Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Information is not Knowledge...Knowledge is not Wisdom
June 16, 2013
- Chuckles, COP19+, Bonn, Xi-Obama, G8, IEA, EIA, Europe Flood, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Policies, Related Papers
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Prices, Land Grabs, GMOs, GMO Labelling, Production
- Hurricanes, Monsoon, Notable Weather, Extreme Weather, New Weather
- GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Temperatures, Urban Heat Island, Aerosols, Paleoclimate
- Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Bees & CCD, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Disease, Phenology, Tornadoes
- Wildfires, Corals, Acidification, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Models, Free Science
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Hormuz, South China Sea, Airlines, Treaties
- Solar Spat, Nile, Misc., Security, Law & Activism, Activism, H2O Biz, Groundwater
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Election, MDBP, India, China, Middle East, Africa, South America
- Canada, Post G20, Science, CAFE, Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgan
- BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Ontario, Maritimes, North, Canadiana
- America, BP Disaster, Post Sandy, Keystone, Mayflower, Carbon Tax, Birth Control
- Sequestration, NYC Plan, 2016, Obama, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts
- Energy, Transitions, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, The Corps, Economy, Pipelines, Independence
- Peak Oil, Biofuel, Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Fusion, Hydrogen, Grid, Cars, Energy Storage
- Business, Insurance, FAQs, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Greenwashing, Misc., Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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Here's a wee chuckle for ye:
- 2013/06/11: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) New Morning After Pill
- 2013/06/14: XKCD: (cartoon - Munroe) Ice Sheets
- 2013/06/11: JoeMohrToons: (cartoon - Mohr) Wheat. Monsanto's latest "What?!"
- 2012/08/28: B&M: (cartoon - Mosco) If climate change were a dude...
- 2013/06/15: Stoat: Super snarky fun!
- 2013/06/10: OParachute: (cartoon - Nuez) When science is under attack
And for those interested in exploring the nether reaches of Poe's Law:
- 2013/06/13: Onion: Advanced Alien Civilization Discovers Uninhabitable Planet
Looking ahead to COP19 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2013/06/15: TheConversation: Think politics is frustrating? Welcome to climate negotiations
- 2013/06/14: CapNews(Ke): Peru to host 2014 UN climate talks
Peru will host the 2014 ministerial-level climate conference - a key meeting just one year before the deadline for a new, global deal on curbing global warming, the UN's climate chief said Friday. - 2013/06/15: DD: Climate talk shifts from curbing CO2 to adapting...
The Bonn Climate Change Conference wrapped up this week:
- 2013/06/: UNFCCC: Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 3-14, 2013
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 38)
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 38)
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-2) - 2013/06/12: CAT: [link to 274k pdf] "Climate shuffle" likely to lead to increased warming
- 2013/06/13: RTCC: [link to 79k pdf] Small Island technical paper wins support at UN climate talks
Pacific Island proposals to move UN climate negotiations forward by focusing on the technical aspects of cutting greenhouse gas emissions appear to have received a favourable hearing at talks in Bonn. - 2013/06/14: UN: UN climate change talks in Bonn see concrete progress towards new agreement
- 2013/06/14: WRI: Signs of Trouble and Progress as Bonn Climate Talks Wrap Up
- 2013/06/14: Google:AFP: Mixed-bag climate conference closes in Bonn
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: UN climate envoys claim progress on 2015 deal despite Russia row
- 2013/06/14: BWeek: UN Global Warming Talks Blocked by Russia Set Back Six Months
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: Bonn 2013 climate change talks: latest reaction
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: Analysis: are countries meeting climate finance obligations?
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: Russia warns talks on 2015 climate deal are "incredibly slow"
- 2013/06/12: RTCC: UN climate row: a sign world leaders are paying attention?
- 2013/06/12: BizGreen: UN climate meeting dealt blow as key talks suspended -- Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus accused of blocking progress on climate change negotiations
- 2013/06/11: RTCC: Russian climate negotiator brands UNFCCC rules row "nonsense"
A major strand of talks at the UN climate talks in Bonn has been paralysed for the past eight days due to a row over decision-making procedures. - 2013/06/11: RTCC: UN climate talks collapse amid acrimony in Bonn
- 2013/06/10 RTCC: History suggests bleak future for Russia's climate ambition
As RTCC readers know, right now the UN climate talks are basically stalled by a messy agenda fight in one of the subsidiary bodies that has already eaten up half of its negotiating time. So, at this moment of pure and endless joy we are all having courtesy of Russia et al, G77 and China and their admirable resolve, let me tell you a story. -
Daily reports:
- 2013/06/13: IISD: Bonn Climate Change Conference - Thursday, 13 June 2013
- 2013/06/12: IISD: Bonn Climate Change Conference - Wednesday, 12 June 2013
- 2013/06/11: IISD: Bonn Climate Change Conference - Tuesday, 11 June 2013
- 2013/06/10: IISD: Bonn Climate Change Conference - Monday, 10 June 2013
The Xi-Obama chat in Sunnyvale resulted in a deal to stop the HFC23-HFC22 scam:
- 2013/06/14: ABC(Au): China and US agree on [HFC] gas phase-out
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: What effect will US-China fridge gas deal have?
- 2013/06/12: BBC: Is the US-China deal on curbing HFCs good for the climate?
- 2013/06/12: GreenGrok: Climate Change: China, U.S. Bring Toy Fire Truck to 7-Alarm Fire
- 2013/06/11: SciAm:Obs: Who Is Fooling Whom When It Comes to Combating Climate Change?
- 2013/06/11: RTCC: US and China HFC deal needs climate health warning
- 2013/06/10: RTCC: US and China agree deal to cut HFC greenhouse gases
- 2013/06/09: UN: [UNEP chief, Achim Steiner] welcomes US, China agreement to target potent greenhouse gas
- 2013/06/08: TheHill:e2W: US and China working to reduce potent heat-trapping pollutant [HFCs]
- 2013/06/09: Guardian(UK): US-China summit ends with accord on all but cyber-espionage
Obama's meeting with Xi overshadowed by revelations of NSA's snooping -- but deals are made on N Korea and HFCs emissions
You will notice that climate is _not_ on the G8 agenda:
- 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): G8: David Cameron faces 11th-hour battle over objectives
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Climate activists join anti-capitalists in Canary Wharf's biggest protest
Around 200 people occupied one of London's key financial districts as part of a range of anti-G8 protests - 2013/06/13: WSWS: London police launch violent raid on anti-G8 protesters
- 2013/06/12: OilChange: Harper to Lobby Obama On KXL at G8
- 2013/06/11: AANS: Possession of Africa's land, seed and markets
- 2013/06/11: BBC: Riot police storm Soho G8 protest squat
Riot police have forced their way into a building in Soho, central London, as protests were staged against the G8 summit. - 2013/06/10: Monbiot: Corporate Carve-Up
Under the pretext of preventing hunger, the rich nations are engineering a new scramble for Africa. - 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Africa, let us help - just like in 1884
From the Conference of Berlin to today's G8, 'helping' Africans looks suspiciously like grabbing their resources
Lots on angles on this IEA Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map report:
- 2013/06/10: IEA-WEO: [link to 5 meg pdf] Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map
- 2013/06/10: IEA: [link to 5 meg pdf] Four energy policies can keep the 2 °C climate goal alive
IEA report shows how to stop growth in energy-related emissions by 2020 at no net economic cost - 2013/06/14: RScribbler: Is The IEA Advising Investors to Dump Fossil Fuel Stocks?
- 2013/06/13: IrishTimes: Two-thirds of energy sector will have to be left undeveloped, Bonn conference told
If world is to limit global warming we cannot burn all our fossil fuels, says International Energy Agency economist Fatih Birol - 2013/06/12: Reuters: Oil product glut coming as refineries mushroom-IEA
The world is heading for a glut of refined products as new Asian and Middle East refineries increase oil processing in a move likely to force less advanced competitors in developed countries to close, the West's energy agency said on Wednesday. - 2013/06/12: TheConversation: International Energy Agency report hopeful, but is it unrealistic?
- 2013/06/12: RTCC: Global warming set to approach 4C by 2100
Current emissions and mitigation policies have left the world on a trajectory to warm by 4C by 2100, a new report by Climate Action Tracker (CAT) warns. - 2013/06/11: ScienceInsider: The Emissions Quartet: [IEA] Report Outlines Four Climate Actions Nations Can Take Now
- 2013/06/11: RT: Global warming to cost coal-fired power generators $1.8tn - IEA
The International Energy Agency predicts a major reshaping of the global energy market as quicker than expected climate change could heat up the planet by and additional 5.3 degrees C if carbon emissions aren't cut. Last year carbon emissions from fossil fuels hit a record 31.6 bn tonnes, up 1.4%, according to the IEA's World Energy Outlook report. - 2013/06/10: UCSUSA:B: New IEA Report Shows (Yet Again!) that We Have the Tools to Cut Global Warming Emissions; Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency are Critical
- 2013/06/10: BBerg: EU Should Move Beyond Carbon Market to Shut Coal, IEA Says
- 2013/06/10: Google:AFP: Global warming 'to be double the 2 degree target': IEA
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: IEA: CO2 Rose 1.4% In 2012, Climate Catastrophe Looms, Delaying Action Until 2020 Costs World $3.5 TRILLION!
- 2013/06/10: CSM: Global warming: Not too late to rein in climate change, [IEA] says
- 2013/06/10: CapNews(Ke): IEA warns global temperature rise set to double target
The rise in the global temperature is on track to double the 2.0 degrees Celsius target, the International Energy Agency warned on Monday, and said four policies were needed urgently to limit climate change without harming economic growth. "This report shows that the path we are currently on is more likely to result in a temperature increase of between 3.6 degrees Celsius and 5.3 degrees Celsius," IEA chief Maria van der Hoeven said in a statement. - 2013/06/10: BBC: International Energy Agency urges stop-gap climate action
- 2013/06/10: BBC: Shale oil 'adds 11% to world reserves'
Estimated global reserves of shale oil could increase total world crude resources by 11%, according to a US government report. The Energy Information Administration estimated there were some 345 billion barrels of "technically recoverable" shale oil reserves in 41 countries. - 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Silver linings in the IEA report on 2012 fossil fuel carbon emissions
- 2013/06/10: UN: After release of [IEA] report, UN climate change body reiterates now is 'crucial moment' to act
- 2013/06/10: DD: IEA: Carbon emissions from fuel usage hit new global record [31.6 gigatons in 2012]
- 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Waiting on new climate deal 'will set world on a path to 5C warming'
International Energy Agency chief economist says rising emissions make limiting increase to 2C 'extremely challenging' - 2013/06/10: RTCC: IEA: World heading for 3.6°C of warming
The world is currently heading for between 3.6°C and 5.3°C of warming, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned. - 2013/06/10: BBerg: UN 2020 Climate Goal Possible With Efficiency Measures, IEA Says
Improving energy efficiency is among four policies the International Energy Agency says can help achieve emissions cuts needed to keep global temperatures rising more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit). The measures would reduce by about 3.1 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent compared with a business-as-usual scenario, the Paris-based adviser to 28 developed nations said today in an e-mailed report. The emissions reduction is about 80 percent of what's needed by the end of the decade to limit global warming. The IEA's policies include improving energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport; cutting construction and use of the least-efficient coal plants; minimizing methane emissions from oil and natural gas production and accelerating the phase-out of some fossil-fuel consumption subsidies.
The EIA report on shale oil has the carbon lobby crowing:
- 2013/06/11: CSM: EIA: World has more shale oil and gas, but will it drill?
- 2013/06/10: NBF: EIA increases technically recoverable global shale oil estimate by ten times ... to 345 billion barrels
- 2013/06/10: DOE:TiE: Shale oil and shale gas resources are globally abundant
Estimated shale oil and shale gas resources in the United States and in 137 shale formations in 41 other countries represent 10% of the world's crude oil and 32% of the world's natural gas technically recoverable resources, or those that can be produced using current technology without reference to economic profitability, according to a new EIA-sponsored study...
That major flood event is still afflicting Europe:
- 2013/06/15: DD: Video: Germany counts cost of record flooding in Europe
- 2013/06/14: DerSpiegel: Flood Relief: Berlin Pledges Eight Billion Euros for Cleanup
Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday announced that 8 billion euros would be made available to assist victims of this month's disastrous flooding. With parts of northern Germany still under water, the true extent of damages are still unknown. - 2013/06/14: DD: Thousands more forced from home by record floods in Germany
- 2013/06/12: DerSpiegel: Operation Sandbag: German Troops Gain Fans on Flood Front
Germany's flood relief efforts have prompted the Bundeswehr's biggest-ever humanitarian mission on German soil, with 19,000 troops deployed. For some, the military presence evokes alarming images, but flood victims have learned to appreciate the help. - 2013/06/12: DerSpiegel: Photo Gallery: The Bundeswehr to the Rescue
- 2013/06/12: IOTD: Surging Elbe in Wittenberg
- 2013/06/11: DerSpiegel: Disaster 2.0: Germans Turn to Facebook for Flood Relief
Devastating floods in Germany have revealed shortcomings in the country's disaster alert system, prompting many to get their information from social networks. Facebook and Twitter have proven useful in relief efforts, but they are still vulnerable to misinformation. - 2013/06/11: DerSpiegel: Cleanup Costs: Germany Estimates Billions in Flood Damage
As historic flooding continues to surge through Germany, one unofficial estimate has already placed possible damage at 12 billion euros. Some organizations are complaining that donations are down compared to the disastrous floods of 2002. - 2013/06/11: DerSpiegel: Photo Gallery: Airlifting Aid to German Flood Zones
- 2013/06/11: Guardian(UK): German flood damage insurance claims may reach E3bn
As water levels on the Elbe river appear to be stabilising, Fitch warns total cost of damage could be about E12bn - 2013/06/10: DerSpiegel: Photo Gallery: Flooding Continues in Germany and Europe
- 2013/06/10: DerSpiegel: 'Letting Us Drown': Flood Rushes North, Leaving Angry Residents Behind
Continued flooding in Germany devastated parts of the eastern city of Magdeburg over the weekend, where some residents feel let down by authorities. Downriver, others towns are bracing for the surge. - 2013/06/11: IndiaTimes: Thousands flee floods in Germany; Merkel visits flooded region
- 2013/06/10: RT: Germany floods: Elbe breaches dam, forcing thousands more to flee [pic]
- 2013/06/11: CBC: Thousands of homes evacuated along Germany's Elbe River -- Flooding in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary claims 22 lives
- 2013/06/10: al Jazeera: Hungary floodwaters begin to subside
Budapest escapes damage as swollen Danube river recedes from record level of 8.91 metres. - 2013/06/11: MODIS: Floods in central Germany (false color) [on June 6th]
- 2013/06/11: WtD: The new normal: Europe hasn't seen flooding this bad since the middle ages (you read that correct)
- 2013/06/10: EUO: Budapest Sunday became the latest victim of record floods as the Danube continued to rise
- 2013/06/10: RTCC: EU must switch flood tactics to cope in climate change era
- 2013/06/10: Xinhuanet: Thousands flee in eastern Germany as dam bursts
- 2013/06/10: CBC: Germany flooding forces evacuations and railway shutdown -- Swollen Elbe River powers northward through country
- 2013/06/10: IndiaTimes: Germany steps up evacuations as floods swamp central Europe
- 2013/06/10: al Jazeera: Thousands flee as German dam bursts
Mass evacuation follows breach in dam on River Elbe, as Hungary battles rising water levels in Danube. - 2013/06/09: al Jazeera: Germany steps up flood evacuations
About 15,000 people moved to safety as Elbe river in eastern city of Magdeburg reaches record levels. - 2013/06/09: Guardian(UK): Thousands evacuated as Elbe bursts dam in German floods
- 2013/06/09: CBC: Europe floods kill at least 21
Heavy rains deluge Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary - 2013/06/09: BBC: German dam breaks near Magdeburg as Hungary floods recede
A dam has broken on the flood-swollen River Elbe in eastern Germany, forcing thousands of people to leave their homes around the city of Magdeburg
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2013/06/16: SkS: Peak Water, Peak Oil ... Now, Peak Soil? by John Hartz
- 2013/06/15: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #24B by John Hartz
- 2013/06/14: SkS: Heartland's Chinese Academy of Sciences Fantasy by dana1981
- 2013/06/13: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #24A by John Hartz
- 2013/06/12: SkS: A short history of carbon emissions and sinks by Lindsay W
- 2013/06/12: SkS: UK Secretary of State for the Environment reveals his depth of knowledge of climate change (not!) by John Mason
- 2013/06/10: SkS: A Miss by Myles: Why Professor Allen is wrong to think carbon capture and storage will solve the climate crisis by Andy Skuce, rustneversleeps
- 2013/06/10: SkS: An estimate of the consensus project paper search coverage by Ari Jokimäki
- 2013/06/09: SkS: Live Feed of the AGU Chapman Conference on Climate Communication starting... now!
- 2013/06/09: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #23 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown? -
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2013/06/15: EneNews: Director of Pro-Nuclear Power Film: No one ever will get sick or die from Fukushima's radioactive contamination
- 2013/06/15: CDreams: Fishy Accounts of Health Risks from Poison Fukushima Tuna
- 2013/06/14: EneNews: Fukushima Doctor: Many who were robust farmers are unable to stand up without help - They look completely different now
- 2013/06/13: BangkokPost: Fukushima official Twitter tirade under fire in Japan
A public official charged with helping victims of Japan's nuclear disaster who launched a foul-mouthed Twitter tirade faced calls to quit Thursday. In a posting on the micro-blogging site Yasuhisa Mizuno said citizen groups demanding measures to protect people against radiation were "lefty shit", a report said. "I can't help but only feel pity for their lack of intelligence," he wrote, under the handle @jp1tej. The Tweets, which had been deleted by Thursday, were reported by the Mainichi newspaper. Reconstruction minister Takumi Nemoto, who oversees the agency employing Mizuno, apologised for the remarks, and hinted action would be taken. - 2013/06/13: EneNews: Fukushima Official: Groups demanding measures to protect people from radiation are 'lefty s**t' - "I can't help but only feel pity for their lack of intelligence"
- 2013/06/12: EneNews: AP: Tepco not sure where melted Fukushima fuel has fallen - Radiation levels still too dangerously high
- 2013/06/11: EneNews: Asahi: Locations and condition of melted Fukushima fuel unknown - Mainichi: 450 tons of scattered radioactive rods... unknown where holes in reactors are... plans may be delayed
- 2013/06/10: EneNews: Study: Huge spike in cesium outside Fukushima long after 3/11 - "Incorporation into sediments was almost irreversible"
- 2013/06/10: EneNews: State of melted fuel at Fukushima plant unknown...
