects of coal sulfur got a certain portion of the press in a tizzy:
- 2011/07/06: FuturePundit: Coal Sulfur Prevented Global Warming For 10 Years?
- 2011/07/07: BBC:RB: Climate: Cherries are not the only fruit [Chinese aerosols]
Just about the most predictable event of the week was the tempest of opinion created by the analysis of global temperature changes published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on Monday. - 2011/07/05: KSJT: AP, BBC, etc: If global warming leveled off some since 2000, the reason is discouraging. Plus, Michael Mann doubled down
- 2011/07/05: SciNews: Sulfur stalls surface temperature rise -- Findings explain decade without warming
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: Study: Hottest Decade on Record Would Have Been Even Hotter But for Chinese Coal Plant Sulfur Pollution
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: Fox News Confuses Sulfur Pollution with Greenhouse Gases
- 2011/07/05: TreeHugger: Without China's Coal Burning The Hottest Decade On Record Would've Been Even Hotter
- 2011/07/05: BBC: Global warming lull down to China's coal growth
- 2011/07/05: CBC: China's pollution temporarily slowed climate change
- 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Sulphur from Chinese power stations 'masking' climate change
Research reveals decade of global warming from China's coal power stations has partly been offset by 'cooling' effect of sulphur pollution - 2011/07/06: UN: [3.2 meg pdf] The World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation
- 2011/07/08: AutoBG: UN calls for annual investment of $1.9 trillion in "green" tech to avoid "planetary catastrophe"
- 2011/07/05: NBF: UN study says $76 trillion needs to be invested in Green Technologies over the next 40 years to avoid 'Planetary Catastrophe'
- 2011/07/05: CCurrents: UN: Only Green Technology Can Avert 'Planetary Catastrophe'
Humanity is near to breaching the sustainability of Earth, and needs a technological revolution greater and faster than the industrial revolution to avoid "a major planetary catastrophe," warns a new United Nations report. "The World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation," published today by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs calls for investments of at least $1.9 trillion per year to avert this catastrophe. - 2011/07/05: UN: New industrial revolution needed to avert 'planetary catastrophe' - UN report
Striking video of the Phoenix dust storm:
- 2011/07/07: Grist: Arizona's becoming a dust bowl... [video]
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: NBC: "The Dust Storm that Swallowed Up an American City"
- 2011/07/06: 350orBust: Huge Sand Storm Causes Power Outages, Closes Airport in Phoenix
- 2011/07/06: Wunderground: Massive haboob duststorm sweeps through Phoenix
- 2011/07/06: CSM: Phoenix dust storm plays havoc with local power and transportation (VIDEO)
- 2011/07/06: CBC: Dust storm blankets Phoenix area
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2011/07/09: NBF: UN reports Global Investments in Green Energy Up Nearly a Third to US$211 billion
- 2011/07/06: UNEP: Global Investments in Green Energy Up Nearly a Third to US$211 billion
- 2011/07/08: CCurrents: Global Investments In Green Energy Up Nearly A Third To US$211 Billion Says UNEP
- 2011/07/07: UN: UN reports strong surge in investments in green energy
- 2011/07/07: UNEP: Global Investments in Green Energy Up Nearly a Third to US$211 billion
- 2011/07/07: Eureka: Global investments in green energy up nearly a third to $211 billion
China, developing countries are now biggest investors in large-scale renewables while Germany surges ahead on rooftop solar - 2011/07/07: BBC: Green energy investment hits record global high
Global investment in renewable energy sources grew by 32% during 2010 to reach a record level of US$211bn (£132bn), a UN study has reported. The main growth drivers were backing for wind farms in China and rooftop solar panels in Europe, it said. - 2011/07/06: CDreams: Selling Nature to Save Nature, and Ourselves
- 2011/07/05: TreeHugger: What Should We Pay To Access Nature? (Part I)
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2011/07/10: SkeptiSci: The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures by Rob Painting
- 2011/07/09: SkeptiSci: Climate Solutions by Rob Painting by Rob Painting
- 2011/07/08: SkeptiSci: Tales of the Cryosphere Kid by Daniel Bailey
- 2011/07/10: SkeptiSci: OA not OK: The f-word: pH
- 2011/07/07: SkeptiSci: Wherever I lay my shell, that's my home by Doug Mackie [Ocean Acidification]
- 2011/07/08: SkeptiSci: Climate Solutions by dana1981
- 2011/07/07: SkeptiSci: Great Barrier Reef Part 2: Climate Change Impacts by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
- 2011/07/07: SkeptiSci: Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu by dana1981
- 2011/07/06: SkeptiSci: History Matters: Carbon Emissions in Context by Stephan Lewandowsky
- 2011/07/06: SkeptiSci: Over the tipping point by steve.oconnor
- 2011/07/06: SkeptiSci: The Last Interglacial Part Two - Why was it so warm? by SteveBrown
- 2011/07/05: SkeptiSci: Thermodynamic duo by Doug Mackie
- 2011/07/04: SkeptiSci: Trouble Brewing in the North by MarkR
- 2011/07/04: SkeptiSci: German Energy Priorities by dana1981 & BaerbelW
The Conversation is still getting some coverage:
- 2011/07/08: DeSmogBlog: Clearing Up The Climate Debate with A Conversation
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: How the Media Gets It Wrong on Climate Change: The False, the Confused and the Mendacious
- 2011/07/04: TP:JR: How climate science deniers spread doubt for political ends
A note on the Fukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. Now the Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, says decades. We'll see. At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2011/07/09: Reuters: Japan's Kan says nuclear clean-up could take decades
- 2011/07/09: CDreams: Japan's PM: Nuclear Clean-Up Could Take Decades
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Saturday it will take decades to clean up and decommission the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant after the world's worst atomic accident since Chernobyl. Kan's comments marked the first time that Japan's government has offered a timeframe for the clean-up at Fukushima beyond the emergency measures now underway to shut down its reactors. - 2011/07/08: NBF: Fukushima Daiichi 1 cover in progress
- 2011/07/09: APR: Fukushima Daiichi Bulletins
- 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: Japan Nuclear Restart In Doubt As Test Plan Provokes Fury
- 2011/07/08: Yahoo:Reuters: Japan's Shikoku Electric delays restart of nuke reactor
A power company in western Japan delayed on Friday the restart of an idled nuclear reactor as confusion spreads over the safety of nuclear power and the future course of the country's energy policy. Shikoku Electric Power Co said it will delay the planned July 10 restart of one of its reactors, because it didn't think the public would accept it. The firm has no idea when it will restart the unit, a spokesman also said. - 2011/07/08: BBC: Japan Prime Minister Naoto Kan sorry for nuclear mix-up
Japan's prime minister has apologised for causing confusion by ordering nuclear firms to carry out safety tests on their reactors, weeks after his government said the plants were safe. Naoto Kan said his order for "stress tests" on Wednesday came too late. Local officials and energy firms say they no longer know whether they can restart their reactors or not. Two-thirds of Japan's reactors have remained inactive since the devastating earthquake and tsunami on 11 March. - 2011/07/07: BBC: Japan nuclear 'stress test' plans criticised
Japan's plan to hold further safety tests on its nuclear plants has drawn widespread criticism, and heaped more pressure on Prime Minister Naoto Kan. The government announced the tests just weeks after declaring that the nuclear plants were safe to restart. - 2011/07/06: PlanetArk: Japan Eyes First Nuclear Restart Since Quake
- 2011/07/05: BBC: Japan 'to hold stress tests at all nuclear plants'
- 2011/07/06: APR: Fukushima Daiichi / Japan Update: Wednesday
- 2011/07/04: BBerg: Radioactive Cesium[-137] Is Found in Tokyo Tap Water for First Time Since April
- 2011/07/04: BBC: Shares in Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have jumped 20% after chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he had no knowledge of any plan to break up the company
And of course, the pundits. lobbyists and politicians have a lot to say:
- 2011/07/06: CCurrents: After Fukushima: Massive Global Expansion Of Nuclear Industry Under Way
- 2011/07/03: WashingtonsBlog: Fukushima Cover Up Unravels
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
- 2011/07/09: TCoE: Anyone up for a(n Arctic) swim?
- 2011/07/09: ASI: SIE 2011 update 11: the heat is on
- 2011/07/09: ASI: Sea level pressure July 2011
- 2011/07/08: Wunderground: Arctic sea ice in record retreat
- 2011/07/08: QuarkSoup: An Astonishing Arctic Warming Rate
- 2011/07/08: ASI: PIPS is back: more info
- 2011/07/07: KSJT: Brit Press mostly: European report says Arctic to make mess of Atlantic ecosystem. Meanwhile, gray whales may adjust nicely
- 2011/07/08: TP:JR: Arctic Death Spiral: Second Lowest June Sea Ice Extent, Lowest June Volume
- 2011/07/06: ITracker: PIOMAS plunges to a new record low
- 2011/07/06: ASI: NSIDC Arctic sea ice news June 2011
- 2011/07/06: SciNews: Greenland's ice sheets face new threat -- Substantial warming well below ocean's surface will pose risk in this century
- 2011/07/05: ASI: Barrow Break-up 4
- 2011/07/05: QuarkSoup: Arctic Ice is at a Record Low
- 2011/07/05: ASI: SEARCH Outlook
- 2011/07/03: Eureka: Warming ocean layers will undermine polar ice sheets
- 2011/07/03: HuffPo: Warming Ocean Could Melt Ice Faster Than Thought
As for the charismatic megafauna:
- 2011/07/08: SciNews: DNA hints at polar bears' Irish ancestry -- Maternal line traced back to brown bears on Emerald Isle
- 2011/07/07: SciNow: Polar Bears Rooted in Ireland
- 2011/07/07: Eureka: With climate changes, polar bear and brown bear lineages intertwine
- 2011/07/07: Eureka: Ancestry of polar bears traced to Ireland
- 2011/07/06: TreeHugger: Viewer Outrage Over Polar Bear Killed on UK Television Show (Video)
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: Russia To Submit Arctic Claim To U.N. Next Year
- 2011/07/07: PostMedia: Russia launches Arctic expedition, beefs up military presence
A Russian scientific expedition - led by a nuclear-powered icebreaker - has set sail on a mission to solidify Russia's claim to a resource-laden tract of the Arctic seafloor, in a summer that will see intensified military activity in the high Arctic. Russia has also announced it will station two new Arctic warfare brigades north of 60 degrees - a move that will expand Russia's northern military capabilities far beyond those of Canada. - 2011/07/06: Guardian(UK): US and Russia stir up political tensions over Arctic
- 2011/07/06: TreeHugger: UK Billionaire Pushes Arctic "Mega" Mine: Caribou, Whale & Seal Deaths Expected, "Habitat Will Be Lost"
- 2011/07/05: CBC: Time, Canada, to negotiate the Northwest Passage
- 2011/07/04: CBC: 5 firms win northern drilling rights
The federal government announced the winning bids on Monday for oil and gas exploration in Canada's north. [Husky Energy, ConocoPhillips Canada Resources, Shell Canada, Imperial Oil, ExxonMobil, MGM Energy & Arctic Energy & Minerals Limited] - 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Melting ice caps open up Arctic for 'white gold rush'
While in Antarctica:
- 2011/07/06: NOC: Natural iron fertilisation influences deep-sea ecosystems off the Crozet Islands
- 2011/07/04: Eureka: Antarctic krill help to fertilize Southern Ocean with iron
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2011/07/08: CNN: 10 million at risk from East Africa drought
East Africa drought puts up to 10 million people at risk - Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya is housing 380,000 people - Climate, conflict and high food prices all contributing to crisis - Aid organizations urge international community and donors to act - 2011/07/08: FAO: Stepping up to the Horn -- Joint FAO/WFP/Oxfam statement
- 2011/07/08: FAO: South Sudan naturally endowed for sustainable growth through agriculture -- FAO land cover survey shows just 4.5 percent currently used for farming
- 2011/07/09: UN: UN humanitarian chief calls for additional support for drought-hit Ethiopian region
- 2011/07/03: WiredSci: WCSJ: Plant Diseases, Farmer Suicides And The Peril of A Hungry Future
- 2011/07/07: Yale360: Phosphate: A Critical Resource Misused and Now Running Low [Pearce]
- 2011/07/09: BBC: Somalis gather in internal camps to escape drought
Camps of people fleeing East Africa's worsening drought have started forming inside Somalia, says medical aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres. One camp had more than doubled in size in a matter of days, and now holds around 5,000 people. The aid agency can provide medical help, but has no food to give them. Until now Somalis have been pouring across the borders to Ethiopia and Kenya, arriving at giant refugee camps which are severely overcrowded. - 2011/07/09: CBC: Floods wipe out berry farms' seasons
For the first time in 20 years there will be no berries to pick at Blue Diamond Berry Farm in Manitoba. The farm, just west of Winnipeg in the Rural Municipality of St. Francois Xavier, is still dealing with effects of the flooding from the Assiniboine River. Co-owner Crystal Jochum said the fields remain under about a metre of water. And she isn't alone -- at least six other u-pick berry farms are flooded out this year, according to the Prairie Fruit Growers Association. - 2011/07/08: UN: Survival of millions of children in Horn of Africa at risk, warns UNICEF
- 2011/07/08: BBC: East Africa drought: DEC appeals for funds
A group of UK aid agencies has launched a joint fund-raising appeal to help more than 10 million people affected by severe drought in the Horn of Africa. - 2011/07/07: CDreams: UN Refugee Agency Warns of Crisis 'of Unimaginable Proportions' in Somalia Drought
- 2011/07/07: BBC: Somalis seek refuge from drought in Ethiopia
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) says more than 110,000 Somalis have arrived at the remote camps at Dolo Ado in south-eastern Ethiopia. The camps are already severely overcrowded, but another 1,600 people are arriving every day. - 2011/07/05: TP:JR: "Worst Food Crisis of the 21st Century" Driven by "Worst Drought in 60 Years" in East Africa, as Climate Change Makes Reduced Rainfall a "Chronic Problem"
- 2011/07/06: TreeHugger: Rising Temperatures Melting Away Global Food Security by Lester Brown
- 2011/07/06: BPA: Farm Production Expenses in 2011
- 2011/07/06: LA Times: Warmer temperatures may threaten California vineyards, study says
Scientists project that in the next 30 years, Napa and Santa Barbara counties will be 2 degrees warmer and have more very hot days. That could affect the varietals chosen and methods used at vineyards. - 2011/07/06: CCurrents: Famine Threat In The Horn Of Africa
- 2011/07/05: al Jazeera: UN 'disturbed' over Somali hunger crisis
Some children fleeing to Ethiopia and Kenya to escape war and drought have died of malnutrition on the way, UN says. - 2011/07/05: BBC: UNHCR in Somalia 'human tragedy' warning
The levels of malnutrition among children fleeing Somalia's drought could lead to a "human tragedy of unimaginable proportions", the UN refugee head Antonio Guterres has said. - 2011/07/05: ProMedMail: Blast disease, rice - Kenya: (CE)
- 2011/07/05: EurActiv: EU to send aid to hungry North Koreans 'eating grass'
The European Union will send humanitarian aid to North Korea, whose citizens are suffering so badly from hunger that the consumption of grass has become widespread, the Commission announced yesterday (4 July). - 2011/07/04: al Jazeera: The decline of agriculture?
