This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another Week of Climate Instability News
Sipping from the Internet Firehose...
August 11, 2013
- Chuckles, COP19+, AGU, NOAA, Potash, Bottom Line, Coal Financing, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Policies
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Harp Seals, Methane, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Prices, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, GMO Labelling, Production
- Hurricanes, Monsoon, Weather Machine, Notable Weather, Extreme Weather, New Weather
- GHGs, Temperatures, Feedbacks, Aerosols, Ozone, Paleoclimate,
- ENSO, Solar, Abrupt CC, Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Bees & CCD, Volcanoes, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Desertification, Disease, Phenology
- Tornadoes, Wildfires, Corals, Acidification, Glaciers, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Biomimicry, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Conservation, Restoration, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Science Orgs, Advocacy, Keeling, Somerville, Moelders
- International Politics: IPCC, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax
- Hormuz, South China Sea, Rare Earths, Solar Spats, Malvinas, Misc.
- Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Divestment, Polls, H2O Biz, Education
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Election, MDBP, New Zealand, India, China, Asia, South America
- Canada, Lac-Mégantic, East-West, Cold Lake, BC, Tar Sands, Ontario, Maritimes, North
- America, Post Sandy, Keystone, Mayflower, Birth Control, Coal Exports
- Manipulation, Frack-gags, 2014, 2016, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Media, Video, Podcasts, Courts, BP Trial
- Energy, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Corps, Pipelines, Oil Transportation, Energy Independence, US Tar Sands, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Fusion, Hydrogen, Grid, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Insurance, Other Lists, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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Get yer Ha Ha's here:
- 2013/08/11: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) Thinning the Herd
- 2013/08/11: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) Our Survival Plan
- 2013/08/10: V VUWT: (cartoon - Toles) Moloch
- 2013/08/10: RealEconomics: Saturday toons...
- 2013/08/05: CotI: (cartoon - Roberts) Fracking gagging order #fracking
Looking ahead to COP19 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2013/08/09: RTCC: Ambitious 2015 UN targets depend on strong domestic legislation
- 2013/08/09: RtS: Plan B: Saving Political Face Beyond 2 Degrees
The AGU came out with a revised statement on climate change this week. The usual suspects are upset:
- 2013/08/05: AGU: [115k pdf] AGU Position Statement on Climate Change
- 2013/08/05: AGU: American Geophysical Union Releases Revised Position Statement on Climate Change
Statement Highlights How Human Activities Are Changing Earth's Climate and the Harmful Impact of that Change on Society - 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Climate report warns extreme weather events are now the norm
Climate scientists in the United States say extreme weather events and warming temperatures are the new norm.
The American Meteorological Society has released its annual snapshot of the world's climate, which concludes disastrous weather events like Hurricane Sandy in the US and droughts and floods in Australia, Africa and South America will become more frequent.
The report lists a raft of indicators that show a continuously warming planet where ice sheets and glaciers will keep shrinking, and sea and land temperatures will keep rising to record levels. - 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Scientists warn worrying climate change figures the 'new normal'
- 2013/08/06: UKISS: AGU make strongest statement yet
- 2013/08/05: ERabett: Revised AGU Statement on Climate Change
The NOAA released their State of the Climate 2012 this week:
- 2013/08/06: NOAA: [link to 5.6 meg pdf] State of the Climate - 2012
- 2013/08/02: Climate: State of the Climate in 2012: Highlights
- 2013/08/09: PLNA: New Climate Records Taken in 2012
- 2013/08/08: CCurrents: State Of The Climate Report Reveals A World On The Brink
- 2013/08/07: CBC: 2012 broke sea level, sea ice records, [NOAA] climate report shows
- 2013/08/08: HotWhopper: State of the Climate in 2012 - with some WUWT spin
- 2013/08/07: Grist: 2012: A year of broken climate records [NOAA State of the Climate report]
- 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): [NOAA] Climate report warns extreme weather events are now the norm
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Government Acknowledges 2012 Climate Milestones Show We've Reached 'A New Normal'
- 2013/08/06: DD: New records for sea ice loss, greenhouse gas in 2012...
- 2013/08/06: CCentral: NOAA: 2012 One of Globe's 10 Hottest on Record
Further on the potash cartels:
- 2013/08/08: Asia Times: Kremlin's potash war picks its prisoners [2 pages]
- 2013/08/07: BuckDog: 'Unfettered Free Market' Capitalists UPSET When Price Fixing Cartels Face Some Actual 'Competition'
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2013/08/09: TFTJO: The greatest misallocation of resources in human history
- 2013/08/09: RealEconomics: $60 Trillion Arctic Methane release
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: Goldman Sachs Finds 'Window For Profitable Investment In Coal Mining Is Closing', Ditto For Coal Exports
- 2013/08/06: BBerg: Investors See Climate Change as Risk That Influences Decisions: Report
- 2013/08/05: RTCC: Fund managers worth $14tr say climate change influences investments
Almost 100% of the investors questioned in the report performed climate risk analysis in their equity portfolios
Investors view climate change as a 'material risk', and are adapting their activities accordingly, according to a new report.
Commissioned by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, it is based on a survey of 37 asset owners and 47 asset managers with collective assets totalling more than USD $14 trillion.
What are the global financial institutions up to?
- 2013/08/05: BBerg: Coal at Risk as Global Lenders Drop Financing on Climate
The world's richest nations, moving to combat global warming, are cutting government support for new coal-burning power plants in developing countries, dealing a blow to the world's dominant source of electricity.
First it was President Barack Obama pledging in June that the government would no longer finance overseas coal plants through the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Next it was the World Bank, then the European Investment Bank, dropping support for coal projects. Those banks have pumped more than $10 billion into such initiatives in the past five years.
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2013/08/10: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #32B by John Hartz
- 2013/08/09: SkS: Reflections on a changing Arctic: Less ice means faster warming by dana1981
- 2013/08/08: SkS: Fox News found to be a major driving force behind global warming denial by dana1981
- 2013/08/07: SkS: Ocean Acidification: Eating Away at Life in the Southern Ocean by Rob Painting
- 2013/08/06: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #32A by John Hartz
- 2013/08/05: SkS: How much will sea levels rise in the 21st Century? by gpwayne
- 2013/08/04: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #31 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time.
TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades.
Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years.
[Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon
and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima.
Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information.
One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2013/08/11: EneNews: Tepco: We've known for 2 years that massive amount of water flows under Fukushima plant - Official "unable to explain" why they kept secret (video)
- 2013/08/10: CDreams: Nuclear Expert: Fukushima Is 'Emergency Without End'
Arjun Makhijani: Radioactive strontium being released is 'likely to be a seaside nightmare for decades.' - 2013/08/10: EneNews: "Japan Gov't in Chaos": Completely out of control at Fukushima - Melted reactor cores contaminating Pacific with full range of radioactive material (video)
- 2013/08/10: RT: Radioactive water overruns Fukushima barrier - TEPCO
Contaminated groundwater accumulating under the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has risen 60cm above the protective barrier, and is now freely leaking into the Pacific Ocean, the plant's operator TEPCO has admitted. - 2013/08/10: EneNews: TV: Very likely some of Fukushima's melted cores have moved into the earth - "It's beyond containment right now" (video)
- 2013/08/09: CDreams: The Fukushima Nightmare Gets Worse
- 2013/08/09: Guardian(UK): Toxic Fukushima fallout threatens fishermen's livelihoods
Rising anger at Tepco two years after Japanese tsunami and nuclear meltdown as contaminated water seeps into Pacific - 2013/08/09: EneNews: Tepco: It's unforgivable that radioactive material is leaking out of control from Fukushima plant - This is a very significant problem (video)
- 2013/08/09: EneNews: PBS: 30 times more strontium-90 than cesium at Fukushima...
- 2013/08/09: RT: Faultless in Fukushima: Media says ex-Japan PM escapes blame over nuclear accident
- 2013/08/09: EneNews: Senior Scientist: Plume of Fukushima nuclear material from March 2011 to hit U.S. West Coast within a year - Will go on for years, as contamination has been released since disaster began (audio)
- 2013/08/09: RadioAustralia: Small risk of major fish contamination from Fukushima leak
Japanese authorities estimate that 300 tonnes of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean every day for up to two years.
And at the moment, there's no way to stop the leak.
Japanese fishermen have had their suspicions of leaks ever since the earthquake and tsunami that triggered the Fukushima meltdown, but the power station's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the Japanese government have been secretive about just what is happening.
So should there be concern about the radioactive water leak, just how far will it spread and what will be the effect on fish and other marine life? - 2013/08/09: JapanTimes: Tepco starts pumping groundwater -- But long-term solution will take two years at best
- 2013/08/09: Grist: Can an ice wall stop Fukushima radiation from leaking into the sea?
- 2013/08/09: ABC(Au): Reports that no one will face charges over Fukushima nuclear disaster
- 2013/08/09: ABC(Au): Nagasaki mayor slams Abe's nuclear policy on atom bomb anniversary
- 2013/08/08: CBC: Japan vows 'firm measures' to stop radioactive water leak
300 tons of contaminated water leaking daily since 2011 earthquake and tsunami - 2013/08/08: EneNews: Nuclear Official: Growing alarm at Fukushima's out of control radioactive leaks...
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Japanese PM orders help to stem flow of radioactive water into Pacific from Fukushima
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Fukushima radioactive ground water leaking into Pacific - Japanese govt helping but not taking over
Japan's government has confirmed what many people have long suspected: that each day about 300 tonnes of radioactive groundwater is leaking from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean.
The government has rushed in to help the operator TEPCO stop the leakage, but it's stopped well short of taking over the response to the crisis. - 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Radioactive water pours into the Pacific
- 2013/08/08: BBerg: Abe [agrees with] Greenpeace [that] Tepco Not Up to Cleanup
- 2013/08/08: EneNews: Asahi: Huge island made of "contaminated soil and rubble" proposed off Fukushima coast...
- 2013/08/08: IndiaTimes: Japan says Fukushima leak worse than thought, govt joins clean-up
- 2013/08/08: BBC: Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledges action on clean-up at Fukushima nuclear plant
- 2013/08/08: DD: Radioactivity levels in Fukushima groundwater increase 47-fold over 5 days
- 2013/08/07: NatGeo: Fukushima's Radioactive Water Leak: What You Should Know
- 2013/08/07: BBC: Tepco to get more government help
- 2013/08/07: NatGeo: Fukushima's Radioactive Water Leak: What You Should Know
- 2013/08/07: EneNews: Senior Scientist: 100 times more strontium than cesium in water at Fukushima plant...
- 2013/08/07: CNN: Japan ponders freezing Fukushima ground to stop leaks
Prime minister orders "multiple, speedy and sure" plans to stop Fukushima leaks - "We have to deal with this at a national level," Abe says -
Plant operator TEPCO has proposed freezing the ground around the site - The plant was the site of the worst nuclear accident since 1986 - 2013/08/07: WSWS: Contaminated water leaks into sea from Japan's crippled nuclear plant
- 2013/08/07: RT: Fukushima leaking radioactive water for '2 years, 300 tons flowing into Pacific daily'
- 2013/08/07: IndiaTimes: Fukushima leak worse than thought, Japan says
- 2013/08/07: Eureka: Getting to the core of Fukushima
Study in AIP Advances describes how muon imaging may allow experts to assess damage inside Fukushima Daiichi reactors - 2013/08/07: EneNews: NYTimes: 400 tons of highly radioactive water going into Pacific each day from Fukushima plant, says Tepco - Top Nuclear Regulator: This is a crisis
- 2013/08/07: EneNews: Tepco Official: This is extremely serious - We are unable to control radioactive water seeping out of Fukushima plant (video)
- 2013/08/07: NYT: Japanese Government to Help Stabilize Nuclear Plant After Leaks
The Japanese prime minister directed his government on Wednesday to step in to help stabilize the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, after continuing radiation leaks exposed the failure of the plant's operator to contain the problem more than two years after a triple meltdown. - 2013/08/07: DD: Japanese Government to help stabilize nuclear plant after leaks...
- 2013/08/06: EneNews: BBC: Water crisis at Fukushima has only just begun - "Plant sits smack in the middle of an underground aquifer" - It's rapidly being overwhelmed deep beneath ground (video)
- 2013/08/06: EneNews: Wall St. Journal: Fukushima leaks are "massive public health issue" - Obviously this could spread throughout Pacific and get into food supply (video)
- 2013/08/06: ABC(Au): Radioactive water leaking into Pacific Ocean in new Fukushima 'emergency'
- 2013/08/06: ABC(Au): More radioactive leaks at Fukushima
- 2013/08/06: ABC(Au): Radioactive groundwater threat at Fukushima
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): Fukushima emergency declared as radioactive water spills over
Nuclear watchdog warns contaminated groundwater has breached underground barrier meant to keep it out of sea - 2013/08/06: APR: Fukushima Daiichi August 6, 2013 update
- 2013/08/06: CSM: Fukushima's new 'emergency' - radioactive water leaks
- 2013/08/06: EneNews: Tepco Press Conference: The situation at Fukushima is bleak - "This discharge is beyond our control" (video)
- 2013/08/06: EneNews: Asahi: Radioactive contamination 'soaring' in Fukushima groundwater...
