This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Information Overload is Pattern Recognition
February 23, 2014
- Chuckles, COP20+, G20, NAFTA, England et al., Energiewende
- Bottom Line, Subsidies, Crap Detector, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Related Papers
- Melting Arctic, Methane, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Prices, Revolt, Land Grabs, GMOs, Production
- Hurricanes, Weather: Notable, Wacky, Forecasts, Extreme, New
- GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Aerosols, Volcanoes, Feedbacks, ENSO
- Temperatures, Paleoclimate, Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Bees & CCD, Insects
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Disease, Smog & Health
- Tornadoes, Wildfires, Glaciers, Sea Levels, GW Deluge, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Conservation, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Science Orgs, DIY Science, Free Science, Wilson
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Bank Tax, Optimal Strategy, Hormuz, Solar Spats
- Treaties, Misc., Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Divestment, Polls, H2O Biz, Education
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Abbott, RET, Refugees, MDBP, India, China, Asia, South America
- Canada, Lac-Mégantic, Libricide, Elsipogtog, Northern Gateway
- Liberals, ELA, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Ontario, North, Canadiana
- America, Keystone, Clipper, Eagle Ford, Spills & Leaks, Kerry, 2016, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Ecological Economics, Recycling, IPAT, Apocalypso, Why We Fight, Media, Books, Video, Courts, Mann Suit, BP Trial
- Energy, Transitions, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Oil Transportation, US Tar Sands, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, FITs, Hydrogen, Grid, Utilities, Efficiency, Cars, Gee Whiz, Energy Storage
- Business, Insurance, Other Lists, Quotes, Carbon Lobby, Inaction, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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It's always nice to start with a chuckle:
- 2014/02/19: JamiolsWorld: (cartoon - Jamiol) Jamiol's World 'toons
- 2014/02/18: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) The Persistance of Procrastination
- 2014/02/16: PSinclair: (cartoon - Luckovich) Right in the Pocket
After humour comes mockery:
Here is a striking image for any Noahs in the crowd:
Looking ahead to COP20 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2014/02/21: RTCC: Green Climate Fund to ring-fence 25% of cash for 'vulnerable' nations
Meeting in Bali outlines how funds will be allocated, stressing importance of private sector in leveraging resources Half of the UN-backed Green Climate Fund's financial support for climate adaptation is set to be directed towards small island states and other vulnerable regions. - 2014/02/20: RTCC: Indonesia has pledged US$ 250,000 to the Green Climate Fund, a move they hope will spark further contributions from other countries
- 2014/02/19: RTCC: UN's Green Climate Fund to outline funding plans at Bali meeting
The fate of a UN-backed climate fund that could generate billions of dollars of low carbon investments in the developing world hinges on negotiations that start in Bali on Wednesday.
The G20 met this weekend. Climate was not on the agenda:
- 2014/02/23: al Jazeera: G20 vows to boost world economy by $2tn
World's largest economies sign an agreement that summit host Australia calls "unprecedented". - 2014/02/22: BBC: G20 summit to focus on emerging market turmoil
Stock market and currency turbulence in emerging markets like Brazil and Indonesia are expected to feature at this weekend's G20 finance ministers' meeting in Sydney. - 2014/02/21: CBC: G-20 finance ministers to mull market turmoil
Federal Reserve decisions under microscope as chair Janet Yellen heads to Sydney for G-20 meeting [this weekend] - 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott warns against 'cluttered agenda' at Sydney G20 meeting
There was a NAFTA confab this week as well:
- 2014/02/20: TMoS: Barack to Steve, Let's Deal with Climate Change
- 2014/02/19: TMoS: Harper Embarrasses Himself, His Office and Canada to Boot
- 2014/02/19: CNN: Obama, Harper differences over Keystone pipeline on display at summit
Still some chatter about that England et al. paper on Pacific trade winds and ocean heating:
- 2014/02/19: Tamino: Gone with the Wind
- 2014/02/18: CCurrents: Going With The Wind
- 2014/02/17: RealClimate: Going with the wind
How is the German Energy Transition [Energiewende] doing?
- 2014/02/21: RNE: What happens in Germany will affect us all
- 2014/02/19: GET: Energiewende 2.0 -- still under development
- 2014/02/19: EurActiv: Brussels and Berlin near agreement over green energy rebates
EU Competition Commissioner Joaquín Almunia and German Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel came closer to agreeing on reforms for Germany's Renewable Energy Law (EEG) after a meeting in Berlin on Monday (17 February). According to Almunia, Berlin will still be allowed to exempt selected energy-intensive sectors from the controversial EEG-surcharge. Steel, aluminum and zinc will "definitely be on the list"... - 2014/02/19: Lenz: German Government on Almunia Power Grab Attempt
- 2014/02/19: GEB: Australian Energy Policy and German Energiewende Costs in the German Press
- 2014/02/18: GEB: EEG 2.0: BMWi Working Draft for Revision of Renewable Energy Sources Act
- 2014/02/18: GEB: Almunia Calls German Renewable Energy Surcharge Exemptions Difficult But Manageable Issue
- 2014/02/18: EUO: EU commissioner [Joaquin Almunia] clashes with Germany on energy subsidies
- 2014/02/18: PSinclair: German Utilities Still in Love with Brown Coal
- 2014/02/17: Lenz: EU Feed-in Tariff Guidelines
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2014/02/13: TDB: The True Cost of Extreme Weather...Or is it Climate Change?
Politicians and businesses have long complained about the price of fighting climate change. Now they're getting a taste of just how expensive inaction will be.
Who's getting the subsidies, tax exemptions, loan guarantees & grants?
- 2014/02/19: NakedCapitalism: Yes, Virginia, You Pay Subsidies Not Just to Banks but to Flood-Prone Homes of the Rich
- 2014/02/19: Tyee: How Much Does Western Canada Subsidize Fracking?
Here is something for your Crap Detector:
- 2014/02/18: USheffield: EU project to build lie detector for social media
- 2014/02/21: SoS: Building an Online Lie Detector
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2014/02/22: SkS: Nazis, shoddy science, and the climate contrarian credibility gap by dana1981
- 2014/02/22: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #8 by John Hartz
- 2014/02/21: SkS: 'It's been hot before': faulty logic skews the climate debate
- 2014/02/21: SkS: A Hack By Any Other Name - Part 1 by Bob Lacatena
- 2014/02/20: SkS: Snows of the Nile: The search for vanishing equatorial glaciers by Neil Losin
- 2014/02/19: SkS: Dodgy Diagrams #1 - Misrepresenting IPCC Residence Time Estimates by Dikran Marsupial, John Cook
- 2014/02/18: SkS: Vision Prize: scientists are worried the IPCC is underestimating sea level rise by dana1981
- 2014/02/17: SkS: Customizable Global Warming Widget Metrics by Bob Lacatena
- 2014/02/16: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly Digest #7 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
[Now some people are talking about a century or more. Sealing it in concrete for 500 years.]
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2014/02/22: EneNews: Tokyo Press Conference: "Deliberate cover-up" of public's exposure to Fukushima radiation and the health problems they are suffering from... This is now Japan's biggest problem...
- 2014/02/21: al Jazeera: Debunking Fukushima's radiation myths
Japan's ongoing nuclear disaster is scary enough, but some rumours and hoaxes linked to it are alarming and persistent. - 2014/02/21: WNN: Fukushima water storage tank overflows
- 2014/02/21: FukuLeaks: Living With Radiation In Japan
- 2014/02/20: FukuLeaks: 23 Tbq Water Leak At Fukushima Caused By Multiple Human Errors
- 2014/02/20: FukuLeaks: Fukushima & The Controversy Of The Pacific
- 2014/02/20: FukuLeaks: Nuclear Establishment Takes Over Fukushima Medical University
- 2014/02/20: BBerg: Tepco Finds New Leak of Radioactive Water at Fukushima Site
- 2014/02/20: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Unit 2 Loses Reactor Thermometer
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): TEPCO discovers 100-tonne radioactive water leak at Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan
- 2014/02/20: BBC: Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant leaks radioactive water
Around 100 tonnes of highly radioactive water have leaked from a storage tank at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, operator Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) says. - 2014/02/20: CNN: New radioactive water leak at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant
- 2014/02/19: EneNews: Record level of Cobalt-60 detected in groundwater at Fukushima - Hundreds of times above any measurement ever published for underground water (map)
- 2014/02/19: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Brings New Awareness Of Contaminated Food Worldwide
- 2014/02/18: EneNews: Anonymous U.S. Gov't Nuclear Expert: Fukushima radiation levels were "astronomical... nothing containing release of radioactivity, it's an unmitigated, unshielded number" -- Monitor detected 100,000 Sv/hr
- 2014/02/18: FukuLeaks: Citizen Activists Key To Understanding Fukushima Impact
- 2014/02/18: FukuLeaks: High Levels Of Radiation Found In Fukushima Unit 3 Turbine Building
- 2014/02/18: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Unit 4; 352 Fuel Assemblies Removed
- 2014/02/17: EneNews: New Forecast Released: 'Most' Fukushima nuclear particles will move east across Pacific - Narrow line of radioactive pollutants to make it all the way across ocean this year...
- 2014/02/17: FukuLeaks: New Independent Fukushima Food Contamination Results
People in Japan early on realized they needed to take things into their own hands if they wanted to know the conditions around them and what their risk factors were. Citizen labs have been set up in Japan to allow people to test their own food. - 2014/02/16: EneNews: CBS Video - Cousteau warns Californians about Fukushima plume...
- 2014/02/16: EneNews: Gov't Report: Plutonium releases from Fukushima a major concern - 'Uncertainty' over how far molten fuel has eaten through "what remained of primary containment"
- 2014/02/16: DD: Cracks found in floor near Fukushima radioactive water tanks - Contaminated snowmelt may have seeped into ground
What do we have for Fukushima related papers this week?
- 2014/01/26: Springer:JOUC: (ab$) A study of transport and impact strength of Fukushima nuclear pollutants in the north pacific surface by Hongli Fu et al.
- 2014/01/25: Springer:OD: (ab$) Comparison between modelling and measurement of marine dispersion, environmental half-time and 137Cs inventories after the Fukushima Daiichi accident by Pascal Bailly du Bois et al.
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2014/02/22: TMoS: Where Did All the Sea Ice Go?
- 2014/02/21: RTCC: Arctic temperatures could increase 13C by 2100
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: Arctic Sea Ice, Warmed by Air and Water, is at Record Low for February
- 2014/02/20: TP:JR: Even In Perpetual Darkness, Arctic Sea Ice Coverage Drops To Record Lows
- 2014/02/18: WoL:GRL: [Press Release] Increase in Arctic Cyclones is Linked to Climate Change, New Study Shows
- 2014/02/17: TMoS: Wrong Again. Science Underestimates Impact of Loss of Arctic Sea Ice - By a Country Mile
- 2014/02/17: UKISS: This can't be good.
- 2014/02/16: ERabett: Very Strange
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2014/02/22: ArcticNews: Massive Methane Concentrations over the Laptev Sea
- 2014/02/19: ArcticNews: High methane levels over the Arctic Ocean on February 17, 2014
While in Antarctica:
- 2014/02/21: LLNL: Current ice melt rate in Pine Island Glacier may go on for decades
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Flame retardant in Antarctic comparable to urban rivers
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2014/02/21: UN: Malnutrition could jeopardize Zimbabwe's development, UN official warns during visit
- 2014/02/21: Grist: Microscrewed: Why California's drought could muck up local beers
- 2014/02/20: Wits(za): New study on plant speciation
A new study by a Wits University scientist has overturned a long-standing hypothesis about plant speciation (the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution), suggesting that agricultural crops could be more vulnerable to climate change than was previously thought. - 2014/02/20: UN: Water scarcity among critical food security issues in Near East and North Africa - UN
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Summer grain harvest 'worse than forecast'
- 2014/02/19: BBC: Church of England bishops demand action over hunger
- 2014/02/18: Eureka: Agricultural productivity loss as a result of soil and crop damage from flooding
- 2014/02/16: DD: Climate change, winter storms, and the future of European wine
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Banana disease found on Tiwi Islands
The fungal disease known as Banana Freckle has been discovered on the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin.
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern. See also:
- 2014/02/21: FAO: World fish trade to set new records
- 2014/02/19: Grist: Can farmed fish go vegetarian?
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Fish feed breakthrough lifts salmon profits
Tasmania's Atlantic salmon companies are saving on the cost of fish food and increasing their profits from a breakthrough in fish nutrition. Fish feed manufacturer, Skretting Australia, has introduced 'metabolic activators' to the 70,000 tonnes of feed it produces in Tasmania each year. - 2014/02/19: Eureka: Surveys find that despite economic challenges Malagasy fishers support fishing regulations
- 2014/02/17: GeoMar(de): Salt Stratification Determines the Fate of Fish Stocks in the Baltic Sea
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Climate change extinction fears aired for WA south coast
University of Western Australia (UWA) researchers have warned of the potential for "very large extinction rates" among marine life unique to southern WA due to climate change. - 2014/02/17: PostMedia: DFO assessment of herring fishery based on broken ecosystem, study finds
Archeological records showing widespread and consistent Pacific herring abundance on B.C's coast suggest fisheries officials are massively overestimating the current health of the fishery and misinterpreting spawning patterns, according to a Simon Fraser University study released Monday.
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2014/02/17: BLN: 15 Reasons Why Your Food Bill Is Going To Start SOARING
Regarding the food factor in the ongoing revolutions:
- 2014/02/19: MoBrd: The Math That Predicted the Revolutions Sweeping the Globe Right Now
The complex systems theorists who predicted the Arab Spring built a model that predicted the unrest in Ukraine, Venezuela, and Thailand too.
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2014/02/18: Ecologist: Africa's farm revolution - who will benefit?
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): G8 New Alliance condemned as new wave of colonialism in Africa
A landmark G8 initiative to boost agriculture and relieve poverty has been damned as a new form of colonialism after African governments agreed to change seed, land and tax laws to favour private investors over small farmers. Ten countries made more than 200 policy commitments, including changes to laws and regulations after giant agribusinesses were granted unprecedented access to decision-makers over the past two years. - 2014/02/17: TheCanadian: BC First Nation takes "Great Land Grab" to international court [OAS's Inter-American Commission on Human Rights]
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2014/02/19: EurActiv: Paris wants national permits for GM maize
France is trying to modify EU legislation on the authorisation of GMOs, but the process is all but smooth. Paris will do anything it can to counter the impending approval of genetically modified maize in the European Union. - 2014/02/17: SciNow: Q&A: Why Are We Still Shouting About GMO's?
- 2014/02/16: BBC: Genetically modified potatoes 'resist late blight'
British scientists have developed genetically modified potatoes that are resistant to the vegetable's biggest threat. A three-year trial has shown that these potatoes can thrive despite being exposed to late onset blight.