- 2013/06/09: CCurrents: The Secret Fukushima Poisoning The Bread Basket Of The World [nukes]
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
- 2013/06/13: ICN: Despite New Obstacles, Germans Still Aim for Future Without Nukes or Fossil Fuels
- 2013/06/10: SciAm:PI: Finland looks to decarbonize with greater share of renewables and nuclear
What do we have for Fukushima related papers this week?
- 2013/06/14: BG: Iodine-129 concentration in seawater near Fukushima before and after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by T. Suzuki et al.
- 2013/06/13: BG: Natural and Fukushima-derived radioactivity in macroalgae and mussels along the Japanese shoreline by Z. Baumann et al.
- 2013/06/12: STE(via doi): (ab$) An overview of Fukushima radionuclides measured in the northern hemisphere by P. Thakur et al.
- 2012/11/13: Springer:EM&A: (ab$) Sedimentation and remobilization of radiocesium in the coastal area of Ibaraki, 70 km south of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant by Shigeyoshi Otosaka & Takuya Kobayashi
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2013/06/15: ASI: Crowd-Source Prediction of Mean September Sea Ice Extent (July update)
- 2013/06/15: ASI: SEARCH 2013 Sea Ice Outlook: June report
- 2013/06/14: RScribbler: Open Water Visible at North Pole Camera 1, Cracks Visible at Camera 2
- 2013/06/13: ArcticNews: Arctic sea ice thickness falls by 2m in 21 days in some areas
- 2013/06/13: ASI: Yamal to the rescue
- 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): Why Greenland's darkening ice has become a hot topic in climate science
- 2013/06/11: RScribbler: Persistent Arctic Cyclone and The 'Warm Storm' of 2013: How Unusual is It? Is Central Ice-Thinning Normal? What are the Worst-Case Scenarios?
- 2013/06/10: SierraClub: Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013
- 2013/06/10: RScribbler: Persistent Arctic Cyclone Strengthens, Greenland Melts, Warm Air Building Around The Arctic
- 2013/06/10: RScribbler: 410,000 Square Kilometers of Sea Ice Lost in Two Days: Persistent Arctic Cyclone Weakens Heart of Ice, Rapid Edge Melt Devours Fringe
- 2013/06/09: PSinclair: Arctic Ice Update as Melt Season in Full Swing
As for the charismatic megafauna:
- 2013/06/10: TheConversation: Don't-care bears: should we be worried about polar bears?
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2013/06/15: QuarkSoup: Is "The Big Burp" Underway?
- 2013/06/15: CCurrents: Permafrost: Is A Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring In The Arctic?
- 2013/06/13: TP:JR: NASA Finds 'Amazing' Levels Of Arctic Methane And CO2, Asks 'Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic?'
- 2013/06/13: WtD: Arctic permafrost: sleeping giant, or ticking time bomb?
- 2013/06/11: PSinclair: Methane, Permafrost, and CARVE Mission Update
- 2013/06/11: CCP: CARVE: methane coming out of permafrost in Alaska
- 2013/06/10: NASA: Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic?
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2013/06/10: OilChange: China Enters Arctic Oil Race
While in Antarctica:
- 2013/06/14: NatureNB: Antarctic science looks ahead
- 2013/06/14: CCurrents: Warming Ocean Causing Most Antarctic Ice Shelf Mass Loss
- 2013/06/14: CSM: East Antarctic ice shelves melting at surprising pace, study suggests
- 2013/06/13: NatureN: Oceans melt Antarctica's ice from below -- More than half of melting occurs at just ten small ice shelves
- 2013/06/13: UCI: Warm ocean drives most Antarctic ice shelf loss, UC Irvine and others show
Findings are a game changer for future forecasts about thawing continent - 2013/06/13: CSM: Antarctic ice melting from below, finds study
- 2013/06/13: NASA: Warm Ocean Causing Most Antarctic Ice Shelf Mass Loss
- 2013/06/13: NASA:JPL: Warm Ocean Causing Most Antarctic Ice Shelf Mass Loss
- 2013/06/07: Atlantic: Land Unseen: What's Beneath Antarctica's Ice?
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2013/06/16: SkS: Peak Water, Peak Oil ... Now, Peak Soil? by John Hartz
- 2013/06/15: RBroberg: Westcott and Jewsion: Weather Effects on Expected Corn and Soybean Yields
- 2013/06/14: DD: UK wheat crop 'down by third after extreme weather'...
- 2013/06/13: UN: UN food agency warns against fungal threat that could hamper global wheat output
- 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): [British] Farmers fail to feed nation after extreme weather hits wheat crop
Wet autumn followed by cold spring has led to one of the smallest harvests in a generation, hitting food production - 2013/06/12: AllAfrica:SW Radio: Zimbabwe: Zim Children Facing Increasing Levels of Malnutrition and Stunting
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has warned that Zimbabwe's children, a third of whom have already been left stunted as a result of malnutrition, are still at serious and increasing levels of risk. In a report issued earlier this year on the state of food security in Zimbabwe, the WFP highlights how malnutrition is an ongoing problem. - 2013/06/12: BBC: Britain's wheat harvest this year could be almost 30% smaller than it was last year because of extreme weather, the National Farmers' Union has warned
- 2013/06/12: WSWS: US Senate bill cuts $4 billion from food stamp program
- 2013/06/11: UN: Haiti: UN warns 1.5 million people face severe hunger following weather shocks
- 2013/06/10: BPA: There are Dust Bowl Conditions in Colorado along with Winter Wheat Crop Devastation
- 2013/06/10: DD: Land degradation threatens food security
- 2013/06/08: WSJ:RTE: Number of the Week: 140% Increase in Food Stamp Use Since 1990
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern:
- 2013/06/14: CBC: Fish farming tops beef production in race to the plate -- UN, U.S. stats outline extent of aquaculture boom
- 2013/06/12: DD: Graph of the Day: Atlantic salmon biomass decline, 1960s-2009
- 2013/06/12: TreeHugger: Farmed Fish Production Overtakes Beef by Lester Brown
- 2013/06/11: TheConversation: Australia's northern waters: killer nets and flawed funding
- 2013/06/10: Eureka: Plunging fish numbers linked to dam releases -- New research to improve environmental flow management of large dams
A significant decline in the numbers of native fish in Australia's Murray-Darling Basin may be linked to released dam water being too cold for breeding.
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2013/06/13: TP:JR: Drought Is Causing U.S. Beef Prices To Skyrocket
- 2013/06/11: BPA: OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022: Higher Energy Inputs Mean Higher Agricultural Commodity Prices
- 2013/06/12: Grist: Say bye-bye to cheap food [OECD-FAO report]
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: Cheap Food Is A Thing Of The Past, [OECD-FAO] Report Warns
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2013/06/10: BBC: Database says level of global 'land grabs' exaggerated
Researchers have released a new version of a database that records global land acquisitions by governments and private investors. There has been growing concern that large purchases, often in Africa, were in effect "land grabs" by the rich. But the Land Matrix Global Observatory says that many deals have been significantly exaggerated.
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2013/06/15: CDreams: Via Campesina and the Fight for Seeds
- 2013/06/15: RT: Monsanto Video Revolt: Global anti-GMO online rally launches
- 2013/06/14: CCurrents: Spray, Poison, Eat: Glyphosate (Roundup) In Our Food
- 2013/06/14: Asia Times: Delhi bill to criminalize opposition to GM food
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Look who's squealing now: GMO lovers freak over new study of sick pigs
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Five pest species now immune to GMO corn and cotton
- 2013/06/13: Resilience: Mexico protests Monsanto with a Carnival of Corn
- 2013/06/12: MLynas: GMO pigs study - more junk science
- 2013/06/12: CPW: Appeals Court Binds Monsanto To Promise Not To Sue Organic Farmers??
- 2013/06/12: RT: UK lobbying EU to allow new GM crops despite public skepticism
- 2013/06/12: RT: Monsanto hit with class action lawsuits in mystery GMO wheat case
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): GM feed found to affect pig's health
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): Study casts doubt on safety of GM foods
A study has thrown doubt on the safety of genetically modified corn and soy. It found pigs that eat the genetically modified feed suffer a significantly higher incidence of health problems. The study's lead author says her results show the need for better regulation of GM foods. But the GM industry has responded by attacking the credibility of the author and the journal which has published the study. - 2013/06/12: ABC(US): Idaho Farmers Sue Monsanto Over GMO Wheat
Idaho farmers file class-action lawsuit against Monsanto over genetically engineered wheat - 2013/06/11: RawStory: Study links genetically modified grain to stomach inflammation in pigs
- 2013/06/11: Grist: Organic farmers lose court battle with Monsanto
- 2013/06/12: RT: Monsanto secures victory over organic farmers
- 2013/06/11: CDreams: Hey, Non-GMO Activist: Monsanto's CEO Thinks You're an Elitist
- 2013/06/11: EurActiv: EU countries in deadlock over genetically modified maize approvals
- 2013/06/11: KSJT: Guardian: Biz writer slyly flays Whole Foods for nixing farmed salmon just because they ate GM yeast
- 2013/06/11: ABC(Au): Pests resistant to GM crops: study
- 2013/06/11: ABC(Au): More pests resistant to GM crops: study
- 2013/06/10: UDW: Mexico Celebrates "Carnival of Corn" and Rejects Monsanto
- 2013/06/10: RawStory: Study finds more pests are growing resistant to genetically modified crops
- 2013/06/10: EurActiv: Errant GM wheat strain reopens debate about safety of biotech crops
Groups campaigning to ban genetically modified foods in Europe have jumped on the recent discovery of unauthorised GM strain of wheat on an American farm as vindication of their longstanding campaign to banish biotech crops from the EU.
Regarding labelling GM food:
- 2013/06/13: TreeHugger: Maine passes second GMO label law in the U.S.
- 2013/06/11: TreeHugger: A case for genetic engineering transparency
- 2013/06/11: CDreams: Landslide Vote for GMO Labeling in Maine Legislature
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2013/06/14: CCurrents: What Permaculture Isn't - And Is
- 2013/06/12: UN: UN food agency says 38 countries have met international target on hunger eradication
- 2013/06/12: Grist: Organic farming sucks (up carbon)
- 2013/06/11: Eureka: Tillage and reduced-input rotations affect runoff from agricultural fields
- 2013/06/11: Resilience: Up the Amazon on a Camel
- 2013/06/11: Resilience: What permaculture isn't -- and is
- 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Nigeria makes light of scepticism about new alliance on hunger and nutrition
- 2013/06/09: Eureka: How do you feed 9 billion people?
- 2013/06/08: CSM: Cellular based precise nutrition production could feed the world using a land area smaller than New York City
In the Western Pacific, Yagi curled up and died South of Japan:
- 2013/06/15: MODIS: Tropical Storm Yagi (03W) in the North Pacific Ocean [on June 10th]
- 2013/06/11: NASA: NASA Satellite Sees Tropical Storm Yagi Just South of Japan
A Tropical Depression and some history in the Atlantic and Caribbean:
- 2013/06/16: Wunderground: Caribbean Disturbance Little Threat to Develop
- 2013/06/11: Eureka: NASA's TRMM Satellite sees Andrea's heavy rains in Cuba, US East Coast [on June 5th]
- 2013/06/10: NASA: NASA Animation Sees Post-Tropical Storm Andrea Speed Away
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
- 2013/06/11: SciAm:Exp: Before and After the Storm: The Impacts of Typhoon Bopha on Palauan Reefs
And on the Monsoon front:
- 2013/06/14: WSWS: Sri Lanka: Storm kills dozens of fishermen
- 2013/06/13: Asia Times: [Meteorological] men miss Sri Lanka's deadly tempests
- 2013/06/10: IndiaTimes: 31 dead as monsoon lashes Sri Lanka
- 2013/06/09: al Jazeera: Sri Lanka monsoon leaves many dead
Rains and strong winds kill more than 19 as navy and airforce search for dozens missing.
This week in notable weather:
- 2013/06/15: WSWS: Two dead, over half a million without power from US Mid-Atlantic storms
- 2013/06/15: IOTD: "Low-end" Derecho Hits Eastern United States [on June 13th]
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): US storms soak midwest as mid-Atlantic region braces for wind and hail
- 2013/06/14: SwissInfo: Storm causes evacuation at gymnastics festival
Strong winds of up to 100km/h have caused havoc at the Swiss Federal Gymnastics Festival in Biel, destroying a camping site and causing the evacuation of thousands of participants. - 2013/06/13: Wunderground: Severe Thunderstorms Rip From Chicago to Baltimore
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
- 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): Met Office brainstorms UK bad weather
- 2013/06/13: CCP: Leo Hickman: Met Office to brainstorm on UK weather whiplash and causes
Rossby Waves? Blocking Patterns? Arctic Oscillation? What is the Arctic melt doing to our weather?
- 2013/06/12: RScribbler: Human Climate Change Is Wrecking the Jet Stream; UK Met Office Calls Emergency Meeting
- 2013/06/12: DailyKos: The N Hemisphere's Atmospheric Circulation Has Collapsed Creating a Persistent Polar Cyclone
- 2013/06/12: CCP: The Northern Hemisphere's Atmospheric Circulation Has Collapsed Creating a Persistent Polar Cyclone
- 2013/06/09: Wunderground: Extreme Jet Stream Pattern Triggers Historic European Floods
As for GHGs:
- 2013/06/11: RScribbler: World CO2 Emissions Set New Record in 2012 at 31.6 Gigatons; On Current Path, World Locks in Dangerous, 2 Degree + Warming Before 2029
- 2013/06/05: PERI: Greenhouse 100 Names Top [US] Climate Polluters
- 2013/06/: PERI: Greenhouse 100 Polluters Index - June 2013 release; based on 2011 data
- 2013/06/11: Grist: The U.S. government is the fourth biggest greenhouse gas polluter in the country
- 2013/06/10: Yahoo:Reuters: Global carbon emissions hit record high in 2012
- 2013/06/10: TCoE: More CO2 emissions from energy, to no one's surprise
And in the carbon cycle:
- 2013/06/12: GaTech: Moving Iron in Antarctica -- New study on carbon dioxide absorption in Antarctic seas
- 2013/06/10: Eureka: Study reveals leakage of carbon from land to rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal regions
How is the temperature record?
- 2013/06/13: Moyhu: TempLS global temp up 0.06°C in May
- 2013/06/11: CapClimate: Early Summer Heat Krushes Kansas Records
- 2013/06/10: NYT: What to Make of a Warming Plateau
- 2013/06/10: QuarkSoup: About the Plateau
- 2013/06/10: QuarkSoup: Does UAH Have a Cool Bias?
- 2013/06/10: QuarkSoup: Roy Spencer Writes....
What's up with the Urban Heat Island?
- 2013/06/12: Grist: Island in the sun: Why are our cities heating up faster than everywhere else? [UHI]
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2013/06/14: Xinhuanet: Dust storm hits Bikaner of Rajasthan, India [3 pix]
- 2013/06/10: Eureka: Amount of dust blown across the West is increasing, says CU-Boulder study
The amount of dust being blown across the landscape has increased over the last 17 years in large swaths of the West, according to a new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder. The escalation in dust emissions -- which may be due to the interplay of several factors, including increased windstorm frequency, drought cycles and changing land-use patterns -- has implications both for the areas where the dust is first picked up by the winds and for the places where the dust is put back down. - 2013/06/10: MODIS: Saharan dust over the Atlantic Ocean [on June 2nd]
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Fossil teeth reveal roo survival strategy
What's the State of the Oceans?
- 2013/06/14: ERW: Grazing zooplankton could be key to marine chlorophyll decline
A much discussed 2010 study reported that chlorophyll concentrations in the world's oceans -- an indicator of phytoplankton growth -- declined over the 20th century at a rate of around 1% a year. Physical factors associated with climate change, such as higher sea-surface temperatures and reduced mixing depths that decrease nutrient concentrations in the upper layers of the ocean, go some way to explaining the decline. But biological processes may also be coming into play, for example a difference in the change in metabolic rates as temperatures rise of phytoplankton and the zooplankton that feed on them.
And the State of the Biosphere:
- 2013/06/10: Eureka: Bridge species drive tropical engine of biodiversity
What's new on the extinction front?
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: Climate change threatens future of 'safe species' - IUCN
Climate change doesn't just threaten species that are already vulnerable -- it could have alarming consequences for a huge range of birds, corals and amphibians that no-one had considered in danger of extinction before, according to a new study. - 2013/06/13: Atlantic: How Do You Have a Mass Extinction Without an Increase in Extinctions? [End Devonian]
- 2013/06/12: SciNews: Ancient Siberians may have rarely hunted mammoths
Study suggests Stone Age folk sporadically killed the beasts, primarily for ivory - 2013/06/10: TreeHugger: Light pollution along coastal areas prevents sea turtles from nesting
- 2013/06/10: ProMedMail: Puffin die-off - USA: (ME) climate change susp
- 2013/06/10: Eureka: British butterfly desperate for warm weather this summer
- 2013/06/10: BBC: Asian tigers at risk from domestic dog distemper virus
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern:
- 2013/06/13: WoL:JAE: (ab$) An overview of the environmental risks posed by neonicotinoid insecticides by Dave Goulson
- 2013/06/14: CCurrents: Honey Bee Collapse: A Lesson In Ecology
- 2013/06/14: BBC: Banned pesticides may be having wider environmental impacts
A new report indicates that a class of pesticides linked to the deaths of bees may be harming other wildlife species. Neonicotinoids have now been banned by the European Union because of concerns over bee health. But this latest review of the scientific data suggests the chemicals pose a risk to soil, water and grain-eating birds such as partridge. - 2013/06/12: Resilience: Worldwide Honey Bee Collapse: A Lesson in Ecology
- 2013/06/12: BBC: Honey bee losses double in a year due to poor winter
This winter's losses of honey bee colonies were the worst since records began six years ago, according to a survey carried out by the British Beekeepers Association. It says more than a third of hives did not survive the cold, wet conditions. - 2013/06/12: Grist: Bee-killing pesticide companies are pretending to save bees
- 2013/06/10: TreeHugger: How a new class of pesticides transformed the agrochemical landscape for bees
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2013/06/16: IOTD: A Better Eye on Reefs [from LandSat]
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2013/06/14: Eureka: UCLA climate study predicts dramatic loss in local snowfall
- 2013/06/13: SciAm:EC: Climate Change versus Groundhogs: Even Common Species Will Suffer
- 2013/06/13: Eureka: Farmworkers feel the heat even when they leave the fields
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2013/06/15: BBC: Ash genome reveals fungus resistance
Scientists have sequenced the genome of a type of ash tree with resistance to the deadly fungal disease sweeping the UK. - 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): Ecuadorean Amazon oil slick heads towards Peru
- 2013/06/11: TheConversation: Explainer: how much carbon can the world's forests absorb?