- 2013/08/06: RadioNZ: New nuclear emergency at Fukushima - caused by a build-up of radioactive groundwater
- 2013/08/06: Arirang(Kr): Japan's nuclear body calls radioactive groundwater leakage at Fukushima 'emergency'
- 2013/08/06: CBC: Japan may restart nuclear reactors next summer
Highly radioactive water still seeping into ocean 2 years after disaster - 2013/08/05: Reuters: Japan nuclear body says radioactive water at Fukushima an 'emergency'
Highly radioactive water seeping into the ocean from Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is creating an "emergency" that the operator is struggling to contain, an official from the country's nuclear watchdog [NRA] said on Monday. - 2013/08/05: EneNews: Watch: Japan Officials Issue Fukushima Radioactivity Alert - "The radioactive discharge is out of control" - Contamination seeping into ocean is an emergency (video)
- 2013/08/05: EneNews: Fukushima Unit No. 3 steaming - Lasted more than four hours today - Observed 'intermittently' over past 13 days
- 2013/08/05: EneNews: Japan Official: 'State of emergency' now at Fukushima nuclear plant - 'High possibility' barrier is breached
- 2013/08/05: RT: Fukushima radioactive groundwater leak an 'emergency' - Japan's nuclear watchdog
- 2013/08/05: EneNews: The Times: "Lethal threat" from Fukushima's highly radioactive water flowing into Pacific Ocean...
- 2013/08/05: CDreams: Fukushima Radioactivity Seeping Into Ocean at 'Emergency' Level, says Watchdog
- 2013/08/05: FDL: Japan Admits Radioactive Water At Fukushima Plant Is An 'Emergency'
- 2013/08/05: IndiaTimes: Japan's nuclear body [NRA: Nuclear Regulatory Authority] terms radioactive water at Fukushima an 'emergency'
- 2013/08/05: BBC: Fukushima radioactive water leak an 'emergency'
Japan's nuclear watchdog has said the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is facing a new "emergency" caused by a build-up of radioactive groundwater.
A barrier built to contain the water could be breached in three weeks, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority warned. - 2013/08/04: TheCanadian: Fukushima trench water crisis returns
- 2013/08/04: DD: Radioactive Fukushima groundwater rises above barrier - Up to 40 trillion becquerels released into Pacific ocean so far - Storage for radioactive water running out
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
- 2013/08/06: NBF: Six Japanese nuclear reactors likely to resume operating by March next year and a total of 16 reactors by March 2015
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2013/08/11: CCurrents: Arctic Sea Ice Reflectivity Declining For Three Decades
- 2013/08/09: CCurrents: Arctic Ocean More Vulnerable ToClimate Change Than Antarctic Ocean
- 2013/08/08: RTCC: Loss of algae and plankton threatens Arctic food chain
Rapid thawing of Arctic sea ice is affecting virtually every species of Arctic wildlife, a new study reveals
The loss of Arctic sea ice is bad news for the Pacific walrus and polar bears, but the real problems begin at the base of the food chain. - 2013/08/08: DD: Starved polar bear perished due to record sea-ice melt, says expert...
- 2013/08/07: RScribbler: Smokey Arctic Cyclone Sets Sights on Central Arctic; PIOMAS Shows Sea Ice Volume 4th Lowest on Record
- 2013/08/07: ArcticNews: Another Arctic cyclone brewing
- 2013/08/07: RScribbler: It's Hotter Up North than Down South: Tundra Fires Erupt Over Canada as Heatwave Pushes to Arctic Ocean Shores
- 2013/08/07: ASI: Third storm
- 2013/08/07: PSinclair: Antarctic Coastal Permafrost Melting Faster Than Expected
- 2013/08/07: NSIDC: A month of two halves and no hole
- 2013/08/06: TP:JR: Siberia, The Newest Hot Spot
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): Living with climate change in Greenland - in [27] pictures
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): NOAA report says Arctic sea ice is disappearing at unprecedented pace
- 2013/08/06: DD: Arctic ice grows darker and less reflective
- 2013/08/06: PSinclair: Late Season Melt in Greenland, Large Melt Lakes Now Emerging
- 2013/08/05: Grist: Global warming leads to darker ice leads to more global warming
- 2013/08/05: MGS: Sea ice prediction updates
- 2013/08/04: ASI: ASI 2013 update 6: major slowdown
A tagged polar bear starved to death in Svalbard because it couldn't get onto the sea ice. Much anguish ensued:
- 2013/08/07: TreeHugger: How polar bears became a symbol for climate change
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): The polar bear who died of climate change - big picture
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): Starved polar bear perished due to record sea-ice melt, says expert
- 2013/08/06: CCP: Svalbard polar bear dies of starvation due to climate change
- 2013/08/06: Grist: Super-upsetting photo shows a polar bear killed by climate change
Harp seals are at risk:
- 2013/08/07: Grist: Young harp seals in the North Atlantic at risk from melting sea ice
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): Young harp seals in the North Atlantic at risk from melting sea ice
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2013/08/09: ArcticNews: Methane levels remain very high around the globe
- 2013/08/09: ArcticNews: Toward Genuinely Improved Discussions of Methane & Climate
- 2013/08/09: Grist: How much should you worry about an Arctic methane bomb?
- 2013/08/08: RScribbler: Yedoma Region of Russia Showing Significant Methane Pulse
- 2013/08/06: ArcticNews: Methane levels keep rising rapidly
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): Seven facts you need to know about the Arctic methane timebomb
- 2013/08/05: DD: Seven facts you need to know about the Arctic methane time bomb
While in Antarctica:
- 2013/08/09: NatureN: Chain reaction shattered huge Antarctica ice shelf [in 2002]
Draining of meltwater lakes from surface explains sudden demise of Larsen B. - 2013/08/06: DD: As Antarctic sea ice melts, seaweed could smother seafloor
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2013/08/07: EurActiv: Wet weather batters British wheat crop
The smallest wheat harvest in Britain for more than a decade should get underway in key growing regions this week, as disastrous wet weather hit a second successive crop, opening the way for a flood of imports in coming months. - 2013/08/07: NatureNB: Study finds widespread conflicts of interest in food-safety decisions
Food additives boost flavor, enliven colors, and stretch the shelf lives of everyday edibles. But the experts who gauge the additives' safety often have suspect ties to food manufacturers, according to a new study.
More than 35% of additives deemed harmless between 1997 and 2012 were evaluated by employees of food manufacturers or by consultants the companies selected, researchers report today in JAMA Internal Medicine.
"It raises a number of questions," says chemical engineer Thomas Neltner, the study's lead author and the director of the food additives project at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington DC.
He and colleagues say their work shows a need for better oversight of additives by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which currently allows manufacturers to decide for themselves whether their products are safe to eat. - 2013/08/06: TreeHugger: Grain Yields Starting to Plateau by Lester Brown
- 2013/08/05: BPA: USDA's Farmland Price Update Report (August 2013)
- 2013/08/02: CSIRO: Soil carbon 'blowing in the wind'
Australian soils are losing about 1.6 million tonnes of carbon per year from wind erosion and dust storms affecting agricultural productivity, our economy and carbon accounts, according to new research. - 2013/08/05: NatureN: If hunger doesn't kill you, it doesn't make you stronger
Low crop yields in preindustrial Finland led to decreased fertility and survival during 19th century famine.
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern:
- 2013/08/01: Duke: Seafood Menus Reflect Long-term Ocean Changes
- 2013/08/04: TP:JR: The Lobster Bubble: Maine's Lobster Boom, And Why Experts Predict A Dramatic Bust
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2013/08/08: UN: Food prices fall for third consecutive month - UN-FAO agency
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2013/08/09: CDreams: Thousands Demand GMO Corporations 'Quit India'
- 2013/08/09: ScienceInsider: Activists Destroy 'Golden Rice' Field Trial
- 2013/08/09: NatureN: GM rice delivers antibodies against deadly rotavirus -- Researchers have added an antibody to fight rotavirus into the rice genome
- 2013/08/09: BBC: 'Golden rice' GM trial vandalised in the Philippines
A trial plot of genetically modified rice has been destroyed by local farmers in the Philippines.
"Golden Rice" has been developed by scientists to combat vitamin A deficiency, which affects millions of children in the developing world.
The crop was just weeks away from being submitted to the authorities for a safety evaluation.
But a group of around 400 protestors attacked the field trial in the Bicol region and uprooted all the GM plants. - 2013/08/07: Slate: No, You Shouldn't Fear GMO Corn -- How Elle botched a story about genetically modified food
- 2013/08/06: GreenGrok: GMOs Revisited
- 2013/08/06: BBC: GM rice approval 'edging closer'
Scientists in the Philippines are weeks from submitting a genetically modified variety of rice to the authorities for biosafety evaluations.
They claim it could be in the fields within a year, but national regulators will have the final say.
Supporters say it will help the 1.7 million Filipino children who suffer vitamin A deficiency - which reduces immunity and can cause blindness.
But campaigners say "Golden Rice" is a dangerous way to tackle malnutrition. - 2013/08/05: TruthOut: Winning Our Hearts and Minds? Monsanto and Big Food Pull Out the Big Guns
Monsanto and Big Food are taking the battle for consumers' hearts and minds to the next level. And it's no coincidence that they're pulling out the big guns just as the Washington State I-522 campaign to label genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products is gaining steam.
Can industry front groups and slick public relations firms convince us that the products they're peddling are not only safe, but good for us? Will the millions they spend on websites and advertorials pay off?
We're guessing not, given the latest New York Times poll stating that 93 percent of Americans want labels on foods containing GMOs. - 2013/08/05: MoJo: 5 Surprising Genetically Modified Foods
Leaving aside the question of whether they're good or bad for a moment, what exactly are GMOs, and which foods are they in? - 2013/08/05: Grist: Genetically modified seed research: What's locked and what isn't
Regarding labelling GM food:
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2013/08/09: CDreams: Ancient Kings Fight Climate Change
- 2013/08/08: Resilience: Open Pollinated: Seeds of Value
- 2013/08/07: CPW: To avert looming food crisis, stop eating meat, milk and eggs: Study
- 2013/08/07: UCSUSA: Extra Daily Serving of Fruits or Vegetables Can Save Lives and Billions in Health Care Costs
- 2013/08/06: Resilience: Fixing Food and Farming with a True-Cost Economy
- 2013/08/05: TreeHugger: Innovative water technologies aim for more crop per drop
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): First hamburger made from lab-grown meat to be served at press conference
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): The world's first cruelty-free hamburger
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): World's first synthetic hamburger gets full marks for 'mouth feel'
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): Anyone for a stem-cell burger?
In the Western Pacific, Tropical Storm Mangkhut zapped Vietnam, followed by Typhoon Utor heading for Luzon:
- 2013/08/11: ABC(Au): Philippines braces for Typhoon Utor
- 2013/08/11: IndiaTimes: Typhoon [Utor] threatens Philippines, strands thousands
More than 3,000 passengers were stranded on piers in the northeastern Philippines on Sunday, as a strong Pacific typhoon approached and prompted authorities to suspend ferry services and warn people to brace for possible flash floods and landslides.
Government forecasters told a televised news conference that Typhoon Utor, which winds of 150 kilometers per hour (93 miles per hour) and gusts up to 185 kph (115 mph), could gather strength over the Philippine Sea before it slams into northeastern Aurora province Monday. - 2013/08/09: Eureka: NASA sees some strength in developing Tropical Depression 11W headed for Luzon
- 2013/08/07: Eureka: NASA satellite sees Tropical Storm Mangkhut making Vietnam landfall
Flossie, Gil, Henriette and a bunch of TDs, one after the other, in the Eastern Pacific:
- 2013/08/09: Eureka: NASA paints a panorama of Pacific tropical cyclones - Central and Eastern Pacific Oceans continue to be active
- 2013/08/07: Eureka: Infrared NASA image revealed fading Gil's warming cloud tops
- 2013/08/07: Eureka: NASA sees 10-mile-high thunderstorms in Hurricane Henriette
- 2013/08/07: MODIS: Tropical Storm Flossie (06E) over Hawaii [on July 29]
- 2013/08/05: Eureka: NASA eyes 2 Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones: 1 up, 1 down
- 2013/08/06: CSM: Tropical storm Henriette reaches hurricane strength
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
- 2013/08/09: Wunderground: An Active Atlantic Hurricane Season Still Predicted by NOAA, CSU, and TSR
- 2013/08/08: NOAANews: NOAA: Atlantic hurricane season on track to be above-normal
- 2013/08/07: Wunderground: Which Hurricane Forecast Model Should You Trust?
- 2013/08/05: Wunderground: Hurricanes and Climate Change: Huge Dangers, Huge Unknowns
- 2013/08/04: EarthMag: Hurricane hunters fly toward improved storm forecasts
As for the Monsoon:
- 2013/08/07: RTCC: Pakistan monsoon crisis exacerbated by flood plains violations
- 2013/08/06: Asia Times: Death toll rises as floods sweep Pakistan
Karachi - The death toll from monsoon rains in Pakistan has risen to more than 80 in the last five days, as much of the country has been inundated, flooding many cities and towns from north to south. The National Disaster Management Authority warned on Monday that more rain than usual was expected this and next month. - 2013/08/06: IOTD: Deadly Monsoon Floods in Pakistan [on July 28 & Aug. 5]
- 2013/08/04: BBC: Pakistan and Afghanistan monsoon floods kill dozens
What's new in the Weather Machine?