Climate change induced extreme weather events and shifting weather patterns are challenging farmer's ability to feed us. - FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2011/07/08: TP:JR: As Food Prices Hover at Historic Highs, Extreme Weather and Asian Demand are Poised to Boost Prices Even Higher
- 2011/07/08: BBerg: Poor Countries Seen Likely to Be 'Hammered' by Food Costs, Water Shortages
- 2011/07/08: BBerg: Corn-Crop Stunner for Morgan Stanley Means U.S. is Overestimating Supply
- 2011/07/08: CSM: South's 'extreme drought' could be felt at supermarkets soon
- 2011/07/07: FAO: FAO Food Price Index up slightly in June -- But outlook for cereals improves
- 2011/07/07: UN: World cereal prices drop slightly but still steeply higher than last year - UN
- 2011/07/07: BBC: World food prices near record high, says UN agency
Global food prices rose sharply in June, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), after a steep increase in the price of sugar. The price of sugar rose by 14% last month, as a result of high demand and lower production in Brazil. - 2011/07/07: ABC(Au):TDU: The baseless campaign against GM food
- 2011/07/07: TreeHugger: Why Is Genetically Modified Bluegrass Exempt From Federal Regulation?
- 2011/07/06: NatureNB: EU parliament votes to allow restrictions on GM food
- 2011/07/06: ScienceInsider: E.U. Parliament Endorses Country Opt-Out for GM Crops
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
- 2011/07/09: BBC: An international team of scientists based in Scotland has decoded the full DNA sequence of the potato for the first time
- 2011/07/06: BPA: [Crop Science Society of America] CSSA's Crop Adaptation to Climate Change Report
- 2011/07/07: Grist: The most important fish in the sea [Atlantic menhaden]
- 2011/07/06: EnergyBulletin: Shashe Declaration: 1st encounter of agroecology trainers in Africa Region 1
- 2011/07/06: PlanetArk: New Green Farming Vital To End Global Hunger: U.N.
- 2011/07/05: Eureka: AgriLife Research study: Cool-season grasses more profitable than warm-season grasses -- Swine effluent provides fertilizer boost equal to urea
- 2011/07/06: CSM: 'Radical' changes needed to meet rising food demands: UN
- 2011/07/05: TreeHugger: Small-Scale Sustainable Farming Key To Global Food Security, Poverty Reduction: UN
- 2011/07/04: CanEast: Agriculture will have to adapt to extreme weather, says expert
- 2011/07/03: BBC: The UK has pledged £38m ($61m) in food aid to drought-hit Ethiopia - enough to feed 1.3m people for three months
- 2011/07/03: Guardian(UK): Britain to give £38m in food aid to Ethiopia
Money will help feed 1.3 million people in region experiencing worst drought in decades - 2011/07/08: BBerg: Tropical Storm Calvin Nears Hurricane Strength Off Mexico
- 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Weatherwatch: Tropical storm Arlene arrived with blast and bluster
- 2011/07/04: CNN: Tropical Storm Arlene kills 17 in Mexico
12-year-old electrocuted is youngest victim - Death toll expected to rise as other incidents are investigated - Arlene is the first named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season - 2011/07/08: BBC: Is black carbon affecting the Asian monsoon?
- 2011/07/07: NatureN: Pirates scupper monsoon research -- Gaping holes in data threaten long-term wind and water measurements
As for GHGs:
- 2011/07/05: ERW: Going beyond the IPCC 'worst case'
As for the temperature record:
- 2011/07/08: NOAANews: NOAA: U.S. warmer and drier than normal in June
- 2011/07/07: TP:JR: It's Obscenely Hot: June 2011 Heat Records Crush Cold Records by Nearly 11 to 1
- 2011/07/06: Tamino: Aligning Station Records
- 2011/07/05: MTobis: Japan national record high for June broken
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2011/07/04: TCoE: Aerosol whiplash, take 2
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2011/07/05: WiredSci: Nectocaris: What the heck is this thing?
- 2011/07/06: NatureN: Calcified clue to ancient photosynthesis -- Mat of microbes contains calcium carbonate that could only have formed through photosynthesis
- 2011/07/05: Eureka: How hot did Earth get in the past? Team of scientists uncovers new information
- 2011/06/29: SciAm: The Last Great Global Warming
Surprising new evidence suggests the pace of Earth's most abrupt prehistoric warm-up paled in comparison with what we face today. The episode has lessons for our future - 2011/07/07: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: ENSO-neutral conditions are expected to continue into the Northern Hemisphere fall 2011. - 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: La Nina, Blamed For U.S. South Drought, May Revive This Autumn
Regarding the solar hypothesis:
- 2011/07/05: BBC: UK faces more harsh winters in solar activity dip
Britain is set to face an increase in harsh winters, with up to one-in-seven gripping the UK with prolonged sub-zero temperatures, a study has suggested. The projection was based on research that identified how low solar activity affected winter weather patterns. However, the authors were keen to stress that their findings did not suggest that the region was about to be plunged into a "little ice age". - 2011/07/08: DerSpiegel: The Anthropocene Debate -- Do Humans Deserve Their Own Geological Era?
With climate change, concrete deserts and agriculture, human beings have fundamentally altered the face of the Earth. But have we really ushered in a new geological era, the so-called Anthropocene? - 2011/07/08: SciAm: Aging Satellites May Lose Focus on Oceans and Climate -- The U.S. is on the verge of losing its ability to monitor plankton blooms from space
- 2011/07/06: Eureka: Landsat 5 captures Missouri River flooding near Omaha
- 2011/07/05: Eureka: Sounding rockets study how winds in space drive currents in the upper atmosphere
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2011/07/08: Grist: Scary maps of the new climate normal
- 2011/07/07: STimes: Our new 'normal' weather: wetter and warmer
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: Alberta Sees Mixed Results In Pine Beetle Battle
- 2011/07/08: BasqueResearch: Climate change may alter conditions for growth of oak trees in Euskadi
- 2011/07/06: Grist:Ranchers are clearing the Amazon rainforest with Agent Orange
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2011/07/07: BBC: Hyper- arid Atacama desert hit by snow
- 2011/07/07: OAP: Rare Snowfall Falls in Dry Desert
One of the driest places on the planet got a wintry blast this week. The Atacama Desert region in Chile was coated with its heaviest snow cover in nearly two decades, the BBC reported. An estimated 31.5 inches (80 centimeters) piled up in the normally arid region. - 2011/07/05: UNDispatch: A New Effort to Link Extreme Weather to Climate Change
- 2011/06/30: SciAm: Our Extreme Future: Predicting and Coping with the Effects of a Changing Climate
Adapting to extreme weather calls for a combination of restoring wetland and building drains and sewers that can handle the water. But leaders and the public are slow to catch on. Final part of a three-part series - 2011/07/06: Eureka: Climate change forces early spring
On the tornado front:
- 2011/07/07: CBC: Two tornado touchdowns reported in Alberta
- 2011/07/05: Wunderground: 2011 now tied for 1st for most most EF-5 tornadoes in one year: 6
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2011/07/07: CBC: Forest fire near Deer Lake, Ont., forces out hundreds
- 2011/07/05: CSIRO: Future fire -- still a wide open climate question
How the frequency and intensity of wildfires and intentional biomass burning will change in a future climate requires closer scientific attention, according to CSIRO's Dr Melita Keywood. - 2011/07/03: Guardian(UK): Weatherwatch: Heat and discomfort in the city
Acidification is changing the oceans:
- 2011/07/10: SkeptiSci: OA not OK: The f-word: pH
- 2011/07/08: HotTopic: Ocean acidification: How much is too much?
Sea levels are rising:
- 2011/07/09: Guardian(UK): Italy's elite are dismayed by vanishing beaches
- 2011/07/04: PostOnline: Swiss Re warns of growing subsidence risk
Swiss Re has warned that climate change could "magnify" an already significant increase in property damage as a result of soil subsidence. According to a new loss model developed by the reinsurer and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, soil subsidence will worsen and spread in Europe, with some areas seeing a more than 50% rise in future losses. - 2011/07/08: ITracker: Dry areas have increased, ctd
- 2011/07/09: BBC: Somalis gather in internal camps to escape drought
- 2011/07/09: CBC: Floods wipe out berry farms' seasons
- 2011/07/08: CBC: Flood evacuations possible in northeastern B.C.
A flood watch and an evacuation alert have been issued for parts of northeastern B.C. because of concerns that heavy rain could cause more flooding in the Peace River area. - 2011/07/08: CBC: Slave Lake area hit by flooding
- 2011/07/08: ITracker: AGW Observer: World's dry areas have increased and it's going to get worse
- 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: Seniors, Teens Fill Sandbags To Keep Missouri Flooding Away
- 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: Summer Floods [in USA] Threaten Record Levels As Rain Predicted
- 2011/07/07: Wunderground: Summer Midwest flooding could rival 1993 as most expensive in history
- 2011/07/04: CSIRO: Fewer rain storms across southern Australia
Decreasing autumn and winter rainfall over southern Australia has been attributed to a 50-year decrease in the average intensity of storms in the region -- a trend which is forecast to continue for another 50 years. - 2011/07/06: NOAANews: Widespread flood threat to continue through summer -- 2011 could rival Great Flood of 1993
- 2011/07/05: NatureNB: Did anyone see the Horn of Africa drought coming?