- 2013/06/10: NSF: Whitebark Pine Trees: Is Their Future at Risk?
Widespread tree death from beetle infestations, tree disease outbreaks affecting seed production - 2013/06/09: BBC: Brazil 'on alert' over an oil spill from Ecuador
Brazil is "on alert" over an oil spill that originated in Ecuador and is travelling downstream towards the Brazilian Amazon.
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2013/06/14: ProMedMail: Climate change, disease impact: Arctic spread
- 2013/06/10: CCurrents: Arctic Melt Spurs Global Spread Of Disease
- 2013/06/10: RTCC: Arctic warming linked to spread of diseases
Changes in natural cycles are showing up:
- 2013/06/10: MPG: Flowering at the right age -- Alpine rock cress uses a ribonucleic acid to measure its age and tell when it's the right time to flower
On the tornado front:
- 2013/06/13: CSM: Tornado looters? Thieves come from afar to loot tornado victims
- 2013/06/10: NewsOK: Police say men came from Virginia to loot in tornado-ravaged Moore
- 2013/06/10: CBC: Tornado spotted near Bredenbury, Sask.
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2013/06/16: MODIS: Fourmile and Silver fires, Arizona and New Mexico [on June 10th]
- 2013/06/16: al Jazeera: Rain reins in deadly Colorado blaze
Fire that left two dead and forced 38,000 out of their homes losing intensity due to rain and cooler temperatures. - 2013/06/15: CSM: Oregon wildfires controlled, but Colorado wildfires only 45 percent contained
- 2013/06/15: Xinhuanet: Worst Colorado fire kills 2, burns 400 homes
- 2013/06/15: Grist: How climate change makes wildfires worse
- 2013/06/14: al Jazeera: Deaths reported in Colorado's worst ever fire
Two victims found in open garage of home, apparently overtaken by flames as they attempted to evacuate. - 2013/06/14: IOTD: Black Forest Blaze is Colorado's Most Destructive
- 2013/06/14: WtD: Things fall apart part 1: Colorado burns. Again
- 2013/06/14: DD: Black Forest wildfire most destructive in Colorado history - 24.5 square miles burned, 39,000 people ordered to evacuate, 2 killed
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Pakistan can expect worse heatwaves to come, meteorologists warn
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Colorado Black Forest wildfire quickly becomes state's most destructive
- 2013/06/14: CDreams: Rising Temperatures and Drought Fuel Largest Fire in Colorado History
- 2013/06/14: Wunderground: Colorado's Costliest Fire in History Kills 2; Severe Thunderstorms Pound Mid-Atlantic
- 2013/06/13: CSM: Residents flee as historic Colorado wildfire burns out of control
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Colorado is burning as climate change extends wildfire season
- 2013/06/13: PSinclair: Raw Video: Colorado Burning - Record Number of Houses Destroyed
- 2013/06/13: TP:JR: Black Forest Fire Now Most Destructive in Colorado History, 360 Homes Lost And No Containment
- 2013/06/13: JFleck: Dear tourists: many areas of New Mexico are currently not on fire
- 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): Colorado wildfires force thousands more residents to flee homes
- 2013/06/13: BBC: Two people killed by raging Colorado Springs wildfire
- 2013/06/13: MODIS: Fires and smoke in eastern China [on June 2nd]
- 2013/06/12: CSM: Royal Gorge fire forces prisoner evacuation
- 2013/06/12: CNN: Colorado fires scorch state; thousands evacuated
905 prisoners are evacuated as a precaution near the Royal Gorge Fire - The El Paso County sheriff expects "unpredictable conditions" - At least 3,600 people had been evacuated because of the Black Forest Fire officials say - 2013/06/12: TP:JR: Déjà Vu Fire Season Off To A Roaring Start In Colorado
- 2013/06/12: Wunderground: Record heat fuels destructive fires in drought-baked Colorado
- 2013/06/12: CBC: 4 wildfires burn in hot, dry Colorado -- Hundreds of people chased from their homes
- 2013/06/11: BBC: Trio of Colorado wildfires burn amid dry conditions
- 2013/06/11: NASA: Fourmile and Silver Fires in Arizona and New Mexico
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
- 2013/06/13: ERW: Great Barrier Reef needs better management
- 2013/06/12: TheConversation: Manage the land to protect the reefs
Acidification is changing the oceans:
- 2013/06/12: Eureka: Rapid adaptation is purple sea urchins' weapon against ocean acidification
Glaciers are melting:
- 2013/06/13: FaGP: Qinngua Avannarleq Retreat, Southwest Greenland
- 2013/06/12: FaGP: Canada Glacier Retreat Post Index
- 2013/06/10: FaGP: Neve Glacier Retreat, North Cascades, Washington
Sea levels are rising:
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Pacific island nation of Kiribati - in [22] pictures
- 2013/06/12: DD: Tanzania: Zanzibar's encroaching ocean means less fresh water
- 2013/06/10: UCSUSA:B: Military and Civilians Alike are Battling Sea Level Rise in Tidewater Virginia
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2013/06/15: DD: Another 1930s Dust Bowl drought possible this century
- 2013/06/15: ABC(Au): Warning for Gippsland drivers as heavy rainfall causes landslides
- 2013/06/14: ABC(Au): Vic homes under threat as Traralgon faces major flooding
Up to 100 homes near Victoria's Traralgon Creek are facing flooding and residents have been told to evacuate. Rain is continuing to fall across the Gippsland region, where residents are bracing for major flooding. The State Emergency Service upgraded its advice for the Traralgon catchment area on Thursday night to a major flood warning and says rain will continue into the early hours of Friday morning. - 2013/06/13: Grist: FEMA report: Climate change could increase areas at risk of flood by 45 percent
- 2013/06/13: CBC: Colorado wildfire destroys at least 360 homes
- 2013/06/12: CBC: Fort McMurray floodwaters wash out roads, power -- Some residents are moved out, others ready for evacuation order
- 2013/06/11: RTCC: Climate change could mean once a century floods every 10 years
- 2013/06/10: JapanTimes: University of Tokyo study warns of increased flood risk due to global warming
- 2013/06/10: NYT: Water Levels Fall in Great Lakes, Taking a Toll on Shipping
- 2013/06/10: CCurrents: Ganga, Nile, Amazon To Flood More As The World Warms
- 2013/06/10: al Jazeera: Torrential rain continues to pound China
Several provinces in southern China have been hit by renewed flooding. - 2013/06/10: ABC(Au): Study predicts more major flooding in north Australia and Tasmania
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front: - 2013/06/13: CSM: Study raises hope of combating global warming by reducing soot
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2013/06/14: BWeek: Ancient Roman Concrete Is About to Revolutionize Modern Architecture
After 2,000 years, a long-lost secret behind the creation of one of the world's most durable man-made creations ever -- Roman concrete -- has finally been discovered by an international team of scientists, and it may have a significant impact on how we build cities of the future. - 2013/06/07: BBerg: Chemical Companies Seek to Limit Federal Green Building
- 2013/06/11: Eureka: 'Popcorn' particle pathways promise better lithium-ion batteries
- 2013/06/10: TreeHugger: LEED-bashing: War in the woods heats up in Southern states
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2013/06/15: CriticalAngle: A Miss by Myles: Why Professor Allen is wrong to think carbon capture and storage will solve the climate crisis
- 2013/06/12: RDMag: Questions rise about seeding for ocean carbon dioxide sequestration
- 2013/06/12: ANL: Questions rise about seeding for ocean C02 sequestration
- 2013/06/10: SkS: A Miss by Myles: Why Professor Allen is wrong to think carbon capture and storage will solve the climate crisis by Andy Skuce, rustneversleeps
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2013/06/14: RTCC: Scientists warn earth cooling proposals are no climate "silver bullet"
- 2013/06/13: CS&P: Geoengineering: a panacea or a false solution? A conversation with Ken Caldeira
- 2013/06/13: NLP: Optimists Beware! Review of Hamilton's Earthmasters
[Book Review] _Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering_ by Clive Hamilton - 2013/06/10: NewIndianExpress: Green warriors turn to engineering to save the Earth
While on the adaptation front:
- 2013/06/10: RTCC: EU must switch flood tactics to cope in climate change era
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (ab$) Regeneration of Little Ice Age bryophytes emerging from a polar glacier with implications of totipotency in extreme environments by Catherine La Farge et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (abs) Soil biotic legacy effects of extreme weather events influence plant invasiveness by Annelein Meisner et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (ab$) Expert assessments of the cost of light water small modular reactors by Ahmed Abdulla et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (abs) Asynchronous marine-terrestrial signals of the last deglacial warming in East Asia associated with low- and high-latitude climate changes by Deke Xu et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (ab$) Multidecadal to multicentury scale collapses of Northern Hemisphere monsoons over the past millennium by Yemane Asmerom et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (ab$) Eocene cooling linked to early flow across the Tasmanian Gateway by Peter K. Bijl et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (letter$) Reply to Hortal et al.: Patterns of bird distribution in Spain support the area-heterogeneity tradeoff by Omri Allouche et al.
- 2013/06/11: PNAS: (letter$) Species richness can decrease with altitude but not with habitat diversity by Joaquín Hortala et al.
- 2013/06/: JOS: A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet by Judy A. Carman et al.
- 2013/06/12: STE(via doi): (ab$) An overview of Fukushima radionuclides measured in the northern hemisphere by P. Thakur et al.
- 2013/06/13: ACP: Estimating regional methane surface fluxes: the relative importance of surface and GOSAT mole fraction measurements by A. Fraser et al.
- 2013/06/13: ACP: Analysis of a winter regional haze event and its formation mechanism in the North China Plain by X. J. Zhao et al.
- 2013/06/10: ACP: Estimate of surface direct radiative forcing of desert dust from atmospheric modulation of the aerosol optical depth by A. di Sarra et al.
- 2013/06/13: ACPD: Nitrous oxide emissions 1999-2009 from a global atmospheric inversion by R. L. Thompson et al.
- 2013/06/13: ACPD: Antarctic ozone variability inside the Polar Vortex estimated from balloon measurements by M. C. Parrondo et al.
- 2013/06/11: ACPD: Aerosol variability and atmospheric transport in the Himalayan region from CALIOP 2007-2010 observations by S. Bucci et al.
- 2013/06/10: ACPD: Reductions in aircraft particulate emissions due to the use of Fischer-Tropsch fuels by A. J. Beyersdorf et al.
- 2013/06/10: ACPD: Forcing of stratospheric chemistry and dynamics during the Dalton Minimum by J. G. Anet et al.
- 2013/06/12: PLoS One: Pliocene Paleoenvironments of Southeastern Queensland, Australia Inferred from Stable Isotopes of Marsupial Tooth Enamel by Shaena Montanari et al.
- 2013/06/09: Nature:CC: (ab$) Global flood risk under climate change by Yukiko Hirabayashi et al.
- 2013/06/09: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Anthropogenic perturbation of the carbon fluxes from land to ocean by Pierre Regnier et al.
- 2013/06/09: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Intensification of open-ocean oxygen depletion by vertically migrating animals by Daniele Bianchi et al.
- 2013/06/09: Nature:CC: (ab$) Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change by S. Asseng et al.
- 2013/06/10: Nature:Comm: (ab$) Role of biogenic silica in the removal of iron from the Antarctic seas by Ellery D. Ingall et al.
- 2013/06/10: Nature:BioTech: (ab$) Insect resistance to Bt crops: lessons from the first billion acres by Bruce E Tabashnik et al.
- 2013/06/10: OS: ENSO components of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and their relation to North Atlantic interannual coastal sea level anomalies by J. Park & G. Dusek
- 2013/06/11: TC: Seasonal controls on snow distribution and aerial ablation at the snow-patch and landscape scales, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica by J. W. Eveland et al.
- 2013/06/10: TCD: Decadal changes from a multi-temporal glacier inventory of Svalbard by C. Nuth et al.
- 2013/06/13: VoxEU: Facing up to uncertainty in climate-change economics by Geoffrey Heal & Antony Millner
Uncertainty is intrinsic in climate-change economics. This column argues that it's here to stay. There will be no accurate predictive tool for predicting economic growth, the emergence of clean-energy technology, or economic vulnerability in light of climate change in the near future. But this is not an excuse not to think about climate economics. Research and policy would do well to be more explicit about what we don't know. We should avoid subjective guesses, and focus more on credible forecasts from empirically sound, if uncertain, models. - 2013/06/11: WoL:GCBB: (ab$) Mineral soil carbon fluxes in forests and implications for carbon balance assessments by Thomas Buchholz et al.
- 2013/06/07: GSABulletin: (ab$) Garwood Valley, Antarctica: A new record of Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene glaciofluvial processes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys by Joseph S. Levy et al.
- 2013/06/14: BG: Iodine-129 concentration in seawater near Fukushima before and after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by T. Suzuki et al.
- 2013/06/13: BG: Natural and Fukushima-derived radioactivity in macroalgae and mussels along the Japanese shoreline by Z. Baumann et al.
- 2013/06/11: BG: Field intercomparison of four methane gas analyzers suitable for eddy covariance flux measurements by O. Peltola et al.
- 2013/06/14: BGD: Rapid increasing trend of CO2 and ocean acidification in the surface water of the Ulleung Basin, East/Japan Sea inferred from the observations from 1995 to 2004 by J.-Y. Kim et al.
- 2013/06/13: BGD: Changes in coccolith calcification under stable atmospheric CO2 by C. Bauke et al.
- 2013/06/11: BGD: Southern Hemisphere imprint for Indo-Asian summer monsoons during the last glacial period as revealed by Arabian Sea productivity records by T. Caley et al.
- 2013/06/10: BGD: Foraminiferal survival after long term experimentally induced anoxia by D. Langlet et al.
- 2013/06/10: BGD: On the role of mesoscale eddies for the biological productivity and biogeochemistry in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean off Peru by L. Stramma et al.
- 2013/06/14: CP: Contrasting patterns of climatic changes during the Holocene across the Italian Peninsula reconstructed from pollen data by O. Peyron et al.
- 2013/06/13: CP: Greenland ice core evidence of the 79 AD Vesuvius eruption by C. Barbante et al.
- 2013/06/11: CP: Vegetation responses to interglacial warming in the Arctic: examples from Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic by A. V. Lozhkin et al.
- 2013/06/13: CPD: Centennial-scale shifts in the position of the Southern Hemisphere westerly wind belt over the past millennium by B. G. Koffman et al.
- 2013/06/11: CPD: On the low frequency component of the ENSO-Indian Monsoon relationship; a paired proxy perspective by M. Berkelhammer et al.
- 2013/06/12: PLoS One: Identifying the World's Most Climate Change Vulnerable Species: A Systematic Trait-Based Assessment of all Birds, Amphibians and Corals by Wendy B. Foden et al.
- 2013/06/13: Science: (ab$) Ice Shelf Melting Around Antarctica by E. Rignot et al.
- 2013/06/13: WoL:JAE: (ab$) An overview of the environmental risks posed by neonicotinoid insecticides by Dave Goulson
- 2013/06/14: ACP: Black carbon physical properties and mixing state in the European megacity Paris by M. Laborde et al.
- 2013/06/14: ACP: Ozone and fine particle in the western Yangtze River Delta: an overview of 1 yr data at the SORPES station by A. J. Ding et al.
- 2013/06/14: ACP: Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT H2O operational data collected between July 2002 and March 2004 by G. Wetzel et al.
- 2013/06/15: ACPD: New spectral functions of the near-ground albedo derived from aircraft diffraction spectrometer observations by C. A. Varotsos et al.
- 2013/06/14: ACPD: The evolution of shipping emissions and the costs of recent and forthcoming emission regulations in the northern European emission control area by L. Johansson et al.
- 2013/06/14: ACPD: NOx emissions in China: historical trends and future perspectives by B. Zhao et al.
- 2013/06/14: ACPD: Direct radiative effect of the Russian wildfires and their impact on air temperature and atmospheric dynamics during August 2010 by J. C. Péré et al.
- 2013/06/12: GMDD: Evaluating the capability of regional-scale air quality models to capture the vertical distribution of pollutants by E. Solazzo et al.
- 2013/06/13: GMDD: A generic biogeochemical module for earth system models by Y. Fang et al.
- 2013/06/14: OS: Exceptional dense water formation on the Adriatic shelf in the winter of 2012 by H. Mihanovic' et al.
- 2013/06/12: OS: Ocean state indicators from MyOcean altimeter products by L. Bessières et al.
- 2013/06/13: OSD: Hydrodynamic variability based on the multi-parametric POSEIDON Pylos observatory of the south Ionian Sea by D. Kassis et al.
- 2013/06/14: TCD: Modeling surface response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to interglacial climate by D. Rau & I. Rogozhina
- 2013/06/14: TCD: A note on the water budget of temperate glaciers by J. Oerlemans
- 2013/06/13: TCD: Comparison of automatic segmentation of full polarimetric SAR sea ice images with manually drawn ice charts by M.-A. N. Moen et al.