- 2013/08/08: BBC: North Atlantic Oscillation 'amplifies' uplands rainfall
A climate system over the mid-Atlantic Ocean has a direct effect on rainfall and river flow level in UK uplands, a study has shown.
This week in notable weather:
- 2013/08/07: Xinhuanet: Rainstorm strands 10,000 passengers in Chengdu airport
- 2013/08/07: DerSpiegel: Thunder and Lightning: Massive Storms Halt Trains in Germany
Powerful thunderstorms struck across Germany on Tuesday evening, resulting in the suspension of rail traffic on many of the country's main arterials. Additional chaos is expected, with more heavy weather on the way. - 2013/08/07: CBC: Storms rip across parts of Ontario, trigger tornado warnings
- 2013/08/06: Xinhuanet: Storms cause power outage in Czech Republic
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
- 2013/08/06: CBC: Is extreme weather the new normal? No easy answers, suggests Canada's weather guru David Phillips
Rossby Waves? Blocking Patterns? Arctic Oscillation?
What is the Arctic melt doing to our weather?- 2013/08/08: RScribbler: Mangled Jet Stream Delivers Four Months Worth of Rain in One Week to Eastern Missouri; Central, Eastern US to Remain Under Severe Flood Threat
As for GHGs:
- 2013/08/08: SciNews: Emissions could fuel global warming for millennia
Climate simulation projects effects of greenhouse gases farther into the future than ever before - 2013/08/06: TP:JR: 'American Carbon' Enters World Economy And Atmosphere At Fastest Pace Ever
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): The rise and rise of American carbon
And the temperature record:
- 2013/08/06: CCP: NOAA's State of the Climate 2012: 2012 was one of the 10 warmest years on record globally
- 2013/08/06: NOAANews: 2012 was one of the 10 warmest years on record globally
The end of weak La Niña, unprecedented Arctic warmth influenced 2012 climate conditions - 2013/08/04: Eureka: Global investigation reveals true scale of ocean warming
Yes we have feedbacks:
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2013/08/11: MODIS: Dust storm in the Sahara Desert and over the Atlantic Ocean [on July 30]
- 2013/08/09: SciNow: The Physics of Sandstorms
- 2013/08/08: MODIS: Dust storm in the Sahara Desert [on July 29]
- 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Top End smoke provides climate clues
- 2013/08/06: ERW: Anthropogenic aerosols caused global temperature drop in 1950s
As for the ozone hole:
- 2013/08/09: NatureNB: Ozone hole could boost global warming
- 2013/08/08: AGU: Ozone hole might slightly warm planet
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2013/08/08: NatureN: Ancient art fills in Egypt's ecological history
Mammal populations shrank during three abrupt climate shifts over the past 6,000 years. - 2013/08/07: CSM: Ice ages: Why North America is key to their coming and going
- 2013/08/07: NatureN: Fossils throw mammalian family tree into disarray -- Studies disagree on whether Jurassic animals were true mammals
- 2013/08/05: UMCES: Looking to the past to predict the future of climate change
And on the ENSO front:
- 2013/08/08: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: ENSO-neutral is favored into the Northern Hemisphere fall 2013.
Regarding the solar hypothesis:
- 2013/08/07: CSM: Sun's magnetic reversal means big changes for the solar system
- 2013/08/05: NASA: The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip
- 2013/08/05: Ph&Ph: The Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip
Abrupt Climate Change put in an appearance:
- 2013/08/09: Grist:Climate set to change "orders of magnitude" faster than at any other time in the past 65 million years
- 2013/08/05: RTCC: Rate of climate change 'fastest in 55 million years'
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2013/08/09: TreeHugger: Unusually high numbers of dead bottlenose dolphins are washing up on east coast of US
- 2013/08/09: CBC: Dolphin die-off hits U.S. East Coast
'Unusual mortality event' declared after 124 dolphins found stranded since mid-July - 2013/08/06: ProMedMail: Undiagnosed die-off, dolphin - USA: (NJ) morbillivirus susp.
And what's new in Biodiversity?
- 2013/08/10: DD: Algae blooms killing manatees, dolphins, and pelicans in Florida estuary - 'We fear the fishery collapse may be forthcoming'
- 2013/08/09: Eureka: Tahiti: A very hot biodiversity hot spot in the Pacific
On the extinction watch:
- 2013/08/11: Xinhuanet: Endangered monkey numbers exceed 3,000
Numbers of black snub-nosed monkeys -- an endangered species endemic to China -- has increased from 2,000 in the 1990s to more than over 3,000 now, Chinese scientists have announced. - 2013/08/09: BBC: Hen harriers 'face extinction' in England as nests fail
- 2013/08/09: CSM: To stop elephant and rhino poachers, dissuade buyers in China and Vietnam
- 2013/08/08: TheConversation: Australian endangered species: Harrisson's Dogfish
- 2013/08/08: BBC: UK bats may be immune to killer fungus
A deadly fungus thought responsible for killing nearly six million bats in North America since 2006 has been found in the UK with no harmful effects.
The fungus Psuedogymnoascus destructans has been discovered on a living bat and in soil samples from five sites.
There have been no observed deaths in the UK suggesting UK bats they may be resistant to the fungus
In the US it causes White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) and leads bats to arouse more frequently from hibernation.
The fungus has previously been found at sites across Europe, but without WNS or the associated large numbers of dead bats. It is likely European bats are also immune to the disease. - 2013/08/07: SciAm:EC: Pangolins in Peril: All 8 Species of Scaly Anteaters Endangered by Illegal Trade
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): Quest to save the snow leopard
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern.
And then, there are the Neonicotinoids:What's up with volcanoes this week?
- 2013/08/11: ABC(Au): Mount Rokatenda volcano erupts in Indonesia, killing six
- 2013/08/10: Guardian(UK): Indonesia volcano erupts, killing six people
3,000 people evacuated as Mount Rokatenda in East Nusa Tengarra province shoots smoke and ash 2km into air - 2013/08/10: BBC: Indonesia volcano eruption: Six dead on Palue
- 2013/08/06: MODIS: Eruption of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea [on July 30]
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2013/08/11: TimesStd: Report: Global warming already having dramatic impacts in Calif.: Rising oceans, bigger forest fire predicted
- 2013/08/09: UCSUSA:B: Climate Change in California: Ready Or Not, It's Here
- 2013/08/09: CBC: Sea life relocating fast in response to climate change
- 2013/08/09: TMoS: California Climate Changed
- 2013/08/09: DD: Report: Climate change is impacting California water, forests, animals...
- 2013/08/08: CDreams: As Calif. Wildfire Roars, State EPA Report Ties Climate Change to Disasters
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: In California, Climate Change Is 'Real, And It's Already Here'
- 2013/08/07: CCurrents: Warming Oceans Impact Breeding Patterns And Habitat Of Marine Life
- 2013/08/07: NOAANews: NOAA report highlights climate change threats to nation's estuaries
- 2013/08/07: SciNews: Climate change may bring dramatic behavior shifts -- Shifting temperatures and rainfall expected to alter animal lifestyles
- 2013/08/07: DD: Climate change softens up already-vulnerable Louisiana - 'The sea is rising and the land is sinking. The two together mean that wetlands are disappearing here at unprecedented rates worldwide.'
- 2013/08/07: NOAA:NERRS: NOAA Releases NERRS Climate Sensitivity Report
- 2013/08/07: Eureka: NOAA report highlights climate change threats to nation's estuaries
- 2013/08/07: NYT: Deaths of Manatees, Dolphins and Pelicans Point to Estuary at Risk
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Fish migrating to cooler waters
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): Climate change pushing marine life towards the poles, says study
- 2013/08/05: WtD: How to really see climate change...
- 2013/08/05: TP:JR: Extreme Heat Is Killing Off Thousands Of Fish In Alaska
- 2013/08/05: RTCC: Warming oceans drive marine life towards poles
- 2013/08/05: Xinhuanet: Warming oceans impact breeding patterns and habitat of marine life: Australian research
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2013/08/08: ERW: Insight: are we losing primary forests in the Congo Basin?
- 2013/08/08: NatureN: Northern forests rev up carbon cycle
Seasonal carbon fluctuations in high-latitude ecosystems are up 50% since the 1950s. - 2013/08/08: DD: Graph of the Day: Deforestation in non-Brazilian Amazon countries, 2004-2012
- 2013/08/06: Eureka: Study questions nature's ability to 'self-correct' climate change
- 2013/08/06: Eureka: One tree's architecture reveals secrets of a forest, study finds
Behind the dazzling variety of shapes and forms found in trees hides a remarkably similar architecture based on fundamental, shared principles, UA ecologists have discovered - 2013/08/05: Eureka: Chronic harvesting threatens tropical tree
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
Desertification looms as a threat:
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2013/08/08: SwissInfo: Swiss on alert for tiger mosquito
Swiss officials have begun laying traps along highways, airports and harbours north of the Alps to determine whether the tiger mosquito - which can bear dangerous tropical diseases - has crossed Europe's natural border between north and south.
Changes in natural cycles are showing up:
On the tornado front:
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2013/08/11: CSM: California wildfire season: 43 percent more fires, so far
- 2013/08/10: Xinhuanet: Japan gripped by heat wave, torrential rain kills at least 5
- 2013/08/10: MODIS: Smoke and fires across central Russia [on July 31]
- 2013/08/09: NASA: NASA 'Fire Towers' in Space Watch for Wildfires on the Rise
- 2013/08/09: CSM: Silver fire spreads, threatening homes in California
- 2013/08/09: IndiaTimes: California wildfire injures 5, forces 1,800 people to flee
- 2013/08/09: RT: Wildfire rages through California [pic]
- 2013/08/09: CBC: California residents reeling from wildfire evacuation
Rapidly spreading wildfire raging through Southern California mountain range forces 1,800 from homes - 2013/08/09: DD: Shanghai sets new all-time record (again) as heat wave bakes eastern China
- 2013/08/08: BBC: Hundreds flee uncontained Banning California wildfire
About 1,500 people have been forced to flee their homes in southern California as a wildfire rages out of control, fire officials have said. - 2013/08/08: CSM: California wildfire chases 1,500 from their homes
- 2013/08/08: Wunderground: Austria and Slovenia Set All-time Heat Records; Record Heat in Shanghai, China
- 2013/08/08: CBC: California wildfire destroys homes, forces hundreds to flee
Out-of-control blaze in San Jacinto Mountains injures 3, including 2 firefighters - 2013/08/08: Xinhuanet: Central China province to see extreme heat
- 2013/08/07: IOTD: Oregon Burning [on July 26 & Aug. 5]
- 2013/08/07: NASA: Heat Intensifies Siberian Wildfires
- 2013/08/07: NASA: Oregon Burning
- 2013/08/06: RScribbler: Ocean Heat Dome Steams Coastal China: Shanghai to Near Very Dangerous 35 Degree Celsius Wet Bulb Temperatures This Week
- 2013/08/06: Xinhuanet: Heat advisory issued for Houston area, 43 degrees Celsius expected
- 2013/08/06: Xinhuanet: Forest fires surge amid unremitting heat in C China
- 2013/08/06: Xinhuanet: Highest temperature to hit China's South
- 2013/08/05: RScribbler: Russia Experiences Great Burning: Satellite Shots Show 'Sea of Smoke and Fire' Blanketing Russia
- 2013/08/05: MODIS: Washington [state, on July 25]
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
- 2013/08/08: Guardian(UK): World Heritage queries proposed dredging of Great Barrier Reef
UN body expresses surprise that the government did not inform it of its upcoming decision on expansion of coalport - 2013/08/08: Eureka: NOAA reports discovery of table coral, Acropora cytherea, off O'ahu
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Boomtown On The Great Barrier Reef: How Fossil Fuels Turned A Sleepy Australian Community Upside Down
- 2013/08/05: TP:JR: How The Crocodile Hunter's Dad Wound Up In The Middle Of A Battle To Save Australia's [Great Barrier Reef]
- 2013/08/05: UCSD: Disappearance of Coral Reefs, Drastically Altered Marine Food Web on the Horizon
If current climate trends follow historical precedent, ocean ecosystems will be in state of flux for next 10,000 years, according to Scripps Oceanography researchers
Acidification is changing the oceans:
Glaciers are melting:
- 2013/08/09: CCurrents: Dust Accelerates Melting Of Himalayan Glaciers
- 2013/08/05: RScribbler: Extensive Dark Snow, Very Large Melt Lakes Visible Over West Slope of Greenland as Late Season Melt Pulse Continues
- 2013/08/05: CCP: Alaska's Troublesome Glacier cracks up right beneath tour guide's feet
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2013/08/11: Xinhuanet: Worst flood in two decades to hit NE China province, Heilongjiang
- 2013/08/11: IndiaTimes: Flash floods batter Afghanistan, at least 22 dead
- 2013/08/10: Xinhuanet: 2.64 mln people short of drinking water in Guizhou
- 2013/08/10: IndiaTimes: 2.64 million people short of drinking water in southwest China
Beijing: More than 2.5 million people have been reeling under drinking water crisis in southwest China due to a lingering drought, local officials said on Saturday.