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Australian plant scientists receive international accolade for drought-proof wheat
- 2014/02/18: Eureka: Nitrogen-tracking tools for better crops and less pollution
- 2014/02/17: RealEconomics: Growing food requires water
- 2014/02/17: TheConversation: Tomatoes watered by the sea: sprouting a new way of farming
Another mercifully quiet week, except for Guito in the South Indian Ocean:
- 2014/02/22: MODIS: Tropical Cyclone Guito (15S) in the Mozambique Channel [on Feb.20]
- 2014/02/21: Eureka: NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Guito exit the Mozambique Channel
- 2014/02/20: Eureka: NASA's TRMM satellite saw extreme rainfall from Tropical Cyclone Guito
- 2014/02/19: NASA: NASA Satellite Sees a Ragged Eye Develop in Tropical Cyclone Guito [15S, in Southern Indian Ocean]
- 2014/02/18: Eureka: NASA sees Tropical Cyclone 15S form in the Mozambique Channel
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
Parts of the Philippines affected by the storm remain a long way from recovery, and aid is drying up.
This week in notable weather:
- 2014/02/22: CCP: UK storms 'have changed coastline forever' -- 6,000-year-old tree stumps revealed
- 2014/02/21: CNN: Powerful winter storm pushes eastward
Storm is expected to affect the Upper Midwest, Great Lakes and Northeast - Blizzard conditions forecast for Minnesota and Iowa - Tornadoes are possible from the Southeast coast to the lower Mid-Atlantic - 2014/02/19: al Jazeera: Another snowstorm hits Japan [pix]
Just a week after heavy snow caused disruption in Japan, another snowstorm is being blamed for the deaths of 19 people. - 2014/02/18: AFTIC: England's worst winter weather in at least 248 years
- 2014/02/17: al Jazeera: Snow leaves thousands adrift in Japan
Sixteen have been killed in "snow related incidents", while thousands are stranded in Tokyo and surrounding area. - 2014/02/16: DD: Image of the Day: Satellite view of extratropical cyclone over the United Kingdom, 12 February 2014
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2014/02/22: PSinclair: Tornadoes in the Snow. Yeah, This is All Normal
- 2014/02/22: RScribbler: This Week's New Anomaly Features Twistersnow; Next Week to See Polar Vortex Collapse, More Arctic Heat
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Weatherwatch: Winter lightning
Got any forecasts?
- 2014/02/22: BLN: Farmer's Almanac nails winter freeze; government climate scientists way off
- 2014/02/19: Wunderground: Midwest's February Thaw to be Followed by a Return of the Polar Vortex
- 2014/02/18: BWeek: The Official Forecast of the U.S. Government Never Saw This Winter Coming
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
- 2014/02/22: PSinclair: 5000 Year Old Forest Uncovered by Raging UK Storms
- 2014/02/19: RTCC: Extreme weather could derail developing country growth: report
- 2014/02/17: CCP: Laugh or cry "While England drowns, and Australia burns, and Califiornia dies of thirst..." by Charles P. Pierce, Esquire [media]
Polar Vortex? Rossby Waves? Blocking Patterns? Arctic Oscillation?
What is the Arctic melt doing to our weather?
- 2014/02/21: CCP: Is the Arctic Really Drunk, or Does It Just Act Like This Sometimes?
- 2014/02/21: GLaden: More on the "Drunk Arctic"
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: Polar Vortex to Return
- 2014/02/20: Salon: It still isn't over: The polar vortex is about to hit for the third time
- 2014/02/17: PSinclair: Is This Santa's Revenge?
Meanwhile on the GHG front:
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: Ooops. Excuse Me. Methane Leakage Underestimated by 50 Percent
- 2014/02/18: NREL: Study on Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Systems Indicates New Priorities
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): Greenhouse gas emissions from the UK
And in the carbon cycle:
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2014/02/20: BBerg: Beijing Pollution Alert Issued for Three Days of Smog
- 2014/02/20: MODIS: Haze over India and Bangladesh [on Feb.5]
- 2014/02/20: EPOD: Cimarron County Dust Storm [on Jan.14]
What's up with volcanoes this week?
- 2014/02/17: WSWS: Indonesian volcanic eruption displaces tens of thousands
A major eruption of Mount Kelod, a volcano in the eastern Java, Indonesia, has resulted in four confirmed deaths, and displaced tens of thousands of villagers who live in surrounding areas.
Yes we have feedbacks:
- 2014/02/20: CCurrents: Vicious Global Warming Feedback Loop Worse Than Feared
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Arctic melt causes more climate problems than anticipated
The amount of heat absorbed by the dark ocean exposed by the melting Arctic ice-cap could be as much as one quarter of all the heat trapped by man-made carbon dioxide. - 2014/02/20: RScribbler: Amplifying Feedbacks and the Arctic Heat Scream: Study Finds Polar Albedo Falling at Twice Expected Rate, Added Heat Equal to 25% of CO2 Forcing
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: Arctic Albedo Feedback Measured: Larger than Expected
- 2014/02/19: ASI: Decreasing Arctic albedo boosts global warming
- 2014/02/18: TheCanadian: Study: Arctic getting darker, making Earth warmer
- 2014/02/17: CBC: Darker Arctic boosting global warming
Less ice, more open water made Arctic grow 8% darker between 1979 and 2011
And on the ENSO front:
- 2014/02/21: Wunderground: An El Niño Coming in 2014? by Dr. Michael Ventrice
- 2014/02/19: Eureka: What is El Nino Taimasa?
- 2014/02/19: TheConversation: Should we be preparing for an El Niño in 2014?
As for the temperature record:
- 2014/02/21: Grist: Believe it or not, January was full of big, warm climate anomalies
- 2014/02/21: Wunderground:RR: The whole silly warming pause, warming hiatus thing/A>
- 2014/02/21: RScribbler: When Average is the New Cold: Despite Hype From Climate Change Deniers, US Temps for January 2014 Were an Island of Average in a Near Record Hot World
- 2014/02/21: CCP: Seth Borenstein, AP: World had 4th warmest January as eastern U.S. froze
- 2014/02/21: TP:JR: Believe It Or Not, Last Month Was One Of The Hottest Januaries [globally] Ever Recorded
- 2014/02/21: RTCC: Arctic temperatures could increase 13C by 2100
- 2014/02/20: QuarkSoup: NCDC: 4th-warmest January
- 2014/02/20: QuarkSoup: The Medieval Warm Period in the IPCC 1AR
- 2014/02/19: RScribbler: Despite Unprecedented Heat Transfer to Oceans, NASA Shows January 2014 was 3rd Hottest On Record; Models Hint at El Nino, Big Atmospheric Temperature Jump on Horizon
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: More Heat is Going into the Ocean. Really.
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: Australian cities already hotter than 2030 forecasts
- 2014/02/17: Maribo: More heat is going into the ocean. Really
- 2014/02/17: Moyhu: January GISS Temp up by 0.1°C
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Great Oxidation Event 'a misnomer'
- 2014/02/18: CBC: Oxygen not necessarily key to rise of animals, sponges suggest
Primitive sea sponges survive on very low oxygen, much less than animal life thought to need
What's the State of the Oceans?:
And the State of the Biosphere?
- 2014/02/20: Brown: In Chile, rival barnacles keep competition cool
In Chile, it's not always about the temperature - Barnacle species had been thought to sort themselves vertically by temperature -- species that prefer warmer, drier conditions living higher on the rocks than species that prefer a colder, wetter setting. Experiments in Chile show that temperature "wasn't the beast." - 2014/02/20: TreeHugger: 2 new species of butterfly discovered in the United States
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Scientists discover new species with fatal attraction on Queensland's Gold Coast hinterland
- 2014/02/17: UmeaU: The reindeer counteract the effects of climate warming
- 2014/02/16: SciAm:EC: Sunday Species Snapshot: Blue-Crowned Laughingthrush
And on the extinction watch:
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Concerns over extinction threat to lemurs
- 2014/02/21: SciAm:EC: The Long, Strange Saga of the Endangered Hawaiian Hawk
- 2014/02/20: TheConversation: New action plan to save Madagascar's at-risk lemurs
- 2014/02/20: UWO: Western University primatologist teams with international group to save lemurs
- 2014/02/17: CBC: Survival of B.C.'s endangered mountain caribou in question
The population of the Selkirk Herd has dropped from a high of 46 animals to a low of 27 in a decade
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern. And then, there are the Neonicotinoids:
- 2014/02/19: SciNow: Deadly [DWV: Deformed Wing] Virus Widespread in British Bumblebees
- 2014/02/19: BBC: Bumblebees infected with honeybee diseases
- 2014/02/19: CBC: Wild bees catch deadly diseases from honeybees -- Wild bumblebees in decline in Americas, Europe and Asia
How are the Insect Orders doing?
- 2014/02/19: BBC: Farmland butterflies bounce back
Farmland butterflies have flourished thanks to last year's hot summer, the charity Butterfly Conservation says. The annual Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) recorded almost double the number of insects compared with the previous year. Long, sunny periods provided perfect breeding conditions for some of the UK's brightest species, it suggested.
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2014/02/20: SciTech(dk): Extreme weather decides distribution of insects
Extreme weather caused by climate change in the coming decades is likely to have profound implications for distributions of insects and other invertebrates. This is suggested by a new study of insects in tropical and temperate regions of Australia.
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2014/02/21: BBC: New online tool tracks tree loss in 'near real time'
A new global monitoring system has been launched that promises "near real time" information on deforestation around the world. - 2014/02/20: RTCC: Google data could stem surge in deforestation levels
A new Google-powered mapping tool uses terabytes of data to show where deforestation is happening in real time - 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Trees at the root of climate change
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Kellogg Promises To Sustainably Source Palm Oil In Effort To Fight Deforestation
- 2014/02/19: Guardian(UK): 'We're on the cusp of a new oil boom in the Ecuadorian Amazon'
- 2014/02/19: Guardian(UK): Ecuador pursued China oil deal while pledging to protect Yasuni, papers show
Negotiations took place while the country sought funds to forgo oil exploitation in pristine forest under the Yasuni-ITT scheme - 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Pine Beetle Epidemic Continues To Slow, While Spruce Beetles Are Just Getting Started
- 2014/02/18: CensoredNews: Klamath River youths in Brazil joining Belo Dam fight
- 2014/02/18: Resilience: Ancient technique lets forests produce timber without killing trees
- 2014/02/16: WaPo: In Ecuador, oil boom creates tension
Climate refugees are becoming an issue. See also:
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: With No End In Sight, California's Drought Endangers Public Health
- 2014/02/18: Tyee: As Arctic Melts, Marine Mammals Become Sentinels for Disease
Aerosols affect the climate, but they also affect people's health:
- 2014/02/23: al Jazeera: Hazardous pollution levels choke Beijing
Air quality in the Chinese capital plunges to hazardous levels. - 2014/02/23: BBerg: China Like Cancer-Risking Smoker as Smog 8-Fold WHO Danger Mark
Air pollution in China, the world's biggest carbon emitter, has reached intolerable levels and the country should aggressively cut its reliance on coal, according to the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation. "China's pollution is at an unbearable stage," Li Junfeng, director general of the state body that advises the government on climate-change issues, said at a conference in Beijing. "It's like a smoker who needs to quit smoking at once otherwise he will risk getting lung cancer." - 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Coal fires threaten Indian lives
On the tornado front:
- 2014/02/20: CNN: Tornadoes, floods hit Illinois
Power knocked out to about 24,000 customers in Illinois - Rain and hail fall on Nashville, downing trees - National Weather Service reports twisters in Illinois - Major flooding reported in Effingham and Champaign counties, Illinois - 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Oklahoma scientists using drones to help improve tornado warning times
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2014/02/23: ABC(Au): Bushfire warning issued for Waroona in Western Australia
- 2014/02/23: IOTD: Fires in Florida [on Feb.17]
- 2014/02/23: MODIS: Smoke plume from Australian fires [on Feb.10]
- 2014/02/20: RScribbler: For Arizona and New Mexico, Climate Change and a Mangled Jet Stream Means Fire Season Now Starts in February
- 2014/02/18: MODIS: Fires on northern Sumatra, Indonesia [on Feb.6]
- 2014/02/17: MODIS: Fires in Victoria, Australia [on Feb.6]
Glaciers are melting:
- 2014/02/23: FaGP: Psysh Glacier Retreat, Western Caucasus, Russia
- 2014/02/20: FaGP: Pacific Northwest Glacier Mass Balance 2013
- 2014/02/18: AFTIC: Watch the largest ever witnessed glacier calving event
Sea levels are rising:
- 2014/02/22: CCP: Rising sea levels threaten Los Angeles
- 2014/02/18: ERW: Was the IPCC assessment too optimistic on sea-level rise?
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): Vision Prize: scientists are worried the IPCC is underestimating sea level rise
- 2014/02/18: TheConversation: A wet warning from Australia's Top End on rising sea levels
These extreme rainfall events are becoming all too frequent:
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): A year's rain in a night
Rain has continued to fall in outback Queensland, with some properties recording more than 250 millimetres in a few hours.
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2014/02/20: BBC: Winter wettest on record - Met Office
With a week still to go in the winter, the UK's rainfall record for the season has already been broken. - 2014/02/20: Dosbat: Met Office - UK's Wettest Winter since 1910
- 2014/02/20: CBC: Record rains drench southern England -- Pounding storms flood farms, homes
- 2014/02/20: CNN: Flooding kills nearly 70 in Burundi
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Canberra receives drenching as thunderstorms roll in [pix]
- 2014/02/19: IOTD: Somerset Levels Swamped [Nov.3, 2013 vs Feb.16, 2014]
- 2014/02/17: BBC: Dabbling ducks struggling in floods
Wildlife organisations are being very careful in assessing the impacts of the recent flooding on species and the environment. - 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Floods follow fires in South Australia
Farmers in South Australia's mid-north say they can't believe their properties have been flooded only weeks after being burnt out by bushfires. - 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Drought conditions persist across most of Queensland [pix]
- 2014/02/16: BLN: Brazil rations water in 140 cities amid worst drought in decades
- 2014/02/16: BBC: UK floods: Flooding set to continue as more rain hits
- 2014/02/15: SGValleyTrib: 14 reservoirs in Southern California near record lows
- 2014/02/14: AlterNet: Fantasizing About California, or Already Here: 5 Shocking Drought Facts to Make You Rethink the Golden State
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2014/02/21: ERW: How can countries keep carbon emissions less than one tonne per head?
- 2014/02/19: TreeHugger: How to reverse desertification. With rocks.
- 2014/02/17: ATTPh: Adaptation, mitigation, or both?