- 2013/03/21: ERL: Decomposing the effects of ocean warming on chlorophyll a concentrations into physically and biologically driven contributions by D Olonscheck et al.
- 2012/11/13: Springer:EM&A: (ab$) Sedimentation and remobilization of radiocesium in the coastal area of Ibaraki, 70 km south of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant by Shigeyoshi Otosaka & Takuya Kobayashi
- 2013/05/10: USGS: Groundwater depletion in the United States (1900-2008) by Leonard F. Konikow
And other significant documents:
- 2013/06/13: UN:ESA: [links to various data] World Population Prospects, the 2012 Revision
- 2013/06/13: RTCC: [link to 79k pdf] Small Island technical paper wins support at UN climate talks
Pacific Island proposals to move UN climate negotiations forward by focusing on the technical aspects of cutting greenhouse gas emissions appear to have received a favourable hearing at talks in Bonn. - 2013/06/12: CAT: [link to 274k pdf] "Climate shuffle" likely to lead to increased warming
- 2013/06/11: GreenPeace: [link to 7 meg pdf] Silent Killers - Why Europe must replace coal power with green energy
- 2013/06/10: NatureNB: [link to 2.6 meg pdf] Report highlights development threats on Canadian watershed
Without better governance, a robust science program, and stronger regulations for extractive industries and hydroelectric developments, Canada's massive Mackenzie River Basin could continue to face destroyed landscapes and massive bills for environmental clean-ups, an international panel of experts warns in a report issued today.
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2013/05/30: Nature:GeoSci: [Editorial] Double-blind peer review
- 2013/06/15: RBroberg: Westcott and Jewsion: Weather Effects on Expected Corn and Soybean Yields
- 2013/06/15: SimpleC: Deciphering climate messages via the heart of the atom
- 2013/06/14: NatureN: Spanish scientists protest to save research -- Researchers march in 19 cities against steadily waning science budget
- 2013/06/14: DD: Carbon dioxide and the Earth biome - Research uncovers new data
- 2013/06/14: IsaacHeld: 38. NH-SH differential warming and TCR
- 2013/06/12: ERabett: Oxidation of CO
- 2013/06/11: UCSUSA:B: Corporate Counterfeit Science - Both Wrong and Dangerous
- 2013/06/10: Eureka: How Archaea might find their food -- German-American research team characterises the sensor protein MsmS
What's new in models?
- 2013/06/10: ERW: Insight: regional climate models are not completely reliable
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2013/06/14: JCBaez: The Selected Papers Network (Part 2)
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2013/06/15: PLNA: Eradicating Hunger, A Key Issue for Debate at FAO Conference
The eradication of hunger is a key issue for debate on Saturday at the Conference of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) taking place in this capital. Its significance is mostly attributed to the fact that the FAO decided to modify its main goal, as the initial purpose was to reduce hunger, and it has decided to eradicate it, experts told Prensa Latina. - 2013/06/12: RTCC: UN: developing nations leading renewables investment
- 2013/06/10: UN: Marking World Oceans Day, UN official urges coordinated action to reverse marine degradation
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2013/06/14: ERabett:BSD: I hope this won't be a useful information resource for very long
- 2013/06/13: P3: China Rolls Out Cap and Trade System
- 2013/06/12: NatureN: China gets tough on carbon -- Cap-and-trade pilot schemes set stage for nationwide roll-out
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2013/06/16: al Jazeera: US prepared to 'engage Iran directly'
President-elect Hassan Rouhani's conciliatory speech welcomed by world powers, but Israel issues scathing statement. - 2013/06/13: WSWS: Iran goes to the polls amid US threats and sanctions
- 2013/06/12: IndiaTimes: Iran 'threat' to America's national security: Pentagon
Describing Iran as a 'threat' to America's national security, a top Pentagon official has told the lawmakers that the US is determined to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. "Iran is a threat to US national security in many ways, not simply their move toward the potential to develop a nuclear weapon," chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general Martin Dempsey said during a Congressional hearing on Tuesday. - 2013/06/12: BBerg: Iran's Crude Exports Rise as China Port Blockages Ease, IEA Says
- 2013/06/10: OilPrice: Damn the Sanctions and Bring on the Gas, says Pakistan
- 2013/06/10: Asia Times: Kerry spouts nonaligned nuclear hysteria
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2013/06/15: al Jazeera: The Pacifist War
Is war looming as Japan strengthens its military power and tensions escalate over disputed East China Sea islands? - 2013/06/14: GlobalTimes: Sea row hurts Philippines
- 2013/06/10: Asia Times: South China Sea row risks wider clashes
- 2013/06/10: Asia Times: Pacific Ocean's survival at tipping point
Who is serious about reducing airline carbon emissions?
- 2013/06/14: ChinaDaily: Airlines must reduce their emissions
These 'free trade' treaties feature fundamentally anti-democratic dispute resolution mechanisms:
- 2013/06/14: OpenMedia: TPP negotiations quietly arrive in Canada
- 2013/06/13: AlterNet: Secret Trade Agreements Threaten to Undo Our Last Shreds of Food Safety
- 2013/06/13: OpenMedia: U.S. Senator calls for more transparency around the Trans-Pacific Partnership
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts has called on the current U.S. government to release documents being used to negotiate the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. In her letter to U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, Warren says: "If transparency would lead to widespread public opposition to a trade agreement, then that trade agreement should not be the policy of the United States."
In the solar squabbles between China and Europe:
- 2013/06/10: EurActiv: Hollande calls for action over EU-China solar trade spat
The French President has reportedly called for swift action to resolve an escalating trade war with China over solar power imports, after the Chinese government threatened to drag the wine industry into the row.
The possibility of a water war over the Nile is rising:
- 2013/06/13: SciAm: Ethiopia Ratifies Nile Treaty in Snub to Egypt
Ethiopia's parliament unanimously ratified a treaty on Thursday that strips Egypt of its right to the lion's share of the Nile river waters, raising the political temperature in a dispute between Cairo and Addis Ababa over the construction of a dam. - 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): Ethiopian parliament votes to strip Egypt of rights to majority of Nile water
- 2013/06/13: al Jazeera: Why a 'water war' over the Nile River won't happen
Instead of issuing harsh rhetoric, Egypt should work together with Ethiopia and endorse its dam-building programme. - 2013/06/12: al Jazeera: Ethiopia discards Egypt threats over Nile dam
Foreign ministry says it is not intimidated by Egypt's "psychological warfare" and dam project will proceed. - 2013/06/12: al Jazeera: Egypt concerns rise over Ethiopian dam
Tensions escalate after Ethiopia announces plan to divert Nile River's flow for hydro-electricity project. - 2013/06/11: Guardian(UK): Ethiopia rejects Egyptian protests over Nile dam
Construction of Grand Renaissance dam to continue despite Eygptian concerns over impact on water supply and farming - 2013/06/11: DD: 'No Nile, no Egypt', Cairo warns over Ethiopia dam
- 2013/06/11: al Jazeera: Egypt warns Ethiopia over Nile dam
President Morsi says "all options are open" in dealing with dam project that threatens Egypt with a water shortage. - 2013/06/10: BBC: Egyptian warning over Ethiopia Nile dam
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has said "all options are open" to deal with any threat to his country's water supply posed by an Ethiopian dam
And in miscellaneous international political jousting:
- 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Australia increases drought assistance to Marshall islands
- 2013/06/13: OilPrice: Japan-India Nuclear Deal, Last Piece in Corporate Nuclear Game
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
- 2013/06/15: TMoS: Exposing the Link between Climate Change and Our Government's Digital Surveillance of Us All
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks
The Pentagon knows that environmental, economic and other crises could provoke widespread public anger toward government and corporations in coming years. The revelations on the NSA's global surveillance programmes are just the latest indication that as business as usual creates instability at home and abroad, and as disillusionment with the status quo escalates, Western publics are being increasingly viewed as potential enemies that must be policed by the state.
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2013/06/15: CCP: TransCanada Is Secretly Briefing Police About Keystone XL Protests and Urging Terrorism Prosecutions
- 2013/06/14: TheCanadian: Are You a Multi-Issue Extremist? How Activism is Becoming Terrorism
- 2013/06/13: TreeHugger: Reward fund for information on [turtle conservationist] Jairo Mora Sandoval's murder now $56,000
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Terrifying/hilarious TransCanada docs call Keystone XL protesters terrorists
- 2013/06/13: WSWS: London police launch violent raid on anti-G8 protesters
- 2013/06/12: TreeHugger: Still no justice for young conservationist killed by turtle poachers in Costa Rica
What are the activists up to?
- 2013/06/15: RT: Monsanto Video Revolt: Global anti-GMO online rally launches
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Climate activists join anti-capitalists in Canary Wharf's biggest protest
Around 200 people occupied one of London's key financial districts as part of a range of anti-G8 protests
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2013/06/15: JFleck: River Beat: June numbers show slight improvement in Lake Powell
- 2013/06/14: JFleck: Dianne Feinstein has a bunch of #cawater ideas
- 2013/06/14: BCLSB: What's Bugging The Great Lakes?
- 2013/06/14: TexasTrib: Texas Rivers Tested by Drought, Population Growth
- 2013/06/13: JFleck: Colorado River shortage possible by 2015
- 2013/06/13: USAToday: Supreme Court sides with Oklahoma in water fight
- 2013/06/11: AANS: 90% of Gaza's water is unfit for human consumption, damn it
And on the groundwater front:
- 2013/06/15: DD: Graph of the Day: Cumulative groundwater depletion in the U.S. and major aquifer systems or categories, 1900-2008
- 2013/06/15: JFleck: Famiglietti on GRACE and the need for good groundwater data
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): Study shows promise for recycled water in aquifers
While in the UK:
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): Weird weather might just wake feeble politicians up to climate change
Meteorologists are debating our role in bizarre weather events. We have the technology for change, but not the political will - 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): How to get sceptical Tory voters to care about climate change
From backbench windfarm opposition to the dash for gas, Conservative rhetoric on climate has undergone a drastic shift - 2013/06/13: BBC: Call to 'let UK government scientists off the leash'
One of the UK's most influential science communicators is pressing the government to let more of its scientists speak to the media. - 2013/06/13: NatureNB: UK libel reform fight 'isn't over yet'
- 2013/06/12: RT: UK lobbying EU to allow new GM crops despite public skepticism
- 2013/06/12: WottsUWT: Owen Patterson - Secretary for the Environment?????
- 2013/06/12: SkS: UK Secretary of State for the Environment reveals his depth of knowledge of climate change (not!) by John Mason
- 2013/06/11: Guardian(UK): Windfarm industry fears consequences of Coalition turbine noise policy
- 2013/06/11: NatureN: UK scientists fear further cuts -- Funding jitters rife ahead of government spending review
- 2013/06/11: OilChange: UK Condones Canada's "Cultural Genocide"
- 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Tim Yeo steps aside as committee chair amid lobbying claims
Tory MP announces move following pressure over allegations he offered to advise energy companies for cash - 2013/06/10: BBC: MPs say Severn barrage plan is significantly flawed
The latest plan to build a barrage across the Severn to generate electricity has been severely criticised by a committee of MPs. Hafren Power had outlined a £25bn tidal scheme to generate up to 5% of the UK's electricity needs. But the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee said it could not recommend the plan. It said that on both economic and environmental grounds the case remained unproven.
And in Europe:
- 2013/06/15: ScienceInsider: Protestors to Government: 'Save Spanish Science'
- 2013/06/14: NatureN: Spanish scientists protest to save research -- Researchers march in 19 cities against steadily waning science budget
- 2013/06/14: EurActiv: Brussels mulls mandatory nuclear reviews every six years
The European Commission on Thursday (13 June) published a draft nuclear safety law that includes mandatory EU-wide reviews every six years in response to lessons learnt from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. - 2013/06/13: RTCC: EU positive over 2015 climate deal despite Russia row
UN climate envoys are confident two weeks of talks have seen progress in key sectors, despite a row with Russia that has threatened to overshadow the Bonn meeting. - 2013/06/13: EurActiv: Europe loses 5 million working days a year due to pollution, report says
European businesses and organisations lost five million working days in 2010 because of illnesses, such as asthma and heart attacks linked to pollution from coal-fired power plants, according to a new academic report commissioned by Greenpeace. The new report Silent Killers by Stuttgart University, commissioned by Greenpeace International, calls upon the EU to halt the development of 50 new coal power plants and set binding renewable energy targets for 2030. - 2013/06/13: EUO: Brussels unveils latest nuclear safety rules
- 2013/06/13: EurActiv: Canada 'spins' mining disclosure laws on back of EU's approval
The European Parliament has given its final approval for tough new disclosure rules for energy and mining firms, just as Canadian premier Stephen Harper announces similar rules in London in a bid analysts say is designed to smooth over bad headlines on tar sands. - 2013/06/12: BBerg: EU Parties' Negotiators in Draft CO2 Deal, Seeber Says
- 2013/06/12: EurActiv: [British Conservative MEP, Julie Girling] calls for parliamentary risk panel to tame green 'scaremongering'
The European Parliament needs more science and less emotion in making decisions on chemicals, pesticides and other contentious legislation, an MEP said on Tuesday (11 June), arguing that lawmakers were influenced by "scaremongering" and environmental lobbying in recent votes. - 2013/06/12: EUO: Oil and gas giants forced to publish payments under new transparency rules
Oil and gas giants will be required to publish all payments they make to governments, under EU transparency rules backed on Wednesday by the European Parliament. - 2013/06/12: RTCC: Europe must cut emissions 55% by 2030 - Ecofys report
- 2013/06/11: GreenPeace: [link to 7 meg pdf] Silent Killers - Why Europe must replace coal power with green energy
- 2013/06/11: EurActiv: EU official: shale gas el dorado out of Europe's reach
A senior European Commission official has poured cold water on claims that a shale gas boom in Europe would result in de-facto low gas prices. - 2013/06/11: EurActiv: EU countries in deadlock over genetically modified maize approvals
- 2013/06/11: RTCC: Italy calls on business to embrace environmental reporting
- 2013/06/10: ScienceInsider: Around Italy, Researchers Rally to Defend Science
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2013/06/16: ABC(Au): Proposed changes to Queensland's electricity sector unveiled
- 2013/06/14: ABC(Au): Sugar mill nuts out plan to cut carbon footprint
A sugar mill at Bundaberg in southern Queensland is using macadamia nuts to create hotter and cleaner renewable fuel. The general manager of Bundaberg Sugar, David Pickering, says in an industry first, nutshells are being burnt to generate fuel for the sugar refinery. - 2013/06/14: TheConversation: Dishing the dirt on Santos' Queensland oil spill
- 2013/06/14: ABC(Au): ACT electricity prices to rise 3.5 per cent
- 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Windfarm go ahead for Victorian Shire of Buloke
The north western Victorian shire of Buloke has approved the first windfarm since the Government tightened regulations two years ago. The Coonooer Bridge Windfarm includes five turbines and landholders within three kilometres of the project will become shareholders. - 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Environmentalists say NSW govt ignored Pilliga CSG spills for years
The environment group that first lodged complaints over coal seam gas contamination in the Pilliga State Forest says the government failed to properly monitor the site, or its operator. Santos is facing prosecution in the Land and Environment Court over toxic leaks that occurred in 2010 and 2011. - 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): NSW to prosecute coal seam gas operator Santos
The New South Wales government has decided to prosecute coal seam gas operator Santos for breaches of its production licence in the Pilliga. The allegations are against Eastern Star, which was taken over by Santos in November 2011. - 2013/06/11: ABC(Au): City of Sydney's low carbon setback as trigeneration plants shelved for the Green Square development
- 2013/06/11: ABC(Au): People living in flats and units facing a big rise in Hunter water bills
- 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Tasmania's Tarkine region: mining province or world heritage site?
Tasmania's Tarkine region is facing more than 50 mining applications for exploration, including in the rainforest heartland - 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): The majestic Tarkine region should be protected
- 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): Australians are waking up to why coal matters - US environmentalist, Bill McKibben
The September election is getting closer...:
- 2013/06/15: NewAnthropocene: Our Choice in the Upcoming Federal Election
- 2013/06/15: NewAnthropocene: What Australia Seems to Forget About Tony Abbott
- 2013/06/14: ABC(Au):TDU: Media spins the Rudd-Gillard merry-go-round
Three years of real and imaginary leadership challenges have derailed media coverage of decent issues in favour of flimflam conjecture, writes Kerry-Anne Walsh. - 2013/06/14: ABC(Au):TDU: A line in the sand on attacks against Gillard
Surely conservatives can no longer argue that Julia Gillard attracts no worse criticism than her political opponents. Enough is enough, writes Sam Mullins - 2013/06/14: ABC(Au): Radio presenter Howard Sattler sacked over Gillard interview
- 2013/06/13: ABC(Au):TDU: Menu-gate proves the gender war is far from false
- 2013/06/13: NewsCorp: Julia Gillard and Arnold Schwarzenegger discuss climate change
- 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Julia Gillard and Arnold Schwarzenegger join forces on climate change
- 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): Time is up for the Australian Greens
No matter how much Christine Milne claims otherwise, this election will not be about them or the independents. It will be a battle of giants - 2013/06/13: BBC: Radio host suspended over Australia PM Gillard interview
- 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Menu scandal row rumbles on...