About 15.6 million people in 1,236 towns of 81 counties and districts have been affected by the drought since July, with 2.64 million lacking drinking water in Guizhou province, state-run news agency Xinhua quoted local officials as saying. - 2013/08/10: CNN: Rains in Afghanistan kill 13
- 2013/08/08: BBC: Deadly floods hit central US with Missouri worst affected
Up to three people have died in flash floods that have sparked alerts in several US states. - 2013/08/09: CNN: Flooding claims more lives in rain-battered states
Nashville flooding prompts many rescues, lifts business off foundation - Parts of 21 states are under some type of flood watch or warning Friday -
Southeast Kansas and southern Missouri have an extreme flooding risk - More than 2 inches of rain may fall quickly in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky - 2013/08/09: AFTIC: New Mexico's extreme drought
- 2013/08/09: ABC(Au): "It's the best flood we've had in almost 50 years" [pix]
- 2013/08/09: IndiaTimes: Heavy rain unleashes deadly US flooding
- 2013/08/08: DD: New Mexico is the driest of the dry...
- 2013/08/07: UIowa: UI researcher finds human activity muddies causes of Texas floods
Periodic flooding in Texas -- one the most flood-prone states in the nation -- cannot be firmly linked to climate change due to numerous dams and other manmade structures introduced over the years, according to a University of Iowa study.
The researchers also found that tropical cyclones are less responsible for major floods in the region than in the eastern United States.
The study, which looked at 70 years of records, appears in the August 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association. - 2013/08/06: LA Times: New Mexico is the driest of the dry
As an extended drought bakes the West, nowhere are ravages of changes in the climate worse than in New Mexico. - 2013/08/06: Grist: Seven ways the drought in the West really sucks
- 2013/08/06: UN: Local authorities continue rescue, relief efforts following Pakistan floods - UN
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): India floods: fears grow for farmland devastated in Uttarakhand
- 2013/08/05: Xinhuanet: Drought leaves nearly 6 million people short of water in China
- 2013/08/05: IndiaTimes: 60 dead in rain, floods; Karachi worst-hit in Pakistan
- 2013/08/05: IndiaTimes: Rains claim 15 lives in Kerala, Navy called in
- 2013/08/05: PLNA: Floods Kill More than 50 in Pakistan
- 2013/08/05: BBC: West Cornwall hit by flash flooding after heavy rain
- 2013/08/04: JFleck: July rain: what a difference a month makes
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:What's new in biomimicry?
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2013/08/08: DerSpiegel: Too Many Bikes? Europe's Cycling Boom Sees a Backlash
More bicycles were supposed to make Europe's cities more livable. Instead, the popularity of two-wheeled travel is causing problems in some cities in Holland and Denmark, where traffic jams and parking shortages are common. Still, planners remain optimistic.
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2013/08/10: PeakEnergy: How a White or Green Roof Can Keep Your Building Up to 84% Cooler This Summer
- 2013/08/08: TheConversation: How to have zero emissions housing - and tiny power bills - in ten years
- 2013/08/05: CleanTechnica: Energy-Efficient Windows Inspired By Nature -- New Bio-Inspired Approach To Thermal Cooling Could Be Applied To Solar Panels
- 2013/08/05: TreeHugger: Zero Home is first Net-Zero certified home in Utah
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2013/08/08: RTCC: EU funding advances carbon storage
National Grid analysis shows its test site can store 200 million tonnes of CO² from carbon emitters in the Humber region - 2013/08/07: P3: Carbon Sequestration Capacity is Very Large
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
What's new in conservation?
- 2013/08/11: BBC: Eels to be helped back into Lake Windermere
Critically endangered eels are to be helped back into Lake Windermere, Cumbria, where they have not been seen in significant numbers for 30 years. - 2013/08/09: NatureN: Plan seeks 'chaperones' for threatened species
Botanical gardens proposed as stopping-off points for plant species as climate warms.
What's new in restoration?
- 2013/08/07: TheLoom: De-Extinctions and Straw Men
- 2013/08/05: Monbiot: De-extinction sounds like a great idea. But there's a problem most people have overlooked.
While on the adaptation front:
- 2013/08/08: TheConversation: Sewerage systems can't cope with more extreme weather
- 2013/08/07: Guardian(UK): Adapting to climate change -- one ecosystem at a time
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2013/08/06: GMDD: Optimization of a prognostic biosphere model in atmospheric CO2 variability and terrestrial biomass by M. Saito et al.
- 2013/08/06: GMDD: Reallocation in modal aerosol models: impacts on predicting aerosol radiative effects by T. Korhola et al.
- 2013/08/06: OS: Transit and residence times in the Adriatic Sea surface as derived from drifter data and Lagrangian numerical simulations by P.-M. Poulain & S. Hariri
- 2013/08/06: TC: Reanalysing glacier mass balance measurement series by M. Zemp et al.
- 2013/08/05: TC: Micrometeorological conditions and surface mass and energy fluxes on Lewis Glacier, Mt Kenya, in relation to other tropical glaciers by L. I. Nicholson et al.
- 2013/08/06: TCD: Parameterization of atmosphere-surface exchange of CO2 over sea ice by L. L. Sørensen et al.
- 2013/08/05: TCD: Of the gradient accuracy in Full-Stokes ice flow model: basal slipperiness inference by N. Martin & J. Monnier
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (ab$) Variations in atmospheric CO2 growth rates coupled with tropical temperature by Weile Wang et al.
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (ab$) Recent burning of boreal forests exceeds fire regime limits of the past 10,000 years by Ryan Kelly et al.
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (ab$) Single pollinator species losses reduce floral fidelity and plant reproductive function by Berry J. Brosi & Heather M. Briggs
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (abs) Evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to air pollution on life expectancy from China's Huai River policy by Yuyu Chen et al.
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (abs) Resilience of river flow regimes by Gianluca Botter et al.
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (ab$) Large Pt anomaly in the Greenland ice core points to a cataclysm at the onset of Younger Dryas by Michail I. Petaev et al.
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (letter$) Air pollution and life expectancy in China and beyond by C. Arden Pope III & Douglas W. Dockery
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (letter$) Reply to Price and Bird: No inconsistency between the date of gene flow from India and the Australian archaeological record by Irina Pugach & Mark Stoneking
- 2013/08/06: PNAS: (letter$) Interpreting the evidence for middle Holocene gene flow from India to Australia by Michael Holton Price & Douglas W. Bird
- 2013/08/07: Nature: (ab$) Insolation-driven 100,000-year glacial cycles and hysteresis of ice-sheet volume by Ayako Abe-Ouchi et al.
- 2013/08/08: ESD: Variation in emission metrics due to variation in CO2 and temperature impulse response functions by D. J. L. Olivié & G. P. Peters
- 2013/08/08: ESDD: Quantifying the "Energy-Return-on-Investment" of desert greening in the Sahara/Sahel using a Global Climate Model by S. P. K. Bowring et al.
- 2013/08/07: ESDD: Terminology as a key uncertainty in net land use flux estimates by J. Pongratz et al.
- 2013/08/06: ACP: Historical gaseous and primary aerosol emissions in the United States from 1990 to 2010 by J. Xing et al.
- 2013/08/08: ACPD: A review of sea spray aerosol source functions using a large global set of sea salt aerosol concentration measurements by H. Grythe et al.
- 2013/08/05: ACPD: Decadal-scale responses in middle and upper stratospheric ozone from SAGE II Version 7 data by E. E. Remsberg
- 2013/08/09: BG: Indications of nitrogen-limited methane uptake in tropical forest soils by E. Veldkamp et al.
- 2013/08/09: BG: Impact of western Siberia heat wave 2012 on greenhouse gases and trace metal concentration in thaw lakes of discontinuous permafrost zone by O. S. Pokrovsky et al.
- 2013/08/06: BG: Summertime calcium carbonate undersaturation in shelf waters of the western Arctic Ocean - how biological processes exacerbate the impact of ocean acidification by N. R. Bates et al.
- 2013/08/05: BG: Scaling of growth rate and mortality with size and its consequence on size spectra of natural microphytoplankton assemblages in the East China Sea by F. H. Chang et al.
- 2013/08/08: BGD: Was the North Atlantic Ocean well-ventilated during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the mid-Cretaceous? by I. Ruvalcaba-Baroni et al.
- 2013/08/08: BGD: Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in a double cropping cereal rotation as affected by nitrogen and straw management by T. Huang et al.
- 2013/08/07: BGD: Asymmetry and uncertainties in biogeophysical climate-vegetation feedback over a range of CO2 forcings by M. Willeit et al.
- 2013/08/05: BGD: Change in tropical forest cover of Southeast Asia from 1990 to 2010 by H.-J. Stibig et al.
- 2013/08/09: CP: A reconstruction of radiocarbon production and total solar irradiance from the Holocene C14 and CO2 records: implications of data and model uncertainties by R. Roth & F. Joos
- 2013/08/09: CP: Late Cenozoic continuous aridification in the western Qaidam Basin: evidence from sporopollen records by Y. F. Miao et al.
- 2013/08/07: CP: Albedo and heat transport in 3-D model simulations of the early Archean climate by H. Kienert et al.
- 2013/08/06: CP: A model-data comparison of the Holocene global sea surface temperature evolution by G. Lohmann et al.
- 2013/08/09: CPD: A likelihood perspective on tree-ring standardization: eliminating modern sample bias by J. Cecile et al.
- 2013/08/08: CPD: Low-latitude climate variability in the Heinrich frequency band of the Late Cretaceous Greenhouse world by N. J. de Winter et al.
- 2013/08/07: CPD: Simulating last interglacial climate with NorESM: role of insolation and greenhouse gases in the timing of peak warmth by P. M. Langebroek & K. H. Nisancioglu
- 2013/08/06: CPD: The B/Ca proxy for past seawater carbonate chemistry reconstructions-laser ablation based calibrations for C. mundulus, C. wuellerstorfi and its morphotype C. cf. wuellerstorfi by F. Kersten et al.
- 2013/08/05: CPD: Model study of the circulation of the Miocene Mediterranean Sea and Paratethys: closure of the Indian Gateway by A. de la Vara et al.
- 2013/07/25: WoL:WRR: (ab$) North Atlantic Oscillation amplifies orographic precipitation and river flow in upland Britain by T. P. Burt & N. J. K. Howden
- 2013/08/09: GMD: Coupling a thermodynamically active ice shelf to a regional simulation of the Weddell Sea by V. Meccia et al.
- 2013/08/09: GMD: PEATBOG: a biogeochemical model for analyzing coupled carbon and nitrogen dynamics in northern peatlands by Y. Wu & C. Blodau
- 2013/08/07: GMD: Failure analysis of parameter-induced simulation crashes in climate models by D. D. Lucas et al.
- 2013/08/07: GMD: Atmospheric dissolved iron deposition to the global oceans: effects of oxalate-promoted Fe dissolution, photochemical redox cycling, and dust mineralogy by M. S. Johnson & N. Meskhidze
- 2013/08/07: GMD: The mid-Pliocene climate simulated by FGOALS-g2 by W. Zheng et al.
- 2013/08/07: GMDD: A new mixed-mode fracture criterion for large scale lattice models by T. Sachau & D. Koehn
- 2013/08/07: GMDD: Accuracy of the zeroth and second order shallow ice approximation - numerical and theoretical results by J. Ahlkrona et al.
- 2013/08/08: OSD: Decadal variability of heat content in South China Sea inferred from observation data and an ocean data assimilation product by W. Song et al.
- 2013/08/09: TC: Region-wide glacier mass balances over the Pamir-Karakoram-Himalaya during 1999-2011 by J. Gardelle et al.
- 2013/08/08: TC: Hoar crystal development and disappearance at Dome C, Antarctica: observation by near-infrared photography and passive microwave satellite by N. Champollion et al.
- 2013/08/09: TCD: Modeling energy and mass balance of Shallap Glacier, Peru by W. Gurgiser et al.
- 2013/08/08: TCD: Two independent methods for mapping the grounding line of an outlet glacier - example from the Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adélie, Antarctica by E. Le Meur et al.
- 2013/08/07: TCD: Probabilistic estimation of glacier volume and glacier bed topography: the Andean glacier Huayna West by V. Moya Quiroga et al.
- 2013/06/11: Springer:Trees: (ab$) Tree rings reveal extent of exposure to ionizing radiation in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris by Timothy A. Mousseau et al.
- 2013/08/04: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Rising river flows throughout the twenty-first century in two Himalayan glacierized watersheds by W. W. Immerzeel et al.
- 2013/08/04: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Carbon storage at defect sites in mantle mineral analogues by Jun Wu & Peter R. Buseck
- 2013/08/04: Nature:CC: (ab$) Global imprint of climate change on marine life by Elvira S. Poloczanska et al.
- 2013/08/04: Nature:CC: (ab$) Observed changes in the albedo of the Arctic sea-ice zone for the period 1982-2009 by Aku Riihelä et al.