- 2011/07/05: CSM: Texas drought affects even wildflowers
- 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Drought in east Africa the result of climate change and conflict
- 2011/07/04: al Jazeera: Millions endure drought in Somalia
The Horn of Africa nation faces a humanitarian disaster amid the driest conditions in decades, the UN warns. - 2011/07/08: AutoBG: Average fuel economy of vehicles sold in June fell to 21.6 mpg
- 2011/07/01: AlterNet: Car-Share: How to Keep Cars Off the Road and Even Break Our Destructive Consumption Habits
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2011/07/08: DerSpiegel: Germany Approves Carbon Capture -- Parliament Gives Green Light for Emissions-Friendly Technology
The German parliament has granted its approval for testing carbon capture and storage technology, which enables coal-fired power plants to liquify their pollutants and store them underground. Critics claim the potential dangers of the technology have been inadequately addressed. - 2011/07/09: Guardian(UK): Geo-engineering: green versus greed in the race to cool the planet
Critics fear that manipulating weather patterns could have a calamitous effect on poorer countries - 2011/07/09: GEP: Research Moving Ahead in the UK
- 2011/07/09: GEP: Russian Government Sponsoring Scientific Conference on Geoengineering
- 2011/06/28: SteadyState: Geo-engineering or Cosmic Protectionism? by Herman Daly
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2011/07/08: NERC:NORA: Looking for evidence of climate change impacts in the eastern Irish Sea by L. S. Esteves et al.
- 2011/07/08: ACP: A multi-sensor upper tropospheric ozone product (MUTOP) based on TES Ozone and GOES water vapor: derivation by S. R. Felker et al.
- 2011/07/08: ACP: The impact of orbital sampling, monthly averaging and vertical resolution on climate chemistry model evaluation with satellite observations by A. M. Aghedo et al.
- 2011/07/08: ACPD: Determination of land surface heat fluxes over heterogeneous landscape of the Tibetan Plateau by using the MODIS and in-situ data by Y. Ma et al.
- 2011/07/08: ACPD: Change of iron species and iron solubility in Asian dust during the long-range transport from western China to Japan by Y. Takahashi et al.
- 2011/07/07: GMD: Coupled atmosphere-wildland fire modeling with WRF 3.3 and SFIRE 2011 by J. Mandel et al.
- 2011/07/06: GMD: Evaluation of ice and snow content in the global numerical weather prediction model GME with CloudSat by S. Reitter et al.
- 2011/07/08: GMDD: Development of an ensemble-adjoint optimization approach to derive uncertainties in net carbon fluxes by T. Ziehn et al.
- 2011/07/06: OS: Modelling the seasonal variability of the Antarctic Slope Current by P. Mathiot et al.
- 2011/07/08: OSD: ENSO-correlated fluctuations in ocean bottom pressure and wind-stress curl in the North Pacific by D. P. Chambers
- 2011/07/08: TCD: Laboratory study of frazil ice accumulation under wave conditions by S. De la Rosa & S. Maus
- 2011/07/06: CP: Boron isotope fractionation during brucite deposition from artificial seawater by J. Xiao et al.
- 2011/07/04: CP: Climate patterns in north central China during the last 1800 yr and their possible driving force by L. Tan et al.
- 2011/07/07: CPD: Climate variability in Andalusia (southern Spain) during the period 1701-1850 AD from documentary sources: evaluation and comparison with climate model simulations by F. S. Rodrigo et al.
- 2011/07/06: CPD: Glacial-interglacial vegetation dynamics in south eastern Africa depend on sea surface temperature variations in the west Indian Ocean by L. M. Dupont et al.
- 2011/07/08: CCP: Meanwhile, Windbaggers resort to Threats, Intimidation
- 2011/07/07: arXiv: Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change (v2) by James E. Hansen & Makiko Sato
- 2011/07/07: ACPD: Changes in organic aerosol composition with aging inferred from aerosol mass spectra by N. L. Ng et al.
- 2011/07/07: ACPD: Boreal forest fire emissions in fresh Canadian smoke plumes: C1-C10 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO2, CO, NO2, NO, HCN and CH3CN by I. J. Simpson et al.
- 2011/07/06: ACPD: Airborne observations of mineral dust over western Africa in the summer Monsoon season: spatial and vertical variability of physico-chemical and optical properties by P. Formenti et al.
- 2011/07/05: ACPD: Tropospheric ozone production related to West African city emissions during the 2006 wet season AMMA campaign by G. Ancellet et al.
- 2011/07/05: ACPD: Tropical cooling in the case of stratospheric sudden warming in January 2009: focus on the tropical tropopause layer by K. Yoshida & K. Yamazaki
- 2011/07/04: ACPD: Climatology and trends in the forcing of the stratospheric ozone transport by E. Monier & B. C. Weare
- 2011/07/04: ACPD: Atmospheric boundary layer characteristics over the Pearl River Delta, China, during the summer of 2006: measurement and model results by S. J. Fan et al.
- 2011/07/06: ACPD: Sources of carbonaceous aerosols and deposited black carbon in the Arctic in winter-spring: implications for radiative forcing by Q. Wang et al.
- 2011/07/06: ACPD: Impacts of 2006 Indonesian fires on tropical upper tropospheric carbon monoxide and ozone by L. Zhang et al.
- 2011/07/06: ACPD: Observing requirements for geostationary satellites to enable ozone air quality prediction by P. D. Hamer et al.
- 2011/07/05: ACPD: Estimation of NOx emissions from Delhi using car MAX-DOAS observations and comparison with OMI satellite data by R. Shaiganfar et al.
- 2011/07/05: ACPD: Mass-spectrometric identification of primary biological particle markers: indication for low abundance of primary biological material in the pristine submicron aerosol of Amazonia by J. Schneider et al.
- 2011/07/04: ACPD: NASA A-Train and Terra observations of the 2010 Russian wildfires by J. C. Witte et al.
- 2011/07/04: ACPD: Air quality trends in Europe over the past decade: a first multi-model assessment by A. Colette et al.
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (ab$) Artificial selection for a green revolution gene during japonica rice domestication by Kenji Asano et al.
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (ab$) Household and community poverty, biomass use, and air pollution in Accra, Ghana by Zheng Zhou et al.
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (abs) Climate related sea-level variations over the past two millennia by Andrew C. Kemp et al.
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (ab$) Gas uptake and chemical aging of semisolid organic aerosol particles by Manabu Shiraiwa et al.
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (ab$) Uncertainties in climate assessment for the case of aviation NO by Christopher D. Holmes et al.
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (letter$) QnAs with Peter H. Gleick by Phil Downey
- 2011/07/05: PNAS: (letter$) Paleo-Green Revolution for rice by Andrew H. Paterson & Zhi-Kang Li
- 2011/07/06: AGWObserver: Papers on atmospheric CO2 from proxies
- 2011/07/05: GMDD: Use of agricultural statistics to verify the internannual variability in land surface models: a case study over France with ISBA-A-gs by J.-C. Calvet et al.
- 2011/07/04: OS: An ECOOP web portal for visualising and comparing distributed coastal oceanography model and in situ data by A. L. Gemmell et al.
- 2011/07/04: TC: A comparison of glacier melt on debris-covered glaciers in the northern and southern Caucasus by A. Lambrecht et al.
- 2011/07/04: OSD: Eddy characteristics in the Northern South China Sea as inferred from Lagrangian drifter data by J. X. Li et al.
- 2011/07/05: TCD: The fate of lake ice in the North American Arctic by L. C. Brown & C. R. Duguay
- 2011/07/05: ERL: The solar influence on the probability of relatively cold UK winters in the future by M Lockwood et al.
- 2011/04/20: GRL: (ab$) Strong atmospheric chemistry feedback to climate warming from Arctic methane emissions by Ivar S. A. Isaksen et al.
- 2011/06/30: GRL: (ab$) Major influence of tropical volcanic eruptions on the stratospheric aerosol layer during the last decade by J.-P. Vernier et al.
- 2011/07/04: AGWObserver: New research from last week 26/2011
- 2011/06/29: PLoS One: Data Sharing by Scientists: Practices and Perceptions by Carol Tenopir et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2011/07/06: PI: [link to 2.7 meg pdf] Behind the switch: pricing Ontario electricity options
- 2011/07/07: EA: [link to 1.3 meg pdf] Getting Off Oil: A 50 State Roadmap for Curbing our Dependence on Petroleum
- 2011/07/06: Sandbag: [1.6 meg pdf] Report: Buckle Up! Tighten the cap and avoid the carbon crash
- 2011/07/06: UN: [3.2 meg pdf] The World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation
- 2011/07/04: Alberta: [link to 2.9 meg pdf] Alberta Environmental Monitoring Panel
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2011/07/08: IsaacHeld: 14. Surface salinity trends
- 2011/07/08: CCP: James Hansen: "Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change"
- 2011/07/07: CCP: The response of the climate system to very high greenhouse gas emission scenarios, Benjamin M. Sanderson et al., Environ. Res. Lett., 6 (2011)
- 2011/07/07: CCP: Regional climate consequences of large-scale cool roof and photovoltaic array deployment, Dev Millstein & Surabi Menon, Environ. Res. Lett., 6 (2011)
- 2011/07/07: ClimateSight: Why Trust Science?
- 2011/07/07: CCP: An ice-core proxy for northerly air mass incursions into West Antarctica, by Daniel A. Dixon et al., Intl. J. Climatology (July 4, 2011)
- 2011/07/04: CCP: Analyzing abrupt and nonlinear climate changes and their impacts, by Doug McNeall et al., WIREs Clim Change 2011 DOI: 10.1002/wcc.130
More DIY science:
- 2011/07/05: moyhu: More proxy plots with Java
What's new in models?
- 2011/07/04: Wunderground:RR: Validation and the Scientific Organization: Organizing U.S. Climate Modeling (4)
Regarding Trenberth:
- 2011/07/04: CitizensChallenge: What NCAR's Kevin Trenberth actually said at 2004 Harvard News Conference
Regarding Qing Bing Lu:
- 2011/07/06: ERabett: Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten Cold
- 2011/07/05: RealClimate: Lu: from 'interesting but incorrect' to just wrong
Regarding Spencer:
- 2011/07/06: PSinclair: Roy Spencer: And all this time, we thought you were a scientist. Weird.
- 2011/07/05: QuarkSoup: A Very Curious Statement By Roy Spencer
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: Roy Spencer: "I view my job a little like a legislator, supported by the taxpayer, to protect the interests of the taxpayer and to minimize the role of government."
Regarding Soon:
- 2011/07/07: RealClimate: How Soon is now?
There is a steady dribble of 2012 Rio Conference news:
- 2011/07/08: EurActiv: Sustainable development victim of 'short-termism'
If the world is to make any real progress on sustainable development with the renewed momentum sparked by the Rio+20 Earth summit next year, policies need to be better connected to people's daily activities and given teeth by means of proper accountability and enforcement mechanisms, the World Future Council's Maja Göpel told EurActiv in an interview. - 2011/07/06: EurActiv: Carbon price crash warning
A predicted oversupply of 1.9 billion tonnes of carbon permits in the EU's emissions trading scheme (ETS) between now and 2020 is risking a carbon price slump, according to a report by the environmental NGO Sandbag. New research in the study 'Buckle up! Tighten the cap and avoid the carbon crash' says that the intended abatement covered by the excess carbon permits is equal to around a year's worth of carbon permits. - 2011/07/06: UN: Africa ripe for carbon offset deals, UN tells forum
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2011/07/09: THW: Carbon Tax helps Seniors!