- 2013/06/13: NewAnthropocene: Gillard's Gender Hypocrisy
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au):TDU: Abortion and federal policy: here are the facts
Voters need to be mindful that there are men in Federal Parliament who, to quote Julia Gillard, would make abortion access their "political plaything". A bill by Senator John Madigan is a salutary reminder that Federal Parliament does have the power to regulate access to abortion, writes Anne Summers. - 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): Julia Gillard's 'small breasts' served up on Liberal party dinner menu
- 2013/06/12: CBC: Australian PM Julia Gillard blasts 'grossly sexist' menu
- 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): Top Abbott business adviser wants renewables target scrapped
Maurice Newman, chairman of Coalition's proposed business advisory council, doubts scientific case for global warming - 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): Gillard shouldn't use abortion as a US-style wedge issue
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): Opposition on back foot in sexism row after menu's crude, sexist attacks on Julia Gillard's body
- 2013/06/12: BBC: Australia row over PM Gillard 'small breasts' menu
- 2013/06/11: BBC: Australian PM Gillard dismisses leadership rumours
- 2013/06/11: ABC(Au): Don't waste your breath, I'm leading Labor to the election: PM Julia Gillard
- 2013/06/10: ABC(Au): Labor in 'cataclysmic' situation -- Labor's predicted election defeat raises leadership questions
- 2013/06/10: ABC(Au): Bill Shorten restates backing for Julia Gillard as Labor leadership speculation swirls again
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are not over:
- 2013/06/14: ABC(Au):Agricultural water permits keep making waves
The Amateur Fishermen's Association of the Northern Territory (AFANT) says it will continue to oppose any water allocation applications for the Tindall aquifer until the Government returns to the water planning process. - 2013/06/13: ABC(Au): Yenda flood works hold strong in heavy rain
Yenda's recent flood works have already proven a success and they're yet to be finished. - 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): Study shows promise for recycled water in aquifers
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au): The ACT pricing watchdog has delayed a final decision on Canberra's water charges
- 2013/06/10: ABC(Au): SA 'days away' from signing basin agreement
The South Australian Government says it is only days away from signing up to a funding agreement for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Victoria became the first basin state to do so last week. SA Premier Jay Weatherill says after negotiations, his Government is only days away from doing the same so irrigators can get started on water-saving projects. The basin plan aims to return 3,200 gigalitres of water to the basin system.
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2013/06/14: Asia Times: Delhi bill to criminalize opposition to GM food
India's environmental and food security activists who have so far succeeded in stalling attempts to introduce genetically modified (GM) food crops into this largely farming country now find themselves up against a bill in parliament [the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill] that could criminalize such opposition.
And in China:
- 2013/06/15: CBC: China announces 'tough' pollution reduction measures
- 2013/06/15: BBC: China orders firms to curb pollution
The Chinese government has ordered firms in heavy-polluting industries to cut emissions by 30% by 2017. - 2013/06/13: TreeHugger: Danger Maps crowd-sources environmental contamination in China
- 2013/06/12: NatureN: China gets tough on carbon -- Cap-and-trade pilot schemes set stage for nationwide roll-out
- 2013/06/12: Xinhuanet: China conducts soil pollution survey
- 2013/06/11: RTCC: China's emissions outsourcing threatens climate goals
China's climate targets are being threatened as emissions outsourcing distorts the country's efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, researchers have claimed. Rich coastal areas with tough climate objectives are driving industry inland. The consequence could be that emissions in total do not drop, despite the apparent success of schemes along the coast. - 2013/06/11: BBC: China outsources carbon emissions to poorer [provinces]
- 2013/06/10: Guardian(UK): China's rich provinces outsource emissions to less developed areas
And in the Middle East:
- 2013/06/15: Guardian(UK): Iranian cleric Hassan Rouhani elected as president
While in Africa:
- 2013/06/10: Monbiot: Corporate Carve-Up
Under the pretext of preventing hunger, the rich nations are engineering a new scramble for Africa.
And South America:
- 2013/06/13: BBC: Nicaragua Congress approves ocean-to-ocean canal plan
- 2013/06/12: Guardian(UK): Nicaragua waterway to dwarf Panama canal
- 2013/06/11: SusBiz: Mexico Unveils National Climate Change Strategy
- 2013/06/11: Guardian(UK): Nicaragua fast-tracks Chinese plan to build canal to rival Panama
- 2013/06/10: Grist: Nicaragua may let Chinese company build a canal to rival Panama's
- 2013/06/10: UDW: João Pedro Stédile of Brazil's Landless Movement: The Integration of Capital vs. the Integration of Peoples in the Americas
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): Tar sands activists in Commons protest against Canadian PM
- 2013/06/13: CPW: Londoners arrested for protesting petrocrat Stephen Harper, tar sands
- 2013/06/13: EurActiv: Canada 'spins' mining disclosure laws on back of EU's approval
The European Parliament has given its final approval for tough new disclosure rules for energy and mining firms, just as Canadian premier Stephen Harper announces similar rules in London in a bid analysts say is designed to smooth over bad headlines on tar sands. - 2013/06/12: Rabble:EM: U.S. says climate change 'high risk' to federal assets, Canada has no infrastructure adaptation plan
- 2013/06/12: CPW: Massive anti-tar sands protest to greet PM Stephen Harper in London
- 2013/06/11: TheCanadian: First Nations Slam Harper Government's Legal Argument for Canada-China Trade Deal
- 2013/06/09: CBC: Federal government poised to raise nuclear liability cap
Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver is set to roll out his plan to raise the amount in damages that Canadian nuclear operators would have to pay in case of an accident, the Canadian Press has learned. He is expected to announce the details at a nuclear conference in Toronto on Monday morning, although he will likely hold off on tabling legislation until the fall.
The G20 controversy lingers:
- 2013/06/15: CBC: Alleged Toronto G20 Starbucks vandal extradited from U.S.
The Harper gang is pushing some fundamentally destructive science policies:
- 2013/06/15: TheCanadian: National Research Council's New Business Focus Ignores How Science Works
- 2013/06/15: CBC: Birth control trends in Canada not tracked -- Data gap means Canada is falling behind
As usual, Canada announced US vehicle emissions standards as though they were their idea:
- 2013/06/10: TreeHugger: Canada to adopt U.S. vehicle emissions standards, 80% cleaner than current ones
- 2013/06/10: AutoBG: Canada announces alignment of [vehicle] emissions standards with US
The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on:
- 2013/06/14: WCEL: On how to say no, clearly and loudly
- 2013/06/11: PostMedia: NEB finds no serious issues in Enbridge control room, but orders safety audit
- 2013/06/10: WpgFP: First Nations will decide pipeline's fate
And the Kinder Morgan expansion:
- 2013/06/15: CPW: Premier Clark Should Reject Kinder Morgan's Proposed Pipeline Too: Forest Ethics
- 2013/06/13: BCLSB: Kinder Morgan Oil Pipe Spills
- 2013/06/13: TheCanadian: Kinder Morgan Pipeline Shut Down Following Oil Spill Near Merritt, BC
Now that Christy Clark has a mandate, what will she do?
- 2013/06/15: Tyee: 'The Magic Canoe' -- This Haisla tale is proof that stories hold power to change the world
- 2013/06/13: TheCanadian: Rafe: Site C Dam, LNG a Bad Deal for British Columbians
- 2013/06/12: TheCanadian: Rafe: What the Heck are John Horgan and the NDP Thinking?!
- 2013/06/11: CBC: Petronas to spend up to $16B on B.C. LNG project
- 2013/06/11: TheCanadian: Malaysian Company Announces $16 Billion in LNG Projects for BC
- 2013/06/11: TheCanadian: Northeast BC First Nation Unveils Caribou Recovery Plan
- 2013/06/10: BCPP: N.D.P.= No Dix Please
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2013/06/15: CBC: Mandatory evacuation order lifted for parts of Fort McMurray -- Flood watch has been downgraded to high stream advisory
- 2013/06/15: BBerg: Plains All American Begins Cleaning Up Alberta Condensate Spill
- 2013/06/13: Guardian(UK): Canada's tar sands companies fail to clean up toxic waste, report finds
Three arrested in environmental protests as Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper visits London - 2013/06/13: CBC: Oilsands monitoring deal inked by Ottawa, Alberta
Ottawa and Alberta have reached a deal outlining how a long-promised environmental monitoring agency for the oilsands will be run.
Alberta Environment deputy minister Ernie Hui said the Alberta Environmental Monitoring Agency will eventually keep tabs over the entire province and will also oversee the federal-provincial agreement on the oilsands. The agency will be run by a provincial appointee who is to be at arm's length from the government. That person will also be responsible for making sure Alberta lives up to its side of the oilsands monitoring deal, which includes setting scientific goals and budgets. - 2013/06/11: HuffPo: Alberta Oilsands Cleanup Harder Than First Thought: Industry, Regulator
- 2013/06/13: CBC: Massive wastewater cleanup underway in northern Alberta
First Nations concerned about effects 9.5 million litres of wastewater will have on environment - 2013/06/12: CBC: Alberta pipeline leaks 9.5 million litres of waste water -- Operator says leak has been stopped, containment operations underway
A pipeline operated by a Texas-based oil company has leaked 9.5 million litres of industrial waste water in northern Alberta. The Energy Resources Conservation Board said the spill was first reported by Apache Canada Ltd. on June 1. The pipeline breach is about 20 kilometres northeast of Zama City, a remote community near the Northwest Territories boundary. Apache said it has stopped the leak and is working to contain and clean up the spill that covers a 42-hectare area. - 2013/06/12: G&M: Oil sands firms warned on tailings ponds
A number of oil sands mining operations are failing to meet targets to slow the proliferation of tailing ponds, Alberta's energy regulator [ERCB] says. - 2013/06/12: CBC: Fort McMurray floodwaters wash out roads, power -- Some residents are moved out, others ready for evacuation order
- 2013/06/11: DeSmogBlog: Fort McMurray, Home to 176 Square km of Tar Sands Tailings Ponds, Overwhelmed by Floods
- 2013/06/11: CBC: Oilsands tailings cleanup far behind schedule -- 4 energy companies that were ordered to reduce waste miss regulator's targets
- 2013/06/11: CBC: Encana names BP exec Doug Suttles as next CEO
- 2013/06/11: PoliticsRespun: Corporate Hypocrites Gone Wild: Syncrude Edition
- 2013/06/11: OilChange: UK Condones Canada's "Cultural Genocide"
- 2013/06/10: OilDrum: Low energy return on investment (EROI) need not limit oil sands extraction
Also in Alberta:
- 2013/06/14: Grist: Pipeline spills oil waste over more than 100 acres of Alberta
Wynne is struggling to establish herself. Energy still looms large:
- 2013/06/11: BCLSB: Oil Spill In Sarnia On Enbridge Property
In the Maritimes:
- 2013/06/14: CPW: Nova Scotians condemn RCMP repression of anti-fracking protesters
In the North:
- 2013/06/12: Resilience: Canada's 'Northern Amazon' on the Brink - threatened by global warming and unbridled resource extraction
- 2013/06/10: NatureNB: [link to 2.6 meg pdf] Report highlights development threats on Canadian watershed
Without better governance, a robust science program, and stronger regulations for extractive industries and hydroelectric developments, Canada's massive Mackenzie River Basin could continue to face destroyed landscapes and massive bills for environmental clean-ups, an international panel of experts warns in a report issued today. - 2013/06/10: Tyee: Canada's 'Northern Amazon' on the Brink
Report details how industry, climate change could 'eat up' the Mackenzie River Basin and its vital ecological services. - 2013/06/10: RTCC: Canada tar sands threatening biodiversity of Arctic circle wilderness
The Mackenzie River Basin, a vast globally important area in Canada, is at great risk from climate change and a catastrophic oil spill from the tailing ponds of tar sands mining, according to a panel of nine Canadian, American and British scientists.
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
- 2013/06/09: GreenCan: Green Party grass-roots haemorrhage: Liberals and Dippers be advised
And on the American political front:
- 2013/06/07: AtlanticCities: 5 Maps That Show How Divided America Really Is
- 2013/06/14: UCSUSA:B: New Renewable Energy Rule Adopted for California's Publicly Owned Utilities
- 2013/06/13: TreeHugger: Maine passes second GMO label law in the U.S.
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Colorado city wants more than just a ban on fracking
- 2013/06/12: TP:JR: Will A Denier Scrub Curriculum That Teaches Climate Science To Kentucky Schoolchildren?
- 2013/06/13: ICN: Kansas Science Standards: Schools to Teach Evolution, Climate Change
- 2013/06/12: TP:JR: Self-Proclaimed 'Green Republican' Has One Climate Policy: Build Keystone Tar Sands Pipeline
- 2013/06/11: DeSmogBlog: Frackademia: University of Tennessee Set to Lease Forest For Fracking, Enriching Governor's Family
- 2013/06/11: TP:JR: Analysis: Fossil Fuels Extracted From Public Lands And Waters Emit 427 Coal-Fired Power Plants' Worth Of Carbon Pollution
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: Farmers Are Exploiting Conservation Subsidies To Use More Water, Not Less
- 2013/06/11: KSJT: Wisconsin Legislators Move to Shut Down an Investigative Reporting Program
- 2013/06/11: Grist: The U.S. government is the fourth biggest greenhouse gas polluter in the country
- 2013/06/10: Grist: Boulder and other Colorado cities try to fight fracking
- 2013/06/11: BBerg: Missouri Lawyer Brings Nuisance Claims to Fracking Arena
Six Pennsylvania families who sued Chevron Corp. and units of The Williams Companies Inc. and WPX Energy Inc. over hydraulic fracturing-related claims have turned to a Missouri lawyer who has used nuisance allegations to win cases against commercial animal feed operations. - 2013/06/09: WaPo:B: Air polluters like to send their emissions across state lines
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) Will Bring More Investment To Clean Energy
- 2013/06/09: CSW: Proposed ending of federal gray wolf protection: Another case of setting science aside?
- 2013/06/08: WSJ:RTE: Number of the Week: 140% Increase in Food Stamp Use Since 1990
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2013/06/12: Grist: BP stops cleanup in three Gulf states -- and starts funding a new beachfront hotel
- 2013/06/10: CSM: $14 billion dollars later, BP's oil spill is cleaned from 3 of 4 affected states [says BP]
Post-Sandy commentary and news:
- 2013/06/07: Time: Before and After: A Satellite Captures Damage and Recovery from Superstorm Sandy
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2013/06/15: Guardian(UK): Al Gore says Obama must veto 'atrocity' of Keystone XL tar sands pipeline
Former vice-president says oil pipeline is 'really a losing proposition' and demands climate plan promised at inauguration - 2013/06/15: CCP: Keystone XL Activists Labeled Possible Eco-Terrorists in Internal TransCanada Documents
- 2013/06/15: CCP: TransCanada Is Secretly Briefing Police About Keystone XL Protests and Urging Terrorism Prosecutions
- 2013/06/14: TheCanadian: Keystone XL Activists Labeled Possible Eco-Terrorists in Internal TransCanada Documents
- 2013/06/13: DeSmogBlog: Keystone XL Activists Labeled Possible Eco-Terrorists in Internal TransCanada Documents
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Terrifying/hilarious TransCanada docs call Keystone XL protesters terrorists
- 2013/06/13: CPW: Keystone XL Pipeline Lobbyists Have Deep Ties to White House
- 2013/06/11: Omaha: Judge says Keystone XL pipeline suit should go to trial
- 2013/06/11: ICN: TransCanada Prepped Local Police for Prosecuting Pipeline Foes
The Mayflower oil spill continues to weigh heavily on the Keystone decision:
- 2013/06/14: Grist: Feds, Arkansas sue Exxon over tar-sands spill
- 2013/06/13: al Jazeera: Exxon sued over Arkansas oil spill
US Justice Department and the state of Arkansas seek civil penalties against Exxon over pipeline spill in March. - 2013/06/13: LA Times: ExxonMobil faces federal lawsuit over Arkansas oil spill
- 2013/06/13: SEJ: "U.S. Grants Exxon Another Extension for Ark. Spill Probe"
- 2013/06/11: EnvEcon: Just when I start to forgive Exxon for the whole Valdez thing, they have to go and do something like this
With the deficit hawks panicking about things financial, there has been talk of a carbon tax solution:
- 2013/06/15: PSinclair: The Weekend Wonk: Conservatives Debate Carbon Tax. Carbon Tax Wins.
- 2013/06/10: P3: Washington DC Conservative R Street Institute Promotes Carbon Tax
The GOP War on Women continues. See also:
- 2013/06/13: ACLU: ACLU Condemns Extremist Politicians' State-Based Attempts to Outlaw Abortion -- Coordinated National Effort Behind Attacks on Women's Health [US pol & courts]
- 2013/06/12: KSJT: Obsession with politics obscures the public-health significance of contraceptives
- 2013/06/11: MsMag: Reproductive Coercion, Domestic Violence and Anti-Choice Laws
- 2013/06/11: RawStory: Ingraham: Emergency contraception is 'a good deal for pedophiles' and child rapists
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Tuesday said that the Obama administration "empowers men who want to abuse women" by complying with a court order to allow over-the-counter emergency contraception sales to women and girls of any age. - 2013/06/11: CDreams: 'It's About Time': Obama Sanctioned Ban on Plan B Lifted
- 2013/06/11: FDL: Obama Administration Drops Opposition To Over-The-Counter Morning After Pill
- 2013/06/11: Wonkette: With Nothing Better To Do, Republicans Try to Ban Abortion Some More
- 2013/06/11: UCSUSA:B: As Obama Administration Folds on Emergency Contraception, A Full Timeline of Events
- 2013/06/11: UCSUSA: White House Stops Fighting Plan B Access
- 2013/06/10: CSM: Feds surrender: Teens can buy 'morning-after pill'
- 2013/06/11: BBC: US drops bid to block sales of morning-after pill
The US administration says it will no longer seek to block over-the-counter sales of emergency contraception to women and girls of all ages.
The impacts of budgetary sequestration are beginning to add up:
- 2013/06/14: DD: Congressmen who voted for sequestration cry foul as effects hit home...