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2014/02/20: Grist: Brilliant teen publishes paper on saving the climate with ammonia-fueled cars
- 2014/02/18: BBC: European car sales rise 5.5% in January, ACEA says
[...] The Association of European Carmakers (ACEA) said sales jumped 5.5%, to 935,640 vehicles, from January 2013. - 2014/02/17: TBAS: Combating climate change with ammonia-fueled vehicles
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2014/02/21: PI: [link to 240k pdf] Energy Labelling for New Homes -- FAQs and Model Bylaw Amendments
- 2014/02/22: CleanTechnica: A Promising Alliance: SunPower Corp & Meritage Homes
- 2014/02/21: CleanTechnica: Illinois Jumps To Top Of US Green Building LEED-Certified Ranks
- 2014/02/19: TreeHugger: Are energy efficient homes making us ILL? No. Lousy ventilation systems are
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2014/02/21: DeSmogBlog: CCS Series: Government Subsidies Keep Alberta's CCS Pipe Dream Afloat
- 2014/02/20: DeSmogBlog: CCS Series: Alberta's Carbon Capture and Storage Plans Stagnate as Carbon Price Lags
- 2014/02/17: NBF: Underground coal gasification must also have carbon capture and storage
- 2014/02/16: CoveredInBees: Carbon capture and storage: saviour or snake oil?
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2014/02/18: ERW: Is geoengineering too risky?
- 2014/02/18: UW: Embarking on geoengineering, then stopping, would speed up global warming
What's new in conservation?
- 2014/02/21: BBC: Tourism best hope for critically endangered lemurs
Madagascar's lemurs - the world's most threatened primate - could be saved from extinction by eco-tourism, conservationists say. The big-eyed fluffy creatures are unique to the island but their numbers have declined dramatically in recent years. Now researchers have unveiled a survival plan that combines tourism with increased conservation efforts.
While on the adaptation front:
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): UK floods: heed the lesson and adapt
- 2014/02/20: BBC: UK floods: Major rethink on planning needed, say experts
A major rethink is needed on how the UK plans its towns and the countryside to prevent flooding in future, experts in water and flood prevention management have said in an open letter. They urged the prime minister to avoid inappropriate "knee-jerk" measures in favour of more long-term solutions. - 2014/02/19: EnvEcon: Climate policy vs adaptation
- 2014/02/18: RtS: Show me the Money: Adaptation Finance
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2014/02/18: PNAS: (ab$) Thioredoxin targets fundamental processes in a methane-producing archaeon, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii by Dwi Susanti et al.
- 2014/02/18: PNAS: (ab$) Exposure to ambient black carbon derived from a unique inventory and high-resolution model by Rong Wang et al.
- 2014/02/18: PNAS: (abs) Evolution and selection of river networks: Statics, dynamics, and complexity by Andrea Rinaldo et al.
- 2014/02/06: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Montane forest root growth and soil organic layer depth as potential factors stabilizing Cenozoic global change by Christopher E. Doughty et al.
- 2014/02/14: Science: (ab$) Methane Leaks from North American Natural Gas Systems by A. R. Brandt et al.
- 2013/12/02: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Extreme Arctic cyclones in CMIP5 historical simulations by Stephen J. Vavrus
- 2014/01/25: Springer:OD: (ab$) Comparison between modelling and measurement of marine dispersion, environmental half-time and 137Cs inventories after the Fukushima Daiichi accident by Pascal Bailly du Bois et al.
- 2014/02/20: ESD: The role of the North Atlantic overturning and deep ocean for multi-decadal global-mean-temperature variability by C. F. Schleussner et al.
- 2014/02/20: ACP: Direct radiative effect of the Russian wildfires and its impact on air temperature and atmospheric dynamics during August 2010 by J. C. Péré et al.
- 2014/02/20: ACP: Summer Arctic sea ice albedo in CMIP5 models by T. Koenigk et al.
- 2014/02/18: ACP: Black carbon emissions from in-use ships: a California regional assessment by G. M. Buffaloe et al.
- 2014/02/18: ACP: On the presence of equatorial waves in the lower stratosphere of a general circulation model by P. Maury & F. Lott
- 2014/02/20: ACPD: Constraining the N2O5 UV absorption cross-section from spectroscopic trace gas measurements in the tropical mid-stratosphere by L. Kritten et al.
- 2014/02/20: ACPD: Long-term aerosol-mediated changes in cloud radiative forcing of deep clouds at the top and bottom of the atmosphere over the Southern Great Plains by Hongru Yan et al.
- 2014/02/18: ACPD: New emission factors for Australian vegetation fires measured using open-path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - Part 1: methods and Australian temperate forest fires by C. Paton-Walsh et al.
- 2013/12/17: SIAM/ASA:JUQ: Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Using Ensembles of Regional and Global Climate Models and Multiple Observation-Based Data Sets by Matthew J. Heaton et al.
- 2012/03/30: arXiv: UPDATE February 2012 - The Food Crises: Predictive validation of a quantitative model of food prices including speculators and ethanol conversion by Marco Lagi et al.
- 2014/02/21: BG: Sub-grid scale representation of vegetation in global land surface schemes: implications for estimation of the terrestrial carbon sink by J. R. Melton & V. K. Arora
- 2014/02/20: BG: Biogeochemistry of the North Atlantic during oceanic anoxic event 2: role of changes in ocean circulation and phosphorus input by I. Ruvalcaba Baroni et al.
- 2014/02/20: BG: The impact of extreme summer drought on the short-term carbon coupling of photosynthesis to soil CO2 efflux in a temperate grassland by S. Burri et al.
- 2014/02/20: BG: Erosion-induced massive organic carbon burial and carbon emission in the Yellow River basin, China by L. Ran et al.
- 2014/02/20: BG: Changes in calcification of coccoliths under stable atmospheric CO2 by C. Berger et al.
- 2014/02/21: BGD: An experimental study on the effects of nutrient enrichment on organic carbon storage in western Pacific oligotrophic gyre by J. Liu et al.
- 2014/02/20: BGD: Carbon cycle uncertainty in the Alaskan Arctic by J. B. Fisher et al.
- 2014/02/20: BGD: The impact of climate variation and disturbances on the carbon balance of forests in Hokkaido, Japan by R. Hirata et al.
- 2014/02/20: BGD: Stable isotope ratio (13C/12C) mass spectrometry to evaluate carbon sources and sinks: changes and trends during the decomposition of vegetal debris from eucalyptus clone plantations (NW Spain) by I. Fernandez & A. Cabaneiro
- 2014/02/18: BGD: Effects of land management on large trees and carbon stocks by P. E. Kauppi et al.
- 2014/02/18: BGD: Coccolithophores on the north-west European shelf: calcification rates and environmental controls by A. J. Poulton et al.
- 2014/02/21: CP: Accumulation reconstruction and water isotope analysis for 1736-1997 of an ice core from the Ushkovsky volcano, Kamchatka, and their relationships to North Pacific climate records by T. Sato et al.
- 2014/02/20: CP: What controls the isotopic composition of Greenland surface snow? by H. C. Steen-Larsen et al.
- 2014/02/20: CP: Volcanic forcing for climate modeling: a new microphysics-based data set covering years 1600 - present by F. Arfeuille et al.
- 2014/02/17: CP: Interdependence of the growth of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the last glaciation: the role of atmospheric circulation by P. Beghin et al.
- 2014/02/21: CPD: Climate variability and relationship with ocean fertility during the Aptian Stage by C. Bottini et al.
- 2014/02/20: CPD: The role of the northward-directed (sub)surface limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the 8.2 ka Event by A. D. Tegzes et al.
- 2014/02/17: CPD: CREST: Climate REconstruction SofTware by M. Chevalier et al.
- 2014/02/03: WoL:EF: Future Arctic climate changes: Adaptation and mitigation time scales by James E. Overland et al.
- 2014/02/21: BG: Eddy-covariance flux errors due to biases in gas concentration measurements: origins, quantification and correction by G. Fratini et al.
- 2014/02/21: ACP: Saharan dust aerosol over the central Mediterranean Sea: PM10 chemical composition and concentration versus optical columnar measurements by M. Marconi et al.
- 2014/02/21: ACPD: Deriving an atmospheric budget of total organic bromine using airborne in-situ measurements from the Western Pacific during SHIVA by S. Sala et al.
- 2014/02/21: ACPD: Vehicular emissions in China in 2006 and 2010 by N. Chao et al.
- 2014/02/21: ACPD: Contribution of airborne dust particles to HONO sources by N. A. Saliba et al.
- 2014/02/19: HESS: Variability of extreme precipitation over Europe and its relationships with teleconnection patterns by A. Casanueva et al.
- 2014/02/19: HESS: Multi-decadal river flow variations in France by J. Boé & F. Habets
- 2014/02/19: HESS: Advancing catchment hydrology to deal with predictions under change by U. Ehret et al.
- 2014/02/19: HESS: Climate changes of hydrometeorological and hydrological extremes in the Paute basin, Ecuadorean Andes by D. E. Mora et al.
- 2014/02/19: HESS: Illustrating a new global-scale approach to estimating potential reduction in fish species richness due to flow alteration by S. Yoshikawa et al.
- 2014/02/21: HESSD: Simulating the connections of ENSO and the hydrology of the Blue Nile using a climate model of the tropics by M. A. H. Zaroug et al.
- 2014/02/21: OS: Temporal variations of zooplankton biomass in the Ligurian Sea inferred from long time series of ADCP data by R. Bozzano et al.
- 2014/02/20: OSD: Is coccolithophore distribution in the Mediterranean Sea related to seawater carbonate chemistry? by A. M. Oviedo et al.
- 2014/02/20: OSD: Coastal sea level response to the tropical cyclonic forcing in the north Indian Ocean by P. Mehra et al.
- 2014/02/20: OSD: Heat loss from the Atlantic water layer in the St. Anna Trough (northern Kara Sea): causes and consequences by I. A. Dmitrenko et al.
- 2014/02/20: TC: Atmosphere-ice forcing in the transpolar drift stream: results from the DAMOCLES ice-buoy campaigns 2007-2009 by M. Haller et al.
- 2014/02/20: TC: Solving Richards Equation for snow improves snowpack meltwater runoff estimations in detailed multi-layer snowpack model by N. Wever et al.
- 2014/02/21: TCD: Glacier dynamics at Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq glaciers, southeast Greenland, since the Little Ice Age by S. A. Khan et al.
- 2014/02/20: TCD: Union Glacier: a new exploration gateway for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by A. Rivera et al.
- 2014/02/20: Science: (ab$) Rapid Thinning of Pine Island Glacier in the Early Holocene by J. S. Johnson et al.
- 2014/01/21: ACS:ES&T: (ab$) Profiling Oil Sands Mixtures from Industrial Developments and Natural Groundwaters for Source Identification by Richard A. Frank et al.
- 2014/02/21: Science: (ab$) Averting Lemur Extinctions amid Madagascar's Political Crisis by C. Schwitzer et al.
- 2014/02/17: ERL: Rapid and extensive warming following cessation of solar radiation management by Kelly E McCusker et al.
- 2014/02/18: HESS: Forecasting droughts in East Africa by E. Mwangi et al.
- 2014/02/18: HESS: Historical trends in precipitation and stream discharge at the Skjern River catchment, Denmark by I. B. Karlsson et al.
- 2014/02/18: HESSD: Dams on Mekong tributaries as significant contributors of hydrological alterations to the Tonle Sap Floodplain in Cambodia by M. E. Arias et al.
- 2014/02/17: HESSD: Quantitative contribution of climate change and human activities to runoff changes in the Wei River basin, China by C. S. Zhan et al.
- 2014/02/17: TC: Diffusive equilibration of N2, O2 and CO2 mixing ratios in a 1.5-million-years-old ice core by B. Bereiter et al.
- 2014/02/17: TCD: A high-resolution bedrock map for the Antarctic Peninsula by M. Huss & D. Farinotti
- 2014/02/17: TCD: Simulating the Greenland ice sheet under present-day and palaeo constraints including a new discharge parameterization by R. Calov et al.
- 2014/02/18: AGWObserver: Papers on anthropogenic global warming and next glaciation
And other significant documents:
- 2014/02/21: PI: [link to 240k pdf] Energy Labelling for New Homes -- FAQs and Model Bylaw Amendments
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2014/02/23: ATTPh: The lapse rate
- 2014/02/21: DemNow: Silencing the Scientist: Tyrone Hayes on Being Targeted by Herbicide Firm Syngenta
- 2014/02/21: BlueSR: Visualising Vegetation
- 2014/02/21: TMasters: Breaking down the discrepancy between modeled and observed temperatures during the "hiatus"
- 2014/02/21: ERabett: Like Lambs to the Slaughter
- 2014/02/20: UCSUSA:B: Blurring the Lines: Integrating Science and Policy
- 2014/02/19: ORNL: ORNL microscopy system delivers real-time view of battery electrochemistry
- 2014/02/19: SIAM: Statistics research could build consensus around climate predictions
- 2014/02/19: CCP: Observational determination of albedo decrease caused by vanishing Arctic sea ice, PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1318201111
- 2014/02/19: ATTPh: Energy budgest constraints
- 2014/02/17: BVerheggen: Is Climate Science falsifiable?
In the science organizations:
- 2014/02/18: NatureN: China plunges into ocean research -- Ambitious initiative targets Pacific currents, regional climate and deep-sea ecology
More DIY science:
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
Regarding Wilson:
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2014/02/21: RTCC: Mike Bloomberg is ideal man to "serve humanity", says Ban Ki-moon
- 2014/02/21: UN: Former NYC Mayor's leadership on climate change vital to success of UN summit - Ban
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2014/02/17: RTCC: Iran considers use of carbon trading to cut CO2
The Islamic Republic, one of the developing world's biggest emitters, may launch carbon bourse to improve efficiency and cut emissions Iran may introduce emissions trading to curb consumption of fossil fuels and cut its carbon emissions, a government official in charge of energy efficiency said at the weekend.