- 2013/08/05: WoL:JE: (ab$) Defoliation and bark harvesting affect life-history traits of a tropical tree by Orou G. Gaoue et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2013/08/06: NOAA: [link to 5.6 meg pdf] State of the Climate - 2012
- 2013/08/05: AGU: [115k pdf] AGU Position Statement on Climate Change
- 2013/08/08: ClimateInstitute: [link to 5.4 meg pdf] Dangerous Degrees
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2013/08/08: IsaacHeld: 40. Playing with a diffusive energy balance model
- 2013/08/06: CLBook: Near-term climate: the range of possibilities
- 2013/08/05: ERW: Insight: short-lived climate responses matter too
In the science organizations:
- 2013/08/06: ScienceInsider: Glimmer of Hope After Stunning Verdict in Turkish Trial
- 2013/08/06: NatureN: Scientists swept up in terrorism trials -- Turkish government ignores calls that trials are unfair
- 2013/08/05: ScienceInsider: Move to Merge Russian Physics Institutes Draws Fire
Regarding advocacy:
- 2013/08/10: DD: For some climate scientists, speaking out is a moral obligation...
- 2013/08/09: JEB: AGU: advocacy or information?
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): For some climate scientists, speaking out is a moral obligation by John Abraham & Andrew Dessler
Regarding Keeling:
Regarding Somerville:
Regarding Moelders:
The Fifth IPCC report is coming up:
And on the carbon trading front:
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): New Iranian president Hassan Rouhani pledges resolution with West over nuclear issue
- 2013/08/07: EUO: EU refreshes diplomatic contacts with Iran
- 2013/08/06: BBC: Iran's new leader Rouhani urges 'serious' nuclear talks
- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): Iran ready to talk if US shows 'goodwill', says new president
Hassan Rouhani says Tehran would match any 'constructive move' by Washington to end stalemate over nuclear programme - 2013/08/06: Asia Times: Rouhani grapples nuclear mules
- 2013/08/06: Asia Times: Stumbling to the sanctions exit
- 2013/08/05: RT: Rouhani can't reach out to US hand that is not there
- 2013/08/05: DemNow: New Iranian President Calls for West to End Sanctions, Reduce "Antagonism and Aggression"
- 2013/08/05: IndiaTimes: European Union calls for 'rapid progress' on Iran nuclear issue
- 2013/08/01: Rediff:B: Iran shrugs off new US sanctions by M K Bhadrakumar
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2013/08/09: CSM: Manila apologizes, and Taiwan lifts sanctions
- 2013/08/09: IndiaTimes: Japan summons Chinese envoy to protest sea incursion
- 2013/08/09: ABC(Au): Taiwan lifts sanctions on Philippines following apology
- 2013/08/08: IndiaTimes: Japan protests incursion by Chinese ships
- 2013/08/08: WSWS: No maritime agreement at ASEAN meeting
In the global competition for Rare Earths and other natural resources:
- 2013/08/09: Xinhuanet: China's rare earth exchange platform to begin trial run
The Baotou Rare Earth Products Exchange, China's first national trading platform of its kind, is expected to go into use on a trial basis in October. - 2013/08/08: Xinhuanet: China's rare earth industry sees progress, challenges
In the solar squabbles between China and Europe:
- 2013/08/07: EurActiv: Commission rules out duties on Chinese solar panels - for now
The European Commission has decided not to impose provisional duties on Chinese solar panels but plans to continue its anti-subsidy investigation. - 2013/08/07: EUO: EU to continue investigation of Chinese solar industry
The bickering over South Atlantic sea floor and possible oil fields continues:
As for miscellaneous international political happenings:
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
- 2013/08/09: DerSpiegel: Scientific Feud: Does Global Warming Make Us More Violent?
A group of scientists recently released a paper claiming that global warming makes violent conflict more likely. Others, though, have sharply criticized the study, leading to a widening scientific tiff. In related news, it has been a hot summer. - 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Outbreaks of civil conflict could double as the world warms
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Study finds weather changes cause violent behaviour
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Native Americans Arrested While Protesting Tar Sands Equipment Transport Through Tribal Lands
- 2013/08/05: TP:JR: Over 200 Arrested At Anti-Chevron Protests This Weekend
- 2013/08/05: BBC: Ian Tomlinson family receive Met police payout [amount undisclosed] over G20 death
The Met Police has apologised to the family of Ian Tomlinson and reached an out-of-court settlement over his death at the G20 protests in London in 2009.
The force apologised "unreservedly" for the "excessive and unlawful force" used by one of its officers.
Mr Tomlinson had been walking home when he was struck with a baton and pushed to the ground by then-PC Simon Harwood.
His widow, Julia, said the apology was "as close as we are going to get to justice".
What are the activists up to?
- 2013/08/10: CCurrents: 100 Ideas For Climate Change Activists Trying To Save The Biosphere And Humanity [Polya]
- 2013/08/09: ScienceInsider: Activists Destroy 'Golden Rice' Field Trial
- 2013/08/09: BBC: 'Golden rice' GM trial vandalised in the Philippines
- 2013/08/07: RTCC: 'Thousands' of protestors could descend on UK fracking site
No Dash for Gas UK action group says it plans to send a new wave of campaigners to Balcombe
UK campaign group No Dash for Gas says it plans to link up with protesters in the village of Balcombe, in what is rapidly turning into a battle over the future of fracking in the country. - 2013/08/06: BoiseSPR: More Protests Planned As An Oil Sands Megaload Makes Its Way Through Idaho
- 2013/08/06: EFN: Nez Perce, Idle No More, Rising Tide Blockade Highway 12 to Stop Megaloads
- 2013/08/05: OilChange: Massive protest at California Chevron refinery a show of movement strength
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
Polls! We have polls!
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2013/08/10: TMoS: "The Greatest Water Grab in History"
- 2013/08/08: PSinclair: Lower Great Lakes Levels - Another New Normal?
- 2013/08/07: JFleck: Before we abandon LA because of water shortages, we'll do this
- 2013/08/07: ERW: Future water availability will alter electricity prices in Europe
- 2013/08/06: JFleck: Colorado Basin - the demand side problem
- 2013/08/05: TP:JR: Drought-Stricken New Mexico Farmers Drain Aquifer To Sell Water For Fracking
- 2013/08/05: USGS: New Insight on Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination
Regarding science education:
While in the UK:
- 2013/08/10: Guardian(UK): Strange tale of Shell's pipeline battle, the Garda and £30,000 worth of booze
Shell's Corrib gas project has been delayed for years by strong resistance in County Mayo. Now claims are emerging of corporate sweeteners, including a consignment of alcohol for police after a clash with protesters - 2013/08/07: Guardian(UK): Fracking boss faces growing tremors of resistance from public, press and Tories
With plans to drill in West Sussex, Cuadrilla CEO Francis Egan has received death threats and an offer to frack his garden - 2013/08/07: RTCC: UK publishes plans to drive investment in clean energy
Wind, solar and biomass generators in the UK now know level of support they could receive from government - 2013/08/07: AutoBG: UK Lib Dems pushing to ban fossil fuel autos by 2040
And in Europe:
- 2013/08/08: RTCC: EU funding advances carbon storage
- 2013/08/06: Reuters: German utilities attack green squeeze on profits, hint at leaving
Green boom hurts conventional power plants - E.ON considers moving mothballed plant in Slovakia - Move seen as tactical ahead of September election
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2013/08/10: ABC(Au): Truckies want end to carbon tax fuel plan
The trucking industry wants the next federal government to drop any commitment to put a carbon tax on fuel.
The Opposition says if elected it will drop the carbon tax.
But Labor wants to tax fuel in heavy vehicles at 1.6 cents per litre from next year. - 2013/08/10: WSWS: Australian corruption findings highlight Labor Party's decay
In a further damning exposure of the putrid, corporate-dominated character of the Australian Labor Party, corruption findings have been issued against millionaire businessman Eddie Obeid, the former head of the ALP's dominant right-wing machine in the state of New South Wales, and ex-state Resources Minister Ian Macdonald.
Three detailed reports by the NSW government's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) were released last month. They provide a glimpse into the intimate relations between ALP leaders and wealthy business entrepreneurs. - 2013/08/09: WSWS: Opposition in Papua New Guinea to Australian refugee pact
- 2013/08/09: RTCC: Australia can achieve 25% emissions cut by 2020, concludes [Climate Institute] report
- 2013/08/09: ABC(Au): Solar power users considering legal action against WA government after it announces cut to feed-in tariffs
- 2013/08/09: TheConversation: Senate inquiry on extreme weather won't help Australia prepare
- 2013/08/08: Guardian(UK): Senate panel warns over climate change
Bipartisan report highlights scientific link between severe weather events and dangerous global warming - 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): South-west WA faces threat of more minor flooding
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Updated coastal policy seen as good start to climate change fight
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Study to consider rising water levels impact
- 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Costs awarded for 2003 bushfires case
Costs have been awarded in the long-running civil case over the 2003 Canberra Bushfires. - 2013/08/07: RTCC: Australia lacks resilience to climate change - report
- 2013/08/06: CleanTechnica: Climate Commissioner Says Australians Are Rushing To Embrace Solar
- 2013/08/06: ABC(Au): Power price dip predicted for Tasmanian households
The Tasmanian Government expects power prices will fall by 5 per cent next year. - 2013/08/06: PeakEnergy: The great de-electricifation of Australia
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): LED streetlights could save Hunter councils millions
Councils in the Hunter and on the Central Coast are being invited to become the first in Australia to roll out energy saving LED streetlights across their grids.
The LED light globes use less than half the average wattage of regular bulbs and it is expected installing them will save councils millions of dollars a year in electricity bills. - 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Energy efficient street lights to save councils big dollars
- 2013/08/05: TheConversation: Solar revolution led by outer suburbs
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Rapid uptake of solar panels puts dent in electricity market, report shows
A new report shows Australians have pounced on ways to save on their electricity bills by installing solar panels at an extraordinary rate.
The Climate Commission's Solar Energy report found more than 10 per cent of Australians, or 2.5 million people, use solar power for their homes.
It found there are now more than 1 million rooftop solar systems in Australia, up from 8,000 in 2007, with most uptake in the mortgage belt suburbs of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Climate Commission chief Tim Flannery is calling it "a solar revolution".
One short, hectic month to the September 7th election:
- NewAnthropocene: [Australian] Election 2013
- 2013/08/11: BBC: Australian election rivals Rudd and Abbott hold first debate
- 2013/08/09: ABC(Au): Abbott chief of staff Peta Credlin's drink-driving case postponed [until after the federal election]
- 2013/08/09: TMoS: Australia's Senate Drops Climate Change Wrench into General Election [Dangerous Degrees report]
- 2013/08/08: ClimateInstitute: [link to 5.4 meg pdf] Dangerous Degrees
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Election live coverage: Dramatic return for Peter Beattie as Rudd and Murdoch war heats up
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Labor and Coalition agree to Sunday night leaders' debate at National Press Club
- 2013/08/08: IndiaTimes: Rupert Murdoch's tabloid depicts Australian PM Kevin Rudd as bumbling Nazi
- 2013/08/08: BBC: Murdoch row amid Australia election campaign
A row has deepened in Australia as a tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch continued to rubbish PM Kevin Rudd.
On Thursday, the Daily Telegraph depicted Mr Rudd as Colonel Klink, a bumbling Nazi commander from 1960s comedy Hogan's Heroes. - 2013/08/08: ArcticNews: Climate, the "new normal" and the Australian elections
- 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Miners fear tax could be extended
There's concern that even more mining companies may have to pay a mineral resource rent tax (MRRT) after a High Court challenge to its validity was thrown out today.
So the industry is pinning its hopes on the Coalition winning the federal election, because it's pledged to scrap the mining tax. - 2013/08/06: ABC(Au): The Hastings branch of Climate Change Australia raises concern about Coalition policy
A mid north coast Climate action group doubts the Coalition can tackle climate change through its Direct Action plan.
The President of the Hastings branch of Climate Change Australia Harry Creamer said the policy was written for the 2010 election and is full of holes.
He said the Coalition needs an updated plan and one of the main concerns is that Direct Action relies on carbon capture. - 2013/08/06: NewAnthropocene: Industry is shifting away from an Abbott styled "future"
- 2013/08/06: TheConversation: Election 2013 Issues: Looking after Australia
- 2013/08/06: TheConversation: Will a new government hand control of our energy to overseas investors?
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): With the election called, where do the parties stand on climate policy?
- 2013/08/05: JQuiggin: Oz, NZ and the election
- 2013/08/05: RTCC: Carbon tax takes centre stage as Australian election campaign starts
- 2013/08/05: BBC: Australia election campaign kicks off
- 2013/08/05: WSWS: Australian PM calls September 7 election
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Live coverage: Day one of the federal election campaign
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Farmer claims mine water monitoring is flawed
Concerns over the affects of mining on water tables led a central Queensland farmer to collating his own data.
Paul Murphy has graphed independently collected data measuring the amount a bore has dropped, alongside projections presented by Rio Tinto and BHP Billit - 2013/08/07: ABC(Au): Lake Council seeks flood feedback on sea-level policy [Aus pol]
After encountering a tide of opposition to its sea-level policy, Lake Macquarie Council is seeking public input on its planning for future flood risks.
This month the council begins community information meetings in Belmont South and Marks Point, where many residents have challenged claims their properties could be impacted by rising sea-levels. - 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Murray water boost to help Blanchetown project
And in New Zealand:
- 2013/08/08: WSWS: No justice for New Zealand mine disaster victims' families
- 2013/08/06: RTCC: Frustration grows at New Zealand's climate change 'coma'
Weak emissions trading scheme and plans for oil and gas drilling raise questions over country's climate strategy
New Zealand will experience extreme rainfall, more hot weather, stronger winds and longer droughts in the coming decades, according to a report published last week.