- 2013/06/11: Grist: NOAA weather-monitoring program hit by sequester cuts
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: Sequester Forces NOAA Satellite Cuts To Save Weather Jobs
In a move that is liable to be trendsetting, NYC has releasd a climate change adaptation plan:
- 2013/06/14: TreeHugger: How New York City plans to survive the next storm
- 2013/06/12: SciAm:Obs: New York City Could Look Like New Orleans, Due to Flood Protection
- 2013/06/12: TP:JR: Juggling Mitigation And Adaptation: Mayor Bloomberg Outlines Path Toward Climate Resiliency
- 2013/06/12: NatureNB: New York City releases climate assessment, and a plan for urban adaptation
- 2013/06/11: TreeHugger: NYC announces flood protection plans
- 2013/06/11: Grist: Bloomberg unveils ambitious plan to protect NYC from climate change
- 2013/06/11: CSM: Bloomberg details NYC plan to combat climate change
- 2013/06/11: HillHeat: New York's Climate Adaptation Plan Includes Protections for Fossil Fuels
- 2013/06/11: DD: Report: 800K residents and fourth of New York City could be in flood zone by 2050s due to global warming
- 2013/06/11: UCSUSA: New York City Climate Change Adaption Plan Way of Future
- 2013/06/11: CBC: NYC preparing for severe future weather -- Facing stark new projections, Bloomberg begins getting plans in place
Looking forward to the 2016 election:
- 2013/06/10: Wonkette: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Preps For 2016 White House Run By Proving Government Can't Do Anything Right
For a hamburger today, I will gladly give you a promise Tuesday:
- 2013/06/13: BBerg: Obama Tells Keystone Foes He Will Unveil Climate Measures
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2013/06/15: CBC: U.S. ups 'social cost' of carbon emissions
Keystone XL pipeline could come off as more costly to environment and society under revised rate of $36 US per tonne of CO2 - 2013/06/14: NOAANews: NOAA releases draft proposal to expand Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
- 2013/06/14: TP:JR: Moniz Explains To GOP Member How He Knows Humans Are Warming The Planet: 'I Know How To Count'
- 2013/06/13: NOAA:NCDC: NCDC Releases 2012 Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters Information
- 2013/06/13: Grist: FEMA report: Climate change could increase areas at risk of flood by 45 percent
- 2013/06/12: NYT: Environmental Rules Delayed as White House Slows Reviews
- 2013/06/12: Grist: Coal companies get sweetheart deals on federal leases, shortchange taxpayers
- 2013/06/11: TP:JR: The Bureau of Land Management Is Ripping Us Off On Federal Coal Sales
- 2013/06/10: TripleCrisis: Secret Climate Cost Calculations: the Sequel
- 2013/06/10: ICN: White House Ups the Ante on Cost of Carbon Pollution to the Public
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2013/06/15: WSWS: US Congress debates deep cuts to food stamps as need surges
- 2013/06/13: UCSUSA:B: Senator Heinrich, We Couldn't Have Said It Better - Science and Democracy are Indivisible
- 2013/06/12: MWEN: After Senate vote, Farm Bill energy programs remain in limbo
- 2013/06/12: Wonkette: With Nothing Else to Worry About, Congress Cuts Food Stamp Budget
- 2013/06/12: TP:JR: Congressman Demands Obama Apologize To Oklahoma For Investing In Climate Change Research
- 2013/06/12: WSWS: US Senate bill cuts $4 billion from food stamp program
- 2013/06/10: Grist: Late and lame, farm bill finally clears Senate
- 2013/06/10: CSM: EPA biofuel rule: why it needs reform
What are the lobbyists up to?
- 2013/06/14: FDL: U.S. Chamber of Commerce drops Yes Men lawsuit, avoids Discovery Process
- 2013/06/12: Grist: Yes Men prank the Chamber of Commerce -- and get away with it
- 2013/06/10: BRitholtz: Discuss: Biggest Lobbying Spenders in the U.S.
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2013/06/15: Rabble:EC: "We need to overturn the system": In conversation with alt-Nobel winner Nnimmo Bassey
- 2013/06/12: Resilience: The Coming Financial Enclosure of the Commons [ecoecon]
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2013/06/14: al Jazeera: UN says world population nearing 7.2 billion
The population in poorest regions is anticipated to rise dramatically, according to UN's "World Population Report". - 2013/06/13: UN:ESA: [links to various data] World Population Prospects, the 2012 Revision
- 2013/06/13: UN: World population projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050 - UN report
- 2013/06/13: CBC: World population to reach 8.1 billion in 2025, UN says -- India's population is expected to surpass China's around 2028
- 2013/06/12: ABC(Au):TDU: Abortion and federal policy: here are the facts
Voters need to be mindful that there are men in Federal Parliament who, to quote Julia Gillard, would make abortion access their "political plaything". A bill by Senator John Madigan is a salutary reminder that Federal Parliament does have the power to regulate access to abortion, writes Anne Summers. - 2013/06/10: al Jazeera: A peek into a pro-life paradise
The restrictions that pro-lifers want for all of us are on display in the case of a woman in El Salvador.
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2013/06/13: TMoS: Is It Insane If We All Do It?
- 2013/06/12: DWR: Noam Chomsky on Destroying the World
- 2013/06/11: CCurrents: Climate Crisis: Waiting Will End Hope
How do the media measure up?
- 2013/06/12: CJR: The fracking story comes closer to home -- Tips for covering the energy boom in Colorado and beyond
- 2013/06/12: EneNews: Paper: CNN's nuclear propaganda film "is dishonest to its core" - It's "actually an infomercial"
- 2013/06/11: CJR: Extreme weather porn -- How much tv weather reporting is news, and how much is just non-contextualized drama?
- 2013/06/11: TP:JR: Climate Scientists Ring Alarm Bell, NY Times Hits Snooze Button
Here is something for your library:
- 2013/06/13: NLP: Optimists Beware! Review of Hamilton's Earthmasters
[Book Review] _Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering_ by Clive Hamilton - 2013/06/: OUP: [Book Site] _Arming Mother Nature - The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism_ by Jacob Darwin Hamblin
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2013/06/14: Resilience: EcoChat: Gasland Part II: Courting Controversy, Driving a Movement
- 2013/06/14: PSinclair: NASA: New View of Antarctic Melt has "Profound Implications"
- 2013/06/14: Grist: Some thoughts on "Pandora's Promise" and the nuclear debate
- 2013/06/14: BPA: PBS Video: India's Farmers Value Seed Varieties
- 2013/06/13: BPA: PBS Video on Vertical Farming in Singapore
- 2013/06/13: P3: "Pandora's Promise" Review: Changing Sides on Nuclear Power
- 2013/06/13: PSinclair: American Meteorological Society Pres. - Our Children's Biggest Challenge, and Climate Zombies
- 2013/06/12: TreeHugger: Watch the incredible birth of a supercell thunderstorm
- 2013/06/12: BPA: PBS Video on Qatar's Food Security Innovation
- 2013/06/11: BRitholtz: Polar Landscape Porn: Antarctica, A Year On Ice
- 2013/06/10: TheCanadian: Video: Caleb Behn on Indigenous Law, Resource Conflict in Northeast BC
- 2013/06/10: NewAnthropocene: The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2013/06/15: BBerg: BP Shareholders Seek to Sue as Group Over 2010 Gulf Spill Losses
BP Plc's U.S. investors asked a federal court to grant class action, or group, status for their lawsuit claiming the company misled them before and after the 2010 spill in the Gulf of Mexico. - 2013/06/15: CSM: Court ruling: a boost for renewables or can of worms?
- 2013/06/14: Grist: Feds, Arkansas sue Exxon over tar-sands spill
- 2013/06/14: FDL: U.S. Chamber of Commerce drops Yes Men lawsuit, avoids Discovery Process
- 2013/06/14: DeSmogBlog: Environmental Justice Groups Sue EPA for Failure to Enforce Clean Air Act
- 2013/06/13: al Jazeera: Exxon sued over Arkansas oil spill
US Justice Department and the state of Arkansas seek civil penalties against Exxon over pipeline spill in March. - 2013/06/13: LA Times: ExxonMobil faces federal lawsuit over Arkansas oil spill
- 2013/06/13: ACLU: Supreme Court Invalidates Patents on Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genes
- 2013/06/13: USAToday: Supreme Court sides with Oklahoma in water fight
- 2013/06/13: CBC: U.S. Supreme Court rules human DNA cannot be patented -- Judgment reverses three decades of patent awards by government officials
- 2013/06/12: ABC(US): Idaho Farmers Sue Monsanto Over GMO Wheat
Idaho farmers file class-action lawsuit against Monsanto over genetically engineered wheat - 2013/06/12: CPW: Appeals Court Binds Monsanto To Promise Not To Sue Organic Farmers??
- 2013/06/12: RT: Monsanto hit with class action lawsuits in mystery GMO wheat case
- 2013/06/12: Grist: Yes Men prank the Chamber of Commerce -- and get away with it
- 2013/06/12: RT: Monsanto secures victory over organic farmers
- 2013/06/12: AutoBG: RFA [Renewable Fuels Association] accuses Big Oil of 'far from factual' E15 test results
- 2013/06/11: DeSmogBlog: D.C. Court Rules Against Environmental Transparency, Threatening Public Health and Democracy
- 2013/06/11: Grist: Organic farmers lose court battle with Monsanto
- 2013/06/11: EnvEcon: Just when I start to forgive Exxon for the whole Valdez thing, they have to go and do something like this
- 2013/06/11: BBerg: Missouri Lawyer Brings Nuisance Claims to Fracking Arena
Six Pennsylvania families who sued Chevron Corp. and units of The Williams Companies Inc. and WPX Energy Inc. over hydraulic fracturing-related claims have turned to a Missouri lawyer who has used nuisance allegations to win cases against commercial animal feed operations. - 2013/06/10: BBerg: BP, Shell, Statoil Sued Over Claim of Price Manipulation
BP Plc, Statoil ASA and Royal Dutch Shell Plc were named in a lawsuit accusing them of manipulating the price of North Sea Brent crude oil and futures contracts. Gregory Smith, a Texas trader who claims he overpaid for Brent crude oil futures, sued the oil companies in Manhattan federal court today. - 2013/06/10: CDreams: Major Loss to Organic Farmers as Court Rules in Favor of Monsanto
Court throws out "pre-emptive strike" suit opting to trust promises of "world's most famous patent bully"
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2013/06/13: TP:JR: Throw It Out And It Powers Your Home: Puerto Rico Turns To Garbage For Renewable Energy
- 2013/06/12: FS-UNEP: Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2013
Renewable Energy: World Invests $244 billion in 2012, Geographic Shift to Developing Countries. Installed capacity continues to grow as solar prices drop 30-40%, new wind installations surge - 2013/06/12: Resilience: Towards a Post-Oil Civilization: Yasunization and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels in the soil - Report
- 2013/06/09: CSM: Joule is making commercial scale direct solar conversion biofuel plants starting in 2014
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2013/06/14: TP:JR: Capitol Power Plant Becoming Cogeneration Plant, Quitting Coal
- 2013/06/12: BBC: US oil production in largest ever single-year increase
A report has revealed that 2012 saw the largest single-year increase in US oil production ever recorded.
US production grew due to an increase in techniques such as fracking, a method for extracting shale oil and gas, the report by oil giant BP said.
Overall, global energy consumption grew by 1.8% in 2012, a smaller increase than in 2011. China and India accounted for almost 90% of that growth.
China also now consumes the majority of the world's coal for the first time.
2012 also saw the largest annual decline in world nuclear output. Japan, which has seen nuclear production almost completely end after 2011's Fukushima disaster, saw an increase in imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
In Europe, which had higher gas prices than the US, power generators tended to favour burning coal over gas. - 2013/06/13: ICN: Despite New Obstacles, Germans Still Aim for Future Without Nukes or Fossil Fuels
- 2013/06/12: UCSUSA:B: News on Energy Alternatives - Wind, Efficiency Are In, Small Nukes Are Out
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2013/06/15: TP:JR: Fracking Is Already Straining U.S. Water Supplies
- 2013/06/14: CPW: Nova Scotians condemn RCMP repression of anti-fracking protesters
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Colorado city wants more than just a ban on fracking
- 2013/06/13: Grist: Chevron CEO admits fracking raises "legitimate" safety concerns
- 2013/06/11: EurActiv: EU official: shale gas el dorado out of Europe's reach
On the coal front:
- 2013/06/15: DD: Coal remains world's fastest growing fossil fuel: BP review
- 2013/06/12: DD: Coal pollution in Europe causes 22,300 premature deaths a year, costs companies and governments billions of pounds in disease treatment and lost working days
- 2013/06/11: TP:JR: Coal-Fired Power Plant That Claimed It Would Close From Environmental Regulations May Stay Open
- 2013/06/11: RTCC: Analysis: is cleaner coal a climate change fix?
On the gas and oil front:
- 2013/06/14: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....105.93
WTI Cushing Spot.....97.85 - 2013/06/16: OilDrum: Tech Talk - A June TWIP and the OPEC MOMR
- 2013/06/14: EarlyWarning: Oil Supply Continues Flat
- 2013/06/13: CSM: BP: US oil production sees biggest rise in 62 years
- 2013/06/13: CSM: Libya oil production slows as world looks elsewhere for fuel
- 2013/06/12: MetroTimes: From Motown to Coketown?
Is keeping the petroleum byproduct known as "petcoke" stored, in the open, on the bank of the Detroit River a wise decision? - 2013/06/10: SciAm:PI: Eastern Promise - Africa oil moving beyond the Big Five
- 2013/06/09: CSM: The 'Mad Men' of fossil fuels
In the gas and oil corps:
- 2013/06/10: CBC: Fracking firm chairman cited for role in UN-Iraq [Oil-for-food] scandal
Oil exec linked to Newfoundland plan called 'thoroughly disreputable' by 2006 Australian inquiry The chairman of the company behind controversial fracking plans on Newfoundland's west coast was a player in a kickback scandal involving Australian wheat shipments to Saddam Hussein's Iraq. In 2006, the Australian judge who presided over a royal commission into that country's role in the United Nations oil-for-food affair recommended that Norman Davidson Kelly be investigated by police. No charges were ever filed. "On the evidence before me, Mr. Davidson Kelly is a thoroughly disreputable man with no commercial morality," Commissioner Terence Cole wrote in his report, which was tabled in the Australian parliament. - 2013/06/10: BBerg: BP, Shell, Statoil Sued Over Claim of Price Manipulation
Regarding oil and the economy:
- 2013/06/07: OFW: High Oil Prices are Starting to Affect China and India
And in pipeline news:
- 2013/06/15: BBerg: Plains All American Begins Cleaning Up Alberta Condensate Spill
- 2013/06/11: CDreams: Pipeline Whistleblower Reveals Dangerous "Culture of Noncompliance"
Former TransCanada employee testifies on pervasive "coercion" with grave risks for public safety
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
- 2013/06/10: Resilience: Commentary: Is it only a question of when the US once again becomes a net oil exporter?
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2013/06/10: SciOmega: Peak oil: preparing for the extinction of 'petroleum man'
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2013/06/13: Eureka: Black locust [a plant, Robinia pseudoacacia] showing promise for biomass potential
- 2013/06/13: UIllinois: U.S. forest management policy must evolve to meet bioenergy targets
- 2013/06/12: AutoBG: RFA [Renewable Fuels Association] accuses Big Oil of 'far from factual' E15 test results
- 2013/06/11: Eureka: Wood not so green a biofuel
New Dartmouth-led study finds logging may have greater impact on carbon emissions than previously thought - 2013/06/11: BNC: Log, slash, truck and burn - welcome to renewable electricity nirvana
The answer my friend...:
- 2013/06/15: PeakEnergy: Google Acquires Wind Power Firm Makani Power
- 2013/06/13: TreeHugger: New spin on wind turbine adds solar element
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: U.S. Offshore Wind Lease Auction Set As Grid-Connected Test Turbine Is Installed In Maine
- 2013/06/11: BCLSB: Wind Farms And Waterfowl...Not Much Effect
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2013/06/15: CSM: Solar power shines in oil-rich Saudi Arabia
- 2013/06/14: TreeHugger: Project Permit simplifies solar permitting process
- 2013/06/14: TP:JR: Amid Soaring Demand For Soldiers Trained In Solar Power A New Scholarship Program Begins
- 2013/06/12: ERW: Trusted solar-panel information cuts decision times
- 2013/06/11: TreeHugger: The US added 723 megawatts of solar power during the first 3 months of 2013
- 2013/05/24: RenewEconomy: Graph of the Day: Solar grid parity in 102 countries
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2013/06/15: NBF: Pakistan moving to start construction 1100 megawatt nuclear reactors instead of 320 MW
- 2013/06/14: NYT: Nuclear Plants, Old and Uncompetitive, Are Closing Earlier Than Expected
- 2013/06/14: CSM: San Onofre: the fallout from closing California's nuclear plant
- 2013/06/14: Grist: Some thoughts on "Pandora's Promise" and the nuclear debate
- 2013/06/13: P3: "Pandora's Promise" Review: Changing Sides on Nuclear Power
- 2013/06/14: EurActiv: Brussels mulls mandatory nuclear reviews every six years
- 2013/06/13: APR: SCE notifies NRC that San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is permanently shut down
- 2013/06/13: OilPrice: Japan-India Nuclear Deal, Last Piece in Corporate Nuclear Game
There's plenty wrong with Japan and India's deal to export nuclear plants and boost nuclear cooperation, not the least of which is that it is phase 2 of a US-Japan-India nuclear pact designed largely to boost French and US corporations, a major blow to non-proliferation, and a dangerous geopolitical game that has China in mind. - 2013/06/13: EUO: Brussels unveils latest nuclear safety rules
The European Commission on Thursday (13 June) unveiled new ideas designed to prevent large-scale nuclear accidents happening in Europe. Under the proposals - which the commission hopes will be agreed next year - all 132 nuclear plants in the EU will be subject to a review by a multi-national team once every six years. Member states must commit to giving the plants a thorough examination at least once a decade, while plans to extend the lifetime of a reactor can only be given the go-ahead after it has been given a specific health check. - 2013/06/12: EneNews: Paper: CNN's nuclear propaganda film "is dishonest to its core" - It's "actually an infomercial"
- 2013/06/11: WSWS: California's San Onofre nuclear plant to shut down permanently
Nuclear fusion projects around the world limp along:
- 2013/06/11: NBF: John Slough preparing first nuclear fusion tests for the end of this summer
Like a mirage, the dream of a Hydrogen Economy shimmers on the horizon:
- 2013/06/12: UKISS: Splitting the sea: turning ocean water into hydrogen fuel
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2013/06/15: Resilience: The Microgrid Solution
- 2013/06/12: SciAm:PI: In Texas electrical grid, natural gas and renewables complement each other
- 2013/06/11: Grist: Utilities and distributed energy: Further reading
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2013/06/14: CSM: GM offers $5,000 discount on Chevy Volt to boost sales
- 2013/06/14: CSM: Debunking the electric car range anxiety myth
- 2013/06/13: TreeHugger: Chevy Volt gets new $4000-5000 cash-back incentives, 3-year lease now $269/month
- 2013/06/12: TreeHugger: eGallons: How much does it cost to drive on electricity compared to gasoline?