The Robin Hood tax, aka the Tobin tax, aka the Bank tax, aka the Financial Transaction tax, keeps coming up:
- 2014/02/19: RTCC: 'Robin Hood' tax to fund climate efforts could launch in May
- 2014/02/19: CNN: ... Why screen stars are battling Europe's banks
Eleven European countries, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain are signed up to a Financial Transaction Tax - Campaigner Simon Chouffot says FTT could help deal with the devastation wreaked by the financial crisis - Harry Potter director David Yates directs the campaign's spot staring Bill Nighy and Clemence Poesy - 2014/02/19: EurActiv: Germany and France move closer to deal on diluted transaction tax
Ambitious proposals for a pan-European financial transaction tax look almost certain to be scaled back after Germany's finance minister acknowledged that the levy could be phased in slowly, starting with share trades. The tax failed to gain widespread support when it was proposed during the eurozone debt crisis but eventually won the backing of an uneasy coalition of 11 states, led by Germany and France. Long-expected revisions, however, would mark a victory for banks and trading organisations that have lobbied furiously against the scheme ... - 2014/02/19: Guardian(UK): Bill Nighy: how bankers could be heroes (and even help stop the floods)
The debate over the optimal carbon reduction strategy resurrected:
- 2014/02/20: EconoSpeak: On Cap & Trade and the Price of Emissions
- 2014/02/19: EconView: 'The Rise and Fall of Cap-and-Trade' - Jeff Frankel
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2014/02/23: al Jazeera: Sanctioning Iranians' health
The recent interim deal offers little hope for humanitarian relief in Iran. - 2014/02/23: BBerg: Zarif Says 'Safe, Stable' Iran Economy Is 'Open for Business'
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif declared his country "open for business" as a temporary nuclear deal with world powers eases sanctions. "This is a safe, stable business environment," Zarif said at a joint press conference with Belgium counterpart Didier Reynders in the Iranian capital. He invited Belgian companies to "place themselves strategically" and consider business partnerships with Iranians. "Iran is open for business," he said, parrying U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew's Feb. 19 assertion that Iran "is not open for business" following the nuclear deal. - 2014/02/22: AntiWar: US Adopts Israeli Demand to Bring Iran's Missiles Into Nuclear Talks
- 2014/02/21: AntiWar: US Officials Sending Mixed Signals on Iran Talks -- After Productive Vienna Talks, Officials Still Panning Negotiations
- 2014/02/21: AntiWar: Boeing, GE Seek Export Licenses to Sell Jet Parts to Iran -- Amid Rapprochement, US Companies Aim to Get a Foot in the Door
- 2014/02/21: InformedComment: The Iran Breakthrough TV News is Ignoring: Uranium Stockpile falls below amount Needed for Bomb
- 2014/02/21: WSWS: US dictates terms in international talks with Iran
Following the conclusion of international talks on Iran's nuclear program yesterday, the US once again made it plain that there would be no final deal unless Tehran acceded to all Washington's demands. The three days of negotiations in Vienna produced nothing more than a broad framework for further talks over coming months. No issues of substance were discussed, let alone resolved. - 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): UK and Iran agree to re-establish direct diplomatic relations
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Iran nuclear talks off to a good start, says EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton
- 2014/02/20: al Jazeera: Iran nuclear talks make moves towards accord
The talks ended on a positive note as sides agree to resume talks, while US says oil embargo likely to continue. - 2014/02/20: AntiWar: Iran Nuclear Talks Reach Framework on Permanent Deal -- 'Three Productive Days' End With a Plan for Months of Talks
- 2014/02/20: AntiWar: IAEA: Iran Sticking to Deal, Reducing Uranium Stockpile
- 2014/02/20: BBC: Iran nuclear deal framework 'agreed' in Vienna
Iran has said talks with world powers on its nuclear programme have concluded with agreement on a framework for negotiations on a comprehensive deal. - 2014/02/20: CBC: Iran nuclear talks end on upbeat note: next round March 17
- 2014/02/19: AntiWar: Iran Keeping Its Promises, US Admits -- State Department Downplays Chances of Further Deal
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Iran, world powers begin talks on final nuclear deal
- 2014/02/18: AntiWar: Iran Talks Upbeat Despite Official Pessimism -- US, Iran Meet on Sidelines of Vienna Talks
- 2014/02/18: BBC: Talks on long-term Iran nuclear deal open in Vienna
- 2014/02/18: WSWS: US intensifies pressure on Iran as talks on permanent nuclear pact begin
- 2014/02/18: al Jazeera: Iran nuclear talks resume amid pessimism
Neither Iran nor the US is hopeful about talks intended to resolve a decade-old dispute over Iran's nuclear programme. - 2014/02/18: al Jazeera: US-Iran deal: Compromise is key
What could Washington offer Tehran to seal the deal? - 2014/02/18: Asia Times: The Roving Eye - Iran's real 'nuclear' revolution
The nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) are back this Tuesday in Vienna. The stakes couldn't be higher. It will be a long and winding road. Hidden agendas on both sides badly want the talks to fail - and will spare no effort towards that goal.
In the solar squabbles:
- 2014/02/18: Grist: U.S. tries to have it both ways with solar trade policy
Remember how the U.S. trade representative announced last week that he would haul India before the World Trade Organization to try to force the country to accept more solar-panel imports? It's a reaction to India's efforts to protect its own solar industry as it massively boosts its renewable energy capacity. Darnedest thing: The U.S. government on Friday moved closer to imposing trade restrictions that would limit imports of Taiwanese-made solar components into the U.S.
These 'free trade' treaties should be called the corporate control treaties:
- 2014/02/22: CCP: Trans-Pacific Partnership leaked summary shows U.S.'s attempt to take climate and environmental protections out of trade pact
- 2014/02/21: NakedCapitalism: Matt Stoller: "Free Trade" Pacts Were Always About Weakening Nation-States to Promote Rule by Multinationals
- 2014/02/21: Grist: In new Pacific trade talks leak, "climate" becomes the unmentionable
- 2014/02/21: EurActiv: EU-US trade talks seen dragging on until mid-2016
- 2014/02/20: ICN: Trade Leak Shows U.S.'s Weak Environmental Pitch, Groups Say
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Australia's free trade agreement with South Korea should be scrutinised by Penny Wong
- 2014/02/19: RealEconomics: More evidence that TPP is utterly corrupt
- 2014/02/18: CCurrents: US-EU Free Trade Agreement: More Secrecy And More Duplicity Revealed
- 2014/02/18: EmbassyMag: New intellectual property treaties seen as path to TPP
As for miscellaneous international political happenings:
- 2014/02/19: ScienceInsider: Scientists Blast Plans for Nicaraguan Grand Canal
- 2014/02/17: RTCC: US and China to speed up climate change co-operation
US and China say they will step up efforts to improve emissions standards in cars, buildings and power plants China and the US have agreed further co-operation to cut carbon from power generation, buildings, industry and transport as the world's two largest emitters try and refine efforts aimed at slowing their contribution to climate change.
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
- 2014/02/20: RTCC: Climate change is a 'national security' issue say military experts
- 2014/02/19: RTCC: Climate change could worsen Sahel conflicts: UN
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Idemitsu bat protestors [fined] $1000, plus bond
Two activists dressed in bat costumes, who halted mining operations at Boggabri Coal, have appeared in court and pleaded guilty to all charges. Danielle Joy Hellyer, 26, from Campbelltown in Sydney, and Katherine May Woskett, 22, from Maules Creek, were arrested on Tuesday after they suspended themselves 30-metres above the ground on a coal loader at the Idemitsu-run Boggabri Coal mine. The women were removed by police from the Bomb Disposal and Rescue Squad, who travelled from Bathurst. - 2014/02/18: Grist: In Michigan, protest with a purr brings out the law's claws
What are the activists up to?
- CoC: [links to many pdfs] A Fractivist's Toolkit
- 2014/02/19: CPW: Fracking in Canada: Why the Council of Canadians' new "Fracktivist's Toolkit" matters
- 2014/02/16: DeSmogBlog: From Occupy to Climate Justice: Merging Economic Justice and Climate Activism
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Carbon divestment is a shining example by Mary Robinson
Discarding the shares of firms that do not curb emissions shows the way forward for climate change campaigners
Polls! We have polls!
- 2014/02/20: TheHill:e2W: Poll: Majority want answers on Keystone oil destination
- 2014/02/18: OilChange: Half UK Population Links Flooding to Climate Change
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2014/02/22: JFleck: On drought and spreading risk
- 2014/02/22: CleanTechnica: One More Time: Let's Transform The Water Industry
- 2014/02/22: DeSmogBlog: David Suzuki: Trading Water For Fuel is Fracking Crazy
- 2014/02/21: SciAm:PI: Photo Friday: Great dams trap and tame the water (1927)
- 2014/02/19: TheCanadian: David Suzuki: Trading water for fuel is fracking crazy
- 2014/02/19: WSWS: Decades of budget cuts behind Detroit water main breaks
- 2014/02/19: RNE: Graph of the Day: Are we on the path to peak water?
- 2014/02/19: Asia Times: China, Myanmar face Myitsone dam truths
- 2014/02/18: Yale360: As Fracking Booms, Growing Concerns About Wastewater
- 2014/02/18: EurActiv: European Parliament kicks off debate on the legal right to water
The European Parliament launched the debate yesterday (17 February) on the first successful European citizens' initiative, on the right to water. While MEPs largely expressed support for its main aim, they were divided on whether water services should be private or public. - 2014/02/17: RealEconomics: Growing food requires water
- 2014/02/17: EUO: First EU citizens' petition calls for right to water
- 2014/02/17: DD: California drought: Why is there no mandatory water rationing? 'Just drive by any reservoir and it's horrifying. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand we're in a drought.'
- 2014/02/17: TreeHugger: Innovative DIY solar water pump takes aim at global water crisis
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): Water shortages could disrupt Britain's electricity supply, researchers warn
Team of academics say climate change could force nuclear and gas-fired power stations to shut down during droughts - 2014/02/16: JFleck: Vegetarianism, water and growth
- 2014/02/16: JFleck: California's water policy failings on display, but is there a lesson of success here as well?
- 2014/02/14: SST: NAWAPA - A Grand Idea
Regarding science education:
- 2014/02/15: RawStory: Missouri bill to create 'parental warning' requirement to teach evolution debated
While in the UK:
- 2014/02/22: TPride: Insurers already refusing to insure homes in areas designated for fracking
- 2014/02/21: PSinclair: Military Response to UK Storms
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): George Osborne wants climate change tackled as cheaply as possible
Chancellor calls on environmentalists to drop opposition to nuclear power and shale gas as they can be inexpensive - 2014/02/20: RTCC: Biomass could provide 44% of UK energy by 2050 - study
- 2014/02/19: BBC: Church of England bishops demand action over hunger
Forty-three Christian leaders, including 27 Anglican bishops, have signed a letter urging David Cameron to ensure people get enough to eat. They argue that "cutbacks and failures" in the benefits system are forcing thousands of people to use food banks. The End Hunger Fast campaign called the situation "truly shocking". It wants a national day of fasting on 4 April. But the government said it wanted to help people "stand on their own two feet" by cutting welfare dependency. - 2014/02/19: TreeHugger: The UK has more offshore wind power than all other countries... combined
- 2014/02/19: Eureka: UK failing to harness its bioenergy potential
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: UK Law Commission could force fund managers to recognise climate risk
Legal review could drive billion dollar pensions industry to factor environmental impacts into asset analysis Tough new recommendations governing the types of industries fund managers and pension trusts invest in could be released by the end of the year. - 2014/02/18: RTCC: Fracking in UK could fail because of bureaucracy: report
Shale gas producers might walk away unless govt cuts red tape, says consultancy [Poyry] - 2014/02/18: RTCC: UK floods open 'window' for climate change politics
As flooding and storms plague UK, experts say politicians must put climate change onto the long term agenda UK floods have opened up a window of opportunity for politicians to act on climate change, but it won't last forever. - 2014/02/18: BBC: Barrage over climate change link to floods
As the barrage of bad weather eases, another kind of turbulence is brewing over one of the potential causes. - 2014/02/17: BBC: UK floods: Ministers to hold insurance meeting at No 10
Talks are due to take place between ministers and insurance bosses at No 10, as insurers said they had paid out £14m to flood victims since December. - 2014/02/17: Monbiot: Muddying the Waters
How the government's farming policies have produced a perfectly designed system for flooding your home. It has the force of a parable. Along the road from High Ham to Burrowbridge, which skirts Lake Paterson (formerly known as the Somerset Levels), you can see field after field of harvested maize. In some places the crop lines run straight down the hill and into the water. When it rains, the water and soil flash off into the lake. Seldom is cause and effect so visible. - 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): On climate change, Ed Miliband must match his bold words with real action
While Tory ranks contain so many 'deniers', Labour can now lead the way in bringing the planet's fate to the top of the political agenda - 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Flood waters recede but row continues - live updates
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Thames flood defences among schemes hit by coalition funding cuts
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Kerry's and Miliband's climate change speeches should mobilise business
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): UK floods: troops could have been deployed earlier, [UK Defence Secretary] Philip Hammond says
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): Flood defences: George Osborne tackled yesterday's crisis at the cost of today's
- 2014/02/16: TPride: Cameron warns floods of government ineptitude "likely to get worse"
- 2014/02/14: TPride: Cameron 'forgets' to apply for EU money to help flood victims
And in Europe:
- 2014/02/21: CleanTechnica: Denmark Turns Climate Goals Into Climate Law
- 2014/02/21: EurActiv: EU, Georgia launch talks on energy ties
The European Commission launched negotiations on Thursday to strengthen energy links with Georgia as part of efforts to bind the former Soviet state closer to the European Union and weaken its bonds with Russia. - 2014/02/21: EurActiv: Ireland sent to court for failing to comply with energy unbundling
The European Commission has referred Ireland to Europe's highest court for failing to comply with EU laws ensuring competition and fair distribution of energy supplies, and is demanding a daily penalty of more than E20,000. - 2014/02/20: BBC: EU Commission launches legal action over UK air quality
The European Commission has launched legal proceedings against the UK for failing to deal with air pollution. The EU says that levels of nitrogen dioxide, mainly from diesel engines, are "excessive" in many British cities. - 2014/02/20: EurActiv: EU scientists' biofuels warnings were ignored
The European Commission ignored an internal recommendation from its own scientists for mandatory carbon accounts and crop-specific measurements in a proposal to address the Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) from biofuels production. - 2014/02/19: RNE: Is Europe giving up on renewables?
- 2014/02/19: EurActiv: Paris wants national permits for GM maize
- 2014/02/19: CNN: ... Why screen stars are battling Europe's banks
- 2014/02/19: EurActiv: Germany and France move closer to deal on diluted transaction tax
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: Over 1,000 cities demand ambitious EU climate targets - reduce carbon emissions 40% by 2030
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: Franco-German summit calls for greater co-operation on renewables
- 2014/02/18: EurActiv: European Parliament kicks off debate on the legal right to water
The European Parliament launched the debate yesterday (17 February) on the first successful European citizens' initiative, on the right to water. While MEPs largely expressed support for its main aim, they were divided on whether water services should be private or public. - 2014/02/18: EurActiv: A thousand cities back 2030 energy efficiency target
An alliance representing more than a thousand European cities wrote to Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council, yesterday (17 February) calling for binding 2030 targets of 40% for energy efficiency, and 30% for renewable energy, in line with a European Parliament proposal. - 2014/02/18: EUO: EU commissioner [Joaquin Almunia] clashes with Germany on energy subsidies
- 2014/02/17: ScienceInsider: E.U. Postpones Horizon 2020 Talks With Switzerland After Immigration Vote
- 2014/02/17: EUO: First EU citizens' petition calls for right to water
EU law should guarantee the right to water and sanitation, the first valid EU citizens' petition has said. It also called for water services not to face liberalisation, collecting 1.8 million signatures after a campaign called Right2Water, which was backed by a string of NGOs and by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU). The activists held talks with the European Commission and MEPs on Monday (17 February) to mark the event. The petition is the first to successfully use the so-called European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), introduced in 2012 as part of the Lisbon treaty, which lets 1 million or more EU citizens task the commission with consideration of new laws.