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2013/08/09: Asia Times: Decoding India's Telangana conundrum
- 2013/08/06: CPunch: Conflicting Opinions -- The Supreme Court of India's Judgment on the Kudankulam Nuclear Plant
And in China:
- 2013/08/05: TreeHugger: Imprisoned by the air. On the fear and anxieties of life in Beijing. [China pol]
While elsewhere in Asia:
- 2013/08/10: PLNA: Thailand to Try Oil Company for Environmental Damage
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand plans to try the PTT Global Chemical Company for its responsibility for the leak of oil off Thai shores that caused serious damage to the ecosystems. - 2013/08/09: TheCanadian: Thailand's Koh Samet oil spill badly affecting tourism
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): US Pacific Islands oppose endangered coral species list
The US Pacific Islands are concerned a mainland US environmental group's proposed list of endangered coral species can impact the islands' ability to manage its resources.
The Center for Biological Diversity has proposed a list of 66 reef building corals under the Endangered Species Act.
Dr Takiora Ingram, the Pacific Islands Regional Ocean Partnership secretariat, has told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat 59 of the coral species listed under the act are found in the Pacific and that involves management issues. - 2013/08/04: Cryptome: South Korea Nuclear Power Plants -- Scandal in South Korea Over Nuclear Revelations
And South (& Central) America:
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2013/08/08: PI:B: Trust us? Canada's climate credibility challenge
- 2013/08/07: MSimon: Climate Change: The Comedy Show?
- 2013/08/07: Macleans: Why won't Canada set oil and gas regulations?
- 2013/08/07: EmbassyMag: Canada shirking UN population and development review: Observers
It didn't respond to a global questionnaire and was a no-show at a regional conference. That puts it at odds with its maternal and child health priority, says one prof. - 2013/08/07: EmbassyMag: African bank chief calls on Canada to finance climate change fund
Donald Kaberuka warns against CIDA-DFAIT merger leading to 'mercantilist agenda.' - 2013/08/06: TStar: Canadians still waiting on oilsands emissions targets
No date set for Harper government's long-promised curbs on oilsands emissions.
The Lac-Mégantic tragedy slowly plays out:
- 2013/08/09: CDreams: In Lac-Megantic: Hundreds of Millions in Damages as Rail Company Pleads Poverty
- 2013/08/08: CBC: Lac-Mégantic disaster railway gets bankruptcy protection
* Quebec names Pomerleau Ltd. to take over the cleanup of Lac-Mégantic
* Province insists as a guaranteed creditor, it will be among 1st to collect from MM&A
* [Provincial minister] Réjean Hébert admits taxpayers could get stuck paying some cleanup costs - 2013/08/08: TheCanadian: Runaway train fuels runaway narrative in Lac-Mégantic
- 2013/08/07: BBerg: Montreal Maine Railway Files for Bankruptcy After Crash
Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway Ltd., the operator of a runaway train that killed 47 people when it derailed and exploded in a Quebec town last month, said potential liability from the disaster forced it to file for bankruptcy.
The company, blaming the crash in Lac-Megantic for its filing today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Bangor, Maine, said it will continue to operate during the reorganization. An affiliated company, Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Canada Co., filed a petition in Canada. - 2013/08/07: CBC: Lac-Mégantic rail disaster company MM&A files for bankruptcy
MM&A chairman says mounting lawsuits, cleanup costs exceed railway's assets
Court documents estimate Lac-Mégantic cleanup cost at $200M - MM&A admits in court petition it has only $25M in insurance coverage - 2013/08/07: TMoS: MM&A Pulls the Pin
- 2013/08/07: G&M: MM&A files for bankruptcy after Lac-Mégantic rail disaster
The U.S.-based company whose train derailed in Lac-Mégantic, Que., last month announced Wednesday that it has filed for bankruptcy protection in both Canada and the United States.
Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway issued a statement Wednesday afternoon saying it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Maine. - 2013/08/06: CBC: Lac-Mégantic marks 1 month since deadly train explosion
- 2013/08/05: CBC: A look at Lac-Mégantic's red-zone: 1 month later
The West-East pipeline is suddenly a focus of much dispute:
- 2013/08/07: CBC: First Nations want equal partnership in west-east pipeline
- 2013/08/06: CPW: TransCanada's Energy East oil pipeline will face fierce opposition: Council of Canadians
- 2013/08/05: Reuters: Analysis: TransCanada's East Coast oil pipeline to change trade dynamics
TransCanada Corp's plan to build one of the world's longest oil pipelines has reverberations far beyond Canadian shores. - 2013/08/05: CPW: As Keystone XL Falters, TransCanada OKs Bigger Canada East Coast Pipeline
- 2013/08/05: MetroNews: Governments, industry team up on pipeline research
At least three governments and two energy industry groups are leading what they hope will be a "pan-Canadian" approach to find ways to improve the country's pipelines.
As three controversial megaprojects generate headlines across the country, the Canadian Pipeline Technology Collaborative is to look for ways to make the system safer and more efficient, said industry spokeswoman Brenda Kenny.
The Cold Lake leak still has people upset:
- 2013/08/09: CBC: Bitumen leak cleanup underway near Cold Lake, Alta.
1 million litres of bitumen emulsion have leaked in boreal forest - 2013/08/08: NYT: Leak at Oil Sands Project in Alberta Heightens Conservationists' Concerns
- 2013/08/07: PI:B: What's really happening at the CNRL blowout site?
- 2013/08/04: OilDrum: Tech Talk - The Latest Canadian Oil Spill [Cold Lake]
Now that Christy Clark has a mandate, what will she do?
- 2013/08/10: CBC: Water restrictions lifted on Slocan River after fuel spill
- 2013/08/09: TheCanadian: From 'frosty' to 'best friends': Christy Clark and Alison Redford all smiles at B.C. meeting
- 2013/08/09: TheCanadian: Health advisory issued after Slocan fuel spill
- 2013/08/05: Tyee: Who's More Bummed, BC's Enviros or New Dems? Their shared nightmare unfolds: four more years of Liberal reign
- 2013/08/04: TheCanadian: B. C. carbon tax working to reduce emissions: study
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2013/08/09: CSM: ExxonMobil buys stake in Canadian oil sands
- 2013/08/09: TheCanadian: Washington State first nation stands in path of coal port
- 2013/08/08: G&M: Imperial, Exxon deal offers hope of Alberta oil turnaround
- 2013/08/08: BBerg: Exxon, Imperial to Buy Conoco Oil-Sands for $723 Million
Exxon Mobil Corp. and Imperial Oil Ltd. agreed to buy ConocoPhillips' Clyden lease for about C$751 million ($723 million), expanding their holdings in the booming Alberta oil-sands region. - 2013/08/07: BAR: Freedom Rider: Tar Sands Hell in Detroit
- 2013/08/06: BoiseSPR: More Protests Planned As An Oil Sands Megaload Makes Its Way Through Idaho
- 2013/08/06: EFN: Nez Perce, Idle No More, Rising Tide Blockade Highway 12 to Stop Megaloads
- 2013/08/05: Yale360: With Tar Sands Development, Growing Concern on Water Use
Environmental questions about Canada's massive tar sands development have long centered on greenhouse gas emissions. Now there are mounting concerns about the huge volumes of water used by the oil industry and the impact on the vast Mackenzie River Basin. - 2013/08/04: TheCanadian: New report: Less than 1-percent of tar sands environmental infractions penalized
In Ontario, Wynne is struggling to establish herself. Energy still looms large:
- 2013/08/09: WSWS: Toronto doctor faces sanctions for helping poor
- 2013/08/05: BCLSB: Appeals Of The Ostrander Point Windfarm Decision
In the Maritimes:
In the North:
- 2013/08/09: CCP: Yukon, Canada, First Nation votes against fracking
- 2013/08/09: CBC: Search for lost Franklin expedition ships to resume
HMS Erebus and HMS Terror were lost in Arctic expedition [in 1845]
And on the American political front:
- 2013/08/09: TP:JR: Three New Ways ALEC Will Push Its Fossil Fuel Agenda This Year
- 2013/08/08: CCP: Michael Mann responds to factually incorrect letter to the editor of the Times-Dispatch
- 2013/08/08: CDreams: All Eyes on Washington State for GE Food Labeling
- 2013/08/08: CDreams: Stunning Ag-gag Bill News
- 2013/08/08: NakedCapitalism: Obama's Own Party Wages War on Energy Plans
- 2013/08/08: Grist: The craziest political race of the year is putting climate in the spotlight
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: How A Powerful Group Of Corporations Quietly Tried To Roll Back Clean Energy Standards, And Failed Miserably
- 2013/08/08: TheHill:e2W: Republicans rake in cash from oil-and-gas industry
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: Wisconsin's Surprising Involvement In The Fracking Boom
- 2013/08/08: CleanTechnica: A Must-Read By Navy Secretary Ray Mabus: Biofuel And The "Eco-Arms Race"
- 2013/08/07: CDreams: California's Fracking Regulatory Bill: Less Than Zero
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Failing Energy Infrastructure On The Gulf Coast Is Putting Low-Income Communities At Risk
- 2013/08/07: UCSUSA:B: In Chicago, ALEC Reboots Failed Strategy for Attacking Renewable Energy Policies
- 2013/08/07: TreeHugger: Oil and Gas Have Laid Waste to Louisiana's Coast
- 2013/08/07: DeSmogBlog: Exposed: ALEC's New Anti-environmental Agenda Unveiled in Chicago This Week
- 2013/08/06: FP: Green Water -- Can the U.S. Navy win the eco-arms race? by Ray Mabus
- 2013/08/06: CSM: RNC threat to networks over Hillary Clinton programs: Is it wise? Is it real?
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): Relocation of Alaska's sinking Newtok village halted
Setback for tribal communities threatened by climate change as government freezes funding over local political dispute - 2013/08/05: TreeHugger: Cobb County, Georgia sees Agenda 21 plot in bike lanes and sidewalks
- 2013/08/05: TreeHugger: Making a Republican case for climate action
- 2013/08/05: APR: Governor of Utah endorses Western Initiative for Nuclear
Post-Sandy commentary and news:
- 2013/08/10: TP:JR: An Entire New Jersey Town Considers Elevating Itself To Escape Future Storms
- 2013/08/09: CSM: 'Above normal' hurricane season coming. Is New York ready for another Sandy?
- 2013/08/07: FDL: Chris Christie Uses $2 Million Of Hurricane Sandy Relief Money For Quasi-Campaign Ads
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2013/08/09: DeSmogBlog: Corruption in the Pipeline: A Timeline of Keystone XL Misinformation
- 2013/08/09: TP:JR: 'Independent Study' On Keystone XL Closely Linked To Fossil Fuel Companies
- 2013/08/07: BBerg: Probe of Keystone Contractor Energizes Pipeline Opponents
- 2013/08/07: Grist: Here's the anti-Keystone ad one NBC station doesn't want you to see
- 2013/08/07: CBC: U.S. envoy to Canada in limbo as Obama weighs Keystone XL -- Nomination risks being 'held hostage' in U.S. Senate
- 2013/08/07: MoJo: Keystone Light: The Keystone XL Alternative You've Never Heard of Is Probably Going to Be Built
As the Keystone XL pipeline has been mired in controversy, a competitor is speeding through plans for a pipeline that would do the exact same thing. - 2013/08/08: Grist: Is Keystone XL a distraction from more important climate fights?
- 2013/08/07: NatureN: Climate science: A line in the sands
The scientific community is sharply divided over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada's tar sands. - 2013/08/06: DeSmogBlog: Fracking's Myriad Ties to Flawed State Dept Keystone XL Environmental Review
- 2013/08/05: CSM: State Department watchdog probes Keystone XL review
- 2013/08/05: Grist: Keystone study contractor under scrutiny by State Dept. watchdog
- 2013/08/04: WaPo: Nebraska trial could delay Keystone XL pipeline
- 2013/08/03: GFHerald: Potential Keystone XL [pipe] sits unused in southwest N.D.
The Mayflower oil spill situation drags on:
- 2013/08/08: ICN: Persisting Impact of Ark. Oil Spill Tears Community and Family Fabric
- 2013/08/07: ICN: Ark. Spill Victims on 'Wrong' Side of Fence Left to Fend for Themselves
People who live close to the ruptured Pegasus pipeline say they weren't told of health risks and have been ignored by Exxon and government officials. - 2013/08/06: FuelFix: Mayflower residents hope to keep spill suit alive
The GOP War on Women continues. See also:
- 2013/08/10: RT: New bill threatens Ohio abortion clinics as similar Texas law begins hurting women's healthcare
- 2013/08/08: CDreams: The Anti-Abortion Agenda Explained ... [close all abortion clinics]
- 2013/08/05: CDreams: The South's Widening War on Abortion Rights
The NorthWest coal export debate remains heated:
Have market, will fix:
- 2013/08/08: BRitholtz: JP Morgan: $7 Billion in Fines, $16 Billion in Legal Costs
- 2013/08/05: FDL: JPMorgan Pays $410 Million For Enron-Style Manipulation Of Energy Market
- 2013/08/05: BBC: BP denies US allegations of fixing natural gas market
US regulators have told BP to respond to allegations of natural gas market manipulation and threatened the firm with fines of close to $29m (£19m).