The Robin Hood tax, aka the Tobin tax, aka the Bank tax, aka the Financial Transaction tax keeps coming up:
- 2011/07/04: NUPGE: European Commission proposes implementing Robin Hood Tax
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, cap and trade, cap and dividend, tradable energy quotas and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2011/07/07: Grist: Cap-and-trade could spur faster cleantech investment than carbon tax
Rare Earths are back on the international political front:
- 2011/07/09: PeakEnergy: China to reform rare-earth exports after WTO ruling
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: Analysis: Underwater Rare Earths Likely A Pipe Dream
- 2011/07/06: KSJT: Lots of Ink: Japanese team says ocean floor has lots of rare earths. Media say yay -- and whoa there, too.
- 2011/07/05: EurActiv: Huge rare earth deposits found in Pacific: Japan experts
Vast deposits of rare earth minerals, crucial in making high-tech electronics products, have been found on the floor of the Pacific Ocean and can be readily extracted, Japanese scientists said yesterday (4 July). - 2011/07/04: NBF: Deep-sea mud in the Pacific Ocean as a potential resource for rare-earth elements
- 2011/07/04: PlanetArk: Huge Rare Earth Deposits Found In Pacific: Report
- 2011/07/03: NatureN: Sea holds treasure trove of rare-earth elements -- Survey reveals wealth of important metals in ocean floor mud
- 2011/07/03: SciNews: Rare earth elements plentiful in ocean sediments -- Economically vital metals could be mined from deep sea, Japanese geologists propose
- 2011/07/04: BBC: Japan finds rare earths in Pacific seabed
Japanese researchers say they have discovered vast deposits of rare earth minerals, used in many hi-tech appliances, in the seabed. The geologists estimate that there are about a 100bn tons of the rare elements in the mud of the Pacific Ocean floor. At present, China produces 97% of the world's rare earth metals. - 2011/07/06: PlanetArk: China Commentary Slams EU Airline CO2 Scheme
- 2011/07/05: CBC: Airlines balk at EU carbon tax plan
North American airlines are joining forces to fight an EU plan that would see a carbon tax applied to all flights that land in Europe. The Air Transport Association of America, which represents the dominant U.S. air carriers, filed suit in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg on Tuesday against new rules, set to come into effect in January, that will see a carbon cap-and-trade system applied to all flights coming in and out of Europe. Though ATAA is leading the charge, the National Airlines Council of Canada (which speaks on behalf of Air Canada, WestJet, Air Transat, Jazz and others) is lending its support to the lawsuit. - 2011/07/04: PlanetArk: Europe And U.S. In Legal Clash Over Airline Emissions
U.S. airlines will step up their campaign against European Union climate policy next week, with a legal challenge at Europe's highest court to their inclusion in the EU carbon market. The EU aims to lead the world in fighting climate change, and says it needs to put a price on carbon dioxide emissions to guard against future climate impacts such as crop failures, droughts or flooding. From January 2012, airlines flying to or from Europe will have to buy permits from the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme for 15 percent of the carbon emissions they produce. They join 11,000 factories and power plants already in the scheme. Airlines warn of a looming trade war, but the EU says it will not back down. The carriers say their emissions should only be tackled in United Nations bodies, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The U.S. government demands an exemption. And on July 5, the Air Transport Association of America (ATA), American Airlines and United Continental will seek to overturn the EU scheme at Europe's highest court.
- 2011/07/03: NYT: U.S. Airlines Challenge European Emissions Rule
When the European Union's highest court hears arguments on Tuesday that Europe should not charge American airlines for their carbon emissions, it will be a showdown between environmental protection and cold cash. Starting Jan. 1, the union intends to expand its emissions trading system to cover emissions from most flights that touch down in, or take off from, European airports. That means even foreign airlines will have to buy some of their carbon permits from traders and European governments. Promoters of the change say the rules, which were approved by the 27 member nations of the European Union in 2008, should lead airlines to speed up adoption of greener technologies at a time when air traffic, which represents about 3 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, is growing much faster than efficiency gains are cutting those emissions. Many European governments say they will use the extra income to help offset spending on climate protection. - 2011/07/08: TP:JR: Industrialized Countries are Now Losing the Clean Energy Race
- 2011/07/08: EurActiv: Europe 'falling behind' in green investment race
Europe is in danger of falling behind in the green investment race, new research shows, after a bumper year for renewable energy around the world. Last year, green investment surged by one-third to a record $211bn (£132bn), with a huge boost coming from investment in China, particularly in windfarms. Almost $50bn of the total came from China, an increase of more than one-quarter on 2009, confirming the country as the world's green energy powerhouse. Growth was also strong in other parts of the developing world, including India and Latin America. In Europe, by contrast, financial sector investment dropped by one-fifth to $35bn. - 2011/07/08: DailyMail(UK): Wars, food shortages and mass immigration: How global warming poses dire threat to Britain's security
- 2011/07/06: AlterNet: The Globe's Not Only Getting Hotter. It's More Unjust and Unstable, Too
- 2011/07/06: TMoS: Brit Climate Secretary Warns Experts - Climate Change Increases Threat of War to UK
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2011/07/05: ABC(Au): Violent confrontations as blockade breached
Police have forced vehicles through a blockade set up by protesters in Western Australia's Kimberley region. The confrontation between police and protesters flared up again this afternoon on the road north of Broome to James Price Point where resource company Woodside and the State Government want to built a $30 billion gas hub. About 50 police formed a V formation and forced their way into the protest group. - 2011/07/04: ABC(Au): A Broome resident who chained himself to a bulldozer for 26 hours as part of an anti-gas hub protest, has been fined but has been given a spent conviction
What are the activists up to?
- 2011/07/05: TreeHugger: "Anonymous" Hackers Target Websites of Orlando, City That Arrests People for Feeding Homeless
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2011/07/04: UNEP: Renewed momentum for tackling water scarcity and conflict in Darfur
- 2011/07/06: TreeHugger: Take Action: Ontario's Proposed Mega-Quarry Could Contaminate Drinking Water for A Million People
- 2011/07/03: AlterNet: The UN Is Aiding a Corporate Takeover of Drinking Water
Who's making predictions this week?
- 2011/07/07: AutoBG: Barron's says oil likely to hit $150 a barrel next spring, gas $4.50 a gallon
And on the American political front:
- 2011/07/08: CSW: Koch brothers turn down Senate Democrats' request for campaign funds
- 2011/07/08: AlterNet: Michigan Woman Faces 93 Days in Jail for Planting a Vegetable Garden
- 2011/07/08: DeSmogBlog: Reducing Air Pollution is Well Worth the Cost
- 2011/07/07: EA: United States can reduce oil dependence by 79 billion gallons
- 2011/07/07: TP:JR: Governor Lynch Keeps New Hampshire in Regional Carbon Trading Program to Preserve Jobs, Economic Benefit
- 2011/07/08: Grist: Michigan woman could face jail time for growing a garden
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: NH Gov. Lynch Vetoes Plan To Opt Out Of [RGGI] Greenhouse Initiative
- 2011/07/07: Grist: Should California adopt the German solar model?
- 2011/07/07: NatureNB: 'Green stimulus' means states spend more than companies on renewables research
- 2011/07/05: EnergyBulletin: A culture of dependency
- 2011/07/05: CSM: Big Ag boom is thanks to state subsidies
- 2011/07/04: PlanetArk: Governor Moonbeam Has Big Plans For California Sun
California plans to get a third of its electricity from wind, solar and other renewable energy, but Governor "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown wants more. Soon. The feisty 73-year-old who brings a former seminarian's zeal to environmentalism sees green jobs reinvigorating the economy and restoring California's position as world leader in clean energy. - 2011/07/03: CSW: Bypassing Congressional deniers: Western Governors agreement with NOAA to provide climate services
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2011/07/09: 350orBust: Yours Truly, BP: The Legacy of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster
- 2011/07/04: NatureN: Oil-spill aftermath hampers rig research -- Deepwater Horizon disaster has restricted scientists' access to Gulf of Mexico drill sites
On the 2012 election trail:
- 2011/07/05: Eureka: The impact of candidates' statements about climate change on electoral success
Exxon's Yellowstone oil spill is getting a lot of attention:
- 2011/07/07: Rabble: Fossil fuels, climate change and Montana's Exxon Mobil pipeline spill
- 2011/07/07: DemNow: As Exxon Crude Oil Spills Into Yellowstone River, Obama Mulls New [Keystone XL] Pipeline From Canada to Texas
- 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: Exxon: 40 Landowners Report Property Fouled By Spill
- 2011/07/08: Grist: Exxon vs. state government: Yellowstone clean-up now has dueling command centers
- 2011/07/07: ScienceInsider: Yellowstone River Spill Not Good for Wildlife, But Could Be Worse
- 2011/07/08: TreeHugger: Exxon's Lack Of Public Transparency Prompts Montana Leaving Oil Spill Clean Up Command
- 2011/07/08: OilChange: Now its Yellowstone To Keystone
- 2011/07/07: TP:JR: Yellowstone River Oil Spill: The Only Thing Missing is Joe Barton Apologizing to Exxon
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: Exxon Oil Spill On Yellowstone River Affects Farms
- 2011/07/07: TreeHugger: Yellowstone River Oil Spill Spreads 240 Miles - If This Was Keystone XL It'd Be 20 Times Worse
- 2011/07/06: NYT:GW: Yellowstone Oil Spill Fuels Opposition to Proposed U.S.-Canada [Keystone XL] Pipeline
- 2011/07/07: LA Times: Climate change and disaster in Montana
The flooding of the Yellowstone River and the oil spill in the riverbed are connected, and the burning of fossil fuels is the key. - 2011/07/06: PlanetArk: Exxon Has Yet To Craft Montana Pipeline Fix Plan
- 2011/07/06: PlanetArk: Exxon Oil Spill On Yellowstone River Disrupts Ranches, Farms
- 2011/07/05: NatureNB: Flooding complicates Montana oil spill response
- 2011/07/06: TreeHugger: Exceptional Snowmelt Flooding Yellowstone River, Hampers Oil Spill Cleanup & May Have Caused It
- 2011/07/06: ADN: Flooding Yellowstone River hampers oil cleanup
- 2011/07/05: TreeHugger: Yellowstone River Oil Spill Now Extends 150 Miles Downstream
- 2011/07/05: OilChange: From Yellowstone to Blackstone [Exxon's oil spill on the Yellowstone]
- 2011/07/04: DeSmogBlog: Creator of the Valdez Catastrophe, ExxonMobil, Tries to Downplay Yellowstone Spill
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: WRI's Jonathan Lash Slams Obama for Not Debunking "Misinformation and Outright Lies About Climate Change"
- 2011/07/05: CSW: Obama's approach to climate change is both part of the solution and part of the problem
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2011/07/07: CSM: EPA tells coal-fired plants to reduce pollution. Some may just shut down.
The details of new EPA regulations, released Thursday, mandate reductions in power-plant emissions. 'Old, decrepit plants' without pollution controls may be just too costly to retrofit and be shut down by their owners, say analysts. - 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: EPA Rule Aims To Cut Smog, Soot From Coal Plants
- 2011/07/07: DeSmogBlog: [US] Federal Agency Captured By Gas and Pipeline Industry
- 2011/07/07: NOAANews: NOAA Ship Fairweather sets sail to map areas of the Arctic
- 2011/07/06: NatureN: Misconduct oversight at the DOE: Investigation closed
- 2011/07/01: SI: E.P.A. Chief Stands Firm as Tough Rules Loom
- 2011/07/05: NBF: DOE funds new wind turbine designs and systems including two superconducting systems
- 2011/07/05: Grist: EPA risks killing bees to fight invasive stink bugs
- 2011/07/03: AutoBG: DOT announces $104.1-million clean-fuel transit initiative
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2011/07/08: TP:JR: GOP Tries to Blow Up the Green Military Machine
- 2011/07/08: ScienceInsider: [Representative Frank] Wolf (R-VA) Says No-Growth Budget is Good News for NSF...and Lobbyists Agree
- 2011/07/08: TP:JR: Republicans Set to Repeal Light Bulb Efficiency Standard That Would Save Consumers $12 Billion a Year
- 2011/07/08: PlanetArk: Senate Deal Would Axe $6 Billion Ethanol Tax Credit
- 2011/07/06: ScienceInsider: House Budget Panel Wants to Cut [NOAA] Oceans Agency by $103 Million
- 2011/07/07: TreeHugger: Dept of Interior Appropriations Bill Is 'Declaration of War' On America's Basic Environmental Protections
- 2011/07/06: Grist: GOP introduces slash-and-burn budget for the environment
- 2011/07/06: Grist: New transportation bill strays offtrack
- 2011/07/06: ScienceInsider: House Spending Panel Flatlines NSF, Squeezes New Facilities
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2011/07/07: DeSmogBlog: Gas Industry Spent "Staggering" Amount Lobbying in Pennsylvania Last Year
- 2011/07/06: DeSmogBlog: American Petroleum Institute Dreams Of Placing Lobbyists In Every District
While in the UK:
- 2011/07/08: BBC: British Gas, owned by Centrica, is putting up its domestic gas and electricity prices from 18 August.