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2014/02/23: AIMN: The Ides of March
- 2014/02/23: NewAnthropocene: How to erode an economy and look good at the same time
- 2014/02/22: ABC(Au): Premier urged to halt assessment of coal mine
The state opposition has challenged the Premier to suspend the assessment process for a controversial mine on the New South Wales Central Coast Opposition leader John Robertson wants an investigation into the environmental impact of the Wallarah two mining project. - 2014/02/22: ABC(Au): Redcliffe by-election: Labor candidate Yvette D'Ath wins the Queensland seat
- 2014/02/22: ABC(Au): Coalition's hold on Victorian Parliament threatened as Mildura MP Peter Crisp faces firearms charges
- 2014/02/21: CCurrents: Australian Communities Living In A Toxic Plume Of [mine fire] Smoke: WelcomeTo The 'Lucky Country' [Aus pol]
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Deadline looms for say on emissions reduction fund green paper
Submissions close today to the Federal Government's emissions reduction fund green paper. The green paper outlines the Government's plan to reduce Australia's carbon emissions. Instead of a carbon tax, the Government wants to address the issue by using a reverse auction model. - 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Australia's Chief of Army says ADF needs to plan to help the region with effects of climate change
Australia's Chief of Army says the impacts of climate change need to be factored into future military plans, just days after the US Secretary of State described it as a weapon of mass destruction. - 2014/02/22: ABC(Au): Vic EPA confirms toxic fumes as Morwell residents leave town
As a fire continues to burn in a coal mine in Victoria's Latrobe Valley, the EPA (Environment Protection Authority) has confirmed traces of metal in the air, and some other particles as well. Firefighters' shifts continue to be restricted to limit their exposure to carbon monoxide and radiant heat. Many residents are choosing to flee the town of Morwell this weekend, and are complaining of headaches, sore throats and stinging eyes. Some are angry about a lack of information, and one says a law firm is now looking at potential class action. - 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Battlelines clarified in the cash-for-containers wars
Why some green groups oppose cash-for-containers recycling schemes and others support becomes clearer when you find how who is sponsoring them, and why. - 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Air quality has deteriorated dramatically at Morwell in the Latrobe Valley [due to burning mines]
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Statoil announces plans to drill and frack new NT gas wells
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Hazelwood and Yallourn coal mine fires emit strong tar-like smell
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): High Court rules WA to go back to the polls for new Senate election
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Anger over CSG "lunatics" label
Comments by the Australian Petroleum and Exploration Association that opponents of the coal seam industry are "lunatics" has angered people in the bush. - 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Parents forced to remove kids from boarding schools due to drought pressures
- 2014/02/19: QUT: Climate change linked to increase in Australia's suicide rates
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Queensland Premier Campbell Newman talks up LNG industry
- 2014/02/19: WSWS: Alcoa Australia announces smelter closure, sacking 1,000 workers
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): ACT court to consider stay on charges against former speaker Peter Slipper over cabcharges
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): Mining tax: it's time for all Australians to realise they are being ripped off
The mining boom has resulted in a huge extraction of wealth. Norway has been turning its resource bounty into a fund for future generations, while Australia is dangerously careless with it - 2014/02/18: TheConversation: Australian aluminium outgunned by cheap, coal-free global rivals
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Metgasco rejects Greens' call for domestic gas reservations
The New South Wales Greens say the State Government is running a scare campaign to defend a push for more coal seam gas production. Gas retailers want an increase of up to 20 per cent in regulated prices for the next financial year. - 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Coal prices hurt Anglo's profits
Mining company Anglo American says a drop in coal prices has had a big impact on its profits. Anglo says the operating profit from its metallurgical coal operations fell by 89 per cent last year from $405 million U-S to $46 million. It says that was due to a 24 per cent drop in coal prices. - 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Airport sheds light on solar expansion plans
The Alice Springs Airport is hoping to meet more than half of its electricity needs with an expansion of its solar power station. - 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Climate change modelling in the spotlight after Australia's hottest year on record
- 2014/02/18: RNE: Alcoa plant closure delivers another blow to coal power industry
- 2014/02/18: WSWS: Jobs disaster looms in Australian car components industry
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Climate trends demand better response to drought, says CSIRO
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Heatwave frequency 'surpasses levels previously predicted for 2030'
Abbott government urged to better articulate dangers of climate change as Climate Council highlights rising number of hot days - 2014/02/17: TheConversation: Climate Council: heatwaves are getting hotter and more frequent
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): West Australian farmers feel excluded from Federal Government's drought discussions
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Inquiry told fracking wells could be drilled through drinking water aquifers
- 2014/02/16: TheConversation: SPC Ardmona's bailout is crucial given China's food safety record
Now we get to watch the suppository of wisdom destroy what little Australia has done to fight climate change:
- 2014/02/21: RNE: Five things we learned: Fossil fuels and fools rule Australia
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Extreme heat in Australia: more, longer, hotter
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Alcoa aluminium smelter closure is 'the carbon tax doing its job', says PM
Tony Abbott's comment comes despite Alcoa saying the carbon tax was 'not a factor' in decision to shut Port Henry smelter - 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Reality bites: pollies fake it for the cameras
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Navy incursions into Indonesian waters causing 'go slow' in military relationship, Defence Force Chief David Hurley says
- 2014/02/19: RNE: From one old fossil to another - what Abbott can learn from Saudis
- 2014/02/17: UKISS: The day my wallet blew my bum off
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott leaves climate change out of his drought relief calculations
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott's sustained row with ABC echoes Margaret Thatcher v BBC
In latest row Abbott demands ABC apologises to the Australian navy for allegations about mistreatment of asylum seekers - 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott dismisses link between drought and climate change
The Abbott government has ordered a review of the renewable energy target:
- 2014/02/22: RNE: Garnaut slams composition of RET review panel
- 2014/02/19: GEB: Australian Energy Policy and German Energiewende Costs in the German Press
- 2014/02/20: RNE: Origin says "real" 20% RET will push new build beyond 2020
- 2014/02/19: TheConversation: Killing renewables softly with endless reviews
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Warburton defends climate views
The man chosen to lead the Federal Government's review of the renewable energy target says he's sceptical about human induced global warming, but isn't a climate change denier. - 2014/02/18: ABC(Au):TDU: Come clean on your climate stance, Prime Minister
The review of the Renewable Energy Target is the latest move from a Prime Minister whose actions on climate change don't match his words, writes Matt Grudnoff in this open letter. - 2014/02/18: RNE: CCA calls for modeling as it prepares its own RET review
The Abbott government is likely to find itself at loggerheads with the Climate Change Authority, which has called for a tender for economic modeling of the electricity sector as it conducts research ahead of its own review of the renewable energy target. The Abbott government on Monday announced its own panel, to be headed by climate change denier/sceptic Dick Warburton, to review the RET. But the CCA has a statutory obligation to conduct its own review if it survives the attempt by the government to abolish it. - 2014/02/18: RNE: What's at stake: How the RET could change
- 2014/02/18: RNE: Renewable energy review could have a preordained outcome
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Climate sceptic [Warburton] to lead review of Australia's renewable energy target
- 2014/02/17: TheConversation: Renewables inquiry leader vows 'open mind' on target's future
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Renewable Energy Target review announced by Government will examine clean energy impact on power prices
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Businessman to lead review of Renewable Energy Targets
The Federal Government has announced a review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) in keeping with legislation and a pre-election promise. The RET, which was agreed to by both major parties, has an aim of generating 20 per cent of Australia's electricity by renewable energy by 2020.
Mr Hunt also announced the review committee. It will be headed by Dick Warburton, former Reserve Bank Board member and former chairman of Caltex Australia and Dupont. - 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Australia's renewable energy target up for review
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Renewable energy target to be reviewed
- 2014/02/17: RNE: Australia chooses climate change denier to head renewables review
The Australian government has nailed its colours to the mast on the issue of renewable energy by choosing manufacturing chief and climate change denier Dick Warburton to head its review into the renewable energy target.
The Abbott government is providing a preview of what climate refugees can expect:
- 2014/02/22: WSWS: Australian government prepares cover-up of refugee detention camp atrocity
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Manus violence: children could have been present during rioting
Contractors say at least two asylum seekers at the centre had declared themselves minors, in breach of camp rules - 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Manus violence: dead asylum seeker named as Iranian Reza Berati, 23
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au):TDU: Manus Island violence: shocking but not surprising
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Writing letters of protest won't help change Australia's refugee policy
A breakthrough on refugees will not arise from a logic of private appeal or persuasion: governments will only respond to a logic of public pressure - 2014/02/20: al Jazeera: Australia: Plight of child refugees
Child refugees' rights are trampled in Australian immigration detention. - 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Manus Island unrest: PNG prime minister Peter O'Neill says locals not involved in detention centre violence
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Asylum seekers' safety is compromised by this secretive government
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Navy breached Indonesian waters six times under Operation Sovereign Borders, review finds
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Manus Island violence: Witness says guards attacked asylum seekers with sticks and iron bars
- 2014/02/19: WSWS: Refugees killed and maimed in Australian detention camp on Manus Island
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Manus Island: PNG police fired shots twice during asylum seeker protest, Scott Morrison says
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au): Manus Island: Immigration Minister Scott Morrison confirms one asylum seeker dead, 77 injured during second night of unrest
- 2014/02/17: BBC: One asylum seeker has been killed and 77 injured during a second night of rioting at Australia's immigrant detention centre in Papua New Guinea
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Australia's sick and proud message to the world: refugees are going to suffer
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Manus Island unrest: one dead, 77 injured and person shot in buttock
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Murchison's new flow gives fresh life to parched landscape
The state's second longest river has begun flowing through the Kalbarri National Park for the first time in three years. - 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Upper Hunter and Liverpool Plains drought assistance
Farmers in the Liverpool Plains and the Upper Hunter say they are still in desperate straits and need drought assistance now. Both regions missed out on the last round of drought funding. - 2014/02/19: ABC(Au): Billions of litres of water lost each year through ageing network: report
Western Australia's auditor general has found the Water Corporation is losing billions of litres of water more than it should each year, mainly due to leaking pipes.
And in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2014/02/22: WSWS: Indian parliament votes to create new Telangana state
- 2014/02/21: Asia Times: Andra Pradesh: A new low for India
- 2014/02/20: Asia Times: Dark future for India's energy poor
- 2014/02/19: WSWS: Delhi's AAP government resigns
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): India's lower house passes proposal to create new state of Telangana
Move to split Andhra Pradesh and form Telangana state results in uproar among opponents in parliament
While in China:
- 2014/02/23: al Jazeera: Hazardous pollution levels choke Beijing
Air quality in the Chinese capital plunges to hazardous levels. - 2014/02/23: BBerg: China Like Cancer-Risking Smoker as Smog 8-Fold WHO Danger Mark
Air pollution in China, the world's biggest carbon emitter, has reached intolerable levels and the country should aggressively cut its reliance on coal, according to the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation. "China's pollution is at an unbearable stage," Li Junfeng, director general of the state body that advises the government on climate-change issues, said at a conference in Beijing. "It's like a smoker who needs to quit smoking at once otherwise he will risk getting lung cancer." - 2014/02/19: RTCC: Renewables revolution in China within reach, says WWF
- 2014/02/18: NatureN: Fight against smog ramps up
Chinese government to provide incentives for heavy polluters to go green, but analysts question whether its wider air-quality strategy goes far enough.
And elsewhere in Asia:
- 2014/02/21: RTCC: Asian countries use 'equality' as a pretext to pollute says Nasheed
Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed calls on Asian heads of state to treat climate challenge seriously Asian leaders must accept their countries will have to contribute significant carbon pollution cuts for a global climate change deal to work, say the former Presidents of East Timor and the Maldives. - 2014/02/19: HuffPo: The Need for Asian Climate Leadership by Mohamed Nasheed & José Ramos-Horta
And South America:
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Yasuni petition reaches halfway point in bid to force referendum
Campaigners confident of gathering enough signatures to get a vote on overturning the decision to drill for oil in national park
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2014/02/21: DeSmogBlog: Michael Mann: Canadians Should Fight Harper's War on Science and the U.S. Should Help
- 2014/02/21: WCEL: Dear President Obama: In Canada climate change affects none of our decisions
- 2014/02/20: CBC: Conservatives eye Arctic reindeer reserve for oil and gas
- 2014/02/20: TheMark: War on Science? by Michael Mann
- 2014/02/19: TMoS: Harper Embarrasses Himself, His Office and Canada to Boot
- 2014/02/18: DeSmogBlog: $13.4M Allocated to Carry Audit of Canadian Charities Beyond 2017, Documents Show
- 2014/02/18: MSimon: The Big Freeze and the Con Climate Change Deniers
- 2014/02/17: ED: What Canadians Aren't Reading About Keystone XL Pipeline
Resonances of the Lac Mégantic tragedy linger:
- 2014/02/18: CBC: Better rail emergency response needed: report
Report released last week says emergency first responders not equipped to deal with major liquid fires It is not at all clear that Transport Canada has the resources to approve, inspect and maintain current emergency response plans, let alone enough funding for a recommended expansion of the program, says a government-commissioned rail safety report. - 2014/02/18: CBC: Irving Oil tank railcar conversion sends 'strong message' -- Rail advocacy group applauds voluntary move to meet higher standards
The Harper gang is pushing some fundamentally destructive science policies:
- 2014/02/19: TheCanadian: Cut adrift by Harper govt, Ocean pollution expert joins aquarium
- 2014/02/19: DeSmogBlog: Library Association Requests 'Informed Dialogue' with Feds on Library Closures
Some reaction to the Elsipogtog fracking protests gathers:
- 2014/02/19: CBC: Court grants RCMP access to media tapes to ID Rexton suspects
Documents give new insight into clash between police and anti-shale gas protesters in October A provincial court judge has granted an RCMP request to have access to videotape and photographs taken by CBC and four other media organizations during a clash between police and anti-shale gas protesters in Rexton, N.B., last October. The RCMP wants the videotapes and photographs in an effort to identify who set six RCMP vehicles on fire near the protest, resulting in damages of more than $250,000.
The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on:
The Liberals are holding a policy convention this week:
- 2014/02/20: CBC: Justin Trudeau kicks off Liberal convention with partisan speech
- 2014/02/19: BCLSB: 158. Thorium Policy
Some possible movement for the ELA:
- 2014/02/18: CBC: Experimental Lakes Area operator needs changes to Fisheries Act
Federal announcement puts Experimental Lakes Area one step closer to changing hands The federal government is paving the way for a third party to keep the Experimental Lakes Area in operation. Last year Ottawa and the International Institute for Sustainable Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding. And now, the government has proposed changes to the Fisheries Act to allow the Winnipeg-based institute to re-open the ELA.
Meanwhile in BC:
- 2014/02/20: P3: Prof/MLA Weaver Offers Support for Tar Sands Refinery
- 2014/02/20: WCEL: How Pioneer Forest was saved
- 2014/02/20: TheCanadian: Exploding BC LNG Myths - Part 2
- 2014/02/20: Tyee: Please Advise! Why Does Libs' Gas-Powered Budget Stink?
