Alright, who's responsible?

Alright, everyone, who's responsible? Someone out there must have done it. Someone out there must have nominated me for a Koufax Award for Best Overall Writing by a Lefty Blogger? (True, it's my old blog that's listed, but I am listed!)

Come on. 'Fess up.

It's not that I'm not honored that someone would consider me for such an award (I am), it's just that I'm afraid that my membership in the Raging RINOs could be in jeopardy...

Fortunately for my membership (but unfortunately for my ego) I have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, given the huge numbers of nominees and their quality. Hell, Orcinus (one of my favorite left-leaning blogs) is in there, fer cryin' out loud! So's Majikthise and a number of other major lefty bloggers.

I don't stand a chance.


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Hey, it's probably better than being nominated for a Green Party blog of the year (the prize is a recording of crickets)

Thanks, Orac, for many an informative read. You've changed my mind on several medically related subjects. But, "alright" is not an English word. All right?

By Bob Carroll (not verified) on 16 Feb 2006 #permalink

I don't know why you won't admit it. You're a lefty. I've been saying it for the past year. You are the leftest leaning supposedly right wing blogger out there!