BP has 30 days to respond, but said the allegations were "without merit".
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Office of Enforcement alleges the offences took place in the Houston Ship Channel from September to November 2008.
There's still a lot of chatter about the frackers gagging those kids:
- 2013/08/09: Asia Times: Fracking 'silence' for life
New signs have emerged in recent days which indicate extreme measures are being taken in order to suppress evidence of the pernicious effects of the energy extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking".
At the beginning of this month, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette revealed that in 2011 a Pennsylvania family reached an unprecedented settlement with an energy company fracking near their property. It included gag orders on the family's two children, ages seven and 10 at the time of the settlement, which prohibit them from, at any point in their lives, discussing their experiences living near a fracking site.
This revelation came only days after the Los Angeles Times reported that it had obtained a set of government-censored Powerpoint slides related to a study by the Environmental Protection Agency. The slides conclude that fracking was indeed polluting the aquifer in question.
Critics of the controversial extraction method note that these examples are part of an overall cover-up strategy being employed by the oil and gas industry. - 2013/08/08: WSWS: Gas drilling company imposes lifetime gag order on Pennsylvania children
- 2013/08/06: Wonkette: Gag Reflex: Big Gas Tries To Get Kids To Shut The Frack Up
- 2013/08/07: FDL: Children Given Lifelong Ban From Talking About Fracking As Water Activists Labeled Terrorists By Government
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): Children given lifelong ban on talking about fracking
Two Pennsylvanian children will live their lives under a gag order imposed under a $750,000 settlement - 2013/08/03: RT: Lifelong 'frack gag': Two Pennsylvania children banned from discussing fracking
The 7- and 10-year-old children of a Pennsylvania couple that reached a settlement following a lawsuit involving health issues brought on by fracking have been barred from discussing details of the case for the rest of their lives.
Looking ahead to the 2014 & 2016 elections:
- 2013/08/05: CSM: Why is Sen. Mitch McConnell slamming tea party foe?
- 2013/08/05: CSM: Poll: Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton are America's 'hottest politicians'
- 2013/08/05: CSM: Does Gov. Martin O'Malley want to be Hillary Clinton's vice president?
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2013/08/10: CSM: Yarnell wildfire federal aid 'snub': Did Obama-Texas-Arizona feud play a role?
It's happened again: President Obama's administration has turned down a post-disaster emergency request from a political adversary, in this case Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who had pleaded with Washington for rebuilding help for last month's Yarnell Hill wildfire, which claimed the lives of 19 "hotshot" firefighters. - 2013/08/09: TP:JR: EPA Confirms Coal Ash Contaminates Water Across The Country, House Republicans Try To Preempt Regulations
- 2013/08/07: NPR: EPA Wants To Allow Continued Wastewater Dumping In Wyoming
- 2013/08/07: NatureNB: Study finds widespread conflicts of interest in food-safety decisions
- 2013/08/07: ScienceInsider: U.S. Blocks Import Permit for Russian Beluga Whales
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Government Inaction Is Turning Off Investors Who Want To Back Green Energy
- 2013/08/06 LA Times: EPA relaxes biofuel standards through 2014
The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday extended the deadline for meeting biofuel goals this year and will lower renewable fuel targets for 2014, a move designed to give oil refineries more flexibility.
The 2013 rules, months late in coming, mandates that 16.55 billion gallons of renewable fuels be blended into the U.S. gas and diesel supply, up from 15.2 billion gallons last year.
But the agency gave oil refineries an extra four months to comply, with the deadline extended to June 2014. The biofuel targets for next year will also be reduced, the agency said. - 2013/08/06: TheHill:e2W: Almost eight months late, EPA sets 2013 biofuel blend requirement
The Obama administration is calling for 16.55 billion of gallons of renewable fuel to be blended in with conventional gasoline this year as part of a federal program designed to wean the country off foreign oil and explore new energy sources.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday announced its yearly requirement under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), nearly eight months past the legal due date of last November. - 2013/08/06: NOAANews: NOAA Fisheries denies application to import 18 beluga whales for public display
- 2013/08/06: CPunch: The Unethical EPA -- Inside the Censored EPA Fracking Water Study
- 2013/08/05: CDreams: Revealed: EPA Fracking Study Rebukes Agency's Own Safety Claims
- 2013/08/05: DeSmogBlog: Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published for First Time
- 2013/07/30: DOE:NREL: NREL Report Firms Up Land-Use Requirements of Solar -- Study shows solar for 1,000 homes would require 32 acres
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2013/08/09: HillHeat: Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) Mocks Global Warming As 'Hot Air Coming Out Of Washington'
- 2013/08/09: TP:JR: VIDEO: Congressman [Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK)] From State Battered By Extreme Weather Denies Existence Of Climate Change
- 2013/08/08: PSinclair: Grist: How Crazy the House GOP has Become
- 2013/08/08: DeSmogBlog: Congressional Republicans Take Stab At EPA Before Heading To Recess
- 2013/08/08: HillHeat: Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.) Takes 'Exception' To Man-Made Global Warming
- 2013/08/08: HillHeat: Video: Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-Penn.) Doesn't Believe The Fact of Man-Made Global Warming
- 2013/08/08: Wonkette: No One Can Overtake Steve King In The Race To The Bottom Of Climate Change Stupidity
- 2013/08/08: Grist: Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) insults climate scientists and religious Americans simultaneously
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Rep. Steve King (R-IA): Belief In Climate Change Is A 'Religion,' 'Not Science'
- 2013/08/07: Grist: The REINS Act shows, again, just how f'ing crazy the House GOP is
- 2013/08/06: MStrassler: First It Was The Political Scientists...
- 2013/08/06: ATM: The Right cuts food stamps to pass corporate farm welfare--where's the sense in that?
- 2013/08/05: Ph&Ph: Rush Holt On Physics And Politics
- 2013/08/05: EnvEcon: "House slams door on carbon tax"
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2013/08/05: TheHill:e2W: 'Social cost of carbon' draws coal, oil industry lobbying
A once-obscure metric of carbon emissions' toll is becoming the talk of K Street -- or at least a corner of it.
Two oil companies and big coal producer have begun lobbying on the "social cost of carbon," signaling increased interest and concern over how regulators calculate the benefits of avoided pollution.
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2013/08/09: Guardian(UK): Development and indigenous peoples: creating community-owned solutions
- 2013/08/07: CCurrents: What Replaces The "Free Market" In A Sharing Economy?
- 2013/08/05: TFTJO: The "unreal reality" of jumping out: Part I
- 2013/08/07: TFTJO: The Unreal Reality of jumping out - part II by Max Iacono
Part II: Can world human society be transformed to improve its chances for future survival, and how? - 2013/08/06: Resilience: Fixing Food and Farming with a True-Cost Economy
- 2013/08/05: Resilience: Countering the EcoPessimist
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology]
raised its head once again:- 2013/08/06: Guardian(UK): Sex and survival: reducing fertility rates among adolescent girls
To succeed, family planning programmes must empower girls. Mushtaque Chowdhury suggests how to start a 'reproductive revolution' - 2013/08/09: UDW: Latin America Lags on Reproductive Rights
- 2013/08/08: IndiaTimes: Despite law, Irish hospital says no to abortions
- 2013/08/07: EmbassyMag: The world's most important hamburger by Gwynne Dyer
Far beyond the objections of vegetarians and animal-rights activists, what's wrong with eating 'natural' meat is that there are too many of us, eating too much of it, and we're running out of land to grow it on. That's why this lab-grown patty is so significant.
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2013/08/10: WtD: The Fox Effect: Murdoch's patronage of deniers and his war on science
- 2013/08/08: Guardian(UK): Fox News found to be a major driving force behind global warming denial
- 2013/08/08: SkS: Fox News found to be a major driving force behind global warming denial by dana1981
- 2013/08/08: GreenGrok: Science Mag's 'Once and Future Climate Change' Coverage
- 2013/08/07: TMoS: FOX News - Fair and Balanced Misinformation 24/7 - And It Works!
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: After Airing Pro-Keystone XL Ads, NBC Station Rejects Ad Opposing The Pipeline
- 2013/08/06: MoJo: Study: Watching Fox News Makes You Distrust Climate Scientists
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2013/08/08: ABC(Au): Reggae-loving parrot joins Vanuatu's climate change fight
- 2013/08/07: CleanTechnica: TransCanada Keystone XL Spin Gets Spun By New Ad (video)
- 2013/08/07: PSinclair: "God Bless America" New Ad Crushes Keystone
- 2013/08/05: QuarkSoup: Climate Sensitivity Unlikely To Be < 2 C
- 2013/08/05: GLaden: How to talk to a climate change denier
- 2013/08/05: TreeHugger: Ocean Requiem: Amazing short film shows why we must protect our oceans (video)
- 2013/08/04: ERabett: Andy Dessler on Climate Sensitivity
- 2013/08/04: GLaden: James Hansen on Solutions to Climate Change
As for podcasts:
- 2013/08/07: QuarkSoup: This Week's EconTalk: Climate Economics
- 2013/08/07: HillHeat: Audio: Rep. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) Says Solar Cycles Cause Climate Change
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2013/08/06: BBerg: Shell's Spill Plans for Arctic Are Upheld by Judge
Royal Dutch Shell Plc's oil spill plans for drilling in Alaska's Beaufort and Chukchi seas don't violate environmental laws, a federal judge in Anchorage ruled in rejecting a challenge by conservation groups.
The U.S. Interior Department's approval process wasn't flawed or based on erroneous assumptions and the approvals don't violate the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and other environmental laws, U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline ruled today.
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a long while:
- 2013/08/08: DeSmogBlog: BP Attacks Oil Spill Victims, Tries To Hide Criminal Past
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: BP CEO Says He's Done Paying For The Deepwater Horizon Disaster
- 2013/08/08: TribTown:AP: 10 accused of stealing from BP oil spill fund in Alabama indicted
- 2013/08/07: CNN: BP told to fund disputed Gulf settlement program
Federal judge orders BP to provide $130 million for ongoing claims - BP has complained the program has paid excessive or false claims - BP refused to OK the program's budget; the judge called that "unreasonable" - 2013/08/06: FuelFix: BP balks at paying claims administrator
- 2013/08/05: FuelFix: BP cites new fraud allegations in spill settlement
- 2013/08/05: Guardian(UK): US energy regulator threatens BP with $28m fine over irregular gas trades
FERC steps up action against powerful trading firms as BP eyed one week after $410bn settlement reached with JP Morgan
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2013/08/11: PeakEnergy: A Farewell To The Oil Drum
- 2013/08/10: Grist: Don't for a second imagine we're heading for an era of renewable energy by Michael T. Klare
- 2013/08/09: PeakEnergy: Oslo On The Hunt For Rubbish To Burn
- 2013/08/08: CDreams: How to Fry a Planet
The Third Carbon Age: Don't for a Second Imagine We're Heading for an Era of Renewable Energy - 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Government Inaction Is Turning Off Investors Who Want To Back Green Energy
- 2013/08/07: PeakEnergy: Renewable Energy Prices Continue to Fall
- 2013/08/07: NBF: Sweden does not have enough garbage and imports it but fortunately they are paid to take garbage
- 2013/08/07: ERW: Future water availability will alter electricity prices in Europe
- 2013/08/07: CER:RRapier: The U.S. is the Gassiest Country -- Comments on 2013 BP Statistical Review of World Energy
- 2013/08/06: PeakEnergy: The great de-electricifation of Australia
- 2013/08/04: ITracker: Shale gas vs coal is the wrong question
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2013/08/10: CDreams: Frackonomics: The Science and Economics of the Gas Boom
- 2013/08/09: CCP: Yukon, Canada, First Nation votes against fracking
- 2013/08/09: CleanTechnica: Poland Is Getting Fracked
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: Wisconsin's Surprising Involvement In The Fracking Boom
- 2013/08/07: TP:JR: Bridge Or Gangplank? Study Finds Methane Leakage From Gas Fields High Enough To Gut Climate Benefit
- 2013/08/07: UCSUSA:B: Science, Democracy and Fracking: People Have Questions and They Deserve Answers
- 2013/08/07: PSinclair: Oops. Methane Leakage from Fracked Wells "Alarmingly high"
- 2013/08/06: CCP: Between 6 and 12% of the Uinta Basin's natural gas production escaping into the atmosphere
- 2013/08/06: CCP: Hydraulic Fracturing: When 2 wells meet [downhole communication, frack "hits"], spills can often follow
- 2013/08/06: AutoBG: 'Snake Oil' author [Heinberg] says history should remind us of fracking's 'false promise'
- 2013/08/06: CPunch: The Unethical EPA -- Inside the Censored EPA Fracking Water Study
- 2013/08/05: Grist: Offshore fracking in California: What could go wrong?
- 2013/08/05: AlterNet: Fracking the Commons: Why Your Public Lands Are Under Assault by Oil and Gas Drilling
- 2013/08/05: CDreams: Revealed: EPA Fracking Study Rebukes Agency's Own Safety Claims
- 2013/08/05: Grist: Ask Umbra: What's so bad about fracking?