- 2014/02/20: PI:B: Piecing together B.C.'s LNG fiscal framework
- 2014/02/17: TheCanadian: BC First Nation takes "Great Land Grab" to international court [OAS's Inter-American Commission on Human Rights]
- 2014/02/17: CBC: Survival of B.C.'s endangered mountain caribou in question
- 2014/02/17: CBC: B.C. First Nations hold LNG summit in Fort St. John
3 day summit will focus on environmental, social and cumulative impacts of liquefied natural gas development
And in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2014/02/22: CCurrents: Study Confirms Tar Sands Mining Destroying Local Ecosystems
- 2014/02/21: ED: An Exxon Valdex EVERY WEEK
- 2014/02/21: Creekside: Tarsands tailing ponds leaking; scientist muzzled
- 2014/02/20: TheCanadian: Oilsands tailings ponds leaking toxic chemicals: federal govt study
- 2014/02/20: NBF: Oil sands to lead Canadian construction activity
- 2014/02/20: CBC: Oilsands study confirms tailings found in groundwater, river
Federal study shows water from tailings ponds leaching into Athabasca River - 2014/02/19: Resilience: Meet The Family The Tar Sands Industry Wants To Keep Quiet
- 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Meet The Family The Tar Sands Industry Wants To Keep Quiet
Also in Alberta:
- 2014/02/20: DeSmogBlog: CCS Series: Alberta's Carbon Capture and Storage Plans Stagnate as Carbon Price Lags
- 2014/02/20: DeSmogBlog: CNRL Releases New, Lower Cold Lake Oil Spill Estimates
- 2014/02/19: Tyee: How Much Does Western Canada Subsidize Fracking?
And in Ontario:
- 2014/02/21: BCLSB: Ostrander Point ERT Decision Overturned!
- 2014/02/21: TRR: Ontario Court backs Gilead Power at Ostrander Point
In the North:
- 2014/02/20: CBC: Conservatives eye Arctic reindeer reserve for oil and gas
Tracts of land that had been set aside for reindeer grazing in Canada's North have instead been offered up by the Conservative government for oil and gas exploration, newly released documents show. Companies interested in obtaining petroleum exploration rights in the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort Sea region of the Northwest Territories were asked last year to nominate blocks of land that they wanted to see included in a subsequent call for bids. Reindeer-grazing reserves near the communities of Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk were among the lands that were included in that call for nominations, pending a necessary amendment to an order-in-council imposed in 2010. - 2014/02/18: CBC: In Mackenzie Delta, songbird wake-up a thing of the past
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
- 2014/02/20: TStar: Pipeline battles loom in Canada if Keystone stalled
With the Keystone pipeline stalled again in the U.S., attention may shift quickly to alternative proposals to move Alberta's fast-increasing oilsands production to terminals where it can be exported to foreign markets.
And on the American political front:
- 2014/02/22: UCSUSA:B: West Virginia's Future Fund One Step Closer to Reality
[...] The Future Fund is a permanent mineral trust fund that would be invested similar to a pension fund. It will be created using a portion of severance taxes from natural gas drilling. - 2014/02/21: WCEL: Dear President Obama: In Canada climate change affects none of our decisions
- 2014/02/21: SciAm:PI: Liberals May be More Morally Invested on Climate, but Conservatives Are More Likely to be Energy Efficient at Home
- 2014/02/20: ERW: West Virginia needs to diversify away from coal
- 2014/02/20: DeSmogBlog: Peabody Energy Faces Popular Revolt at Illinois EPA Coal Hearing
- 2014/02/20: Grist: This Utah lawmaker [Rep. Jerry Anderson (R)] might be the most delusional climate skeptic ever
- 2014/02/20: al Jazeera: California drought gets state aid
The worst dry spell in recorded history has brought a response from politicians. - 2014/02/19: DeSmogBlog: ALEC's Fracking Chemical Disclosure Bill Moving Through Florida Legislature
- 2014/02/19: BBC: California governor unveils drought assistance plan
California politicians have announced a $687m (£412m) plan to provide immediate assistance to communities parched by an ongoing historic drought. The proposal was put forward by state Democrats and California Governor Jerry Brown. - 2014/02/19: UCSUSA: California Climate Scientists and Economists Urge Governor and Legislators to Make Steeper Reductions in Global Warming Emissions
- 2014/02/19: UCSUSA:B: "Courage, Creativity, and Boldness" -- A 2030 Target for California Climate Action
- 2014/02/19: BBerg: How a CEO Reacts When Robert Redford Pegs Him a Villain
- 2014/02/19: UCSUSA:B: Ohio's Clean Energy Standards Still Under Attack by Fossil Fuel Special Interests
- 2014/02/19: KSJT: The Latest NSF Survey on Science Literacy and Astrology: Interpreting Results Required Critical Thinking
- 2014/02/19: Wonkette: Wise Utah Legislator To Give Plants What They Crave
- 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Ohio Agency Tasked With Limiting Fracking On Public Lands Was Actually Planning To Promote It
- 2014/02/18: DeSmogBlog: Mardi Gras: Krewe du Vieux Raises Awareness of Environmental Threats to New Orleans
- 2014/02/18: PSinclair: Conservatives Who Give a Damn. Who Knew?
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2014/02/21: CCP: Opponents Offer Fierce Resistance to Tar Sands, Enbridge and Keystone XL
- 2014/02/21: CBC: Nebraska ruling may delay Keystone XL decision, says U.S. official
- 2014/02/20: Resilience: Did These Nebraska Landowners Just Block the KXL Pipeline?
- 2014/02/20: Grist: Nebraska judge throws a big wrench in Keystone XL pipeline works
- 2014/02/20: NPR:B: Nebraska To Appeal Ruling That Blocks Keystone Pipeline In State
- 2014/02/20: TP:JR: Idaho Bill Would Get Rid Of All EPA Regulations In The State
- 2014/02/20: TP:JR: California Lawmakers Pushing Bills Addressing Drought And Climate Change
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Ohio Governor Reverses Course On Fracking In State Parks After Plan To Discredit Environmentalists Leaked
- 2014/02/20: BBerg: Obama Keystone Pipeline Review Roiled by Nebraska Judge
A Nebraska judge's decision throwing out the Keystone XL pipeline route in the state may push President Barack Obama's final decision on the contested project until after the midterm congressional elections. - 2014/02/19: CBC: Obama makes no promises about Keystone at summit
- 2014/02/19: CBC: Keystone XL access through Nebraska shut down by judge
Oil pipeline faces prospect of more delays because of staunch opposition - 2014/02/19: CNN: Obama, Harper differences over Keystone pipeline on display at summit
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Court Strikes Down Nebraska Law That Allowed The Keystone XL Pipeline Through The State
- 2014/02/18: CCurrents: The Keystone Principle And Canada
- 2014/02/17: SacBee: Native Americans vow a last stand to block Keystone XL pipeline
- 2014/02/17: DeSmogBlog: Proposed Colorado Constitutional Amendment Would Let Cities Ban Fracking
First there was the Keystone XL. Now it is joined by the Alberta Clipper:
You may have noticed Texas and the EPA feuding in the past. This is why:
- 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Texas Knows 'Almost Nothing' About Pollution From One Of The Country's Most Active Drilling Sites
With more than 7,000 oil and gas wells and 5,500 more already approved, the Eagle Ford shale play in Texas is one of the most active drilling sites in the nation. But according to a new investigation, Texas is failing to adequately monitor the site's emissions, which is leading to health concerns for nearby residents. - 2014/02/18: CSW: Fracking Boom Spews Toxic Air Emissions on Texas Residents
- 2014/02/18: Weather: Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale - Big Oil and Bad Air on the Texas Prairie
- 2014/02/18: CPI: Big Oil, Bad Air
- 2014/02/18: ICN: Fracking Boom Spews Toxic Air Emissions on Texas Residents
Eight-month investigation reveals that the Texas State Legislature is more intent on protecting the industry than protecting residents' health. - 2014/02/18: ICN: Texas Officials Turn Blind Eye To Fracking Industry's Toxic Air Emissions
More than 2,400 air emissions permits have been issued in the Eagle Ford without safeguards to limit toxic chemicals breathed in by residents. - 2014/02/18: ICN: Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale: Big Oil & Bad Air on the Texas Prairie - Multimedia [vid]
- 2014/02/18: SciAm:PI: Understanding Eagle Ford shale's impact on air quality
Leaks and spills:
Jeez! It's getting hard to keep all the spills and leaks straight. You need a map. Let's see... we have:
- In North Caroline, Duke Energy spilled coal ash slurry into the Dan River
- In West Virginia, Patriot Coal spilled coal ash slurry into Fields Creek
- In West Virginia, Freedom Industries spilled coal cleaning chemicals into the Elk river
- In Michigan, Enbridge spilled dilbit into the Kalamazoo River
- In Arkansas, Exxon, spilled dilbit into the suburb of Mayflower
- In the Gulf of Mexico, BP and company had the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- In West Virginia, Gary Partners spilled black water into a creek
- In North Dakota, oil and chemical spills typify boom times
In North Carolina, Duke Energy spilled coal ash slurry into the Dan River:
- 2014/02/19: AlterNet: Arsenic Could Have Been Poisoning River Before North Carolina Coal Ash Leak, Say Officials
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Officials Confirm: Arsenic Could Have Been Flowing Into River Before North Carolina Coal Ash Leak
- 2014/02/19: LA Times: U.S. widens inquiry of Duke Energy's coal ash spill in North Carolina
New federal subpoenas seek information about ties between Duke Energy and North Carolina regulators before the coal ash spill. - 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Company Being Investigated For Massive Coal Ash Spill Finally Issues An Apology [North Carolina Duke Energy Dan River coal ash spill]
- 2014/02/18: WaPo: Prosecutors file new subpoenas over NC coal ash
Federal prosecutors have served North Carolina's environmental agency with 20 more subpoenas seeking documents and ordering 19 state employees to testify before a grand jury, part of a broadening criminal investigation into a massive coal ash spill. - 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Coal Ash Piles Up As High As 5 Feet In North Carolina River, Endangering Aquatic Life
- 2014/02/17: CleanTechnica: North Carolina Locks Barn Door After Coal Ash Escapes [Dan River]
In West Virginia, Freedom Industries spilled coal cleaning chemicals into the Elk river:
- 2014/02/19: CNN: West Virginia asks feds to study possible health effects of chemical spill
"Perhaps there is something going on here," says county health officer - "We stand willing to continue to assist," says CDC spokeswoman - A chemical spill last month led to continuing concerns about the safety of water - "It is critical this study is funded and that work begins immediately," Gov. Tomblin says - 2014/02/19: Eureka: Chemical leak in W.Va. shows gaps in research, policy
- 2014/02/19: WSWS: FEMA cuts aid to West Virginians affected by chemical spill
Earlier in Arkansas, Exxon, spilled dilbit into the suburb of Mayflower:
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics. See also:
In West Virginia, Gary Partners spilled black water into a creek:
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Blackwater, A Third Kind Of Coal Waste, Is Now Leaking Into A West Virginia Creek
Regulators in West Virginia are working to clean up yet another coal waste spill, after runoff from melting snow overran sediment control ponds at a slurry impoundment, sending polluted water into a creek. The slurry impoundment -- which is essentially a large pool of sludge, leftover from the coal mining and preparation processes -- had been re-opened by a company called Gary Partners LLC to mine the leftover bits of coal, according a report from the Charleston Gazette. After recently-fallen snow began to melt around the impoundment, it began to overflow the site's sediment control ponds, sending something called "blackwater" into a nearby creek.
In North Dakota, numerous oil and chemical spills typify boom times:
John Kerry's speech on climate change got a few people going:
- 2014/02/21: Grist: What can John Kerry accomplish with his climate talk?
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: Climate Deniers Freak on Kerry's Climate Change Speech
- 2014/02/19: HillHeat: In Series of Misspelled Tweets, CNN's Newt Gingrich Attacks John Kerry as 'Delusional'
- 2014/02/19: HillHeat: Secretary of State John Kerry: Climate Change Is A 'Weapon of Mass Destruction'
- 2014/02/17: CSW: On Keystone XL, John Kerry, and the global interest
- 2014/02/17: Grist: John Kerry says climate change is a weapon of mass destruction
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): US Secretary of State calls for urgent global action on climate change
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Kerry's and Miliband's climate change speeches should mobilise business
- 2014/02/17: TP:JR: John Kerry Calls Climate Change 'World's Most Fearsome' Weapon Of Mass Destruction
- 2014/02/17: RTCC: Yeb Sano: Kerry's climate warning needs political backing
Philippines climate envoy says rhetoric must be complemented by radical cuts to global carbon emissions - 2014/02/17: OilChange: Kerry's State Department Ignored Obama's Climate Action Plan [in Keystone XL evaluation]
- 2014/02/17: OilChange: Climate change is "world's largest weapon of mass destruction"
- 2014/02/17: RNE: Kerry lambasts climate deniers as US-China make new pact
- 2014/02/17: MoA: Hypocrisy Thy Name Is John Kerry - Global Warming
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): John Kerry calls climate change 'weapon of mass destruction'
- 2014/02/16: CNN: John Kerry: Climate change as big a threat as terrorism, poverty, WMDs
Looking ahead to the 2016 election:
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Republican Scott Walker faces potential fallout from incriminating email trove
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2014/02/22: CCP: State Department Review To Emphasize Effects Of Climate Change On Global Conflict, Diplomacy
- 2014/02/21: GreenGrok: A Little Tar on Obama's 'All of the Above' Energy Strategy?
- 2014/02/21: TP:JR: U.S. Approves Two Huge Solar Projects On Public Lands In California
- 2014/02/21: CleanTechnica: 550 MW Of First Solar PV Projects Approved By US Government [DoI]
- 2014/02/20: RTCC: Obama says climate must influence 'all' government policies
US President says fate of Keystone pipeline is still uncertain, as Republicans start new campaign against carbon cutting Barack Obama says climate change must affect "all" decisions his government makes. - 2014/02/20: NatureN: US energy agency gives boost to nuclear project -- Loan guarantee comes amid fading hopes for an industry renaissance
- 2014/02/19: GreenGok: Obama Administration Grade on Coal Ash: Failing
- 2014/02/18: NYT: [DOE] Loan Program for Reactors Is Fizzling
- 2014/02/19: Grist: Obama to trucking industry: "No more rampant gas consumption for you!"
- 2014/02/18: TreeHugger: Obama directs EPA and DOT to tighten fuel efficiency standards for heavy trucks by 2016
- 2014/02/18: UCSUSA:B: White House Calls For Trucks That Do More With Less Oil
- 2014/02/18: UCSUSA: President Commits to Reducing Oil Use of Heavy Trucks
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: Obama announces new US fuel efficiency standards [for heavy duty road vehicles]
- 2014/02/18: CSW: Texas Officials Turn Blind Eye to Fracking Industry's Toxic Air Emissions
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): Obama rolls out plan to tighten fuel efficiency standards for large trucks
President Barack Obama orders federal agencies to create new standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles by March 2016 - 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Why Obama's New Fuel Standards For Big Trucks Matter
- 2014/02/17: Grist: Obama wants to spend $1 billion on climate adaptation
- 2014/02/17: Grist: Green sleaze: The EPA helps corporations scrub their images while screwing the planet
- 2014/02/17: RTCC: Obama offers $100m to drought-hit Californian farmers
US president pledges over $100 million to help farmers who are suffering in historic Californian drought President Barack Obama has pledged financial aid to farming communities suffering as a result of California's drought. - 2014/02/16: EcoWatch: Plan Shows Regulatory Agency and Fracking Industry in Cahoots to Promote Drilling in State Parks
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2014/02/20: HillHeat: Former Climate Hawk John McCain Ridicules Kerry for Being a Climate Hawk
- 2014/02/20: CCP: Sen Whitehouse and Rep. Waxman write McCain and Newt...