Gas bills will rise by an average of 18% and electricity bills by an average of 16%. - 2011/07/06: Guardian(UK): UK government claims it has exceeded its own carbon reduction target
- 2011/07/06: Guardian(UK): Green-o-meter: Is the government keeping its green promises?
- 2011/07/06: Guardian(UK): Climate change will increase threat of war, Chris Huhne to warn
- 2011/07/05: Guardian(UK): David Cameron to cut business class flights for ministers and civil servants
- 2011/07/05: Guardian(UK): Tory MEPs to defy David Cameron in EU emissions vote
Conservative MEPs are expected to reject a 30% emissions reduction target, saying it is bad for business and for the environment - 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Solar energy is at a crossroads -- and the government must do a U-turn - by UK Green party leader, Caroline Lucas
The government has a choice -- invest in solar and create jobs, or slash subsidies and cripple British industrial growth - 2011/07/08: DerSpiegel: Germany Approves Carbon Capture -- Parliament Gives Green Light for Emissions-Friendly Technology
The German parliament has granted its approval for testing carbon capture and storage technology, which enables coal-fired power plants to liquify their pollutants and store them underground. Critics claim the potential dangers of the technology have been inadequately addressed. - 2011/07/05: PressEurop: Poland cold to more CO2 reductions
- 2011/07/06: EurActiv: Parliament paves way for GMO crop bans
The European Parliament yesterday (5 July) backed plans to let member states choose whether to ban the cultivation of genetically-modified (GM) crops on their territory, giving a detailed list of grounds on which such bans could be imposed. - 2011/07/06: EurActiv: Lobby fury as MEPs trash CO2 emissions cut
A lobbying row has broken out as the European Parliament decisively rejected yesterday (5 July) increasing the EU's 2020 CO2 emissions reduction target from 20% to 30%, on 1990 levels - 2011/07/05: NatureN: Europe lines up hefty science-funding hike -- Farm subsidies trimmed to enable a 45% rise for research
- 2011/07/06: BBC: GM crops: EU parliament backs national bans
Euro MPs have voted to give EU member states more flexibility to restrict or ban genetically modified crops on environmental or health grounds. The draft legislation, still to be discussed by EU governments, would enable countries to go beyond the EU-wide mechanism for regulating GM crops. Arguments about the safety of GM foods continue in many of the EU's 27 states. - 2011/07/04: DerSpiegel: Massive Cost Overruns? German Rail Allegedly Hid Price Tag of Stuttgart 21
German national rail provider Deutsche Bahn has been systematically doctoring projected costs for the controversial Stuttgart 21 project for years, according to internal documents obtained by Spiegel. The real costs would have put a stop to the undertaking two years ago if they'd become public. - 2011/07/04: DerSpiegel: Turin 21 -- Railway Rage in Italy
Germany's controversial Stuttgart 21 rail project isn't the only such endeavor being met with major resistance from citizens in Europe. Northern Italy has its own version of the conflict -- the Lyon-Turin rail link. - 2011/07/05: Guardian(UK): EU votes against reducing carbon emissions by 30%
European Green MEPs' carbon emissions ambitions downgraded as Conservatives dilute proposals - 2011/07/04: EurActiv: Public sector rescues energy savings fund from 'grey zone'
A landmark 265 million euro fund to kickstart European energy efficiency projects was launched on 1 July after protracted negotiation between EU member states. Touted as "market-based" on Britain's insistence, the fund has only raised 5 million euros from the private sector, EurActiv has learned. - 2011/07/04: EurActiv: 'Coal comfort' as Poland takes over EU presidency
Environmentalists say that Poland bent the law to get free greenhouse gas emissions permits for 13 unbuilt coal plants, the day before it took over the EU presidency on 1 July. - 2011/06/16: ECORYS: Climate adaptation of electricity sector could cost Europe 15-19 billion euros per year
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2011/07/08: PeakEnergy: Energy Minister Ferguson loses in the ARENA [Australian Renewable Energy Agency] of renewables
- 2011/07/06: ABC(Au): Woodside has begun clearing the site of its proposed gas hub after police again broke through a blockade in Western Australia's Kimberley region
- 2011/07/06: CCurrents: Australia Ignores 25 Huge Climate Change Realities
- 2011/07/04: CCurrents: Climate Censorship And Climate Injustice By Climate Criminal, Climate Racist Australia
- 2011/07/05: ABC(Au): Hotter, drier climate to affect pine plantation locations
A environmental researcher says some of the Riverina's pine plantations may have to be abandoned due to climate change. - 2011/07/09: ABC(Au): Gillard says nothing to fear from carbon tax
- 2011/07/09: PlanetJ: Roundup of Carbon Tax Leaks
- 2011/07/10: ABC(Au): Gillard set to unveil carbon tax
More details of the carbon tax are trickling out as the Federal Government prepares to take the next step towards imposing its carbon price. - 2011/07/08: ABC(Au): Wilkie backs carbon pricing scheme
Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie has promised his support to the carbon pricing scheme, assuring passage of the Government's legislation through Parliament. The two other key independents, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, were part of the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee and have already signed off on the deal. - 2011/07/08: SCR: Higher fuel prices coming regardless of carbon tax
- 2011/07/07: JQuiggin: Truth gets in the way
- 2011/07/06: BNC: Carbon tax in Australia in 2011
- 2011/07/06: ABC(Au): Requests for carbon briefing ignored: [acting Premier, Peter] Ryan
The Victorian Government is furious it will not get a briefing on the carbon tax before it is publicly released. - 2011/07/06: ABC(Au): Time for Gillard's rubber to hit non-Canberran road
- 2011/07/06: ABC(Au): The Federal Government is promising extra assistance for some coal miners as it moves to counter the industry's campaign against the carbon tax
- 2011/07/06: ABC(Au): New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell has raised the spectre of massive job losses in the Illawarra, caused by the new carbon tax
- 2011/07/06: ABC(Au): A group of more than 50 businesses representing finance, energy, technology and retail have signed a letter supporting a carbon price
- 2011/07/05: PlanetArk: Australia Eyes $3.2 Billion CO2 Plan For Generators: Report
- 2011/07/05: ABC(Au): The Opposition has used Question Time to accuse the Government of ducking scrutiny by announcing its carbon pricing plan after Parliament rises for the winter break
- 2011/07/05: ABC(Au): Windsor proud of climate agreement
Key independent Tony Windsor has hailed the climate agreement as "a momentous occasion", while the Opposition is warning scams of the system are "inevitable". - 2011/07/05: ABC(Au): The Federal Government is under internal pressure to help industries like steel and transport cope with the carbon price that it plans to reveal on Sunday
- 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Woe in Wollongong as mining city prepares for Australia's new carbon tax
City of coal and steel exemplifies hostility to a pollution levy, which has made prime minister Julia Gillard very unpopular - 2011/07/04: ABC(Au): The Federal Government plans to announce how much polluters will pay for carbon this Sunday [July 10]
- 2011/07/04: ABC(Au): Greens Deputy Christine Milne and independent MP Tony Windsor say it is impossible for the Government to promise a carbon price will never be imposed on fuel
- 2011/07/03: BBerg: Gillard Exempts Gasoline From Carbon Tax in Bid to Win Support
- 2011/07/04: SMH: Greens secure billions for renewable energy as price of tax exemption for drivers
A multibillion-dollar fund for renewable energy and a review of the fuel tax regime are key concessions won by the Greens from the government in exchange for agreeing to exempt petrol from the carbon price. With the full pollution price package to be announced within days, the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, promised yesterday that petrol would be exempt forever. - 2011/07/05: ABC(Au): Coca-Cola's water use before court again
- 2011/07/04: ABC(Au): Federal Water Minister Tony Burke says a plan for future management of the Murray-Darling Basin will need to meet some minimum environmental standards
And in New Zealand:
- 2011/07/10: HotTopic: Another green world (please)
- 2011/07/05: HotTopic: On the road again
While in China:
- 2011/07/06: RRapier: Chinese Energy Policies Harming Neighbors
- 2011/07/07: NatureNB: Public outcry in China over oil spill incidents
And in Japan:
- 2011/07/05: BBC: Japan's cabinet approves $24.7bn for disaster relief
- 2011/07/05: BBC: Japan Reconstruction Minister Ryu Matsumoto quits
Japan's Minister for Reconstruction Ryu Matsumoto has announced his resignation after just a week in the job. He had been widely criticised for making insensitive remarks to governors of areas badly affected by March's deadly earthquake and tsunami. - 2011/07/05: CBC: Japan's reconstruction minister quits under fire -- Critics says newly appointed Matsumoto was rude, arrogant, uncaring
- 2011/07/05: al Jazeera: Japanese minister quits over gaffe
Disaster reconstruction minister resigns following "insensitive" behaviour during visit to tsunami-hit region. - 2011/07/08: TreeHugger: As Pakistan Powers Down, Protests Mount: Climate Change A Root Cause
While in Africa:
- 2011/07/05: WMO: Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum Considers July-September Rainfall
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: South Africa Media Watchdog Slams Shell Fracking Ads
And South America:
- 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Evo Morales plays a double game on Bolivia's environment
How does Morales square his role as champion of Mother Earth with policies that threaten environmental degradation in Bolivia? - 2011/07/05: PI: Letter to Environment Minister Peter Kent concerning proposed new coal plant
- 2011/07/05: PI:B: Ottawa faces crucial test in the fight against coal
- 2011/07/04: CBC: 5 firms win northern drilling rights
The federal government announced the winning bids on Monday for oil and gas exploration in Canada's north. [Husky Energy, ConocoPhillips Canada Resources, Shell Canada, Imperial Oil, ExxonMobil, MGM Energy & Arctic Energy & Minerals Limited] - 2011/07/04: HillTimes: [Environment Minister Peter] Kent meets more energy, environment groups, but feds' climate strategy remains to be seen
Environment groups still waiting for federal government policies to tackle catastrophic climate change. - 2011/07/08: PaiD: The Real News Commentary on G20 Summit Police Crimes [video]
- 2011/07/04: MediaCoop: G20 Document reveals basis for Intelligence Gathering -- Read a document released under the Access to Information Act
- 2011/07/04: WSWS: One year after the police ran amuck at Toronto's G20 summit
- 2011/07/03: CBC: G8 summit venue 'ideal' for snipers -- RCMP review reveals security hole at last summer's leaders' event
Harper and company are up to their old tricks. He'll promise Arctic ships for the next election (again):
- 2011/07/06: EmbassyMag: Arctic patrol ships delayed one more time -- Delivery now expected at least a decade after they were promised
The battle over the Keystone XL and Northern Gateway pipelines rages on:
- 2011/07/06: TheCanadian: Risky Business: 75 pipeline incidents in two years for Enbridge, TransCanada
- 2011/07/04: PostMedia: Feds recorded 100 pipeline spills and accidents since 2010
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has logged 100 different incidents and accidents on federally regulated Canadian oil and gas pipelines over the past two years, new documents released to Postmedia News reveal. The log entries by investigators are dominated by two Alberta-based companies, Enbridge and TransCanada, which are involved in nearly three quarters of the reported cases, including 21 incidents on the latter's brand new, multibillion-dollar Keystone pipeline, which launched the first phase of its commercial operation in June 2010. - 2011/07/04: PostMedia: [Keystone XL] Pipeline debate heats up -- Environmentalists battle producers
The CWB saga plays out:
- 2011/07/08: CBC: Sask., Alberta, B.C. back Ottawa on CWB
Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia are backing the federal government's plan to end the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly on wheat and barley sales. - 2011/07/07: Impolitical: Checking in on the Wheat Board plebiscite
As does the AECL saga:
- 2011/07/06: EmbassyMag: Nuclear fire sale unlikely to end federal involvement
In BC, the stage is set. Now what will Clark and Dix do?