- 2013/08/05: DeSmogBlog: Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published for First Time
On the coal front:
On the gas and oil front:
- 2013/08/09: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....108.22
WTI Cushing Spot....105.97 - 2013/08/09: TreeHugger: Natural Gas: 6 to 12 percent of the methane produced is leaking, study finds
- 2013/08/08: G&M: Peak oil? David Rosenberg gives seven reasons
- 2013/08/08: Resilience: The Third Carbon Age by Michael Klare
- 2013/08/04: Resilience: Of boiling frogs and oil prices
In the gas and oil corps:
- 2013/08/07: PeakEnergy: Supermajordämmerung
- 2013/08/06: DemNow: Chevron to Pay $2 Million for 2012 Refinery Fire in Richmond, CA; 200 Arrested at Protest
And in pipeline news:
- 2013/08/07: MoJo: Keystone Light: The Keystone XL Alternative You've Never Heard of Is Probably Going to Be Built
- 2013/08/05: ICN: Map: Little-Known Pipeline Nearly as Big as Keystone Could Win Race to Gulf
The Enbridge pipeline, converted from natural gas, would carry tar sands crude like the Keystone XL but is expected to easily win regulatory approval.
A little-known pipeline could win the race to ship heavy Canadian crude oil from the Midwest to the U.S. Gulf Coast if it comes online as planned in 2015.
Called the Eastern Gulf Crude Access Pipeline Project, the 774-mile line would be capable of carrying almost as much oil as the Keystone XL, the controversial pipeline mired in its fifth year of federal review. - 2013/08/05: Reuters: Analysis: TransCanada's East Coast oil pipeline to change trade dynamics
TransCanada Corp's plan to build one of the world's longest oil pipelines has reverberations far beyond Canadian shores.
Ships and boats and trains -- How to tranport the stuff:
- 2013/08/04: PNBakken: Crude trains keep rolling
Canada's two big railroads and oil producers are pressing ahead with plans to increase the use steel-wheels-on-steel-rails to move crude even as the small Quebec town of Lac-Megantic reels from what can go wrong with a crude-laden train.
Marvelous. Now the USA can have their own Mechanical Mordor:
- 2013/08/07: PTR: Wood Mackenzie Says Bakken & Eagle Ford Will Produce More than the Two Largest Fields in North America Combined [indep]
- 2013/08/03: PTR: Shale Plays Not Working For Big Oil
- 2013/08/05: TP:JR: Four Things You Need To Know About The Impacts Of North Dakota's Oil Boom
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
- 2013/08/05: FuelFix: Peak oil researcher says shale profits proving ephemeral
- 2013/08/09: PeakEnergy: Peak oil researcher says shale profits proving ephemeral
- 2013/08/05: OilDrum: Maugeri Misses Bakken "Red Queen"
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2013/08/10: CSM: The promise of advanced biofuels
- 2013/08/06 LA Times: EPA relaxes biofuel standards through 2014
- 2013/08/06: TheHill:e2W: Almost eight months late, EPA sets 2013 biofuel blend requirement
- 2013/08/06: DeSmogBlog: Are Kellogg's Snacks a Threat to Global Climate?
- 2013/08/06: TP:JR: The [cellulosic ethanol] Future Of Fuel Might Be Inside Of An Orange Grove
- 2013/08/06: UDW: Honduras: Expanding Palm Oil Empires In The Name Of 'Green Energy' And 'Sustainable Development'
- 2013/08/05: RTCC: Finland scientists turn dead wood into cheap biofuels
Pressurised fluidised bed gasification technology could deliver commercial quantities of methanol
Finnish scientists have found a way to turn dead wood into high quality biofuel for less than one euro a litre.
The answer my friend...
- 2013/08/10: CleanTechnica: Americans Are Installing Wind Turbines Near Their Homes, Farms, & Businesses More & More
- 2013/08/08: DerSpiegel: Casualty of War: WWII Explosives Scuttle Windfarm Opening
The ambitious Riffgat wind farm was supposed to open off the German and Dutch coast this month and power 120,000 homes. Now the discovery of unexploded ordinance is causing a costly delay. - 2013/08/07: RTCC: UK opens world's second largest offshore wind farm
- 2013/08/07: CSM: Can 'smart' turbines give renewables a second wind?
- 2013/08/06: TP:JR: Wind Energy Prices Hit Lowest Level In 8 Years As Industry Explodes
- 2013/08/06: FuelFix: Texas breezes along as US wind power leader
- 2013/08/06: BBerg: U.S. Energy Consumers Install 62% More Wind Turbines
U.S. consumers and businesses installed 175 megawatts of wind turbines last year to generate their own electricity and reduce their dependence on utilities, according to the U.S. Energy Department.
That was a 62 percent increase over 2011, led by farmers and schools from California to Wisconsin, the Energy Department said today in a report on the distributed wind industry. Total investment was more than $410 million. - 2013/08/06: PNNL: Localized wind power blowing more near homes, farms & factories
New report provides first detailed look at distributed wind across U.S.
Americans are increasingly installing wind turbines near their homes, farms and businesses to generate their own energy, concludes a new report released today. - 2013/08/06: Xinhuanet: Panama's Wind Farm of Penonome to be biggest in Central America [pix]
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2013/08/09: TP:JR: The Massive Demand For Solar In Asia Shows Us Where The Industry Is Headed
- 2013/08/09: PeakEnergy: Port Augusta to finally get solar thermal power -- for a greenhouse
- 2013/08/08: PSinclair: Food Plus Electricity: Solar Cells and Crops can Share the Sun
- 2013/08/07: TreeHugger: JA Solar makes record-breaking 18.3% efficient multi-crystalline silicon PV cells
- 2013/08/07: NCSU: Self-Healing Solar Cells 'Channel' Natural Processes
- 2013/07/01: SciAm: Is Anything Stopping a Truly Massive Build-Out of Desert Solar Power?
Engineers and industry agree that although challenges abound in utility-scale solar in the sunniest places on Earth, we have the technology to go big in the desert - 2013/08/05: TP:JR: Solar Could Provide One-Third Of The Western U.S.'s Power Needs By 2050
- 2013/08/05: TheConversation: Solar revolution led by outer suburbs
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Rapid uptake of solar panels puts dent in electricity market, report shows
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2013/08/09: APR: USS Miami to be decommissioned, scrapped
- 2013/08/08: CleanTechnica: Nuclear Power Plant in South Carolina At Risk for Shutdown
- 2013/08/08: BBC: Chernobyl's legacy recorded in trees
Exposure to radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl accident had a lasting negative legacy on the area's trees, a study has suggested. - 2013/08/05: BWeek: Duke Kills Florida Nuclear Project, Keeps Customers' Money
The decision by Duke Energy to scuttle a proposed nuclear reactor project in central Florida leaves utility customers in the state with a tab of more than $1 billion -- most of it already paid to Duke -- for unbuilt plants that may never produce a single kilowatt of energy - 2013/08/05: APR: Nuclear Energy's Biggest Hurdles Laid Bare
- 2013/08/05: NBF: Fast Reactor Status and a two step closed nuclear fuel cycle
- 2013/08/05: NBF: Designs for lower cost nuclear energy
- 2013/08/04: Cryptome: South Korea Nuclear Power Plants -- Scandal in South Korea Over Nuclear Revelations
- 2013/07/27: SET: Nuclear Power - Staring The Dragon In The Mouth
Nuclear fusion projects around the world limp along:
Like a mirage, the dream of a Hydrogen Economy shimmers on the horizon:
- 2013/08/07: RTCC: 'Artificial photosynthesis' can create hydrogen from solar energy
- 2013/08/06: AutoBG: Hyundai updating hydrogen station in California to refuel 20 vehicles a day with renewable H2
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2013/08/08: UCSUSA:B: 13 of the Largest Power Outages in History --- and What They Tell Us About the 2003 Northeast Blackout
- 2013/08/06: BBerg: Japanese Battery Trial Seeks to Transform How Grids Work: Energy
On a windy island 500 miles north of Tokyo, Japan is about to experiment with a battery designed to transform the way electricity is supplied and at the same time boost Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's economic rescue plan.
With a capacity of 60 megawatt-hours, the battery will be installed at Hokkaido Electric (9509)'s Minami Hayakita substation in the town of Abira, according to a joint statement from Sumitomo and the utility.
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2013/08/09: VoxEU: California energy efficiency: Lessons for the rest of the world, or not? by Arik Levinson
Efficiency standards appear to be at the center of US climate policy. But is this policy effective? This column argues that, thinking laterally, evidence suggests that there are reasons to be suspicious.
If the US is to focus so heavily on energy efficiency, we ought to have a better understanding of its effectiveness. - 2013/08/06: CleanTechnica: LED "Efficiency Droop" Problem Solved
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): LED streetlights could save Hunter councils millions
- 2013/08/05: ABC(Au): Energy efficient street lights to save councils big dollars
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2013/08/09: TreeHugger: Nissan is ramping up LEAF electric car production in the U.S.
- 2013/08/09: Grist: Sometimes a hybrid is greener than an electric car
- 2013/08/09: Grist: Electric roads could make plugging in your EV a thing of the past
- 2013/08/08: TP:JR: Is States' Reliance On Fossil Fuels Zeroing Out The Benefit Of Electric Cars?
- 2013/08/07: CSM: As sales flounder, GM drops price on 2014 Chevy Volt by $5,000
- 2013/08/06: TP:JR: Chevy Slashes Price Of Volt By $5,000 To Stay Competitive In Electric Vehicle Market
As for Energy Storage:
- 2013/08/09: CleanTechnica: ARPA-E Advanced Battery To Be Made In West Harlem, NYC
- 2013/08/06: NCSU: Battery Design Gets Boost from Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
- 2013/08/06: Eureka: High temperature capacitor could pave the way for electric vehicle
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
- 2013/08/10: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #32B by John Hartz
- 2013/08/10: CleanTechnica: Cleantech Breakfast Platter ...
- 2013/08/08: CleanTechnica: Cleantech Breakfast Platter (Nissan Leaf Review, Solar Laptop...)
- 2013/08/08: BPA: 3 Picks: Food Index, EPA's RFS Volumes, Drought Rice
- 2013/08/07: BPA: 3 Picks: Algal Biofuels, Caribbean Food, Recycled Food Waste
- 2013/08/06: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #32A by John Hartz
- 2013/08/06: BPA: 3 Picks: Food Security, Reversing Desertification, Grain Surplus
- 2013/08/05: BPA: 3 Picks: Netherlands Lab Burger, Biofuels Exports, Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
- 2013/08/05: CleanTechnica: Solar, Wind, EV News
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it
increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.- 2013/08/07: WottsUWTB: Watt about Monckton and the AGU?
- 2013/08/07: WottsUWT: An Open Letter to Dr. Marcia McNutt, new Editor-In-Chief, Science Magazine
- 2013/08/05: Pharyngula: Prime snide kookrant
- 2013/08/07: Stoat: The AGU climate policy statement as redrafted by Monckton!
- 2013/08/09: HotWhopper: WUWT has a new primer on how to ignore data and influence people
- 2013/08/08: WottsUWTB: Watt about the most ironic post title of them all?
- 2013/08/09: Tamino: A Möurnful Application of Care and Skill
- 2013/08/09: WottsUWTB: Guest post : Watt about a mole at Al Gore's course?
- 2013/08/05: PSinclair: Solar Flame War in Arizona, Coming Your Way Soon
- 2013/08/10: DD: A side of climate change denial with your coffee? ALEC dishes up some hard-to-swallow spin with the Heartland Institute
- 2013/08/04: QuarkSoup: McIntyre deciding to go out ugly?
- 2013/08/05: HotWhopper: Anthony Watts is Vanquished by the Teapocalypse...
Meanwhile in the 'clean coal' saga:
- 2013/08/09: TP:JR: EPA Confirms Coal Ash Contaminates Water Across The Country, House Republicans Try To Preempt Regulations
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2013/08/08: TreeHugger: Remember the hole in the ozone layer? We slowed that. We can slow climate change, too.
- 2013/08/06: TP:JR: New Robot Could Fight Climate Change By Spotting Methane Leaks With Lasers
- 2013/08/07: RScribbler: Climate Monsters We Want to Keep in the Closet: Heinrich Events, Superstorms, and Warming the Deep Ocean
- 2013/08/10: TheConversation: Saving the world with cows: why simple ideas don't work
- 2013/08/08: ArcticNews: The Social Tipping Point -- Abrupt Climate Change is happening today, big time!
- 2013/08/09: CSM: What if plants could be plastic factories?
- 2013/08/05: BVerheggen: The fallacy of the middle ground [re Pearce]
- 2013/08/05: Maribo: Ask Google to stop supporting Senator Inhofe and others who deny and obstruct science
- 2013/08/11: OParachute: The "consensus message" in communicating science
- 2013/08/04: SciAm:GB: Global Warming: The Folly of Certainty
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- EFN: Earth First! Newswire
- Scientific Research Publish - Open Access
- PTR: Petroleum Truth Report [Arthur E. Berman]
- Climate Institute
- NewAnthropocene: [Australian] Election 2013
- NIMBioS: National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
- GRACE: Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
- UIUC: Cryosphere Today
- CSW: Climate Science Watch
Low Key Plug
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Last modified August 11, 2013
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