- 2014/02/19: Grist: When Rush Holt retires, the House will lose a scientist and an environmental advocate
- 2014/02/18: ScienceInsider: Rush Holt to Leave Congress
- 2014/02/18: UCSUSA:B: The Secret Science Reform Act: Perhaps We Should Just Call it Catch-22
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2014/02/22: MSimon: The Man Who Could Destroy Stephen Harper's Pipeline
- 2014/02/21: DemNow: The Shadow Lobbying Complex: How Corporations Are Hiding Vast Influence Peddling Efforts
- 2014/02/21: FDL: Shadow Lobbying System Exposed
- 2014/02/19: Nation: Where Have All the Lobbyists Gone?
- 2014/02/19: Guardian(UK): Spending $100m to save the planet is a bad thing for 'sugar daddy' politics
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: US billionaire Tom Steyer to spend $100m on climate change campaign
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2014/02/21: TMoS: See If This Doesn't Put You in a Mind To Revolt
- 2014/02/20: TreeHugger: Scientists warn of deep-sea mining's destructive potential, want "new stewardship" of oceans
- 2014/02/17: OFW: Reaching Limits to Growth: What Should our Response Be?
- 2014/02/17: BBC: Deep-sea mining 'must responsibly respect ecosystems'
Scientists have made an impassioned plea for humanity to pause and think before making a headlong rush to exploit the deep sea. The researchers said the oceans' lowest reaches had untold riches that could benefit mankind enormously, but not if the harvesting were done destructively. The scientists called for a "new stewardship" of the deep sea. This would require effective ecosystem management and sustainable methods of exploitation.
In nature, there is no garbage:
- 2014/02/18: TreeHugger: The war over waste: how too little garbage threatens recycling
- 2014/02/18: Grist: Pharrell is making jeans out of recycled ocean plastic
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Progress review: contraception use among adolescent girls
Giving young women access to birth control is a global public health priority. Find out about the challenges that remain and the projects changing the odds for girls - 2014/02/16: BBerg: China Tiger Moms Turn Guardians of One-Child Policy as Law Eases
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): Egyptian population explosion worsens social unrest
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2014/02/22: ArcticNews: With business as usual life on earth is largely doomed
- 2014/02/18: Resilience: Edge-Dwelling: A Social Ecology For Our Times, Part 4: Low Tide
- 2014/02/17: Guardian(UK): Is it time to join the 'preppers'? How to survive the climate-change apocalypse
Why we fight:
- 2014/02/18: ABC(Au):TDU: Growing up in a climate of fear
For my tiny son I find myself now thinking of climate change as akin to war. I secretly hope someone else does the dying, writes Doug Hendrie.
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2014/02/21: DeSmogBlog: Mike De Souza's 20 Most Important Articles for Postmedia
- 2014/02/21: BLN: 5 Disturbing Reasons Not to Trust the News (From a Reporter)
- 2014/02/21: BackReaction: The eternal tug of war between science journalists and scientists. A graphical story.
- 2014/02/20: PaiD: A Leading Exemplar of The CBC's Policy Of Conservative Appeasement
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: I'm On a Deadline, and Need Some Sciencey Sounding BS Fast. Can You Help?
- 2014/02/19: Monbiot: Jumping the Shark -- Misleading claims by Discovery and other channels help to fuel wildlife massacres [media]
- 2014/02/19: DeSmogBlog: FOX Alert: O'Reilly Factor Producer Asks DeSmogBlog to Provide Best Arguments Against Global Warming
- 2014/02/19: GLaden: Shame on the BBC: False Balance in #ClimateChange discussion
- 2014/02/19: Tamino: You can't explain it
- 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Wyoming's Leading Paper Argues Coal Is 'Relatively Good' For The Environment
- 2014/02/18: KSJT: Washington Post spokesperson announces paper will stop reprinting health and science press releases
- 2014/02/18: FAIR: Meet the Press Meets Climate Change
- 2014/02/18: MSimon: Rex Murphy and the Con Broadcasting Corporation
- 2014/02/17: CarbonBrief: Analysis: UK newspapers are talking more about climate change and flooding
- 2014/02/17: TPride: Climate change deniers - just who is Daily Mail reporter David Rose?
- 2014/02/17: CCP: Bill Nye's failure to communicate urgency on Meet The Press
- 2014/02/17: PSinclair: Bill Nye vs the Barbarians: Is Bill Getting Better at This?
- 2014/02/16: TP:JR: Fox News Discusses Climate Change. Insanity Ensues.
- 2014/02/16: GReadfearn: Cut and paste qualifiers for your climate and science stories
- 2014/02/16: P3: Can We Talk About Climategate?
- 2014/02/16: TP:JR: In Debate With Bill Nye, Congresswoman [Blackburn] Says Climate Policy Must Consider 'Benefits Of Carbon'
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott's sustained row with ABC echoes Margaret Thatcher v BBC
In latest row Abbott demands ABC apologises to the Australian navy for allegations about mistreatment of asylum seekers
Here is something for your library:
- 2014/02/16: Guardian(UK): [Book Review] _The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History_ by Elizabeth Kolbert
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Watch 27 years of 'old' Arctic ice melt away in seconds
- 2014/02/20: TreeHugger: Glacial Balance documentary shows how distant glaciers impact billions of lives
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: New Video: The Business Impact of Abrupt Change
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: From NASA: Data Animation Shows Polar Vortex
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: Midweek Wonk: Kerry on Climate Change
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: Ooops. Excuse Me. Methane Leakage Underestimated by 50 Percent
- 2014/02/19: PSinclair: Huge Japan Snowfall
- 2014/02/18: PSinclair: Record Snow in US, Roses in Germany, Drowning in UK - the Winter of Extremes
- 2014/02/18: PSinclair: German Utilities Still in Love with Brown Coal
- 2014/02/18: PSinclair: Winter Storms with Hurricane Impact
- 2014/02/18: SciAm:PI: Understanding Eagle Ford shale's impact on air quality
- 2014/02/16: SciShot: Video: A Polar Disaster Movie
- 2014/02/16: TMoS: What That Ocean Warming Business is Really All About
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2014/02/22: TP:JR: Polluting Appalachia's Streams With Mountaintop Removal Mining Just Got Harder
This week the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia tossed out a late-2008 Bush Administration decision to scrap a decades-old rule protecting streams from the spoils of mountaintop removal mining. It said the rule violated the Endangered Species Act. - 2014/02/21: CDreams: Federal Court Declares Bush-Era Rule that Removed Protections against Mountaintop Removal Mining Invalid
- 2014/02/20: TP:JR: Supreme Court Case Gives Fossil Fuel Industry A Chance To Throw A Wrench Into EPA's Carbon Rules
- 2014/02/20: BBC: EU Commission launches legal action over UK air quality
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Court Strikes Down Nebraska Law That Allowed The Keystone XL Pipeline Through The State
- 2014/02/19: Guardian(UK): Keystone XL: Nebraska judge invalidates governor's pipeline approval
Judge says Governor Dave Heineman shouldn't have had the final say on whether the oil pipeline can pass through his state - 2014/02/17: EurActiv: European Court of Justice allows free use of hyperlinks
The Mann defamation suit saga rolls on:
- 2014/02/22: DeSmogBlog: Affidavits in Michael Mann Libel Suit Reveal Astonishing Facts About Tim Ball Associate John O'Sullivan
- 2014/02/22: ERabett: Unclear On the Concept
- 2014/02/20: QuarkSoup: For the Steyniacs, a Webcast
- 2014/02/17: TheCanadian: Climate scientist's defamation suit threatens to topple conservative publication
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a long while:
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2014/02/22: Tyee: Global Shift to Clean Energy No Longer 'Theoretical'
That, and other surprising insights from a Q&A with Bloomberg New Energy Finance's Ethan Zindler. - 2014/02/21: CleanTechnica: Thermoelectrics Get Big Boost From Nanoscale Pillars -- Creating Electricty From Heat
- 2014/02/20: ABC(Au): Report finds electricity privatisation 'a dismal failure'
- 2014/02/20: JQuiggin: Electricity privatisation in Australia: A record of failure
- 2014/02/20: RTCC: Biomass could provide 44% of UK energy by 2050 - study
- 2014/02/20: RNE: Electricity privatisation a 'spectacular failure', says report
The privatisation of Australia's energy networks has been an unqualified and costly failure, according to the findings of a comprehensive new report commissioned by the Electrical Trades Union. Written and researched by leading Australian economist John Quiggin, the report examines 30 years of Australian energy sector reform and concludes that, overall, it has "failed spectacularly;" driving up costs, destabilising investment and compromising infrastructure and supply. And the "greatest failure of all", says Professor Quiggin, has been privatisation. - 2014/02/20: RNE: When baseload fossil fuel plants are no longer baseload
- 2014/02/19: RTCC: Renewables revolution in China within reach, says WWF
- 2014/02/19: SciAm:PI: Appliances responsible for 13% of home energy bill in U.S.
- 2014/02/17: NBF: Underground coal gasification must also have carbon capture and storage
- 2014/02/17: RNE: Will distributed energy be one-third of US power supply by 2020?
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2014/02/21: TP:JR: If Natural Gas Must Be A Bridge Fuel, This Might Be A Way To Do It
- 2014/02/20: Resilience: How Hawaii is Transitioning From Oil Dependence to Solar Energy
- 2014/02/20: Tyee: At US Science Confab, Two Energy Futures Duel Across the Hall
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2014/02/23: DeSmogBlog: Earthquakes Rattle Texas Towns in the Barnett Shale
- 2014/02/22: NBF: Continuing improvement in oil well fracturing methods increases production level by 20% and nearly halves the time to complete some steps in well creating
- 2014/02/21: Grist: Fracking infrastructure? Not in my backyard, says Exxon CEO
- 2014/02/21: DeSmogBlog: We Need a Surgeon General's Report for Fracked Gas Exports at Cove Point
- 2014/02/20: NPR:StateImpact: Industry Looks for Safer Ways to Drill with Acid
- 2014/02/20: TP:JR: Doctors Call On President Obama For More Regulation On Fracking
- 2014/02/18: Grist: Survive one Chevron fracking explosion, get a pizza and pop FREE!
- 2014/02/18: PSinclair: Free Pizza if your Fracking Well Explodes!
- 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Ohio Agency Tasked With Limiting Fracking On Public Lands Was Actually Planning To Promote It
- 2014/02/18: Yale360: As Fracking Booms, Growing Concerns About Wastewater
With hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas continuing to proliferate across the U.S., scientists and environmental activists are raising questions about whether millions of gallons of contaminated drilling fluids could be threatening water supplies and human health. - 2014/02/18: TheCanadian: Chevron offers pizza to victims of fracking explosion
- 2014/02/18: DeSmogBlog: Nobody Knows How Much Fracking is Happening Off California's Coast
- 2014/02/18: DeSmogBlog: Chevron Tries A New PR Trick: Free Pizza to Neighbors of Exploded Gas Well
- 2014/02/18: TP:JR: Texas Knows 'Almost Nothing' About Pollution From One Of The Country's Most Active Drilling Sites
With more than 7,000 oil and gas wells and 5,500 more already approved, the Eagle Ford shale play in Texas is one of the most active drilling sites in the nation. But according to a new investigation, Texas is failing to adequately monitor the site's emissions, which is leading to health concerns for nearby residents. - 2014/02/18: CSW: Fracking Boom Spews Toxic Air Emissions on Texas Residents
- 2014/02/17: ABC(Au): Inquiry told fracking wells could be drilled through drinking water aquifers
- 2014/02/16: EcoWatch: Plan Shows Regulatory Agency and Fracking Industry in Cahoots to Promote Drilling in State Parks
On the coal front:
- 2014/02/21: CDreams: Federal Court Declares Bush-Era Rule that Removed Protections against Mountaintop Removal Mining Invalid
- 2014/02/20: RNE: Flurry of US coal power plant shutdowns expected by 2016
- 2014/02/20: WSWS: West Virginia law firm accused of "cutthroat approach" to fighting black lung claims
As part of its year-long investigation into the resurgence of black lung disease entitled "Breathless and Burdened," the nonpartisan investigative news organization The Center for Public Integrity has exposed what it calls the "cutthroat approach to fighting miners' [black lung] claims" employed by lawyers working for coal companies. Through its investigation, the Center found that, for decades, the prominent West Virginia law firm Jackson Kelly PLLC has withheld key evidence, such as doctors' reports, and presented incomplete or potentially misleading evidence in their defense of coal companies against black lung claims by miners. As a result of Jackson Kelly's work, the Center claims that hundreds of "sick and dying miners have been denied benefits." - 2014/02/20: DeSmogBlog: Peabody Energy Faces Popular Revolt at Illinois EPA Coal Hearing
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Here's Why 50 Percent More Coal Plants Could Be Retiring Than Experts Previously Thought
- 2014/02/18: RNE: Alcoa plant closure delivers another blow to coal power industry
- 2014/02/17: RNE: Coal lobby wants energy transition thrown into reverse
On the gas and oil front:
- 2014/02/21: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....109.85
WTI Cushing Spot....102.20 - 2014/02/22: IOTD: Gas Flaring in Iraq [on Sept.23,2013]
- 2014/02/21: ABC(Au): Statoil announces plans to drill and frack new NT gas wells
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: By The Time Natural Gas Has A Net Climate Benefit You'll Likely Be Dead And The Climate Ruined
- 2014/02/19: BBC: Oil boss urges overhaul of Brent oil price benchmark
And in pipeline news:
Ships and boats and trains -- How to tranport the stuff?
- 2014/02/21: TP:JR: Officials Say Public Not Warned Of Propane Car Derailment On Massachusetts Overpass
- 2014/02/20: FuelFix: Train explosions prompt companies to upgrade oil tankers voluntarily
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: Coal And Oil Trains Would 'Consume Most Of The Existing Rail Capacity' In West, Report Says
- 2014/02/17: CBC: Irving Oil to convert tank railcars to meet higher standards
Announcement follows Transportation Safety Board recommendations on DOT-111 tank railcars
Marvelous! Now the USA has their own Mechanical Mordor:
- 2014/02/20: WSWS: The hazardous race for petroleum profits in North Dakota
- 2014/02/17: TP:JR: A Canadian Company Is About To Become One Of The First To Extract U.S. Tar Sands Oil
- 2014/02/16: DeSmogBlog: Canadian Company Called U.S. Oil Sands Will Soon Start Extracting Utah's Tar Sands
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2014/02/21: Resilience: The Peak Oil Crisis: A Winter Update
- 2014/02/17: Resilience: "Peak is dead" and the future of oil supply
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2014/02/20: Eureka: Sustainable use of energy wood resources shows potential in North-West Russia
Sustainable use of the available energy wood resources in North-West Russia promises significant social and economic opportunities - 2014/02/19: CleanTechnica: New Solar Power Fuel Cell Runs On Wood Chips
- 2014/02/19: CleanTechnica: New Algae Biofuel: Holy Hot Sugar, Batman!