- 2011/07/08: TheCanadian: A-G Report Confirms BC's Sham Environmental Assessment, Enforcement
- 2011/07/06: G&M: Crosscheck: Counting carbon in B.C.
"From this point forward, every government building in our province will be carbon neutral," Environment Minister Terry Lake says, announcing that B.C.'s public sector is the first in North America to be officially carbon neutral. The B.C. government has set a benchmark for measuring efforts of the public sector to cut greenhouse-gas emissions. But it is much too early to celebrate. The government has just made it to the starting line. Now the difficult part begins. - 2011/07/06: BLongstaff: British Columbians love their carbon tax ... so far
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2011/07/05: PI: Pembina reacts to Alberta environmental monitoring panel's report
- 2011/07/05: Yale360: As Alberta's Tar Sands Boom, Foes Target Project's Lifelines
Exploiting North America's largest oil deposit has destroyed vast stretches of Canada's boreal forest, arousing the ire of those opposed to this massive development of fossil fuels. Now those opponents are battling the Keystone XL pipeline, which would pass through environmentally sensitive Western lands as it moves the oil to market. - 2011/07/05: NBF: Canadian Oil Sands Project List
- 2011/07/06: PostMedia: Experts call for agency to monitor oilsands
To try to beat back criticism for being an environmental laggard in the oilsands, a new report says the Alberta government needs a new provincewide pollution monitoring system and an independent environmental commission. The Alberta Environmental Monitoring Panel report, commissioned by the province and released Tuesday, is meant to help create a "world-class" environmental monitoring system, and address current gaps. But its release comes in the midst of an environmental tug of war between the province and Ottawa -as each one positions to play the role of the credible custodian for the massive natural resource. - 2011/07/04: Alberta: [Press Release] Monitoring in the oil sands
- 2011/07/04: Alberta: [link to 2.9 meg pdf] Alberta Environmental Monitoring Panel
- 2011/07/05: CBC: Oilsands monitoring needs scientific rigour: panel
Environmental monitoring in the Alberta oilsands is insufficient and needs to have "rigorous scientific design and execution" to be effective, a provincially-appointed expert panel concluded in a report released Tuesday. "Monitoring organizations suffer from inadequate funding, weak scientific direction and a general lack of resources to take on the enormous challenge of monitoring," the report states. The panel, which was announced by Alberta Environment Minister Rob Renner in January, recommends Alberta have an entirely new scientifically-grounded system, managed by an arm's length, permanent organization known as the Environmental Monitoring Commission. - 2011/07/09: CBC: Alberta seeks more Keystone pipeline support
Alberta's energy minister says he's going to push the federal government to more actively promote TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline to the American government. In an interview airing Saturday on CBC Radio's The House, Ron Liepert said he expects to meet with Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver before the federal-provincial energy ministers conference at the end of July and will push for some help convincing the Americans to approve the pipeline. - 2011/07/08: CBC: Slave Lake area hit by flooding
In Saskatchewan:
- 2011/07/06: CBC: 4 teens charged with home thefts in flooded town
RCMP have charged four teenagers in connection with the looting of homes in flood-ravaged Roche Percee, Sask. - 2011/07/06: CBC: Dikes hold as river crests in Souris
- 2011/07/05: CBC: Flood threat drops in Manitoba
- 2011/07/03: CBC: Manitoba flood town braces as river rises
An additional 175 Canadian Forces troops will be deployed in a desperate bid to protect the southwestern Manitoba town of Souris from flooding, officials said Sunday. - 2011/07/06: PI: New study finds cancelling the Green Energy Act would have little effect on electricity prices in Ontario
- 2011/07/05: PI:B: Cancelling the Green Energy Act would have little effect on Ontario electricity prices: author of new report explains results
- 2011/07/08: CBC: New solar firm already laying off workers
A solar panel manufacturer that made its Windsor, Ont., debut in May announced Thursday it will lay off 70 of its 120 employees. Siliken Renewable Energies said it will have to cut its Windsor operations from three shifts down to one starting on Monday, and Production manager Richard Monk is blaming election politics for a slowdown in sales. Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak has said he plans to kill green energy deals if he becomes the premier in October. "We have new customers that want to place orders but they're hesitant because of the negativity," Monk said. - 2011/07/06: CBC: Scrapping power plan won't halt rate hikes: study
A new study says electricity prices will rise in Ontario even if the Liberals' green energy projects are scrapped. The report says it would be no cheaper to generate power using natural gas. The study forecasts the price of electricity over the next 20 years under two scenarios: with the Liberal government's Green Energy Act in place or with it scrapped, as the Conservatives promise to do. Study author Tim Weis is with the environmental think-tank, the Pembina Institute. - 2011/07/05: PostMedia: Ex-premier Harris pushes green energy
While in la Belle Province:
- 2011/07/07: CBC: Cutting greenhouse gases will cost Quebecers, minister says
Quebecers face higher fuel costs as the province prepares to launch a cap-and-trade system to regulate greenhouse gas emissions beginning in 2013, Environment Minister Pierre Arcand acknowledged Wednesday. While the size of the increases remain unclear, he said the new system will prevent wild tax increases by encouraging businesses to innovate to reduce their emissions. - 2011/07/07: CBC: Military concerned about wind farm proposal
The Canadian military says that a wind farm proposed for the Annapolis Valley will interfere with flight operations at its large airbase at Greenwood. CBC News has learned that the Department of National Defence notified Sprott Power several months ago that its proposed wind farm would interrupt radar coverage. The military's concerns became public at a meeting in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia on Tuesday. - 2011/07/09: TStar: Exploring the wreck of HMS Investigator
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2011/07/08: EnergyBulletin: Voluntary poverty -- it could save your life, but it's a hard sell
- 2011/07/06: EnergyBulletin: Leaving the casino
- 2011/07/07: 350orBust: Business As Usual Is Over: Value Change Required For Survival
- 2011/07/05: CCurrents: Why De-Growth? An interview
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2011/07/09: Grist: Feminist icon Gloria Steinem on climate change, population, & deep ecology [VIDEO]
- 2011/07/07: DerSpiegel: Controversial Genetic Tests -- German Parliament Allows Some Embryo Screening
A new measure passed by German lawmakers will let would-be parents test fertilized embryos for possible life-threatening genetic defects. Critics say "pre-implantation genetic diganosis" is a step toward designer babies -- but the law will now make exceptions to prevent stillbirths and genetic diseases. - 2011/07/07: CDreams: 2050, The Year We All Eat Each Other
- 2011/07/05: SWRWN: War on Women Goes Global
- 2011/07/04: AlterNet: 15-Year-Old Girl Faces Life in Prison for a Miscarriage? Why Conservatives Are Criminalizing Pregnant Women
- 2011/07/04: TreeHugger: India Offers Free Cars For People to Get Sterilized
- 2011/07/03: AlterNet: 900 Anti-Woman Laws to Appease Conservative Extremists -- Is Abortion Becoming Legal in Name Only?
As for how the media handles science:
- 2011/07/10: JQuiggin: Response to Greg Sheridan
- 2011/07/09: MTobis: Toward Competent Reporting
- 2011/07/07: Grist: Dirty-money shills lie about renewables -- here's the truth
- 2011/07/05: CDreams: Industry Views Prevail on Radiation Risks -- Health experts unheard on health effects of Fukushima
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: South Africa Media Watchdog Slams Shell Fracking Ads
- 2011/07/07: Grist: Unfair and balanced: Is U.S. reporting too soft on climate skeptics?
- 2011/07/07: DM:CCM: Fox News's Attack on Media Matters - Validates Media Matters' Critique of Fox News
- 2011/07/06: Deltoid: Peter Wood's double standard on plagiarism
- 2011/07/06: Deltoid: The Australian's War on Science 62: Quote doctoring
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: Fox News Confuses Sulfur Pollution with Greenhouse Gases
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: How the Media Gets It Wrong on Climate Change: The False, the Confused and the Mendacious [The Conversation]
While activists search for effective communication techniques:
- 2011/07/07: PSinclair: John Abraham shows How to Handle Right Wing Radio: Minnesota Nice - But Never Back Down
Notice how this move is being presented as positive, when it is a defeat for a blanket ban:
- 2011/07/06: NatureNB: EU parliament votes to allow restrictions on GM food
- 2011/07/06: ScienceInsider: E.U. Parliament Endorses Country Opt-Out for GM Crops
- 2011/07/06: BBC: GM crops: EU parliament backs national bans
Here is something for your library:
- 2011/07/03: RRapier: [Book Review] _Cracking the Carbon Code_ by Terry Tamminen
- 2011/07/09: PaiD: [Book Review] Critical Thinking _The Assault On Reason_ by Al Gore
- 2011/07/02: Asia Times: Asking tough questions about capitalism [Chandran Nair Interview]
- 2011/07/02: Asia Times: Asia rolling headlong to disaster
[Book Review] _Consumptionomics: Asia's Role in Reshaping Capitalism and Saving the Planet_ by Chandran Nair - 2011/07/05: HotTopic: [Book Review] _Global Warming and Political Intimidation: How Politicians Cracked Down on Scientists as the Earth Heated Up_ by Raymond Bradley
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2011/07/09: PSinclair: Inside a Wind Turbine. Climb one of These Bad Boys.
- 2011/07/08: CSW: "The Last Mountain" -- great documentary on mountaintop removal coal mining screening in theaters this summer
- 2011/07/08: PSinclair: The Weekend Wonk: Deep Time with Richard Alley
- 2011/07/07: NakedCapitalism: On Dangerous Disconnect Between Economics and Ecology [William Rees]
- 2011/07/05: 350orBust: Koch Industries: The Dirty Business Of Climate Denial
- 2011/07/05: DWR: To The Last Drop - Documentary on Alberta Tar Sands
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2011/07/08: CNN: Exxon Mobil to face lawsuit over alleged human rights violations
Exxon Mobile cannot claim immunity in the case, an appeals panel says - A lawsuit filed by Indonesian villagers accuses Exxon Mobil agents of murder and torture - The case hinges on whether the Alien Tort Statute applies to actions in other countries - 2011/07/04: PlanetArk: Jury Says Exxon Must Pay $1.5 Billion For [2006 Baltimore] Leak
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2011/07/08: Grist: Correcting faulty math on renewable energy
- 2011/07/07: Grist: Dirty-money shills lie about renewables -- here's the truth
- 2011/07/08: Eureka: Geothermal industry to get boost from University of Nevada, Reno research -- Baseline study to help reduce upfront exploration costs
- 2011/07/09: PeakEnergy: New Mapping Tool Shows Tidal Power Potential
- 2011/07/05: PI:B: Geothermal Energy: A no-brainer for Canada?
- 2011/07/08: NBF: Harvesting Low Quality Heat Using Economically Printed Flexible Nanostructured Stacked Thermoelectric Junctions
- 2011/07/07: TreeHugger: Curious About Ground-Source Heat Pumps? (Video)
- 2011/07/07: Eureka: Device captures ambient electromagnetic energy to drive small electronic devices
- 2011/07/08: PeakEnergy: Scottish Geothermal Energy Potential
- 2011/07/07: PSinclair: We don't need more electricity, just cleaner, more reliable electricity
- 2011/07/07: TP:JR: Comparing All Renewable Fuels, Heat and Electricity to Nuclear isn't Productive
- 2011/07/07: TechRev: Investment Floats a New Form of Wave Power
But the future of the wave energy industry could depend on the incentives introduced by the U.K. government. - 2011/07/07: PeakEnergy: Zorlu to build largest geothermal power station in Turkey
- 2011/07/07: PeakEnergy: Australian Geothermal industry pushes for more power
- 2011/07/06: EnergyBulletin: Rising hydrocarbon costs: A quick summary for policy makers
- 2011/07/06: Grist: [David Roberts] talking about the conservatism of the power industry
- 2011/07/06: OilDrum: An alternative version for three of the "key graphs" in IEA's 2010 World Energy Outlook
- 2011/07/05: PeakEnergy: Shetland Islands Tidal Power Project Poised To Go Live
The PR war over the merits & demerits of natural gas continues:
- 2011/07/10: OilDrum: Tech Talk - the development of a natural gas market and the GGFRP [Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership]
- 2011/07/07: Tyee: Shale Gas Gives No Emissions Edge over Coal -- Studies sweep away clean image of the blue flame.