- 2013/06/12: Grist: New tool shows you how much money you can save by switching to an electric car
- 2013/06/11: TreeHugger: Direct current stations could charge Chevy Spark EV to 80% in 20 minutes
- 2013/06/10: DOE: eGallon: Compare the costs of driving with electricity
- 2013/06/13: AutoBG: PlugWiz calculator shows financial benefits of driving electric
- 2013/06/11: Grist: EV owners jolted by new taxes
- 2013/06/11: AutoBG: Toyota exec says unless electric grid is clean, EVs 'make little sense'
- 2013/06/10: EnvEcon: Austerity for electric cars
As for Energy Storage:
- 2013/06/14: Grist: Batteries included: New wind turbines and solar panels come with built-in storage
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2013/06/11: ICN: Shareholder Vote a Loud Signal to Va. Utility on Climate Concerns
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2013/06/11: Guardian(UK): German flood damage insurance claims may reach E3bn
Who's fielding theFAQs?
- 2013/06/11: TheConversation: Explainer: how much carbon can the world's forests absorb?
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2013/06/14: TP:JR: June 14 News...
- 2013/06/13: TP:JR: June 13 News...
- 2013/06/12: TP:JR: June 12 News...
- 2013/06/11: TP:JR: June 11 News...
- 2013/06/10: TP:JR: June 10 News...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2013/06/15: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #24B by John Hartz
- 2013/06/13: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #24A by John Hartz
- 2013/06/12: BPA: 3 Picks: European Flooding, Farm Bill, Cell Phone Subscribers
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2013/06/12: WtD: Angry badgers: trolls, sceptics and distracting voices in the climate discussion
- 2013/06/11: WottsUWT: A little more about the supposed pause or decline!
- 2013/06/11: WtD: 1896: the year when science first predicted global warming, or the conspiracy started - you pick
- 2013/06/11: TP:JR: 'FrackNation' The Infomercial: Koch Industries Ties That Bind
- 2013/06/13: ERabett: Porky Pies At Midnight
- 2013/06/12: HotWhopper: The world has warmed a lot in the 33 years since 1980
- 2013/06/14: HotWhopper: More denier wackiness from WUWT - OMG It's Insects! Part 2
- 2013/06/15: CDL: Dr. Rameshwar Bali
- 2013/06/15: QuarkSoup: Stunned by a Judith Curry Post
- 2013/06/09: TP:JR: Exposed: Phelim McAleer's "FrackNation" Deploys Tobacco Playbook in Response to Josh Fox's "Gasland 2"
- 2013/06/10: HotWhopper: WUWT Policy Violation by a Clueless Female Eco-Nut
- 2013/06/09: WottsUWT: Watt about doing nothing?
The Chinese Academy of Science had a little run in with the Heartland Institute:
- 2013/06/15: BCLSB: Chinese Academy Of Sciences Issues A Statement; Heartland Institute Issues A Grovelling Apology
- 2013/06/13: HotWhopper: The missionary zeal of the Heartland Institute to convert China to climate science denial
- 2013/06/13: BCLSB: Cooperation Between The Heartland Institute And The Chinese Academy Of Sciences: Much Less than Meets The Eye
- 2013/06/13: VVattsUWT: Lost in translation
- 2013/06/15: WtD: Chinese Academy of Sciences calls Heartlands actions "misleading" demands apology!
- 2013/06/15: HotWhopper: Callous amusement and display of meteorological ignorance from Anthony Watts
- 2013/06/14: Guardian(UK): The Heartland Institute's skeptical Chinese fantasy
The Chinese Academy of Sciences translated a Heartland report, but endorses the climate change consensus - 2013/06/14: WottsUWT: Heartland's NIPCC report to be accepted by Chinese Academy of Sciences in special ceremony
- 2013/06/14: ERabett: Drop the Stick and Back Slowly Away From That Horse Carcass
- 2013/06/15: CChallenge: Chinese Academy of Science objects to Heartland's lie
- 2013/06/15: CCP: The Statements on the Chinese Translation of the "Climate Change Reconsidered - NIPCC Report"...
- 2013/06/15: WottsUWT: Watt about the Chinese Academy of Sciences?
- 2013/06/15: WtD: Down the memory hole: Heartland disappears fake claim about Chinese Academy of Science
- 2013/06/15: Stoat: Super snarky fun!
- 2013/06/16: HotWhopper: China is not happy. Heartland Institute in its missionary zeal seriously overstepped the mark
- 2013/06/15: ERabett: The Shoe Drops on the Table
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2013/03/19: DeSmogBlog: A Short History of Greenwashing the Tar Sands, Part 1
- 2013/04/05: DeSmogBlog: Greenwashing the Tar Sands, Part 2: Do As I Say, Not As I Do
- 2013/06/10: DeSmogBlog: Greenwashing the Tar Sands, Part 3: Wherein money trumps fact every time
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2013/06/11: UKISS: Proponent comment of the day, June 11, 2013
- 2013/06/11: TFTJO: The moth effect: blinded by too much evidence
- 2013/06/10: CAbyss: C More Clearly
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- COIN: Climate Outreach and Information Network
- PERI: Political Economy Research Institute
- InciWeb the Incident Information System
- NIFC: National Interagency Fire Center
- Wiki: Kuroshio Current
- U. S. Chamberwatch
- CIRAD - Agricultural research for devlopment
- International Land Coalition
- Land Matrix Global Observatory
- NSAC: National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
- NOAA:NCEP: Blocking
- We Are Power Shift Canada
- C2ES: Center for Climate and Energy Solutions [formerly Pew Center on Global Climate Change]
- Wiki: Fujiwhara effect
- Resilience [EnergyBulletin CoA]
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
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"There is only one leg on which climate change denial stands: Money."
-Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
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Why arctic sea ice will disappear in 2013.
This is one to watch.
Really Paul - the Sierra Club? I thought you would be more a Heartland Institute type of guy.
In any case, I think I will rely on evidence, facts and science published in a peer reviewed journal, rather than an opinion piece published on a blog thanks, even if it is the opinion of a PhD student studying paleoclimatology.
Speaking of which, I am currently enjoying the wilds of Queensland with my wife doing some research on wombats. Much better than sitting in an office.
What's a wombat?
He studies ice for quite some time and seems to have a grasp on factors which cause melting and breakup.
He is looking at the data and being straightforward on what he sees. The headline sounds alarmist, but he doesn't come off as a ideological sort. And, hey, the time frame is short so it provides some interest. Especially with arctic temps running low and extent of ice higher than the trend line.
Have fun. Hope you're doing some camping!
Wombat looks like a ground hog.
But quite large.
Are they tasty?
According to Wikipedia you must be on Epping forest to see wombats in Queensland.
Or Richard Underwood Nature Refuge
Sounds like he lives and works where he can see it happen Freddy.
So wikipedia working for you then Paul? But to answer your questions....
Wombats are large burrowing marsupials, and they are a close relative to the koala. I suppose the closest American equivalent would be the groundhog, but wombats are much larger, and can grow to around 35 kgs and an adult can easily kill a predator such as a dingo or fox. There are three species - common, southern hairy-nosed, and northern hairy-nosed.
The common is found along the east coast of Australia and is relatively common. The southern hairy-nosed is found in South Australia, and while still relatively abundant, is in decline. The northern hairy-nosed is found in Queensland, and is critically endangered, with only around 120 individual animals remaining.
Yes, they are quite tasty.
But we are no in either of those two locations - which are the sole remaining habitat for the northern hairy-nosed. We are working at a facility near Gladstone, which has the largest population of captive southern hairy-nosed wombats in Australia. We are doing reproduction research on the southern hairy-nosed as a proxy for the northern hairy-nosed, to improve the current level of knowledge and as a precursor to commencing a captive breeding program for the northern hairy-nosed.
So there - you are now much better educated on wombats than you probably wanted to be.
More on ice from the nsidc in 2007.
Careful there Paul, there is nothing remarkable from the NSIDC in that article. I'm sure your sources didn't try to make it seem that way, that would be dishonest now wouldn't it? Some guy said we might be ice free in summer of 2013, and though it is premature to say he was wrong, I would not have agreed then or now that this is/was likely. But what did the NSIDC say? From the article:
Just curious Paul, do you get all your science information from blogs and newspapers, or have you ever taken the huge leap and actually read any real science?
You should try it some time. You will be amazed how less stupid you become.
Why mandas, thanks for the kind words.
So, mandas, are you saying what Coby referenced is wrong?
Are you saying the nsidc is not a credible source?
And coby, why would you copy verbatim from the very article I referenced? Which I suppose is a credible statement of current expectations?
And btw, I'm glad to hear from an anti CO2 type that there is nothing remarkable about an ice free arctic by 2030.
I was much more under the impression that arctic ice loss was a major tipping point issue for the agw alarmists among us?
It should be noted that the 2013 ice out information was first posted by coby at the top on this page. And I'm being taken to task for reading it and providing a link to a different opinion.
Now, that's rich.
"...It should be noted that the 2013 ice out information was first posted by coby at the top on this page.,,,,,,"
The original opinion piece was not provided by Coby. It was provided by you at post #1.
"...And I’m being taken to task for reading it and providing a link to a different opinion...."
That's correct. And I will continue to take you to task for providing links to opinion pieces. Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one and most of the are full of shit. If you want to be taken seriously, provide link to a peer reviewed journal study.
Paul, it would be so much easier to converse with you if you took the time to express yourself more completely. You leave so much to insinuation and assumption that it comes across mostly as a convenient way to retroactively change your point depending on how people respond.
So, to be clear, absent any explanation as to why you were bringing our attention now, in 2013, to an article written in 2007 discussing a prediction about 2013, it seemed a very safe assumption that you were trying to point out someone's failure. The article is about arctic sea ice, you said it was something "from nsidc". So I quoted material to illustrate that no one from the NSIDC wrongly predicted the total loss of arctic sea ice by 2013 (BTW, I again point out it is premature to evaluate said prediction).
Are you trying to tell us that you were not in fact mislead by some dishonest denier site like WUWT that the NSIDC predicted ice free arctic ocean in 2013 and should now be embarrassed? It does not seem very plausible. If not, please explain why you posted in 2013 a 5 year old article making predictions about 2013.
As for my "nothing remarkable" remark, what constitutes "remarkable" depends heavily on the context. It is remarkable in a global change context that we may have ice free arctic oceans by 2070, let alone 2030. It is not remarkable that someone from NSIDC expressed that possibility in 2007. It is remarkable that a prediction of 2030 no longer sounds shocking but rather very middle of the road a mere five years later.
With that, I must bid you all a good night from the Czech Republic, midnight approaches...
Sorry if I misunderstood you Paul.
Not I who is first to post this topic.
You will find it first at top of this page -
**The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:**
Approx 8th one down.
So we have officially from Mandas that this is no longer a good source?
For the record coby,
The first piece (from your blog) was noted because it was quite unusual. The second item, from nsidc, was noted as it likely represented the more realistic situation.
I think that would be obvious.
Shall we (I) disregard nsidc information in the future?
"...You will find it first at top of this page - Under **The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:**..."
That is not a post by Coby - that is a list of links provided by H E Taylor, reposted here by Coby. A post is - like yours did - provided by someone in order to demonstrate their position on an issue, or to deliberately direct someone to something, The list - which is provided every week - does neither. On the other hand, your post was a deliberate linking to a particular document, and you did not reference the original link by way of introduction to the discussion point you were raising.
"...So we have officially from Mandas that this is no longer a good source?...."
I have said this so many times that it does not bear repeating, but I will say it again for those who are unable to grasp simple concepts. An opinion piece is worthless as evidence for anything other than as evidence for the author's opinion. If you want to be taken seriously in a discussion of science related issues, provide the real evidence from a reputable source such as a peer reviewed journal or an official document endorsed by a properly constituted science establishment (note - this specifically excludes advocacy organisations like the SPPI).
"....Mandas....Shall we (I) disregard nsidc information in the future?..."
Why? Are you going to provide some in the future? The link you provided at post #9, despite your claims, was not from the NSIDC, it was from the BBC. How come you can't tell the difference?
Let me make this really simple Paul. Reputable AND primary sources No opinions, blogs or media sources. Do you think you can manage that?
We have then bbc reporting on scientists working in their field of expertise and mandas determines that they are not worthy of discussion on a climate blog open to anyone?
Do I have this right?
**Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.**
Now what do you suppose the response was at this meeting ??
I am sorry professor but we may not listen further because you are not quoting from a peer reviewed paper?
Or do you suppose it's possible they discuss things that may have not been published yet? Or discuss unpublished content in context of other published or unpublished data?
Btw coby no apology necessary.
I guess you've seen it all.
Well I guess that's the difference between you and me Paul.
You believe that everything you read in the newspapers or presented by a media outlet must be true and accurately represents what actually took place. I....... don't.
If I read something that a media organisation states that someone says, I check to see if it accurately reflects what really was said. Paul obviously sees no need to do that, because he automatically assumes that it must be true. So tell us Paul, is that really what Professor Maslowski said, or could he have been misrepresented by a media organisation which may have sensationalised his actual words in order to get people to read? Five seconds to answer..........
Further, Paul also assumes that if a scientist says something, then that must also perfectly represent the considered position of the organisation that he works for. Once again, I ..... don't.
So you keep going the way you are Paul. Believe what you read in newspapers or see on TV. I will stick to what I said in post #11.
And if you want to know why I am so hard on this issue Paul, why don't you do as I suggest and check the primary source. Go ahead - check what was actually said at that meeting. And to help you out since you are so woefully bad at real research, I will give you a head start.
Here is the archive of all the presentations at the meeting:
So, what does Professor Maslowski say? Can you find his presentation? No? That's probably because he doesn't give one. But you can check out this one, by Dr Mark Serreze of NOAA:
Maybe, just maybe, if you watch this all the way to the end you can see what your whole position is based upon - one you obviously dredged up from WUWT or similar denier blog which had also based their whole position on an inaccurate and sensationalised media article. Waslowski does not "tell the Americal Geophysical Union" anything. He takes part in a discussion where he offers an opinion that just about everyone else in the room disagrees with.
So, let me say this again so you get it.
You may actually learn something.
Ok, so Maslowski did present, just wasn't captured on video.
And it seems to parallel what our BBC article stated.
From Tuesday Morning,
Understanding Recent Variability in the Arctic Sea Ice Thickness and Volume - Synthesis of Model Results and Observations
J Whelan, *W Maslowski, J L Clement Kinney, J Jakacki
(also mentioned by Serreze, that Maslowski presented this session in the morning as per the conf schedule)
And just so I am clear, what is my whole position dredged up from WUWT?
Why don't you summarise your position for us, Pauline?
The difficulty you present us with is that you are largely incoherent, although you pepper your nonsense with phrases such as, "cagw alarmist", which gives the impression you use crank blogs as a source for you info.
no thanks, I'll wait.
mandas says I have a position, so I'd like to see if he has it correct.
(incoherent, largely, to those who *assume*)
(btw, I typically use that phrase only after being set upon)
(btw, do you enjoy using paul -ine?)
Pauline, why don't we avoid speculation and argument by making clear statements?
Tell us what your position is. Make a clear argument.
For example, my take on Arctic ice is as follows:
- There has been a long-term trend of Arctic ice reducing in both volume and extent.
- That trend has accelerated over time
- Previous projections for Arctic ice have been conservative, predicting ice-free Arctic by 2050, 2080, or 2100.
- Projections are being revised downwards as it becomes apparent Arctic ice is melting faster than previously thought
- Scientists are agreed on all of the above.
"craig"-troll: all those mentioned scientists get their salaries for alarmist convictions to please IPCC and al gore, they rely only on gut feeling.
re arctic sea ice extent i have educated several times now - with stubborn concrete-brain resistance from you climate truth denier - that old satellite data before 2000 cannot be compared with the ones since 2002 due to technical differences in equipment, more primitive technology before 2000, insufficient calibration of different satellite sensor types, etc.
you warming guys always want to rely on methodological flaws which produce the results you hope and want in order to profile yourself of importtant saviors of mankind in a far distant future: this is so ridiculous and primitive (just narcistic behavior to compensate for an otherwise miserable life warming church pupils have to bear)
when will you start to abstain from cherrypicking all that different kind of things which cannot be compared which you "fit" in your trend-graphs of a hallucinated warming ideology
small hint for you: one half of the earth is the southern hemisphere from where there are most data lacking
Well spoken Craig,
I think the two links I referenced would agree and reinforce exactly that position.
(I see you still enjoy using Pauline. Are you denigrating in your daily face to face interactions as well?)
The trend is as stated by Craig.
Some years above trend, some below.
would you describe the sea ice trend since 2002?
Oh, Craig, btw,
Did you see that on wuwt or some other denier site?
I disagree, Pauline, the two links you provided don't really reinforce anything: one was a blog offering an opinion that stands outside the consensus opinion, the other was a news article repeating another opinion that stands outside the scientific consensus on the issue.
Following on from that, you mention a "sea ice trend since 2002" - thus demonstrating the precise same error that Prof. Maslowski made when extrapolating from a limited data set.
Would you please mention the context of my mention of
The sea ice trend since 2002?
Sorry for the delay, but I have been out in the woods earning a living. You asked me to tell you what I think your position on this is?
You think that scientists are continually making predictions of disaster that turn out to be wrong, and there is disagreement between scientists on these things. This demonstrates that there is no real consensus on the science, and that many scientists make predictions of disaster for the sole purpose of obtaining grant money. Therefore, why should we spend trillions of dollars and wreck the economy when the scientists don't even know what they are on about, and some of them are just being fraudulent. And anyway, any reduction in Arctic sea ice is probably nothing to do with CO2, and is probably just natural variation.
Am I wrong?
Sure thing, Pauline, the context of your linking to two random and not very interesting web pages is your state of denial as to the reality of the current downward trajectory of Arctic sea ice.
craigtroll, it's summer in the arctic
for further info on this phenomenon please look up:
btw, you can see that "summer" is defined and explained in wiki, but not "GLOBAL TEMPERATURE": why is this so, why is "climate science" unable to provide a definition of its most important benchmark, which could be described in wikipedia?