- 2014/02/18: Eureka: Solar-induced hybrid fuel cell produces electricity directly from biomass
- 2014/02/18: ETI:RRapier: Solving the Midwest Ethanol Problem
The answer my friend...
- 2014/02/21: RTCC: Wind farms remain 'highly efficient' for 25 years
New research allays investors fears that wind farms become less productive and need replacing frequently The 'shelf life' of wind farms is longer than previously thought, which researchers say makes them a good choice for investors. - 2014/02/21: CleanTechnica: Wind Farms Blow Away Old Criticism -- Research Shows That Wind Turbines Remain Productive For Up To 25 Years
- 2014/02/21: CleanTechnica: London Array Offshore Wind Farm Expansion Cut & Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm Cut
- 2014/02/20: Grist: World's biggest offshore wind farm won't expand because of birds
- 2014/02/20: TreeHugger: New research: Wind turbines remain efficient much longer than expected
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: Where Wind Energy is Up, Electrical Prices are Down
- 2014/02/19: TreeHugger: The UK has more offshore wind power than all other countries... combined
- 2014/02/19: CleanTechnica: UK Offshore Wind Farm Will Field Vestas' 8 MW Behemoths
- 2014/02/19: TP:JR: U.S. Offshore Wind Inches Closer To Reality As Dominion Places Bid On Ocean Lease
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2014/02/22: CleanTechnica: A Promising Alliance: SunPower Corp & Meritage Homes
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: Emerging New Solar SuperPower: Iowa
- 2014/02/20: PSinclair: Solar Jobs Soar in New Survey
- 2014/02/19: RNE: STC change 'perfect storm' for rooftop PV
Solar developers are warning that changes to the small-scale technology certificate (STC) system could result in the 'perfect storm' for rooftop solar, stopping the industry in its tracks. Some in the Australian solar industry believe that STCs are under threat if the RET becomes watered down in the review. - 2014/02/19: CleanTechnica: Duke Energy Issues Request For 300 MW Of New Solar PV Proposals
- 2014/02/19: CleanTechnica: Small-Scale Solar Projects Now Account For Over Half Of Construction
- 2014/02/19: RNE: First Solar sources Australian parts for utility-scale PV plants
- 2014/02/19: NBF: Superthin Gallium Arsenide solar power could displace silicon solar power as installation costs stay stubbornly high
- 2014/02/18: SciAm:PI: Ivanpah - solar thermal sets record in the desert
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2014/02/21: WNN: Westinghouse SMR progress slows
- 2014/02/20: WNN: Issuance of Vogtle loan guarantees
The US government has finalized loan guarantees totalling some $6.5 billion for the construction of two AP1000 units at the Vogtle site in Georgia. US energy secretary Ernest Moniz was today due to formally issue the guarantees. - 2014/02/18: ORNL: CASL, Westinghouse simulate neutron behavior in AP1000® reactor core
- 2014/02/18: NYT: [DOE] Loan Program for Reactors Is Fizzling
- 2014/02/14: CPI: Nuclear Waste: Cost of [Savannah River] South Carolina fuel plant goes up by billions of dollars -- again
The MOX plant may cost another $30 billion to complete and operate, and federal officials are newly wary
Nuclear waste storage requires _very_ long term thinking:
- 2014/02/21: FukuLeaks: WIPP Underground Investigation Being Planned, Failure Area Identifed
- 2014/02/21: FukuLeaks: WIPP Plutonium Leak May Have Been From Ceiling Collapse
- 2014/02/20: EneNews: Plutonium release at U.S. nuclear facility [Carlsbad]: "We don't know what happened... don't know whether it could happen again"...
- 2014/02/20: FukuLeaks: WIPP Plutonium Leak Amount Confirmed
- 2014/02/20: FukuLeaks: WIPP Nuclear Site Leaks To The Environment, FOIA Filed By Local Press
- 2014/02/19: EneNews: Airborne plutonium detected outside troubled U.S. nuclear facility -- Expert: 'Radiation event' appears to have occurred, leading to a release; "Levels are highest ever detected" around site
- 2014/02/19: NYT: Amid Toxic Waste, a Navajo Village Could Lose Its Land
In this dusty corner of the Navajo reservation, where seven generations of families have been raised among the arroyos and mesas, Bertha Nez is facing the prospect of having to leave her land forever. The uranium pollution is so bad that it is unsafe for people to live here long term, environmental officials say. Although the uranium mines that once pocked the hillsides were shut down decades ago, mounds of toxic waste are still piled atop the dirt, raising concerns about radioactive dust and runoff. - 2014/02/19: CCurrents: Why Stopping The Ward Valley Nuclear Waste Dump Is Worth Remembering...
- 2014/02/18: LA Times: Official who raised safety concerns at Hanford nuclear site is fired
- 2014/02/18: EneNews: NBC: 'Bizarre' cluster of severe birth defects haunts experts in Pacific Northwest... [nuke waste]
- 2014/02/17: EneNews: CNN: Alarm due to radiation spike brings '1st-of-its-kind' response at US nuclear site...
- 2014/02/17: NBCNews: 'Bizarre' Cluster of Severe Birth Defects [near Hanford] Haunts Health Experts
- 2014/02/16: FukuLeaks: Radiation Leak At WIPP Considered To Be Waste Leak
- 2014/02/16: CNN: Radiation alarm at [Carlsbad] New Mexico nuclear disposal plant spurs air shutoff
- 2014/02/16: Reuters: Possible radiation leak at New Mexico military nuclear waste site
Unusually high levels of radioactive particles were found at an underground nuclear waste site in New Mexico on Saturday in what a spokesman said looked like the first real alarm since the plant opened in 1999. U.S. officials were testing for radiation in air samples at the site where radioactive waste, such as plutonium used in defense research and nuclear weapon making, is dumped half a mile below ground in an ancient salt formation.
Feed-In-Tariffs are being variously implemented around the world:
Like a mirage, the dream of a Hydrogen Economy shimmers on the horizon:
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2014/02/21: RNE: Industry could help cut peak power demand, electricity costs
- 2014/02/19: CleanTechnica: Global Smart Grid Investment Grows, China Leads, US Falls Behind
- 2014/02/19: RTCC: China overtakes US as biggest spender on smart grids
How are the utilities adjusting (or not)?
- 2014/02/20: RNE: Warm weather and solar PV eat Origin's energy earnings
- 2014/02/19: RNE: Subsidies for rooftop solar - zero net cost to households
- 2014/02/18: GET: What future role for today's utilities?
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2014/02/17: NBF: High dielectric constant enables Superconducting Meissner Transition at 77 degrees celsius or 170 degrees fahrenheit
- 2014/02/17: NBF: GE Could be selling magnetic refrigerators by 2020 that are 20-30% more efficient than todays fridges
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2014/02/20: TheConversation: Costly, toxic and slow to charge? Busting electric car myths
- 2014/02/19: AutoBG: Nostrum Motors says aerosol-like injector boosts fuel economy by 20%
- 2014/02/17: CleanTechnica: World's Largest EV Fast Charger Network To Roll Out In China
This week in the Gee Whiz File:
- 2014/02/20: Eureka: Vibration energy the secret to self-powered electronics
- 2014/02/17: CleanTechnica: Harnessing Low-Frequency Vibrations For Energy -- Near-Infinite Power Source Tapped For Miniature Electronics
As for Energy Storage:
- 2014/02/22: ITracker: Distributed energy storage
- 2014/02/19: Eureka: Advance in energy storage could speed up development of next-gen electronics
- 2014/02/18: RNE: 9MW solar storage project to give day ahead commitments to grid
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Climate change and circular economy take centre stage at Davos
- 2014/02/19: UCSUSA:B: CVS, Tobacco, and Aligning Companies' Actions with Their Sustainability Brands on Climate Change [biz react]
- 2014/02/18: RTCC: UK Law Commission could force fund managers to recognise climate risk
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2014/02/22: TPride: Insurers already refusing to insure homes in areas designated for fracking
- 2014/02/17: BBC: UK floods: Ministers to hold insurance meeting at No 10
Talks are due to take place between ministers and insurance bosses at No 10, as insurers said they had paid out £14m to flood victims since December.
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
Anything in pithy quotes this week?
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2014/02/19: Stoat: Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Timothy Ball (2nd nomination) closed as keep
- 2014/02/20: HotWhopper: Kevin Trenberth's microwaves are disgusting...
- 2014/02/19: QuarkSoup: There are No 'Dogged Contrarians' In Science
- 2014/02/20: JQuiggin: Pot, meet kettle
- 2014/02/19: SSB: Climate Researcher Predicts New Ice Age
- 2014/02/19: ERabett: Juan Cole on Denial
- 2014/02/21: CCP: Scurvy Story: Why You Should Believe 97% Of Climate Scientists, Not Long-Wrong John Christy
- 2014/02/21: CCP: Graham Readfearn: Climate Change Denier Roy Spencer Says People Who Use Word 'Denier' Are 'Global Warming Nazis'
- 2014/02/20: IP: Dr Roy Spencer - language denier
- 2014/02/21: HotWhopper: Roy Spencer's Dummy Spit shows his lack of education
- 2014/02/21: HillHeat: "Whoring" "Nazis": Climate Deniers Lash Out
- 2014/02/20: S&R: Roy Spencer calls climate scientists and activists "global warming Nazis"
Roy Spencer's rant on climate change "deniers" vs. "global warming Nazis" indicates that his signature achievements are in the past. - 2014/02/21: DeSmogBlog: Climate Change Denier Roy Spencer Says People Who Use Word 'Denier' Are 'Global Warming Nazis'
- 2014/02/20: CCP: Roy Spencer suffers mental break -- calls consensus climate scientists fascists and Nazis
- 2014/02/20: CCP: Michael Mann refutes John Christy and Roy Spencer's amazingly faulty research in an excerpt from "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars"
- 2014/02/20: CCP: John Christy climate lies rebutted by John Abraham
- 2014/02/20: WtD: Springtime for Roy Spencer: climate sceptic calls scientists "Nazis"
- 2014/02/20: CSW: McNider and Christy Style Themselves Revolutionary But Defend Inertia
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Climate change deniers have grasped that markets can't fix the climate
The refusal to accept global warming is driven by corporate interests and the fear of what it will cost to try to stop it - 2014/02/22: SMandia: Whore-calling Charles Krauthammer vs. Science, Military, Health, and Insurance experts
- 2014/02/22: BVerheggen: John Christy, Richard McNider and Roy Spencer trying to overturn mainstream science by rewriting history and re-baselining graphs
- 2014/02/22: TFTJO: Losing your marbles because of climate change
- 2014/02/22: DeSmogBlog: There's No Debate About Climate Change Denial
- 2014/02/20: TheMark: War on Science? by Michael Mann
- 2014/02/21: RealSceptic: Roy Spencer, In Denial About What Science Denial Means
- 2014/02/21: Stoat: A reader writes: Why are there people who seem hell-bent on denying anthropogenic global warming?
- 2014/02/21: Guardian(UK): Nazis, shoddy science, and the climate contrarian credibility gap
- 2014/02/18: SMandia: Republican Meteorologist & Entrepreneur: Debating Cause of Climate Change is Moral and Scientific Equivalent of Debating Gravity
- 2014/02/22: TMoS: Denialists Are Not Skeptics, Even When You Turn the Planet Upside Down.
- 2014/02/17: TFTJO: Something awfully wrong with the whole concept of "debate"
- 2014/02/16: CCP: Climate-change denier Nigel Lawson is an expert -- he once wrote a book about dieting
- 2014/02/16: TMoS: Who Knew? Trollism Is a Disease of the Mind
- 2014/02/16: TMoS: It's Time. Now, Put Up or Shut Up!
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.
So why is nothing getting done?
- 2014/02/18: RealEconomics: Who wants to hear about problems they cannot solve?
It required a long time for me to understand that the BIG dilemma of climate change wasn't caused by the folks who deny its existence but rather by those who passionately believe the science but fail to do anything about it. So I find comfort that an American Sociologist named Kari Norgaard has chosen to look at precisely this problem -- even though I am not exactly enchanted with her conclusions. Norgaard focuses on the psychology of climate change fatigue -- which is certainly a very real phenomenon. Yet my favorite question is, What is possibly served by getting people all worked up about a subject they can do almost nothing about?
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2014/02/19: UCSUSA:B: Palm Oil: From Plantation to Peanut Butter
- 2014/02/18: PoliticsReSpun: It's Spelled Climate BREAKDOWN [not global warming, not climate change]
- 2014/02/18: TMoS: Gwynne Dyer - Blame the Sky Gods
- 2014/02/18: Guardian(UK): Eventually, jellyfish might rule the world
- 2014/02/19: QuarkSoup: Meteorologist Apologizes to Mann
- 2014/02/20: Guardian(UK): Accounting for global warming requires looking at the oceans
- 2014/02/19: USGS: Linking U.S. and Canadian Border Waters
Seamless digital maps of surface waters completed along the Canada and United States International Boundary - 2014/02/21: SEasterbrook: Weather balloons vs. climate balloons
- 2014/02/17: TMoS: The 30-Year Trap
- 2014/02/17: KSJT: A Useful Global Warming Argument: Poughkeepsie (or Chicago) is Smaller Than You Think
- 2014/02/16: Stoat: The idealised greenhouse effect model and its enemies
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Crude Oil Peak
- Wiki: North American Water and Power Alliance
- Wiki: Social Credit
- Wiki: Guaranteed Annual Income
- CCIC: Canadian Food Security Policy Group
- BiocharInt: Biochar Bibliography
- CCAMLR: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- The Climate Reanalyzer
- PKP: Public Knowledge Project
- NSW Rural Fire Service
- ScholarlyOA: Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access journals
- ScholarlyOA: Beall's List: Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers
Low Key Plug
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007. An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction. If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
A Simple Plea
Webmasters, web coders and content providers have mercy on your low bandwidth brethren. Because I am on dial-up, I am a text surfer -- no images, no javascript and no flash. When you post a graphic, will you please use the alt text field ... and when you embed a youtube/vimeo/flash video, please add some minimal description. Thank you.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."The world is changed.
I feel it in the water.
I feel it in the earth.
I smell it in the air.
Much that once was, is now lost,
for none now live who remember it."
-Galadriel, Opening monologue _Fellowship of the Ring_
Last modified February 23, 2014
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