- 2011/07/09: PeakEnergy: Documents: Leaked Shale Gas Industry E-Mails and Reports
- 2011/07/07: GreenGrok: Shale Gas and GHG Regs: What Was in Play While I Was Away
- 2011/07/06: NakedCapitalism: Jon Rynn: A Fracking Mess -- Natural Gas is Not the Fuel of the Future
A notable milestone:
- 2011/07/07: Envirogy: US Renewable Energy Outpaces Nuclear: The Reality
- 2011/07/05: DF: Renewable Energy Production Surpasses Nuclear
- 2011/07/05: SlashDot: Renewable Energy Production Surpasses Nuclear In the US
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2011/07/09: DeSmogBlog: A Pan-European Approach To Banning Unconventional Gas?
- 2011/07/08: ProPublica: Lawsuits Predicted as New York Towns Ponder Whether to Block Fracking
- 2011/07/06: PEER: Fracking Fluids Poison A National Forest -- New Study Details Changes in Soil Chemistry and Devastation of Trees and Plants
- 2011/07/07: TreeHugger: Fracking Wastewater Poisonous To Plants & Trees: US Forest Service
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: France Bans Fracking for Shale Gas
- 2011/07/05: EnergyBulletin: Fracking -- a tale of gas and greed and global warming
- 2011/07/04: DeSmogBlog: France Becomes First Country To Ban Fracking; Gas Drilling Still A Go
- 2011/07/04: OilChange: China To Start Fracking Too
On the coal front:
- 2011/07/07: NBF: China will try to scale up Underground Coal Gasification
On the gas and oil front:
- 2011/07/09: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Nymex Crude Future...96.20
Dated Brent Spot....117.78
WTI Cushing Spot.....96.20 - 2011/07/07: AutoBG: Barron's says oil likely to hit $150 a barrel next spring, gas $4.50 a gallon
- 2011/07/05: EnergyBulletin: A bold move, but our oil problems are just beginning [SPR]
- 2011/07/05: PeakEnergy: Latest Iraqi Oil Production Stats
And in pipeline news. Seealso:
- 2011/07/06: TheCanadian: Risky Business: 75 pipeline incidents in two years for Enbridge, TransCanada
- 2011/07/04: PostMedia: Feds recorded 100 pipeline spills and accidents since 2010
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has logged 100 different incidents and accidents on federally regulated Canadian oil and gas pipelines over the past two years, new documents released to Postmedia News reveal. The log entries by investigators are dominated by two Alberta-based companies, Enbridge and TransCanada, which are involved in nearly three quarters of the reported cases, including 21 incidents on the latter's brand new, multibillion-dollar Keystone pipeline, which launched the first phase of its commercial operation in June 2010. - 2011/07/07: Yale360: Phosphate: A Critical Resource Misused and Now Running Low [Pearce]
Phosphate has been essential to feeding the world since the Green Revolution, but its excessive use as a fertilizer has led to widespread pollution and eutrophication. Now, many of the world's remaining reserves are starting to be depleted. - 2011/07/06: CCurrents: The Peak Oil Crisis: At Mid-Year
- 2011/07/04: OilDrum: Peak Coal and China
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2011/07/09: AutoBG: Report: Sugar cane shortage may force Brazil to cut ethanol mix from E25 to E18
- 2011/07/07: BBC: Farmers look to pig poo to boost revenues [biogas]
- 2011/07/03: Eureka: Biofuels from the sea -- Seaweed may prove a viable future biofuel -- especially if harvested in summer
The answer my friend...:
- 2011/07/08: PSinclair: Wind Turbines Attract Tourists -- and Broad Support
- 2011/07/06: TechRev: Building Bigger, Better Wind Turbines -- Department of Energy funds companies developing superconducting, "gearless" turbines
- 2011/07/08: PeakEnergy: Good prospects for local wind-mapping company
- 2011/07/06: CleanBreak: How big can wind turbines get? New technologies will be needed to get to 10 MW, and possibly beyond
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2011/07/09: BBC: Wales' first solar park powers up in Pembrokeshire
- 2011/07/07: NBF: High-performance flat-panel solar thermoelectric generators with high thermal concentration
- 2011/07/07: PlanetArk: Tokio Marine, Mitsui To Launch $123 Million Solar Fund: Report
- 2011/07/06: NBF: China advantage with solar does not come from cheap labor [but advanced equipment]
- 2011/07/06: NBF: Metamaterials enable solar cells to use near infrared light bands to boost power conversion by 30%
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: Anatomy of a Solar PV System: How to Continue "Ferocious Cost Reductions" for Solar Electricity
- 2011/07/06: PeakEnergy: The dawn of baseload solar energy
- 2011/07/05: Mercury: California has record year for rooftop solar
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: Solar Can Be Baseload: Spanish CSP Plant with Storage Produces Electricity for 24 Hours Straight
- 2011/07/05: NBF: Creating fuels directly from solar power
- 2011/07/04: TreeHugger: In India, Rural Residents Abandon Grid and Embrace Solar
- 2011/07/04: TreeHugger: 'Cling-film' Solar Cells Could Be Revolutionary
- 2011/07/03: BNC: Lacklustre results from the Colorado Integrated Solar Project
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2011/07/09: BNC: Why pro-nuclear environmentalism has failed when anti-nuclear has succeeded -- and how to change this
- 2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): The nuclear industry stinks. But that is not a reason to ditch nuclear power
- 2011/07/06: NYT: Dirtier Air and Higher Costs Possible if Indian Point [nuclear power plant] Closes, Report Says
- 2011/07/08: OilDrum: Uranium Supply Update
- 2011/07/07: NBF: United States joins largest and newest Stellarator fusion project
- 2011/07/07: NBF: Fusion energy without radioactivity: laser ignition of solid hydrogen-boron (11) fuel
- 2011/07/05: CDreams: Industry Views Prevail on Radiation Risks -- Health experts unheard on health effects of Fukushima
- 2011/07/07: PeakEnergy: Jellyfish Shut Down Israeli Nuclear Power Plant
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: Attack of the Jellyfish: Sea Creatures Shut Down ANOTHER Power Station Amid Claims Surge is Due to Climate Change
- 2011/07/06: Grist:Nuclear power is fine -- it's corporate power that's dangerous
- 2011/07/04: CCurrents: AERB : No, Mera Joota (Nahee) Hai Japanee!
- 2011/07/05: EurActiv: French nuclear power plant explosion heightens safety fears
An explosion sparked a fire at a French nuclear power station on Saturday (2 July), just two days after the authorities found 32 safety concerns at the plant. - 2011/07/08: CDreams: Fukushima Aftermath: New U.S. Senate Proposal For Spent Fuel Storage
Will bipartisan collaboration in nuclear storage be possible? The damage of Fukushima should prompt the Senate to act. - 2011/07/09: NBF: Robert E Godes explains Brillouin energy and Los Alamos National Lab Situation
- 2011/07/08: NBF: Defkalion has an email that describes terms for Rossi e-cat dealers in other countries
- 2011/07/08: NBF: Brillouin Energy will replicate at Los Alamos Lab and discusses the Rossi Energy Catalyzer
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2011/07/10: PeakEnergy: Smartening up the grid
- 2011/07/08: PeakEnergy: Ausgrid smartening up the distribution network
- 2011/07/07: Eureka: Smart grids: New study highlights key challenges and trends in the EU
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2011/07/05: Slate: The World's Greatest Light Bulb -- Dump your fluorescents and incandescents for this amazing new LED bulb
- 2011/07/08: JQuiggin: Reasons to be cheerful, Part 3: Energy efficiency
- 2011/07/06: Eureka: With a simple coating, nanowires show a dramatic increase in efficiency and sensitivity
- 2011/07/05: Eureka: Energy express focus issue: Optics in LEDs for lighting -- Research highlights improved efficiency, reduced costs for solid-state lighting applications
- 2011/07/06: NBF: With a simple coating, nanowires show a dramatic increase in efficiency and sensitivity
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: Opower: Energy Efficiency Through Behavioral Science and Technology
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2011/07/08: TreeHugger: Mitsubishi i Electric Car Rated 112 MPGe by EPA
- 2011/07/08: AutoBG: Automakers to void warranties on older cars burning E15 gas
- 2011/07/08: AlterNet: Should We Launch an All-Out Assault on Car Culture?
- 2011/07/06: UCSUSA: Hybrid Scorecard for 2011 Shows Automakers Not Delivering Enough 'High Value' Models
- 2011/07/04: PlanetArk: Insight: Goodbye Gasoline? GM Gives Natural Gas Cars A Boost
- 2011/07/03: NYT: Electric Cars Remain Tough Sell in China
As for Energy Storage:
- 2011/07/08: AutoBG: Ann Marie Sastry and Sakti3 developing solid-state lithium-ion batteries
Who's fielding the FAQs?
- 2011/07/05: Guardian(UK): What is emissions trading?
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2011/07/08: TP:JR: July 8 News...
- 2011/07/07: TP:JR: July 7 News...
- 2011/07/06: TP:JR: July 6 News...
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: July 5 News...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2011/07/07: CCentral: This Week in Climate Science: Wind Farm Air Conditioners, Test Tube Meat, and Rising Seas
- 2011/07/05: BPA: Agriculture News
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2011/07/09: MTobis: A Headscratcher
- 2011/07/07: NewAnthropocene: Monckton Gets it Wrong Yet Again
- 2011/07/09: BBickmore: The Monckton Files: Caught Out Again
- 2011/07/09: Deltoid: Monckton interviewed by Adam Spencer
- 2011/07/09: ERabett: Pat Michaels' Eraser
- 2011/07/09: ABC(Au): Monckton mocks 'darling' PM at Sydney rally
- 2011/07/07: TP:JR: Joe Bastardi Joins the Extreme Anti-Scientist Crowd
- 2011/07/07: CSW: On willful misdirection from Pat Michaels
- 2011/07/07: MTobis: Rent Seeking, Corruption and Madness
- 2011/07/02: WitsEndNJ: Beware the Banality of Evil - Heartless at the Heartland Institute SICCC
- 2011/07/06: MTobis: Heartland Musings
- 2011/07/04: CCurrents: Multi-National Corporations, Personified
- 2011/07/06: DeSmogBlog: Climate Skeptics Misunderstand Us, Too
- 2011/07/03: TP:JR: Who's your expert? How peer-reviewed research differs from rhetoric by climate science deniers
- 2011/07/04: TP:JR: How climate science deniers spread doubt for political ends [The Conversation]
- 2011/07/04: HotTopic: So many lies -- and the liar who tells them
- 2011/07/03: JKB: The International Climate Science Coalition's strategic plan
Meanwhile in the 'clean coal' saga:
- 2011/07/09: TP:JR: The Dirty Coal Guys Take A Few Pages From The Climate Science Denier Playbook
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2011/07/09: JFleck: What do we mean by "natural"?