So, in "freddy"'s fantasy-world, "summer" is an annual event that causes an inter-annual decline in Arctic ice.
Do correct me if I've misunderstood your insanity, "freddy".
As far as "Global Temperature" goes, is this what you had in mind, "freddy":
You should re read Freddy and then my response.
Your response at #38 is not close to context of my question to Freddy.
Thorough, clear response.
My turn now for some r&r. And I'm quite backed up with tasks at the moment.
I will be unable to communicate here for about a week.
I'll respond when I return.
Pauline, your question to "freddy" was incoherent.
However, your mention of the year "2002" as a start date for whatever it is you think is a trend reveals the context quite clearly, as I described.
craigtroll #41
do you admit that the wikipedia page you have linked
did not exist before June 28, 2013?
be honest for once in your life!
So...there was no such thing as "Global Temperature" before 28 June, yeah?
Re read Freddy at #30, and see if you can put 2 and 2 together.
craigtroll, i have asked you a simple question (#45) and you, as always with climate church idiots, are unable to answer
because you are such a fool, i give you the answer you are uncapable to give:
Pauline, if "freddy" in #30 can find any properly qualified expert opinion to support his blatantly stupid assertion, then people might want to discuss it.
But he doesn't. It remains nothing more than the raving of an idiot.
Freddy, I just checked what Craig said, and it appears he is right and you are wrong.
There *is* such a thing as "Global Temperature", and the proof of it is that there is an entry in Wikipedia about it:
It says:
So, it appears that "Global Temperature" *is* defined in Wikipedia and that you are wrong if you say it isn't.
vince, read before you write your crap
you, wow and craig provide here again an example about how dishonest the climate church idiots argue. shame on you
But, Freddy, you say there is no such thing as "Global Temperature", but when I look on Wikipedia, it's there, so that proves you are wrong.
There is *definitely* something called "Global Temperature", and I know this because Wikipedia says so.
The original question was posed to Freddy for a reason.
Pauline, having read back over a few of your posts, I suspect you are misusing the word "reason". Virtually nothing you post makes sense. There may have been a fleeting impulse, but it doesn't seem likely there was a reason.
Good grief
Vince, surely you can do better than that?
So, is there such a thing as "Global Temperature"?
And, if so, what is it?
Come on Freddy, show us what you're made of.
Freddy says:
Before 2001, there were no articles on anything in Wikpedia - so what?
vincetroll, i understand your ambition why you want to elicit the impression that you are not intelligent or wise.
that's the reason why you are unable to answer the following questions:
why does phil jones not disclose
a: which temperature stations he has taken per year to calculate a mean global temperature?
b: why he had chosen certain temperature stations and left out others per year to calculate a mean global temperature?
c: how he had changed the raw temperature data of the chosen temperature stations per station and year to calculate a mean global temperature?
mandas, very poor argument!
does your argument satisfy you? poor moron
"freddy", all three of your questions are answered in the original research, which you have not read.
If you have substantive criticisms of the published work, why not explain in detail which methods or processes you feel are problematic?
"all three of your questions are answered in the original research"
WRONG: nowhere were stations mentioned which had been used for a specific's year global temperature calculation: PLEASE CITE A SOURCE WHERE I CAN FIND THIS
"freddy", provide a reference to the paper you are asking about so we can check for ourselves whether it is properly referenced or not.
Freddykaitroll tells us he cannot find this paper:
and those referenced in it.
Freddykaitroll maintains he is a scientist, and yet cannot find what I can find in 1 minute by going to the homepage of the relevant organisations. This is not the first time this happens, the same was the case when freddykaitroll could not find information about GISTEMP. Perhaps freddykaitroll should go back to his university and demand his money back; clearly they have not taught him basic scientific skills.
long before YOU get a paper, I HAVE IT ALREADY QUITE LONG. stop playing a fool.
in addition, you obviously have reading problems, as the information which of the total set of temperature stations .... etc. (read above, as i am tired to repeat this now for the xxxxx time)
Freddykaitroll, it is clear that if you read the paper, you did not understand it at all. You are impossible to teach, because you clearly are not interested in learning. Just see how you frame your questions. You have decided it must be wrong, and therefore any information to the contrary is filtered out by your brain, because it cannot handle the facts that are contradictory to your belief. I think I know why you 'left' the university: they did not want you there anymore, because you were doing fraudulent research. You removed data that did not fit your beliefs. This is also why you (falsely) believe people like Phil Jones or James Hansen are so secretive: it is what YOU would have done to hide your fraud.
Got you pegged, freddykaitroll!
what you are alluding to is very revealing
how often have you done this? be honest for once
this matrix is nowhere shown by phil jones or others from metoffice/cru and that would have been the answer to my first question, which you idiotically insist to ignore, misunderstand whatever your strange non-scientific position is
the only thing you want is to divert from things which threaten your agw ideology, and this your behavior have nothing to do with science, and is so typical for agw scientology church brothers like you, craigtroll, wowtroll, etc.
you are not sincere, trustworthy, but only cheap and primitively partizan
Freddykaitroll, you are a liar. You do not request that matrix, and anyone reading your questions can see that. Remember that you state "why does...not disclose". You did not ask "is there information available anywhere that shows...". This kind of dishonesty once again shows what a bad scientist you are. Did you really think you can get away with this dishonesty?
I once again got you pegged right: you are a fraud.
P.S.: people wishing to see the whole dataset of the individual stations (to the extent they were allowed to be released) should check the MetOffice homepage. It's there, including a FAQ that will go way above freddykaitroll's head or will with certainty be misinterpreted. Consider that a prediction.
marco, YOU are dishonest because you intentionally misinterpret my first question. in addition, the rest of your utmost incompetent text is a shame for someone who wants to be perceived as a scientist. whatever you say to divert from the content of my first question, YOU ARE NOT RELATING TO THE CONTENT. I repeat that i want to see a matrix like this:
N = no, Y = yes, U = unavailable
it is certainly no secret to mention which stations have been used to calculate a mean land surface temperature for a specific year
Freddykaitroll, your first question is:
"why does phil jones not disclose a: which temperature stations he has taken per year to calculate a mean global temperature?"
The answer to that question can never be "here is the matrix that shows which stations have been used to calculate a mean land surface temperature for a specific year".
Oh, and the information *is* available. It will take you some time to make the matrix yourself, but Phil Jones and company are not there to do your own homework.
Here you go:
Why are you so incompetent that you could not find this yourself?
marco, poor narcistic semantics to maintain your face, but no substance. you admit that the matrix does not exist and I should construct it myself. strange argumentation!
who is calculating global mean temperatures? phil jones or me?
Scientists know how to ask questions the proper way to get the answer they want. You asked a question and then demanded an answer to an unasked question. This is bad science!
The answer to your unasked question is that you can make the matrix yourself but that it is not needed to calculate global mean temperatures. So, there is no need for Phil Jones to make such a matrix. The answer to your original question is that the question is poorly phrased, since the link I provided shows that Phil Jones does NOT hide the station data that is used.
If you want to check Jones' work yourself, "freddy", then all the data is available for you to use.
The matrix you would like to see would be a product of the Met office, not Jones, as he has used data series that the Met Office has quality-controlled.
Freddykaitroll really just can't help himself, showing what an idiot he is at every possible turn. On deltoid he's already been on all caps for several days. His empty threats of contacting US congressmen remain a source of hilarity for all, and he just doesn't get it at all.
marcotroll. your abominable text will not help you. you are and will also be in the future a loser, poor guy without any knowledge in meteorology and climate, and no clue whatsoever of how "GLOBAL TEMPERATURE" is calculated.
Freddykaitroll does not realise he is talking about himself. One almost wonders how such a clueless person with such a foul mouth like freddykaitroll functions in the real world.
i am a hundred thousand times more succesful in life than you, marcotroll, and you wonder. yes, you wonder because you don't understand the world. that's the reason why you are NOT a multi-millionaire like myself, can't do every day whatever you want, like me. you are a tiny loser with a big wide-open mouth. but the junk which comes out of your mouth is irrelevant.
Freddykaitroll is such a sad little bugger; do you really think we fall for your lies? Have you not learned yet that we see right through you?
Multi-millionaire? Monopoly money isn't real money, freddykaitroll !
marcotroll, you demonstrate again what a mean, self-deceiving person you are, every single word i said about myself is true and you are a liar
freddykaitroll really can't help making a fool of himself. But if this self-deception makes you feel better, go ahead. It remains a source of great hilarity for us, freddykaitroll !
marcotroll, you behave more and more like passed-away wow
therefore i pose here the hypothesis (if you know what this is, you moron) that you are sockpuppet wow
ps: the value only of my preferred residence is about 20mio US$, fuckwit, poor envier
you are just so mean because you are without any success and significance in life, only being a cheap green activist like so many other deranged individuals from greenpiss, world watchdog fund etc., with narcistic problems
why would I be envious of anyone who denies reality? Who cannot write more than 5 comments without throwing in several insults? Who feels the need to use multiple aliases? Who gets repeatedly slammed with facts, and then runs away to another blog to repeat his stupidity? You, freddykaitroll, are one of the saddest human beings I have ever encountered. Even among the poorest Africans one will have to search long to find someone with the same vicious behaviour as you display. The last time I saw such sad behaviour I was looking at an islamist who just had his religion thoroughly thrashed. You find yourself in great company, freddykaitroll.
marcotroll, your opinion about me is completely irrelevant. you constantly evade the flaws of the agw climatology church and get fits of hatred and anger because you sense that you are in a negative spiral down to dissolution of your ideology movement of green socialism. poor idiot, why do you waste your time with such lies
Why are you talking about a "church", "freddy"? Is religion your thing?
Incidentally, "freddy", I hope you've been keeping your eye on that Arctic Sea Ice "recovery" you were blathering on about:
freddykaitroll, the only one showing fits of hatred and anger is you. I knew you were in denial about AGW, but being in denial about your own behaviour is a quite solid sign of a major mental disorder.
you said -
I think your (PaulinMI) position on this is:
that scientists are continually making predictions of disaster that turn out to be wrong.
**(generally agree. specifically to run-a-way temperature increase in a logarithmic response property, the scientists have sought tipping points and amplifications to make the case that just are not appearing))
there is disagreement between scientists on these things.
**(generally no. the disagreement appears to be with magnitude, both between scientists and with the actual data. It seems all are aware that CO2 can increase temperature.)
This demonstrates that there is no real consensus on the science, and that many scientists make predictions of disaster for the sole purpose of obtaining grant money.
**(generally no, as above, although easy to observe the behavior toward the scientists who don't advocate strongly enough or disagree, even in a minor way with the IPCC, so fairly obvious many must "go along to get along")
Therefore, why should we spend trillions of dollars and wreck the economy when the scientists don’t even know what they are on about,
**(generally agree. While there is an observable temperature increase since 1850, how much of it is from human CO2? and why is it smaller (much smaller?) than predicted?)
and some of them are just being fraudulent.
**(fraudulent is a strong word, but pushing the expected outcomes due to preconceived notions and group think is rather obvious to the casual observer. And more obvious as the earth response unfolds.)
any reduction in Arctic sea ice is probably nothing to do with CO2, and is probably just natural variation.
**(generally no. Arctic ice behavior is responding to the observed change in temperature)
marcotroll, what a nonsense
".... blah blah blah ....... but being in denial about your own behaviour is a quite solid sign of a major mental disorder ..."
first of all: you are no medical doctor, therefore you are totally incompetent to define a medical diagnosis for a patient. formulating a medical diagnosis requires also a careful investigation by a medical doctor, and can never be accomplished seriously on the internet, MORON!!!!
your behaviour shows that you are a very poorly educated person who wants to be more than he is. you want to play an expert and a judge on several stages, but you are only a mean, low, angry and hateful idiot.
Pauline has no idea what it's talking about:
1/ Gibberish. I just searched the IPCC AR4 report for "runaway temperature increase" and it isn't in there. "The scientists have sought tipping points" doesn't even mean anything.
2/ More gibberish. What does " the disagreement appears to be with magnitude...with the actual data" mean? Nothing.
3/ What behaviour? Pointing out that Spencer is horribly wrong? That's how science works. If Spencer doesn't want to be wrong, he can improve the quality of his research.
4/ It's not smaller than predicted. The estimation of the forcing per doubling of CO2 has barely changed in over 100 years. That points to a pretty good original prediction. As for investing in renewables "wrecking the economy", you didn't disagree with that, therefore you subscribe to the biggest furphy of all time. Here is a demonstration that the opposite is true: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-07-03/bindaree-beef-moves-to-biogas/479…
4b/ Mann's work has been replicated over a dozen times, with people using his data and people using entirely different proxies. The fraud was conducted by those unqualified, ignorant, and dishonest individuals who published dodgy, fake, and plagiarised research in their failed attempts to prove Mann wrong. And you fell for it, you idiot.
freddykaitroll has another temper tantrum. I wonder whether he is looking in a mirror every time he writes one of his diatribes...
Goober Thomas,
Keep deluding yourself as the data rolls on.
What is the c in cagw?
I just searched the IPCC AR4 report and couldn't find any mention of any "cagw".
Where did you get this "cagw" from, seeing as it doesn't exist in science?
Crank blogs on the internet again?
You actually fell for crap written by the university dropout who worked as a TV weatherman and now posts scientifically-illiterate idiocy on his crank blog?
And you're calling *me* "goober"?
And let's just check up on "freddy"'s Arctic sea ice recovery....
Yep, some recovery, "freddy" - bet you feel like a right wally now, eh?
i like the complete withdrawal of arctic sea ice, as you can much better exploit oil and gas reserves, tourism if better enabled "The North Pole Seafarer Certificate" is much easier and without danger available, etc etc
i welcome any new record of arctic sea ice reduction, however i am pretty sure that we will face a new ice age soon, that's at least the prognosis from my gcms program.
**I just searched the IPCC AR4 report and couldn’t find any mention of any “cagw”.
Where did you get this “cagw” from, seeing as it doesn’t exist in science?**
Glad you agree then, with cooler heads, that is (no pun intended). If it's not a serious situation, then there is nothing to worry about at this time, as the data clearly show.
thanks for your support
"freddy", any comments on your mistaken assertions about an Arctic sea ice recovery?
Will you apologise for being wrong.
Pauline, what kind of an idiot are you? You can't come on here and play with a ridiculous strawman and expect to get away with it.
The fact "cagw" is some sort of invention by science-illiterates, parroted by other science-illiterates, is entirely irrelevant to the reality of climate change.
CO2 is increasing, humans are responsible, increased CO2 will increase the amount of heat retained on earth, with all sorts of consequences, including among many others:
- changing climates
- increased sea levels
- acidifying the sea
The grown-up professionals understand there will be an economic consequence for having to relocate agricultural operations, abandon fisheries, and defend infrastructure from the rising sea.
The mindless twits just carry on parroting absolute garbage they've read on crank blogs on the internet. You're one of those twits.
Like many others, you've proven that you're unable to recognize reality.
You've got all the talking points memorized quite well.
As far as idiots, you are, apparently, a useful one.
Maybe you can describe what it's like living with an exponential expectation in a logarithmic world?
I don't have to explain anything, Pauline, *you*'re the one who has been exposed parroting nonsense you've gleaned from crank blogs and defending your nonsense with logical fallacies an average 12-year-old would be too embarrassed to try out..
You can always tell a demented twit as soon as they start typing rubbish like "cagw".
craigtroll, your level of ignorance is alwyas very revealing :
most agw hysterics know what you don't:
this term reflects the totally exaggerated hopes and expectations of a totally ridiculous heating of the earth's atmosphere as calculated by fraudulent fllawed computer games, called gcms, and hysterically shouted to an intimidated public by the cagw pupils hansen, jones, mann, al gore, and many second row supporters of this rotten ideology like you.
take your lesson now and try to learn
Wrong again.
When "scientists" make predictions, they actually are required to materialize.
Observing reality does not require explanation.
"freddy", I just checked Wikipedia - there is no entry for "cagw", which doesn't surprise me - "cagw" is a meaningless term popular among morons and crank blogs.
Pauline, look what I saw in the new this morning:
Yep, as I suspected: the scientists were right all along, while the cranks on the internet were wrong.
Hey, Goob,
Look what I saw here!
All the same information for the time period of interest.
What's a crank blog?
I'll give you a hint: if a blog hosts articles about "cagw", articles about the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics proving the greenhouse effect is wrong, ludicrous conspiracy theories involving a global scientific fraud, or anything written by Christopher Monckton, it's a crank blog.
And you can tell when somebody has been getting their misinformation from a crank blog: they start parroting garbage such as "cagw", "fraudulent" climate science and so forth. Like you.
I think I specifically declined to use the word "fraudulent".
Which misinformed crank or crank blog said this ??
. . . The Climate Catastrophe And Our Last Chance To Save Humanity . . .
Re tipping points.
Here they go again, no, here they continue.
You really can't make this stuff up.
My head explodes just trying to figure out how they dream this stuff up. I mean, how does this appear on ones radar?
A basic economics education would do so much for these loons.
You know, it just dawned on me why we're seeing an explosion on the sales of depends. ( that's diapers for adults, if you're not from the states)
All these panty wetters are pulling them off the shelves just so they can function day to day.
I wouldn't know, I assume that line didn't appear in the IPCC AR4 report?
Here's a tip for free guys. It's one that I have provided over and over and over and over and over again, but who knows, one day people might take notice.
If you are worried about the dross that is posted on crank blogs, and even if you are unable to determine what constitutes a crank blog, bypass the problem. Only reference real science written by real scientists published in real journals.
Problem solved.
craigtroll, as you write also on deltoid you can inform those who wait for my reactions thre that bollocks moron tim has banned me without notice
i would have liked to tell tim that he is an arselick, you know etc etc
ps: was nice there to upset you and the other climate ignorants for some time
Speaking of "ignorants", can you explain why your Arctic sea ice "recovery" remains undetectable?
Is it because you were wrong, and there is no such "recovery"?
If so, what else do you think you might be wrong about, "freddy"?