- 2011/07/08: MLynas: The need for a rational environmentalism -- speech at God Species launch
- 2011/07/08: ERabett: Not Getting It
- 2011/07/07: ERabett: Mother Kloor Would Not Approve
- 2011/07/07: PaiD: Developing Critical Thinking Skills -- Travelling A Road That Never Ends
- 2011/07/06: HotTopic: [Mike] Hulme: gone soft
- 2011/07/05: Guardian(UK): Scientists finally get angry about indifference to climate change
- 2011/07/04: DailyMail(UK): You mustn't believe the lies of the Green zealots. And I should know - I was one by Mark Lynas
- 2011/07/05: TP:JR: Green Photography Captures Climate Change, Fossil Economy
- 2011/07/04: TP:JR: The Declaration of Interdependence
- 2011/07/04: PlanetArk: Tanzania's Road Through Serengeti To Be Unpaved
- 2011/07/03: Stoat: Comments elsewhere
- 2011/07/01: NYT: California's Next Nightmare
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Monckton Watch
- Index Mundi
- The World Future Council
- U.S. Biochar Initiative
- Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
- Scientific American Blog Network
- Scientific American Blog Network-Central
- Grain Web
- ILSR: Institute for Local Self-Reliance
- Rising Ocean Levels
- MNN: Mother Nature Network
- Wiki: Holodomor
- WMO: El Niño/La Niña Update
- WCCN: Western Canadian Cryospheric Network
- CCC: Clear Climate Code
- FCI: Forest Carbon Index
Here's a wee chuckle for ye:
Australian PM Julia Gillard released the details of her carbon pricing plan:
The 2011 World Economic and Social Survey proposes a Great Green Technological Transformation:
Regarding the costing of nature:
Food Prices are still problematic:
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
Calvin blew around the Eastern Pacific after Arlene zapped Mexico:
And on the Monsoon front:
While on the ENSO front:
Oh look! The Anthropocene came up again:
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
This week in extreme weather:
Changes in natural cycles are showing up:
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
Consider transportation & GHG production:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
And on the carbon trading front:
As the deadline for applying the EU-ETS to airlines draws near, we will see who is serious about reducing carbon emissions:
The energy race is on. Who's running?
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, ideology etc.:
And in Europe:
The Australian carbon war rages on. Seealso:
After a 10 year drought and recent massive flooding, water usage planning is controversial and difficult:
And elsewhere in Asia:
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
The G8/G20 controversy lingers:
Also in Alberta:
In Manitoba, people have flooding on their minds:
In Ontario, upcoming election issues are appearing:
In the Maritimes:
In the North:
Yes we have peak everything:
Nuclear waste storage requires long term thinking:
Low energy nuclear keeps coming up:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."It might surprise, and hopefully disturb you, to hear that in my short time at AGU, I discovered four scientists who are already creating some form of survival retreat for their family, and they told me there are many more. But they are all too scared of being ostracized in the scientific community if they speak of it." -Greg Craven
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I like the one about the recent failure of the predicted warming, which so embarrasses so may on "scienceblogs" that they deny the facts, being becaise the Chinese have been ignoring the warnings, keeping growing their economy and thus unitentionally geoengineering warming away.
You couldn't make it up. Well OK you could.
Meanwhile the Austyralian PM who was elected on a promise not to introduce a carbon levy is intriducing a carbon levy. Ecofascism trumps democracy again.
What failure of predicted warming?
What embarrassment?
You're in a wibbly-wobbly world of your own, aren't you, Nick.
E.g. look at this:
A little over 0.4C in 3 years!
Of rested case, lads and gentiles, I dutifully present...drum roll...the Nobel life of Randy Man Minus Wife:
Tobacco farmer Gore's six-fireplace palace: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2010/05/exclusive-estimate-carbon-foot…
And "BIO-solar" jet ski launch (and bachelor) pad yacht: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19PAXEzx1Uo
Gee thanks for that Narc.
So what?
2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Sulphur from Chinese power stations 'masking' climate change
Research reveals decade of global warming from China's coal power stations has partly been offset by 'cooling' effect of sulphur pollution
That failure of predicted warming Wow.You are a whooly dishonest piece of filth and well represent the standard of honesty throughout the eco-Nazi community. That ids why every single alarmist on "scineceblogs" with any remote trace of honesty has dissociated themselves from you.
"2011/07/04: Guardian(UK): Sulphur from Chinese power stations 'masking' climate change"
So you mean something like this:
""in the next 50 years" - or by 2021 - fossil-fuel dust injected by man into the atmosphere "could screen out so much sunlight that the average temperature could drop by six degrees," resulting in a buildup of "new glaciers that could eventually cover huge areas.""
Are you proposing a global cooling scare, whiney?
"That failure of predicted warming Wow."
What failure of predicted warming, you vomitous mass?
It's warming. 0.4C over 3 years!
Over a more effective period for determining the trend:
0.5C over 30 years. That would make it, lets see, 0.17C per decade.
How different from the predicted 0.15-0.18C per decade from the IPCC!
Belief in AGW go bye bye:
AGW is not tinkerbell. It won't disappear just because people don't believe in it.
Beliefs have not, do not, nor will they ever, change facts. And I'm pretty confident a GIF posted on a public website possesses around about zero credibility in most scientific circles. Good job though there Nik. Keep up the good work.
Mind you, I don't 'believe' in AGW either. I just accept the science.
Of course the fact that models do predict plateaus in surface temperature that could last decades will never be acknowledged by the anti-science mob.
It's amazing that they decry complex models and yet cling so deperately to their own simple one i.e. whatever happens it ain't AGW.
"Beliefs have not, do not, nor will they ever, change facts"
To true. The fact is that the predictyed catastrophic global warming isn't happening. I assume, that being the case, that you accept that every "scientist" who makes money fromsupporting the scam and pretends it is true is not in fact a scinetist but a lying thieving parasitic fascirt whore.
Speaking of which I thank Wow for reprinting a remark from the eco-fascists when they, including the corrupt Hansen, were pushing a fraud exactly opposite to the one they are pushing now. I note Wow that you have missed trolling on ALL the threads I am on.
Your shallowness of thought is the perfect partner to your childish spelling.
The fact is that the predictyed [sic] catastrophic global warming isn't happening.
First off, scientists are *warning* of *potentially* catastrophic warming in the *future*. No responsible scientist has guaranteed a timeline without the caveat that we must always be open to new data/understanding.
Can you cite one credentialed and published scientist who guaranteed "catastrophic global warming" would happen by now?
This is one direct question you will not answer.
you accept that every "scientist" who makes money fromsupporting the scam and pretends it is true is not in fact a scinetist [sic] but a lying thieving parasitic fascirt [sic] whore
How many peer reviewed articles have you written?
How many have you even read?
Two more questions you will not answer--and in fact which you have ignored multiple times previously.
the eco-fascists . . . including the corrupt Hansen, were pushing a fraud exactly opposite to the one they are pushing now.
Your evidence to this was already debunked by Marco et al.
When will you directly respond to Marco regarding this alleged 1970s "cooling scare"?
This is yet another question you will not answer.
You have also ignored a number of other questions by Chris:
These are yet more questions you will not answer.
And this from the guy who said with great bravado:
I note nobody here has been able to answer any of these questions.
Posted by: Neil Craig | June 26, 2011 11:10 AM
Neil: Here are the embarrassing facts which would be revealed by honest answers to the above questions:
1. You do not participate as a member of a scholarly community of any sort. (Christ, you cannot even *spell*.)
2. You do not even *read* scientific material.
3. You jump on secondhand and ancient talking points like "no significant warming", "hide the decline" and "70s cooling scare" with mindless abandon, not even realizing that they are as stupid as they are unoriginal. (At least Richard Wakefield was a *creative* troll.)
4. You have absolutely no ethical grounding, which is why you are constantly projecting the fault on others.
5. You have absolutely no life worth mentioning.
Your stupidity blinds you to the fact that you are arguing with people who are trained, ethical, and have a firm grasp of the scientific process and how knowledge is acquired through it.
Neil, the only thing on which you have a firm grasp is your small appendage, which is no doubt at the moment firmly pinched between the tips of well-trained thumb and equally practiced forefinger, with the predictable effects of one-handed typing manifesting itself in the quality of your diction.
That is your life. Why not spend it surfing for legal pornography? I suspect you will find that at least as pleasurable as making an idiot of yourself on the web.
"The fact is that the predictyed catastrophic global warming isn't happening."
Really? So you have predicted that the changes undergone so far are not going to end in catastrophe if we continue as we are doing?
You're falling down past the second floor going "So far, no worries!". After all, all those people with their THEORY of gravity (look at the birds!!!) proclaimed catastrophe if you jumped off the tower block, and look! You're not dead yet!
SDkip and Wow I must ask youn to provide evidence that anything you say in the above posts is at least 1,000 times closer to honest than the previously demonstrated very highest standard of honesty to which you eco-Nazis ever aspire.
First answer the questions, fury palm.
First provide evidence that you have a true question.
What evidence do you have that the palm of my hand is more prone to anger than the rest of me? If none you owe it an apology you obscene, lying, thieving, murdering Nazi parasite for your unproviked lies.
That is so going into the quotebox! Speaking of things going in and out, when will you be coming out of the Poe closet? There have been quite a few hints, but "first provide evidence that you have a true question" really takes the cake. Denial of a question based on refusal to admit that it is "true"? Brilliant!
Neil, I utterly apologize for using language suggesting you have an enraged hand. No doubt other parts of your anatomy fully know and appreciate its tender, understanding nature.
You can't measure honesty Whiney because you haven't a clue what it looks like.
Your statement:
"That failure of predicted warming Wow."
Is false since this:
Shows a warming trend of 0.4C over 3 years.
PS Skip, Whiney might be a southpaw. Or fingers, anyway.
What an impressive graph Wow. The ability to use a ruler to draw an unvaryingly straight line surely proves the author to be at the very pinnacle of "climate science"
Yup, 0.4C over 3 years (an increasing trend) is rather impressive.
It also blows your "it's cooling" or "it's stable" statements (depending on what you feel is convenient to say at the time).
Do you deny that graph shows a positive trend in the last three years? Or are you going to refuse to admit it?
I did not deny that it is possible to draw a straight line, indeed I amde a point of i. I do deny it haviong that ability proves anything. However I do accept it, as you imply, as representinmg the very best evidence there is for catastrophic global warming.
"I did not deny that it is possible to draw a straight line, indeed I amde a point of i. I do deny it haviong that ability proves anything."
So your claim:
"That failure of predicted warming Wow."
Is false, since it consists of a straight line that is over 92% likely to be wrong.
The fact is that the temperatures have been increasing for the last three years. It's warming.
(A) The fact is that there is no reliable evidence they haven't and a lot of very obvious evidence that they haven't
(B) alarmists have repeatedly said that the lack of warming over 15 years doesn't count because you can never take such a short timeframe as evidence, unless you are an ecofascist like Hansen starting the fraud rolling in which case it is perfectly ok. Thus your attempt to use 3 years faked figures is itself fraudulent, and just as honest as anything in the alarmist camp.
I must ask you to provide evidence that anything you say in the above posts is at least 1,000 times closer to honest than the previously demonstrated very highest standard of honesty to which you anti-science deniers ever aspire.
Your mate can't even work out what point he is trying to make. Check out point A:
"...The fact is that there is no reliable evidence they haven't and a lot of very obvious evidence that they haven't..."
So... there is NO evidence, and there is a lot of OBVIOUS EVIDENCE. Talk about a typical denier who keeps contradicting himself.
He can't even type his own name correctly. I am trying to work out if he is called 'Neil Craig', 'Beil Craig', or the offering at #23, "Neil raiog".
It was one of the first things I learned to do in school - spell my own name. Some people obviously failed kindergarten and finger painting - and he thinks he is capable of discrediting scientists (oops - I mean alarmist, fraudulant obscene, filthy, insane, eco-fascist, eco-nazi, child-murdering, thieving, lying, socialist, parasites).
So no evidence and no apology.
I will consider it worth checking spelling when I know I am not goi8ng to be censored again.
"alarmists have repeatedly said that the lack of warming over 15 years doesn't count because you can never take such a short timeframe as evidence"
And alarmist denialists like you insist that you DON'T have to take 30 years.
So I gave you a trend that DIDN'T use 30 years.
So why is the last three years the wrong length, Whiney McWhiner? Either we go with 30 year trends that climate scientists state required (for reasons of including a few of the known decadal cycles that do not change the trends) or we take whatever length trend we want like you and your denier pals do.